ALUMNI - 1st Composition

1 st Composition: “An Essay” ‘Exams are an unnecessary evil. Do you agree?’ Exams: the necessary evil Every single student of any kind of course, who has already taken an exam, has also considered the idea for at least an instant of changing the way that teachers should use to evaluate their students. The basic reason for this kind of thought is that exams can be very unfair. Exams are simple tasks, from the point of view of the teachers, of course, who have only to make some questions of what they have spent a whole year speaking about year after year. But for students, it is a moment that will decide if they can move with their lives in order to achieve their objectives, or if they will have to spend another year taking the same classes, stating that all their efforts were in vain. First of all, it is necessary to make clear that teachers do not give exams because it is the easiest way. The correction of the exams requires a lot of work, once teachers have to try to figure out what each student intended to say in their answers and if it really answers what was being asked; and, depending on the size of each class, it turns into a very stressful task. Nevertheless, exams are a simple prove that the students have learned, and sometimes better that group projects, where a smart student can take advantage of their colleagues. On the other hand, the students could not be completed blamed for failing on exams. Sometimes the teachers do not make the objective of each argument or technique clear, and, for the student, the subject that is being taught turns into a bunch of information that does not make any sense and due to the lack of competence of one teacher on one specific subject, a student is forced to have the same classes of all the subjects for another whole year. To sum up, it undeniable that exams are the best way to evaluate students and that the teachers should continue to use it. However, it not just because a student fail on a specific discipline that he should be forced to have all the disciplines again. Maybe, considering the independence of all disciplines in all education level would make exams much more acceptable.


ALUMNI - 1st Composition

Transcript of ALUMNI - 1st Composition

Page 1: ALUMNI - 1st Composition

1st Composition: “An Essay”

‘Exams are an unnecessary evil. Do you agree?’

Exams: the necessary evil

Every single student of any kind of course, who has already taken an exam, has also considered the idea for at least an instant of changing the way that teachers should use to evaluate their students. The basic reason for this kind of thought is that exams can be very unfair. Exams are simple tasks, from the point of view of the teachers, of course, who have only to make some questions of what they have spent a whole year speaking about year after year. But for students, it is a moment that will decide if they can move with their lives in order to achieve their objectives, or if they will have to spend another year taking the same classes, stating that all their efforts were in vain.

First of all, it is necessary to make clear that teachers do not give exams because it is the easiest way. The correction of the exams requires a lot of work, once teachers have to try to figure out what each student intended to say in their answers and if it really answers what was being asked; and, depending on the size of each class, it turns into a very stressful task. Nevertheless, exams are a simple prove that the students have learned, and sometimes better that group projects, where a smart student can take advantage of their colleagues.

On the other hand, the students could not be completed blamed for failing on exams. Sometimes the teachers do not make the objective of each argument or technique clear, and, for the student, the subject that is being taught turns into a bunch of information that does not make any sense and due to the lack of competence of one teacher on one specific subject, a student is forced to have the same classes of all the subjects for another whole year.

To sum up, it undeniable that exams are the best way to evaluate students and that the teachers should continue to use it. However, it not just because a student fail on a specific discipline that he should be forced to have all the disciplines again. Maybe, considering the independence of all disciplines in all education level would make exams much more acceptable.