\although there are immense ongoing work and projects to develop general, further, higher and...

\although there are immense ongoing work and projects to develop general, further, higher and applied education, the quality remain debate at national and worldwide level. Quality is the demands of very person, costumer, manager, business man and organizations. Qquality has huge meanings and all meets in one vision: "Excellence work, product and services". Deming defined quality as a product or a service possesses quality if it helps somebody and enjoys a good and sustainable market." Meanwhile, at operational level, Juran’s philosophy claimed for “elimination of defects”, and Crosby defined quality as "conformance to requirements and set Zero Defect (ZD) as standard". Based on Islamic Teachings, ZD is close to perfect; doing the best effort to perform perfect work for the prizes, doing the best or excellent get highest prize like highest grading, do better less, doing good the lowest exactly, no MAJOR REFERENCES & RESOURCES (Sample) - Johali, E. A (1995) The Philosophies and Sciences of Teaching Learning and the Curriculum in the United Kingdom Project 2000 and in the Saudi Arabian Nursing Education Programmes: towards a Philosophy of Science-based Saudi Nursing Education. MA (Ed) dissertation, Faculty of Educational studies, University of Southampton, UK. - Johali (2012) Health Education and Promotion for All Health Professions HEPAHP (old: Health Administrator & Technicians HEHAT: A Creative Scientific Educational Book (Under Publication Dar Alawael Pub. Damascus, Syria). - Reason J. Human error. New York: Cambridge University Press; 1990. - Wagdi, M. N (1999) Exploring the Scientific Miracle of The Holy Qur'an (Dr. Mohammad N. Wagdi, Ph.D.) http://www.scienceinquran.com/index.html http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/human+error http://plato.stanford.edu and other; http://www.al-islam.org/perfectman/1.htm http://www.amazon.com/Descartes-Error-Emotion-Reason-Human/dp/014303622X 2. Beside the worldwide ancient ideological debating regarding 'human nature', the above brief historical root of the term 'perfect' raised many questions, misconceptions and misinterpretations. The most problematic can be summarized in this ‘Imperceptive Comparative Attitude": "Perfect- Perfection' is Only for God ‘Allah’ Versus Human , thus Is Incomplete and Mistaken “ The researchers claim, it is imperceptive to compare between God the Great Creator and human the creature .God the Perfect Promote us to do perfect. Hence; this study surveyed the LinkedIn culture to discover how they perceived “ZD; Perfect & Human Mistaken” - Are They Carry Same Quality Perception ? This study has a long hopeful vision, with an overall aim and future expectations to eradicate all cultural misunderstandings by which we can furnish the road towards meaningful education and safe health care practice. The major aim is to explore the perceptions of academic researchers in one of the most popular electronic research site: www.linkedin.com Through these different purposeful simplified research questions: 1. Do you agree that "Perfect Education Can Produce Perfect Person, Community and Society“? Agree Disagree Not Sure Other (clarify please ) 2 . Do You Agree With The Idealist Assumption “Perfect Education Can Produce Perfect Society or Heaven on the Earth” ? Yes No Not Possible Not Exist Other (clarify please) Eisa Johali http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Philosop hies-Sciences-Education-4365057?gid=436 5057&trk=hb_side Probing Perfect & human mistaken perfect is a term with many acceptable synonyms per·fect (pûr f kt) ADJECTIVE: Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind.; Being without defect or blemish: a perfect specimen; Thoroughly skilled or talented in a certain field or area; proficient. ; Completely suited for a particular purpose or situation. NOUN GRAMMAR : The perfect tense. TRANSITIVE VERB: per·fect·ed, per·fect·ing, per·fects (p r-f kt ) ; To bring to perfection or completion Acceptable or Not Perfect is used in Language Grammar Perfect Tense and Sentence the Complete \Are We Complete? Do We Have To? BRIEF HISTORICAL ROOTS OF PERFECT This excerpt explores a segment from his S.O.T.M. series on "The Christian's Lifestyle" (Matthew 5:33- 48) where Jesus contrasts what His followers have heard about the Law with what He meant from the beginning, concluding with the statement, "Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.“ Eisa & Jesus Have Only God Perfect in Religions Gospel & Quran http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=9z8moJotQQ4 Perfect Islam is Perfect (forget today’s muslims) http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=DjjRN_NJvv0 The teachings of Jesus- Be Perfect (Forget Paul) http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=zlGEEOXAczQ Perfect born with Creation: Human ٍ م يِ وْ قَ تِ نَ سْ حَ يِ فَ انَ سْ نِ ْ ل اَ نْ قَ لَ خْ دَ قَ لWe have indeed created man in the best of moulds َ م يِ قَ تْ سُ مْ ل َ ط َ رِ ّ لص اَ مُ ه اَ نْ يَ دَ هَ وAnd We guided them to the Straight Way ِ نْ يَ دْ 7 جَ ّ ن ل ُ اهَ نْ يَ دَ هَ وAnd shown him the two highways? Hadith\ Sites Quran Commentaries \ Translations Perfect\ Synonyms 88 30 + Perfect \ Perfectio n 596 123\296 Best 178 162 Great 127 38 Complete 581 225 Right 14 23 Excellent 783 405 Good 479 60 Perform 171 145 Full 193 11 True\ Truth 53 70 Straight Hadith Quran Commentaries \ Translations Perfect\ Synonyms 0\49 Imperfect \ defect. 14 4 Mistake 256 Wrong\error 59\43 Bad 135 Fault\False 1052 Lie What Does Law \ Human Right Say ? Be perfect …… Don’t Be Imperfect, Mistake, Error, Lie Numerical of Perfect \ Perfection in Islam IS IT POSSIBLE TO SATISFY PATIENTS !? Paper Presented to tJAS 3 December By Eisa Ali Johali PhD Health Sciences Yes No Not Sure Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 30% 50% 0% 20% Is it possible to reach ZD Health Care - Health Care Without Error ? Agree Disagree Not Sure Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 41% 41% 5% 11% Perfect education can produce perfect person, community and society SURVEY This prime study investigated and debated two of the most debatable concepts over the history ‘human mistaken and error free’. Although these philosophical debating referred to the 'Descartes' ontological argument (1956-1960), the father of modern philosophy, perfection is traced back to early age of human raise or creation of humankind. It is linked the fascination with debating effort to prove the existing of God. Muslim believe in the idea of 'supremely perfect being' of 'God, the Great Creator’, the perfect creation including the amazing universe and human body system, with all livings. Therefore, I claim that Perfect is possible” as ‘Perfect is the base and the vision of total quality of education, practice by which we will achieve optimum healthful life. Perfect is one of the highest synonym and meaning of TQ; All medical staff should not make mistakes and errors. These are the major debates with students and colleagues in research sites. Based on the result of this first study regarding the alliance between 'Perfect and TQ compare to the common misunderstanding of the creation and the perfection. More than half of the participants of this study do not accept the idealist statement Perfect Education can produce perfect person, community and society or Heaven on the Earth”. As Sir Ken Robinson and other creative researchers pointed out: Who wants to move to creative education, kill some rules.” Hence, we I say : To assure quality of education and health, we have to eradicate all negative cultural perceptions including ’imperfect , human mistaken and the impossibility of satisfying others mainly our students and patients” In the Name of God the Most Graceful the Most Merciful Lecturer Community Health Sciences College of Applied Medical Sciences King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Author of two published books, the 3 rd under publishing, plus 3 projected ----- http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/JOHALI/default.aspx \ [email protected] http://sa.linkedin.com/pub/eisa-johali/31/3a6/896 \ https://twitter.com/TheNature2011 RESULT INTRODUCTION PROBLEM & AIM METHODOLGY CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Preface K SA The K ingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is a newly developed nation,with deep cultural, moral and hum anitarian historicalroots traced back to the origin of‘hum anity’w hen G od ‘A llah’the G reatCreator createsthem an ‘A dam ’in the earth: Q uran is ourconstitution,with agreed H adith the \Prophetaction.W isdom \ Hikmah’ \re ourintellectual philosophy and creation is ournaturalphilosophy. W e live to w orship ‘God’A llah the G reatCreator,to build peaceful and meaningful earthy live that can support to have eternal happiness. H um an and hum anity. The firstSaudistateraised atearly 1100s with Im am M oham m ad bin Saud,then the2 nd the currentraised with King Abdul-Azizbin Abdul–Rahm an atearly 1900s,itaunited ofm orethan … … .Now itisam odel ofm odern nation Riyadh isitscapital,then thetw o H oly cities‘M akkah the m otherofallM uslim svillages and cities;Al M adinah AlM unawarah the lighting city ofProphetM oham m ad (Peace Be Upon Him ). Jeddah ,Taif,Yanbua the W est.,A ltaif,A lbaha,A bha,N ajarn and Jizan to the South,the Eastern region D am m am ,D hahran,Khuber,Jubial… ..andG assim ,H ail,Jouf, N orthern and Tabuk regions. Itsw orthy w ith Petrolasallknow,plusculture and beauty agriculture lands In the N am e of G od the M ost G racefu lthe M ost M ercifu l ˳ ϡϳ ˶ ϭ ˸ Ϙ˴ Η ˶ ϥ˴ γ˸ Σ ˴ ϲ˶ ϓ˴ ϥ Ύ˴ γ˸ ϧ ˶ ˸ ϹΎ˴ ϧ ˸ Ϙ ˴ Ϡ˴ Χ˸ Ω ˴ Ϙ ˴ ϟ W e have indeed created man in the best of moulds \ Surely W e created m an ofthe beststature (Q uran A lnessa 4:95 and 95 Alteen:4) ˸ Χ˴ ϳ ˳ Ν˴ ϭ ˸ ί ˴ ˴ Δ˴ ϳ˶ ϧ Ύ˴ ϣ ˴ Λ ˶ ϡΎ˴ ό ˸ ϧ ˴˸ Ϸ ˸ ϥi ϣ ϡ ˵ ϛ ˴ ϟ˴ ϝ ˴ ί ϧ ˴ ˴ ϭ Ύ˴ Ϭ ˴ Ο˸ ϭ ˴ ίΎ˴ Ϭ ˸ ϧ ˶ ϣ ˴ ϝ˴ ό˴ Ο ˵ Λ˳ Γ˴ Ω˶ Σ˴ ϭ ˳ α ˸ ϔ o ϧϥi ϣ ϡ ˵ ϛ ˴ Ϙ ˴ Ϡ ˴ Χ ˵ Ϙ ˵ Ϡ ˳ ΕΎ˴ ϣ ˵ Ϡ ˵ υ ϲ˶ ϓ ˳ ϕ ˸ Ϡ ˴ Χ˶ Ω˸ ό˴ Α ϥ˶ ϣ Ύ ˱ Ϙ ˸ Ϡ ˴ Χ˸ ϡ ˵ ϛ˶ ΗΎ˴ Ϭ o ϣ ˵ ˶ ϥϭ ˵ ρ˵ Αϲ˶ ϓ˸ ϡ ˵ ϛ ˴ ϥϭ ˵ ϓ˴ έ˸ λ ˵ Ηϰ o ϧ ˴ ΄ ˴ ϓ˴ ϭ ˵ ϫ o ϻ ˶ ·˴ Ϫ ˴ ϟ ˶ · ˴ ϻ˵ ϙ ˸ Ϡ˵ ϣ ˸ ϟ˵ Ϫ ˴ ϟ˸ ϡ ˵ ϛΑ˴ έ ˵ o ˵ ϡ ˵ ϛ˶ϟ ˴ Ϋ˳ Ι ˴ ϼ ˴ Λ He has created you from a single being, then made its mate of the same (kind), and He has made for you eight of the cattle in pairs. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers-- a creation after a creation-- in triple darkness; that is Allah your Lord, His is the kingdom; there is no god but He; whence are you then turned away http://www.linkedin.com/osview/canvas?_ch_page_id=1&_ch_panel_id=1&_ch_app_id=1900&_applicationId=1900&_ownerId=0 &appParams= More amazing negative quality culture 67% give humans chance to make vital errors

Transcript of \although there are immense ongoing work and projects to develop general, further, higher and...

Page 1: \although there are immense ongoing work and projects to develop general, further, higher and applied education, the quality remain debate at national.

although there are immense ongoing work and projects to develop general further higher and applied education the quality remain debate at national and worldwide level Quality is the demands of very person costumer manager business man and organizations Qquality has huge meanings and all meets in one vision Excellence work product and services Deming defined quality as ldquoa product or a service possesses quality if it helps somebody and enjoys a good and sustainable market Meanwhile at operational level Juranrsquos philosophy claimed for ldquoelimination of defectsrdquo and Crosby defined quality as conformance to requirements and set Zero Defect (ZD) as standard

Based on Islamic Teachings ZD is close to perfect doing the best effort to perform perfect work for the prizes doing the best or excellent get highest prize like highest grading do better less doing good the lowest exactly no one have to do bad and for every bad behavior there is penalty (Quran amp Sunnah) However at national level in many Islamic nations and worldwide there is widely misunderstandings around the possibility of doing perfect or ideal work without errors and the possibility of satisfying customers as individual and agencies Meanwhile all quality standards and Islam teaching are against this misunderstanding

MAJOR REFERENCES amp RESOURCES (Sample) - Johali E A (1995) The Philosophies and Sciences of Teaching Learning and the Curriculum in the United Kingdom Project 2000 and in the Saudi Arabian Nursing Education

Programmes towards a Philosophy of Science-based Saudi Nursing Education MA (Ed) dissertation Faculty of Educational studies University of Southampton UK - Johali (2012) Health Education and Promotion for All Health Professions HEPAHP (old Health Administrator amp Technicians HEHAT A Creative Scientific Educational Book

(Under Publication Dar Alawael Pub Damascus Syria) - Reason J Human error New York Cambridge University Press 1990- Wagdi M N (1999) Exploring the Scientific Miracle of The Holy Quran (Dr Mohammad N Wagdi PhD) httpwwwscienceinqurancomindexhtml

httpdictionaryreferencecombrowsehuman+errorhttpplatostanfordedu and other httpwwwal-islamorgperfectman1htm httpwwwamazoncomDescartes-Error-Emotion-Reason-Humandp014303622X


Beside the worldwide ancient ideological debating regarding human nature the above brief historical root of the term perfect raised many questions misconceptions and misinterpretations The most problematic can be summarized in this lsquoImperceptive Comparative Attitude

Perfect- Perfection is Only for God lsquoAllahrsquo Versus Human thus Is Incomplete and Mistaken ldquo

The researchers claim it is imperceptive to compare between God the Great Creator and human the creature God the Perfect Promote us to do perfect Hence this study surveyed the LinkedIn culture to discover how they perceived ldquoZD Perfect amp Human Mistakenrdquo - Are They Carry Same Quality Perception

This study has a long hopeful vision with an overall aim and future expectations to eradicate all cultural misunderstandings by which we can furnish the road towards meaningful education and safe health care practice The major aim is to explore the perceptions of academic researchers in one of the most popular electronic research site wwwlinkedincom

Through these different purposeful simplified research questions

1 Do you agree that Perfect Education Can Produce Perfect Person Community and Societyldquo

bull Agree bull Disagreebull Not Sure bull Other (clarify please )


Do You Agree With The Idealist Assumption ldquoPerfect Education Can Produce Perfect Society or Heaven on the Earthrdquo

bull Yes bull No bull Not Possible bull Not Exist bull Other (clarify please)

Eisa Johali httpwwwlinkedincomgroupsPhilosophies-Sciences-Education-4365057gid=4365057amptrk=hb_side

Probing Perfect amp human mistaken

perfect is a term with many acceptable synonyms

permiddotfect (pucircr f kt)ADJECTIVE Lacking nothing essential to the whole complete of its nature or kind Being without defect or blemish a perfect specimen Thoroughly skilled or talented in a certain field or area proficient Completely suited for a particular purpose or situationNOUNGRAMMAR The perfect tense TRANSITIVE VERB permiddotfectmiddoted permiddotfectmiddoting permiddotfects (p r-f kt ) To bring to perfection or completion

Acceptable or Not

Perfect is used in Language Grammar ldquoPerfect Tense and Sentence the Complete ldquo

Are We Complete Do We Have To


This excerpt explores a segment from his SOTM series on The Christians Lifestyle (Matthew 533-48) where Jesus contrasts what His followers have heard about the Law with what He meant from the beginning concluding with the statement

Be perfect therefore as your Heavenly Father is perfectldquo

Eisa amp Jesus Have Only God

Perfect in Religions Gospel amp Quran

httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=9z8moJotQQ4 Perfect Islam is Perfect (forget todayrsquos muslims)

httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=DjjRN_NJvv0 The teachings of Jesus- Be Perfect (Forget Paul)

httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=zlGEEOXAczQ Perfect born with Creation Human

ويم تق ن أحس في ان نس اإل نا لق خ د لقWe have indeed created man in the best of moulds

يم تق المس اط ر الص ا م ديناه وهAnd We guided them to the Straight Way

دين النampج ديناه وهAnd shown him the two highways


Quran Commentaries



88 30 + Perfect Perfection

596 123296 Best

178 162 Great

127 38 Complete

581 225 Right

14 23 Excellent

783 405 Good

479 60 Perform

171 145 Full

193 11 TrueTruth

53 70 Straight

Hadith Quran Commentaries



049 Imperfect defect

14 4 Mistake

256 Wrongerror

5943 Bad

135 FaultFalse

1052 Lie

What Does Law Human Right Say

Be perfect helliphellip Donrsquot Be Imperfect Mistake Error Lie

Numerical of Perfect Perfection in Islam


ByEisa Ali Johali

PhD Health Sciences

Yes No Not Sure Other0











Is it possible to reach ZD Health Care - Health Care Without Error

Agree Disagree Not Sure Other05


41 41



Perfect education can produce perfect person community and society


This prime study investigated and debated two of the most debatable concepts over the history lsquohuman mistaken and error freersquo Although these philosophical debating referred to the Descartes ontological argument (1956-1960) the father of modern philosophy perfection is traced back to early age of human raise or creation of humankind It is linked the fascination with debating effort to prove the existing of God Muslim believe in the idea of supremely perfect being of God the Great Creatorrsquo the perfect creation including the amazing universe and human body system with all livings

Therefore I claim that ldquo Perfect is possiblerdquo as lsquoPerfect is the base and the vision of total quality of education practice by which we will achieve optimum healthful life Perfect is one of the highest synonym and meaning of TQ All medical staff should not make mistakes and errors These are the major debates with students and colleagues in research sites Based on the result of this first study regarding the alliance between Perfect and TQ compare to the common misunderstanding of the creation and the perfection

More than half of the participants of this study do not accept the idealist statement ldquoPerfect Education can produce perfect person community and society or Heaven on the Earthrdquo

As Sir Ken Robinson and other creative researchers pointed out

ldquoWho wants to move to creative education kill some rulesrdquo

Hence we I say

To assure quality of education and health we have to eradicate all negative cultural perceptions including rsquoimperfect human mistaken and the impossibility of satisfying others mainly our students and patientsrdquo

In the Name of God the Most Graceful the Most Merciful

Lecturer Community Health Sciences College of Applied Medical Sciences

King Saud University Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Author of two published books the 3rd under publishing plus 3 projected

-----httpfacultyksuedusaJOHALIdefaultaspx Johali59hotmailcom

httpsalinkedincompubeisa-johali313a6896 httpstwittercomTheNature2011






Preface KSAThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is a newly developed nation with deep cultural moral andhumanitarian historical roots traced back to the origin of lsquohumanityrsquo when God lsquoAllahrsquo the Great Creatorcreates the man lsquoAdamrsquo in the earth

Quran is our constitution with agreed Hadith the Prophet action WisdomHikmahrsquo re our intellectualphilosophy and creation is our natural philosophy We live to worship lsquoGodrsquo Allah the Great Creator tobuild peaceful and meaningful earthy live that can support to have eternal happiness Human andhumanityThe first Saudi state raised at early 1100s with Imam Mohammad bin Saud then the 2nd the current raisedwith King Abdul-Aziz bin Abdul ndashRahman at early 1900s it a united of more than helliphellipNow it is a modelof modern nation Riyadh is its capital then the two Holy cities lsquoMakkah the mother of all Muslims villagesand cities Al Madinah Al Munawarah the lighting city of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him)Jeddah Taif Yanbua the West Altaif Albaha Abha Najarn and Jizan to the South the Eastern regionDammam Dhahran Khuber Jubialhellipand Gassim Hail Jouf Northern and Tabuk regionsIts worthy with Petrol as all know plus culture and beauty agriculture lands

I n the N ame of God the M ost Graceful the M ost M erciful

ϡ˳ϳϭ˶Ϙ˴˸Ηϥ˶γ˴Σ˸˴ϲϓ˶˴ϥΎ˴γϧ˶˸Ϲ˸Ύ˴ϧ˸Ϙ˴Ϡ˴Χ Ω˴˸Ϙ˴ϟWe have indeed created man in the best of moulds Surely We created man of the best stature

(Quran Alnessa 495 and 95 Alteen 4)Χ˸ϳ˴ Ν˳˴ϭί˸ ˴˴Δ˴ϳϧ˶Ύ˴ϣ˴Λϡ˶Ύ˴ό˸ϧ˴Ϸ˸ϥ˸ 1ϣϡ˵ϛ˴ϟϝ˴ ί˴ ϧ˴˴ϭ Ύ˴Ϭ˴Οϭ˸ί˴ Ύ˴Ϭ˸ϧ˶ϣϝ˴ ό˴Ο˴ 8ϡ˵Λ˳Γ˴Ω˶Σ˴ϭ α˳ ϔ˸8ϧϥ 1ϣϡ˵ϛ˴Ϙ˴Ϡ˴ΧϘ˵˵ϠΕ˳Ύ˴ϣ˵Ϡ˵υ ϲϓ˶˳ϕϠ˴˸Χ Ω˶˸ό˴Αϥϣ˶Ύ˱Ϙ˸Ϡ˴Χ ϡ˸˵ϛ˶ΗΎ˴Ϭ8ϣ˵˶ϥϭρ˵Α˵ϲϓ˸˶ϡ˵ϛ

ϥ˴ϭ˵ϓ˴έλ˸ Η˵ϰ 8ϧ˴ϓ˴˴ϭϫ˵ 8ϻ˶ Ϫ˴˴ϟ˶ ϻ˴ ϙ˵Ϡ˵˸ϣ˸ϟ˵Ϫ˴ϟϡ˸˵ϛ RΑ˴έ ˵ 8ௌϡ˵˵ϛ˶ϟ˴ΫΙ˳ ϼ˴Λ˴He has created you from a single being then made its mate of the same (kind) and He hasmade for you eight of the cattle in pairs He creates you in the wombs of your mothers-- acreation after a creation-- in triple darkness that is Allah your Lord His is the kingdom there isno god but He whence are you then turned away


More amazing negative quality culture 67 give humans chance to make vital errors