Alternatives to Suspension. 2 Agenda Why Develop Alternatives Alternatives to Suspension Re-Entry...

Alternatives to Suspension

Transcript of Alternatives to Suspension. 2 Agenda Why Develop Alternatives Alternatives to Suspension Re-Entry...

Page 1: Alternatives to Suspension. 2 Agenda Why Develop Alternatives Alternatives to Suspension Re-Entry Process and Procedures Making It Happen.

Alternatives to Suspension

Page 2: Alternatives to Suspension. 2 Agenda Why Develop Alternatives Alternatives to Suspension Re-Entry Process and Procedures Making It Happen.



• Why Develop Alternatives• Alternatives to Suspension• Re-Entry Process and Procedures• Making It Happen

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Developing Alternatives to Suspension

Goal is to Change Behavior:

• Data indicate suspension is not effective in changing behavior

• Desire to move away from consequences as ‘punishment’

• Discipline means ‘to teach’

• Minority and special education students are over represented

• Negative Side Effects: • Impedes academic success• Dropout rate increases• Students disengage from the learning process


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1. Mini-Courses

2. Community Service/Service Learning

3. Behavior Monitoring, Behavior Contracts

4. Cool-Off Passes

5. Reflective Activities

6. Alternate Schedule

7. Restitution, Restorative Justice

8. Peer Mediation/Teen Court

9. Referral to Community Agencies/Diversion Programs

10. ‘New and Improved’ ISS, Saturday School, Detentions

11. Loss of Privileges

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1. Mini-Courses

• Independent, specific topics covered • Combination of videos, readings, research, etc.

• YouTube, popular movies, TV shows, etc…• Blackboard, Illuminate, I-Tunes, etc…

• Consider testing on the content at the completion of the course

• Can be developed for any age level or behavior

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Ideas for Courses

• Specific Skills:• How to disagree respectfully• How to calm down when angry• Alternative responses during tense situations• How to organize your time

• Specific Curricula:• Skillstreaming and PREPARE • Help task analyze specific actions involved in the


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Ideas for Courses

Concept-Level Topics:• Variations in respectful behavior across cultures• Research the pros and cons of a rule

• What might happen without the rule? • Why is it important to have a rule like “X” in place?

• Identify current or historical events where a public figure violated a similar behavioral norm

• What happened as a result of that person’s behavior?• Are there similarities to the student’s situation?

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2. Community Service and Service Learning

• Helps build ties to the community and provides access to positive adult role models• Environmental clean up• Tutoring younger students• Assisting community service agencies

• Students link their service to one of the school’s expectations and present on the outcomes

• Set time frame, not during school hours

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3. Behavior Monitoring

• Students monitor their own behavior• Get teacher agreements on ratings• Meet with Guidance Counselor, Dean, or AP

on a weekly basis to review• Could be included with ongoing counseling

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Adapted from Crone, Horner & Hawken (2004) Points Possible: __72___


Points Received: __55__


% of Points: __76__


Goal Achieved? Y N

Behavior Report Card


Name: ______Lisa Overton________________ Date: __2/1/08______

 Rating Scale: 3=Good day 2= Mixed day 1=Will try

harder tomorrow 

Teacher Comments: I really like how… ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  HR 1st 2nd 3rd 4th L 5th 6th











Parent Signature(s) and Comments: _______________________________________________


3 1









3 3 3

3 3






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FLPBS Tier 2 Excel Tool

Tier 2 Spreadsheet :

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Behavior Contracts

Guidelines:• Focus on only one behavior per contract• Develop contract collaboratively with student• Set realistic time frame and requirements• Identify reward if contract is met• Identify negative consequence if contract is broken• Sample templates: Tough Kid Toolbox


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Sample Behavior Contract

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4. Cool-Off Passes

• Ideal for students who have difficulty managing frustration

• Student receives “X” number of passes for the week

• Pass allows student to go a pre-determined area to cool down and reflect

• If student has passes left at the end of the week, and additional reward is earned

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5. Reflective Activities

Student:• Reflects on what happened• Determines what could be done differently next

time• Develops a plan• Teacher follows up with student at regular

intervals• Can be combined with other alternatives

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6. Alternative Schedule

• Elementary Schools:

• One morning teacher; One afternoon teacher

• Secondary: • Able to earn attending an elective that is highly

preferred by the student • Allow student to attend a preferred elective

throughout the year/semester rather than rotating through electives that are non-preferred

• If a preferred elective is not available for the student’s grade, allow student to enroll, or combine with above

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7. Restitution

• Student makes amends for the result of his/her inappropriate behavior

• Fix, repair or clean up ‘problem’ situation• Approval/agreement from the person(s) that

were offended is obtained that the restitution will suffice

• Certification of completion from the person(s) that were offended is obtained

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7. Restorative Justice

• Students presents their case before a community or school-based court• Panel of judges• Majority opinion wins

• Judges trained in alternatives to suspension, provide rationale for their opinion• Community partners should be involved

• Obtain parent & student agreement beforehand

• Court’s decision is binding

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8. Peer Mediation/Teen Court

• Trained peers hear and review both sides of the situation

• Peers decide the outcomes• Both parties must agree to abide by the

outcomes• Kids come up with very creative ideas!

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9. Referral to Community Agencies/Diversion Programs

• For ongoing problems, identify community agencies to provide assistance

• Student must complete the agencies program

• Builds ties with the community and positive adult role models

• Diversion programs• First time offenders for drugs, tobacco, alcohol, etc.• Program completion required with continued follow-up

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10. New and ImprovedISS, Detentions, Saturday School

• Incorporate a social skills component• ISS-assigned maximum # days but can work

towards getting out early by meeting specific criteria• Restitution, apologies, community service

• Saturday School• Parent training component• Early-release days may be another option

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11. Loss of Privileges

• Unable to earn rewards/privileges

• Temporary loss of parking privileges

• Sports: Participation in practices only. Sidelined for games

• Eat lunch in the cafeteria instead of outside

• Unable to attend club meetings for set amount of time

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Re-Entry Process and Procedures

Re-entry is a Priority:• Buy-in from staff, parents and students• When a student returns to class the first day, a neutral

party mediates re-entry• Teacher-Student-Administration meet to problem-

solve and teach before returning to class• Helps heal student-teacher relationships

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Additional Supports

• Local Community Agencies• School Resource Officer• Probation Officer/Truant Officer (if applicable)• School Social Worker• Child’s Case Worker (if applicable)• Parents, family members• Administrator

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Making It Happen: Keys to Alternatives

District and Administrator Support:• Establish district-wide programs

• Administrator input essential• Training for Administrators on alternatives and re-entry

process and procedures• See Grid on following slide

• Requires advanced planning and organization

• Demonstrates commitment to behavioral change vs. punishment

• Be creative and think outside the box

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Contact Information and Resources

FLPBS:RtIB Project• Phone: (813) 974-6440• Fax: (813) 974-6115• E-mail: [email protected]• Website:

OSEP Technical Assistance Center on PBIS• Website:

Association on PBS• Website: