Alternative Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis

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  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis


    Alternative Treatment ofUlcerative Colitis oered by Dr.

    Harish VermaFor the last twenty fve years, Dr. Harish Verma istreating the patients o all categories oInammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) lie !esistant IBD

    as well as "ontin#o#s IBD, $lcerative "olitis,%ancolitis, "rohn&s Disease. 'o ar he has treatemany tho#san patients o $lcerative "olitis with hisy#rvea *ase lternative +reatment an savepatients rom angero#s colon s#rgery.

    lmost all patients are avise to a two types ooo s#pplements $lcerin "ompo#n I $lcerin"ompo#n II along with their mainline meication

    an within o#r to si- wees, patients start getting

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis


    Cause of Ulcerative Colitis+he e-act ca#se o $lcerative "olitis is not nown. Factors thathave all *een s#ggeste are

    / #toimm#ne actors

    0 Foo allergies

    1 "ollagen isorers

    2 3enetic actors

    4 Inection an %sychogenesis

    5ne or some com*ination o these actors tho#ght to trigger theinammatory process. +he theory o the involvement o theimm#ne mechanism has *een wiely accepte *eca#se oconcept that therape#tic agents lie "orticosterois an6othiaprine e-ert their e7ect via the imm#no s#ppressive


  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis


    What are the Symptoms of

    Ulcerative Colitis

    Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis are!

    Fre8#ent loose stools with passage o *loo an m#co#s

    %atient may complain o a*ominal pain


    9oss o weight

    9oss o *oy #is an n#trients 'ome patients also have sin lesions

    :oint pain

    Inammation o eyes an

    9iver isorers

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis


    Ho" Ulcerative Colitis aects theintestines

    In $lcerative "olitis, inammation is triggere *ysome #nnown elements. Hyperemia an

    swelling occ#r as part o the vasc#lar response.+he swollen, engorge *owel is ragile an isthereore incline to #lcerate, th#s creating a*rea in the m#cosal *arrier.

    Digestive en6ymes an intestinal *acteria act#pon this e-pose tiss#e, ca#sing #rtherirritation, inammation, #lceration an *leeing.

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis


    Ho" to dia#nose

    Ulcerative Colitis$lcerative "olitis iagnosis is one ater care#llytaing the history an physical e-amination o thepatients, then the patients are s#*;ecte tosigmoioscopy an colonoscopy e-amination.

    +he rect#m an colon are seen thro#gh a e-i*leoptical < camera t#*e which is inserte thro#gh an#s.D#ring this e-amination a sample o tiss#e rom the

    lining o the colon is taen to o*serve #ner amicroscope. +his is calle a histopathologye-amination. *ari#m enema is help#l in eterminingthe nat#re an the e-tent o the isease in patients.

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis


    $lcerative "olitis Diet

    +he patients have to strictly ollow the iet plan#ring the $lcerative "olitis treatment, to helpthem c#re $lcerative "olitis an avoi #t#re


    For more etails a*o#t #lcerative colitis ietplease copy an then paste this lin into yo#r



  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis


    $atient History %orm

    For ree 5>9I>? "5>'$9++I5>, %lease go thro#ghthe ollowing lin an fll the %atient History Formthen o#r meical team will revert yo# accoring toyo#r health conition.

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis


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