Alternative Professional Development

Created using As presented on May 7 th , 2009 at the MATN Conference


This presentation was completed by the participants of the MATN 09 conference

Transcript of Alternative Professional Development

Page 1: Alternative Professional Development

Created using

As presented on May 7th, 2009 at the MATN Conference

Page 2: Alternative Professional Development

What’s the difference between “PD” and “Training”?

What content are we doing during PD?

What are the problems with traditional “Butt-In-Chair” PD?

What are some solutions to these problems?

A word about “Follow-up Activities”

A word about training by community building

Page 3: Alternative Professional Development

PD: Ongoing process Often, but not always, mandatory Provided to larger audiences May contain more theory

Training: May be provided to student and/or teacher May contain more “hands-on” interaction Provided to a smaller number of individuals Content is typically on one specific tool or idea

Note: The answers to the question are summative based on audience participation and discussion

Page 4: Alternative Professional Development

What is AT? (An Overview)

Using available tools to address student and teacher problems

Note: The answers to the question are summative based on audience participation and discussion

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We can’t stay awa…zzzzzzzzzzzz

Schedule conflicts

Low attendance

Not necessarily of interest, but is mandatory

I don’t want what is being offered

After school training—teachers don’t want to spend their free time doing PD

Not enough time in the day

If it not mandatory, I have too many other work related things to do!

Need an incentive beyond knowledge gained(stipend, credit, giveaways)

I know it when I am there, but not good follow up for retention

Staff is at different levels of learning (many teachers are not “techies”)

Need to be ready for the information—needs to be “just in time” training

Only reaching a small population (mostly special educators)—we need to reach out to ALL teachers to convey messages of UDL and Differentiated Instruction

Note: These answers to the question are summative based on audience participation and discussion

Page 6: Alternative Professional Development

Stipends and/or credits

Extending the day

Include everyone (general educators, related services, paraprofessionals, etc.)

Whenever possible, “hands on” rather than “sit and get” approach

Access to SHORT tutorials and tip sheets that can be accessed anytime, anywhere (possibly housed online in text, audio, or video formats)

Note: The answers to the question are summative based on audience participation and discussion

Page 7: Alternative Professional Development

Strategy-A-Day Calendar Creation & Distribution

AT Tonight DVDs Creation & Distribution

Results AT Tonight Volume 1: ~300

AT Tonight Volume 2: ~200

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Page 9: Alternative Professional Development

Burn podcasts onto CDs to play in the car!

Try it with the A.T.TIPSCAST. Three volumes completed. Download the question

booklet. Distribute to educators Over 3.5 hours of content!

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Uses available time Watch short videos on TV

during commercials with DVD

Listen to podcasts during commute

Read one calendar slide a day

No “extra” technology required Everyone knows how to use

a CD and DVD player

Only Awareness Level Training

No follow-up

Still “sit n’ get” style

Not “hands-on”


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Just starting to explore this concept. Haven’t actually implemented it yet.

The Ideas: After viewing a DVD and answer the questions in the

booklet, get together to discuss what you experienced, either web-based (online forums) or in persons

Create a product from what you heard on a podcast or saw on the DVD and then share that somehow (wiki, existing online resource depending on the topic)

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When training on a specific tool that is not available to general educators (for example, a specific AAC device) form communities of teachers who are working with students who are using these devices. Example: 5 teachers (along with related services) in the

county are working with students who are using a SpringBoard Lite. Quarterly meetings to bring these minds together to share strategies, data collection techniques, and resources may decrease likelihood of abandonment, decrease time spend recreating same resources, and increase student achievement/integration.

Page 14: Alternative Professional Development

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