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    Alternative Medicine - Sport

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    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents ................................................................................................................iii

    CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................1Outline of the Study ..................................................................................................... 1Background of the research ......................................................................................... 1Problem Statement ....................................................................................................... 4Aims and Objectives ................................................................................................... 5Research Question/Hypothesis .................................................................................... 5Limitation of the Study ................................................................................................ 6Reliability .....................................................................................................................6Validity ........................................................................................................................ 6Ethical Concern ............................................................................................................6

    CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................. 8

    Research Design .........................................................................................................21Sample ........................................................................................................................22Instrument (interview/ Questionnaire) .......................................................................22Data Collection Method .............................................................................................22Data Analysis .............................................................................................................22

    CHAPTER 4: ANTICIPATED RESULT ..........................................................................23CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................24The performance of athletes in all sports can be measured, although not always with thesame criteria. In most team sports, the only unit of measurement that really counts is theresult, ie, the accumulated points for and against. Or the high jump, the unit is usually thebest time or higher. In team sports it is often difficult to determine in which way the

    outcome the individual performance of each member. The football team faster is notalways the one who scores the most goals. But in regard to success and personal recordsmeasured objectively, is easier to monitor individual performance. ................................ 24References ..........................................................................................................................25Bibliography ......................................................................................................................26Appendices .........................................................................................................................27

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    Outline of the Study

    The modern age has introduced many advanced and innovative products and

    services for various uses. There is innovation in almost everything ranging from food and

    water and going up to the manufactured and processed items. Just like the production and

    other services, there has been a lot of innovation in the sports industry too. Here, we will

    not talk about the introduction of new sports or sports kit, but this report will look into the

    matter of development of athletes through the use of performance enhancers which are

    consumed by them.

    In order to provide a structure to the study, the exploration will be guided through

    the use of research methodologies, the collection of data through a carefully selected

    sample and the interpretation of the results. It will undertake to examine the impact of

    ethnicity on the perception of college athletes regarding the use of performance

    enhancers. The research report will further elaborate upon variables of ethnicity which

    are most likely to contribute to the percfeption which the young college goers hold about

    the performance enhancers being utilized during sports. The study will further go on

    researching the effects of utilizing the performance enhancing drugs on daily basis or

    very often.

    Background of the research

    The research study at hand will study and present the ethnic factors and the

    perception of the male college athletes regarding the consumption of performance

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    enhancers. It will also facilitate the reader to have a clear idea concerning the pros and

    cons of the performance enhancing drugs on the personality and health of the athletes. A

    proper research beneficial to the study will be carried out and illustrated in a legible


    Athletes commonly use drugs and supplements hoping for an increase in

    performance. These substances include cryogenic and thermogenic supplements,

    stimulants, anabolic steroids, peptide hormones and others. Despite aggressive marketing

    and use of testimonials, few scientific studies evaluating the risks and benefits of using

    these substances, even when one clinical observations has shown that certain supplements

    can cause serious adverse reactions including death. Athletes should make informed

    decisions by considering whether there is serious information about it.

    Most drugs used in sport attempt to cover the following needs: to improve the

    execution time of the motor act, improve strength, reduce recovery time before the onset

    of fatigue, reduce body fat. In other words, improve athletic performance. Substances that

    can be included in this list are anabolic-androgenic steroids such as tetrahydrogestrinone

    (THG), the androtenediona (called Android) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). These

    drugs are often sold as nutritional supplements. In the group of stimulants include

    amphetamines, cocaine, Dexadrine, ephedra, ritalin, beta-2 agonists and others.

    In the group of peptide hormones and analogues, we have to recombinant

    erythropoietin (EPO), used as an alternative to blood doping. Growth hormone (hCG),

    chorionic gonadotropin, corticotropin have also been used in order to enhance sports


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    In dietary supplements are vitamins and minerals, bee pollen, caffeine, glycine,

    carnitine, lecithin, yeast, gelatin, creatine, protein and other supplements in recommended

    doses probably have minimal toxic effects. Regarding drinks fortified with taurine,

    caffeine and glucuronate, many European countries have banned its sale. However, few

    studies have evaluated their efficacy or toxicity in rigorous documents. Many of the

    products offered on the market include combinations of these drugs. In the same way

    doctors should consider regular study about supplements that athletes eat to give expert


    The research will further go on reporting the researched results of the

    ethnic variables and the perception of male college athletes about them. The

    studies performed indicated that iron is essential for the brain to properly

    perform its functions and, in fact, WHO reports that between 600 and 700

    million people worldwide suffer from lack of this mineral. Poor diet or low

    in iron is known to retard growth, impair the immune system and affect

    brain health. According to a study conducted by the Faculty of Medicine of

    the University of Rochester in New York State, children and adolescents

    with iron deficiency do worse on math tests than those who consume foods

    with adequate iron intake. This mineral is actually responsible for a protein

    as essential as hemoglobin in red blood cells transport oxygen necessary for

    all body tissues.

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    Experts say that the eating disorder in many families raising children

    in most cases leads to an insufficient supply of iron in the blood. All the iron

    we need from the food and it is estimated that children and adolescents aged

    10 to 14 years should consume at least 12 to 15 grams of iron per day.

    Sources of iron are mainly meat, nuts, seafood and vegetables. We also

    know that iron absorption is improved by accompanying these products

    fruits rich in vitamin C. The most common symptoms orient to a blood

    deficiency of this mineral is loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness or paleness.

    Similarly, several clinical studies have shown that iron supplements

    administered when slight deficit of this mineral can improve brain function

    of adolescents, increasing their capacity for learning and memory. Stresses

    in particular that carried out by a group of researchers from the Faculty of

    Medicine, Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA, who set out to

    study a group of 78 adolescent girls with low iron levels, although not so

    low as to cause anemia.

    Problem Statement

    The culture and ethnicity are the main components which helps forming and

    shaping an individuals personality. This factor, ultimately, contributes towards all the

    features of a personality, beginning from his outward appearance and going up to his

    thoughts, beliefs and perceptions. The main goal of this paper is to determine the

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    perception and variables of belief which an individual holds regarding the use of

    performance enhancers during sports. Specifically the dissertation aims to provide an

    elaborated and detailed research on the ethnic perception which may affect the male

    college athletes regarding the consumption of performance enhancing drugs in order to

    boost the mental and physical stamina.

    Aims and Objectives

    The main goal of the study is explore the impact of the ethnicity on the

    perceptions of male college athletes concerning the usage of performance enhancers. The

    study attempts to achieve the following objectives:

    1. To determine the in-depth meaning of performance enhancers and look into

    their types and functions.

    2. To determine the opinions and perceptions of the young male athletes, on the

    usage of various performance enhancers.

    3. To discuss the pros and cons of the use of stimulants and other energy

    boosters in order to account for the effects of these products on male athletes.

    4. To link the elements of ethnicity with the individual perception and

    performance enhancers and to suggest recommendations in order to counter

    the related issues.

    Research Question/Hypothesis

    The questions to be discussed and focused on in the dissertation will include:

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    1. What do the performance enhancers refer to and what good do they give to the

    human mind and body?

    2. What opinions and perceptions do the young college male athletes carry in

    terms of the usage of performance enhancers?

    3. What are the pros and cons of the consumption of performance boosters and

    what effects do these stimulants put on the personality and minds of the


    4. How can the ethnic perception of the college goers be linked to the theory of

    performance enhancers consumption?

    Limitation of the Study

    This study will be limited to some extent for the few reasons. The sample size for

    conducting the research study will consist of 60 male athletes, who will be the

    representative of the enrture population. Though, there are many people who consume

    performance enhancers but 60 athletes are chosen as a result of non proab



    Ethical Concern

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    The History of Performance Enhancing Drugs

    The use of performance enhancing drugs has been occurring for more than a century. The

    types of drugs used have changed as science has made advances in the production of

    drugs. Doping agencies find it difficult to keep up with new forms of performance

    enhancing drugs used by athletes that are hard to detect in doping tests.




    Steroids are the most commonly known version of performance enhancing drugs.

    They are produced using testosterone and are taken orally, injected or absorbed into the

    skin. Modifications are made to testosterone to enhance its anabolic (muscle building)

    effects while reducing the male sexual characteristics of the drug. Overtraining by

    athletes can result in muscle breakdown, so steroids are designed to prevent muscle

    breakdown, allowing for extra training.

    Early Discoveries


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    Mystery surrounds the first death associated with performance enhancing drugs,

    but it is claimed that Welsh cyclist Arthur Linton died after taking the stimulant

    trimathyl. Taking part in the 1886 Bordeaux to Paris race, Linton collapsed and died.

    Typhoid fever is given as the official cause of death, but Linton is usually cited as the

    first known drug death in sport.

    Charles Edouard Brown-Sequard is seen as the father of steroid research. In 1889,

    the 72-year-old French physician made public the fact he had injected himself with

    testicular fluid from dogs in an attempt to fend off the effects of age on his body. After

    the work of Brown-Sequard and using his work as a basis, hormones were discovered in

    1905, leading directly to the development of anabolic steroids.



    In an attempt to treat the testosterone deficiency hypogonadism, German scientist

    Adolf Butenandt developed anabolic steroids in 1935, and his work with anabolic

    steroids won him the Nobel Prize. The side effects of steroids were harnessed by the

    German army during the World War II in an attempt to create more aggressive,

    physically strong soldiers. After World War II, anabolic steroids were used to reverse the

    effects of confinement on prisoners of Nazi concentration camps.



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    It has been reported that the weightlifting teams of both the United States and the

    Soviet Union began using performance enhancing drugs in the 1950s. In 1954, U.S. team

    doctors reported conversations with doctors form the USSR team revealing testosterone

    use to enhance performance.

    Four weightlifting medalists at the 1983 PanAm Games tested positive for

    steroids and were stripped of their medals. As a result, 13 members of the U.S. team

    withdrew from the games.

    Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sport


    The use of steroids became a worldwide scandal at the 1988 Seoul Olympics

    when Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson was stripped of his gold medal and world record for

    the 100 meters when the steroid Stanozol was found in his urine.

    American football player Lyle Alzado admitted to two decades of steroid abuse in

    1992, and Alzado died of brain cancer he blamed on his use of steroids.

    At the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, Irish swimmer Michelle Smith came under

    suspicion of using performance enhancing drugs after her performances brought her from

    an average swimmer to winning four medals at the games. In 1998, Smith received a

    four-year ban after missing a number of drugs tests and adding whisky to a urine test in

    an attempt to hide her use of steroids.

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    Laws and Rules


    In 1990, the U.S. Congress introduced the Anabolic Steroids Control Act, making

    the trafficking of steroids a felony instead of a simple misdemeanor offense. This was

    followed in 1999 by the International Olympic Committee establishing the independent

    World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to handle testing of athletes around the world.

    Medical authorities generally say thatfor otherwise healthy peoplesteroids have few

    if any clinical benefits and produce serious side effects, even if not completely

    documented. Steroids increase cholesterol levels and, by implication, the risk of heart

    disease, they say. Oral steroids though not the more common injected versionsalso

    appear to be associated with liver cancer, they say. Anecdotal evidence suggests that

    steroids can produce hyper-aggressiveness in some usersso-called 'roid rage. And, for

    young people, steroids cause bones to stop growing, effectively stunting growth.

    However, anti-doping officials say some of the dangers are unproven and many

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    exaggerated. "There's no study that steroids cause heart attacks," says Larry Bowers,

    USADA's senior managing director for technical and information resources. Yesalis,

    who has chided the media for "sensationalizing" the dangers from steroids, adds, "That

    doesn't mean there aren't potentially serious consequences." Fost, however, says the

    dangers are greatly exaggerated. "There is a nearly uniform claim as to steroids that

    they're very dangerous, they can cause death, cancer, heart attacks," he says. "None of

    that is supported by any medical evidence, or at least it's widely exaggerated."... But Fost

    agrees with anti-doping advocates on the risks steroids pose to young people. In fact, he

    favors continuing the ban for anyone under 18, pointing out that the most common use of

    steroids among young people is not by athletes but by bodybuilders. "It's middle- and

    high- school kids who want to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger," he says. For adults,

    however, Fost says steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs should be legal, and

    deciding whether to use them should be left up to the individual athlete. "There's not a

    single athlete in any competitive sport who's just running on his or her natural ability," he

    says. "Why pick steroids to be concerned about?" Steroids, Fost says, are conceptually

    indistinguishable from other manmade aids, such as fiberglass pole-vaulting poles or

    super-efficient swimsuits. As for the health consequences, Fost says many sportsfrom

    gymnastics to footballinvolve the risk of injury. "It's morally incoherent to prohibit

    adult athletes from risking harming themselves," he says. Anti-doping advocates

    vigorously rebut Fost's arguments. "Why don't you legalize all these drugs?" asks Marc

    Safran, director of sports medicine at the University of California at San Francisco. "The

    winner would be the person who comes closer to risking their life." Yesalis adds that

    performance-enhancing drugs take away a real but intangible part of the enduring appeal

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    of sport. "You do not need drugs to have a sense of fulfillment, to feel that you've left it

    all on the field," Yesalis says. "[Drugs have] taken something that God has given us

    love of game and sportand perverted us." Is Drug Testing Effective? The controversy

    swirling around ... U.S. track stars stems not from failed drug tests but from a cloak-and-

    dagger story initiated by an anonymous tipster and a team of chemical sleuths. The newly

    discovered steroid THG was decoded by chemists at the Olympic drug-testing laboratory

    at UCLA [University of California, Los Angeles] from a sample delivered to USADA

    anonymously by someone who identified himself as a track and field coach. Lab chief

    Catlin says it took three months of chemical testing to crack the code of the new steroid

    and develop a test to detect ita chastening reminder of the difficulties of policing

    performance-enhancing drugs. "There are always new drugs moving in and the old ones

    moving out," he says. Drug testingwhich involves chemical analysis of athletes' urine

    or blood sampleshas been the principal tool for anti-doping enforcement since its

    introduction in the 1950s. Drug testing snared its first Olympic medallist in 1972, when

    the teenage American swimmer Rick DeMont had to relinquish his gold medal after

    testing positive for the stimulant ephedrine, an ingredient in a prescription asthma

    medication he was taking. Then in 1984, Finnish runner Martti Vainio lost the silver

    medal he had won in the 10,000 -meter race after testing positive for banned

    substances, and Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson was stripped of his gold medal in 1988

    after testing positive for steroids. The apparent simplicity and certainty of drug-test

    results, however, masks the complexity and uncertainty of the actual process. Testing is

    expensiveas much as $500 to $1,000 or more per test. Testing is susceptible to error,

    cover-up or even sabotage. And testing can be circumvented. Athletes can sometimes

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    escape detection at scheduled tests by halting the use of any banned substances

    beforehand. They also use more ingenious subterfuges. For instance, NFL players have

    been known to "borrow" urine specimens from someone else, hide the urine vial inside

    their athletic supporters and thenshielded by a partitionprovide the examiner with

    the clean samples. A Poor Performance Rating Such problems lead many anti-doping

    advocates to dismiss drug testing as a failure. "The drug testing system has loopholes big

    enough that I could navigate an Abrams tank through it," Yesalis says. "It's been a

    colossal flop. I don't know what other enterprise that has such a poor performance rating

    would still be in business.

    As long as there are people willing to cheat, there will be drugs that are undetectable,"

    says Minnesota's Roberts. "This THG thing would never have come to light except that

    somebody blew the whistle." Anti-doping critic Fost agrees. "The drugmakers and the

    athletes have kept ahead of the testers," he says. The inevitable futility of the effort is

    another reason to legalize performance-enhancing drugs, Fost suggests. Some experts

    agree that a lifetime ban for a first doping violation is worth considering. Moreover,

    legalizing the drugs would better protect athletes' health, he argues. "As long as they're

    banned, there will be people trying to avoid detection, and they'll have to do it

    underground," he says. "They'll be using drugs that won't be adequately tested or subject

    to [federal] oversight. The worst thing about the THG scandal is that anyone using it has

    no way of knowing what they're using."Anti-doping officials acknowledge the

    difficulties but insist that testing is only one part of the overall effort to keep drugs out of

    sports."What we're after is deterrencenot necessarily catching people and sanctioning

    them but deterring them from using drugs in the first place," USADA's Bowers says.

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    "One of the tools we have for that is testing. We're better now than we were three years

    ago, and we're capable of seeing more things now than we were three years ago.""You

    can't say that testing is going to stamp out drugs," says David Howman, WADA's director

    general. "You have to have effective education programs. We far prefer to be a

    preventive body than to be a detection body." Are Penalties for Using Performance-

    Enhancing Drugs Stiff Enough?

    Field voted last Dec. 7, 2003, to impose a lifetime ban for first-time steroid offenses. It

    has not yet been implemented, pending a determination that it does not violate the

    Amateur Sports Act. Greene's outburst may not have been solely about anti-doping

    policies. He and Montgomery have a history of bad relations: It was Greene's record of

    9.79 seconds in the 100-meter dash that Montgomery clipped in 2002. Greenewho has

    three of the four fastest times in the event likes to remind listeners that Montgomery

    set his mark with a tailwind right at the limit allowed for official records. Whatever

    Greene's motivation, some experts agree that a lifetime ban for a first doping violation is

    worth considering. "If you don't have very stiff penalties, you're not going to deter a lot of

    people," says the University of California's Safran. "A lifetime ban if you get caught

    would definitely get people to think twice about it." Alternatives to a Lifetime Ban But a

    lifetime ban might be too stringent to be enforceable, Bowers warns. "I'm not sure that we

    could get people to sanction athletes for life, particularly if that's their livelihood," he

    says. "If there's a repeat performance or lack of change in behavior after a first time, then

    I would support a lifetime ban." In fact, the World Doping Code does allow reduced

    penalties for unintentional violations for banned substances found in generally available

    medicinal products. An athlete can also escape penalty by showing that he or she "bears

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    no fault or negligence for the violation." Legalization advocates see no reason for any

    penalties for using performance-enhancing drugs. For his part, Catlin says, improved

    detection is more important than stiffened penalties. "There's enough punishment. A two-

    year penalty, that's strong enough," he says. The debate over penalties is most squarely

    joined today [in 2004] regarding Major League Baseball.

    For years, the Major League Baseball Players Association had resisted drug testing, but

    the union agreed in 2002 to a year of anonymous random tests. If more than 5 percent of

    the samples tested positive, the agreement called for once-a-year testing of players by

    name. In fact, between 5 and 7 percent of the 2003 samples tested positive, so the league

    began testing all players by name ... [in 2004]. Anti-doping officials acknowledge they

    face an uphill battle in trying to stay ahead of pharmacological advances. Some banned

    substancessuch as human growth hormone (HGH) cannot be detected under current

    [2004] technology, and new drugs such as THG are designed to escape detection.

    Moreover, looming on the horizon is the possibility of so-called gene doping

    manipulation of an athlete's genesto improve performance.... The Impact on Sports

    Baseball fans were held spellbound in the late summer of 1998 as two of the game's

    leading sluggersMark McGwire and Sammy Sosachased one of the game's most

    daunting records: Roger Maris's mark of 61 home runs set nearly four decades earlier,

    in 1961. By the end of the season, the St. Louis Cardinals' first-baseman and Chicago

    Cubs' outfielder had both eclipsed the previous record, with Sosa at 66 and McGwire on

    top with a stunning 70 homers for the year. As the home-run chase intensified, however,

    sports reporters noticed that the longtime power hitter [McGwire] had bottles of a dietary

    supplement called androstenedioneandro for short in his locker. Questioned,

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    McGwire openly acknowledged taking androa manufactured drug that the body

    converts into testosterone. Andro, which was legal for baseball players at the time, had

    already been banned in other sportsincluding football, collegiate athletics, and the

    Olympics. Anti-doping officials ... insist that performance-enhancing drugs hurt not only

    the image of competitive sport but the athletes as well. The disclosure stirred a debate

    over the legitimacy of McGwire's feat. Some critics suggested that the eventual record

    needed to be marked with a doubt-casting asterisk. Most fans, however, appeared

    uninterested. And, tellingly, the sale of andro shot up thanks to the publicity. Bowing to

    the controversy, MLB finally banned androstenedione on April 12, 2004. Opposing

    Views The episode illuminates the opposing views about performance-enhancing drugs

    in sports. Many fans may share the discomfort of anti-doping advocates who say that

    drugs tarnish the mythic purity of sports.

    . The use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport generates heated debate. Those who

    oppose their use claim that these drugs are bad for sports and pose a health risk to athletes

    who use them. These anti-doping advocates support strict testing protocols, and some call

    for lifetime bans for those caught using performance-enhancing drugs. Those who oppose

    these strict policies argue that lifetime bans are an overreaction to exaggerated claims

    against performance-enhancing drugs. Moreover, strict doping policy critics maintain that

    test results are sometimes inaccurate, and testing can easily be circumvented by the use of

    new hard-to-detect drugs. Drugs have become a major part of elite athletic competition.

    A significant but unknown number of Olympic hopefuls in the United States and

    elsewhere, as well as many collegiate and other professional athletes, use chemical

    substances to increase strength and stamina beyond what they can achieve by nutrition

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    and training alone. "It's human nature to obtain an edge, whether in combat, in business

    or in sports," says Charles Yesalis, a professor of health and human development at

    Pennsylvania State University and a leading expert onand opponent ofperformance-

    enhancing drugs. Through the years, athletes have sought that edge from a variety of

    stimulants ranging from caffeine and brandy to heroin and cocaine. But the isolation of

    the male hormone testosterone in the 1930s paved the way for more sophisticated

    chemical agents known as anabolic ("tissue- building") steroids. The Use of Steroids

    Steroids produces masculinizing effects comparable to those from naturally occurring

    testosterone. The resulting increase in muscle mass may be a boon for weightlifters,

    football players, or athletes in track and field throwing events. But steroids also produce

    undesirable side effects.

    Athletes perception of Performance enhancing drugs

    As far as I can see, five of the most important drawbacks of performance enhancing drugs

    are as follows:

    1) Who ever takes these drugs in order to become more competitive have just missed the

    point of this sport. The mere idea of any sport is to use whatever your body and your

    mind can manage to surpass oneself or others. Having drugs in your body for this cheat,

    just changed the equation. It is no longer you who is the realization in mind, drugs are the

    cream of the work. You will be frustrated by the satisfaction you deserve, because you

    never know what victory is yours and how much was injected.

    2) Anyone who takes this performance cheat just admitted defeat. The idea of sport is to

    overcome the obstacles within and without an athlete. The athlete spends days and

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    months and years to overcome these obstacles. Then, in a simple decision, he gives up

    and decides he can not satisfy her dreams without drugs. Instead of a continuous struggle

    to achieve its potential, it has now set a dangerous path of trying to cheat his way beyond

    his potential.

    3) It has not yet been proven to me that these drugs are capable of producing a

    sustainable and consistent performance than the best training and preparation can. They

    are a quick fix that a successful athletic career can not be based on for any length of time.

    Sure you excel in May for a race or a season, but how long can you go for. If you abuse

    yourself that way, you can not expect to keep on progress in the future. If you break the

    rules of your own physiology, then you will reap the consequences one day.

    4) performance enhancing drugs are not only unethical, they are often illegal in the sports

    community and can transform an entire sport into a joke. They undermine the sport the

    athlete tries to control and can not be regarded as a selfish and arrogant attempt to cut

    corners. Take for example the damage that drug use and alleged drug use in the France

    has done for the whole cycle racing community. We may come out of it with time, but

    still a lot of people, all cyclists are perceived as cheaters. Sponsors withdraw support,

    police and officials involved, careers are shattered and dreams are shattered.

    5) These drugs can wreck an athlete psychologically as well. Knowing that he or she gave

    up and surrendered to cheating can destroy their sense of integrity. Once they realize

    how much they have fallen from their debut sports, they will hardly ever be considered

    honest. Their victories are overused and meaningless. Their victories will be just about

    dollars and cents does not make sense of intimacy that can have a sporting victory.

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    Although they take many forms, there are really two main arguments against doping. The

    first is that it athletesor night, if the argument is made by someone who is willing to

    admit that putting athletes at risk is an integral part of many sports (boxing, rugby,

    American football and so on), that it hurts them unnecessarily. The other is that it is

    against the spirit of sport is cheating or at least, it destroyed the mystical quality that

    gives sport its appeal. There is something both arguments, but is not quite convincing.

    Certainly if there was a lot of publicity suggesting that excessive use can sometimes have

    bad consequences cyclists heart attacks, perhaps because of the oxygen storage increased,

    but blood-thickening EPO steroids, or drugs expanded body-builders who are deeply

    depressed though these examples are isolated and cannot be entirely as they appear. Some

    drugs used in East Germany had serious consequences, including gender-bending, but

    they are often given to athletes who have neither the knowledge nor concern for the

    consequences after the gold medal been won. There are reasons for concern about the

    widespread use of steroids has children, which may, inter alia, lack the maturity (physical

    and mental) to handle. But the balance of the medical evidence which would be more

    difficult to collect in an era of prohibition suggests outset that used responsibly; today's

    most popular performance enhancers mostly have only temporary side effects at worst.

    And all this damage is nothing compared to that known to be done by, for example,

    smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol activities not unknown among athletes, but not

    likely to be banned by sporting authorities soon.

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    Research Design

    This research study used a phenomenological multiple case study approach to

    investigate teachers knowledge of undergraduates second language learning in teaching

    undergraduates correct grammar. This qualitative inquiry proposed an investigation of

    individual teachers teaching actions. The purpose of this study was to describe and

    interpret the nature of selected middle school second language teachers knowledge of

    undergraduates second language learning and how they use this knowledge in their

    classroom teaching of correct grammar used. Cases were purposely selected for building

    an understanding that supported an increased comprehension of the impact of teachers

    knowledge of undergraduates thinking in designing and implementing their instruction.

    These case studies were used in building hypotheses with respect to the complexities of

    this phenomenon for further investigation.

    This phenomenological analysis was principally concerned with understanding

    how teachers use their knowledge about undergraduates second language learning in

    their classroom teaching (Schwandt, 2000). The aim was to grasp how they interpreted

    their undergraduates actions and reconstructed the impact of this knowledge in their

    instructional planning and teaching. From an interpretivists view, the teachers actions

    in their classroom teaching were meaningful and useful in building an understanding for

    further investigation.

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    The research study at hand is concerned with the general fact of instructing the

    English language using the skills of second language teaching and learning. This study

    was concerned with the general phenomenon of teaching using knowledge of

    undergraduates second language learning that simultaneously compiles multiple cases,

    where each case study was a concentrated inquiry into an exemplary middle school

    teachers knowledge and actions in incorporating undergraduates thinking when

    teaching correct grammar used (Stake, 2000). The goal of the participant selection was to

    identify two exemplary middle school mathematics teachers for in-depth multiple case


    Instrument (interview/ Questionnaire)

    Data Collection Method

    Data Analysis

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    The performance of athletes in all sports can be measured, although not always

    with the same criteria. In most team sports, the only unit of measurement that really

    counts is the result, ie, the accumulated points for and against. Or the high jump, the unit

    is usually the best time or higher. In team sports it is often difficult to determine in which

    way the outcome the individual performance of each member. The football team faster is

    not always the one who scores the most goals. But in regard to success and personal

    records measured objectively, is easier to monitor individual performance.

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