ALT Roles and Expectations. Survey Answers Reasons you came to Japan? Most JTEs think that ALTs...

ALT Roles and Expectations

Transcript of ALT Roles and Expectations. Survey Answers Reasons you came to Japan? Most JTEs think that ALTs...

ALT Roles and Expectations

Survey Answers

Reasons you came to Japan?

Most JTEs think that ALTs chose to come to Japan to teach English. While the top 3 reasons why ALTs came to Japan are to experience living in Japan, travel Japan, and learn/practice Japanese.

Main role of an ALT?

JTEs think of the main role of an ALT are to be English teachers and lesson planners. They all assumed that all ALTs had some kind of teaching experience or teaching certificate. ALTs believe their main role are to be cultural ambassadors and the native speaker.

Disciplining Students

Do it yourself but....

Most JTEs appreciate it when you can take control of your class. They see it as a sign of professionalism. However, you should feel it out first. Each school is different and so are each JTEs.

Sharing Student Work Online

False for both!

Japanese parents are very protective of their children's privacy this is why Japanese schools protect it quite fiercely. It is best to ask permission from the school before you use or share any student work or pictures.

ALT and Solo Teaching


According to our contract, we are not suppose to teach classes by ourselves because we are not Japanese-government-certified teachers. It will happen once and awhile, but it shouldn't be happening all the time.

Being on Time


When they tell you that the morning meeting is at 8:20 and that your work time also starts at that time, what they are really saying is they expect you to be at your desk ready and waiting by at least 8:15. This applies to all events and even the big yearly enkais (dinner parties).

English in the classroom

FalseYour JTEs will occasionally use Japanese and some JTEs may

even translate every word you say! Understand that although the new English curriculum states that all English classes must be conducted only in English, most JTEs aren't comfortable or are still adjusting to this policy. However, as an ALT, you should NOT speak any Japanese during class. Outside of class, whether you choose to speak Japanese to your students or not is to your own discretion and dependent on how your JTEs feel about it. BUT, BUT, I find that once you let your students know you I find that once you let your students know you can speak/understand Japanese, they will never speak to you in can speak/understand Japanese, they will never speak to you in English again. English again.

JTE Expectations Survey of 34 JTEs from 8

high schools

#1 Lesson Plan Design

• Clearly set goals• Adjust to students' level and


#2 Meeting with JTEs

• Discuss students’ background knowledge, tendencies etc.

#3 Teaching Skills

• Simple English/English only• Make use of tools efficiently • Treat students and each

homeroom equally• Others: don't be irritated, you are

a native checker and cultural ambassador

#4 Participation

• Greeting• Attend school ceremonies and

events• Upon finishing your contract

#5 Be Professional

• Be Punctual • Importance of school schedule• Focus on your job

Important Forms

Jane Doe8. 14

8. 16 2 3





X 8/14 11:00 8/16 15:00

Shimada station

Shimada station









Attach this form in front of the letter that you receive detailing the business trip Attach this form in front of the letter that you receive detailing the business trip

You will be given back this form back and then you are to write a report and then hanko here (5 days)You will be given back this form back and then you are to write a report and then hanko here (5 days)


8 14

8 14

8 14

2013 8

Jane Doe H8 20 4 05


A ( 休 )A ( 休 )


August 1, 2013July 31, 2014

Jane Doe1 day = 7 hoursYou can carry up to 12 days but you can't carry hours1 day = 7 hoursYou can carry up to 12 days but you can't carry hours


Aug. 12 8 20Aug. 13 16 05


19 0

9 月 7 日9 月 7 日



18 4


Doctor appointment



Fill out this sheet at least a week before you are going overseas.Fill out this sheet at least a week before you are going overseas.


Jane Doe H

Travel - sightseeing

8-09-2013. 8-15-2013


Hotel address/phone number E-mail

8/9 Shizuoka Airport flight to Taipei (CI-169) 年休 8/10 Hotel - Address and Phone number

Sightseeing 年休

8/15 Taoyuan Int'l Airport flight to Shizuoka (CI-168) none

If you make a mistake, cross it out twice and hanko it.No white-out or cover up.If you make a mistake, cross it out twice and hanko it.No white-out or cover up.