Also the horizon sits just above what would be the middle of the image which adds to making the...

The content of the picture itself is framed within a beautiful old archway and looks out onto the great wall of china. This adds to the attractiveness of the picture as a whole. The picture includes the technique of ‘leading lines’ which refers to the pathway moving through the image. Naturally, your eyes are drawn to the line and follow it to the top right of the picture. The picture also slightly follows the ‘rule of thirds’. This refers to the grid used when setting up the image. the train starts in the bottom left of the grid and Also the horizon sits just above what would be the middle of the image which adds to making the image more attractive. The shutter speed used for this image could have been fast, freezing the image The aperture would have been quite low here meaning the whole image is in focus. Because of this it is possible that the shutter speed would have been slower to lighten the image. This could mean the picture was taken on a tripod. I also think that the angle of the image is interesting, its done from the left side of the arch which means it catches the light well suggesting that this is a natural type of light, perhaps at a sunrise or a sunset. I think this photography represents the idea of journeying, perhaps the journey that life takes us through and the fact that its not always bright but we will get there in the end shown by the dark lighting within the arch and clouds hovering in the sky.


The aperture would have been quite low here meaning the whole image is in focus. Because of this it is possible that the shutter speed would have been slower to lighten the image. This could mean the picture was taken on a tripod. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Also the horizon sits just above what would be the middle of the image which adds to making the...

Page 1: Also the horizon sits just above what would be the middle of the image which adds to making the image more attractive.

The content of the picture itself is framed within a

beautiful old archway and looks out onto the great

wall of china. This adds to the attractiveness of the

picture as a whole.

The picture includes the technique of ‘leading lines’ which refers to the pathway moving through the image.

Naturally, your eyes are drawn to the line and follow it to the

top right of the picture.

The picture also slightly follows the ‘rule of thirds’. This refers to the grid used when setting up the image.

the train starts in the bottom left of the grid and ends in the

center which makes the picture look more appealing.

Also the horizon sits just above what would be the middle of the image which adds to making the

image more attractive.

The shutter speed used for this image could have

been fast, freezing the image in all its glory.

The aperture would have been quite low here

meaning the whole image is in focus. Because of this it is

possible that the shutter speed would have been

slower to lighten the image. This could mean the picture

was taken on a tripod.

I also think that the angle of the image is interesting, its done

from the left side of the arch which means it catches the light well

suggesting that this is a natural type of light,

perhaps at a sunrise or a sunset.

I think this photography represents the idea of journeying, perhaps the journey that life takes

us through and the fact that its not always bright but we will get there in the end shown

by the dark lighting within the arch and clouds hovering in the sky.

Page 2: Also the horizon sits just above what would be the middle of the image which adds to making the image more attractive.

The colour in this picture has been muted to just black and white which means we cant gather much

information from the colour in the picture however judging from the choppiness of the waves I would

suggest that this is quite a dark day.The light seems to be coming from all over quite

naturally so I would suggest that its probably midday-ish.

This image is split up into three different sections. Over half of the image is taken

up by the sea, then we have the sea edge and the deck in the right third. This makes the image stand out from others

and adds interest to the picture.

The point of interest in this picture would be the woman sitting on the phone. She is

placed on the key elements point in the

rule of thirds grid. This means that the human eye is drawn

to her making the image more


It could also be said that the technique of leading

lines is used in this picture as the eye

naturally follows the sea edge through the


The aperture in this picture would have been on a fairly high f-stop as the the depth

of field isn't particularly shallow but the background of the image is out of focus.

The shutter speed would have been quite fast here to capture the choppiness

of the sea.

This picture depicts loneliness shown through the secluded-ness of the woman in the picture. No

one else seems to be around her. The sea could also represent her mood,

she looks slightly distressed perhaps judging by the look

on her face.

Page 3: Also the horizon sits just above what would be the middle of the image which adds to making the image more attractive.

This picture has used the layout grid in a conventional way placing the main focus of the image in the center of the middle box. This has an effect as its rare so your eye in

drawn to this point of interest.

The shutter speed would have been fast when taking this image so to freeze the

subject and not get any movement of the eye.

The aperture would have been set to a

large f stop to create the shallow depth of

their here, making only the eye ball in

focus.The colour in this

image seems range in tone, from the white inside the eyeball to the dark corners of

the image which help isolate the image

inside the eye as the most important part overall. I would say that this is natural

light due to its shadows and we can

see from the windows in her eyes that its a bright day.

You could say that the image reflected is framed by the eye. We can gather that the bay window is

the most important part from the way it is highlighted. Its in the only bit in focus, its brighter than the rest of the image and its in the center of

the whole image.

The use of colour and composition

are done really well here for such a

close up picture. I think its good imagery for

someone outlook on like and the idea

reflecting on things.

Page 4: Also the horizon sits just above what would be the middle of the image which adds to making the image more attractive.

This image used the rule of thirds very well. It places the lamp to the left of the image and the

head of it in the middle of the top box directly above the sun. the sun is placed in the center

box but lightly of center catching the eye really well.

Colour is used really well in this image. All the colour in the image seems cold and quite

blue and cold however you have this out burst of warm light

from the sun which is central to the image and from the light

which adds to the attraction of the image. Also I think the

contrast of cold and warm light makes the image very


The way the clouds all seems to be moving towards the sun

highlights that particular element of the image. I think

that this presents an idea of the world moving around you and taking the time to appreciate small moments. They way the

image is composed makes it look very pretty and picturesque.

The image also uses elements of the leading eye technique, using the decking of the dock to lead

your eye up to the sun.

The image is very dark so the composer would have needed a low aperture f

stop to let most light in and keep everything in focus.

Because of this I think that this image would have been shot using a tripod in order to have a very love shutter

speed to give the clouds movement.

I think the way the natural light casts shadows around this image is beautiful, it gives the image depth.

The horizon is placed just below the middle of the image making it more

attractive and also drawing our eye more to the sky above the horizon. The leading line of the deck helps make the bottom half more appealing, leading us to the


Page 5: Also the horizon sits just above what would be the middle of the image which adds to making the image more attractive.

Gentleman in the photo is placed to the right hand side of the image, his right leg placed right on the key points of the rule

of thirds grid meaning the eye is immediately drawn to the movement of

the man as he walks down the road.

The depth of field in this image is quite shallow as the gentleman seems to be the only thing in

complete focus in the image. As we move further back in the image the object become less focused. To do this the f-stop would have

had to be quite large.

The shutter speed needed to take

this picture would have been quite

quick as the action of him

walking is frozen rather than


The light in this image is quite

natural, there is a shadow cast to his

left so we can assume the sun is up and to the right

of him.

Form the composition of this image we can assume that the gentleman is walking away

from the building behind him. They way he is dressed suggests that it was formal event and

the fact that he seems to be loosening his cuffs presents a message of fresh starts and

new beginnings perhaps.

There is also faint use of leading lines in this picture.

The line of the pathway leads you eye subconsciously up to

the house highlighting its importance. It also poses the question why is he walking on the road, It catches your

eye due to its obscurity.

By blurring the background it

could also suggest the idea that

nothing else is important but his


Page 6: Also the horizon sits just above what would be the middle of the image which adds to making the image more attractive.

The rule of thirds is used here to compose this image. The one object within the image is placed on the right hand key point of the layout grid. This means the eye is draw to it because of its obscurity,

its not just in the middle. We are also immediately drawn to the reflection of the object just below which is also situated on the key

point of the grid.

The perfect reflection makes the picture

much more appealing and pretty. It looks


The aperture f-stop of the image would have

been quite low as none of the image in out of focus, it a very deep

depth of field.

The shutter speed would have been

quite fast as to freeze the image and capture all of

the reflections and the calm water while it lasts.

The picture may have been quite dark when it

was taken, it looks as though it may be

morning. This means that the shutter speed would have been much slower and therefore a tripod would have had

to have been use.

The stones in the water also act as a type of leading lines. The way they and aligned towards the stone

object which is the centre of attention assist the eye in looking at the reflection and the object itself. They also decrease in size as they go which makes it look almost

deliberate. Its very clever.