ALPS Flotation Collar - Capewell Aerial Systems€¦ · ALPS Flotation Collar - User’s Manual...

ALPS Flotation Collar User’s Manual Capewell Aerial Systems LLC 105 Nutmeg Road South South Windsor, CT 06074 [email protected] P: 860.610.0700

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ALPS Flotation Collar

User’s Manual

Capewell Aerial Systems LLC105 Nutmeg Road SouthSouth Windsor, CT 06074

[email protected]: 860.610.0700

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Copyright Notice

This owner’s manual is copyrighted, all rights reserved. It may not, in whole or inpart, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronicmedium or machine readable form without prior consent in writing from Capewell Aerial Systems LLC

Table of Contents

Section Page

1. Introduction 3 2. PreflightInspection 4

3. Maintenance 4

4. Storage 4

5. Annual Inspection 5

6. Functional Inspection 7

7. ALPS Flotation Collar Packing Instructions 8

8 Dual Bladder ALPS Information 12

Appendix A. Dual Bladder Functional Directions 13

Appendix B. Spare Parts List 14

Appendix C. ALPS Flotation Bladder Nomenclature 15

Appendix D. Dual Bladder ALPS Nomenclature 17

Appendix E. ACR L8-3 Water Activated Light Inspection 19

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The following symbols are used throughout this manual: WARNINGS indicate a procedure or situation that may result in serious injury or death if instructions are not followed correctly. CAUTIONS indicate any situation or technique that will result in potential damage to the product, or render the product unsafe if instructions are not followed correctly. NOTES are used to emphasize important points, tips, and reminders.

1. Introduction

TheAviationLifePreserverSystem(ALPS)isaflotationdevicedesignedtosupportaircrewmenstrandedinwater.Thecollarisattachedtotheaircrewman’sflightvest.Itpro-videsaminimumof35poundsofflotationbuoyancyandisdesignedtokeeptheuser’shead above the water for an extended period of time.

TheALPSispackedinalowprofilecasingmadeoffireresistantmaterialsthatisde-signedtoopenwhenthebladderinflates.Asingle-pullbeadedhandle,whenmanuallypulled,activatesone33gramCO2gascartridgesforinflation.Anoralinflationtubeal-low the user to manually increase, decrease, or maintain the air pressure in the bladder chambers.

NOTE: The CO2 cartridge must be a 33 gram (1/2” thread) bottle with a minimum gram weight of 145.0 grams

Your ALPS Flotation Collar is an important piece of survival equipment. Proper careand maintenance will ensure your vest will accomplish the level of safety performance itis designed for. It is important that you become familiar with these instructions to safelyusethisflotationcollar.



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2. Preflight Inspection

ItistheresponsibilityoftheaircrewmantoinspecttheALPSflotationcollarbeforeflightoperations.Performapreflightinspectionpriortoeachflightandatintervalsnotto exceed 30 days. If damage is found during an inspection, the vest must be groundeduntil repaired.

1. Inspect the outside of the collar for:

•Cuts,tears,andabrasiondamage •Openseamsandlooseorbrokenstitching •Contaminationdamage


3.Ensurethattheflotationcollarisattachedtothevestandalloftheattachmentsnapsare fastened.

3. Maintenance

MaintenanceoftheALPSflotationcollarconsistsofcleaning,service,andminorrepair.The air crewman’s responsibility for maintenance is limited to inspecting the outsidecomponents of the collar. Service and repairs shall be completed only by an authorizedservice station or the manufacturer. Remove the collar to wash the vest.

4. Storage

StoreyourALPSflotationcollaronaclotheshangerawayfromdirectsunlightina dry, well ventilated place. Do not store your collar near sources of heat such as aradiator, or in a warm, humid environment where mold or mildew can contaminate thevest.

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5. Annual Inspection

AninspectionshouldbeperformedannuallytoensuretheALPSflotationcollarwillperformwhenneeded.Itistheresponsibilityofqualifiedpersonneltoperformandlogthis inspection. The inspection can also be performed at the manufacturer. If damage is found during an inspection, the vest must be grounded until repaired. Repairs are limitedtoreplacementofsnapsandinflatorreplacement.Allotherrepairsmustbecom-pleted at the manufacturer. A functional test should be performed every third year. If a functional test is required, skip to section 6.

The replacement equipment is:

•ReplacementCO2bottle,33gram,1/2”thread. •Greensafetyclip,1each.

5.1Removetheflotationcollarassemblyfromthevestand harness.

5,.2Laytheflotationcollarflatonthetablewiththeundersidedown.Spreadtheoutercase open and completely lay out the bladder.


5.4Letflotationcollarsitfor1hour.Checkpressure.Should not loose more than .4 PSI.

If pressure drops more than .4 PSI, completely submerge the ALPSflotationcollarinwatertodeterminewhereleakageisoccurring.Ifleakageoccursaroundinflator,replaceinflatorandgaskets and perform leak test again. If no determination can be made or bladder is leaking, return ALPS to manufacturer for repair.

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5.5 Remove trapped air by unlocking oral tube valve and depress-ing them. A small electric vacuum pump used with the bladder evacuation hose adapter with single hole (P/N: AMTC-M2033) may be used to aid in removal of the trapped air.

NOTE: It is important that all the trapped air be re moved to aid in the repack of the bladder assembly andtoprovideforacompactandlowprofilecollar.



5.8 Inspect light and whistle as per Appendix D.

5.9 Remove CO2 cartridge and weigh. If functional is performed, discard and replace.

NOTE: CO2 cylinder should weigh a minimum of 145.0 grams

5.10 Ensure the actuator lever is in the up-and armed position.Install a green safety clip on the actuator as shown.

5.11 Install CO2 cylinder. Hand tighten the cylinder (avoid over tightening).

5.12 Proceed to section 7.2

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6. Functional Inspection (Single Bladder)

NOTE: For Dual Bladder ALPS see Appendix A for functional test specifications.

AfunctionalinspectionshouldbeperformedeverythirdyeartoensuretheALPSflota-tion collar will perform when needed. It is the responsibility of the ALSE shop to per-form and log this inspection. The inspection can also be performed at the manufactur-er. If damage is found during an inspection, the vest must be grounded until repaired. Repairsarelimitedtoreplacementofsnapsandinflatorreplacement,Allotherrepairsmust be completed at the manufacture. Functional inspection is as follows:

6.1 A functional can be performed with an individual wearing the vest with ALPS at-tached or on a table.



6.3 Adjust pressure to 2.0 PSI. Perform leakage test. Bladder should not loose more than .4 PSI in one hour.


6.5 Return to section 5.5 and complete.

If pressure drops more than .4 PSI, completely submerge the ALPSflotationcollarinwatertodeterminewhereleakageisoccurring.Ifleakageoccursaroundinflator,replaceinflatorandgaskets and perform leak test again. If no determination can be made or bladder is leaking, return ALPS to manufacture for repair.

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7. ALPS Flotation Collar Repack Instructions

7.1 Preparation

RepacktheALPSonalarge,flatcleansurfacebigenoughtoaccommodatethebladderwhentheyarespreadflatwithnoairinthem.Orientationreferencesthewearer’srightand left.

The required tools are:

•ReplacementCO2bottle,33gram •Greensafetyclip,1each.


7.1.2 Ensurehandleisproperlysnappedtoflotationcollarwith three snaps.

7.1.3 Laytheflotationcollarflatonthetablewiththeunder-side down. Spread the outer case open and completely lay out the bladder.

7.1.4 Visuallyinspectthecasefrontandback,inflatablebladder,handle,attachmentstraps,snapsandcomponentsoftheflotationcollar.

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7.2 Folding the Bladder




Fold the bottom of the left and right lobes of the inflatablebladderontopandjustabovetheVel-cro® which runs horizontal.


Tuck bladder material under outside vertical Velcro®.

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Fold both lower inner lobes in 1/3rd towards cen-ter of each lobe. Mate 1” Velcro® on bottom.


Fold right side outer lobe towards center mating Velcro® at three locations as indicated.


Fold left side same as right and mate Velcro® ac-cordingly.

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FoldtopofcasingdownandmateVelcro®atneckportionofflotationsystem.Thiswillalso mate the Velcro® at top corners. (Shown in black Velcro® above)

7.2.9 Fill out proper paperwork.

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8. Dual Bladder ALPS Flotation Collar

ALPS with dual bladder is very similar to the standard ALPS except for the following:

1. The dual bladder ALPS consists of 2 bladders on top of each other. 2.Thecollarhastwohandles(leftandrightside)whichinflateseparateCO2cylinders3.Twoseparateoralinflationtubesconnectingtotherespectivebladder.Theoralin-flationtubeshaveoverinflationvalvesbuiltintotheendsoftheoralinflationtubes.




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Appendix A. Dual Bladder Functional Test Directions

1.Inflateonesideto3.5-5PSI(Untiloverpressurevalveopens)2.Deflateto2.0PSI3. Wait 1 hour 4. Minimum pressure = 1.6 PSI5.Deflatebladdercompletely6. Repeat with other side

If pressure drops more than .4 PSI, completely submerge the ALPSflotationcollarinwatertodeterminewhereleakageisoccurring.Ifleakageoccursaroundinflator,replaceinflatorandgaskets and perform leak test again. If no determination can be made or bladder is leaking, return ALPS to manufacture for repair.

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NOTE:-TheXXattheendofthepartnumberfortheflotationcollarswillbereplaced with the case color. (i.e. BL = Black, ........)- All bladders are yellow.

Appendix B. ALPS Parts List

Item Part Number

ALPS Flotation Collar (Single Bladder) AMTC-R1044-XX

ALPS Flotation Collar (Dual Bladder) AMTC-R1083-XX

ALPS Flotation Collar w/Auto Inflator AMTC-R1084-XX

Clip, Locking 8452AMA

Lower Gasket, Inflator BLA-006

Upper Gasket, Inflator BLA-005

Cap Nut, Inflator BLA-003

Inflator, 1/2" BLA-002

Adapter, Bladder Evacuation Tool AMTC-M2033

CO2 Cartridge, 33 Gram 85202Z

ALPS Parts List

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Appendix C. ALPS Flotation Bladder Nomenclature


Mouth PieceKnurled Locking Nut



Left LobeRight Lobe

Front View

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Attachment StrapAttachment Strap

Left Lobe

Attachment Strap


Right Lobe


Back View

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Appendix D. Dual Bladder ALPS Flotation Nomenclature


Mouth Piece

Knurled Locking Nut


Left LobeRight Lobe

Front View


Mouth PieceKnurled Locking Nut


ACR L8-3

ACR L8-3 Light

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Attachment Strap Attachment Strap

Left Lobe

Attachment Strap


Right Lobe


Back View


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Appendix D. ACR L8-3 Water Activated Light InspectionMaintenance as per ACR Electronics, Inc.


The inspection interval is determined by the manufacturer of the vest with the inspection occurring at the same interval as the vest.

Inspection consists of a visual inspection of the case and the water ingress/ports. If the case is swollen, if the case has evidence of stress marks in the plastic, if any surface hasanyevidencewhatsoeverofbulgingorifthereisanyvisualevidenceofeffluentmatter coming out of the ports the battery is failed and must be replaced.

The light may be tested with an ACR P/n:3300” Test Set for L8-1(A), L8-3 and L8-4”.This inspection must be done by an inspection center authorized by the vest manufac-turer.

If the battery has no visual indications of swelling or matter discharge and if the light illuminateswiththeTestSet,thentheL8-3isrecertifiedforanotherinspectionintervalas determined by the vest manufacturer, so long as the vest is repacked by an autho-rizedvestservicestationcarryingacurrentvestinspectioncertificateandsolongasthe packing is done to the original packing standards established by vest manufacturer when the vest and light were submitted for approval.

Company Information:ACR Electronics, Inc. doing business as Cobham Life Support 5757 Ravenswood Road, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312-6645 USAT:+1 (954) 981-3333 x2110