Alpha Omega® Elite5pt

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Transcript of Alpha Omega® Elite5pt

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt


    E ng. 4358 -3340C


    Read al l i nst r uc t io nsBEFO R E U SIN G

    th is ch i ld r est r ain t .K E EP IN ST R U C T I O N S FO R FU T U R E U SE.

    Para r ecibir las instru cciones en espaol, l lam e al1-800-544-1108 o sol ic itarse por escr i to a l d ireccin po r ar r iba.

    A l p h a O m e g a Elite

    D e l u xe 3 -In -1

    Owners Manua l

    IMPORTANT!Failure to follow the warnings on the labelsand in the instruction manual can result inthe death or serious injury of your child.

    This chi ldres t r ain t i sdes igned foruse by chi ldrenw h o s e :

    W e igh t :5 - 100 pounds(2.3-45.4 kg)

    H e i gh t :19-52 i nches(48-132.1 cm)


    Replacement Parts ListNOTE: I f r eques ted co lo r i s no t avai lab le , sim i lar co lo r w i ll besubst i tuted.Part Cost Quantity Total CostC r o t c h St r ap /B uc k le $ 4 .9 9 X _ _ __ _ _= $ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ H ar n e ss St r a p . . . . .$ 2 .0 0 X _ _ _ __ _ = $ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Fu ll W r ap . . . . . . .$ 4 2 .0 0 X _ _ _ __ _ = $ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _

    5-point PadH ar n e ss R et ai ne r . . .$ 1 .5 0 X _ _ _ __ _ = $ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ L o c k in g C l ip . . . . . . .$ 2 .5 0 X _ _ _ __ _ = $ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Te t h er K i t . . . . . . . .$ 9 .9 9 X _ _ _ __ _ = $ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ L at c h K i t . . . . . . . .$ 2 4 .9 9 X _ _ _ __ _ = $ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ In st r u c t io n s . . . . . . .$ 0 .0 0 X _ _ _ __ _ = $ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _

    Merchandise Total $______________

    Shipping and handling: $ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Sales Tax $ ____________( Ind iana,C al ifo r n ia ,A rk ansas, and M assachusett s res ident s add app l icab lesales tax.

    Grand Total $ ______________

    N o sh ipp ing and hand li ng on i ns t r uc t i ons fo r quan t i t i es unde r 6 . A dd $ .50 fo reach instr uct io n over 6 , then add app licab le sh ipp ing and hand l ing.

    Fill Out For Credit Card


    MastercardCard Exp. Date:______________________________

    Cardholders Name:__________________________

    Card Number: ______________________________


    U p t o $25 .00 . . . . . . . . . .$5 .95$2 5.01 to $50 .00 . . . . . . .$6 .95$5 0.01 to $75 .00 . . . . . . .$8 .95$75 .01 t o $100 .00 . . . . . . $9 .95

    $100 .01 to $150 .00 . . . . . $10 .95$150 .01 to $200 .00 . . . . . $11 .95$20 0.01 and up . . . . . . . .$1 3.95O u t s id e C o n t i n e n t al U S A $ 1 0 .0 0



  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt


    Th ank you fo r choo sing th i s car seat , r e fer r ed tothr o ughout th is manual as a child res t ra int .T he D JGfami ly i s commi t ted to creat ing a chi ld res t ra int w i th them o st co m for t and co nvenience avai lable to day.

    Remem ber , parents are a chi ld s fi rs t t eachers andexamples. I f you a lways buck le your seat bel t ,your chi ldw i ll t h i nk i t i s the na tu ra l th ing to d o . M ake i t a fi rm ru lethat the vehic le does not go unt i l everyone is buck ledu p. M a ke n o e x c ep t io n s.

    N o o ne can pred ic t i f use of a chi ld res t r a int w i llp revent i n ju r y o r death i n a par t i cu lar c rash . H ow ever,com bined w i th care fu l d r i v ing, p ro per use o f a ch i ld

    rest r aint can low er a chi ld s r i sk o f in jur y or death inm o st cr ashes.

    Yo ur chi ld s safety is w or th the t ime i t w i ll take to readand fo l low these i nst r uc t i ons . A f te r r ead ing, i f you s t il lhave quest io ns or have any pro blems w i th t h is chi ldres t ra in t , p l ease con tac t o ur C onsumer Re lat i onsD epa r t m en t a t :

    Be fo re Yo u Be gin .. . Table of Contents

    W ar n in gs..........................................................................................2- 4Re gist r at io n and Re call ....................................................................5W arm W eath er U se and A irc r aft Installat io n ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .5K no w Yo ur Veh ic le ........................................................................6- 7

    C hi ld Re st r ain t Feat ur es ..............................................................8-9C ho o sing Rest r aint and Posit io n ................................................10Pr ep ar in g t he C hi ld Rest r ain t ....................................................11

    H ar ne ss/H ead r est H eigh t ..............................................12 -1 3Secur ing You r C h i ld in C h i ld Res t ra in t

    Puz zle Bu ck le Plat es ........................................................14- 15D u al Bu ck le Plat es ............................................................16 -1 7

    Rem o vin g C hil d Fro m C hil d Rest r aint ......................................18Re cli ni n g t he C hi ld Rest r ain t ......................................................19

    A d ju st in g A r m r est s ........................................................................19C ho o sing LA T C H o r Veh icle Bel t s..............................................20K no w ing You r Vehi cle Be lt s ....................................................21 -2 2Lo ck in g C lip ..............................................................................23 -2 4Re ar- Fac in g U se ..............................................................................25Re ar- Fac in g In st all at io n ..................................................................26

    Veh ic le Be lt ........................................................................27 -2 8LA T C H ................................................................................29 -3 2

    Fo r w ar d -Faci ng U se ......................................................................33Fo r w ar d -Fac in g In st allat io n ..........................................................34

    Veh ic le Be lt ........................................................................35 -3 6LA T C H ................................................................................37 -3 9

    A dju st in g t he Top A nch o r age (Tet her ) Str ap ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .40Be lt -Po sit io ni ng Bo o st er U se ....................................................41Re m o vi ng Seat Base ......................................................................42H ar ne ss Re m o val ......................................................................43- 44Bel t -Po siti o nin g Bo o ste r Inst allati o n ....................................45 -4 6Re in st all H ar ne ss and Base ....................................................47 -4 8Pad Re m o val fo r C le ani ng ......................................................49 -5 0Tr o ub le Sho o t in g ............................................................................51W ar r an t y ..........................................................................................52Rep lacem en t O r de r Fo r m ......................................................53 -5 4


    Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc.W ebsit e: w w w .d m

    Fax : 1 -800-207 -8182

    M ailin g A d d r ess: D o r el Ju ven ile G r o u p, In c.

    P.O . Box 2609C o l um bus, I N 47202 - 2609

    Telepho ne: 1 -800-544 -1108

    7 A .M . t o 6 P.M . EST M - T H7 A.M . to 4 :30 P.M . EST FRI

    O n the back o f th e she l l ther e i s an exp i ra t i on da te fo ruse o f t h i s c h il d r est r ai n t . D o no t use t h i s seat a ft e rt he ex p i r a t i on da t e .

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  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt



    Do not use this child restraint if themidpoint of your childs head is above thetop of the child restraints headrest.

    Dorel Juvenile Group does not recommendthe use of any child restraint accessoriesexcept those recommended by DJG.

    Never allow any child to play with thischild restraint; it is not a toy.

    Secure the top anchorage strap (tether)provided with this child restraint as specified

    in both the vehicle and child restraintmanufacturer's instructions.

    Do not remove any of the warning labelsor other labels on the child restraint.

    Placing you child in a hot child restraintmay result in burns.

    Read instructions for other warnings.


    C hi ld res t r a ints co uld be r ecal led for safety r easons.Yo u

    m ust register th is rest r a int t o be reached in a recal l.Send your name,address and the rest ra int s modelnumb er and m anufac tu r i ng date t o :

    D or e l Juven il e Gr oup, Inc .PO B o x 2 6 0 9 , C o l u m b u s, IN 4 7 20 2 -2 6 09A t tn : C onsumer Re lat i ons o r v isi t w w w.d jgusa.comor cal l 1-800-544-1108

    For r ecal l i n fo r mat i on , cal l t he U .S. G overnm ent ' s

    Vehic le Safety Hot l ine at 1-888-327-4236 (TTY:1-800-424 - 9153 ) , o r go t o h t t p :/ / w w w .N H T SA .gov .

    Regis tra t io n and Recall Info rm atio n

    Th is res t ra int i s cer t i fied for a irc r aft use only w hen usedw i th the inter nal harness. D o no t use as a bel t -posi t ioning seat because aircraft seats do not havesho ulder bel ts . U se on for w ard- fac ing ai rc raft seats only

    and in a po si t ion w here t he lap bel t can be t ightenedsecurely.This child restraint is instal led in an aircraft seatthe same way i t is instal led in the vehicle.

    U se the chi ld res t ra int on ly w i th F.A .A . cer t i fiedequipment .Contact the a i r l ine pr ior to tak ing a chi ldrest r ain t on board i n o r der t o com ply w i th the i r spec if icregulat ions.

    Aircraft Insta lla t io n

    Warm Weather Use

    To avoid your child being seriously burned, takethe following precautions:

    1. Park i n the shade or w here sun do es no td i rec t ly h i t the chi ld res t ra int .

    2 . C over t he ch il d r est r ai n t w i th a sheet o r b l anke twhen no t i n use .

    3.Check for hot seat and buck les before p lac ing chi ld inchi ld r est r a int .

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    Your vehicles features may be considerably di f ferent thantho se p i ctu r ed here . C onsu lt yo ur veh i cl e ow ner s m anualto help ident i fy your vehicles speci f ic features.

    Und erst an d ing You r Veh icle







    A.Anchor Bracket

    For Top A ncho rage St r ap(For w ard-Facing O nly)

    B.LATCH Anchors( In seat bight)

    C. Seat Buckles

    D.Air Bag

    (Co nsu l t your veh ic leow ner s m anual for all airbag locat ions)

    E.Seat Bight(W here seat cush ionsm ee t )

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    Child Res traint Parts

    A. Headrest/HarnessAdjusting Levers

    B. Pillow (optional)

    C. Adjustable HeadRest

    D. Infant Insert(optional)

    E. Harness Covers(optional)

    F. Harness Retainer

    G. Buckle Plate

    H. Buckle

    I. Side Pad (optional)

    J. Harness ReleaseLever

    K. Recline Lever

    L. HarnessAdjustment Strap

    M. Removable Base

    F r o n t










    L M


    N. Shoulder BeltGuide

    O. Top Anchorage(Tether) Strap &Hook

    P. Locking Clip(behind harness)

    Q. Splitter Plate

    R. Instructions

    S. LATCH Belt(may be betweenpad and shell)

    T. Cup Holder(optional)

    U. Folding Armrests











  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt


    Choosing Restraint and Posit ion

    Your chi ld s height ,weight and age determine how yourchi ld r est r a int should be p laced in t he vehic le and w hichrest ra int should be used.

    5-35 lbs (2.3-16 kg)19-36 in. (48-91 cm)

    Rear-Facing using5-point harnessC hi ld and chi ld res t r a intface th e back o f the vehicleand are placed in the backseat.

    40-100 lbs (18.1-45.4 kg)43-52 in.(110.1-132.1 cm)and Over 1 Year Old

    Belt-positioning boosterusing vehiclelap/shoulder beltcombinationC hi ld and chi ld res t r a intface the f ront of the vehic leand are placed in the backseat . 5 - po in t H ar ness andBase are removed.

    22-40 lbs (10.1-18 kg)34-43 in. (85.1-110 cm)and Over 1 Year Old

    Forward-Facing using5-point harnessC hi ld and chi ld res t r a intface the f ro nt o f the vehic le

    and are placed in the backseat.


    Pre p aring Child Res t ra in t t o Fit

    You r Child


    3 Press on harness retainerre lease but ton and pul lapar t .

    Lo o sen harn ess by pushingdow n o n t he har nessrelease lever whi le pul l ingout on harness.

    You MUST make these adjustments with your childbefore you install the child restraint in the vehicle.

    Make sure LATCH be l tpackaging is pul led fr ee o fchi ld restraint shel l .


    Fo r e it he r s t y le A o r B , p r es s r ed bu t t on onbuck le to re lease thebuck le plates. Placeharness over sides of chi ldrest ra int .

    4 A B

    con t inued on nex t page .

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    Rear-Facing Position:H arness guide m ust beeven with or just belowthe shoulders .

    I f the harness is above thechi ld s sho ulders w i th t heheadrest in the lowestpos i t i on , do not use thischi ld r est r a int . U se an infantchi ld res t r a int instead.

    HarnessG u i de


    Forward-Facing Position:H arness guide m ust be even with or just above t he

    shoulders .I f the harness is below the chi ld s sho ulders w i th t heheadrest in the 4th h ighest pos i t ion, the chi ld weighs atleast 40 lbs . (18.1 kg) and is over 1 year o ld,conver tthe seat to a bel t -pos i t ion ing booster .

    Check Harness/Headrest Height

    5 Place t he chi ld s bot to m andback f lat against t he ch i ldrest r aint .T his w i ll increasec om f o r t and al low t heharness to p ro per l y t i gh ten .

    6D e t e r m i ne w h i ch o f t hethree avai lable buckle slotsi s bo t h com for tab le andsnug. R e fe r t o R em o v al o fH arness and Remo val o fBase to adjust buck le.

    Infant Insert (optional):W hen using i nser t (A ),make sure inser t does notcover your infant s face inany w ay. Remo ve the inser tfor o lder babies andto dd ler s .To remo ve the

    inser t ,un th read theharness fro m harnessbracket (see bel t-pos i t ion ing boostersec t ion) , r emo ve inser t , andret hread harness. Reverseto replace inser t .

    Harness Covers (optional): Harness covers (B ) helpprov ide comfor t to the neck .For Harness Covers to f i tcor rect ly ,you may have to f i t the upper ends of thecovers thr o ugh the h arn ess slots . Remo val i s the same asfor the infant inser t .

    Side Pads (optional): Side pi l lows (C ) help keep chi ldsnugl y in t he ch i ld r est r at i n t . To remo ve,unbuck leharness and remove side pi l lows.


    Make sure metal baris locked intoposition. Failure todo this can result inserious injury or


    8 Rotate headrest /harnessad just i ng l evers in . M ovehead r est up o r dow n t oadjust . M ake sure h eadr estis locked int o p lace.NOTE:The highestpos i t ion is for bel t -

    posi t ioning use only.






  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt


    Secu ring You r Child in the Child

    Res t ra in t ; Puzzle Buckle Pla t e s


    Fi t top buck le p late overb o t t o m b u ck le p lat e . T h econnect ion should be f la t .

    Posi t ion harness straps overthe chi lds shoulders.


    Hold latch p lates togetherw i th one hand and buck lew i th the o ther . Push l atchplates in to buck le unt i l youhear a c l i ck . Pull up o nharness to m ake surebuck le is locked.



    NOTE: D epend ing on y ou r m ode l , f o l low t heunbuck l ing and b uck l ing steps that m atches your buck leplates.

    WARNING:Failure to fasten and tighten the harnesssystem correctly and snugly can result inserious injury or death.


    Po si t ion the harnessret a iner at m id-chest (evenw i th arm p i t s) , aw ay fr o mthe chi lds neck.

    5 Snap the harness retainertoge ther .


    Pul l on harness adjustments t rap to t ighten harnesssnugly.

    NOTE: A snug st r apsho uld no t a l low any slack.It l ies in a relativelys t ra ight l ine w i thoutsagging. I t do es not presso n t he chi ld s flesh o r pushthe chi ld s body int o anunnatura l pos i t ion.


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    Secu ring You r Child in the Child

    Res t ra in t ; Dual Buckle Pla t es

    NOTE: D epend ing on y ou r m ode l , f o l low t heunbuck l ing and b uck l ing steps that m atches your buck leplates.

    1 Posi t ion harness strapsover the chi ld s sho ulders .

    Push each buckle plateinto buck le unt i l you heara c li ck . R em em ber t oalways pul l up on harnessst raps to make surebuckle is locked t ight ly.


    3 Pull o n h ar ness adjustm ents t rap to t ighten harnesssnugly.

    NOTE: A snug st r apshould no t a l low any s lack.It l ies in a relativelys t ra ight l ine w i thoutsagging. I t do es not presson the chi lds f lesh or pushthe chi ld s body int o anunnatura l pos i t ion.


    WARNING:Failure to fasten and tighten the harnesssystem correctly and snugly can result inserious injury or death.

    Po si t ion the harnessret a iner at m id-chest (evenw i th arm p i t s) , aw ay fr o mthe chi lds neck.

    4Snap the harness retainertoge ther .



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    Rem ov in g Your Child Fro m the

    Child Rest raint

    Press on release button andpul l apart.1

    3Push down on harnessrelease but to n w hi le pul l ingup on harness straps abovethe latch p lates to loo sen.Remo ve child .

    Fo r e it he r s t yl e A o r B ,p ress red bu t to n on buck leto re lease the buck leplates.

    2 A B



    This chi ld restraint has 3rec l ine pos i t ions whenused wi th the base:U pr ight and Semi- rec l ined

    ( fo rw ard fac ing on ly) andRecl ined.

    Rear-facing - Must beful ly recl ined.

    Forward-Facing - Semi-rec li ned o r upr i gh t .

    Belt-PositioningBooster - M ust be fu l ly -upr i gh t .

    Reclin in g the Child Res t ra in t

    To fu l l y rec l ine,pul l out onhand le and push to p o fchi ld r est r a int back.

    For upr i gh t pos i t i on ,pu l lou t on hand le and pu l lch i ld r est r a int u p.



    3 To r o t ate a rmr ests up o rdow n , pu ll ou t o n ar m andr o t at e . M ak e su r e

    armrests lock in to p lace.

    Ro ta t in g Arm re s t s

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt



    Choosing LATCH or Vehicle Belts

    The LATC H Sy s t e m

    A nc ho r ba r s

    Vehicle Belts

    I f LA T C H i s no t an op t i on ,you wi l l use your vehiclesbe l t s. In mos t cases youw i ll use the lap/shoulderb e lt c o m b in at i o n . T h e r eare som e vehic le bel ts t hat

    w i ll no t w o r k w i t h a c h il drest r ain t o r w i ll r equ irespec ial at t en t i on . See nex tpage fo r speci ficins t ruct ions.

    L AT C H m e an s Lo w e rAnchors and Tethers fo r

    CH i ld ren . N ot al l veh ic lesmanufac tu red be fo r eSeptember 2002 wereequ ipped w i t h LA T C H .

    T he LA T C H sy st em al low sa chi ld res t ra int to besecured in th e vehic lewi thout us ing the vehic le

    be lt system and can O N LYbe used in vehicles thathave the anchor barsinstal led.

    Check your veh i c l e ownersmanual to see whichseating posi t ions may beequ ipped w i t h t he LA T C H


    N ot al l veh i cl e be lt s w i ll wo rk w i th th i s ch i ld r est r ai n t .You must determine i f your vehic les bel ts are compat ib lew i th th i s ch i ld r est r ai n t . I f you w i ll use the LATC Hsy st em , r e fe r t o t he LA T C H sect i on .

    ELR - Emergency Locking Retractor BeltsD ef in i t ion :T hese bel ts o nly lock in a sudden s to p o rcrash.To see i f yo u have th is type o f bel t , pul l on the lapbe l t , l e t i t r e tu r n par t w ay, then pu l l on i t again . I f i tm oves f reely, i t i s an ELR bel t and t he chi ld res t r a intcou ld work l oose dur i ng norma l d r i v i ng .Refer to yourvehicle ow ner s m anual.

    ELR shoulder bel ts e i ther requi re a lock ing c l ip or cannot

    be used w i th any child res t r a int . Note:Yo u m ay use anELR lap and sho ulder bel t w hen u sing th is chi ld r est r a intas bel t -pos i t ion ing booster ;no lock ing c l ip i s requi red.

    ELR lap-o nly bel ts must be r eplaced w i th a m anual bel t ;con t ac t your veh i cl e deale r. A l ock ing c li p w i ll no tcor rec t th i s p rob lem.

    Automatic/Passive vehicle seat beltsA uto m at ic (pass ive) 2-point bel t has no lap bel t .Yo u m ust

    instal l a lap bel t to secure a chi ld restraint.You may alsoneed to ins ta l l an ext ra lap bel t for an automat ic 3-pointbe l t . Re fe r t o the veh ic les ow ner s manual . A l ock ing c li pw i l l no t cor rec t th i s p rob lem.

    Vehicle belt too shortContact your vehic le dealer for a seat bel t ex tender .

    Belts in center of the door or side panel (A) ormiddle of the vehicle seat cushion (B).

    You mus t m ove the ch i ldres t ra in t to ano t her seat i nglocat ion.A lock ing c l ip w i l lno t f ix t h i s p ro b lem.

    See Locking Cl ips sect ion

    Know in g Your Vehic le Belt s

    A B

    21 con t inued on nex t page .

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt


    22 23

    Buck le

    Tw ist vehic le seat b el t andla tch p la te (o r buck le )

    Latch p late


    Failure to check and adjust the manual beltas described above can result in seriousinjury or death.



    Manual Belts

    Manual lap bel ts arec om m on i n t he c en t e r r earseat and can al low the chi ldrest r ain t to l oosen when i ti s t i lt ed o r j ar r ed . A f t ert ightening the lap bel tsecurely, t i l t and push thech il d r es t ra in t fo rw ard andto bo t h si des. I f noloosen ing occurs , your ch il drest ra int should be secure.

    I f loosening does occur ,dothe fo l lowing: I f the latchp late s li des on the be l t , tu r n

    the latch p late over . I f thebuck le sl ides, tu r n t hebuck le. Refasten the vehic lelap bel t .The re lease but tonshould face out aftertwist ing so that i t is easy toreach in an emergency.

    I f the l ap be l t co n t i nues tol oos en , t he c h il d r es t r a in t

    m u s t b e m o v e d t o an o t h e rl oca t i on i n th e veh ic l e .Alock ing c l i p w i l l no t cor rec tt h i s p r o b l em ; see you rvehic le owner s manual .



    T hread bo th vehic le lapand shoulder bel ts throughthe s lot (as sho w n) ando u t o t h er sid e . B u ck le .

    Pul l up on shoulder bel tunti l al l slack is out and lapbel t is t ight.

    Grasp both vehic le bel tsto ge ther j us t beh ind thelatch p late and unbuck le.

    NOTE: I f the latch plateends up behind t he chi ldrest ra int ,grasp the bel ts tothe outs ide of the chi ldrest r ain t , as c lose to thelatch plate as po ssible.

    Lo ckin g Clip

    NOTE: The lock ing c l ip is located on the back of the seat.You do not need a lock ing c l ip when us ing th is seat as abe l t -pos it ion ing boo ster .Remo ve the lock ing c lip w hen the seat be l t i s no t be ingused w i th a ch i ld r est r a in t . A lock ing cl ip w i l l no t f ix a l l

    types o f seat be l t p r ob lem s.Befor e you pu t your ch ild res t ra in t in the veh ic le ,buck le thelap /shou lder be l t . Pu ll on t he lap be l t por t ion . I f i t loo sens ors lips, you m ust e i ther use a lock ing c l ip to ho ld the seat bel tt igh t o r m ove the ch i ld res t ra in t to ano t her seat ing loca t ion .

    3 Thread bo th por t i ons o f thevehicle bel t onto the lockingclip.Position locking cl ipabout 1 in . (2.5 cm) f ro mvehicle belts buckle p late .

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    Rear-Facin g Use

    Lap/Shoulder Bel t

    L AT C H B elt


    Lap Belt




















    Refer to the C hoo singRestraint and Posi t ionsec t ion to de te rm ine ifyour chi ld should be inthe rear- facing posi t ion.


    This child restraint must always face therear of the vehicle and be in the fully

    reclined position when the child weighsbetween 5-35 lbs. (2.3-16 kg) and is lessthan one year old.

    Never place a child rear-facing ina seating position with an activefrontal airbag.

    5 Rebuck le bel t .Lap bel tpo r t i on shou l d now bet igh t . If n o t , r e m o v elocking cl ip and repeat al lsteps.

    Pos i t ion lock ing c l ip abo ut1 i n . ( 2 .5 cm ) f r om veh ic lebel t s buckle plate.


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    You may need to r em ovethe base for nar row vehic leseats or ai r l ine use. See Remo ving Base in Belt -Pos i t ion ing Boo stersect ion.To use the chi ld restraintrear- facing wi thout base,make sure recl ine stand isfo lded under seat .

    A loose top anchorage (tether) strap canresult in serious injury or death.

    Loose LATCH hooks can result in injury ordeath.

    A f te r d ec id ing wheth er to use your Veh i cl e Be lt s o rLATC H , be sure to r ead the warn ings be low as theyper t ain to bo t h system s.

    Rear-Facin g Ins ta lla t io n

    NOTE:D o n o t u se t h etop anchorage s t rap in therear - facing po s it io n.T hetop anchorage s t rap andhook should be p lacedunder the ch i l d r est r ai n t .

    W h en L AT C H is n o tavai lable, fas ten bel t ho o ksto ge ther beh ind the ch i ldrest ra int as shown.




















    T hread th e vehicle lap o rlap/shoulder bel tcom binat i on th ro ugh therear- facing bel t s lo t.


    Rear-Facin g Ins ta lla t io n w it h

    Vehicle Belt:

    27 con t inued on nex t page .



    Place chi ld r estraint rear-facing in the back seat.W i th ch il d r est r ai n t in the

    most rec l ined pos i t ion,m ake sur e level lines onsho ulder bel t guide arelevel w i th gro und. A d justchi ld restraint i f needed.NOTE: Tuck to panchor age st r ap and hoo kunder the base or chi ldrest ra int .


    Thread vehicle seat bel tunder pad i n fr o n t o fc ro tch s t r ap to theoppos i te s ide.Buck levehicle bel t .Do not place vehiclebelt over childs legs.


  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt



    W i th w eakest hand at be l tpath, t i l t and push the chi ldrest r ain t fo r w ard and back ,and f r om side to si de . I fthe seat bel ts do notl oo sen, your ch il d r est r ai n tshould be secure.

    NOTE: Som e p lay f rom

    front to back or about aninch from side to side isacceptable.I f i t m ovesm o r e , r ev iew K now ing

    your Vehicle Bel ts and T he Lo cking Cl ip sect ions.

    Af ter check ing for hot seat and buck les,secure chi ld asdescr ibed in Secur ing Yo ur C hi ld in the C hi ld Restr aint sect ion.


    WARNING!Using the child restraint in any vehicle seatwhere the lap belt cannot be tightenedsecurely and properly or where it can beloosened by pulling on it can result inserious injury or death.

    4 Push dow n f irm ly on t hechi ld r est r a int and pul l upon be l t t o t i gh t en . Fo r am anual be lt , r e fer t o K now ing your Veh i cl eBe lt sec t i on . Pu l l up o nshou lder s t r ap to r emove

    any slack.




















    D o n o t u se t h e LA T C Hsystem along w i th the

    adul t lap o r lap/shoulderbel t .

    To th read LATCH be l t s :

    Pul l the seat pad off thef ron t cor ners o f she ll .


    Reach under pad,pul l oneL AT C H h o o k b e t w e enrear harness slot andbuckle strap.

    LA T C H ad j ust e r c an beon e i ther s ide , bu t be l tshou ld no t be tw i s ted .

    R ou t e en t ir e LA T C H be ltth ro ugh the upper s lo t i nside o f shel l.



    Rear-Facin g Ins ta lla t io n w it h

    LATCH: Ins ta ll LATCH Belt

    con t inued on nex t page .

    NOTE: In so m e cases, youmay need to pul l the pad offthe f ront corner andexpose the bel t path.Tighten bel t through bel tpath slot . Replace pad oncorner .

    NOTE: Locking cl ip issho w n ins ta lled.

    P h L A T C H h k

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt



    4 Pu sh L A T C H h o o kthr o ugh the r ear- fac ingbel t path s lot .

    Push LAT C H hookth ro ugh the o t her r ear-facing bel t path slot.


    Put seat pad back overcorners of shel l .

    Comple ted th read ing o ft he LA T C H sy st em .





















    Fasten o ne LATC H be l thoo k t o t he anc ho r i n t hevehicle seat located in theveh i cl e seat b i gh t . Repeatfo r o t her s ide o f ch il drest r ain t . See your veh ic leow ner s m anual fo r m or ein fo rmat i on .

    Push dow n f ir m l y on thechi ld restra int and pul l upon t he l oop to t i gh ten be lt .

    Rear-Facin g Ins ta lla t io n w it h

    LATCH: Ins ta ll in Vehic le



    con t inued on nex t page .

    Pul l o ther end o f LATCHh o o k under pad in f ro nto f c ro tch s t r ap to theop po si te s ide.Do not place LATCHbelt over childs legs.


    NOTE: In som e cases, youmay need to pul l the padof f the fro nt cor ner andexpose the bel t path.Tighten bel t through bel tpath s lot . Replace pad oncorner .



    Place chi ld restr aint rear-facing in the back seat.W i th ch il d r est r ai n t i n themost rec l ined pos i t ion,m ake sur e level lines onsho ulder bel t guide arelevel w i th gro und. A d justchi ld restraint i f needed.NOTE:Tuck to panchor age st r ap and hoo kunder the base or chi ldrest ra int .


    W i th k t h d t b l t

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt


    W i th w eakest hand at be l tpath, t i l t and push t he chi ldrest ra int forward and back,and f rom s ide to s ide. I f theLA T C H be lt s do no t l oosen ,your ch i ld r est r ai n t shou ldbe secure.

    NOTE: Som e p lay f romfront to back or about an

    inch fro m side to side is acceptable. I f the chi ld restraintdoes not rem ain t ight , do not use the chi ld res t ra int in th isseating locat ion wi th this LATCH system.


    To remove LATCH:Remove ch i l d f r om ch i l dr e st r a in t . Pr e ss d o w nf irm ly on ad juste r si de o fch i ld r est r a in t and p ressre lease bu t to n to r e l easet e nsio n . U n h o o k LA T C Hf rom bar by squeez ingspr ing lever and tw is th o o k .



    A f te r check ing fo r ho tseat and buck les, placeinfant in chi ld res t ra int .

    See Secur ing your chi ldin the chi ld res t ra int sect ion.


    Loose LATCH hooks could cause serious

    injury or death.Using this child restraint in any vehicle seatwhere the LATCH belts cannot betightened securely and properly or where itcan be loosened by pulling on it can resultin serious injury or death.
























    Forw ard -Facin g Use

    Lap/Shoulder Bel t

    L AT C H B elt

    Lap Belt

    WARNING:!Using this child restraint in any vehicleseat where the lap or LATCH belts cannot

    be tightened securely and properly orwhere it can be loosened by pulling on itcan result in serious injury or death.

    For vehicles with an air bag, but without aback seat, refer to your vehicle ownersmanual.


    Refer to the C hoo singRestraint and Posi t ionsect ion to make sureyour chi ld i s at theproper w e igh t andheight to face forward.


  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt



    A f te r dec id ing whether to use your Veh i cl e Be lt s o rLATCH,be sure to r ead the warn ings be low as theyper t ain to bo t h system s.

    Forw ard -Facin g Ins ta lla t io n

    You may need to r em ovethe base for nar row vehic leseats or ai r l ine use. See Remo ving Base in Belt -Pos i t ion ing Boo stersect ion.NOTE:To instal l the childrest ra int w i thout the base,ro ta te rec li ne stand dow n

    and ou t , then push up tol ock .

    Loose LATCH hooks can result in seriousinjury or death.

    W h en L AT C H is n o t b e in gused, fasten be l t ho ok sto ge ther beh ind the ch i ld

    rest ra int as shown.

























    Forw ard -Facin g Ins ta lla t io n w it h

    Vehicle Belts:


    2 Place o ne kn ee in thechi ld r est r a int and pushdow n f irm ly wh i l e pu ll ingu p o n b elt t o t igh t e n. Fo ra manual be lt , r e fer to K now ing your Veh i cl e

    Be lt sec t i on .

    Connec t top anchoragest r ap to the anchorbracket .

    To A d j ust and o t he r t o panchorage s t rapi n f o r m a t i on : S ee

    A d just i ng To p A ncho rage St r ap sec t i on .NOTE: I f yo ur veh ic l e does no t have an anchorb r ac ke t , t uc k t he t op anc ho r age st r ap and ho okunder the base o r ch i l d r es t ra i n t .


    35 con t inue on nex t page .

    Place child restraint flushagainst t he back o f thevehicle seat forward-

    facing in th e back seat.The recl ine posi t ion is tobe used only to instal l thechild restraint flush againstthe back of the vehicleseat back, i f needed.

    T hread t he vehic le lapbel t or lap/shoulder bel tcombina t i on th rough the

    be l t path and ou t o thersid e . B u ck le .

    W i t h w eak est hand at t he

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt



    W i t h w eak est hand at t hebe lt pa t h , t i lt and pus h t hech i ld r est r a in t f r o m s idet o si d e. If t h e L AT C Hb e lt s d o n o t l o o se n , y o u rc h il d r est r ai n t shou l d besecure .

    NOTE: Som e p lay f r omfr on t t o bac k o r abou t aninch f rom side to side isacceptable. I f i t movesm o r e , r e vie w K n o w in gYo ur Vehicle Bel ts andThe Lock ing C l i p sect ions.


    WARNING!Using this child restraint in any vehicle seatwhere the lap belt cannot be tightenedsecurely and properly or where it can beloosened by pulling on it can result inserious injury or death.

    A f te r check ing fo r ho tseat and buckles,placeyour chi ld in the chi ldres t ra in t as desc r i bed inthe Secur ing Yo ur C hi ld inthe Chi ld Restra int sect ion.

























    Forw ard -Facin g Ins ta lla t io n w it h

    LATCH Belt : Insta ll LATCH Belt s

    1 NOTE: D o n o t u seLATCH sys tem a longw i th the adu lt l ap o r

    lap/shoulder bel t .R ou t e LA T C H be l tth ro ugh upper sl o t i n si deo f shel l.

    2 Pu ll one LA T C H hoo kacro ss the back and o utthe o t her s ide .

    The LATCH ad jus te r canbe on e i ther s i de ,bu t thebe lt shou ld no t betw i s ted .


    Place child restraint flushagainst t he back o f thevehicle seat forward-facing in th e back seat.The recl ine posi t ion is tobe used only to instal l thechild restraint flush againstthe back of the vehicleseat back, i f needed.

    Fasten o ne LATC H be l thoo k t o t he anc ho r i n t he

    vehicle seat located in theveh i cl e seat b i gh t . Repeatfo r o t her s ide o f ch il dr est r a in t . See y ou rvehicle o w ner s manualfo r l oca t i ons and m or ein fo rmat i on .

    NOTE: Locking cl ip issho w n ins ta lled.


    37 con t inued on nex t page .

    Place o ne kn ee in th e chi ld FA f te r check ing fo r ho t

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt



    5Place o ne kn ee in th e chi ldrest r ain t and push dow nf ir m ly wh i le pul l ing up onthe l oop to t i gh ten be l t .

    Connec t top anchoragest r ap to the anchorbracket .To A d just : see sec t i on o n A d just i ng Top A nchor ageSt rap .


    W i t h w eak est hand at be l tpat h , t i l t and pus h t hec h il d r es t r a in t f o r w ar dand back and s ide to s ide.I f the seat b e l t s do no tl oos en , y ou r c h i l dr e st r a in t sh o u l d b esecure .

    NOTE: Som e p lay f r omf ron t t o back o r an i nch o rtw o f r o m s ide to si de isacceptable.

    I f the chi ld res t ra int doesno t r em a in t i gh t , do no tuse the chi ld res t r a int inth is seat ing locat ion w i thth i s LATCH sys tem.



    LATCH hooks MUST be securely fastened.Failure to do this can result in injury ordeath.

























    To remove LATCH:Remove ch i l d f r om ch i l dr e st r a in t . Pr e ss d o w nf irm ly on ad juste r si de o fch i ld r est r a in t and p ressre lease bu t to n to r e l easet e nsio n . U n h o o k LA T C Hf rom bar by squeez ing

    spr ing lever and tw is th o o k .


    A f te r check ing fo r ho tseat and buck les, placechi ld in chi ld res t ra int .See Secur ing You r C hi ldin the Chi ld Restra int sect ion.



    Ad j i h A h

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    40 41





























    R efe r t o t he C hoos ingRestraint and Posi t ionsect ion to make sureyour chi ld i s at t hepro per w e igh t andheight to use the bel t -po si t ion ing boo ster .

    Lap/Shoulder Bel t


    Loose LATCH hooks can result in injuryor death.

    Be lt -Pos it io nin g Boost er Use

    D o n o t u se LA T C Hwhen us ing the Bel t -Po si t ion ing Bo oster .

    You MUST fasten theL A T C H b e lt h o o k sto ge ther beh ind seat .

    W hen your ch il d is over40 l bs. (18 .1 kg) o r 43(110.1 cm) and over 1year o l d ,you mus tremove the harness andth e base and use t his seatas a bel t-posi t ioningboos te r .

    The top anchorage s t rap is used for the forward- fac ingpos i t ion only .

    M ost vehic les m ade af ter 9/1/99 a l ready have the ancho r

    har dw ar e f o r a t o p anc ho r age st r ap. R e fe r t o y ou row ner s manual or cal l yo ur dealer .

    Storage of Top Anchorage Strap:Rear-facing position: Place t op anchor agest r ap o ver the back o f the ch i ld r est r ai n t w i ththe anchor h oo k secured under the base o r ch il drest ra int .

    Belt-Positioning Booster position: Placeto p anchor age st r ap beh ind the seat w i th the

    anchor hook under the sea t .

    Ad ju s t in g the Top Anchorage


    Pul l looseend tot ighten

    L i ft up toloosen

    To Attach TopAnchorage Strap:A t t ach hoo k t o ancho r i nvehicle.

    To Adjust TopAnchorage Strap:To tighten; Put knee inchi ld r est r a int and pushd o w n . Pu ll o n f r ee en dof top anchorage s t rap.

    To loosen; L i ft up o ntop anchorage lock andpush l oc k t ow ar d t o panchor age ho ok .

    R l f S BB


    R l f H

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt



    Move seat to fu l l yrec l ined pos i t ion.Push

    dow n on t ab on r i gh tside of base (A ).

    Fr om t he o t he r s ide ,push on bar (B) and pul lthe bar comple te l y ou t .

    Base must be removed for use asBelt-Positioning Booster.

    Rem oval of Sea t Base


































    Rem oval o f Harness

    Fro m t he back o f theseat , unfasten harnessf rom harness bracket .

    Sto re t he b r acke t byinser t ing into hole inback of shel l .



    Pull harn ess thro ugh thes lo ts f r om the f r on t .

    U nthr ead harness f r omthe harness reta iner .

    U nthr ead harness f r omthe buck le p lates.

    Pul l harness out of shel l .


    Harness must be removed for use as aBelt-Positioning Booster.

    Pul l on recl ine lever andl i ft shel l o ff base. Sto rebar in base for futur e use.

    4 Fr om bo t t om o f seat ,B


    B lt P it i i B t

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt



    5Inser t m etal cl ip upthrough the shel l and pad.

    4 ,locate buckles metal c l ip.






























    Be lt -Pos it io nin g Boos t er

    Ins ta lla t io n



    3Place BO TH shou lder andlap b elt acro ss childs

    th ighs. Lock buck le .

    con t inued on nex t page .

    Fr om t he f r on t , pu ll buck l ef ree f ro m shel l and p ad.Lo ck latch p lates in to

    buck le fo r fu tu re use .



    Use only the vehicles lap and shoulderbelt system when restraining the child inthis booster seat. Failure to do this canresult in serious injury or death.

    Place booster seatagainst the back of thevehic le seat .Tuck t he t o panchor age hoo k undert he r ec li ne st and . H av echi ld s i t in seat w i th h isback and bo t t om fu ll y inthe seat .

    C h i ld r es t ra in t m ust bein the fu l l upr ightpos it i on . R o t a t e r ec li ne

    stand out and pushupw ar d t o l oc k inpos i t i on .

    Secure the shoulder bel t4 Rein sta ll Harness and Base

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt




    Check vehicle instructionsfor more informationabout airbag/childrestraint use.

    Do Not Use only the lapbelt when using this seatas a belt-positioningbooster without theinternal harness.

    The shoulder belt mustalways be adjusted snuglyacross the childs chest.

    NEVER place the shoulder belt under thechilds arms.

    Failure to follow these warnings can resultin serious injury or death to your child.

    t h r o ugh one o f t henotches in the shoulderbel t guide.The bel tshould cro ss the base o fthe chi ld's neck andacross the chest (not the

    f ac e o r nec k ). Pu ll up onthe shou lder be l t tot ighten.

    C heck per iod ical ly toensure your chi ld has notm ov ed ou t o f pos it i on andloo sened the shou lderbe l t .



    Thr ead the harness dow nthro ugh s lo t on l ef t s ide o fshell (1 ) , ac r os s bo t t om o fseat (2 ) and up t h ro ughs lot on r ight s ide (3) .

    Thread one latch p lateon t o harness f r om back tof r on t (4 ) .Thread the

    harness retainer (5 ) . D othe same to the o therharness end.Make sure theharness is not tw is ted.

    Push harness ends t hro ughupper s lot s in shel l (6 ) .


    1 Reinstall Harness:

    Fi t the buck le st r ap do w nthr ough the sl o t i n theseat.


    Re in sta ll Harness and Base


    Failure to place buckles metal platecompletely through pad and shell can resultin serious injury or death to the child.

    Failure to reattach the harness correctly,can result in serious injury or death.

    con t inued on nex t page .







    Make sure buckle facesout and buckle cl ip is f lushagainst bot tom of shel l .

    4 Pull harn ess thro ugh the Rem ove Sea t Pad for Cleanin g

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt





    Fi t loo ps on harn ess endsont o the harness b racke t .

    gb ac k . M a ke su r e t h eharness go es O VER them e t al b ar, B ET W EEN m e t albar and plast ic handle ofthe harness/headrestadjuster .


    Reinstall Base:Remo ve bar f r om base .L ine up shel l w i th b ase.Begin w i th the ro undedend, push bar co m ple te lyth rough ho le ,s ta r t i ng onthe r ight side (A ),un t i l i tlocks in p lace.Refer to Remo val of Seat Base .



    Fr om bo t t om o f she ll ,release t he elast ic str aps at

    the bo t tom o f sea t and thelarge elast ic straps on theside o f seat.

    A d just back rest t o l ow estp o sit i o n . R em o v e b o t hlower harness guides (A )i n bo t t om o f seat under

    recl ine stand.Push harness guide l ipto w ard o u ts ide o f she llw i th one hand wh i l epul l ing harness guide fromt he f r on t w i t h t he o t he r.




    Rem ove Sea t Pad for Cleanin g

    Remove base and harness as descr ibed in the Be lt -Pos it i on ing Boo ste r sec t i on .

    Upper Harness Gu ides

    Lower Harness Gu ides


    Failure to place harness over the metal barof the harness/headrest adjuster in backcan result in serious injury or death.

    Pull pad of f the t o p o f seatd f f f h d t3

    Trouble Shooting

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt



    Fro m t he back , use asc rewd r i ver to p ress in o nl ip o f upper harness guidesand po p gu ides th rough thef ron t .Pu l l cover o f fheadrest .

    C lean w i th w arm sudsyw ater , r inse c lean and a i rd r y. D o n o t u se ble ac h o ruse ot her harsh c leaner s.

    and of f o f headr est .

    Pu l l pad o u t f r o m underbuck le cover and w or k i to f f the she l l. Sl ip o f farmrest pads.




    Replace seat pad by revers ing order ;put pad on headrestand r ep lace upper harness gu ides. Sta r t i ng f r om bo t to mof chi ld res t ra int ,s l ip pad on shel l ; tuck in pad aroundharness ad juste r and o ver upper be lt gu ides. M ake surepad is under headrest and r eplace low er harness guides.Rethr ead harness (see bel t -po si t ion ing boo ster sect ion ) .


    1. If your child restraint is not held securely by thebelt:

    Press down f i rmly on the chi ld restra int and remove al l thes lack in the bel t .Make sure the bel t buck le is not up againstthe ch i ld rest r ain t w here the be l t cannot be t igh tened.

    Review Lock ing Cl ip sect io n and Top A ncho rage Str apSec t ion . I f you cannot secure the ch ild res t ra in t t igh t ly,m ove i t t o ano t her seat ing loca t ion .

    2. If the child restraint buckle or harnessadjustment lever sticks or you cannot get the strapstight enough around child:

    D O N O T L U B R IC A T E. C h e c k ar o u n d l eve r a nd r e t r ac t o r

    fo r d ropped food ,s t icky sp i l led d r inks ,d i r t , leaves ,e tc . Cleanwi th warm wate r and /o r remove ob jec t w i th tweezers . If youcannot get the harness to adjust and remain t ight wi th thebuckle securely locked,do not use the chi ld restra int.

    3. If your harness twists or ropes: Str aighten t heharness each t ime you put your chi ld in the seat to helpprevent t w ist ing. Lock t he buck le and t igh ten harness and i tw i ll be ready fo r nex t use .

    4. If your infant sits too upright in the rear-facingposition: I f you r vehicle seat s lop es so m uch t hat yourinfant is s i t t ing upr ight,you may place a ro l led towel underthe f ro n t o f the ch i ld r est r ain t so tha t t he level l ine on t heshou lder be l t gu ide is level (hor izon t al ) .C heck o f ten t o besure padding is sti l l in place and the vehicle belt is tight.

    WARNINGUsing padding that tilts the base of the childrestraint farther back than the level-to-ground line can result in serious injury ordeath.

    Trouble Shooting


    Warranty Rep lacem ent Part s Ord er Form

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Omega Elite5pt


    52 53


    D or e l Juven i le Gr oup, Inc . (D JG) w ar ran ts th is p ro duc t t o t heor iginal ret a il pur chaser as fo l low s:T his prod uct is w arranted against defect ive m ater ia ls orworkmanship for seven years f rom the date of or ig inalpurchase. An original receipt is required to validateyour warranty. D JG w i ll , a t i t s op t ion , p rov ide rep lacement

    par t s o r rep lace th is p ro duc t . D JG reserves the r igh t t osubst i tute i f the par t or model has been discont inued.To make a c la im under th is warranty you may contact us atw w , fax u s at 1-80 0-207-8182 24 ho ur s a day,w r i t e t o D JG , C o nsum er R e lat i ons D epar t m en t , P. O . Box2609 , C o lum bus, IN 47202 -2609 , o r c al l 1 - 800 - 544 - 1108 f r om7:00 a .m. to 6 :00 p .m. EST M onday th ro ugh Thursday and f rom7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.on Fr iday. Proof of purchase isrequired and shipping charges are the responsibility ofthe consumer.

    W arranty Limitations:This warranty does not inc lude damages which ar ise f rommisuse or abuse of th is product .Limitation of Damages:T he w arranty and rem edies as set for th are ex clusive and inl ieu o f al l o t he r s, o r a l o r w r i t t en , ex p r essed o r im p l ied . In noevent w i l l D JG or the d ealer sel ling th is pro duct b e l iable toyou fo r any dam ages, inc luding inc idental or consequent ia ldamages,ar is ing out of the use or inabi l i ty to use th is product .

    Limitation of warranties and other warranty termsand state law rights:Any impl ied warrant ies, inc luding impl ied warrant ies of them erchantabi li ty and f i tness for a par t icular pur po se, shal l bel im i ted to t he dura t ion and te rm s o f t he express w r i t t enw ar r an ty. Som e sta tes do no t a llow l im i ta t ions as to ho w longan imp l ied w ar r an ty last s o r t he exc lusion o r l im i ta t ion o finc idental or consequent ia l damages,so the above l imitat ionsm ay not apply to you. T his w arranty g ives you speci fic legalr igh ts, and you may have o ther r igh ts, w h ich var y f rom sta te to

    sta te . N e i ther D JG nor t he deale r se l ling th is p ro duc tau tho r ized any person to c reate fo r i t any o ther w ar ran ty,ob l igat ion , o r l iab i li t y in connec t ion w i th t h is p roduc t .PLEA SE CO M PLETE A N D M A IL T H E PRE-AD D RESSEDO W N ER REG I ST R AT I O N C A R D W IT H IN ( 30 ) D A Y S O FPU R C H A SE TO EX PED I TE W A R RA N T Y C L A IM S A N D T OVERIFY TH E O RIG IN A L DAT E O F PU RCH A SE.

    Rep lacem ent Part s Ord er Form

    C o m p l et e t h e fo r m b e lo w . Yo u r m o d e l nu m b e r w i t h co l o rcode and manufac tu rer da te code M U ST be inc luded o n thefo r m t o ensu r e p r ope r r ep lac em en t par t s. You r m o de lnum be r w i t h c o lo r c ode and t he da t e c ode c an be f ound on ast icker on the s ide o f ch i ld res t ra in t . Payment in U .S. do l la rs

    m us t ac c om pany you r o r de r . C hoo se par t s needed fr om t hel ist o n the nex t page.R e t u r n t he fo r m w i t h pay m en t t o :

    Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc.Consumer Relations DepartmentP.O. Box 2609Columbus, IN 47202-2609

    Fax o r d e r s t o : 1 - 800 -207 - 8182

    Please make mo ney or der s payable to D o rel Juveni le Gro up,Inc . F il l in t he a rea be low to charge to V isa or M astercard .W e do no t acc ept pe r sona l c heck s o r D i sc ov er C ar d . A l lou t side o f U .S. and C anada M U ST use cred i t card .

    W e MUST have this informationto process your order:

    Model Number (5 digits & 3 letters): ______________Manufacture Date (mm/dd/yyyy): __________________

    Ship To (P lease Pr in t ) : ________ _____ ______ ______ _____ __

    N am e : ______________________________ ______________

    A dd r es s: __________________________________ ________

    C i t y : _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _

    St a t e / Pr ov inc e : __________________________Z ip ________

    Te lephone : _______________________________________ _

    Em a il A d d r e ss: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _