Almost 2 -1 - DigiFind-It...A Newipaper Deroted fo the Community Intercut Full Local Coverage T~,,JJ...

A Newipaper Deroted fo the Community Intercut Full Local Coverage T ~,,JJ Presented Fairly, dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete Newt Pictures Dl.XLI~No.43 PublUhsd WMUJ Carterot, if. J., Thursday, February 14, 1963 InUrwJ u ton Glut IUU At P O. OuMrtl. • J. PRICK TEN CENTS Council Against Oil Firm \t:rt'v To Halt FuiiWr lank Kx|iaiisioii In h :h. I .1. COItlMAN'O ordiano Named *lant Manager i\ I ': <N ph •'. Cur- ;>l.n\t Ki'lli'ial ii.lid Suti-.s L'ulllp.lliy. ut^diary of ciim»x, Inc., Coidiano i'llvui'luiic Ir.jrti-1 .:, n *lu ii" hr ob- ;IM \ ,nul master'* M<> •iijiniml EHK!-. i n minor In Mr*' Toiwru FAvvtiled CAKTF.RKT - "As fsir :1s T aiti concerned I am very saiis- llcd that the bluiii'st nml'nitv Ivrr doesn't want to lei Tirir- •mtiT cnmo in, nnd the bor- niit'h should act tn block the move." declared Couiu'llnuin Jnhii Hutnick to n rauiiclt.y '•nu'd of irntc citizens ut Ihe um Tuesday nlnhi. on the ONII to let, Tirtewiirtrv Oil 'I'uiv set ii|) fuel tanks in Hiro'ucli The Democratic majority, which had been accused of favoring this move, made it! elear In the words of Council- man Hutnldt that the Council, would go along with the wishes of the people. Thr Republican minority hud made Its decision ^ime time a«o that It was i agulnst more oil tanks locating! In the area. j Representatives of the com- pany were asked many ques-| lions about fire and explosion] hazards, truck traffic and the' tux structure The Tidewater people werei ____ undecided about what steps toi CARTERET - The imme- • now The concern holds diate need I o r a n e w industrial n "i>i'"n to put-chaw 66 acres ^'Rhway. covering thVwater- 'I opposite the Columbus; front ftrea8 of Carteret, which I b-tvi'en Roosevelt Av-' would rellev « 'he heavy truck :t!u| the waterfront, now *raffle presently ualng the nar- !>•• the cii-orge C Emery 10 * maln thoroughfares and formerly known as » dd the trough ratattes, T Williams Com-| was explained to Borough BudgetLost Almost 2 -1 In Carteret NEW APPOINTKF Former Mayor Stephen Skiha, second from left, this week herame the state-appuliited mrmbcr of the Carterct Housing Authority, as Commissioner H. Mat Adams, of the New Jersey Department of Conserva- tion and Economic Development administers the oath of office. Julius Heaman, left, chief of the State Housing Bureau, hold* the Bible. Al«o attending the ceremony and shown above in Charles Mesanazos, right, New Jersey Housing Council chairman. As one of the ilx members of the Carteret Housing Authority, Mr. 8klha will partici- pate In the development of programs to provide low- income housing for local families and In projects for clearing and redeveloped blighted areas tn the Borough. Industry Road Plans Outlined Editorial M,:\f& the V ':, Company iuiual rUmh Po-A'dcri depart ilv ne uinmgh the po*i- i:-iti-n()»nt. Metul IV miirhnsc rioo onn s Cotn| price Council * l ft speclal se8 * lon Chairmen Named For Heart Fimd CARTERET— Mrs. Elizabeth Touhey, general chalrinan of the Carteret Heart Fund has [Monday nlsht by H. Thomas announced her "Queen or the Tide- Carr 0O1 'o u B n engineer. ni told the Council! Using various charts and old assemblage that all 1 would be kept 1 • rullroad tracks and of the latest design, contact of air and onxlurt impossible so as to vir- tually eliminate thr risk of, Bre maps, which he had cov- ered over with the proposed routes, Carr Bald that this In ixl'lmon. Mi liiw.son ex- gested streets and would be a mlaliuid the facility would beiboon to various Industries now 'ptovidid with an overBll-self-|loe»ted along the waterfront. ,0. Miniclmt ftir extinTOishlngl His'plans call for the road ol'svstem A plavurouttd will bPheing built tn three stage*. He MetAU !<,-'""»•'"••d for Columbus Schoolaaid that he did this In con- * vh finiiiK Company, lus been pro- llnd wMm for its teachers.jslderatlon of how far the bor- JOI1N TOWrHS Jr . vice r .L4 la UlL' foiOkT Jomv Town '.vc of Kiuland. ,(..,. t a ,, d „,.,!,,,,, .. or. . Jif.'iiV. 16. ,,„. (?lllU , (1 lSl , lU , IK lie hMdr .M l':, t::i!:.•!(! H Pasipanki For Sixth Year (1(.,,L Company. of Hearts" ball committee. Mayor Andrew Banlck has been named honorary chair- man. Others listed are: Door comimttee, Councilman Wai- hiRhway would do much to the ter Sullivan and Mrs. Eleanor boroujh to raUe property val- Humlston: refreshment tickets eliminate safety hazards caused by. the constant moving of filg oil trucks on the con- Councilman Ji Qabf li.i US.MR mui-'d tu uir poM'ton ol prwi- alu1 '»'' frontaup on Roosevelt ough could go financially. His Ktat.i MrtaU Rr- A v w»w attiactively landscaped estimate of the complete and Keb- lll '' lt ' *'" °e a » Increase of approximate three-mile road iy frmn 170.000 to $100 000 In the,would be $1,234,580. r .,.|'-. lKJtl ' !l P'"d from the property| The engineer proposed that MPUI Climax,' 110 *'" t0 lhr ^rouRh without aithe highway be 40-feet wide in lo«d on scliools. -, .. -its lntial phase, allowing four, wlv. (no bifn plant " Thfl P i w n f n r e risk in thciteii-foot lanes on an 80-foot Walter Surov^a, Nick Koval Bntntek ^ti-i check KDOJH Amelia Lokos, Clarence McOlk- Us, Mary Rosenblum. Mary D'Aleuio and Mildred Smith; bar committee, Andrew Bartos, Prank Hodroski, Peter Mlsak, Frank Hlub. Louis Sabo, Mike Menda, Julius Ur and Sam Slca, Also; Refreshments, Alex Fa- zekas, Ulyan Zusman, Arm Su- rowska, Dorothy Misak. Ann nmnB^rsiwe 1959, is a me- u'°l»ity would reduced to,right-of-way wherever possi- :'. .,: C'.i dlt Union lallurnlcsl f uttiiecrtng gradu- 1 * >M tha " Ulltl QU:'i - t*r "' Its.ble. In the end the thorough- ^ n t raUacC0ldm t U l a l ' K b i d d t 60 V 100 (WO a t a t o o m i c h i : a n C o l I w < ' O f M l n - ; ' ri> ^ ntraU ' accoldm 8 Lua ctiialf{ a re wou i(t be widened to 60 ai "itum men >™ and Technology. In l?49' flTP Insurance rating • hr said-jfeet. enou B h for six 10-foot Aim illlflll nicrl- . . . i. Mr [aumn »Tnlnln,<ii ihu 'i •..._ 10 1 <. n««n •'*.. rr-fiect<'d i, u.s president in : miital'.urKy from the Unl il Notre Dame. ol 90 Lawson cent of the products' In thr plnnt would, be I that'] anea or ft ve 12-foot ones. The road proposed by Carr at the Woodbridge- R truck to local und Low. 12 The Towers ". family are rfgldent.-. o( West- . ! Meyrr :.t tioaaurrr and "We will operate a fleet i)f only 'JO trucks, and not the far W a t e r number which has >; ilinskl w«&(•lectrd mentioned by Maj •"(i ol Diri'ctotT. ri- HI'NOARIAS MKAT SALt. Uir spokesman said :'Hoffmann, »ho re-- CARTERFT — The Ixji»ntly Democrats Stand |i>" iiluiu two y#ai» udlrt Aid Society ol the Hun- Councilman Hutnick s an- > n d then northerly through the 1 heavy iwrtions of Middlesex Avenue, Roosevelt Avenue and Lafa- yette Street. It would then con- along the tracks of the and Bob Belltz: collecting Uck- ts, Councilman Adam Szym- borskl and Katherine Sullivan: grand march, Mrs. Mary Bartos and Middlesex County Heart Fund Nurse Mrs. Sophie Kara- blnchak. Reception Committee; Par- ents of the contestants, Mis. (Continued on Page 3) si-y, tieing In with the Carteret Interchange of the New Jersey Turnpike, H»rl»n Church will nomicemenl WM the nnt puMIc ' ^ have It. monthly llmnaimn^tand made by the Democrats; Can- VL a " " " f ™ a * then have ltn monthly c. Sloan Josi-ph sttl«' rrtfitt and s«'iiy>' sub- in the Tidewater plan, 'id hnuik 8en«akavic n«xt Wednesday. P<-bijmry 20. After nearly,' two hows. ii> . .l.soiy Commlltt'C l)C8inniiiii at noun in Bi-ihlen h' 1 . : M l{. Emytoyct-s K. d- Hull. 60 Co)*'- Avnuie »ud u recess was, called. The •' 1'Wm «a» or'un- Adv,iiii-e' oideits will be uc-Imir Democratic Councilinen <rt UiJO and lues- ui'pti'd b> the iiie-adm, <i! the quiekly went mtp a consulta- >•'...,, ,to. 2 000 ineiii.-.icii'ty Mrs. William Hin 8i , Hun with John M. Kolibas. i KI l-1830i ' iContinued on Paxe 3) of the urgent need for such a road and his .prellmi- becam'f'liighiv'charged;"»ry work on the road ' the councilinen. i He informed the Council that Uie Borough would be able to L- most of the land at low procure (Continued on Page 3) X>KINU OVKR DISI'I.AYK; Somr of Ilie huniJrrds «l '^tnn (rum lucul itcliimla ^rr iililurell at»«vr ** " Ihr rlal>ui«tr dlapliky t>( M lunriuy »« exlii'i Bmih »»(! I'ruitt t'oiupuiiy, 2U Cookc Si-cii alsu rnxullv tunllliilr in Ihr pliulo u« thr left U Ihunma <i. vic.|>in.i(l.'nt »r thr. bwik. Tlir enUIWt tliruuxli iie*l Muliday. will Sidney Herbert To Be Inducted CARTERET — The Installa- tion of all officers of the Jew- ish War Veterans Carteret Me- morial Post 745 will be held Saturday evening at 8:30 at the American Legion Hall as announced by Harold M,&ddow.| outgoing commander, The guest speaker for the evening will be Congressman Edward J. Patten, and county and state officers of the J.W.V.! will be present. ' Electedjofflcers to be install- ed are Sidney Herbert, iikom- iiiK compHinfler; Ivan Irader, senior vice commander; Mason Self, junior vice commander; Simmer Weener, Judge advo- cate. Installing officer will be -Re Giiller, junior vice com- mander o(f the department of the state fit New Jersey J.W.V. Refreshments will be served. The public is invited to at- tend. LET'S STOP KICKING INDUSTRY AROUND Today's question in Carteret is "Which is the greater hazard?" as the Borough debates the proposal of the Tidewater Oil Company to build an ultra-modern $8 million dollar facility here. Is the permissive use of land for an oil com- pany to construct a storage facility east of the railroad tracks in our Borough, properly safe- guarded by all the latest measures and standards as great a hazard or a lesser hazard than "play- ing party politics" with the future fiscal policy of the Borough? The Carteret Press believes that fiscal respon- sibility Is of the utmost importance to the pro- gress and growth of any municipality. We un- equivocally state that much damage has been done to the industrial climate of the Borough. How long it will take to retrieve it no one knows. The recently completed Clemenshaw Revalu- ation Report on ! Carteret indicates that if the proposed sale of the I. T. Williams property to t'u! Tidew, ier Oiycorngpny does poJi,gp through, the reduction in assessments on industrial water- front property may cost the town as much as $204,000 annually. If this $2,000,000 sale does go through it will bolster waterfront valuations con- siderably and cut this loss substantially. In ad- dition, it will increase the taxes on the Williams site by $70,000 to $100,000. Much political hay has been made in circu- lating what appears, to be false rumors that the Tidewater people may do some refining that will cause obnoxious odors and will increase the fire hazard in that area, none of which appears to be true. By actual fire insurance ratings, the stor- age facility Tidewater proposes to erect will ac- tually reduce the fire hazard now existing in the Williams plant three or four times, The trucking will represent only 4 Vz round trips per hour, Jess the Williams trucking which will be elimi- nated. A similar situation (politically) has been oc- curing with the Campbell Soup project on the west side, of the Turnpike. This important indus- trial project may be abandoned because the officials of the town are unwilling to amend the zoning ordinance so as to permit the Campbell plant to operate its faeHity. Carteret residents should consider the fact that the tax savings to each home owner will be many times the $5 per year stated by the Mayor and this loss will be multiplied as Carteret reaps the rewards of its mistreatment of industry. After all, what better improvement than Tidewater can Carteret expect on a piece of heavy industrial land sandwiched between a fertilizer plant and metal refineries? Carteret cannot afford to turn away such an important national industry as Tidewater. It needs such a national organization to help with the ratables and taxes. JJMre is still tirrfe to give the Tidewater pro- /-ptfeal the fullest consideration before we lose this important opportunity. St. Patrick's Dutwe Plamwil By A.O. H. CARTERET — Thi annual St. Patrick's Dav daace spon- sored by A OH. Division No. 2 will be held on the night of March t(i at Bethlan Hall, Cooke Avenue. Music will be provided by Jimmy tikitkn and His Merry- makers mid refreshments -will in chaw of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Division No, 3. Pat- rick Donovan, chairman of the affair hun appointed the fol- IOWIIIH commlfte'ea: Francis Hunan, tickets; assisted by R. SkimmiiM, J Duff, P. Farrell and Joseph O'Rourke. James O'Rourke will be In charge of the bar. Tickets art available from members and are on sale at clubroonu on Roosevelt Am 110 tiousing Units Are Tentatively Approved CARTERET—Planning of Its, third project at an estimated! cost of $2 million has been tentatively approved for the Carteret Housing Authority by the Public Housing Authority In Washington. The project would have U0 unit*, Including 50, for! the el- derly and 60 low-r|nt units. piWam the apply for a »22,-| 000 preliminary loan for plan-, njng of the project'. But It must await action of the Borough Piouncil^whjcl) has yet to makei Its annual recertlflcatlon'to trie federal government that the borough lias the required codes Under Authority the can opment and building the new project, unnamed as yet, wa estimated at $2 million. This is roughly equal to the cost o the two previous projects, the low-rent Edward J. Dolan Homes and the senior citizen project, the Joseph A. Hermann Homes. 8udia announced that appli oations for the Hermann Home units had been processed ^ Mrs. Victoria Copeland, tenan selector, and will be given' to raent of those laws. John J. Sudia, exeoutive di- rector of the Authority, said that the council was expected to take action soon. The cost of planning, devel- Etctlon. He said that 73 appli bants had been ruled eligible for the SO units apatlable. and ordinances and the enforce- to recejjw application! and will Qronsky, Mrs. P, Butter, Mis. - ••' ' compile a waiting list, Sudia J. Uhou&e, Mrs. E, Magnapl, said. The director said that the project was expected to be ready for occupancy In April If (Continued ou Paw 3) Bonkoski, Comba, Hila Win CARTERET Voters yes- terday In Carteret's School Board election' evidently were not In favor of the recommend* ed budget as they defeated the measure by almost a margin of 2 to 1,1,014 against and 611 In favor. The Board hadi requested $1. College Accepts Six Seniors; Others Notified CARTEkET - The Misses Margaret Ann Goyena, Eleanor foleposky, and Joyce Kllng, cniors at Carteret High School, lave been notified of their ac- :eptances by Douglass College. Miss Goyena, daughter of AT. and Mrs. Stephen Goyena, )lans to major in English. Her activities while In high ichool include the French Clubs :, II, and III, P.T.A., mascot of ;he cheerleaders, Annscott News staff, junior play cast, student ;cacher of French 11, and tu- -orlng. Margaret lives with her par- ents at 5 Pierce Street. Miss Teleposky will also maj- or in English. While in hlsh school Eleanor participated tn the following: trampoline club, P.T.A., Spanish Club, vice-president of the sophomore class, student teach- er, variety show, Student Coun- cil, prom committee, yearbook staff, Annscott News staff, and class committees. Eleanor is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. William Teleposky, of 18 Whitman Street. • * * Miss Klinfc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wllhem Kling, 15 State Street, plans to major in languages. The activities of Jcyce whilr In high school are tt>e Junior L . .. play, class eomrnittees, Spanish * hlch was beaUn b y t h e m m Club, F.T.A., program chairman indicated above and the request for the National Honor Society, O f $n,557.75 for capital outlay co-editor of the Annscott News, algQ , o s t b y about the same a cappella choir, Pep Club, , ,.,. ,„ . „.,. c.o French Club, and co-chairman; 1 " 1 ^ 1 "' 1016 against a n d 5 4 8 of the Courtesy Award commit- for- .expense, tee. * ¥ * Alan Dowdell, son of Mrs. H Dowdell, has been accepted by Villanova University. Alan has been active in many school activities such as the Spanish and Latin Clubs, a student te^ctyer, track, Lang- uage Festival, literary staff of the Annscott News, Future (Continued on Pase 3) It was one of the smallest votes cast here in a long time. Hutnick Heads IEU Local 440 CARTERET John Hutnick was returned to the presidency of the Foster-Wheeler I. E. U. Local 440, AFL-CIO, at a recent election. Mr. Hutnick has held the of- fice for 15 consecutive years be- fore being defeated last year by Herman Richert., In this elec- tion he won out jover Richert, 319-142. Other winners! were Robert Belitz, vice president; Michael Capp, financial secretary; Aug •ust Lauter, treasurer; Paul Szoke, recording secretary; Jo- seph Dobrowski, and Charles Lynch, trustees; Frank Duvak, sergennt-at-avms. Selected as district delegates were Capp, Szoke, and Harold 8. Cromwell. : The officer^ will be sworn in Sunday at \he First Slovak Citizens Club. 1 ' Sixth Grade MiHhm At Luncheon Served CARTERET Many guests enjoyed a recent "Luncheon Us Served" Family held by the School -sixth Holy Rittde mothers for the benefit of the school library. Mrs, Florence Knudsen, Ver- ona, hostess described th« dif ferent preparations of the food served, how helpful they can be to a homemaker. Several received gilts of the produces of the sponsoring firms, j Mrs. W. Zachik and Mis. E Yankee co-chairmen were as- the tenant committee for final slsted by th,e following commit- tee: Mrs. J. Komlodi, Mrs. E. ThotnaS, Mrs. L. Rycko, Mrs. E. Lozak, Mrs. T. Kurdyla, Mrs The Authority will continue Oenevleve Kurdyla, Mrs. S Mrs. F'. Qawa&kl, Mrs, H Springer, Mrs. S. Cteak, Mrs. H. Gk>r«cki, Mrs. F. Antas, Mrs. T. Mllewski, Mrs. A, Stojka, Mrs. 8. Dudka, Mrs, J. Kozyia Out on an estimated better than 10,000 voters, only 1,046 wexe Interested enough to cast their ballots. Incumbents Gabriel Comba, who led the ticket with 1,250 and Mrs. Julia Hila, who was only three votes behind, 1,247, ticket along with the KAYMOND f. BONKOSKI Better .Schools Association backed Kaynond V. Bonkoski, the third winner for the three seats with l,m. Although Erwm Wantoch lost out In the race with a vote of 1,060, only 52 votes behind tha low winner, he proved a popular vote-getter. Wantoch, u former Board member ran strictly aa an Independent without any organisation backing.

Transcript of Almost 2 -1 - DigiFind-It...A Newipaper Deroted fo the Community Intercut Full Local Coverage T~,,JJ...

A Newipaper Deroted

fo the Community Intercut

Full Local Coverage

T ~, ,JJ

Presented Fairly, dearly

And Impartially Each Week

Complete Newt Pictures

Dl.XLI~No.43PublUhsd WMUJ Carterot, if. J., Thursday, February 14, 1963 InUrwJ u ton Glut IUU


CouncilAgainstOil Firm\t:rt'v To Halt FuiiWr

lank Kx|iaiisioiiIn



I .1. COItlMAN'O

ordiano Named*lant Manager

i\ I ': <N ph •'. Cur-;>l.n\t Ki'lli'ialii.lid Suti-.s

L'ulllp.lliy.ut^diary ofciim»x, Inc.,


i'llvui'luiic Ir.jrti-1

.:, n *lu ii" hr ob-;IM \ ,nul master'*M<> •iijiniml E H K ! - .

i n minor In Mr*'

Toiwru FAvvtiled

CAKTF.RKT - "As fsir :1s Taiti concerned I am very saiis-llcd that the bluiii'st nml'nitvIvrr doesn't want to lei Tirir-•mtiT cnmo in, nnd the bor-niit'h should act tn block themove." declared Couiu'llnuinJnhii Hutnick to n rauiiclt.y'•nu'd of irntc citizens ut Ihe

um Tuesday nlnhi. on theONII to let, Tirtewiirtrv Oil

'I'uiv set ii|) fuel tanks inHiro'ucli

The Democratic majority,which had been accused offavoring this move, made it!elear In the words of Council-man Hutnldt that the Council,would go along with the wishesof the people. Thr Republicanminority hud made Its decision^ime time a«o that It wasi

agulnst more oil tanks locating!In the area. j

Representatives of the com-pany were asked many ques-|lions about fire and explosion]hazards, truck traffic and the'tux structure

The Tidewater people werei _ _ _ _undecided about what steps toi CARTERET - The imme-• now The concern holdsd i a t e n e e d I o r a n e w industrial• n "i>i'"n to put-chaw 66 acres 'Rhway. covering thVwater-

'I opposite the Columbus;front ftrea8 o f Carteret, whichI b-tvi'en Roosevelt Av-'w o u l d re l l ev« 'he heavy truck:t!u| the waterfront, now *raffle presently ualng the nar-

!>•• the cii-orge C Emery10* m a l n thoroughfares andformerly known as »d d <° t h e trough ratattes,

T Williams Com-|was explained to Borough

BudgetLostAlmost 2 -1In Carteret

NEW APPOINTKF Former Mayor Stephen Skiha, secondfrom left, this week herame the state-appuliited mrmbcrof the Carterct Housing Authority, as Commissioner H.Mat Adams, of the New Jersey Department of Conserva-tion and Economic Development administers the oath ofoffice. Julius Heaman, left, chief of the State HousingBureau, hold* the Bible. Al«o attending the ceremony

and shown above in Charles Mesanazos, right, New JerseyHousing Council chairman. As one of the ilx membersof the Carteret Housing Authority, Mr. 8klha will partici-pate In the development of programs to provide low-income housing for local families and In projects forclearing and redeveloped blighted areas tn the Borough.

Industry RoadPlans Outlined


M,:\f& the V':, Companyiuiual rUmhPo-A'dcri departi lv ne

uinmgh the po*i-i:-iti-n()»nt. Metul

I V miirhnscrioo onn

s Cotn|price l« Council * l ft s p e c l a l s e 8* l o n

Chairmen NamedFor Heart FimdCARTERET— Mrs. Elizabeth

Touhey, general chalrinan ofthe Carteret Heart Fund has

[Monday nlsht by H. Thomas announced her "Queen

or the Tide- C a r r 0O1'ouBn told the Council! Using various charts and oldassemblage that all1

would be kept1

• rullroad tracks andof the latest design,

contact of air andonxlurt impossible so as to vir-tually eliminate thr risk of, Bre

maps, which he had cov-ered over with the proposedroutes, Carr Bald that this

In ixl'lmon. Mi liiw.son ex- gested streets and would be amlaliuid the facility would beiboon to various Industries now'ptovidid with an overBll-self-|loe»ted along the waterfront.

, 0 . Miniclmt ftir extinTOishlngl His'plans call for the roadol'svstem A plavurouttd will bPheing built tn three stage*. He

MetAU !<,-'""»•'"••d for Columbus Schoolaaid that he did this In con-*vh finiiiK Company, lus been pro- l l n d wMm for its teachers.jslderatlon of how far the bor-


Jr . vicer . L 4 la UlL' foiOkT J o m v Town'.vc of Kiuland. ,(..,.t a , ,d „,.,!,,,,,.. or. . J i f . ' i iV . 16. , , „ . ( ? l l l U , ( 1 l S l , l U ,

IK l i e h M d r

.M l':,t::i!:.•!(!

H PasipankiFor Sixth Year


ofHearts" ball committee.

Mayor Andrew Banlck hasbeen named honorary chair-man. Others listed are: Doorcomimttee, Councilman Wai-

hiRhway would do much to the ter Sullivan and Mrs. Eleanorboroujh to raUe property val- Humlston: refreshment tickets

eliminate safety hazardscaused by. the constant movingof filg oil trucks on the con-

Councilman JiQabf

l i . i US.MR

mui-'d tu uir poM'ton ol prwi- a l u 1 '» ' ' frontaup on Roosevelt ough could go financially. HisKtat.i MrtaU Rr- Avw»w attiactively landscaped estimate of the complete and

Keb- l l l ' ' l t ' * ' " °e a » Increase of approximate three-mile roadiy frmn 170.000 to $100 000 In the,would be $1,234,580.

r.,.| '-. lKJt l ' ! l P'"d from the property| The engineer proposed thatMPUI Climax,'110*'"t0 l h r ^rouRh without aithe highway be 40-feet wide in

lo«d on scliools. -, .. -its lntial phase, allowing four,wlv. (no bifn plant " T h f l P i w n f n r e risk in thciteii-foot lanes on an 80-foot

Walter Surov^a, Nick KovalBntntek ^ti-i

check KDOJHAmelia Lokos, Clarence McOlk-Us, Mary Rosenblum. MaryD'Aleuio and Mildred Smith;bar committee, Andrew Bartos,Prank Hodroski, Peter Mlsak,Frank Hlub. Louis Sabo, MikeMenda, Julius Ur and SamSlca,

Also; Refreshments, Alex Fa-zekas, Ulyan Zusman, Arm Su-rowska, Dorothy Misak. Ann

nmnB^rs iwe 1959, is a me- u'°l»ity would b« reduced to,right-of-way wherever possi-:'. . , : C'.i dlt Union lallurnlcsl f uttiiecrtng gradu-1*>M t h a " Ulltl QU:'i-t*r " ' Its.ble. In the end the thorough-

^ n t r a U a c C 0 l d m t U l a l ' K b i d d t 60V 100 (WO a ta toomich i : anCol Iw< 'OfMln- ; ' r i > ^ n t r a U ' a c c o l d m 8 L u a c t i i a l f{ a r e woui(t be widened to 60ai " i tum men >™ and Technology. In l?49'flTP Insurance ra t ing • hr said-jfeet. enouBh for six 10-foot

• Aim illlflll nicrl- . . . i. • Mr [ a u m n »Tnlnln,<ii ihu 'i •..._ 10 1 <. n««n•'*.. rr-fiect<'d

i, u.s president in


miital'.urKy from the Unlil Notre Dame.



cent of the products'In thr plnnt would, be I

t h a t ' ] a n e a o r ftve 12-foot ones.

The road proposed by Carrat the Woodbridge-

Rtruck to local

und Low. 12 The Towers". family are rfgldent.-. o( West-

. ! Meyrr:.t tioaaurrr and

"We will operate a fleet i)fonly 'JO trucks, and not the far

Water number which has>; ilinskl w«& (•lectrd mentioned by Maj

•"(i ol Diri'ctotT. ri- HI'NOARIAS MKAT SALt. Uir spokesman said:'Hoffmann, »ho re-- CARTERFT — The Ixji»ntly Democrats Stand|i>" iiluiu two y#ai» udlrt Aid Society ol the Hun- Councilman Hutnick s an-

> n d then northerly through the1 heavyiwrtions of Middlesex Avenue,Roosevelt Avenue and Lafa-yette Street. It would then con-

along the tracks of the

and Bob Belltz: collecting Uck-ts, Councilman Adam Szym-

borskl and Katherine Sullivan:grand march, Mrs. Mary Bartosand Middlesex County HeartFund Nurse Mrs. Sophie Kara-blnchak.

Reception Committee; Par-ents of the contestants, Mis.

(Continued on Page 3)

si-y, tieing In with the CarteretInterchange of the New JerseyTurnpike,

H»rl»n Church will nomicemenl WM the nnt puMIc ' ^have It. monthly llmnaimn^tand made by the Democrats; Can- VL a " " " f ™ a *t h e n have ltn monthly

c. • Sloan • Josi-ph sttl«' rrtfitt and s«'iiy>' sub- in the Tidewater plan,'id hnuik 8en«akavic n«xt Wednesday. P<-bijmry 20. After nearly,' two hows.ii> . .l.soiy Commlltt'C l)C8inniiiii at noun in Bi-ihlen h'1.: M l{. Emytoyct-s K. d- Hull. 60 Co)*'- Avnuie »ud u recess was, called. The•' 1'Wm «a» or'un- Adv,iiii-e' oideits will be uc-Imir Democratic Councilinen• <rt UiJO and lues- ui'pti'd b> the iiie-adm, <i! the quiekly went mtp a consulta->•'...,, ,to. 2 000 ineiii.-.icii'ty Mrs. William Hin 8i , Hun with John M. Kolibas.

i KI l-1830i ' iContinued on Paxe 3)

of the urgent need forsuch a road and his .prellmi-

becam'f'liighiv'charged;"»ry work on the road' the councilinen.i

He informed the Council thatUie Borough would be able to

L- most of the land at lowprocure(Continued on Page 3)

X>KINU OVKR DISI'I.AYK; Somr of Ilie huniJrrds «l'^ tnn (rum lucul itcliimla ^rr iililurell at»«vr ** "

Ihr rlal>ui«tr dlapliky t>( M l u n r i u y »« exlii'iBmih »»(! I'ruitt t'oiupuiiy, 2U Cookc

Si-cii alsurnxullvtunllliilr

in Ihr pliulo u« thr left U Ihunma <i.vic.|>in.i(l.'nt »r thr. bwik. Tlir enUIWt

tliruuxli iie*l Muliday.


Sidney HerbertTo Be InductedCARTERET — The Installa-

tion of all officers of the Jew-ish War Veterans Carteret Me-morial Post 745 will be heldSaturday evening at 8:30 atthe American Legion Hall asannounced by Harold M,&ddow.|outgoing commander,

The guest speaker for theevening will be CongressmanEdward J. Patten, and countyand state officers of the J.W.V.!will be present. '

Electedjofflcers to be install-ed are Sidney Herbert, iikom-iiiK compHinfler; Ivan Irader,senior vice commander; MasonSelf, junior vice commander;Simmer Weener, Judge advo-cate. Installing officer will be

-Re Giiller, junior vice com-mander o(f the department ofthe state fit New Jersey J.W.V.

Refreshments will be served.The public is invited to at-


LET'S STOP KICKING INDUSTRY AROUNDToday's question in Carteret is "Which is the

greater hazard?" as the Borough debates theproposal of the Tidewater Oil Company to buildan ultra-modern $8 million dollar facility here.

Is the permissive use of land for an oil com-pany to construct a storage facility east of therailroad tracks in our Borough, properly safe-guarded by all the latest measures and standardsas great a hazard or a lesser hazard than "play-ing party politics" with the future fiscal policyof the Borough?

The Carteret Press believes that fiscal respon-sibility Is of the utmost importance to the pro-gress and growth of any municipality. We un-equivocally state that much damage has beendone to the industrial climate of the Borough.How long it will take to retrieve it no one knows.

The recently completed Clemenshaw Revalu-ation Report on! Carteret indicates that if theproposed sale of the I. T. Williams property tot'u! Tidew, ier Oiycorngpny does poJi,gp through,the reduction in assessments on industrial water-front property may cost the town as much as$204,000 annually. If this $2,000,000 sale does gothrough it will bolster waterfront valuations con-siderably and cut this loss substantially. In ad-dition, it will increase the taxes on the Williamssite by $70,000 to $100,000.

Much political hay has been made in circu-lating what appears, to be false rumors that theTidewater people may do some refining that willcause obnoxious odors and will increase the firehazard in that area, none of which appears to betrue. By actual fire insurance ratings, the stor-age facility Tidewater proposes to erect will ac-tually reduce the fire hazard now existing in theWilliams plant three or four times, The truckingwill represent only 4 Vz round trips per hour,Jess the Williams trucking which will be elimi-nated.

A similar situation (politically) has been oc-curing with the Campbell Soup project on thewest side, of the Turnpike. This important indus-trial project may be abandoned because theofficials of the town are unwilling to amend thezoning ordinance so as to permit the Campbellplant to operate its faeHity.

Carteret residents should consider the factthat the tax savings to each home owner will bemany times the $5 per year stated by the Mayorand this loss will be multiplied as Carteret reapsthe rewards of its mistreatment of industry.

After all, what better improvement thanTidewater can Carteret expect on a piece ofheavy industrial land sandwiched between afertilizer plant and metal refineries?

Carteret cannot afford to turn away such animportant national industry as Tidewater. Itneeds such a national organization to help withthe ratables and taxes.

JJMre is still tirrfe to give the Tidewater pro-/-ptfeal the fullest consideration before we lose thisimportant opportunity.

St. Patrick's DutwePlamwil By A.O. H.CARTERET — Thi annual

St. Patrick's Dav daace spon-sored by A OH. Division No. 2will be held on the night ofMarch t(i at Bethlan Hall,Cooke Avenue.

Music will be provided byJimmy tikitkn and His Merry-makers mid refreshments -will

in c h a w of the Ladies'Auxiliary, Division No, 3. Pat-rick Donovan, chairman of theaffair hun appointed the fol-IOWIIIH commlfte'ea: FrancisHunan, tickets; assisted by R.SkimmiiM, J Duff, P. Farrelland Joseph O'Rourke. JamesO'Rourke will be In charge ofthe bar. Tickets art availablefrom members and are on saleat clubroonu on Roosevelt Am

110 tiousing Units AreTentatively Approved

CARTERET—Planning of Its,third project at an estimated!cost of $2 million has beententatively approved for theCarteret Housing Authority bythe Public Housing Authority InWashington.

The project would have U0unit*, Including 50, for! the el-derly and 60 low-r|nt units.

piWam theapply for a »22,-|

000 preliminary loan for plan-,njng of the project'. But It mustawait action of the BoroughPiouncil^whjcl) has yet to makeiIts annual recertlflcatlon'to triefederal government that theborough lias the required codes



opment and building the newproject, unnamed as yet, waestimated at $2 million. Thisis roughly equal to the cost othe two previous projects, thelow-rent Edward J. DolanHomes and the senior citizenproject, the Joseph A. HermannHomes.

8udia announced that applioations for the Hermann Homeunits had been processed ^Mrs. Victoria Copeland, tenanselector, and will be given' to

raent of those laws.John J. Sudia, exeoutive di-

rector of the Authority, saidthat the council was expectedto take action soon.

The cost of planning, devel-

Etctlon. He said that 73 applibants had been ruled eligiblefor the SO units apatlable.

and ordinances and the enforce- to recejjw application! and will Qronsky, Mrs. P, Butter, Mis.- ••' • ' compile a waiting list, Sudia J. Uhou&e, Mrs. E, Magnapl,

said.The director said that the

project was expected to beready for occupancy In April If

(Continued ou Paw 3)

Bonkoski,Comba,Hila Win

CARTERET — Voters yes-terday In Carteret's SchoolBoard election' evidently werenot In favor of the recommend*ed budget as they defeated themeasure by almost a marginof 2 to 1,1,014 against and 611In favor.

The Board hadi requested $1.

College AcceptsSix Seniors;Others Notified

CARTEkET - The MissesMargaret Ann Goyena, Eleanorfoleposky, and Joyce Kllng,cniors at Carteret High School,lave been notified of their ac-:eptances by Douglass College.

Miss Goyena, daughter ofAT. and Mrs. Stephen Goyena,)lans to major in English.

Her activities while In highichool include the French Clubs:, II, and III, P.T.A., mascot of;he cheerleaders, Annscott Newsstaff, junior play cast, student;cacher of French 11, and tu--orlng.

Margaret lives with her par-ents at 5 Pierce Street.

Miss Teleposky will also maj-or in English.

While in hlsh school Eleanorparticipated tn the following:trampoline club, P.T.A., SpanishClub, vice-president of thesophomore class, student teach-er, variety show, Student Coun-cil, prom committee, yearbookstaff, Annscott News staff, andclass committees.

Eleanor is the daughter of Mrand Mrs. William Teleposky, of18 Whitman Street.

• • * *Miss Klinfc, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Wllhem Kling, 15State Street, plans to major inlanguages.

The activities of Jcyce whilrIn high school are tt>e Junior L ., class eomrnittees, Spanish * h l c h w a s b e a U n b y t h e m m

Club, F.T.A., program chairman indicated above and the requestfor the National Honor Society, Of $n,557.75 for capital outlayco-editor of the Annscott News, a l gQ , o s t b y a b o u t t h e s a m e

a cappella choir, Pep Club, , , . , . ,„ . „.,. c.oFrench Club, and co-chairman;1"1^1"' 1 0 1 6 a g a i n s t a n d 5 4 8

of the Courtesy Award commit- for-


tee.* • ¥ *

Alan Dowdell, son of Mrs. HDowdell, has been accepted byVillanova University.

Alan has been active in manyschool activities such as theSpanish and Latin Clubs, astudent te^ctyer, track, Lang-uage Festival, literary staff ofthe Annscott News, Future

(Continued on Pase 3)

It was one of the smallest

votes cast here in a long time.

Hutnick HeadsIEU Local 440

CARTERET — John Hutnickwas returned to the presidencyof the Foster-Wheeler I. E. U.Local 440, AFL-CIO, at a recentelection.

Mr. Hutnick has held the of-fice for 15 consecutive years be-fore being defeated last year byHerman Richert., In this elec-tion he won out jover Richert,319-142.

Other winners! were RobertBelitz, vice president; MichaelCapp, financial secretary; Aug•ust Lauter, treasurer; PaulSzoke, recording secretary; Jo-seph Dobrowski, and CharlesLynch, trustees; Frank Duvak,sergennt-at-avms.

Selected as district delegateswere Capp, Szoke, and Harold8. Cromwell. :

The officer^ will be sworn inSunday at \he First SlovakCitizens Club.1 '

Sixth Grade MiHhmAt Luncheon ServedCARTERET — Many guests

enjoyed a recent "Luncheon UsServed"Family

held by theSchool -sixth


mothers for the benefit of theschool library.

Mrs, Florence Knudsen, Ver-ona, hostess described th« different preparations of the foodserved, how helpful they canbe to a homemaker. Severalreceived gilts of the producesof the sponsoring firms, j

Mrs. W. Zachik and Mis. EYankee co-chairmen were as-

the tenant committee for final slsted by th,e following commit-tee: Mrs. J. Komlodi, Mrs. E.ThotnaS, Mrs. L. Rycko, Mrs. E.Lozak, Mrs. T. Kurdyla, Mrs

The Authority will continue Oenevleve Kurdyla, Mrs. S

Mrs. F'. Qawa&kl, Mrs, HSpringer, Mrs. S. Cteak, Mrs.H. Gk>r«cki, Mrs. F. Antas, Mrs.T. Mllewski, Mrs. A, Stojka,Mrs. 8. Dudka, Mrs, J. Kozyia

Out on an estimated better than10,000 voters, only 1,046 wexeInterested enough to cast theirballots.

Incumbents Gabriel Comba,who led the ticket with 1,250and Mrs. Julia Hila, who wasonly three votes behind, 1,247,

ticket along with the


B e t t e r .Schools Associationbacked Kaynond V. Bonkoski,the third winner for the threeseats with l , m .

Although Erwm Wantoch lostout In the race with a vote of1,060, only 52 votes behind thalow winner, he proved a popularvote-getter. Wantoch, u formerBoard member ran strictly aaan Independent without anyorganisation backing.


Thursday, February 14, 196SIL-


Third Class Mail PartOf Free Enterprise

CARTERET -.children.


Special EventWorkers Named

^ARTERET - At the Feb-iary bonrd meetlne of the

•cd a xximum' oi 8c perjr


Tlurd-o^s mail which is re-jHotfurd Ph.itlr<*v for a sDeeinl

Uurd-claw ma:'. have much ;r, charged a aiir.imuai o. < ^ t l , ... -corr.mon." say? Postmaster I/$- r;f\"f JOT ;he service performed.iteered to assist chairman Mr,trr A. Sabo. ".KY. are pcrcr.:v.a; Tlurd-oiajs mail which is re-,'s h e e t s for bo:h p:':.:e t\v.i :rr.- iuwd flr.d urhicri does no; bfar 'pc!1.:? crr.vfr5a::o" " rnuni requested if destroyed at *

to, third-daw r.i:'. a r.Jt 'Jie Pwur.aste: Sabo emphasises1!*' -."'-art that" : i ^ i » ^ ; l l a t 9 l' classes of mail carrying1-'

.:'=!* d w i>i. OnThftJle prcxr rate of postage and;, n w . - „ , . . -; a .4 >::::»»t# and ProPf*-^ prepared for mai'.ing;Irvlng Gltter. Mr*. Sy Weebreit.

->-• i-,' • Amf-Ka .< m u R ** -sidled by the post'Mrs. Harold Samuels. Mrs" - - -••'• —'•«i1qni.wi Mr«. B-n Denby. Mrs.

quer.My tf:r.;rary.irr. Tartar'

wr ! "v« i t to br hrtd by the Si^trr-hood on Sunday evenlne. Feb-ruary 17 at R p.m. at the st

^Demetrius Center. 681 Roosevelt

of mail carrying1 - • M

rate of postage and . Floor worker* «'•» b f M r »

par••; fr'.f:

Arafric* f

wah to re

jff::f ;r. a:c:rdance with p-a-tal^pjfppi. Mrsregulations However, patrons Sam Kanlan

"•itedmailWlri. Mrs

B-ri D?nby. MrsMr«. Marvin Le-Wirism KnlfelJ

adv::::;' T.S'.'.

Iron::: r.srr.f?IT.*:";-: '.:

utJt* sre

.. _ . Mrs

rrit- Mark Harr!?, Mrs. Graen. Mrs,?.= be Howard Wunel. Mrs, Harold


prtmpUyma".« Ma

the pwta»rt«

4 - » > T!'nri. rs-

\isi: Lhrx ir, i l*

If 1 1

H o l d



ral<:rr vici-Wll'.lam Kr.ifri

O f f W^ . Mrs H»r

Mrs. Marvin

tu~ed ~ it bear?



P. Ktn- ,,

? held on Mon-18 st the Svrin-

o{Lovins Justice at 8:30

; Letter C.'.rri-r? wfrefjejt* ai the rfrviiarmeftina hi Id a: The

•'.jb on l o « : Pi

Ret. Wontemyer Lists \ !Sunday t Sermon s->"

Aver.u;C^TERTT - The Re" H Mr l^r.ard rerc-ded the

KtiMar. wsestfaeyrr wii; speak :?:9'. ci :T.» coming Cor.?res-er the rjfc'fc; 'The Br-sirr.ka! 5:o:Ct'iTcij" S'Jaday at ihe 8; 30 jer»rd 11 Ail wcrsM? semcfs. a; xfthe rjst Prfjirwr.a3 C' -cS u. :?63

' i t e cart*re:- M-- '-'- z ' j l ;° wl11 bf •lir'o!iE

The COT-greiration is asked w i e Sxs! ^preser.ut: • ?s ofr»ad a t serl?rar» lessor-s prior Bnsch so. 2016 attend::.? th:s 5-7 _to wonhipxs: P*- » » : *»-«*: breik-'as:. which h£i a=ded tt> M _ - _____Proverb* S: 12-36; I John 1: ^.Moar.ce this year s;-:e Ed- W E^t-- - •1-9; MaiAew 24: 23-31. „ « ! Pa::?r. of Middlesex Com-Mr. «•_* *-__

• The Youth PtllOTrship TIU tj • u repr; sen: ing the IJth Dis- 1 0 ^ l ; ; f ; 'meet Sunday at 3:00 PJJ-, un- T:w-; t N;' ' Jer^^ r " e *** v . ™ V M ^der the leadership o.' Mr. ar.d . ^ x W l c s a'jo plans :? =ak* « • ,a-;^ ^ ;Mrs. Jame* F. Scott. a mar: ci year" E»:>rd ^^^••^Z:,^

The Martia Circle will me*; prudent J- F- Kerjiedy un . - - •Tuesday at 12:30 P i ! . In the Miie Kclovratch «as r^xedborne of Mrs. Paul Much*, 86 a f chairman for the sr.r.ualLODU Street. jicr.ic to be held by the '.oca!. K

:y of :he boos '•yaijr.ariI U.S.A.'1 xrii: be pres-f-^r. to the

Lincoln Day iFive Carteret \Margaret GoyenaPrograms Held f iBwJ G d s J B ^ Crocftcr C



durins asspmbly prtfTiuns.the Nathan Hale School.

Welsman's fifthpresented their .

nt the lover (trade assembly

«»*» »•AndrStreet: Row ortrrrt

[ Tomorrow" mi |,NP n»tlon«l wlnnn

M Rrv1356

The proitrwn opened w t t h ; ^ ^ t h f 24g

Ann Kovnly.iAvftuir. ure'is

s l l ethe hlgheit place brli


The proirrm p-coton." rith Stephen Stacy £„coton. rith Stephen S t a y £ „ U l v e d theirnlee as color betrer. Miurmi , c0fmf,olo(ry fromOUl d JoAnn O«U as color' A A of

gradua ntheir «rtlfi«.;*<*..itudei

* l l


OUles and JoAnn O«U ut)M

0 f m f ,olo(ry fr theAnAfmy, of Hair


tat ion of colon, Mtu»*enrfart Psalm 21 and recited theT/ird's Prayer, JoAnn Qal» Wthp assemblate ln the flM

A play, "Abe Buys »h Old the

sduatlonexerr •state, n p coronet Ballroom.imorrow.


in other Science Research Athe title Chtcaira. U the bail< ••of To- Uon of local »nd


Basket" «•« pTwented withiBarburwhRobort Comba u Abe Uneoln.iotrical Res w

Barbara Chelak as Betsy, J«co-spcflal Education In the Par,_.. „.,_..»._ . . u . ^ h . D«*.! | r r m ! ! school System.

inin.graduates and ti™rly;™Vrr ^Tomorrow'11.

" h M J d * l d r*i a b y *d »tl.500. Scholarshipciirst sprakrr. Bwiamin• ,, M11, , , „ „ „ „ „, th(!spoakrr. B 1

director of Paychol-# f «nd,

lvn Belafsky as Martht,marie Andrejack u Helen. Rob-ert MacPhenon u Bobby

The Mate runner-up willTccive a 1500 scholarship.. In addition, the State Home-

of Tomorrow and her,advisor will Join with'

state winners In »n ex- n


410.W8 |lrls Ino i r t , c l p , t lng . Th..nQW j , ,„ 1 U n I n t h y r


rf f i " "(ictmy





f l * "

Bur * i



Weds Alexander SuchMiss Mary Bobenchik

1 tour of.,„„ 'York City,D C and Colonialburp Va. At the !•"•'• me

For .sti,,

The David M Molovnny,: , » . u , , r , ™ ...,award for dlftlnqulshrd wrvlcrRonald Hoehman aJ Billy, J«nU to the profession of beautv cui-Lnnrano as Mrs. Hombuckle.jture was presented to EnricoIstephen Banio as Mr. Jensen.'caniso. world f»mous hair styVirginia RIposU U Mrs. Jni-iiw and beautician.sen. Sonja Justtak and Tlenei 'The (traduates who are now,Jaspan as their children, Ken-Umbark!nii on their careers in p r ( , N . D

K m » is Jaa KiTlb.'Kffl-the worlfl's mort fUwwrui pro- r l - • #

, , ,u,LIMs\sBul Berry. LMt« ( w ion." »W Mr. MiUovany.l Rrpubl.can edlTschinkel as mentor and D«vld de»n of Wilfrod Academv.' can Brran([|ng a dinner s»i>"< w

C T u r e h § t ^ ^ wnr

Thomas M RUSJ Godfrey. The follow the example of Mr Car- i S f n ( l U ) r Ooidwater <R . Aria.), v ) C M Sunday momintscenery directors were Frank u*o and realize that they have,w h l f h l h e y n o p f will produce The fint service *Nagy Johanwi Kwee. Kenneth';unlimited horl:ons While ad- $ 5 0 0 0 0 0 to help out financially c^0it$ the dewtloml <•Utus'and Robert Cdmba. Nancy (din? to the worlds beauty «nd. sU .apped p a r ty commltUse*. |8ehool itudenU. bwlrR*«nil!r«« and Robtrt Dylatihappiness, they can feel secure, o o u ^ u r testimonial l*,and l« conducted \v,were in charge of properties. Jn the knowledge that their pro-, ^ Mnfl s l 7 a b l e . g^ t h e second. It 11 o r.

Christine Arthur offered an fesslon has demonstrated that; ^ U o n s f r o m p a r ly ofBolals Hungarian. Confirmsoriginal essay. What Brother- It is unaffected by either auto-; d t h e A r l i o n a j^n- ses will sUri at » 3'




CARTERIT -"Do Y1 IT Know What Sin 1<|the sermon topic to V ;bj Dr. Andrew Ham-

^ffunfarisn !

hood Means to MeSarah Van Ness. Linda Novo- They

^ U o n s f p

ected by either a« t o - : w h o B p p l a u d the Arizona Sen-jmatlon or financial *Prps»K'1?'-!ltor-, conservative views.

can take prMe In thr _


CARTERET — At a double 'Center, theDo'?." Ho"v- a dauehter ring ceremony on Saturday ai Caribbean cruise,

y-= P.iMe IriTsrry, 3 pjn at St. Mary's Churchjreturn they will----- p. daughter to Miss Mary Bobenchik, daughter Lincoln Avenue.

A'.Ifn WasekaJof Mrs. Mary Bobenchik, "c *'" "-^ = «

couple left on a!»*ngThe song. Honest Abe. The of WilfredUpon tSeirlP^ram closed with the sing- *hom were

75iir« of several Lincoln



Mrs. Such, a graduate of Car-i Tn<1 grade

p-aduatfs. all of.... „ . . . selected for their

D»v hlph person»l standards as well

&s aptitude"




rur.ry P.

!0. a « n to Mr.,-.k Jrhr.son. 35Jta mariage by the Rev

e by the Rev. Jaroslav ter gisted by Rt. Rev. Mfigr, bachelor of science degree from

d3ughteri;James Foley and Rev. Anthony Alabama

public :::•:£.->•. A quest, D- » " ^ ( J

ar-j^er period followed re; ' .^ c . ;meet;-? and refreihmer.ts wire T - " ~ -

-.-::- stewart.'Huber.The bride wore a gown of

a P?n to Mr. white with a smooth princess58 Ed-ifront panel and a skirt that ex-

itended into a cathedral train.:

5 I

ir. charge of Frank Ha?an.On F?br:&ry i. a son to Mr.

Mrs. F:'.:x Sr.o. :9 Mercer

OS CONSTELLATION " r e*'CARTERET - Michae'. Ke'.t-

mer. Jr.. radioman third c'.ass. E •E^T •G SERVICES

upper „of Mr A MEDICAL

clas.« EDICATION BIUa son to "sepn jjoutnciu*. ™ ™ -«-»•.• - - •—-• "" . • r i , , . t . d u t v Colors were presentel by Allen Senator Hill <D. Ala >-d Ka-'andei Such, son of Mrs. Mary of Nur ing. Is a prntte duty ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w o { h e f t U h l c f l s l f l n o n

" STich. 66 Maple Street, and the nurse a the JwpiW- M l n w a n d W i n i t m S n o w . M t o r ^ d he believes there is a *oodlite Alexander Such were united Mr. Such. *«"^*°l F'f, l m r d , . Jud,th Leone offered chance Congress will pa» a

Jaroslav tent School, rew. . . . Js^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ( J . , m N ! i r a l educttton bill lh«Prayer. A play "StoriM About year.Lincoln" was presented with The administration, in pres-

Hetenyl. E-jeene Ho- entir.z its rwommendauons toand Kathleen Clement as U?e past Congiess. said 20 new

Matthew Ardiere'medK-a- schools and 20 newColofchio as Girl.'dental schools wo'.ild be needed

Medwkk « OrawJpa. to meet the health weds of|john Koniw as Abe Lincoln, the expanding population by!Wal!er Karraafln as Mr, Smith, 19T0,•Arlene Blnsteln as Mrs Smith. Prudent Kennedy has saidJohn Prynada as the law deri. he would pu.-ii for such legU-Oregory Makovec as Dr. Henry,.'.anon again ir. Congress. ^Robert ste fanow ai the etrwrr- "


Announcing...Sandwiches • luncheons • D K


MI.11 :


. « " l a l e t u -

Imported Al?ncon lace formed w • j •

a Jewel neckline and lace motifs | j ] 0 | l L U t h C r H l i

when youcan havea wonderfulselection o!..

brought rtgh: w* cirpet rtpreKL'.


<loor by

Call KI 1-5995

BABICSFurniture House

"The Home of Fine Furniture

68 Roosevelt ve,


.appliqued on the front and back| skirt-panels were trimmed withseed pearls. A four-tiered silkillusion V€il was draped from a

pearls, orange blos-•rystal beads.

JtfUation. which ^&5 P^-t o' -.: the h.he combLied force of 20 ships Avenue,

in Exercise Sadd'.e

n:f. Pershing Street.bridegroom.

aw cmatron of

R < w e Ve!t Avenue, for Scxapo-v. Willis


If yon have any questions whateverpertainins to funeral service, find thranswsrs — stop by the Syno-wiecki FuneralHome whenever convenient.

sen. Woodbridse, were brides- __Imaids. Miss Janice Gondola. JjEdison, was junior bridesmaid.

Emil Such, Edison, was bestman for his brother, fshersIwere Sebastian Catapane, Av

Cho:r at 10.45

Church School meets at 9:30under the

Jean Kuznia and^ih Le-wie recited'a poem "Abe U-i-c-o!n." GRrrj Hxis prevr.'.edt h e C l f t ! V 5 b u r« address.-RobertPascal offered -Unco-.> As-

cair.e to a close mith clo^in:- ^ ^ ^ by ^ ^ K^,% ^

h e s i n ? i n g 0; -Batt'.e HvmnSebastian C a t a p . A ; h e s in? in g 0; -Batt'.eRudy Traosky, and Emil A.M. under the direction of o ! (Kg Republic"

jSuch. .William Shuff. general super-, Alexander SloUu-.-k; andFollowing a wedding reception intendent, and the staff. 'Bruce Maddow were res^-.-.b'.e

'at St. Demetrius Community The young people's Luther fOr th e scenerj' and art sett;:.gsLeague plans a social program David Masner, John Kach1:::or Sunday evening. ' iar«d John Sherry were the s-.aje

Meetings for the week

'»4 CtlTltIT AVtWUt • C t l i i n t , HtWitfHV"


Troop 85, Boy Scoots ofAmerica, Sponsored by theCraftsman Club ol Carteret,Seeks a loan; Man to Actas Scoutmaster. Troop is

Well Established andEquipped.

Interested Parties Contact:ME. CARL FBEEMAN

26 balbert StreetW. CarteretId. Nt-IMI

in" crew.elude Junior Catechetical Class.' ——6:15 P^I., Monday: the'ChurchCouncil, 7:30 P.M., Monday;(

Senior Catechetical Class. 6:15PJM.-, Tuesday; Junior Choir,'9:30 P.M.; Wednesday; SeniorChoir. 7:15 Pil . , Wedne.vlay;Girl Scout Troop, 52, 7 P.M.,Friday, Girl Scout Troop 205.and Brpwnies, 10 Ail. , Satur-day.




Pershing Avenueat

Randolph Strtrt

|i Japan says Chinese have A-IBomb. '



Set. us for everythirjif your doctor p»*:r

or a sptcia

Wi nocl »>•he»;ih JOCKU me


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Full Selection of

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QUALITY FOODM The Most Reasonable Jrices in Cartpret


Your Favorite Beer, Cocktail & SoftKITCHEN OPEN DAILY

Sandwiches & Meals 10 A.M. to MiilnPina Pies Daily ,...„ 5 P.M. to CIU


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587 Roosevelt Avenue Carteret


• « •


G O D E N Y Has a Full Urn of 63 Chevrolets

G O D E N Y Gives Immediate Delivery On All Cars

G O D E N Y Gives Top Dollar For Your Trade-in

G O D E N Y Has Uw Cost Bank Financing

yyUiJEjlM 1 Employs Factory Trained Mechanics

G O D E N Y HUB Built His Business on Service!

GODENY CHEVROLET30 Roosevslt Avenue, Carteret




21-Honrf« Prtmft A Dcttuo I m t e Call 111

BASEBOARD RADIATIONAdds Beauty and Comfort

To Anj Room In Yov H«H»!

You'll savor theflavor of every dishyou order h e r * .The artistry of o|irmaster cpef takescare of t h a t !Equally to yourtaste will be thepleasant, relaxinga t m o s p h e r e lnwhich you dine.


Cflmplete fFinandng Arranged


Route 1, Avenel, ME 4 0080


SAVINGSMade On or Befon



FEBRUARY 1 s tSate Now...Earn More'


CARTERET DINERiMwevelt Arenue Cuterd

U 11HSTnitmd ki ftmgie wh* tpprtcUU go«d food!"

11-11 Cooki





Mon<U,I A. M.

•'r. M. »•

Thursday, February 14, PAGE THREE

Great Victory9 h WonSay Minority Members

( ^TERET- ( 'Theoi t i«na' ,,-teret have won a great| m v i n the battle of people

. . I , r" , <l»v

the open

_ "The oltlzem and mete out ticket* to all of-indent. This will be a greateterrent to outsiders, and mayonvlnce them to get on theurnpike ln Woodbrldge. We111 probably have to do the

is t f t I ) k s ; ... t ...,,,s Boncelet said today

hearing held,„, niRht on the questionm B | o r oil company build-

tank storage facilitynrw

has opened theprogress ln thewill relntroduce

same thing with Washington. We might have to make

he speed limit 5-mlles-an-hourhere for these gollaths of theoad. Conceivable 5 mlles-an-iour would also be best for

theb d i d i i i ' l i . W e

, ordinance changingInw to prohibit new

,k farms. Apparently this| i m M t will pass," Boncelei


statement followed acCouncilman John Hut.

"I \\w declared that he wai, l i n s t any further tank;

u,n, „ • into the borough.'•,„! Hmirelet, "The abrupt,;„.(,„,. of the Democratic', ,,„„. (mm a stand for tank;'.,'fiiiiid against them showi

Industrial Road(Continued from Page 1)

prices and on the basis thatthe major portion would bebought from the waterfront In-dustries Under his plans, onlyone private residence wouldhave to be condemned; that ofMary Turek, 520 RooseveltAvenue, which would be neededIn order to widen the turn fromLafayette to Roosevelt Avenue.

In breaking down the threesections, Carr said that the oneto be given first priority wouldbe the section running easterly

also a study of Improvementsneeded In the Borough. Thisshowed what work was neededto be done to make all thesUeeU, curbs and sidewalks Inthe borough acceptable, Thetotal cost of this project wouldbe $410,881. Cited for immedi-ate, attention was about a dozenstreets In West Carteret, de-scribed as being In "bad shape".

Jewish Community NewsCarteret


CARTERETT — The facultyII of the Pvt. Nicholas Mlnue

Boncelet Claims Public^ ferf, ^

CARTERET — "The Demo-

If all the work was done Inthis section at one time itwould entail a cost of $115,281.


links up with Lafayette Street WhenWould provide easier access to Hutnlek

,1 )W.Op1e take the prope, ,1 in borough affairs the:ivuc «nod governmentv,. wore especially pleased

thl* victory came after It,, (i thnt w wrre defeated• in- rmi9c was almost hope-

Wc decided to continue. ..„.l,t. however, and take theV 'o the people. Mayor

the Roosevelt area from citylne to Hudson St. aim.

"There la a grave problemor Carteret In that shoppingirea as well as for the shop-

ping a r m of Washington Ave,and the Hill section of Roose-cvclt Ave. Councilman Kovacsand I have been studying this1

problem for quite a while andwe feel tbat these drastic steps'must be taken. They will re-qulrr understanding by theCarteret people, but I thinkthey will work out for the best.

"Possibly these measureswon't solve the problem,they are a start."

from the turnpike north of the (Continued from Page 1)Jersey Central tracks, He ex- Borough Attorney and Demo-

School held Its monthly lunch- c r a t | c machine councllmen are "If these demands weren'tmean the requests at all.

Ieon in the faculty room. A trying to fool the public aboutspaghetti dinner was prepared, the municipal budget and theserved and supervised by Mrs. borough tax rate," budget dl-Gfillo. rector Charles Boncelet said

A Valentine Dance will be this morning||held In the Pvt. Nicholas Mlnue "This group has bled the

ISchool by the 6th, 7th, and 8th taxpayers white In the past withgrades on Friday, between the a $0% tax increase In six years,hours of 8.30 and 9:30 P.M. N o w they are trying to tell the

The* second edition of the people that it was all in funl| Minue Voice was distributed to and that this year It was going

serious why did the Democraticcouncllmen who are thp hradsof their departments permitthem at all? Why did theywaste the time of the mayorand the budget committee with,nonsensical requests? Was thiaall an elaborate plot to increase

plained that this section which cratlc municipal chairman. Friday evening, February 15,the hearing resumed,told the mayor he

candle HKIIUIIK time, 5:11PJM,

the turnpike for many Indus- wanted to make a motion on Friday evening, early servicetries and at the present was behalf of the Democratic coun- 5:15 P.M.the most urgently needed. The oilmen that the borough deny Late Friday evening service,cost Mr this section he estl- Tidewater the right to go < 8:30 P.M.mated at $459,950, including through with the tanks plan. Sabbath morning, 9 A. M.the two phases of construction. B f t n |C k n o t e d th8t the hear- Junior congregation, 10:45 AM

The second section would en- ing was not an official Counciltall Improvements to Lafayette meeting and said that no bus- The Hadassah organizationStreet and Roosevelt Avenue; iness could be transacted.


*hntnKswung the battle

of Carteret will sponsor theleaving Roosevelt at the Sewage Hutnlck then said that the Friday evening services on FriDisposal Plant and cutting hearing should be followed up day evening, February 15, at1

across industrial property west with an official meeting at 8:30 PM., at the Loving Justice1

of tht Jersey Central tracks to which action could be taken. Congregation. Mrs. Mark Har-lUnlon Street. This section Earlier, Kollbas, who said he rls Is president of the Carteret1

would be the least costly of the was still trying to get "all the Chapter,[three, The cost of this-project facts" on the Tidewater deal, The service will be conduct

, ,„.« f»ots cam* to thei:,,n of ihe Council at thei AJ A matter of fact.Minnlnien have oonslder-


College Accepts(Continued from Page 1)

Teachers of America, Juniorplay, and Junior Achievement.

Mr. Dowdell, who llvas with, ,his mother at 589 Roosevelt ithroughproperty of the U. 8.

would be $353,570 to completethe first and final phases.

The third section as outlinedby Carr would continue south-ward on Middlesex Avenue

The Scroll of Esther will be the students of Mlnue School to be different.

declared, "I don't want these ed by Shirley Shllan and thetanks If they aren't going to Hebrew School Choir. The pro-help the town." gram will be conducted by

Hutnlck disputed a charge by Mrs. A. Carpenter and Mrs. EdMayor Banick that the Demo- Ulman.crats were In fator of the tank The Oneg Sabbath hostesses

il k M P C h d h d

road Saturday evening March

Rabbi Morton S. Baum hasIcompllmented the students whoare currently preparing for BarMitzvah and Bag Mltzvah cer-emonies.

"During the current year wewill celebrate nine Bar Mltzvahand three Bas Mitzvah occa-sions in our community," hesaid. "The accomplishment ofour students deBervea highpraise, since many of the stu-dents will chant the entire He-brew service, with unusualmusical taste. This Is a raritytoday. It is fulfilling to thinkof the young voices that will,1111 our community centerSanctuary."

Prayers for the recovery ofFrank Brown, Lsadore BrownJ

this month. The newspaper "This year It Is going to becovered all event* and happen- different but only because ourings in the second quarter of exhaustive studies regardingthe school yqar. [expenditures by each depart-

The front cover displayed the ment are going to make It dlf-new Nicholas Mlnue School ferent. For three weeks this|emblem; the back cover dls- Democratic group haspresentedplayed a kaleidoscope of the the budget committee with anEvents of 1962. avalanche of requests from

Douglas King, assistant di- Democratic department heads'rector of "••<-'•""» ».w»™.« f o r tremendous budgetary

expenditures and create fiscalchaos so .that Mayor Banickcould be blamed The taxpayerwould be the big sufferer—butthat apparently Isn't ImportantIf It means that the Democraticmachine will retain control ofthe borough.

"Here is a partial list of theequipmental requests of the[Democrats which totaled $100>000 more for Streets and Roads

Mrs. P. and

information than1

out at the hearing.I ] - • ! ) ! •


1 " ->1V

John Golubleskl has boonnotified of hit acceptance by

Edwin Street. This third phase!he estimated al $421,060 for

The roll of the high school q u e s t s w e r e pre8ented that lndl-and the courses offered were c a t e ( J t n a t t n e r e )gn. t a m a c h lneexplained. o r p ^ e of equipment or Indeed

Parents will soon be request- even a nut or a bolt In the bor-ed to designate ln writing ough that doesn't need replac-whether the prospective high student will pursue the "Now the people who madegeneral, business, or college these requests are trying to tell

and Garbage: $25,000 for Parki;$20,000 for Recreation, and$58,000 for Police. They w e «four new garbage trucks; a newtractor, three new dump trucks,two leaf suckers, one branchmuncher, two new Jeeps, twonew buildingsnew dugouts,

both phases.The borough engineer said

people did come mlRutgers and plans to malor l n ; l h g l h c c o u , d W f t h e p ^ , ^ ,out|blochemlstry.

Ho vigorously that! Oolubleskl's high school ac-


Democratic councllmenltlvltles Include band and, ,,i rwut the f a t e and| variety show.

Hr Is thr son of Mr and Mrs

iof linking the Carteret Indus-trial highway up with a similar

t n e road now being considered byWoodbrldgr In the Port Read-Ing section: the location of the

S . i ' A

unliled.a the next CounciliWalter Oolubleskl of 4 Pulaskl HMS Oil Company.we shall Introduce MvAvrnue.

ci to limit th« speed of- . . . . itonwy, who askedon our roads to 10J Keith Shut*, son of Mr. andiqU(.ntlon.s and was:-,ks

John M Kolibas, borough at-numerousimpressed

He said he hoped that the move Drarr.against Tidewater would not A film travelogue of Israelleopardlze employment oppor- describing the growth of theunities at oil companies al- holy land and Its developmentready located in the borough, as a Jewish homeland, was

In the hearing, Kolibas had shown to the Hebrew Schooltold the audience that, as the children last Sunday in honorlaw now stands, the Council of Israel Arbor Day.could do nothing to block Tide- The Hebrew School charitywater from entering the bor- collection will be used duringough He said that If It wanted the month of February to plantto ban further tank installa- trees in Israel,tlons. the Council would have MrS- E d ' Slderman dlstribut-to adopt an ordinance and then ed packages of Israeli fruit to I

Mrs. I. Schwartz, Mrs. J. Bar-ry, and J. Bauchner, are to berecited at the Friday eveningservice.

preparatory curriculum. the public that what they really

Housing Units(Continued from Page 1)

the weather permitted the com-pletion of construction by then.The project Includes efficiency,one bedroom and two-bedroomunits.

Sudla was authorized by the

Mr. Dowling's seventh grade m e a n t w»s that they didn'tpresented the January assembly 'program. The curtain openedrevealing a huge calendar cre-ated by James Herrlngas andHarry Hendricks. Edward Hold-er, their speaker, told how Jan-uary originated. Thomas Worththen spoke on 'New Years Day.'Janice, a Roman Goddess, was

agency to make final payments|IO]]owed by the New Year'sl jiijt recently"^*A. It! O^eeFe,

hour We can not'Mrs Herman Shut* of 25 Pln-(W|th the-proposal asked the let the courts decide II the new the children.• — ' • ' - *«^~ Avenue, has been grantedj c o u m .n t 0 gP t the Board of)1"* w»» valid. A Purlm carnival

• - , • * ; !

I ) IV 1

nix through our bor-jadmLwIon by St. Paper's Col le t 1 Freeholders to agree (o accept•in Definitely and e»-j While hi high school. Keith^hv road as a county function,it the ones from out has bwn irttve as a member of takinx over lu maintenance He

'the Chess Club and Futuiejsugstpstpd also that the nei«h-n^lBtion will bealmed;BwilneM I-esdern of America Iborlng community of Wood-

and cele-Boncelet said he planned to bratlon will take place on Pur-

lm Day Sunday, March 10. Stu-dents of the Hebrew School are

^Introduced in council a reso-lution defeated by the Demo-crats at the last meeting. This,,resolution would have directed'for community wide partlclpa

planning an eventful carnival

d,,.:; R Mow area or 10l Keith plarm to major In ac-'bridge be questioned on thc I K o l l D a s t 0 ( lraw «P &n ordl-,• i.mir nrea of RoowvtK countlnK iTownshlp Committee's road »«"«* prohibiting fuel storage. (,,,m the very begtn-i . . . . . p l i m , tanks on land not used for that

.4. Mw txwwwfc 41-Wood-} Mtei Arkw A M«*yka. h»». Conn«U President John Hut- purpose but would not have-af-l l dih n-d hunt at Hud-

Tlil* of coursethat Carr make the

presentation to the PlanBoard and declared

present installations.When Boncelet first proposed• ordinance some days earlier,Board and declared tha ;

first section of the pro-^ollbas told him he thought

the very t»gtn-| • • * •Musyka. Hw

bwn granted idmlwlon to the nickE w x Colli-ic of Business and ,Mim

!)» buMnpan and popu-jpUru to majoi in medical secre-;,,,,,>,. . . nii-r of thai area Poa*'tarlal science Ithein this move, the numberj ArliW* ht*h jehool Activities posiI.-KN iisinx Curtcret as t.meludr the Future Business' A ^ , U U, V - - ...

: cMi-ndi.! to tlw New Jer- Uadcri of America, conccanlonju would lake to complete the l n t n p ne inw. Nell £ullo. tneiTnpik.. will deerfa». looaunlttrr cake sale committ<>e,|f,n,|r,. project, Carr *aid that .boroughs lire combustible in-j The girls vleing for• T ; M^-d limit i» e»-Stctw Club, and chwln«l«rfor;,i could bfdonMn a year TrilslsPfC101^ disclo.srd that he had-Queen of Hearts " ",h.M 1 »m mre the. PQUce.U», rtudent-faaUty btartball would Imlude dotail* planning|[«JMted Tledwaters request forjLoretta Perrence, M;,rr,,; It r r r r aincenUylgunr. SI,cl the movimi of utility lines. ^ »wmn\ of Its plans. He said costanzo, Ml^s Harriet Sica,

1 8 h p ,, th l, dalJI{ |,ter of Mr A < . ,u a l BUndin« he stated oould!he n a d <<om' «° because the|8nd Miss Charlene Kiantz.

road was a "must"by officials how long

such a law would be unconstitu-tional.

Chairmen Named(Continued from Page 1)

Mary Perrence, Mr. and MrsConstanzo, Mr. and Mrs. SamSica, Mr. and Mrs. Krantz, andlast year's "Queen Mother,"Mrs, Mildred Gr>ndell.

Dr. Bodnar GivenHigher Position


In parks; fourfour basketball

courts, $3,000 for blacktopplngpaths In Carteret Park, two newdocks In park, two new lawnmowers, and 500 pounds ofgrass seed at $3 per pound.

"All of these requests weremade by well recognized Dem*ocrats, such as Doug Zenobla,former Democratic municipalchairman, Alex Fazekas andThomas Coughlln, president ofthe General Democratic organ!1"zation.

"Now that it Is clear tbat weare not going to be hoodwinked

B o d n a r n a s prOmotedj B o d n a r n a s ^ m prOmotedportrayed by Joyce Condlt and to m a r i a g e r r P r o c e M Engineer-worshiped by Diane Cirillo, i n g Section of the Texas—TJ. S.R o s l y n Napurano, Nicholas chemical Company's ResearchRacsok, and James Hernnges. a n d Development departmentCharles, Rand, Father Time, l o c a t e d j n P o r t Necr ies, Texas J

by these demands, the Demo-crats have completely reversedtheir field and are claimingthey really meant to cut costs,

"We don't think that It showsa proper sense of public respon-

announcement was mBde|gponsor requests

Baby, carried by Karen Wi- president of the Company,t h l d bnesky. A party was held by

to contractors involved in' theDolan Homes work, effective assoon as approval Is receivedfrom the New York regional of-fice of the Public Housing Ad-ministration.

The Authority announcedplans to present a program orbrochure marking its fifth an-niversary as a reactivated and

t 0 h i s J o l n l n j ?

operating agency ln August. Itauthorized two members, Don-ald D'Zurilla and John Wolskl,as well as Sudia and the auth-ority attorney, Sumner Weener,to attend the National HousingConference in WashingtonFebruary 24 and 25.

p ^ t 0 h i s J o l n l n j ? ^ ^ gHarry Hendricks, Linda Keres- , n 1 9 6 o ^ B o d n a , . w a g e m _tan, Clifford Constantino and p loye ,d a g „ d l e m l c a l e n g i n e e r

(Thomas Worth. Steven Lukac- w l t h E s s o s t a n d a r d l n B a t o n

zewskl followed with the Eman- R o u g e H e h o l d s a v g p a t e n ) . icipation Proclamation. Glenn f o r Aceytelene removal fromiTurner read Carl Sandburg's Qiotofln stream* md has wito-Rhizzag. Alexander Hamilton o r e d p a p e r s o n x . r a y a n d G a s .waa eulogized by Jo Ann Adams. Liq u i (j chromatography analy-Chrlstlne Pelc cited many of s j s

F k l i ' b '


mendous spending increase andthen to try to claim that they

•ally intended to cut costs,early they meant to raise theists sky-high and blame us.ow they are trying to claimedit for our sensible approachthe budget which is blocking

,elr reckless spending spree."

Benjamin Franklin's proverbs.


OBITUARIESand Mm Michael Muzykn. of i^ done during the best build-19 Lincoln Avcmie jin^ season from ApriHo Octo-

Borough did not huvi' enoughfoam to fight oil fires. His an-

Rotx-rt 8!Onk Street.

|. nouncement brought loudHorn, of 24 East K o I l t a s , n d C a n w w In1;"1'*"-1* from the Mdience.>»ii-s bei•" notified agr,.emcnt that ihr road would] Pipeline


F l.i


Huiidolph Street,Ht 8 30 at

of hh arcrpLmw by fiowhem inc reaS(> |an<1 and reduce


-I I'll >l BARTOK• in ! I tn - PUnrrai arr- C o n n K l | c u t v , u t f cojfcn-

! lor Joseph M w l l l m a ) o r n nbrar>. sclpnce j t i : M l maintenancB causi-d by|education the moving of heavy trucks.

While In high school Robert , t r ( , e l s l n a t originally were not

said that the corn-

Joseph Harko and his Or-chestra will furnish the music

Mrs. Touhey has announcedthat all tickets must be re-tdrned by Thursday night. Feb21 between 8 and 10 P.M. in

h i hof the borough for|Pan>; f laml(>d to run a pipeline1,^ B o r o l l g h Rail, at which. . . ... ,____ . . . . ^^ ^ ^ .^ ^ d j , t e i . m i n e d w n ot 0 th<' Carteret site from its In-

' "Wi'"rk! Pv"M>r*1 ! l om(> ' participated in the following: b u l l t , o r . ,uch h-avy traffu-' ' ' ' • Avi-iuir. • ana WM B a n ( ] ; u r c l ; , . s t r« . Annscott N<-ws, carr-told Council meml,1 :.v . . t a l rmn rcqukm I J b r a r > , c ; i b ^ ^ 1 Club, F u - U a t lh',. B r s t .,,(.p would tx

In Delaware City, Del..He Mild that some fuel might]also go in by ship Plans call


y e a l - swill be.

i". 'J

'. ('lunchK"i.uj)ka

. .Snkrnn requiem u l j ^ a ^ c . i b r c i n ^ r a Club,mn »l the Holy :W|r, T M , he r s of America,

"members'for 8 0 | ) l ' r c c n t °^ t l l p

be to|te»ve Carteret by ship. 10 per

with the Revcelebrant. Rev

A t l a u w " 'or Federal aid for theand the 8pant th | p t a n n m | ( WQ,.k T n l s m o , u l y h(,

n w. i . •>> . .u i stated, is loaned without inter-Rob. I 1* the ,on_«f the l a t e ^ ^ m W J rf ^ ^ h o w .

,Clubdiih. di'««)i>, and Riv..

nioMnskljub deacon. m U l HvmMX E . Horn and ;.;.; ' h 7 dc-tB^d* » J m St Oertrude n g H o r n

Pall bearrrs, all" _ i

ver.Tliert wa» a possibility

>! rhr order of theKl Hakkam Caravan


lalso explained thai the gcivernmi'iit mlKht pay half the costif the borough would commit]

cent^by plpejine mid 10 percent "by'truck. The tanks wouldbe able to hold 2,254,000 barrelsof gasoline, dlesel oil and heat-ing oil, he said

Lawson .said that Kollba.s hadbeen instrumental in having the^company's plans chaimed so as!

et'lng and that what odors i(

emitted would not be noxiousTidewater plans to:leave a stripof the property for use by thiproposed industrial road, to carry heavy traffic around theborough's residential areasLawson satd. ,:

He asserted that the compan:would license a section of th

hud on handi i l l iTHViua* ••••* . . " ^

proposed tanks land between,Roosevelt Avenui n i v „... the Columtausiand the railroad tracks for recSchool. Under the revised plans,|reatlonal use by the boroughthe closest tanks would be 1.000 i but he would not guarantee tha1

t,.ni fmm tv./. c^iinni mi thi> east, t.hp r.omDany might not want ti

P R I C E S Were Bom HereAnd Raised Elsewhere!"

C;KT OI R PRICK, ON M KORDS AND FALCONS:Sow You Can Buy a I svd Cor With Confidence!

feet from the school, on the eastside uf the tracks of the CentralRailroad (of New Jersey. Theoriginal plans called for tanksm the west side- of the tracks1 iwson said.

He said that

A n a t i y e bgtmgh D r

Honor EmployeeOn Long Service


:empa of 74 Hagerman Street;arteret, was the recipient of adiamond-set emblem marking:iis 25th year of service with the!Western Electric Company. Inecognition of his long service

lie was guest of honor at a com-pany-sponsored luncheon.

He is a spot welder in theManual Equipment shops.

Mr. Horzempa Is a member ofthe VFW Post 2314 also belongsto the Stanley S. Holmes Chap-ter of the Telephone Pioneersof America, an organization ollong service telephone employ

Gall Ward was the man who Bodnar received his BA Degreewent "early to bed." Clifford m chemistry from LafayettiConstantino was he who "loves college, Easton, Pa., in 1951himself", and Texanna Caestel a n ( j n i s php in Chemistry fromproved "A stitch in time save* the University of Illinoisnine." The Daniel Webster -1954, He is a member of htHane debate was related by American Chemical Society.Robert Stanlchar. Joseph Tere- Dr. Bodnar, wife, Louise, anbetski told of Robert E. Lee their three daughters livewhile a Confederates vs. Union 6320 Pansy Drive, Beaumonlbattle was fought by Glenn Texas.Turner, Robert Wood, ThomasWorth and James Halliday.Stonewall Jackson was MarilynHoy's topic,covered in

"Gold wasCali'ornia",


Roger Szelagowski. Harry Hen-dricks. Stephen Lukaczewskiand Nicholas Racsok. Ann Ca-mara told of Lewis Carroll andhis stories. Mr, Rabbit, Mary-aiin Kalamon, was chasedacross stage by Alice. A pianosolo by Franz Schubert wasplayed by Jacqueline Ur, '

STRIKING BLONDE"It has recently been foun

that the human body contain,sulphur," said a lecturer 0:physiology to his class.

"Sulphur?" exclaimedblonde student. "And homuch sulphur is there lngirl's body?"

"The amount varies," replieithe speaker.

"Oh," said the girl. "I su]pose that's why some ofmake better matches th;

New York surgeon urgedMedical profession to improveits public image.


of Mr and Mrs. Paul Bodnar,40 Wheeler Avenue, want theirjpet tannish-colored Pomeraniandog back in the worst .way.There is a reward waiting forthe finder of the dog, if he orshe calls KI 1-4951.

fcrundem AnnounceDaughter's Betrothal,CARTERET - Mr. and Mrs.

?reeman Grunden, 48 Pennsyl-anla Avenue, has announcedhe engagement of their daugh-ter, Nancy, to Patrick J. Do-herty, son of Mr. and Mrs.iDavid Doherty, 556. NewmanPlace. Roselle.

Miss Orunden, a graduate ofCarteret High School, is aiophomore at Trenton StateCollege, where she is majoringn Business Education and Isi member of the Argo Sigmasorority.

Mr. Doherty, o Graduate ofThomas Edison High School,Elizabeth, attended NewarkPreparatory School* and theState University of New Yorkv

Delhi, New York, where hemajored in constructional engi.neerlng. He Is now serving withthe United States Army, sta-tioned at Bad Kreuznach, Ger-,many. A June wedding la'planned.

the company might not 'use this area. f,or its own uur-|poses later.

However,pany would agree to a zoningordinance that would bar Itfrom placing tanks on the west

.vould do no refining or rend*'side of the tracks.





Everj DayIncluding Saturday



OPEN TONIGHT TIL 10For Your "Last Minute"

VALENTINE GIFTSHallmark Valentine Cards





untie, powgr VlMtW. » «•- RiH only .i'Hidible HP

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For DoingBusiness With Us

Of course we appreciate your business through-out the year but as the Valentine season rollsaround it seems especially appropriate to ex-press our feelings at this time, jWe're!proud of your confidence and gratefulfor the trust you have placed in our institution.Thank you again for doing business with us.






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Member Federal Reserve System andFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Tlrarsday, February 14,1963*IL-EB


dhordsmen to be FeatureOf Men's Club Program

_ The Methodist rector of thi Irvington Chapter,

n '" T ^1 , n,v Tree eti mav be purchased at theo.y Tr-f Sflhwl. Oak Tree f M f K f n d r , c k |

„,, . ,»..-„ Of »he "Chord*-

*ill include a

under the direc-

founders DayProgram Monday

ti;n of Gen* A!eshiri »nd Its ISELIN— Fourteen membersruirtet. ccr.sWint of John M'.-of Uie Executive Board ofd'ira. tenor: Tjrrv Borfs-r..b«r- School 15 PTA met with theirI'or,1 Jowph But?*, lead, and president. Mrs. Donald Crllly.Wid'fr Haiftpp. base plans were completed for the

A1M> on the program will be Founders' D»y prop-am Mon-a s:r'.«' contingent, the "Camp- day. 6t the «ehool. Featuredtown Queens" from IrnrtRton. ^ u b* the Sweet Adelines,consisting of Helen Oxenford. cioverleal Chapter, the female>»d: lie* Marone. Jackie Lon- counterp&ru of the Barbertfnopy and Betty Schroeck. shop Quartets. Mrs. Robert Ar*They t i l l b* followed on t h e ! W j M in in chane.program by the "Antics", Plain- A donation was given tofield, with Arthur Dove, tenor; |CARE for «chool kits for theJanet Waldren, lead: Elmer iTtildren in foreign countries.

Attorney General to beFeted; Tanzman, Speaker

ioeneral Arthur J. 8111s (or.hli!*w. mf »uo known

erzraSavo,«** jj^s, uias^n brhnlf of the Hlllel Ac»-the RtrlUn W ™ ^ , w l U

idrmv" at a dinner March Si In a | ^ m * 7 l tW u , , » 12

at R,chnrid Caterer,. Verona. . O c . ™ m / l t . ^ a ^

Books SubjAt Society

Meltett, baritone and Dick Ql!-;A reconunerKtaUon was madellgan, base, that a donation of $5 be given

During the Intermission the«, t o ^ committee urging «Ub-Wl be an old-fashioned wm-'ushment of a Middlesex Coun-ftunlty sing directed by Miss ^ community Junior College.Behroeck who coaches the." N e U cesarettl. legislativeCunptovp Queens and Is di-'chairman, was directed to send~ ' !a second letter to the New York

Vmano To Tell **•"*«»« l ^ l " :Red Cro$s Story in that state,

V On Wednesday, February 20,

YMCASCAN DRIVE BKOCMURE: Metuchen - KdlsonBolldlM Fund dinner recently attracted more than 225•portion. Checkini the J400.000 capital fund drive bro-.bur. are, left to Huht, Mayor Walter K. Timpjon ofMttochen; John A. Chamberlain, president, TMCA Boardof Directon; 0. H. Yoxilmer, general campaign chtlroan;

and Mayor Anthony M. Ytlencslcs of Edison; The YMCAplans to construct an addition to its 42-year-old bulldinron High Street, Metnchen to provide an Olympic »lieiwtmmlng pool and all related facilities (or Us growingmembership.

Barbershop SingingPresident.

A discussion was held on thep A d i uContest Scheduled Middlesex County 4-H window

and mem- .display. Plans were made to

T»tlon and Encouragement of;Barber Shop Quartet Singing. Mr. Bowen announced thaIn America enjoyed a full eve-future meetings of the Sparksning of "Barbershop" harmony; and Knocks will be held everyTuesday at VFW Hall, laelin. ;other week on Tuesday after

Featured entertainment. In-,noons, from 6 to 8 p.m. at hisi illeluded the "Monmouth Aires." home. The next meeting will

Aibury Park, and the "Over- be February' 19.tones Quartet" of Westfleld. After the business meeting

Quests were familiarized with j members worked on the "Gl*mohistory and objectives of;Board,"

chairman of Public Relations show (or thfor the Woodbridge Township fctturtai! W PattersonRed Cross, has^nnounced that M»- D- *• &*»™' W*this year marks the 100th an- » n d education chairman an- _ ^ ^ _Biversary of Red Cross. Exten- nounced plans for a panel dis- ^ Boc[e{y b y m e a n s 0 { nip'atte plans are underway to OTSSk)n a t t h e M * y m e n i tfr s t l l psiharts, booklet*, and discussion.1

bring the "R»d Cross story" to meeting. The panel will con-| E l m e r M e l ] e t t i director, putthe people of the Township. ^ o f !»»»*» a n d t e « h e r * l the Chapter through its paces,

Mr. Vaaano stated there will w h o w"' K[SVtt miestlora ironi,partk,ulf tr ly e m p n U b i n ? songsbe a thoremgh examination of ^ * ^°°T ]to be «ung at the forthcomingthe Townshrp's need In relation jGarden State Area Contest,to the Red Cross. Joan Bednar Plan$ j April 27, at Wooabrldge High

Steve Purdy, chapter pres!- WeAAinir in Fiiiv S c h o ° 1

dent, will also direct reeiamina- " eaaing in J I U J , B e r t T o t h i p m l d e n t , invitedtlon of the Red Cross by public ISELIN - Mr. and Mm. Paul^n. men who enjoy singing, toofficials 80 that "they car. be- Bedner, of 345 Cnaries Street,!visit the Jersey Aires any Tues-1

come aware of the objectives have announced the engage-'day, 9 p.m. at VFW Hall, Lin-and Importance of this world ment of their daughter, Joan, coin Highway.wide organization." to Robert Kimball, son of Mr J

The services available and Mrs. Herbert Kimball, 348 Sparks and Knocksthrough the Red Cro&s are es- Charles Street „ , . , .sential to a progressive com- A July wedding is planned. '• LOnauct Meetingmunity, Mr. Vazzano said Miss B«dner attended Wood-1 ISELIN — The Sparky andAnyone interested in taking bridge IHfeh School and Is em- Knocks 4-H Club met Tuesdaypositive steps to provide the ployed by the Radio Corp. at, with their leader, Wally Bowen,Woodbridge Red Cross with the.America, Avenel. Mr. Kimball Correja Avenue, A regularvolunteer help that is always attended Metuchen Hlghjbusiness meeting was held withneeded is advised to call the School and is employed by Wil-1 Gregory McCarthy, vice piesi-offlce on Main Street. Ham Nash, Rahway contractor.'dent, presiding in the absence


91 Main Street Woodbii^gt

Twenty state* agree to re-vamp National Guard.

Salute to Ooldwater plannedto raise OOP fund.

making the announce-

mcnt. William Bnun.Uln.'bomd chairman, and J. Sey-mou: Kat., president of theAcademy, dlKloaed that Ai-.somblvmnn Norman Tannnan.Woodb,:d«e. will be chairmanof th- affair.

"MrRUtaind his familyhav, been an integral part ofthe success of our academy,"Mr Katz said. 'We are veryproud of the success of our'academy:' Mr. KaU said. "Wearc vory proud of his achieve-ments. locally and sta'cwlde,and feel this honor L longoverdue1 .

Tlie HiUel Academy, foundedin 1953 as a nuraery with «ixpupils, now has an enrollment!of 135 children and often Vcomplete grammar school edu-cation. It will graduate lte tintelaag in June.

••We give -our atudenU a.knowledge and appreciation oftheir heriUge with a full gen

m o s t l y b y vol

I 8 I U N - 'of Prtruary U CnbiMonth, the ParUh 1

cd a proram at thf A;1 0 flocletvi Ian merJohn Kookfr, chalrm:Book Selection Comrr'cuMfd the operatlo'i rhrarv and Catholir -, ..

Mn Martin Ml].Hlilp chulrtnan, and M

In r|i!,:iSSrltaUoni., M r 8 i n , W M nkmed Attor-n " r

O f n e r t i by Oorernor Rich-^ j Hughe. when he *°*

^ r e0 ' ( p U A m b 0 , High

^ R u t , er . Unlvmlty.S e earned Phi W «K a p p » honor., and Harvard. u « School.

prior to a«umlng his pretent,post he wai a partner in theU w firm of Wllentt. Ooldman.spitwr and Bllln of Perth Am-^ y He is married to the for-m e r Mlna Mlmer, and has adaughter. Hedy Erna 8ilh. 11They live at 204 Dfllwood Rd .Metuchen,


; Th« next

'J»JJ 2 L J M*r-DANCE «CHEDn.Fi)

WOODBRIDOE»ohedul«l by St Jn!;

Name Society. h»< b •poned until after hv:the Inability of the <in charge to engaur •ices of an approprlm,

Memberi will be r.tfcj new date u /•»•rangemenU are nud


Experimenu are being made,'m removing the prUil UomArr«ETU»TInewipapera and uiing the pa-

|to. out be rearranged into dlf-lferent words. - Punch

bm, butduty.

with purchase ot $ 5 * 0 0 or more & coupon

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1} M It

Thursday, February 14, 1965 PAGE FIVE



Mfor Mrs. Marie

,.„,, Funeral Home,

Mary Maske, Mrs. Colla Pos-treb, Mis* Mollie and MIM

.Jacobs, nil ot Brooklyn;

will be heldthe44

brother, Henry In


with a high Mas*WOODBRIDOE - Funeral

serviced for Mrs Helen M, Pet-

i. u | T h

LBurial will be In the

rson, 80,who died

m sewaren, the de-,,„,, redded In Wood-

She wa» aof St. Jame.

are her husband,j"scully: two daugh-

imnne M, at home andRobert 0 . Wallclcy. Car-


.,.P< for Mrs. Rose A. Pede.''MI Mnden Avenue, who< Monday night »t Perth

n't)iv ncnresl Hospital.will

364 EltnnorSaturday at


Amboy Oeneral Hodpltal. wereheld Monday afternoon at theQrelner Funeral Home, 44Oreen 8treet, with Rev, Theo-dore Seaman* of the Metho-dist Church offlclatlnn. Burialwas In Clover Lea! MemorialPark.

Street, formerly ol Perth Am-boy, who died 'Thursday at hishome, were held Monday at theSkrocki Memorial Home, Stateand William Streets, Perth Am-boy, with ft high Mass of re-quiem at 8t. Stephen's ChurchBurial was In the church ceme-tery.

The deceased wwi a retiredemployee of the Rnrltan Cop-per Works. He was a parish-ioner of St, Stephen's Churchand a member of the Sons ofPoland and the K»«a Pos-mlerttia Society.

Surviving are his widowCaroline (Bednarczyk): twodautthtm, Mrs. Katherlne Nes-,tor. Commack, N. Y,: and Mrs

The deceased was a member |ROlf van Maldan, Fords; A sonof the Methodist Church ofWoodbrldge and the Order ofEastern 8tar 137.

In addition to her husband,John M. Peterson, the Is sur-vived by a daughter, Mrs. Har-old Bulckerood, WoodbrldRt; ason. John E. Peterson, Wood-bridge: three grandchildren;

h«!i thl* morning, J:SO »t|and her mother. Mrs. Williamrilner Funeral Home, 44 ;Estreet, with a high Mass

»t 10:00 at St.Church. Burial will be

V rlnirfh cemetery-I T v dfceMod was the wife of

• Hur J Perte »nd was a par-!on,.r of St. James Church.

Surviving beside* her hut-\rA nrc two daughters. Jo-


FORDS - Private funeralservices for David M. Moore.

;;0 i,. and Msureen I.„ » gnn, Michael A., all tt

her parents, Mr. andCnnsUntlne Senator*

t iu«cr, Mrs. MaryR»hway, and four

Anthorfy T, Holm-

Droit, Woodbrldge.

Stanley, Fords; and threeurandchlldren.


services for Sherman A. Llngenfelter, 71, 904 8k. OrorKes Avenue. who died Friday, at PerthAmboy General Hospital, WPPheld Monday afternoon at, th

Home, Rosell<«Cloverloaf Park

11-month-oldMrs. Everett

ion of Mr.Moore, 24


|i: .iamb A , Nuton; Urals A..A Sonstore, Rahway.

MORE JACOBSVOODBIUDOE — funeral;,-rs for Isidore Jacobs, SI 3

Avenue, Metuohen,of Woodbrldge, who

Monday at his fiSme, will,'M this afternoon at 2:00ii,. Flvnn and Son Funeralii, iH Eut Avenue, Perth>,iv. with Rabbi Mai D.idwn of Temple Beth Mor-al officiating, Burial will be

•h Israel Cemetery,The deceased had been pro*etor of Jacob* Drug Store,

ftboy Avenue, Perth Amboy,1

• 48 years and previously had] another drug store in

•t neighborhood.

U. 8 Army veteran

8treet, who died Monday mom-Ini ai PtrUi Amboy GeneralHospital, were held Tuesday atthe flynn and Sons funeralRome, 23 Ford Avenue. Burialwas In 8t. Mary's Cemetery.

Betides his parents, the In-fant Ii survived by three sis-ters,' Christine, Patricia andKaren: three brothers. Wil-liam, Richard and Charles; andthe paternal grandfather, JohnHarklns of TottenvlUt, B. I .


J1ARRY HOFFMANFORDS — Funeral services

for Harry Hoffman, 112 Hamil-ton Avenue, who died but Wed-nesday nlnht at Perth AmboyOeneral Hoipltal. vrre heldMonday afternoon at the FlvnnMid Son funrral Homf.,23 FordAwnue,Hewett.

Prall FuneralBurial was InCemetery.

The deceased wns a native ofClayton, N. Y., and formerlyresided In New Brunswick, Hewas a retired home Improve-ment consultant. He was aveteran at World War I.

Surviving are his widow,May: t son, Sherman A. Jr.,Woodbiidne; a daughter, MrsHazel Rea, Kennwlck, Wash.;a grandson; a brother, DonaldC. tyhgenlelter, Forest Hills


services for John Sulymos, 118James Street, who died lastWednesday at the Perth Amboy Oeneral Hospital, were heli

Churcrat th>

Hungarian Reformedafter services also

with Rev.vicar Of

I*rite W

Owlner funeral Home, 4'Oreen Street. Burial was InCloverleaf Memorial Park.

The deceased was a founderand the oldest member of thej


Chairmen NamedFor Heart FundWOODBRIDQE - Karl 1.

Metzger, 1963 County Campaign „ , • , . ,chairman for the Heart Pund|Your Teacher Week.

To RecruitTeachers as MembersWOODBRIDOE - Wood-

brldge Township Jayeees havejoined oth«r similar groups Inthe state to promote "Recruit

nnnouncrd the anpolntment of

ureas: Cnrteret, Mrs. Patrick[Tnohev; Colonla, Dr. VincentR. Tnn7.l: Fords. Mrs. P

and Isdln, Mrs. Spen-cer F. Green.

Mr Mother pointed out that

Joseph F. Varaano, presidentchairmen In the followlnujof the Woodbrldge unit, said

the drive Is Intended to Interestyoung men In the teachlnn fieldto Join the Jaycees, "not onlyto provide themselves with op-loortunltles for leadershlo train-Ing, but also to^ he able to

local Heart Fund contributions nresent their Individual prob-mukr posslnlp the support of lems before the public with thecardiovascular research and did nosslble added support of thedentists In clinics and univer-slty ldboratorles throughout thenation.

Metager said,"plays an Important role In the

Association's program


Since 1948. more than »75 mil-lion In Heart Fund money has:ontrlbuted to the great pro-gress made In saving heartsthrough new methods of diag-nosis and treatment.

'There are more than 20types of heart disease aiftd manykinds of blood vessel diseases,"the chairman explained. "TheHeart Fund fights them all."


We. wish to express our sin-cere appreciation to all our re-

PATTEN AND C. OF C. LEADERS CONFER: ContressmanEdward J. Patten (D-NJ). second from left, front row,stresses point to New Brunswlck-RarlUn Valley Chamberof Commerce leaders and V. 8. officials, In Washington,concerning proposed flood control program In the RarltanVallty; and other are*, problems. **

Front row left to right: Colonel Robert C. Marshall,Assistant Director of Civil Works for Eastern Districts.

Corps of Army Engineers; Patten; and Ralph Mnehlle,Manaffcr, Industrial Relations, Westlnghous* Electric Corp.of Kdison. Kear: Ernest Johnson, Plant Manager of theE. R. Squibb & Sons plant In North Brunswick; TtaeronRlley, of the Corps' Project Development Branch; SamoelLandln, President of Landls-Ford, Inc., of North Bruns-wick; and Franklin Bent, Plant Manager of th« HerculesPowder Company, of Parlln,

Deborah Unit SetsMeeting for Tonight

FORDS — The ParkwayChapter of Deborah meets to-nlghtat 8:30 at the Elk'B Club,Route Vt, Metuchen. The Park-1

iway Chapter feels fortunate Inbeing able to hold their meet-Ing on St. Valentine's Day.

latlves and friends, and ourwonderful neighbors for the,manv nets of kindness and sym-pathy they extended to us dur-ing our bereavement In the re*cent death of our beloved son,Johnnny Qurrlerl Jr., age 8years old. We gratefully ac-knowledge with thanks themany floral tributes, spiritualbouquets, Mass cards, donationsof cars and all who attended thefuneral, We with especially tothank Rev. William Roos,Mother Superior Clements andthe devoted Nuns of St. James*Roman CathpUc School, Wood-brldge, N. 3.) the children of the

iWhlchYs synonymous with heart Woodbrldge First Aidd ll t h i l t e

Sunday Scheduler -Set By


WOODBRIIX5E -Nemeth, pastor and Rev.Marsh, assistant pas'nounca Mr. Marsh willat the eleven o'clock worshlp|tary;service on Sunday, Feb. 18th,

H O P H A W N - Election ofofficers ww recently conducted

Troop 6> under theihlp of Mrs. Joseph St.

Mrs. Steve Sllagyl.

after the 9:30-10:30 a. m.Church School. •

Junior Christian Endeavorwill meet at 3 pjn. Sunday In

oflorki War I, h t v u i m«n-

Perth Amboy Post 49.iwrtcan Lrgton, i n d n i Fireman, and t mem-

of Oarfleld Kngtns Com-He wai alio a member

Perth Amboy Elks tadft

morlalThe decetiKd was a parish-!

tonerChurch her* and was a memberof Local « 9 Teamsters Chauf-feurs and War»!iouiH'in<>n'*Onion. A native of Brooklyn,he formerly renlded In Totten-vllle, 8 .1. , for 20 yean, and Infords

the Rarltan Arsenal, untilretiring 12 years ago. He was

widower of Elizabeth (Si-mon i Sulymos.

Surviving are three daugh-ters, Mrs. Andrew vBusa andMrs. Williambridge; Mrs.

Jellcks, WoodEmtl Jastrab,

Christine Vayda, treas-urer; Marilyn Kovacs, commu-nity service,

Members are now engaged Incoratlng containers for the

UdlH Auxiliary which

., Fellowship Hall. Jean Sal'tsbury and Jim Clark will leadjthe meeting entitled "OstrichReligion." BUI Kutcher and hisCommission will be leading the3R. HI UPT meeting at 7 p m

The third session of theSchool of Christian Living wllmeet Monday evening, from7:30-10:30 p.m. The coursesHow We Got Our Bible" and'Christian Ethics In a Business1

World" as well as the BibleStudy on the Book of Judgeswll* be continued. The speaker

and Perth Amboy U\% sister, Mrs. Sophie Andro-jCompany, District 12, will hold in the course "Areas of Chrls-»;s More moving to Me-jvettc, Rldgtfleld Park; and a,s cake sale, Saturday from 2 to;tian Concern" wlU be Simeon

Sttrvtvini art four sons.FMnk. Perth Amboy; Harry,

iPort Richmond, S. I.-. Arthur.SET CAKE SALE

COLONIA - The Udles Aux-m In New York City. Mr Edtoon. and Kenneth.' Ttordfcjniary of the Colonia Volunteerb* resided In Woodbrl4«tAlso three grandchlldrtn. a l c h e m i c a l Hwk and Ladder

jrt.en eight yean ago,H? t u the husband ot Dor-

Jacobs, who survives hima daughter, Mrs. Edna

brother, Frank Hoffman ot th«Bronx.


8 p.m. at the flrehouse. Thenext meeting will be held, Mon-

Moss, Coordinator of Youth De-velopment Propram, Newark

»:arp. Metuchen: four grand-l POKDS - Funeral servicesjldrrn: four sUUrs. Mrs.'for Peter Van, 73, M Johnson.In caves.

day. jMr. MOM will speak on minor-ity problems. Any one Jn the

Missiles could be still In Cuba,'community interested In at-tending will be welcome.


You can see the difference wherever you lookU you Ixlieve various makei of trucks are prettymuch alike, you aren't doing justice to your pocket-book. Th«« are different. . , „ • _ . . , .

A Chevrolet truck welcomes comparison. Look ttthe ltttla things on It-Utches, h l n m rtitchlng inths upholiury. NotiM how strong tt>e tailgate is. tne

rubber «ncMsd chslns that keep it from saggmg.T b floor is msda of select W,ood to tUmmate

nd giv, you bettor footin,. The lower

Me panels are double-walled; you might-dent theuuide but it won't show through. •

Chevrolet designs suspicion systems to fit yourneed The light-duty type in st">iK on comfort.Another kind for heavier' trucks stiffens up as youincrease your load and v ip versa. Make sense? •

If you are going to need a new truck thia year,you should look st the quality Chevrolet has to offerM»y we bring over a new '63 so you can examine it?


New Hl«h Torque 2S0-cu.-ta.SIA U lighter but more power-ful linn iw prwttiwuior. It i«.undard lu Serits Clttlhruu(h CM moaeU.

call u, to t«l drlv*

C M T t M T

NewHlghTorque292-cu.-ln.Six-most powerlul truck 6Chevrolet h»u ever builtlStandard in Series C60,optional at extra CQst IqUgbtcr models..


F U ™

M.U, at . -r / l I I4M

111 be daunted to

he Veterans Hospitals. Theyare also collecting books for,he children In the Perth Am-boy Hospital and have madedonations of clothing and toysto the Salvation Army and tothe Indian Mission School InSouth Dakota.

A hike and winter cookoutare planned for next week.


(daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-

school who tangittje AngeHF all

ert Ness, Pershlng Avenue, who for patrons,who was a surgical patient atMuhlenburg Hospital, Is recup-erating at her home,

llasser Is AwardedRental Franchise

RAHWAY — 8tanley Glasserof Glassco Service, 1161 Wood-bridge Road, Rahway, has beenawarded the franchise forEcono-Car Rental System for1,this area.

Mr. Glasser wuThave a com-plete line of 1963 Plymouth? and1

Valiants on hand for quickrental service. The firm will al-so furnish frse pick-up service

the Mass ofof Johnny's

friends who sent flowers ontheir own to their playmate; the

since Deborah and St. Valen-tine's Day both stress hearts.

Mrs. Sidney Zuckerman has!planned an Interesting pro-gram with group participation.Mrs. Meyer Friedman, presl-,dent of the Parkway Chapter,will conduct a business meetingand urges all members to at-tend.

and all their volunteer worker*,who never tired of the task oftransportation to and from MewYork to the hospital, which wasvery often: our devoted andhelpful neighbors of BarrenAve.; the Woodbrldge PoUee

Corporate tax would go up


Manufacturing Corp., 1400'[Railway Avenue, Avenel, was1

entered yesterday and a stampmachine, cabinet, soda andcigarette machines were dam-aged. An unknown amount of

first year before tax cuts show.'money was stolen.

Department, the Town ofWoodbrldge; and the PerthAmboy Evening News, for allthe help received from the ar-ticle they published whinJohnny first became sick; aUthe cousins who acted as pall-bearers and the Leon J. Gerlty|Funeral Home, Woodbrldje,N. j . , for satisfactory services[rendered to us In our great Ion.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gurrtmiand Brother, Joseph.


First Bank's loan officers know .that when you need money \to relieve a financial headache, ,-you need it in a hurry.

You'll appreciate how quicklythey can turn your loan requestinto ready cash. - l •

Speed, plus understanding and confidentlyhandling of your application...are always basic irigredientaof First Bank's loan service.If you need money for any sound purjffllV „apply here. . . where you get action...and cash. . . fast. •

Banking Hours at Avenel-Colonia

Monday thru Thursday8:30 A.M. • 2:00 P.M.

Friday j8:80 A.M. to 6:30 P.M.DRIVE-IN WINDOW

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: ; ; - • ; • • • • r • % - '



! •

PAGE SIXThursday, February 14, 1963

Gospel Singers*Program Sunday

n Srt!fc|)eep Freeze1

AVENEL Tthe First Pi-esbytrri«n Cluireliwill preach the \<tf\ f>; .i s r r i r j

O( sermons on First Po;e: Sim-d&y Rev. Dr Cbaries S Mac-

OfficeFor AViry Recruiting • n J* JPFRTH AMBOY - New of ( ^ m O O H l 1 1 6 3 0 1 6 ( 1

AVENEL- Boy Scout TroopFirst Presbyterian

flee hoir.s (or the U. S. Rcrrult-

The Minister* of "* l8 ' a I : o » ' 'ocato(1

(K l n t h e

p.rth Amboy Post Office,\;!U'fi1 today by Philip t



Pinup • • j C h u r c n participatedr Scout-O-Rnma held

locf l l "'"'weekend at the Woodbridsre



Kenrie !i at the 8. 10 the recrult-i;00

, Mondays thruM. to

-Thou Wilt K-.-p Him ;r. Per-fect Pracc" Tlv WeM:iv.:-<:erChoir will Mne "For the Bonutyof the Enrtl'." a: 10 A M Therren of thf C!u".rel Chfl'.r willsine "Prni.v the Lord" byv....... :f! p. A M

The Ml. P'.tWMit BaptistC'lircll CkVPOl ?!!KI:T5 Slid thf

"Brotherhood"Sabbath Listed

AVEMEL—Brotherhood Sab-bath will be conducted fit the

Sisters will present » cvmcieiintion B'nni Jacob to-spiritual and devotional pro-pnm nt the 8 P M serviceThe Shockley Sifters haw sunpj

l b i t i * h

morrow at 8:30 P. M.Rnbbi Philip" Brand an-

Shockley Sifters haw « " % o u n w ( , pilP5t preachers will bemany top celebrities such- Rf,y A l b e r t D K S 0 o f the-UAif i IAnirc^n Ann Ninn _ • i . t ._«


National Guard Armory. Thefollowinc boys, under the dl-Ireetion of Al How?, troop com-mitteeman. demonstrated the;handling and use of firearms;Fred Kelllsch, Richard Florlo,Barry Wynne, Coleman Nocks,Russell Ander«)n. Darrell Han-isen Gary Wledcmann, Glen

—Mr. and Mrs. Michael Te-tesco, 50 Clark Place, wish toexpress their appreciation forthe many expressions of con-dolences from their friends andneighbors on the death of Mrs.Tetasco'* father, Joseph S&n-tora. Elizabeth.

—Andrew Mlkkelien, 14George Street, has returnedhome from a trip to Miami,Fla.

and Mathew Bu-Frommatorglehall.

Several of the members par-ticipated in Sunday's religiousservice at the locnl church withthe rest of the troop attendingin a group with their scout-F-M-master, James Austin.

Final plans are being made

Slngspiration service at 8 the First PresbyterianChurch. The Gospel Choir fromthe Mt. Pleasant BaptistChurch and the well-knownShockley Singers will sing.

-The Young Ladies Sodalityof St. Andrew's Churc/i wfllreceive Holy Comminiion at the9:30 A.M. Man Sunday. Theyoung womenmonthly meeting

—A reminder is iwued onthe change of hours a( theAvenel Public Library. Doorsare open daily from 3 to 1:30P.M. with the exception ofTuesdays and Thursdays whenthey remain open until 8:30

with many topas Mahalta Jacltson and Nina)1*" ",'"^'"i'\ ", ~i v.Simone. Profww Robert iP"? 1" P^byterlnn Church,

'Banks, teacher, composer tn(lC.ark ar.i! the H« Junnw C r -noted organist is the director of t fr o f s t Angus Ihe s Episcopalthe Gospel Choir and Shock!ey,chllrch' Elizabeth.Sisters, Refreshments will be> Township officials have beenserved by the Young Couptes'invited nnd an Invitation to theFellowship in Church Hall aftcr|entlre community has been is-thepropam. All members and sued. Rabbi Brand will offl-friends are invited to attend.

NAVAl REDUCTION"And how i£ your husband

(retting on with his reducingexercises?


ciate. assisted by Cantor MeyerTrachtenberg. Also participat-ing will be the temple choirunder the direction of Morton

Final plaJfor the "Deep Freeze" campout,lat Camp cowaw to be held Feb-ruary 24-26. The troop will en-ter two sleds in the Klondike'Derby. The sleds nave been'built by the boys.

Arrangements were made togo on a swimming party to theRahway Y.M.C.A, Monday eve-ining, March 4.

, The Oneg Shabbot will be'sponsored by the congregation.

i w u or surprised. That! The membership committeebattle-ship he had tattooed onjpxtended a welcome to Mrs.his stomach is now only » row-:Risha Bram and Mr. and Mrs.

!Jerome Klein, new members.

—Tonight th,e Kre Commis-sioners meet at the local lire-house.

—Tomorrow the Pride of NewJersey Council, Sons andDaughters of Liberty, meet at

venel School 3 auditorium atP.M.—Sunday a special muslca

irogtam will be held at the


NOT SO HIGHMrs, Henpeck: "Everything

Is going up"Mr. Henpeck: "Oh, I wouldn't

say that. For instance there'syour opinion of me. my opinionof you, and the neighbor'sopinion of us both."

Official Nationwide Consumer Testing Institute Report:



. It happened in the second big meeting of Ford Galaxie "500",

Chevrolet Impala and Plymouth Fury at Riverside, Cal.—in a

"Showdown" Plymouth a$ked for. The cars were all V-fc, com-

parably equipped. And Nationwide Consumer Testing Institute

was there to conduct the competition and see to it that its strict

rules were followed. When it was over, Plymouth had victories in

almost every performance test, plus victory in the all-important

economy run.' Plymouth for *6J also has the only 5-year/50,«00-

mlle warranty* in the tough Plymouth-Ford-Chevrolet league.

See your dealer. Plymouth's on the move.


QUMtTOMitUPLYMOUTH ...15 J 4 » cCHEVROLET -.s.9* SK .FORD :: ,53 stc.

CITY PASS I NO=:YMC'u"H 278 f t: - E V = : _ L T 279 ft.?:sc 305 ft.

HIGHWAY PASSING?.<V0'.>. 462 ft.J-E.HC.ET 516 ft.:;RD 554 tt.


ECONOMY RUNPLYMOUTH '.S.77 mpg.CHEVROLET 17.04 mpsFORD 16.14 mpg.

HILL CUMtCHEVROLET 15.00 sec.PLYMOUTH 15.44 set.FORO • • 16.00 l e c

CMDtCENGY STOPFCRD 120 tt.?..YH:-JTrl 125 tt.Cr-E.ROl.ET 133 t t

60-UOP-PARKfLYVO'JTH .' 2:32 min.FCRD 2:44 mm.CHEVROLET . . . 2 :57 mm.

1VM1LE CLASSICPLVMOUTH 2:51.74 mm.Cf-EVROLET 2:55 67 min.FORD 3:04.89 mm.

$ * bwlw for full detult

.iuil |Ultk ur l^h|nri, dho illlil liilimm rfilo a'lit ilrl111 Ilio PI, ulli-V


uiia I M I I)4MMI>,..-» I>I tiU.JJU iHilat, fhntt-

I>ait4 ( U ^ I U O I I ^ nunuril cliilUi);nlul. ami I«J I v,liut)l t L i i ( i ) ^iit ;:,:i!il,uJ U i Cdiguhedulw.

hold theirMonday at

Named were: Mrs. Albert Le-first aid squad building at 8:15P.M.

—The Sixth District Repub-lican Club meets with Mr. andMrs, William Scheuerman, 300Prospect Avenue, 8:30 P.M.Wednesday.

PTA ProjectsFather's Night

.Jai nion I low

Ibfda. Mm. Domlnlck LoBtancoand Mrs. James Austin.

ill attDance Febru

AVENEL - Alfredithe

Wasp waists are coming back


American Cancer .Societyto the PTA of Avenel

Schools 4 and 5 at a recentmeeting He showed a film."The Other City." Mr. Dlrtzclintroduced Dr. Gerald Finkrl.iPords. aJIiliated with St. Prt-

\d Mrs. JBiiira " " " . I

, A delegation will attend tne t A V ENEL - The sfounder* day dinner todaJ-a tSt Thome* School. Old BrWfe.

'cir.v •» ,

FRANCE SAYS "NO"Washington officials are re-

fusing to take President de-. n o M .

B, l h a l FrBnC0 Join^ U n | t f d atntrs and


7:45 P.M.—A delegation from Schools

4 and 6 P.TA, Is attendingthe Founder's Day dinner todayat St. Thomas School, OldBridge.

Paris. And there will definitelyIM hips.

'lively Question and answer pe-Some of the shops we featur- r l o d W(U con<nirt(.d.

ing long dresses for home en- . . p T A , ri ,0itertalning but the short dres« ™ l0CBl P ' A

spoke on ^ ""jt"ta"hnppd: here that the[seven danger signs of fl™"1'-Fl.mrh attitude will change'stressing early diaRnosts. A

WestminsterFirst Presbyterian rsnonsor a dunce ic h

the church hall, F'l,Other eventR [or •

people of the conn.eludes the weekly i:for high school nci ;

church at 8 P M miWith Mrs. Plorene;leader Joseph M'CC

ils still' favored for Informalcontribute »10 to the Middle-

party wear.

-Monday the firemen willhold drill exe*ctoes at 7:30 the local tirehouse.

—Third Ward Second Dis-trict Democratic Club meetsMonday at the Hillcrest at 8:30

M.—Tuesday the Aveial Me-

morial Port, VJ.W., lieets athe Maple Tree Farm at 8 P.M.

, —Avenel Woman's Club. „..[meets Wednesday at the local on Katanga.

Ister for youth acin, ;» B4bl* »U»dy for 'The British-United States pro-• ^ R t n . 3 o A M

(PCI is just beginning and »-IH!urday /

•tnlir several years to farryjl l i r iMfch .

'law Junior College Fund DriveAttendance awards WCTT won

•by Mrs. David Levines P M.Young girta are wearing their ;kln( |ergarten class and Joseph

hair ln very simple and becom- z l c C n l . d r s s i x t h grade class.Ing style*. The odd hair-dos'are for models and very formaladult affairs.

Knitted cottons are being{fashioned into lovely garments


V I E W S s r \ \ h | N r. V d > < I HOUSTON, - H, .

i n K S n VEAR8 f 0 f ^LILI.F PRANCE -J*™"\wM. • I«-year-okl

Va.wur. 42. has been hiding t"ttoW by the Judwthe attic ol hi* mother s r n o d ^ t ^ ^ , a s p a n k l t , B •>

The next generalscheduled for April 2 whenFathers' Night will be featured.jThere will be no March meet-ing, according to Mrs OeorseAllen, president She an-nounced the appointment of a

I three - member nominfltlnitthree member tiU. N. tightening troops' grip committee to select a slate of

I officer*

Of follflbointimi with the Oer-mnn Nn/is Mr had been con-demned to death In absentia.

Every tune the doorbell rang-'„,.'would run and hide in theattic bin one day he was tooslow and ho was seen and ar-rested

Time to Stock Your Freezer.. • and SAVE!

plained that the t>n-jbm (or her to spankthen ordered the vnrforward and lean n.The mother wa« gi>borrowed from a -,and she proceeded inson before the com:

Watcft for ttira ^

FH«ASt (First NAt»

sign... wnirt at ih


"1• " • !>

•i V

Yor* Qndsa bimdi m ahnyi iwr—fl and I M M to ricM flrtt Nttiooil qnality eontroli"Yor" Garte brands «n yoor tnttt ihosptaf n l n * . . . sir* you mod for your IDOMJ—




StrawberriesMixed Fruit <Asparagus tOTSlTM

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KRAFT'S VELVEnAMISUNG SARDINES «•» - « • "•- - 27*NESTLE'S EVEREADY COCOA ',:.;".': 49<DASH DOG FOOD o , / H t *WOODWIRYSOAP • » ' • " > • . - * 4 2 «HERSHEY'S ^ ^ T — - - »WILD BIRD SEED <HtNcui fAU »• S5<'JNFLOWER SEEDS - - - 4 9 <

Finast Bakery Specials


53-Finast Custard ,, i < iAngel Cake ^ 4 j <APPLE SPKE DONUTS '—ENGLISH MUFFINS , , r . , . 2 7 , 3 ^SOW RYE BREAD —• 2 \ T 49<OLD FASHIONED BltEAD

Pirfiet Pork Partner.. . KATIE'S SAUERKRAUT


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50 S&H Green Stamps- •

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AcrJnttttti *14 MMAX LIQUIDM nivou CIUMU i n . II M

is« i« 39c

Qarden Fresh Fruits & Vegetables mmal

GRAPEFRUIT 14-29SWEET POTATOES 3-25Mushrooms m™»49, Lettuce Rawine 2 ^ 2 9Mclntosh Apples 3J,39« Pascal Celery £

101 INC. SPOOK ~ Michael Hnmsark plsv* a hauntm*lilrt;ill>' — In thr my»tery-rnniril>, "Ilip Mou»f NH-vcd I«." t" '" performed by thr C.Y.O. of Our lady,. Clnirrh, J'nr«K tn th( parlih auditorium on Keb-' Murdrr In » dnwrtrd Victorian matulon is

In three »cU, with a nhntt|rvrrimi1

• . 2 1

providing tiooailcmal comrdy rfllrf. The play Is being pro-durfd by special arrangement with Samuel French. Othermembers of the cast pictured here (I., to It.) are; Beverlyllaklar. Bernard Wttarto, P*t O'Hara, Nancy Krouch and


jmen'sSociety 'House Nobody Lived In'ranges Supper, r 0 &e Staged by C.Y.O.

The Women'* BorMian S m l w of FORDS-A mystery-comodyi Tlic play, produced by spe-

! ly

• Church heM'entltlcd, "The House Nobody!clal arrangement with Samuel' b

l(r. -Jf


ill rail and mis-Lived In," will be performed by French, Is directed by Baytin- church wlth;the C.Y.O. ol Our Lady of Chmleleskl, assisted by Carlo

Vrirjt In charge of Peace church In the pariah au- Lovl.dltorlum on February 23-24.: Members of the cast are:

All the People," ,The ftr&t performance will be Kathy Lewi*. Beverly Haklar, * r a m

PTA To HonorPast PresidentsFORDS — Paat president* of

School 14 P.T.A. will be hon-ored KUMU at the Pounder'sDay meeting on Wednesday,February 20. Mrs. GeorgejHeath, Founder's Day chair-'man, announced that the pro-

Thursday, February 14, 1963

Story HourIs ListedBy Library

FORDS - A program to In-troduce young children to "thejJoys of good reading" is be Innconducted by Our Lady ot

[Peace Parieh Library, accord-Inn to Rev. Christopher C.Rellly, parish assistant andspiritual director of the organ-ization.

Fr. Rellly said that all chil-dren between the ages of fiveand rluht are Invited to thinpublic story hour to bn held lnthe Library every Saturday'morning, beginning at 10;o'clock. The readings of such'famous chlldrens' classics asGulliver's Travels and Alice InWonderland will be. done bymembers of the Library's staff.Children may be accompaniedby one or both parents.

Fr. Rellly also announcedthiit the library is sponsoringa hook review contest among

[children in the upper gradesif the church school. Students;

may report on any book of jtheir choice. Winners, threefrom each grade, will be deter-mined by the depth of theirreading as well as the qualityof their writing.

Our Lftdy of Peace LibraryIs entering Its third year ofservice to the parish and com-munity. Fr. Rellly continued,He said that membership in thelibrary continues to grow andnow numbers lfloo, altogether—700 adults, 700 teen-agers and500 children.

Various sections of the libra-ry were expanded during thepast year to accommodate themembership, he said, addingthat the adult section current-ly offers a sect ion of 1000 G u l l l v c r ,7 l 5



traytng Metho-jtfven on Saturday, beslnnlnR Pat O'Hara. Darta-Lovl. Mikethree mls«lon'»t 8:00 P.M: the sreond show-Homsack, Bernard Wehrle,

Africa and,Ing Kill be held the following Barbara Mclena, Mary Mo-

JecU of the Parent TeacherOrganizations.

GREETS UNION HEAD: Middlesex County FreeholderWilliam J. Warren (C), Fords Is shown greeting PresidentWalter r. Reuther (R) of the United Automobile Workersafter his address to more than 400 delegates to the UrbanCounty Congress at the International Inn. Sponsored hjythe National Association of Counties, of which Mr. WarrenIs a director, Mr. Reuther spoke on "Job Security In theUnited States." (L. to R.) President Beverly Briley of the

National Association of Counties from Tennessee; Mr.Warren; Paswic Freeholder John Jay Sullivan and Mr.Reuther. Mr. Warren Is treasurer and a past president ofthe New Jersey Association of Chosen Freeholders. FifteenFreeholders took part In the four day conclave headed byJohn Knox Duncan, president, of Pitman, GloucesterCounty Freeholder.

PTA 25 SponsorsSaturday Movie

FORDS — "Three Worlds of

t h l sG u l l l v c r l5 t h l s Ssdm&&f&° J » * r e U g l m 6 ftnd afternoon movie sponsored by

Parochial PTA Schedules\15^tRl°:^Showing of Spring Styles

secular literature.The reference section con-

tains 20 seta of encyclopedias,The resignation of Mrs. C. T. phis 17 national magazines

afternoon i t 3:30 o'clock 'drcskt, Richard Mraz. Nancy',Housel, corresponding jecre-jwhlle 1200 books of all types

the PTA. of School 25. Thefilm, in color and starring Ker-wln Mathews and Jo Morrow,will be shown at 12 noon and2:30 P.M. in the All-Purpose

1 Klrlcup led In fcttlni for Raymond Dum- Krouch. Farnces Krouch, Ar-'tRry, was accepted with regretiare available to the youngtRoom at the school, accordingto Mrs. Nicholas Romeo, ways\w.\ Mrs Loulsekey's contagiously amusing lent Van Dalen. Bill Manlscalco, ftt ^

r-nderrd several vo-,pliy U a deserted and allcgedlyjDon!.%c Wentura and Peter Kar-ii:v! accompanied atjljaunted Victorian manslonvcklhv Mrs ClurrncVwhoae owner, a cantankerous,; The show Is one of a «erle>

mlwrly character, provide* the of cultural activities planned by

m c e U ( g c h Q O ladults and children,

A unique feature of the li- and means chairman.

ri> completed for •y

mutter? by netting himself the youth group. Rev. Hugh

mlt Avenue. The board mem-

II i

•.I;>PIT to be held In'murdered early In the show ,F. Ronan, parish assistant.: .vMilj) Hall on Frbru-JSolution of the crtme takes is spiritual director of the'.: -im 500 to 7:00 P 31.'three acU and the occasional organization.Howard Ifcrnaly and:appearance of a ahaat offers —.ii:>s Urson will lervf'comedy relief, TicliPtS Available

mm'.Mattng committee\——— ••— ' j , , , _ , .. . ,ni to wleet a slate ofChureh In Metuchen. ( TOT I he r f l M l o n•nr the 63 - "94 church; The next meeting ot the FORDS — Choice scats have

jWomen'i Society will take been obtained by the HolyAndrew Hvvm ao-lplK* March » at4he home otjjfarae Society of Our Lady of

bers elected Mrs. Vivian Serkoto publicity chairman.

. publicityup ln the vestibule of the chairman, announces that thechurch, which provide* parish-executive board of School 25loners with easy access to more unanimously endorsed

nounced. bywillMrs.

FORDS — "A Prelude to| The commentarySpring" will be the theme of j fashion paradethe seventh annual fashionshow sponsored by Our Ladyof Peace School Parent-Teach-er Association and scheduledfor Wednesday, March 20.

forbe an-Michael

Slmko. Assisting backstage willbe Mrs. Helen Fazzarl and Mrs.Bernadlne Tollls.

Other chairmen named were:Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bigos.lMrs. Leo Carasltl, tickets; Mrs.

yt h a n 2 0° s t u ( » l " o n Catholic t h e Woodbridge school budgetteachings In the various fleld«lfor the coming year at its last

Irving Golden, Institutionaltub Pack 54.

y the P.

of theology.Mrs Dall

andJb£ la

iboard meeting an4 urged vot-Is head crs to go to the polls to sup-

b y

status and current activities of

port the candidates of theirchoice for the Board of Educa-tion.

Cub Pack.Mrs John

science and techniques of ae-

. „.., World DM Mn. Charles L»r»on, \2 Evtr- p,.a<:n Church for "The Passion named chairman of the Pebru-I be hrld on March green Avenue. Fteds. with Mrs.!of the Savior" at Mother of the ary Hot Dog Sale, with Mrs.

Icesslonlng. processing, ca to lw-Habarack was,ing ttn(i circulating.

The library 1« affiliated with j

general chairmen of the affair,state that the display of springfashions will be shown by TheTown Shop and Cornell's, bothof Menlo Park.

Members'of the P.T.A. willmodel, according to chairmen,Mrs, Leonard Welczak and Mrs.Dorothy Holton, with make-up,supervised by Mrs. Louise Pat-tls and coiffures styled by Rog-er'3 of Perth Amboy.

Marie Codella, Ad and ProgramBook; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Col-gan, ways and means; Mrs.Frank Kaminsky, door prizes.

By Firemen in Jan.F0RD8—Fire Chief Rudolph

Kulachlnsky reported thet theFords Fire Company answered15 calls during the month olJanuary. A breakdown of theflres U as follows: 6 car fires,1 false alarm, 2 special calls,1 out of town, 1 garage, 3brush, 1 compressor motor and1 fuel oil fire.

The Fire Company has ac-cepted an Invitation to attendthe 50th anniversary of theAvenel Fire Company on July13.

The regular fire drill will b«Kennedy proposes a record-[held tomorrow night at 7:30

breaking budget of $98.8lion.

bll-|P.M. under the directionChief Kulschlnsky.


A Founder's Day program willtake place at the next regularmeeting of the P.T^. on Wed-

the Library of Congress, the n ^ ' ™>niary 20, at 8:00(Yi.tennary Mcthod'jt Alvar Peterwn as co-hostess. Savior Seminary, Blackwood. Axel Thomsen as co-chairman.!New Jersey Regional library P'M- l n t n e Ail-Purpose Room

1 - • - » at the school. Featured will bea candlellghting ceremony and

~ l Tickets can be1 obtained rrom( The next board meeting .will; Association and the NationalBill Blska 'HI 2-S223), Julius k# held Wednesday, March 6,jcathollc Library Association,

18 01 B

BUSINESSAir — Rail — Steamship - Hotel


THE wotu) ovn

Travel Bureaul i t U»pJ« Slr«rl



iDemeter (VA «-3512> or Stan at the home of Mrs, RobertiBraychcy IVA 8-0533). Hackett.

which help the library maintain a s k l ' e n t l t l e d "Housev W e " v e

its high standards.

Children's Art ExhibitTo be Sponsored by Club


COSTELLFuneral Homes

I ' • l

GKcn St. & Cooper Ave. s ta te '* Center Sts.laelln^ N J. ; Perth Amboy, N. J.

Tel. y WMl^ HI 2-0075

,i FORDS—In conjunction with1,mentions will be awarded lniCtuldren's Art Month, the Artjeach category. Pictures may be!| Department of the Woman'sjplcted up after the exhibit onjClub of Fords will sponsor a'Monday night, March 18, fromChildren's Art Exhibition at'8 to 10 P.M.

'.the Fords Library during theweek of March 11 to March 18.

i Mrs. Bernard Bclbienskl. artchairman, states registration ofpictures will take place Mon-day. March 11. only, from 8 to10 P.M, Exhibition Is open tochildren g)i«« 10 to « , and all; KEA3BSY — Mrs. Doris Kelmediums will be accepted. iley iwlll speak on the reading

Kenneth Coster of Coster's'program ln the school at to-Aruboy, wilt,night's meeting of the

Reading ProgramDiscussed

Orbiting space service sta-lon hanger needed by 1970.

In." Mrs. Frank Lamatino,president, will narrate and 15sixth graders will participate.The general public Is invited.

Snow Blowers

Immediate Delivery!!

VOTE lor MICHAEL FLORIO(Former Fire Chief In Avenel)

For Fire Commissioner. FIFTH FIRE DISTRICT

Avenel Residents Vote At The FirehouseColonia Residents Vote At Colonia Public

School, Outlook Ave.

SATURDAY, FEB. 16th 2 P.M. to 8 P.M.Paid For by CinSldate


and. FRIED FISH TO TAKE OUT . . . .Available Every Friday — Try Us This Week!


HANDERHAN'SSEA FOOD MARKET"Serving the Woodbrldge Area For 30 Yean"

9 6 Main Street Bak, BhopFRANK BOPP, Proprietor

krt Shop, Perthud«e the two categories, beginicrs and advanced. Ribbons toint, aeoand and third placirlnners and three honoratle


$2.00 hudred lbs.*S1.15 fifty lbs.*

SERVISOFT ofW O O D B R I D G E921 St., Georges Avenue

(Jut loath ol cUn«rl*»OMK 4-1815

and School Association 8:00 O'clock tn the schoolauditorium*

Mrs. Joteph Scrittore hasbeen named chairman of theFebruary 21 hot dog tale.

Matthew Jago, principal, hasannounced open house will takeplace Thursday, March 14, atwhich time parents may visitthe children's classrooms andview the d e l a y s and work accomplished by the students andconfer with the teachers.

The executive board vote* toendorse the school budget'atIU last meeting.


Dominic A. Pidhalski

CAKE 8AUE 8ATUEDATI"ORD8-|The Parkway Chap-

ter of Deborah will hold a cakesale Saturday at the! MontiStore, Main Street. Mfctuchen,from 10 A. M. to 4 P. W. Pro-ceeds wll go to the DeborahHospital at Browns Mills.

Bed China wjeeted a ilx-n*itlon truoe proposal with India.


Fire CommissionerFIREFIFTH



Saturday, February 16,1963

Vlvlei's Kiddy ShopF A M O U S



2 P . M . - 8 P.M.

Polling Plate: Aveiiel Fire Houseoloniu Public School, Outlook Ave.

Paid for by Candidate



(Temporarily Closed at the Present Time)

WILL BE OPEN THISThursday, Friday and Saturday

FEBRUARY 14th, 15th AND 16th

So That Our Patrons May Pick Up GarnpentsjLeft Previous To Our Closing.


Have You Changed Your AddressSince You Voted Last? '




Evtry detail planned to help youhaw net earning* of $9,000 -$13,000,

No experience necessary.


750 Union AvtnwyUnion, N. J.

If you have changed your address you must give notice of youraddress to the County Election Board or the Municipal Clerk. This noticemust be given before March 7,1963, or you cannot vote in the PrimaryElection, Tuesday,, April 16,1963.

If you have changed your name since you last voted you must re-register.You may register or give notice of your new address at the office of theMiddlesex County Board of Elections^ 313 State Street, Room 708, Perth.Amboy, or Room 207, 46 Bayard Street, New Brunswick, N. J*., or at theMunicipal Clerk's Office, any day from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. or 7:00 to PP.M. on March 4, 5, 6 and 7. If you are 21 on Primary Bay you acejeligible to vote if you register. \ j

If vou are 21 years of age or over, a citizen of the United States and NewJersey, and you have resided in said State of New Jersey at least 6months and in the County of Middlesex at least 60 days on or beforethe next election you are eligible to register and vote.

A person qualified to register and vote and if he is afflicted with achronic or incurable illness and mentally competent may register athis place of confinement by applying to the County Board of lElectlonsfor an application, which must be accompanied by an Affidavit of aPhysician.


Be Sure You Are Registered At Your Proper Address


Room 708^7th Floor • Perth Amboy National Bunk Building

313 Stale Street, Perth Amboy, N. J.Mary Payson, President Walter Waverczak, Secretary

T if> f row's Ncsl

Thursday, February 14, 19M

Fathers' Night1 Held

ISELIN-hekt by the Home and 8ehoolAssociation of School t.

Stephen Szllnsky. principal.

fn the Vnilbaa:

V : sr.;1


i:r-:c . - i "

7.-!?'. 5 : J I ; ? < A;: Per,1*

: - :r S-* Vtit... Ir.ia.•;•:: :' Ir.iia j defftw

sr;r:!.f.:r by th* Chi-.•~.-ur^:5 D: Tartsrr.?.;r.u.r.:.".: »r.d fiy^u:

? H-r;u'.-:« :rar..<wn air-T. :."3r. to :.b< L-.diar.

frvr—xfrt D: Turk rHf;vrfh:< MD itrr* fro= Mfi:calCc::?;f rf A t t a i n . Jc*r.P HeffTi.-.. :t Krincd Suw:.

_ ... .._. r?tit<J '.rota*r. Arwr.a'. t'.:ez Zt years

oi wrriff He r&« with the am-mur-iticr. tn*;?- . . Edward

?, tlecrici&a'j, *. USN sos o'.

Mr izi Mrs. J«*?h F. U&a.110 AJB!»T AT?--:*, Wood-\tt\igt. i? serrjir «•;:* A:: Ar.u-Sute&nnf Squadron II. ihichi v ran of tie ccsbir.ed for«of ?0 ship? fr.ts»fd •-. Ererclse

Senator Strom Thunnond And DefenseDepartment Clash Over Cuban Build-up

WASHINGTON. D C - A range of 1100 to 2200 mita »re £ , t t f n d i n c e . He CompU-v-ad-or. c!.wh between South concealed in underground re- m e n t p d ^ g r o u p ( o r t h e l f ta.^--.- . ,•5 sea. Stnnn Th«r-Mment« on the Wani „ ^T.T.S a S '.he Drfnw DH»rt- The South « ^ ' ™ " "J" school years with prwent- . - : r.T :h-.«:?? and !mP««- ^ ^ " K* ; h f * n t ? g ? n d ' l education He stressed the

< of the Sovjet military nles - that Soviet air ^ Q,-::d-. :? in Cub* ha* gwsn- ewipment in ftiba mclute it ,•~d *.»: :!* cor.tmnsjr « n hwt two tJ-type hi?h altitude O u w l ^ ^ ^ rjr<iay ci- :he natian's front pw« reconnaissance planes as weu O w m e y R M M r c n Associate of,'nr'q-:» a while J " w"» ^" !J ™*™!H „ „ _ , , Sociology «t Rulers Dnlver-

Ar.d :• ihe po^ibility existed It has invited him to submit w h o k e o n ^ . R ^ ,b.;«r- ih*; an upeomin* probe Proof of any. information n> -^ m h t r , n ^ j ^ , ,•>! :hf Cibsn situation by profews to have wtach down t I t Tas announced that '-ha:rxar. .!?hn Siennls' Armfd.Jfce with what they My their ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o f

^rripf, Prf?»redT)ess S-ib- own i l J' e : 1 ^. n c P _' ,™ ( , , t „ will be held on Tuesday, 3 pjn.;-or.-r.:-:« w«ld be a mere for-, Significantly. Thurmond s n- ^ Qnrn g t m , t p ^ h ^ g g j•na'-:y. it has now been eiwed !P0«e came or the very day K h o o l M r g g ^ ^ j

The d'-wncfs between whatiSecrttarr of S t s ^ ° ! , 8 " ^ sima Trinidad will speak on•n.-jnr.or.d purport* to be « ™ teUine a r.«wS « « f « « « « . .Y o u r country-Education and,mra» «ra:es and .rttustwni ;ttat "tljere u a stonifleut ,» d wh.t the Pntteton will td-'BiUtair Preserve in Oiba ^ . ^ ^ m w J e ^ ^ j•nit for the record are too slsr- which u of gmt concern to ^ . ^ county Junior Col-^ »r.d too unporunt to be the United *.te_s." j W h i l e ^ i ^ S J S e r Mv«. Two?Tfrlooked.

Th? S?-!h CtroliiiUr.menbe: of the Anned S


'School 24 PTAMeets

ISE1.IN - Tlie Execiitiw

Bo.ivri of Kennedy Pnrlt School

PTA mrt last niaht with Mrs.

F C Fykp. president. Plans

»TiT rnnde for the general

tmrnoi:ship tripling Monday.

R P n- at the whool Mothers

M ]>'iMls in t w fourth- irndf

••v.'.! IK hosie**e*.M:» Frank Olacumbo. Poun-

i'"v.- !>.iy prnfcrnm chairman.!-. 15 j.'.iinrirtt a brief>: ' ! i c h Stanley Rothman."!i*i:n-a:i of the Special Bu-reau ;.)• the Establishment of


iiidrcpiit literature and \i» po"-siblp pffpcU on children wa»shown by Kenneth R. Becker.mipst speaker, at the la«t meet-inR of thp School 9 PTA

It was voted to endorse thework being done by the Woodnrldw Township Decent Litera-ture Commlttpp,

Mr Becker sugRetted ttiftl In-dividuals wishing to support theDecent Literature CommlttPecould do so by wrltlnn to thpMiivoi and Dlrrctor of PoliceindirntlMK their Interest andapproval

p * 'Family WSubject ofFORDB — Rev p;i

tin Roll, OfM. cap \;Dlrector of the AtTh(<nit; of Christian \i, •Ipittubutth. P».. *a, •;speaker at the Febi,,^ilng of the Romry Altn-of Our Udv of pea,., ,Father Roll snoit*. , and the Impo:'wotaen a« mothew ni;(

Mrs Cithertnp 1 n>.SUMP Slsvlak and \'torla Buron. who m»kcommittee vlsitlns tlvmen of the parish, vn100 OTsons In hwpit,,

CotaniiVf* has bared existence Soviet troops'library when the new «hool

Craur-iVe* has oared essence o n m irw^ ^..^ - . - ~0: a M-Ka> 5orie5 Army of contthuaUy taJwtrt on the is-, m n k o l K u m b o

0 000 to 40 000 mer. m the uuid Is a matter of study , committee

^ S f J ? ^ " ^ t ^ r 'S -^^ne t rS {o workX e libW « fol-W r , l ^ r " ^ ^ 3 ^ a " m 'e!: °Mn Wlllta. LomUrd, Mn

wl'e. AUTiWa. --^J »'• 33 Hai-im»n StTe?; Pen Hfadi^g. isI»rt\-ipB:ini Li ESfA-L^ Uv&Ridf? 11, a coabsfd Array-Air Force B * : - ^ exercise athe Hawaiar. I s ^ d s . . .

v4f Random:Dost fDrtev today is V&5er.-

tlne'! Day v.i L' ytra !K?C: toget year best rt! that lir.5?'d hette: rtish Kt anfl toyoor shoppir.t or you IE&Tfind yo*ir«el; L". ".he do? h-r'iseHonn&n P, B*r?rra. tr.wrlareomint:rjcst:o^5 electncian.

Edward Ora-

award was

men:* of 3:ciEic warhf-ati ma-and to what extent do they post•f rlal« to Cjba as Thurmond a threat to this country's Guan-

THE JUGGUNG CHEFS: U n and Lola, above win beanottf the iVaUred attraction! in the annual Fords LionsCtnb V»ri«*T Show to be preaented February U at Wood>bridce Senior Hirh School. Their exhibltton of Jonltiukitchen ntensfla aiwayi keep* their aadience* buwhing

frmn start to finish.

Ro'.htnan will relate......v. .'••>: trip proposed Com-mimity Collfpe All re-'ldonu ofIseliti. Colomn, and_vlclnity arecordiilly invited

A (1:r."j.«sion »iU be held onthe Sprir.B Festival of SquareDancing to be presented by thftthool chfldren. some time inApril, at the Iselln Junior HmhSchool

grade. Mrs.

: tr.oTs no;hine of long- boring Utto American countries c l a l p n M -The morning and afternoonrst ?rade parents will be host-

at the next meeting on

•rar.«" tair'i/'missTles" based as well asfihf C S mainland.IT. Cuba- Thurmond, or. the Swnnis has already made it'othe: hand professes to have dear he is ready to run the ----•

that from IN to probe lor several weeks, or as M a r c n • _»t_thejehool.• !on? a* needed to eft the an-

and *o draft recommen- I D : « J D . ' n « . ' fQ g pU[ | VW 1 IIIULLinUUU


dations on «ha; sh?u".d be doneto meet tie situation.

Ke-r is scheduled "i would hope." toldH&y'.ey Mills arid :he

Offering- - - - - - . - PORDS — On Washington's

M U s r^'t n e w s m e n °" "'at o r f - t h a t ! h e Birthday, Febniary 22. 'Thein "The Chalk ;nvwti?atioK will* pj^j Kl>er 0( Hamlin" will be


ABOUT YOlffl | H * K S « S i -n u u u i i u u n IIUHIL pUns for a ^ strf(imlin.<vcyc><^<ycyc><vCycvcjing of the National Guard. This

You may think that you s l « M l * t h e e n d o f • n l n e -Idon't need an engagement ca l - j m o n t h *'n«gleendai. You probably feel that It was reported that 21 statesyou don't go out enough thatj»nd Puerto Rico have notifiedyou can't'keep track of datu.jthe National Quard Bureau

However, you dont have toithey »re accepting revampedibe in a social whirl to needitroop lists assigned to them un-an engagement calendar. Have|dej the reorganizaUonyou ever hunted furiously forj Under the law, governorsa dentist'* appointment card or must approve any change* inwondered whether it was Tues-1U» O"»rd structure withinday or Wednesday night Mn. U»U" «*te«.Smith was having her sewing!

WALLS HAVE EARSThey were entertaining some

friends in th-eir new prefabri-cated home Suddenly one ofthe guests sat up and listened

not mice." repllrd

Pmh to Cancer I nitISKI.IN Mrs Herbert B

Wllinms pi evident of the Fed-erated Women's Club an-notur pd that the club had do-natpd 650 Can<-er p«d» andnine bod Jacket* to the Wood-bridge Chapter of the Middle-sex County Cancer Society

Several members of the Ise-ilin Club will attend the socialand dessert luncheon In honorOf the pact president! of the

Federated Women'sit Koos Brothers. 8tAvenue. Rahwaynext meeting will take

20. 1 pin withJirsa.

P. Mr\>.assistant paator <>',Chrlrtl In Smith Riwthe spenker at the An:tiriit, Sunday. March •PM

Rooarlans will hold ;,AuctionTuesday, Mar1 PM tn the cafetrJonrph Rebarand Mr«Pado are


Friend — What's t!about your gradu 'thought you had tiyears In school

Football Player :the coach won't ren>»

.nvestigutio:; ill contoward a policy of coping with

y^ oi Hamlin"

m 9 v i e o f f e r e d o v

[class? family birthdays. KnowingAny calendar which block*;when such things come due will

off the days and is roomy m»fr> n easier to plan for theenough for a few words of writ-extra will serve the purpose. If1 Most state garden clubs sell

K n«' Mr. ar.d Mrs


Bambereer's Community Room. I formation. Searching for a pen- j of thing

Boulevard. Avfr.el. are Krrngaboard the r^S Ctm5t«!'.Bti?n.which took psn in Es?rcise'S^dl° B'.3nkft last w?fi off•he coast of S^Uiem Cali-

. . . . Co'.cr.ia Jur.a: Hi?hI will hold its Career Day.

5 . . .

dthe Totcnship:

far more detailed than anything. J o h n s o n ^ ^ c a r t o o o n 8 > "Mr.!cnored im conTenleTiMSteve McQueen, currently e ^ made public on the subject,;Mag(J0 •• - W o o ( I y

c n o r M I o r COTTemeTlc*-siarnn? in "The War Lever" can certainly be expected toigmj-Bugs Bunny"'has been signed to star with proride a kick-off ppint *hen ' j n o w n i

i e Wood in "Lore With the hearings start later thisProper Stranger." This will month

.be Miss Wood's first motor, pic-.ture for Paramount. '

Chaperone service will be'provided by the Senior Youth

m -1"

Ru-Ji S« Denis spent- her« r-»'ly is old tome we?k;

S3rd bir;hdftT with an all-dayWoodbridee Fire Com- r e c i E a l o f ^^^ ^ ^ ^ M l s shas its annual d:

The NEW RECORDSr^»et folks you don't see

« one vegr to another. It!ive old times at the affairThy. for the number of

g._ has been bringing thethe American By Felix iThe Cat) Brown

Bob Kamts' latest release,'

doctors, and hairdressers.'Parties and evenings out shouldbe marked down. |

You can use your calendar'as a reminder to do such thingsjas defrost the freexer, call the: repair man. or have the car

T u e s d a y . Wednesday and sreased.February 19, 20 and N o * * e due date on your


low. 44B Aldridge Drive, Ports.!

calendar for insurance premi-urns or Ux pafntonts, and tbe

Bob Kames Goes Western, for ONF.G SHABBOTjKlng H«ords is a delightful| COLON1A — Mrs. Howardi collect ion of country and wes't-lRood of Oolonia. Hillel chair-iterr. melodies. What makes this man. has announced that aU

outstanding album is local B'nai B'rith Women offl-

m f w a s c i t eor^eabl £onlv foremen, their wives and.* C H I U ) I S

r'ose friends of the firemen.; This is not a mo:ion picture' anT I P dinner started very much'to be taken lightly. I: concerns Eases' artistry with the Ham- cers and members and hus-on time ar.d became it was not the tragic, problem of. retarded mor.d organ and the ability to bands have been invited to at-too crowded, everyone seemed to:children. In its straight-for-keep the melody recognizable tend an Oneg Shabbat tomor-enjoy the dancine. . . Danny!ward presentation — it can be throughout the selection. row night at 8. sponsored by

faced H e h a s ^ toucn M the Northern New Jersey Coun-Panconi, chairman of th» Chief an education for thoseUnrlten dinner of the 21st. wiU^milar situauon.. ^ . . ^ a n d ^ ^ l r o m a n c i l ta M u r r a y ^ ^ H a l l

m^^. T a U a t l 0 1 u i *?*ml b y f^]ey C r a m e r ' « n s that is not duplicated where refreshments win beIt will be a sellout. , . |and actually filmed in a stat* K&mii e x p l a i n s m x ^ ^ ^ e d . The affair is part of

(institution far the mentally de- ^ , ^ d ± it sim- the 17th annual Han-ard-Yale-jfectiTek — the case followed in p l e s -

,8end a get well card to Mrs.j

p ] e ^ everyone can hear the Princeton Hillel Colloquiumscript is that of a child meIw3v And, that is the unique scheduled for this week-end at

Princeton University.

n the. Wagon Wheels, andOn My Pillow give you a

sampling of what to ton this album.

,8 g M r s m e I w 3 vMeWn Church. Orove Avenuejdescribed as a border-line case. qu&i-y

Woodbrtdge, who is a patient jBruce Ritchley gives a remark- ^tn Perth Amboy Oneral Hos-'able performance of a child / ^pital. . . . Also to Mrs. ix,iS:«tarved for love and under-Scott. Bob Vowl's secretary,'standing.who is in the same hospital u | The boy's parent* are di- ^the result of an automobile ac-'vorced after his commitment * d o b f

ddent. . . . Augie Greiner is and never visit him althoughenjoying his annual vacjyon at h> dresses and looks for themDelray Beach. Ftaldl' Ye»ie«h visiting * y . Fisally the-can rest assured that Augie is feeling of rejection overcomesgetting in plenty of golf. . . the lad and he becomes quiteDr. Cyril I. Hutner Is very en-'a problem. * Twenty-six African and Asi-tbnaed over the Foreign Ex-1 Judy Garland, a teacher in an countries give India fullChange Student program at the:the institution, takes an in- moral support against Commu-HU* School. He serves as pres-]terest In the child and becomes inist ChinaWent of the executive commit-;too emotionally involved. BufttW whieh helps collect funds'Lancaster portrays a dedicated«fad find homes for the students chief psychologist. Both give

; , who will come here. The group, excellent performances.cJ Mlteted by the High School.

t 0



tvtn NlgktExecpt Moneay

!:» toUML 85*50-IM rjL to I Ml'


"around the corner oraround the world"


195 Lake Ave., ColoniaFC t-tllt


By Using YourBONUS DAYS!



In rwih Ambo; t !• M l w i TD«n>hl|Or.. '

1W SUU tint!omc«)AittM *»Wj kn. tl Mb

r. 81«kj Sorth (CU« B*noB SKIot arwo Strwt)

B r i t a i n suffering from worstwinter recorded in history.


atHigh School in

problem of Bri-tain's entry into ECM for now.

Iml Hut ISot least:Miss Perrisue Rabinowttz.

daughter of Dr and Mrs. Isa-dora Bablnovritz. 501 Lir.denAfenue, Woodbridae, has beennamed to the achievement listtor her first semester at theOchoM of Fine mid Applied Arts§t Boston University. Miss

• JlaMnowitz was accepted to thetfri'vemty on an early accept-ime0 n!an after cormlPtine only

v»i« nt Woodbridse HiahPhe is currently play-vln'in with the Boston

•'•v Pvmphony Orchestratorl bv Richard Bur^in.fl1cn :'fs'!c:ste conductor

"•"'in Sv".vihony Orchestraabout the Telstar

.ins Satellite is be-i*nrti>*ed fhis week to scbooV

|,nu|i'i(- libraries by the New•"oil Telephone Co The"Telstir-CommtinicaUon

lk-Thr<}i!iTh by Ratelljte"by Ixwis So'om^p

•'<incp writer nnrt pub-hv >'rOraw-Hill Book

| V i n

SOW THRU TUESDAY !No Sin or Spectacle to Equal It!




— plus —(ilNA UILLOHU1G1DA


"Hie Onfaithfuls"








KKKRl AR> .'«

Kill. Preklrj






IS; '• • , WAITING


Tanj Cvtb ta


- Plmi —




At t 'J*.



t » .

RITZ TheatreCutcttt, M. i. O L4M





-+-Kiddie Matinet Saturday

and Sunday at 1 fM.Shows 1:15




(ine vlfe Is haffing an-linking spell and I'm

away until it's ftn-

Ifhat! You're stavius itwRy| ihe's smkins?"



SwallickTavern, Inc. I


Rod lltictf . VUji TUUt




HI i-«MI



WIUDean Martin - Lana Turner


with—TOOT Francioaal a a e F w i s





Comer William * New Streets • Wine

WOODBRIDGE • Sandwlcbw"Betty and jo^-rhone ME « . « »

Era M*rk hOatW U R B


I "AU FALL DOWN1' alll UK k*I tlwwB it totuntay tai l u l l )

MallBM. "WOIXD IN MV pOCK-1 i f will kt limn wiU CWUOMumMMUNti ..





, Vkwwt rriee - Borto Kaitolf

an* •aadai t FJtln»w l J» tM.




ebony i '495walnut


• dherijy




Here's a once-a-year op(»rtunity to save money spinet piano. Every piano in this aleon a full 88-note'beautifully designed Wurlitzer the Wurlitzer 10-y«ar factory warrtnty.

"Th* Musk Center •! New Jeney"




HArart l!M*

»e*B*»»»> Eveniftft l . U l Slot


From AH

the Community




Independent-Leader Carteret PressEDISON-FORDS BEACON

A Newspaper Dedicated to the Best

Interests of the Resident* of the

Communities We Serve.

VEB - CP Thursday, February J/4. I 9 6 3 PAGE NINE

WINDOWOn Green Streeti _ By The Staff

TIU vri'S Association announced tat night that Ith S|iuiisnr ;i dinner In honor of Jim Lake, whom presentLn,iiilf;c Hi«li «rho«l *»»ketb»U team ha, the bentLr,l n\ .\wy Rrd and Black combine In man;, manyL Tin- former Manhattan College star started the,„„ with what apprarea to be juat a no-no team. That| r (,.ill (•lull went on to win 15 ilralght— a record to be.H, > pmud of. Thf boys lost a heart -breaker Monday,t h, inichly Trrntnn, Rrfardkss of whether the team

more (amen or not f6r the remainder of the

r,l i( will still be one of the beat ihh town tun ie*n,„„,: lime The affair will be held at the end of, ,,r rarly In April. Each VIp will be allowed to bring


iriiT well-known residents or the Borough of Cariiid Mv«. Harry J. Oletkner. celebrated their 40t

In their more recent homr In Toms River

King and QueenDance Tomorrow

HOPELAWN — Richard Walland his "modern galaxies" willsupply the music for the tenthannual King and Queen Dancesponsored by the HopehtwnYouth Organization tomorrowfrom 7:30 until 10 p.m. atSchool 10. In keeping with theVfllrntlnn Day tradition, theIHVO will crown

for 1963.a king and

The girls, attending will votefur the kin* and the boys forjthe queen. Trophies will be do-jimtod by the Woodbrldge Town-ship Recreation Departmen

CarolAnnLaw, Colonia,Seeks N. I Beauty Titl?


URGES LARGE VOTE:... couple had lived in the Borough for 39 and a v l n M n t R- Martlno, a can-I !n v moved to the other community last Ausust ! * l ( 5 a t f f n r t n r P o r l "fading

,,, oni .mm, Harry V.. who Is married to the former B o a r d o f viTr <'»mmlsslon«s,•;m. ,uui four krandchlldren. Nancy Jane, Mark H..,,(1 Thomas M. A family dinner was held.

I .1 funny dilution but whrn thr itory Is told,„:« ihnul i laugh. Serms that Frederick M. Adams,

n,nnr luri pullrd up to the traffic light at the corner|MUM mil Amb»J' **'"•*. »long»lde thr Woodbridgek( Mil «i|itad •mbulan««, H* naturally glanced at the|i, Ir M'"vt t" h l m »nd was ramewhal nhakrn up when

.i woman mine hfrsclf from Ihf ambulance cot I„ ,M lo him. Lalrr hr found out It was thr wife of ;

ill \Mnvtnn, formrr Republican rommlttrrman, who |,MU t.ikrn to thr Perth Amboy Onrritl lutl wvrrrd a tendon on krr foot whrn a milk

Inokr in her kitthrn. Marion Is still hobblingUiul mi mitrhrs.

cnrckiT Pan Club MOW has a unit In CarteretI,, loin .should contact Paul William Wolfe at

. • • • i • i

.,:!.;y-M'.\ Is devou-d to faii« of Chubby, Ricky Nel-! ,;,•, KviMl Members will receive an autographed: i :i. of these rntorUintrs, a membership card and

HIHTI uf thr Sprintwood Swim Club, Colonia —,1,., __ rrvrrted their usual summer adlvitir* last

k. nil liv indulging In winter sport* at thr Split Rockin thr Poconoi. Reports *rf that they all had a


, • !!i jii.r UKU'I of Ellu last niiiht honored Angelo'.•..:.") by pri'.vntinjt htm with a plaqur in recognition

.ii.diiiK courage when be rescued an infant from a

District 2. cmphaities theneed for all the registeredvoters of this district to comeout and vote In the electionSaturday from X to 7 P. M,In the Port Reading Fire-hounr.

Mr. Martlno li a graduateol the Middlesex County Fire.School, including advancedcourse* In 1961 and 1962, andof the Woodhrldge Townshipschool system. He has com-plrtrd the spring sessiontraining rourv of the NewJersey Fire College and the19B2 New Jersey State FireCollege officer training course.A member of the WoodbridgrTownship Safety Council,Martlno is an active memberof the Port Reading Volun-teer Fire Co. A Port Readingresident for ?R years, he lia I'. S. Army veteran.

Married to the former RoseSaliano, of Newark, Martlnoii employed by Menu Oil &Chemlrat Co. He i* a com-municant of St. Anthony'iChurch and Holy Name So-rletjr member. He is a char-ter member of the Port Read-Ing Social Club and Ispresently Its vice-president.

headed by Herman Fallon andsupervised by John Zullo.

Runners - up will r e c 1 v etrophies from the HYO. Rich-ard Chlebowskl, dance dlsc-Joc-kpy. will make and donate thecrowns for the king and queen.

Joseph DeAngleo, supervisor,and his staff, Mrs. James Koc-izan, president and treasurer;•Mrs. Joseph DeAngelo, Robert[Mauro, Sicmund Wojick, andI Paul Skalla, announced the

WOODBHIDOE — A 19-year-old Colon!* brunette beauty,who once toured the U. 8. i ndMexico with. ife» ManhattanRocketten, this Kftek officiallybegan her duties as tho repre-sentative of the Home BuildersAssociation of Barltan ValleyIn the Miss New Jersey Home.Builders Association contestlater this month.

-Carol Ann Law, who was sel-ected late last year by the. Barl-tan Valley Some Builders, wasformally presented to the mem-bers at a meeting Monday nightat Homer's Ad Lib ClubWoodbrldge. The presentationwas a sendoof on a course whichIs hoped will lead to the statetitle.

A 5-foot-6. 123-pound beautywith a flashing smile and spark-ling eyes, Miss Law spent al-most two years as a dancer withthe Manhattan Rockettes. Dan-cing comes naturally to vivaci-ous Carol Ann, who counts tapand modern Jazz dancing as one

ules and regulations will be|of her favorite hobbles.strictly enforced as follows: Nosmoking at any time; dungareeswill not be allowed: loitering be-fore or after the dance will notbe allowed.

Parents are urged to pickupthe teenagers between 9:45 and10 p.m. Refreshments will beserved and soid by the staff.

Memorial MassAt St. Nicholas

| FORDS- Rev. John Oneskopastor of St. Nicholas Catho-lic Church of the ByzantineRite, announces the 9 A.MMass on Saturday will be forthr special commemoration ofthe dead and the first of fiveAll Souls' Saturdays,

! The Sodality of the churchwill receive Holy Communionat the 8:30 AM, Mass on Sun-day.

Beauty contests also are notnew to the young Colonia miss,who also likes to sew and swimIn her spare time. With vitalstatistics of 35-23-35, she al-ready holds two titles — MissRepublican of Middlesex Countyand Miss Long Branch BeachPatrol — both won last year.

A native of Irvlngton, MissLaw is a 1961 graduate ofWopdbridge High School andcurrently is a secretary with acigar company. She is thedaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray-mond E. Law, 352 Colonia Boul-evard, Colonia.

Carol Ann will attend the NewJersey State Home BuildersConvention from February 28to March 3 in Atlantic Citywhere she will represent theHome Builders of Raritan Val-ley in competition with win-ners from other associations lor

ri'iuis; i n rvrrluatliig gratitude for \\\f couniKt'.:.tvf hrart In rraeumis an infant child from a.:;.: tin IX'C 21. 1982, drspilc the ;:tvat danger U>

.< pn'M-UU'd to Aliitrlii Mujro mid with It Ji


. Boys' basketball practice willitake place at the Fords JuniorHich School on Saturday from

45 to 11:45 A.M. St. Nicho-Fdwln W Cusey,'la.s Church team will be the

who souuht re-election to'hosLs to the Basketball League.•It thank* of the people of Woodiiridm- Town- 0oaid i>( Education, and Wll-jon Sunday. Games will begin

and Woodbridge Lodge No 3118. Benevolent llnm J Witt, candidate for el-'at 2 P.M.. and 3t. Mkholas will

the title of Miss New JerseyHome Builder.

The winner of the contest willbe crowned on March 2 at theconvention banquet. She willreceive several gifts and will bthe official hostess for the stateorganization durmg the cotnlnyear.

eti, u Oi due ol EJU, w .particular"• • •> Molnar, Nrw Strt«t, who I* 14 »nr» youngI uf ihr town»hln'» best pinochle pU>rrs, > Tiratlon In sttnny HorkU, Hrt wt . J»», and. rfi (or thrlr sojourn In the warm statr lait Sslurday.

Lrwundowakl. Carteret. a n, i

Court of HonorPlans CompletedFORD6 — Edmund Daly, as-

t Mrs Hichard Krauss was salt's held'ln thVchu'rch *H^u|sl.5tant scoutmaster of Trooi• named reservations chairman on Fridays from 11 A.M. to 5l53 ' sponsored by Our Lady o

.ectlon to the board of Educa- play St. Elias, Carteret attjpn, wrre guest speakers at a P-M.nmtmn Monday nUht of the Mrs Mary Hudanich hasFords Women's Drmocrutlc been uppomted chairman andClub m 8t. Nicholas Church Mrs. E. Zemencsik, co-chair-

of the Pirohl and Pood

lad (or a bus trip planned In March P M . Women of the parish areh t th fl h I Yk

Peace Church, made an an-nouncement at a meeting o:!.-si his moih/r when »n infant, and his father, to the flower show In Nrw York invited to help with the pre-

:i;it.(t to n ulnLwnl MirptiK' when Uu-y stopped City. Daratioa of food on Thursdayitne Mothers Auxiliary that^auunt, 1'tr. niiK Avenue, ont" f.< nlnu [ The executive board will meet mghts at 7. C o u r t o f H o n o r w i U b e n e l d to

mi: \ ninth birthday, and Marnr .titd Mury Suto.lthr first Tlmisday of each-.hi- r.-.-,»;uuatit had a p«rty all ,i:ian»rd for the month. Birthdays celebrated for

-,v:-h u .-.ike mid gift-s Thf In '"rf »nd Mil eat-.February included Mrs John Program b\ MlUOllS

night at 7:30 P.M. in the schoo

'A^::.1I^1'ii*. rt'^ularly each ntcht.* * • •

Viw P<»t 4410. Woodbrldgf.4s II«M» rngaird in arMup itrlvr. PronpectlTe mrmbrrt VMt be ovtnteai

rans and ran iuln by nuking spplle»tlo4l with I. W.Inki. Jr. thr virr-eommandrr, at ME 4-1011.

i and MLss Mary Elko Val- . . „ , . .t-ntlnes were exchanned and re- / « Honor Washingtonfre.ihments served by Mrs A

[Calombfttl Mrs John Salw won WOODBRIDOE - Americusthe dark pri c. la6»e F- * A- M - w11' « l e b r a t e

George Washington's birthdayPOST HOME ROBBED a t l l s TeKu1ar communication

. . . . ' ij Cf)U)NIA ' - John Eck, 135 °»Tuesday at 7:30 P.M.. at the) IXmnrll a««Uunt supertiitendriit ol .school* Amhurst Avenue, a nvmbi-r of Musomc Temple, 94 Green, brm naf /d chairman of the FVb 27 jimlor Colonia Port. VFW. Monday ««»»• 'o br held in thr Borough high school. ,">"'•"«'* *™nd that tin- club-! The program will cpn. st of

] 'house on Inman Avenuf, was musical selections by Charles• * *. ' jcntered. He reported to theJKaufman and an address on

polity that a coin box on a George Washington—the Ma-fhc t old Mup has rralljr been litlnc maturtiU a hardA t irlcret msn was lefllng us hi* troubles »ne par-.

nmriiiiu Uit wrek. He got np for work and wentluv but was unable, to get the doors open a* threrr (r»«en. Twenty minutes later he succeeded In

liu; mi., hi« car only to find that It would not start axwin loo low, half-hour later he got the car

t Jk unable U move, a* the brakes were (roien,hi he ««t the c»r going snd' drove about two blotm i

lie dUruvered the ndlator was overheating. At lhl>r tur fliurrd that this was not hb day andliomr

• * • •

*lTIIINti TO THINK ABOUT: In 1923. eight of them,.,t MH'ceMful financiers met In Chicago. They were

luid found the s«:rtt of making money. They were:Prrsident of the largat independent steel eomi>unyPresident of the largest g u company

wh*»t spt-culator

of the New York Stock ExchangeBt-mljer of the President'* Cabinet

Kn-iiU'st "bear" in Wall 8treetof the world's greatest monopoly

Bdent of the Bank of International Settlementstikaukee, tlmt wuae year. » champion wu crowned at

Annual ABC Tournament, the world') mo*t importanttournament. 1-star bowler Evelyn Tell, who wu born In 1923, did• arch and found out where then men jurejorty years

table WHS opened andson, by Wittiard W. Cupit, ofnioney taken. Also stolen weroiHillside. past senior grand dea-two boxes of citiurs, $14 in bBr|con of the grand lodge of hon-recetpLs, a gallon Jug containing orable society of masons for the»n unknown amout of coins. State of New Jersey.

annex. Mothers of Beaver anRacoon patrols will be icharge of refreshments.

Mrs. Victor Lawrence, president, asked members to makireturns on the Grow-a-dolla:project. A donation was madto the Boy Scouts of AmericiRaritan Council.

Mrs. Charles Moore won ttodark horse prize. Mrs. JameGyorfy was in charge of refreshments at the meeting.

The next meeting of thAuxiliary will be on ThursdaMarch 7, In the annex.

ut of the largest independent iteel company,H.hwab, died bankrupt, living op bonowwJ money forK before hl» death. /

11'rtsident pt tho Urgest tu companj. Howard Hoiaon,1 i 'i fcnateat wheat *peculator, Arthur Cotton, died abroadnt

Pri'sldtmt of the New York fttock Exchange, Richardsentenced to Sing Sing penitentiary,of the President's Cabinet. Albert Pall, was par-

lloni piUon to he could die at home.Jifittttcst "bear" on Wall 8Ueet, Jwae Uvermore, c6m-I suicide.: lii'ud of the world's tireatest monopoly. Ivar Kreuger,

«uU)ld«. ' ' .f President of- the Bank o* InUrnatlonal 8attlement«,

"'«•. committed suicide.of the ABC Bliujle* Title in 1033 wan Carl A

> t. in i9«3, forty years after winning hU ABCii|i. he U still KOIIM strong and Is an advertising

•he i(Millions executive llylutf In Garden City, New York••<>ii'in-tun? Stop woityW about money and business» ti-al Gu out and bowl. ,

Proclamation yWHEREAS: The peoplf of the United States,

though drawn from many varied backgroundsof race, religious faith afid national origin, areone in their devotion to their country and tothe American way of life, and

WHEREAS,, this unity is not imposed by forceand fear but springs from the mutual respectand tolerance of irtdividual Americans for theirneighbors of different origin, and is a principalsource of our strength and influence in the•world, and j

WHEREAS, it is appropriate that near thetime of the toirthday of George Washington, wepause to remember this source of strength andrededicate ourselves to its preservation, and

WHEREAS, the National Conference of Chris-tians and Jews has sponsored and the Presidentof the United States has proclaimed the week

,of February 17-24, 1963 as


NOW, THEREFORE, I, WALTER ZIRPOLO,Mayor of The Townshii) of Woodbridge, do here-by invite the attentioi^ of the people of Wood-bridge to the worthy purposes of this week andurge that they observe it by public recognition,where appropriate, but especially by personaland Individual practice during this week andevery week throughout the year.

'• In Witness whereof I have hereuntoset my hand and caused the seal ofthe Township of Woodbridge to be

' affixed this 6 day of February, 1963,

WALTER ZIRPOLO,Mayor, Township of Woodbridge


Heart PatientIs RecuperatingFORDB — Recuperating at

ome from recent open hearturgery at Deborah Hospital IsJonald E. Young of Metuchen

He was assisted by ParkwayChapter of Deborah. MrYoung, 39, te the father ofhren children, Donald Jr., ane.8, a law student at Rutgersi boy James, age 9, attending:d«ar Street Public School;laughter, Marianne, age 2, andtfrs. Donald Young at home

Mr. Young was born in Jer-sey City, New Jersey in 1924He attended the 8t. AloysiusGrammar School and thenwent on to Dlckerson HlgSchool. Mr. Young has bee:mployed by the Burry Blscu

Company for three years as &'oreman. In the years before'

Mr. Young's illness, he was ac-tive ns an assistant cubmastern Troop 70, Metuchen. Mrs.

Young is a member of theParkway Chapter of Deborahand a member of the P.T.A.

Deborah Hospital, located inBrowns Mills, New Jersey, of-fers its services free of chargeto persons afflicted with oper-able forms of heart troubleDiscussing hin stay In the hos-pital, Mr. Young's remarkswi-re of the highest praise.

MANAGER:—Charles T. Reilly, Mvingston,has been appointed managerof the New Jrrsey Bell Telephone Co.'g Woodbridge of-fice, the telephone companyannounced today.

Mr. Reilly, who had beenmanager at the Cranford of-fice of the company, succeedsWilliam S. Ford J r • who hasbeen reassigned as office


Stork ClubNew arrivals throughout tin

'ownshlp as recorded at Perthmboy General Hospital during

;he past week Include:Prom Woodbrldge, a son tc

Mr. and Mrs. John Sousa, 80Terrace Avenue; a son to Mrand Mrs. Robert Malena, 19Sherry Street; a daughter toMr. and Mrs. Harold Glordani,258 Columbus Avenue; a son toMr. and Mrs. Nicholas Da Prile,263 Green Street.

From Avenel, a son to Mr.and Mrs. Boris Naumenko, 169Remsen Avenue.

From Fords, a son to Mr. andMrs. Robert Ruzzala, 49 OakAvenue; a daughter to Mr. andMrs. Edward Sheridan. 123Tracy Drive.

From Port Reading, a daugh-

Republican ClubTo Meet Feb. 22I8ELIN — The Fourth Ward

Republican Club of WoodbridgeTownship will hold its monthlymeeting, February 22, 8 P. Mat the Iselin Library, MiddlesexAvenue, with Carl A. Fleming,Jr., presiding.

Mrs. Herbert Lorentzen, vice-president, announced Mr. Flem-1 From Iselin, a son to Mr. and

manager in Perth Amboy.Mr. Reilly started with New

Jersey Bell in 1946 as a com-mercial department repre-sentative in Newark. He hasbeen assigned to posts inHackensack, Jersey City, Pas-sate and Dover and hasserved as manager In thecompany's Fhillipsburg office.

During World War U,Reilly served in the air force.He was discharged in 1945 Ma first lieutenant.

The new office managerlives at 57 Wynnewood Road,Livingston, with his wife andfour children. He is active ina number of civic and fra-ternal organizations.

Elks LodgeIs PlannedIn Colonia

COLONIA — Interest is keenthe Colonia-Iselln section of

the Township in the formationof a new Elks lodge. At presentthe only Elks Lodge in theTownship is centered in Wood-bridge, with a clubhouse onRahwav Avenue, and withmembership all over the Town-ship.

Three organization meeting!for the formation of the new

have already been heldand a fourth meeting is sched-uled for tonight at the ColoniaCivic Improvement Club, In-man Avenue. All Interestedmen are invited.

At the last session 42 localresidents were present. Thecommittee has set April 1 asthe date to institute the newlodge with a minimum of 160members.

Among those present at ths)last theeting were Harrison 8,Barnes. Elizabeth Lodge; HenryJ. Behr, Metuchen; Steventymbaluk and John P. Sho-smlth, Cranford.

ter to Mr. and Mrs.Trotto, 23 E Street.


Awards ReceivedBv Cub Scouts


members and their parents werewelcomed by Robert Clarkecubmaster, at a meeting ofPack 31 last week. They In-clude Alan Woolfe, Riki Don-nelly, Frank Meranda, Michael

ing was recently honored forhis leadership and service tothe Republican Party at theLincoln Day dinner sponsoredby the Women's OOP Club ofMiddlesex County.

Election and installation ofofficers will take place at theFebruary meeting. To be in-stalled: Mr. Fleming, president;William Kettel, first vice-presi-dent; Mrs. Rose Perillard, sec-ond vice-president; Mrs. LoisKeltel, corresponding secretary;Mrs. Vincent D'Andrea, record-ing secretary; John Shoffner,treasurer; Robert Viering, ser-geant-at-arms; John Keitel,two year board member andStanley Hansen, one year boardmember. Continuing on theexecutive board are Mrs. HelenE. Schreiber, ward chairman,and Mrs. Herbert Lorentzen,past president.

Refreshments for the meetingwill be under the direction ofMrs. Bud Eberle. A special ele-phant cake will be made byMrs. Sehreiber,

Mr. Fleming announced thexecutive board will meet Mon-tay at the home of Mr. andulrs. Vincent D'Andrea, Homesi>ark Avenue.

Mrs. John Carroll, 80 WarwickStreet.




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St. Joseph's Auditorium(blra*l)«rry Bill)Admission .90

Coming March i



mpt Firemen's Association willsponsor a spaghetti dinner athe Avenel flrehouse, Saturdayvom 4 to 8 P. M. The public


Reunion CommitteeSeeking Addresses

WOODBRIDGE — A 20-yearreunion is planned by theWoodbridge High School classof 1943 on June 20 at the Log!abln. The committee is en-

deavoring to locate the follow-ing:

Mildred Moschel, Helen Mar-Unello, John Papeika, Marie C.'elllgrino, Elsie Varga, Rose

Barabas, Margaret Wayner,Marlon Gifford, Ethel Hyers,Tsabelle Klement , PeggyKnauer, Barbara Gyure, GloriaHessner, Lillian Gecsey, EmilyGecsey, Robert Gilroy, JamesFelton, and Edward Walsh.

Anyone who knows the ad-dress of any of the above men-tioned may contact Mrs. JohnGulya, 69 Calvert Street, Me-tuchen, or Mrs. Joseph :Stek,68 Claire Avenue.


Gregory, High Street, PerthAmboy, reported to the policeTuesday that someone stale allfour hub caps off his car Whileit was parked at the Bowl-MorLanes, Main Street. j

CAR GONE VISELIN — Michael Houser,

47 Goodrich Street, informedthe police Tuesday that his caifwas stolen from the Oak Tree

Dunn, Robert RelUy, StevenSteinberg, Mark Polkowski,James Koval, and Keith Com-erford.

Ralph Grunner, .neishborhoodcommissioner, conducted an in-spection with a favorable re-port to the committee.

Awards were made by JosephCurley, awards chairman, asfollows: Wolf badge to ThomaGavor, Joseph Sosnowski andHarold Hutchinson; lion, toRonald Rios; bear, to RichardCundari; gold arrow to MartinGall, Brian Curley, Reid Torgeson, Scott McPadden, and MariStern. The latter two also received go-round-up badges asdid Peter Bayo.

Silver arrows went to PeterBayo. Marc Stern, David Gavor,Michael Potti, Richard Ben-nett, Daryl Zullo, John Chi-lipka, Robert Ahearn; and PaulAntreaux. The latter two young-sters also received a one-yea:Pto.

Rickey Kutney was theclpient of a lion, gold and silveiarrow; go-round-up badgeswere presented to Sal Cunigllcand Martin Gall.

Mrs. Clarke complimentacthe group for Its participatein the Scout-A-Rama. held "aithe Woodbiidge Armory. ThiPlnewood Derby was feature!complete with race track anchomemade automobiles. Pinewood Derby emblematic pinwere made and presented to th<public.

Scout LeadersFeted by Girls

FORDS - Girl Scout Troop179 surprised their co-leader,Mrs. George Baldwin, with abirthday party at their regularTuesday night meeting.

Valentines were made athome by the girls, and the mostoriginal and prettiest wereselected. These valentines areto be donated to some chil-dren's organization.

Dale Faftington defeateduiane Racz in a ping pongournament being held by theroop.

Dale Farrington reminded,he girls to bring in the con-;ainers with the Juliet LoweElections by March 1. DoreenPrlngle requested that themoney for the Girl ScoutLuncheon to be held March 10at the St. Nicholas GreekCatholic Church also be in byMarch 1.

Lorraine Hospodar, Janice

Shopping Center. He told po+

Ondar and Nancy Lee KraUhowed stuffed articles they

had made and gave directionsm how to make them so the

girls could work on them athome, The girls made aii-lesout of wood and sanded andpainted them as part of theirwood badge. All articles are tobe sold at the Fords Girl ScoutNeighborhood # 1 Bazaar to beheld March 25 at School 14.

Dale Farrington gave a briefhistory on the development ofFords with the girls trying towrite down aa many of theircommitteemen in WoodbrldgeTownship that they could re-member.

The following badges werecompleted and checked: DoreenPringle, child care; LorraineHospodar, sports, cat and dog;Janice Ondar, sports; PamMeyer, seamstress, housekeeper,basketry; Nancy Lea KraQ,sports,

HOME LOOTEDFORDS — William Garal, 92

East William Street, Mondaydiscovered someone had brokennto his homr He told police

that a red and black jacketwith, a hood,- a navy sweater,three packages of cigarettes anda .22 calibre rifle were missing.

President Kennedy willing totake some risks in order toget nuclear ban treaty withRussia,

lice he had left the keys in theJennedy, publicity chairman



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44 Green BtrtetWoodbrtdn



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Ftrtt Thing$, F'mt

The plan for a Woodbridge Town- with Mayor Walter Zirpolo In the hopeship' Centrosphere" unveiled last week Of coming up with an immediate planby S. Buddy Harris, executive director of s t a l k i n g the business art*.of the Woodbridge RedevelopKfnt » ,Agency, Is an exception*! one. tit A " " ^ *** ^ » has been n g -wmething which will ma te r i a l srcst- S**^ ^ t M ^ Street be turned intotirre in the future. l * *"i'^l"™> TKTiiarjture, and with

Meantime, unfortunately, there areproblems nearer at hard that musthave attention now if the merchantsen Main Street are to Furtive, Monthby, the rubber of vacant storesin the business section of WoodWtfgci« :n?:€^!Lng. The merchant! claim'.:-•;;.- are the victlrrj of nearby shoppingcenters

It does not help any to place someof the blame where it beiongs—on'the.owners of the buildings — many ofthem absentee ownen — who havefailed to keep their property in repairand on several of the merchants whoevidently lacked the foresight to keepup with modern merchandising meth-ods. It is done now and nothing is tobe gained by crying over the proverbialspilled milk.

At prea time last night, as this wasbeing written, Main Street "^propertyowners and w r f o p U were meeting


a miniaturethe rich historical background of.this—the oldest existing Township in New!Jersey — it would be most fitting. Ad-jditjonal. adequate and free parking'space must be found irjnediately. Thewwti, fra, is emphasized because it iswhat the shopping centers offer andthe Main Street businessman mustcompete.

The merchants, too, must do theirshare. They have an immediate duty,if they are to continue in business, tomake the interior of their stores moreattractive, provide lighting that en-har.ces the display of their merchan-dise and discard horse and buggymethods,

With the Township, property own-ers and merchants all working to-gether toward a common goal, themore pressing problem of Main Streetcan and should be taken care ofwithout any further delay,


At Work

Why Brotherhood Week? Why oneweek set aside in a whole year to extolthe merits of Brotherhood? Isn't thisa bit hypocritical?

} The answer la, of course — not atall. The National Conference ofChristians and Jews sponsors Broth-erhood Week once a year to pinpointthat week, not to limit the year roundpractice of Brotherhood. The observ-ance of Brotherhood Week is, ina sense, an acknowledgment of a frail-ty we all have. We need to be remindedoccasionally.

Brotherhood Week — February 17-24 — then will enable us to take stockfor seven days. It will be used through-out the nation to draw attention tothe great ideals upon which our dem-ocracy we founded and to which our

great religions subscribe. These Idealsinclude equality of all men and thejpre-supposition of fair play among allAmericans; in brief, the Brotherhoodof Man under the Fatherhood of God.Brotherhood Week, then, will give usa chance to measure* our actual con-duct against these exalted ideals andgoals.

The various churches in the Town-ship are planning special BrotherhoodSundays and the synagogues, Broth-erhood Sabbaths. These religious ob-servances will give us time to reflect,every man unto himself; time to re-dedicate to the practice of — not lipservice to — the great principles of

"A Charge to loreThee"

JOHN T. CTNMNGHAMVa>ntlne's Day Is th» appro-

o' conj«uire-but It quickly horn, by Cooper. Creek^ a m e ertdtnt that reluctant, The EsUughs movedJohn would not H*** tor him- .ipacloJs new two-storyyif houv In 1713, built on •;

Tradition In Haddonfleld of mod«Ti HaddonfWdthat Etaabeth did the, § iawa ^ U k

, - . storyof this determined Quaker BUMwho followed her heart to

(America.ThU year Haddonfleld is

celebrating the WOth annrrer-sary of Its founding by I lh t -txth Haddon In 1711.laid on the fact thatIflfld is probably the only eo-lor.iil town directly founded by

woman, bat considerably

maflnrt ih»TheolOflstfs Three l a w v* £


John, taken bydi

| John, taken yanswered < according to Long-felk*> ttatb. ^ J g f J ™ 1

*' .Haddonflrtd: Elizabeth b. 'clerk of the Quaker W-.

*urpr l f' : Meeting in 1TJ1 and *-•..

oman, but eonUdmbly felk*> tta ^ J gintriguing U the romantic pleuant be»uie of «

^ndemindednm of Bbabrth.(rer»e." '*»» *I MUi Haddon « i k d frwnfranknei iof ip^hLondon in the iprtnf of.KWTI Immaculatt•1701, bound for the MO-aereDut hf concluded:N'ew Jersry planUUon that her] "l ha»e yet no lightfather had boujht In 1»8. Co- me. no voice to direct meionlMtton w u her announcedj He promised to "gathergoal, ret there Is ample rrl- the Ulllnesi of my own

that America called mo* while and llxten and wait tor\of John E«taufh. a1 His guidance.'' '

Quaker mUalontrr who! gllnfceU) <julckly Mid. "80England •freral.j, l t ^ ^ John ataugh" She

Ibad leftmonths before to preach Insouthern eolonles.

Elizabeth's lore for John ex-

"I know not when Ilihall see the* morf, but If the

listed larply m her ImaginationL^m;ln 1701. becsuie the only re-'an(] tojeonted lnrtance of thetr vnt^ugii

Lord hath decreed It, will

M yew>.Only ooee did Bteabf;

..on BrtMtth tail in th»|as clerk. Her husband'iabstnt1 made

Jwhen he died in thr. EUnbeth, In he:to make a ttnt>

a fuD month in Uw •Mmut? B

omission In So >.Elisabeth died In 176:

smce tbeiMrriaiehadryehfldno, the

jntaucn died with h<-iln the wmy ol material •

Under the Capitol Dome' By J. Jtseph Grihfeiis

-Jing In London t u inwhen 20-year-old John wai In-

irited to the Haddon homeer preaching at Yearly Meet-j l"'j0^

._... to seek, me herefind me" Then, In

description, "they!

•united Radd<glowingly.

and'•'rode dflward In menw ana^'jenteiH Jthe town with the

hi* travel, buteaching at Yearly Mertj J o h n nKmiti hi* travel, butmizabeth, then only 14, ;MhaUjt«ned In the rtlllne«of

hasjsnd.imostEven the exact site of hris not knows and her •-.:•was destroyed by fire? t-.

But Elizabeth Badck!onln • New Jersey to»:

license fees would! daU for any elective office, thenot be change* as the result of-New Jersey Supreme Court has


the next fiscal year be- this recommendation.July 1, next, net! The Governor said lnforma-

$37,148,367 over theitjon submitted to him by At-

Iruled,However, under an amend-

wastooyoungtojointhefaml- l h l | ^ b e l r t n e „ « , , „ „ — - . . . - . . . ; „ly at the table, but the two i l h a t ^ m u s t rttum to the r o m a n t i c spirit of Lo.apparently talked before d m - j J f r s e y ^ u d e m ^ and seek out,*0™*';ner. It was enough to » t » e | E t e l l i e t n He did so, and John! ( O Copyright "*~

a goal in,lifer J o r m ; i n d B 1 ^ a were married De-'Jersey t*.State/ 'cember 1, 1702. in the Haddon Commission.

••- girl reachedIn the spring


of 1701. and impressed thosewho met her with her maturity,

Icurrenit fiscal period.In a budget message present-

M d y theedmessage pon Monday, the

ea ijes^^aw.c >u •».Ooremor explained the Leglsla-,ture must make provision lornew or additional revenues to-taling $37,500,000 to balancethe record high budget which hesaid was necessitated "by the

tomey General Arthur J. Sillsindicates that many existingservice charges are lower thanthe cost of Issuance and admin-istration. The Governor said In

ment to the rale, the Supremejher good education and her" " l t l Mrt

democracy and brotherhood. Brother-!mandatoryreoulrementsof nor-hood is Democracy at work - believe1?1"1 "n w t h and t y ttl€ need

it, live it, support it!

Court has decreed this shouldnot be Interpreted to precludea magistrate from performing

jher goodjde^p religious conrlctlons. Mort[evidently. Elizabeth Hatidonshowed determination, both to

lthedutle*ofamttnlclp»lattor-!setUe In America and to wait'jney of another municipality, In- " ' "

• |UC \JUlfCi. liut UH1U IM IIU; va — — — r

addition to providing needed re-;cluding appearances In thevtnue these fees be raised aslmunlerpal eoort of that muni-

it jclpallty on behalf of the munl-vta matter of equity.

"With regard to

February-Heart Month

This ta the time of year when theannual Heart Fund Drive in the mu-nicipality reminds us that heart dis-ease Is the biggest killer stalking ustoday.

The experts and scientists marvelat the toughness and stamina of theheart but in the United States we havefound a way to break down even astough an organ as the heart. In therace for the dollar, and In the speedof life, as we have developed the mod-ern pattern, the heart often succumbsto excessive strain. The United Stateshas developed the highest Incidenceof heart attack and heart failure ofany nation.

Today the cardiovascular diseases—Itroke, rheumatic heart disease, in-born heart defects, high blood pres-sure, hardening of the arteries, con-gestive heart failure — cause In ex-lar diseases account for more deaths

pari-mutuel racing schedule to169 days by eliminating the'dark days" when no racing

i Into existing State sen-icesIprograms."

A four-prongedenue program wased by the Governor to meetIncreased costs, includingitendin? the present 150-day

for JohnThat spirit carried her 10

Muiuu*..,^ « — . „. — miles up Cooper's Creek to ijcipality on behalf of the muni-1 log cabin already built on

osible newlcipality, or an official thereof. J woodland clearing on her faor ensuing I or the State. "" ' _ . .. .framework itrate will not be so barred. |Estau?h camestructure," j neither will his. law"It might'employers, employees

associates, the court ruled. j Haddon home in the wilder-The Supreme Court has alsoS p ness.

details of the Eiuuth-Hiddon

I cents to 8 cents a gallon onheer to produce $5,600,000; In-

levies on still wines

than from all other causes combined.More than, 10 million Americans areafflicted with one or another of theheart and blood vessel diseases andamong the victims are more than 5million children. The cost of heartdisease is overwhelming in terms ofpain, anguish, lost income and medi-cal expenses.

When all the facts are considered,it becomes plain that your Heart Asso-ciation should be placed on the top ofthe list this month - February Heart £ « »fl ™ «Fund. duce an additional

What more appropriate time is therethan today — Valentine's Day — tosend in your donation? It will helpthe doctors and scientists to discoverthe way to save life. The more yougive, the more will live.

Icess of 925,00 deaths a year in thiscountry — 54 per cent of the nation's]total, In other ^ords the cardiovascu-1


J consider the advisability ofharness racing, particu- .In view of the steadily mltted to wear In court a gar

competitive pressurejment or article of clothing If courtship, but none has atneighboring states Required by his religion, such as denied John Eetaugh's bash

'' - by Ortho-;fulness. Whether his natural'-'dox Jews. iawkwardnesi or his dupau

A final rule promulgated by'jover his humble status com

which will have a sure lmpactjthe Yannulkeour existing racing

assessment UKBUUI me i»vu..«»„„. . . ^at racing meets by 1 per cent to'state oiflclals totaled $770,872.obtain an additional J2500.000J384. In addition, the Governor

Revision of present alcoholic !;a!d, the State Budget Directorbeverage taxes to produce an'haj received other proposals'

revealed the Supreme Court provides jpared with Eizabeth's properifrom|that a magistrate may not ac-

|cept an honorary membershipin an organization, such a! anautomobile club, which providesa bonding service for traffic \violators. If such memberships!• •- . . j .u, t.Sti3


Perth Amboy Area- • -




PerU Alloy Hatloial BalkAt the S Corners HI t-KM

additional $12,800,000 vas also.from citizen groups suggesting(proposed. This would be done'that New Jersey embark upon 1 have been accepted|by legalizing an Increase fromlprogiams whlcJj would exceed be relinquished, the Supremethe present three and one third;one billion dollars. Court has ordered.

To maintain a high level ofpublic service, the Governor ree-

.creasum icvrcB Uu » l u „.„>.., ommended giving each Stateand vermouth which now range j employee an across-the-boardfrom ten to fifteen cents per j increment on July 1 next, Ingallon, to a flat 25 cents to pro-1 addition to whatever Increment

' " may receive normally. The



. . Laws per-,talnlng to child labor in New]Jersey would be studied undera resolution Introduced in the"legislature by Assemblyman

,v.vw »„. ~~j William V. Musto, D . Hudson,Statel&wernor also proposed ralsingiand referred to the Comto tajevery full-time employee to an'on Labor and Industrial

per gallon to bring In an addl- annual salary rate of no lea tlons.ional $6,000,000 a year.Assessment of a surtax for

State use on .the present leviesImposed for local use on elec-tric, gas, telephone and tefe-

than $3,000 a year. A Child Labor U w Study1

inn 9.3,uuu a JC«M. 1 •- —^- . _^ , ,

Raises of $2,500 for each of'Commission established In 19551 the fourteen cabinet officers,jand $1,000 for division directors,[were recommended by the uov-

graph utilities, was also prp-iemor. Re adds a study U un-posed by the Governor to p^o-'derway on the question of sal-duce an additional $18,500.000.Jary Increases for Judges at bothThe tax presently apportioned the State and county levels,to municipalities from these:When such legislation 1* readysources would remain, but the (for Introduction, the Governor

The Game Of Happiness

State would collect a surtax ofj20 per cent'of present collec-

Why Is It that some people are usual-ly happy and others usually de-pressed? Why is a certain, Individual,though relatively lacking in materialwealth, perhaps also lacking in na-ture's physical endowments, neverthe-less cheerful and merry, and able toenjoy every day, or most of it?

The experts tell us the happy indi-vidual is one who has developed asound philosophy of life. That means,as we see it| a philosophy which takesInto considjeratlorj what we have to

' be thankful for.' It's4rue that we have our troubles.

It's also true that many of us worry

|asked the Legislature to pro-Ivlde the necessary appropria-

and gas.tlonj to carry It out.

never filed a fjnal report withthe Legislature because Its]members disbanded. However Jin an Interim report in .1JM.Jthe commission pointed to sev- •eral areas of New Jersey's child j|labor laws In need of careful j]study.

This recommendationsince been supported by find-ings and recommendations of Ithe New Jersey Youth Study |tions from electric ana gas uow w» &"li "> °>*u / i l u c ""• •»**•*' *•"»»•• «—-/

compantes. i MAGISTRATES: Local mag'-CommiBlon. by a presentmentA general upward revision of titrates may hot hold any ot^jiof the Union County Orandj

miscellaneous motor vehicle public office, or position, In trie | Jury investigating Juvenile de- jfees which would yield another 'municipality where hebo lde linquency, and by expressions"


and fret because we can't make asmuch money as we would like to, orbecause we don't get ahead in theworld as fast as we'd like to. And thenthere are many things which comealong to irritate us.

And trivia—if not kept In perspec-tive—can dominate one's thoughts andcrowd out of one's personality thethankfulness and humble appreciationfor the many blesStngs we enjoy. Thekey (0 contentment and happiness,then, is found in the state of mind —not the state of the bank account.


Lawrence F. Campion, President & Treasurer

Published Weekly on Thursday at 7:00 A.M.

20 Green Street 651 Roosevelt AvenueWoodbrldge, N, J. Carteret, N. J.

Telephone: US 4-1111 Telephone: KI 1-5M0

(Sari* E. Gregory, Nov. 27, 1901 - D e c . 10. 1961

M t U - O t e w t SiM Six Months MJS Me per eow

II eta.

"Cut off aay more beads and you're through!"

nd y prof various organizations andIndividuals dose); concernedwith the welffre and educationof youth.

_ 0 —INDEPENDENTS; Indepen

dent candidates sometimes jetin a political race to coax a jobout of political leaders by fet-ing out, Governor Richard J.Hughes claims.

An experienced political ob-server, the Gorernor U botheredby a bill adopted by the Legis-lature which would bar Repub-licans or Democrats from run-ning for office u Independent*while registered members ofeither party. i

The Governor ha* asked the1 Council of State Governmentsin Chicago for a report on what

being done along this line Inother itates. Particularly hewould like to know the practicefollowed In California, NewYork, Massachusetts and Mich-igan

Under th# present law, all acandidate for Qovemor has to'do to become a candidate toNew Jersey if to get 800 ii#n»-

1 tures on petitions and file themwith the Secretary of Btate.Electors for President and U 8.icnatorlal candidates need the


On* of tbt most imacrtant purchaui m d t ky •tartly it fk«ir outomobilt. Equally importoat it itwloot available, and tbt tirmv

Why «rt Hop in our bonk today and Itt u dfcCwttwitb f«« tbe «dvantoget of our auto ( ^ hpie* . . . before you b«y X i r MX\ car.


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m A»ewl8t.iMtacr tt MIHU An.)



Bmy 8 t * Moon A*e.

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Thursday, February 14, 1963 PAGE ELEVEN

Donnelly Named WinnerOf Blnai B'rith Award

\M M t l ' H O F D I M F . S : A T . i l c n l i h c i w . f . i r t i n -

( f , 1 , , . M ; i r r h o f D l m r v i l i r n t r r t I n V . i l l i M i u l ' i ,

" , i i l , , | I n t t i f s t u d e n t h A i l i " I <'>l<>»' . i I I I H I » I

l , ( , , , | u n d r r I h r n u p m i i i i m <>f W i l l i a m H I I M I V

p i i l i r l | i , i l , l i i M ' | :

H i t - I ' l ' n i i i o n t h eI 11 % V ; i l l i

. l i i . u i I t l l c y .

h F'rnndly. ('nlnnla (•hainnan, spokf ton-wiirds uf fh.tnly. left to riglit: JosephSnyrlrr. Mari;i Knnzo, I'at Matuska,

mmL Jl:

to Re Honored onFebruary 27th (it

in Templecol/>NIA Caivln Donnellyiinula, Ims hern named the.

winner of the Bnfli B'rith Citi-zenship and Civic AffairsAwani of Colonla - R»hway•H'nnl B'rith TjodRp and BlnalChapter of Bnal B'rith Wo-incnI Cited for hi* outstanding ef-UHIS on behnlf of the youth ofIhr community and for dedi-cating his life to combatingJuvenile delinquency, Mr. Don-nelly will be honored February27 nt a joint meeting held at.Tempi Beth Am.| Mr. Donnelly's achievement*ifor which he received area re-cognition at a testimonial lastyear, Include general managerand president of Uttte FellowsI/'RRiie of Colonla, Instrumen-tal in aiding In the League'sgrowth and Initiating a base-Iball clinic for eight year oldsa,s veil as serving In a coach-ing capacity since 1959: C.Y.O.'athletic director and memberof St. John Vtanney's AdultJAdvisory Board Mr. Donnellyorganized the C.Y.O.

His orRanlzatlon efforts, func"

Adult Delinquency CauseOf Juvenile Crime, PriestFells Holy Name Society

H l b S H I . : In O1>«TT»IHT of Boy Sroulm : II, Ifc-tl 3 of l'*ck 38. Isrlln. ipoiuorrd

I-1II. duplurd an nhibit ol pro)wU inis in Ihr who«l lobby. Uf l to rtxht: Grtforr

( lumtx-rv Ronald Bonjart. ,uld HuUim, Jarnr* Inoliio,John (a»*ldy, Kfvln Hulwuii, Slrvrn Djvies, RichardJulimun.

pia Group Auxiliary Plans Contestir;I Makes Bandages f o r Junior Girls Group lJSSS

raising abilities and efforts onbehalf of the youth and com-munity have caused him to belanded by William Bums, prln-ripal of Colonla JuniorSrhool; Karl Lambert, Dlretvtor Little Fellows LeagueOome Wolters, presidentY. O. adult advisors; and Albcrt Twitchell, director of Athletlcs. Rutgers University.; In addition to his man:youth activities, Mr, Donnell;has found time to Join V.P.WPost, Holy Name Society, thiKnii-hts of Columbus. St. Cecilia's Council: Colonla Demicraiir Club, Colonla Civic Impnnrment Club and Is presldent of Local 461. Plumbeiand Pipe Fitters Union.

On Recreation GroupMr Donnelly's appointme

ns ri'crt'ation commissioner IColonia in 1962 will makeeasier for him to continue com-batting Juvenile delinquency byusini: as his weapon the pro-iverblal "ounce of preventionthat Is worth a pound of cure."

j He' and his wife, Elizabeth,[currently are aiding In the for-jmation of the Holy InnocentsSociety, a group dedicated toithe spiritual welfare of the re-

COLON1A - Expecting theiual pat answers to the of Juvenile delinquency,|e 300 men and youths attend-;; 8t John Viantwy Holyame Society's fourth annual,'ommunion breakfast on Bun-ay were shocked to hear guestoeaker Rev. John M. Faheyly:"A serious condition exists,irt of a cancer, called adult;linquency and how tragically

he elder* have failed theirouth rather than how youthlas failed their parent*."

Driving his point'•ather Fahey stated the inde-ient literature which cluttershe newstands of our neighbor-wod stores and the pornog-•aphy that goes with it, wreck-ng the ideals and morals of theyouth, is the work of adultsand sold by "nice, respectablemen "

"Who is it that pushes thelarcotlcs to the youths of ourilg cities, Yes, even in a quiet,mall town like tyorth Arling-on, the narcotics situation isserious," added Father Fahey

Plans Are MadeCOLONIA — The drama de-

partment of the FederatedWoman's Club of Colonia i i kMonday night at the home ofMrs. Robert 8, Mclntyre.

Much praise had been re-ceived on the presentation of"This Is Your Life" at the Club'sFederation Night, and the clubhas been asked to present It atthe Drama Festival, April 19.The decision was unanimous toaccept this request, and rehear-als were planned.

At Easter time the AmericanHome Department will cooper-ate with the drama departmentin furnishing a needy familywith a food basket and clothesFinal arrangements are beingmade, and the March meeting

as been set aside as a specialworkshop.

A lively program had been

COMPLF.TF.S TRAINING,~Marine Private Martin J,Lynch Jr., son of Mr. andMrs, Martin J. Lynch, 49Hunt Street, Iselin. has com-pleted four weeks of individ-ual combat training with anInfantry training regiment atCamp Lejeune, N. C.

ipeaking with an authority ac-uired from Interviewing more

:han 16.000 young adults In 10years of work with youth fromBrooklyn to Baltimore, inschools, hospitals and prisonwards.

Introduced by Rev. WalterRadziwon, Father Fahey startedhis talk on "Juvenile or Par-nta! Delinquency," by dlsclos

ing precious memories of hisyouth: fond recollections of ahome filled with love, a hard-working father and a &elf-sac-rlflclng mother, memories thatincluded playing baseball with

(Continued on Page 13)

cella and her eommittee, and all•njoyed taking part in dramaand comedy situations.


8hults, pastor of the UnitedChurch of Christ, meeting atFrank Hehnly School, RaritarRoad, Clark Township, an-nounced Brotherhood Week wibe observed Sunday. At morniniworship services, 11 a.m., thepas'tor's sermon topic wi)l be"Breaking' Down the WallsChurch School for children oall ages will be held at 9:4!A. M.

Books ReviewedAt Library MeetISELIN—The library staff of

it. Cecelia's Free Catholic Li-irary, Iselin, presented a speal program in honor o

Catholic Book Month at thFebruary Rosary Society meet'•ng .

Rev. Robert E. Mayer, parishsslstant and library moderatortated the purpose of Catholi

Book Month, is to encouragihe use of the library and titimulate interest in theing of Catholic books.

Mrs. John Hooker, librarianixplained the operation of thibrary and conducted a quiz,How do you rate as a reader o

Catholic Books,1'The book, "The Devil's Ad

ocate," by Morris West, wasreviewed by Mrs. Martin Llllland Mrs. Robert Matthews rviewed "The Life of Man WiGod." by Thomas Verner Moor

In commemoration of Cath-olic Book Month, more than100 selected books were avail-able for circulation at the meet-ing, and members of the staffsigned up several new members.

LegionairesTo EnlargePost Home

COLONIA - A building funddrive is under way at AmericanLeirtnn Post 248 where the pres-ent building at 806 MiddlesexTurnpike Is considered too smallto fill the needs of th« groupand the community.

Due to tiie lack of a recrea-tion crater in the area, thePost Home is us~d for meetingsand social affairs by numeroussrniips Including the Avenel

Club and Junior Sports-en's Club.Paul Ablonczy has been ap-ilnted chairman for a raffle

raise funds for the newulldlng. Prizes will Include ftnsole television, a portable TVid a radio. Tickets will becallable shortly from memberi.At the recent meeting, Slg-iund Klsielewskl, senior viceimmander, reported on the

urrent membership drive,Membership requirements ,

,re as follows: In order to beigible a veteran must have

jeen a member of Army, Navy,Marine Corps, or Coast Guardif the United States and M-ilgned to active duty some timeuring one of these periods;

\prll 6, 1917 to November 11,918; December 7, 1941 to Sep-

tember 2, 1945; June 25, 1950to July 27, 1953; all dates In-lusive.Meetings are held at the Post

Home the first and third Tues-days of the month and prospec-ive members may attend.

Adolph Elster, service officerannounced any veteran havinga service connected problem inneed of assistance should con-tact him at PU 1-5740. •

February 19 a joint meetingbetwewi the American Legionand Ladles' Auxiliary is sched-uled.

WE WONDER WHYA sign posted beside the

ticket window of the MonroeTheatre, admonishes its pa-trons: "No ice cream, charlotterusse, or Jello-0 allowed in thli'theatre."

— The New Yorker

omen* Club Make, ^ t ^ X7 heatre P<trty Plan^ous classes In the area for the

special children.The Chain O'HIlls

Club decided, atmeeting last week, to hold

Dossing Clubf COLONIA - An fswy con-Mrs. Carl Pablo U> save old ny-i theatre night as a project for

Born in Jersey City in 1918,Mr. Donnelly had not evengraduated from high schoolwhen he organized a team of

ut ihf (e»t for members of Juniorionat School Qu-is Cult * M tuuwmiced by Hospital

Mrs. Robert Ljrwsi, chairman;

for Qreystoneithe Pall at the Circle Players'^ anc: 15-year-old neighbor-Iplayhouse, Woodbridge. ihood boys and coached them in

Plans were also made for- aKarma,

Mr». Kueerc LJWU, CSWUUUUI, ... , . . . f P i a n s were also maoeior awhrn th* UdiM* Auxiliary of A c » r d p » r t y * ? , * " * °r!New York theatre party some-

1 .id-

iimouncrd Mrs VP.W. Memorial Post J0«i met members of the Post,cmio-r drftt-»t the Pod home, Inman Av-»nd guesUi, March 30

^ l n M a y p i n a l p U n a wi l l^ l n M a y l p

Mrs. ^ announced by Mrs. Frank^ announced y..:i ot Middlesex;nue Harry Smith will asawt Mr».|Burns Bt t n c n ext meeting

of Amerlcanl E«*y» on Lincoln and Wa*h-;F»blo with the arrangements, j T n e a n m ) a l p i c n l c wiUj d d t r f j d

the fundamentals of football inan effort to keep them fromhanging around street cornersand getting into trouble. It was




: of Amerlcanl *y»»i:i conduct •jlnfttmwltltf pudged«ep»r»trfjj n n . Lyi>eM announced he

4 mitt-with pruw going to a winner short movtei will be shown F*b-; l0i Pt

gin 1936 that the "Appleknock-

bejers" were born and through hlaff

Liberal interest,pounded regularly.


-irr urged to it-'.o become ac-

tiif ittMt mrth-. cancer dreiI'u'f In i review

In eac i categorov

J u n e 23 at a local parkarmounced at a later date.

Mrs Waller Palmer, prt*l- home, lor children.

l 0 ^ a r m o u n d a dinjary 22 at 2 P. M. at the Post, H a l r s t y i | n g w a s featured at

ithe program of' the evening.d«nt, conducted in Illation cere-1 Entertainment wll be pre-Mrs. Walter Andrews,, programmonie* for new mtmtxrs, MrnVnted after all future'chairman, announced the pro-

John meetings. An enU'rtalnmentfrram for the March meetingLUowskl. MrsChrencik. »nd Mrs

efforts they were a football |team with real uniforms. Infl1961 the members of the origi-nal team and their wives helda reunion dinner in Jersey Cityto honor Mr. Donnelly that wasattended by 206 people from six

I A crmirman, A a charm for securing seven new,meeting.••••'•n of trie fobdmMnberi Current W :

•••• tiHd i t Ptbllc U M. '•:.*uv . Spventy-two etneer

.''••vens was wlh- w«re inade by Hie duytime;•••r. hot at. I krqup reported Mr)» R»ymon<f:

•":• the evening Hughes. Mrs. Walter Mldura1'"ird Evwit MM.npted. the nighttime group had

Mrs P E Wlt-fcompleted 198 bandagesU A Kialal, Mrl. Sheets »re Urgently needed•ii-.d Mrs. Oeorge by the cancer dressing (troups

Anyone who has some to do-

comprised of Mrs.iwlll be a white elephant sale.Edward Curtb. Mrs ZingK andj

member-iMrs WlUlam Best. Is planning! Diplomats speculate the Pres- years in the Army Airfor the March 5 Ident's trip to Italy might be Ground Crew Chemical

expanfled ' (Continued on Page 13)

states.Mr Donnelly served three

years in the Army Air Force

4 meeting it anand anyone de-

'l<iiix the groupd may at-

nate Is asked to call Mrs Mi-dur» at FU 8-3605 or Mrs. JackZihsg at FO 8-1663 to arrangefor pick up.

Members were reminded by


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St. George Avenue and Chain O'Hillt Road, ColouinTelephone ME 4 - 3 7 0 0

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Located on Inman Avenue at Amherst In The



The Capitol Domf

Thursday, February 14,1MBIL - IB - Cp

M lntnxtaMd to fee t

I . Otm-

New Jersey who h*Te a .10 perjmuft do it. elalms Oovemor

— 0 —

SKndtnftn the Legislature mak-ing K unlawful for a minor to w n t t]»hol content in theirenter a ta«m of packaie store W o w ] w o u I d l M t ttieir driver's C A P r r o | , CAFIHS: Oor-

license for 6 months, under a j e r n o r Hughes Is studying a con-I bill passed by the Qeneral AS- fliet of interest bill paased by

Chsrles W. njeherjthe State Senate to determinewhether It is "toothless"

PrniWtr r 0 J m

lanned bvTo

Ploy*"Heart Fund

before thehire would create a

COLONIA — Temple Beth b T h_e

' Colonla

Tr.?:? <*?-ld be f-^t ^

c •< :- s rc".:t:ca: race " sayi*.v= G-".srr>::

— c —

IOBBTI5T5: E*:rts hare

: - ;<" i :u : ; Jo: TTJ-T r»srs

isries w. riscner.iuic unit « » » ~ ^.^.-._™ ^ o j co]onij »m no](j a c o n . rw"» »•««—/ — ••

, »„__.. .took 81»7 deer oat of the woods . . ,- . Heart Fund. One oi me ie»

« df all




S. De-Hill lrult ITOWCT,

appointed new memberswould'ston of Ner York Harbor Is o f t n p S : a ! e Board of Asricul-

preparlng new hiring refiila-j^g ^gf, jjy Oovemor

r*- ment and Laboror,Hew Brunswick on March 4 and _

passage of a bill throughis. • The Waterfront Commls-j^jj]They


978 olr and

The New Jersey Legislature hasdisappeared from the Trenton


Cemple president, announced.The recent Temple desecra-

tion will be discussed from theletal standpoint by Leo Kahn.

close final

will beLouli


i t SMS) a44lti«Ml wer«Payable hi a 4 n n « c


11 A. M. tor tht-Mn, , f r V 'b U t l m


MIrean Mi l l

w-kv? -r-S-j

of Btat*._ 0 —

tions affecting the employment;(jovtmor RockefeUer. of New, „ . _ _ , _ _ . _ _ , . v

of W.OOO lor.?<horemen and. Y o r k. will soon meet with Oor- K E V M D T 8 TAX FLA*. . e lwexf f s m :ne_Port of_Hew ; e r n o r" Hughes of New Jersey on

V.v «rc'"•?';:?

fl~w* Public dls- stT* trafle deathjYa- i 'Ts or otaer^us fir this year•-« $rr-'tt *o that as coapired with 71B :- 'u-e ;o3b7ists :o Uie sar.e time m IMS.rj"«'.:j. -s*titr.- A new hiih in industrial

k Tassais'o' Kfh a stractiOR «•* att up 1", -»fr art satisfied Jersey in 1W2 - nlue oi

jjj.TjSM compartd tohas MT.4M ai 1M1 - • • A

is «1 UP

will hotttO i r d f n S U te* petition to

t 0 2 1 y e w I ft* mml-second annual rtortanliatlon m u i n a g e ( o r t ne purchase ofimeetir.g Pebrjsrv 27 in W 1 - i alcoholic beTerages. . . . Qov-

•;mlntwn. . . . The SUte of New tmoT R i c h a r ( i j . Hughes U en-was caring for m . n s . j g y ^ s iO-day vacation In

President Kennedy"* tax pro-

neighbors to purchase tlckeWjImportant matters pertinent n o t on\y to hare a ' "'

to the forthcoming Temple de- m r i t n g but to assistdleatlon in the Sprint are also WOrthwhU« drive.

gram is aimed at cutting every;011"» • » f n ( t l

taxpayers taxes an a\rran of j Rabbi Herbert Witkin reportsIB per cent by ifcw.

The program Kennedyto Congress would reduce taxea.Levenson. Temple Beth El,a net of J9 per cent at thejSouth Orange, as guest speaker

[ DRttSM -jCARTERlT - Three L^, 0

Market Street, home. Ideal play area :<:

corner Prospect Street, Perth Children. Call Kl 1-4235,Antwy. <Prom CarUret

PerthJchildren Ctake for Herbert.

arrangements are being corn-sent pleted to have Cantor Morris Meeting Listed

'bus No. 11*. 2/7-2/14'MIBC FOR S A U

'.he sut'.s quo..i! y?*r a r"''

var.ous Institutionsagencies or. Jtnuary 1 . . . -not

n M

butldlr.g middleby police in housing, so public authorities I three-year period.

p j^ y Ujbotwm of the Income scale and^Cantor Lewnson is Kheduled ,Income 9 per cent at the top over a t o discuss Jewish musw »nd COLONIA - OUllUn^

I d

CARTKRIT RWIDINT want- m t MERCURY - C-.-id for part-Ume work in action Waton, au'...

7 9 Carttret office. Must tlT« transmission, power bi•» •' ^ Hours 10:00 Ai l . to V00 PH..',taring. RAH, RxceKc-

Friday. Ideal ^nio n . tV 1-ajll.

llts development. nails and crepe paper.Pack 72 made napkin holdenduring a craft demonstrationrat the booth they maintainedSaturday and Sunday at ttat

j/l4 tfItlVtCIt

| IF YOUR DRniKINO : „come a prootem, A.C


Artistic talenu were also em- k

ployed by the Cubs to turn pa-d f l

t lABTXR lAWHNOa IIf you ar» In ne#d of money Anonymous can help y

can wort only a few hours BI 2-151$ or writemr,\etog AVON cus- 263. Woodbrldnyour answer. Ejtcltlngi


Maebiies - leitettesm - - Mistt littnctiw

$QQ.OOW ^ IK. Hi


Adding MachineAgent t*r



W O O I B R I I 6 EMsiiess Macklies

£M Ambey Are^ W««dariigt



CONTRACTORIncluding Mosaic tiles

New•f ABKteas

40 Mary Arenae, Ford*V Alley C-4SM






(OH>. Wlitt Cbirtk)


OFCD : AJt U 11:11 TM.


CtMed Wednesday All Day

Prirate Lesson




Ear Trainingabo Taifht

Sobolsky & PittelMUSIC CENTER

TS Mils S u m , WoodbrtAf*I f I (M-«115

Opts D1U7 I I AJL U I f JS.

per into decorative and usefulnew prwmcu art doubling arer-INCOMK TAX RETURNbookmarks. The Pack manned^- n m i n u . Call Mn. LewU! pared by qualified athe booth in shifts under d l - 3 j . s l t < 2/14 ant. VJ. Richinan. Phov-rectlon of the Den Mothers, j — I1M.i Cubmaster Jerry Wlnnlck re-.COONSnxORfl - We haw Z ^ r T T T Z r - ;ports the annual Blue and Oold poattloM open for pleasant. W00M1 T « w n j i - •dinner will be held March lljneat women, ages 5 throu0 J ^ J J ^ "



Let u s solve yourheating problem fromservice to completeheating installations.





Service *«»Businessat the

Edgar Hill Barber Shop831 Rahwaj Avenue

WoodbridftPhone 636-9385rient/ of


826 Rabwsy Avenie, Ateed


and SOX


88 Main Street

Woodbridge, N. J,

Telephone MErconr 4-OiM

Heatiig-Air Cflidftioiiig

Hilr Sinft



StjUnrOil Stumpoo




LOTtlT, LOTtly

YouIn the pretUeitfeminine look

this Springr«r this tlttmt

look, Tidt

\*^ES 1

•* : P* \— 1

Hair Designs by

Stella and jack1001 Rabway

ME 4

Ave., Arentl


Fill Tow Coal Bin With

Lehlgh Premium AnlhracJU




Electronic Alr-Cleanint

K&ObyWARM AIR ItutaUaUons

Ftn CtttBitei • Tin*

1K3 B'wij fflAYENELan *-tm

Private Lessons on theGuiUr • Accordion •

and other instrument!Student RtnUl P lu

BARBATOPlmliiS & Heatiig

SmilesSales & Service


Tel. KI 1-52*5

opfn MOD. Thru rrt. » • 1SiiurdaT I AJC to t r JS.

- ROQfilg &

meeting held at 7 SOt • 1 1 t v r r v meeting will.beLmtPfl h v KIllschool 21. Thetiem. w i i iant .ortln, condltlora Part or

jtll time, fm Intervlef applyD

COLONIA — A hit-o-rama, Members of the Webtloei * 'preview of the latest spring r>n conducted the

hats will be sponsored by the nag ceremony at a recent meet-School 20 PTO Pebruary 26 inj of School 21 P.T.O.rom 1:00-10:30 pjn. at the, rjr Arnold Lads listed the

school. Teachers and mothers put accomplishment* of thewill model hats which may be paCk md outlined future plans,purchased. Admission will b e ; ^ u d a reported the member-free and refreshments will be j c u r r e n t l y stands at 80 boysserved Mrs, Joseph Peters, ways 1 ,^ 13 r>n Mothers.


Return prepared 5U M4i«

Woodbridge, Friday. ?*b 1S*|from 1:00 PM. to J:00 P-M





co-chairman an- M r l A r n oi , iand meansnounced

Eye glases are being collected -pointment of a nominatingfor the New Eyes for the Needy committee as followi:

p.T.O.president, announced the ap-

All Mi i" ol lmtrnnttats «»4Amplifiers

Call Now for InformationHI 3-6948.

SAMMY RAY'SMnsis and Repair Shop

SAM LAQl'ADRA, Prop.» Yean Eiptrlence is Inslructo.

467 New Brunswick ArenocFOEDS, N. J,

Heiry Jaisei & S MTinning and

Sheet ks*al Wort

Roofing, Metal Ceiling

and Funsaee Wort

588 Alden Street

Woodbridge, N. J.

Telephone MEreury 4-U4«

Organisation Short HillsMrs. Richard Hubbardwelfare chairman.

Edwurd Paught, president,,announced that the traditional

by Frederick Oeoffroy, principal;Mrs. Boyd Henry, Mrs. Al HaleyMrs. A. Ooldman, and Mrs. B.

SPARE TUtt INCOMERefUllni and collecting moneyfrom NBW TYPB high qualitycoin operated dispensers In this);area. No selling. To qualify »<"!„._-.„.„must have car, reference*. «0Q u**°™\

TUTORINO bf pubhcteacher. All subjects

3 to I. Call 548-JM5 a!:

cash. Seven to twelve1hours weekly can net excellent

yThe slate li to be presentede p

Father's Night will be March 6. to the membership at the MarchTeachers conferences have beenm e e tm g

scheduled, ; M r s A welsholU's secondPlans for a spring fair will be'graa> class won the attendance

discussed at a special meeting a w a rd,d j

monthly Income.time.write

N o w Miguel." the win-

Brick, stone and cwork, plasterlm, all >•repairs. Full lnsuranc?More full

For persoaal Interview "06 (Colonial.P.O. Box 4119. Pttts-

burgh 2, Pa. Include phonenumber. . 2/14'

rot BINT

CARTKRKT — Seven roomfestival house, oil heat. Can KI 1-5563:

, t 1 PifJafttr e 00 Pi*, call Kl 1-M60


Urns of life. Open 9 : • :•appointment necessaryNew Brunswick Ave, IAmboy. HI 2-MB1.

1/:* •:of the ways and means com- _mittee Pebruary 13 with Mrs. n e r o {Donald Hoblty, chainnan. \ward will _ _ _

The next meeting of the ev- a n d j . J 0 p y M a r Ch'2 In thelenitive board will be February a l , r w m I t u ^ f l r 5 t

i27. the School 20 all-purpose m o y , e x\Kleii t 0 be shown by COLONIA — Two rooms with two Inmates of thei«x>m- t n e V T O that is striylng to! complete bath. Purnished or'lnstiWUori for Men are






F t 8-1667



For Past Seniet

Just Give Us a Call


HU 6-2726HU 6-0059


14 East Cherry SUett


Learn To Play The


Private instructions byQualified Teacher*

Btginntn and Advine«dStudents Accepted

Call ME 4-5446Authorised

Sales & Service



WoodbridteOPEN DAILY lt-9 - SAT. IM

T. R. STEVENSKooftm ud Skttt SUU1 fiMt







President Kennedy submittedto Congress the largest budget . ... ,,,

n submitted. The budget conjuncUon with thecontained a $98 802.000,000

the P T O that Is striving to! p jbring the finest films to the!unfurnished. All utilities mp-'records f o r blind'chUdren of the area pUed. PrivaU entrance. Imme^throuihout the n»tlotv: Mrs Fred Jeffreys, ways andldlate occupancy. Call 3«».S47I! The Inmates have rimeans chairman, will work in>tter 0:00 Vii. J/14.more than 2,000 o! » •

hours duririf the past y* >


Air-CoodlttoBlitW i n Air Hat

Indoitrul Exhat IMotor Ciurtl

roa FREI asTnumMS t-2IU or M

The new budget is for the ln*- , ! „ » - >1954 fbcal year starting next: Highlight of the evening will' « •»July 1. It holds the line on be. "European Tour," slidesandspending for domestic affairs commentary presented by MissBut it bulges with record out- Cell* Artym, sixth gradelays of cash for defense and the teacher,space program.

, bath* parking area'by Recort|lnf for tli-m 8-9185. 1 headquarters In New Yo

Service Statins

Liquor SUres


S3 E. Cherry St.Rahway

FU i-moCloKd Mondiyi


Car Wash

We Wash Vour CarAnd Wax It Too!

"SPRAY WAX"Included •( No t i t n Cost!


791 Rahway Ave.

< WoodMdte1 Tel. ME 4-43)1•Rldl Wltli Pride In • clMn Cu"

ME 4-0012

Telephone UErcnry 4-1&S9

WOODBRIDGELlqoor Stare, l ie.


Complete ^toek of Domestic

and Imported W i n *

Beers and Liquors




Complete Interior,Exterior Painting

PaperhangingbUDlUt ChurtuU; Glrn

First Cla^s Work




MErcory 4-UM

We're SpeeJmtfsU tat




It Is the largest budget sincethe war years when the fiscalbudget In 1945 *as $98 3 bil-lion.

Katanga's MoUe Tshombeannounced an end of Sfc:.«;onfrom the central Congo gov-ernment.


[REPAIRSFully Insured j

LaMie ail PatteriolMX. 4-7185

& Heatiig -


only ONEM e is

only oneWELCOME



Paid Qsarterty

Save by MallPottage PaidBoth Wan


1591 Irving St. Rahway

UOLRS BAIL*-. J A.M. • «=J* 'SATtaOAYtj * *J». - U MOOM



Quality Keep* Us in BiuineM . . •• BUMlnf Materials * De«n * Wlndoti• Mllhrtft • WaUboard

• storing ^ ^ ^ ^ t riooriag

• Insoiatka H^^B * Ptywacd• sfoaldlnf V V t Knotty Ptn*

• Paint ^^ • Kltebea

• Hartwar* CaMncis

DOKG IT VOCMELF? | | r r r . i n /

FurnitureFoam Rubber Cushions

Antiques Repaired,Restored

149 Nortkj StreetWoodbridft, N. I.


Movlig & Tnekiu -



PorchesAlterations — Additions

Basements - AtticsRoofing — Siding

Dormers — Garages

Concrete Patios &Driveways

411 attainPrw Ettinata

Russo Construction Co,U 1-U1t

Move "IDEAL WAY"Phona FU S-U14






LOCAL MOVKBS) HtB U l tniiu: (U Bow

ED FREYWith ChaHry rut)




887 Hantil AVFUM'

WtMtdbrUte, N. J.

Just Dial




Businessb T h i sSpacefor Only

M years «f tiKftene* los-Urini f*o4 «Ui la instae**and oonunnnlty Uf*.

For .ttlorauU<W enWelcome WMOD In

Looking for Value?So many people come back here time after time to buy tbeir auU>m»biles. They have learned from experience that the used car they lnr«here will be honestly represented, properly reconditioned and backnlby our sincerity with all our customers.

A Month



ME_4-0951 |U m rtsld* tn




ME 4-2759


I HT-LO»«M .


'61 CHIV. 8i»uao

3975 ntraauL « dr.3 dr. HT —'

12 J - -

•»1 CHBV 4-drBin, tulo.


(3) ...


Cvutom P u t ,$1775

H 0UMM0BOJSS-4 <tt S . T -

'« PLTUOtm

•M PLTUOOTB Fury4 4oor

•|1 IUPS1UALLt&wroo—Oorjeoui

10 VAUANT 4 it

H VAUANT 4 il.LoulMl ..

•(! rORC 4 Or.


•W DS8OT0 4 dr. | | « mm

p 11751375

'61 VAUANT 2 dr.HT. „



* T . 104




'10754 dr. and ) it, t« *%mm

a i d , — 1375FIAT - IpfP*

«*»«— 575

M DOOOI • P H I .ttltUon

59 CHIV. U2 at, E T . l»»sk

•1075•1275- '975

LWOOLK 4 dr I t 0 7 Cwhit*. Uki »•• 1 0 I J




•M DUOTO 4 dl

M CHUT e*n«»t»« dr. »*du (II

• -ST I U '1 < l r l1175•U IUPIR1AL 4 dr.

feOu . -

'51 U1PIB1AU blvl*tnd wblU

•51 RAUBLU StationWltM

ti cirv, auuoa


n1 Si.*. T.


tj di. B,T. -Uk* o*« ..

u cmvaLn1 dr. H.T. (I)

•u cmvaouTI door _ —




Bring Results | ME 4-9340

Must Can Listed Are Fully Equipped And Hate BeenOriginally Sold and Serviced By Vs!

MAURO MOTORSAuthorised Chrynler, Imperial, Plymouth, Valiant, Scout Deal"


n.-EB-CP Thursday, February 14, 1963 PAGE THIRTEEN

Foreign Student [Each Day is Valentine 'slThaler to SpeakTo Visit Schoolj/W for Deborah League At Club Session

1 A Visit tO SohOOlj ISRt.IN—TV* AhroK.m T k . L

and because of this everyone Is stcrs wind up In the morgue and understanding; many chll-saying, "When Is someone go- as the result of fatal accidents dren are sent to camps merely

v l l l t .. »studentby the PTA.

"riowry, prertdent.executive board

Reiner, ehalr-

[ ISEUN—Dr> Abraham Thal-COLONIA—Everyday Is Val- audience participation stunts^, Iselln, will present a lec-

tntlne'a Day to the memberi of'and musical parodies.Colonla Deborah League as; Mrs. James Schlosberg hastheir Insignia used on sta- mailed tickets to all members,tlonery and tag week collection Mrs. Stanley Kafka, table res-containers feature hearts ervatlons chairman, can be|, be

change In thelThtrtfore, It \* appropriate for contacted at tonight's meeting.,1 dim for thin Satur-

, ,nt 1230 P.M. and,„ the all purnow

.,-,,,, Three Stooges In'., T.,,;knnd Listen," will be

,,,„,! nf the previously, , pnrnde of the

becomelibrary program

cp-chalr-, I • the library com-" .n.i'i sponsor a story. ii,,. kindergarten,. ,,n, rllwlo«ed there, i of 981 book! In

,-1 library.,, ],h pcrach ind Mn.., nPpolnt«d to serve

, -niHce. with members,,;,l'v. if) decide on •;,., presented to the'•!,, rTA.

,:;,i:-v plans were'i-.vwl dinner honor-:,,.'ilty In the sprlnr

rinirh mas appolnW.,,:!ti Mrs Reiner Hid• Kliin volunteering

on *n arrangement*

Ing to do something about thlsand the parents are summoned,1

{deplorable situation." Mnnyithey then want to know, "Howmeetings are held, resolutlonsjhave we failed them? What are split by divorce; there are no love, no understanding, and

l l h l ipassed, but still things BOas usual. In Father Funny's [that went wrong?

thtn group, which has sponsoredso many heart patient* to Deb-orah Hospital. Browns Mills, tohold Ita meeting on Valentine'sDay at the American Legion,Rahway.

In keeping with this thought,the annual dinner dance, socialhighlight and fund raising af-fair, has a "Red Hearts" theme,reports Mrs. Richard Warner,decorations co-chairman.

The afTalr will be held »t7:30 P. M., Saturday at Coggy'sIn Linden. Dinner will Includecocktails and hois d'oeuvrei,stated Mrs. H. Heller, chairman"co-chairman, Mrs. William

Qarber notes the evening prom-Isei to be »n amusing one asMort Brody and his band willentertain, They have been feajtured at the Ashbrook Swim

known for

League OpensRegistration

COLONIA - Reglsiratlon forLittle Pdlows League of Colonlabe held two Sundays, February17 and 24, between the hours Ot

i! nnnounced School-•idpate In the mittir-vrd throughout thevhnnluv commended the- nuking the phy-,tv rcrord. "Chicken::iblc for distribution. PTA. She not**\r.k « M Included In:«ue of Newsletter.i >< announcement ofFair was sent to all

:< >M-k Mrs. William!.i:r coordinator, re-i vo questionnaire*,,••!. "Ivave It to the•,1 the other, "for

are being tiiM to•iwrj »nd mothers on

announced Lester Larson, Gen-eral Manager.

All clRht year olds register-Ing for the Midget League,baseball dlnlc to teach themhow to play baseball and com-pete with their own age group,must be accompanied by anadult and show proof of aga.

All boys registering for theMinor and Major Leagues must,be between the ages of 9 and13. No boy may be 13 yearsof age prior to August 1, 1983and play In the Majors.

To be eligible for the SeniorLeague, boys must be betweenthe ages of 13 and IS and noboy may be 16 Prior to 8ep

iTeenettei and CTeflettes," a > m l * r 1. 1963 and play In thecooking unit have been chosen|*n l o r division.

TV AppearanceFor 4-H Units

ISIUTN — Two 4-H units,

tor thU honor because ot theirput record in community serv-ice. The Teenettes received the1062 Community Service Awardfor Middlesex Countydubs, at the twardi dinner In MODecember. MM. Rapacloll alto coaches and managers necesrwelved a .citation for .Com- " T K> "provide organized base

The Little Fellows League oColonla has grown from an enrollment of 18} Just seven yeanago, to 564 In 1962. This year'i

enrollment Is ove:creating a shortage

munitjr Service, and ElisabethDarU, Coreja Avenue, a mem-

ball games for youth of Colonlawith ultimate aim of maklm

ber of both dubs, received twoMtcr citterns through assoclaone In home makingjtlon." as the league's constltu

one In home economics ! t l ( m «t«tes.Teenettw have received! Men of Colonla Interested 1

County Awardsuccessive years


because the parents wish to be homes, not the so-called "otherfree for two weeks; many homes side of the tracks" complain of

gwe miss? What did we do many cases of alcoholism In no companionship, he aid.

ture on and g)ve a demonstra-tion of medclal hypnosis at ameeting of the Iselln Demo-cratic Club tomorrow night atVFW Hall. Route 27.

The lecture Is being repeatedsecond time due to rdany re-

uests. Dr. Thaler was so wellecelved at his first appearance,hat It was decided to invite

m again. He will discuss therlnclples and uses of medicalynosls In obstetric*, gynecol-y. surgery, dermatology and'lated fields In psychosomatic

medicine, The neuroses and!motional disorders of childrennd hypnq-therapy will be ex-ilalncd.

The hospitality will be Inharge of Mrs. Henry Qlover,

Mrs. Ralph Pi Coslmo and Jo-seph Baker. Refreshments will


opinion the reason for this Isthat we are looking In thewrotig places for our answers.

"Parental delinquency—whenIs someone going to do some-

Fahey. "When after wild drlnk-

In answer to these questions,Father Fahey wanted to knowhow many parents are "be-queathing to their children theheritages and memories that|

thing about it? asked Fatherjwere given us," He noted toomany are free to give money

ing parties some of the young-!rather than the needed love

ter frankness would shock an|a house Is a body which need*adult. These boys, from good

fathers and even mothers; andtoo many parents are unfaith-ful to each other.

Father Fahey revealed thateach teenager gets a personalInterview at a retreat such as

of the stories they relate In ut-

Noting that the yery presenceof the men at the Communionbreakfast indicatednot primarily tfee



should hear his words, hejsltuatlons.warned against growing com-

he conducts at Loyola Retreat placent and pointed out anyHouse In Morrlstown and some man can build a house to keep

out the wind, ram and cold, nutlenlle delinquency."

a soul to make It a home; |Usoul Is the love the parent!Ivlng In the house provide, la

talking with teenagers he re-ported, he can tell Immediatelywhether love Is present in theirhomes. He found out that so-cial prestige Is often a cause ofplacing children In Immoral

He declared that "if lowreigns In your home, you wIDnever have to worry about JuV-

'for^e'ihlhelping achieve this""goniare|*^"°u"^-J^er 1urued to sign up for a coaching


Blue and ColdDinner Sunday

COLONIA—Members of CubPack 45 have been rehearsing'or< weeks In preparation forSunday's Blue and Gold dinnerwhen each den will present askit commemorating the 53rdanniversary of the Boy Scoutmovement.

The annual affair wll be heldat 1 P. M. at the American Le-gion Post 5; Maple Avenue,Rahway.

Mrs. Arthur Shaffery, denmother of newly formed Den 6and the new Cub Scouts will beInducted at this time. Presenta-tion ot badges and awards Ualso scheduled, reports Cub-flmaster Marian Hawkins.

Saturday between 9:30 A, M.and 3 P M. Pack 45 will con-duct Its monthly paper drive,

Van Ness.truck will


Members of the two units ire !or "»"•«'«« J°b- " « ? c u t l v e

asked to meet Saturdar morn-'"0'1110" o n r e « l 8 t r » t l o n

iini. at{home.

...,, . . . . . _ . . .committees. I'M- « » . at Mrs. Rapaclolfs

arch Is being con- *»**• R w « Boulwwd. Kdlv Edwin Brommtr."". *« «*• « • » » •rman for the PTA N e " r e ( 1 ' It *U1 be anShowtime In Ap- * M l o n ' * t h« * l r l i »re "*"> *

'bring lunch. Mo»le» will bemade of the ChefletUs demon-

their eooklng ability.

Lenders DiscussGS Future Plans

>N;A - Future plan* of: scout, leaders of Dli-

N-",jhi»rhoc4 4. tertA »'. i Kroup ro*etln»•.HO. Schitffer. Mn.

; Y.'.!' announced that!<cn;-. troops In the aim••» x gift* and ar. at the Veterans Hoa-: Uv. Valentine's day- •:^y,ii will conduct a

;. »:»m for the pt-i'. a future date.

:.'! council meeting will', \ > dlKUM the by-laws- 'A'oodbrldge Council

.: »ho will represent

S g ! Aid Squad UnitDance, Saturday

The Twnettei wDl b* filmed«*»tnf on urlotti project*.

At the monthly butrneameeting of the Teenettet. Tun-day, at Mrs. RapadoU's home,the rnemben welcomed twoguetU. MIM Barbara fllsko,R.N.. guett ipeaJter and Mmuonna Drewt. Mlu BUko gavea talk on "Nunlng."

PUm w«r« mad« for the an-nual 4-H window display nextmonth. Joan and Arlene'Cwlekalo and ElUabeth Davisart la charge.

drive chairman. A |leave School 20 and cover theSchools and 18 areas, gothrough Colonla Village aroundColonla Boulevard and along St.George Avenue to Iselln pick-ing up bundles of newspapersat the curb contributed by resi-dents.

I8E1.IN - A meeting of theItrlln First Aid Squad Auxiliarywas h*ld at Uu home of Mn.Claries Carew.

Donnelly Named(Continued from Page 11)

jpany seeing duty In Africa, (Mrs. John Bobak annmineedlitaly and Guam In the Pacific,

that final arrangements have,He moved to ColonlB In 1958made for a dinner-dance\ and Is employed by Public Ser-

vice In the construction field at 'Jtheir Generating Plant In Se-waren.

3aturday, at the Lo« Cabin, St.Oeorgo Avenue, Woodbrldge.with the husbands of membersas Ruests.

Mrs, Lawrence Pearson, Mrs.John Barby, and Mrs. Charles

were appointed by Mrs.[Harry Vin Busklrk. president,to study and propose, revisionsto the present by-laws. The

U w « reported that the »lrU | Broup will meet with Mrs.had devoUd 23H hours to tha csrew on February 19.CUlMMhtp ProjNt. ! Mrs. Joseph Menafro and

Plans were made for the Feb-1 Mrs. Edward Goodman wereruary party meeting, February

polntrd delecatH to]35. at the home of Elizabethwelcomed at the last meeting asprospective members. Mrs.

Davis, Correja Avenue. Most-;Harold Hlbbell won the dark.•:.:;«rhood group are!«*es will be Ulchele C«ravella|horw prize.• Harold, Mrs. T r e d M Mtss Davis.

• Mrs Edward YeUe andA.-.l.yr Milburn. Mrs.

will serve uMrArg'.e'!'.Ht.>i" will be held

NV* Dover Methodistur.ri'T the chairmanshipA:thwr Mnbunv. Un.

11 ••••' '•» In charge of tha

M-burn. neighborhood.-, announced an ad,<• ".•".? In first aid on

'-1 sf »:00 P. M.. at

Men's Club SeesJudo Exhibition!

"la FirstAvenue,


l:i order to!"»dfr mustfl


partld-hold •

' ) p

•1 at the'•lurch 13


Ceremony willIsellnfrom

Junior7:00 to




retiring'"") private llf,e.'

' protested the editor,1 I* quite'true—"' But yon printed Uw

: '"""on, under 'Publte Im-

Adult Delinquency(Continued from Page 11)

his father; memories which hesaid he will never lose andwouldn't trade for any amountof money.

Weaving a spell that soon hadhis audience recalling pleasantmemories of their own, he shat-tered the mood when he que-ried, "What are the teenagerswriting In their memory books.

Movies were shown of the!their mental diaries?"First Aid Bquad In action. Thel He noted that looking aroundnext meeting will be March iius today we nee so many over-wlth Mrs. Robert McSweeney.'crowded penal and correctiveElm Avenue. 'Institutions for young people

COLONIA - The ancient art;]of self defense as practiced by |the Japanese was vividly dem-onstrated during a Judo match[held at an open »"**ting of .theMen's Club of Temple Beth-Am,JewUh Community Center.

James Chitam. Black Beltholder, accompanied by mem-ber* of the International Schoolof Karate presented a halfhour ot Karate self defensethat held the audience spell-bound. I

This was followed by ltutruc-

Thc American Legion Auxiliary Unit #248 of

Colonia, Avenel and Iselln wishes to announce

the beginning of its annual household products

sale by telephone, and would like to thank

everyone in advance for their help.

Present, Mrs. Katherine Blasena

Chairman, Mrs. Paul Abtonciy


Each troop will bt|tlon In the fine are of self de-ftiu* that enables a small manto cjiop a giant down to size

JThe group learned all aboutpressure points and picked upmany useful tricks long knownto the Japanese.

Climax of the evening camewhen Mr. Chitam split a two,Inch concrete block In halfwith his bare hand. JerryHarrison, j program chairmanreporU, 'lit didn't even hurt'htm.11-



7«n ewt tat*Unc <h« wonderful 1 « I I

lurt btud . j . n t


•Ok, OwtntoljB, tkii IsJolly fMt D*WI . . • dlB-1B| »jid i u c l n i by cm-«l«Uffct u>4 that oj»n

k fllfpiM* . . . It'l

Gallery"IIMI Club

U, s. One, WoodbrUitTel. ME 4-80«g

CUM UUuclu - Aautku «•!>«"

"We, k Joe's Pet Shop, are happy to

announce that we are again open for

business. We would like to take this

opportunity to thank all our many

friends and customers who called to

offer help and to Inquire about our

pets after the recent fire. Again, a

most sincere thank you."

Joe's Pet Shop317 State St. Perth Ainboy

HI 8-3419

(Just Yi block from 5 corners)


The CARTERET OFFICE of the Perth Amboy National Bank takes pleasure inannouncing its NEW LOW-COST SERVICE CHARGE CHECKING A C C O U N T . . . .deigned to SAVE YOU MONEY . . . . designed with you in mind, ALL CHARGESwill be ELIMINATED on Our New Regular Personal Checking Accounts whichmaintain a low minimum balance*as fallows:


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NOTHING-Write as manychecks as you wish.</

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Here are a few of the advantages of opening your new LOW-COSTPERSONAL CHECKING ACCOUNT with us today.







Deposits to your NEW LOW-COST PERTH AMBOY NATIONALREGULAR CHECKING ACCOUNT can be made by mail, simply by usingour "BANK-BY-AAAIL" envelopes which, we can supply at NO COST TOYOU. We are as close as your nearest mail box and this permits youto bank any time of the day or night.

Fill out the coupon below for additional information and signa-ture cards to open your NEW LOW-COST PERTH AMBOY NATIONALBANK REGULAR CHECKING ACCOUNT will be mailed to you immedij-ately. If you hove any questions, callKImball 1-5108; our officers willwelcome the opportunity to discuss the matter with you. i




CARTERET OFFICE,Perth Amboy National Bank


Carteret, New Jersey

Please send me more information and signature.








25 Cooke Avenue, CarteretPerth Amboy NATIONAL Bank

RMonrees Over $30,000,000 — Cartoret's Large* Financial Institution

Member Federal Depo$U Insurance Corporation • Member Federal Reserve System

PAGE FOURTEENThursday, February 14, 1963

IL-EB • c p

\Columbn* School Is Harvard Wins FifthVnheaten In League Walloping Dartmouth

CARTERFT - T!IP Columbus CARTERET Harvard wonSchool ronllnuodSmdeffated in Ita 5th RHme in the Preahmen-theRcereRtionMicH-t B League'Sophomore basketball league

'bv blasting it- wny to an easy;by walloplim the winless Dart-- The Carteret of thr 103 Ib. Class to J, Pitt ^ t o ] 3 | r j l i m ) ) l l ovt. r the Aces jmouth tram. 46 to 16, at the

High School wrrsllnrs took part of Piscntawuy. but not a trophy:% ^ ( ) i p s h . t h p ( r ) U g W wln|hlRh school sym on SaturdayIn the County Novice tourna- for second place. 1R7 for the Columbus School com-'afternoon,mrnt held at the Meturhen Mikr! won the ' " L , ^ n was an easy name for har -HlRh School mid fame home 1b, class hy pinning Zaic or, T h e U n r o i , , school .scored Its jViird plavns all the way aswith four beautiful trophies. South Brunswick to eft '"'Vfou,.,), vtctory in lriipiie play bythey'-took a big early lead and

High SchoolCapture Four Trophic



pCoarhod 'by Jimmy oilvnin. trophy

the Rambler Ma/ffiin have Bon Tolh woncome a lone vvny^T brnt out class by n pin over Hotan

the 177 1b.of

wrestlers in Madison Townsliip. and m theclaw Frnnkie

some of the heftthe County heavyweicht

Sam Sica lost in the finals Onllo pinned Ed Carter of Edl-— — — ' s o n to win his trophy

The boys had to win 'their'bouts on Friday in the semi-finals lit order to place andwin in the finals on Saturday.

Rosine out the St .Iocs in a [maintained the upper handlow senrine encounter. 11 to 8.|r|R},t to the finish.In the final eame the Nathan IHale School team «hut out th




Spewak CagersDown St. Mary's'MrMalion Stars Itodey Quintetd u Z ? i U ™ 5 5 ' Scores VictoryMnhon in the flnnl minute of CARTERET — The Rozley'sjplay paved the way for a 60- basketball team scored a 48 to I1

S3 triumph scored by Carteret jg vjCt01y over Frank k Joan'sHish over Perth Amboy St- by woritic 31 points In thoMary's nt Perth Amboy on ^ ^.^ t 0 overcome anMonday nipht. lead. The losers led by 12 -

With less than a minute to t h p pn(j 0[ the first period,play and the score deadlocked, Dennis Kopin scoredMcMahon racked up five con- points to lend thr winners

John Hans played his usualrole in the scoring column

wlniess Hawks hv a 12 - 0 count b v ncwm ,iP 19 points onRlchey Radar made six points p ^ t baskets and three fouls,for the winners

Tl r tpam standincs:Recreation ntpnrt meritMinc.ET n i.F.«r.rE

'Rlchey Tindall followed with13 points.

Columbus SchoolNathan HaleLincoln SchoolAcesSt JosephHawks


.. 10


J. Haas 8Sagenerio 0Tindall •iKurecKuberskyClne'ge :

posecutlve points to lead Carteret'their offensive a hard-fought victory over \Veber had 13 pointsthe Amboy club. second place honors

Both clubs were weak from Williams and Smith ledthe foul line, Carteret convert,inspis in coringing eight out of 17 and St.i T n e scores:

hitting 13 out of 31 Rozley's


Ernieto take


To Remain TiedCARTERET - The Kollbnsj


The score:Carteret




P. A. St. Mary'sG8Paluch








«"JHell*y10 Kopin25! Nelson

14810 .36480



BanickSelfGrandcllSumutka 0Marcsko 0Chamrn 2


Cardinals rolled up their sixthvictory in the Senior Recreation |

l n e Basketball Lw-iue bv wallop-;the Falrun.v B.ri H>2fl. Thura-|

day nlcht at the hiiiri schoolgym. The victory enabled "•-

F . ! Cardinals to remain inJitle with Lous Tavern for firstj

[place in the team standing,? As the16

S. Freshmen


•_ByAionMov,rJHi?h School 5 |jaycee Bowling Tourneyloses Hectic Opened Here Last Sunday]Game To Batons• Devinc topped the boys for high single game

name series In thrdivision. Boy* and

ifl'V I I " t,\tft" - - *«f j i l t . „

the first division while WilliamCARTERET.-- Carteret tried C A R T E R E T - Sunday ha.s;

but fulled. A flphting Carterrt m B r i t , . r t , n o openinR dny of the IHUh School basketball team. , j n l o r Bowling Tourna- w><""»"»">-<™ "»

impressive victory m r n t mnmnd by the Car- el«ht, and ninth p,-11(|.

!one f,,

chamber of Com- » " o t h e r \0Yiover Perth Amboy last week. l(1].(l| iJU „„„.hooked up with tiie unbeaten m p l T ( , A1 g,ultor« led the sec- iZm nr? rrv T.-«WoodinldRo Barrens before a o n ( , riivl,l01, w l t h B nkh SIIIKIP IR b-ln* conductedpacked house at thr hipli -schonl n | ] m t , o f 2 M Bnt) B three same a nee with Juivor•Rym here last Friday nisht and s r r ) | l s ()f ftflB J r f l n , , c Kohrmi HowlinR Confessnffr a hectic bnftle. the Bar- j , , d „„, ,,n), with n 181 hlnh ends next Sundayions' lonR winninc streak re- s | ] u ; i | , ,.iimt. nnd 41!) for her.maincd Intact at 15 straight j , , , . , , , , „,,„„, sl.r||.s. Edmundjvlcloiie.v \m\rv timk lilnh1 The final score was 57 to 4S

won the Kami

CarteretEdmu Jgame In " ' • ° " l l l f ' ; < : w111 b ( '

bypilinu up a hi? 19-11 lead inthe first period which the Bineswere ynflblr to cntch up withThr n'liv In the last threeperiods was fairly even, with

side srjnvdnc much ofan advantage.

Art McMahon, who has beenthe spark of Csrleret's quintettn recent names, led the Rnnib-Iris with a total of 16 points.

The score:WoodbrldKF 1571


, S. Javvees



tlu'Pr-namr scries tn ;.jjli'Ui In both div'-nielirht wlnnors of tie \,test will be enteiedNiw Jersey Jnye-,Bowling Tournami in •.in Edison Uncs. Rm<•son. MArch 23, wm,pense* of the toiirn.t •

Cniteri't b ( l l i a u e t p B | d b y lll(, ,

7 2



Cartmt '45

6 48Frank Si Joan 1391

Williams• Roberts

60! RobertsonJGurevich

PjSmith20 McNulty12 Pettus





the Kolibas cagershad little trouble in winning theijame. The winners scored heav-ily in each period

Joe Stise led the scoring par-ade with 25 points on nine field;oals and seven fouls. MikeGurkin followed closely with 19

same of the season, dropping atough two-point decision to theMetuchen freshmen last week.

For the Ramblers, it was their!fifth straight loss as comparedto only two Victories.

Columbia FiveRolls Up No. 5

Beating YaleCARTERET — The fast step-

Woodhull and Prokopiak each ^scored ten points for Carteret.lP'n& Columbia quintet rolled up

ijjooints — the result^'baskets and nnr free

The scoresKolibas

of nineshot

The score:

5 39


• 20 13 5314 10 18 18—60Carteret

P. A. St. Mary's 9 18 9 11-53

Schonwalds CrushJesters By 58 . 29

CARTERET — The Schon-walds crushed the Jesters, 58 to,29, in the Junior Recreation |League at the Lincoln Schoolcourt.

KolibasGurkinOlear .ZulloCarmichaelK. Ward


25 Kay lor

3 7)White r0 iSoweirka2 6 Suto0 4: McDonald

Dercfo26 13 65,


its fifth victory in six games in

league competition by easily de-

6 10;feating Yale, 40 to 23, in the!2 lOiprosh-Soph Recreation basket-

RumblingWith 8 . Z.

MantleHartBakosMuchlBelitzDotegowskiMcMahon .Stuart

T Til-hm| inyveesvnth virtorv of the nir- Richtri Nonn-nmn.i«n bv com in'! fiotn be- r h n l r m a n o f l h p n

hind in the (mill period to win R t a t ( , d t h a t c n t r y ((

by » fom-p-mit mmsln. 4fi to R V a l l , b ie «t the'lo «T 44. oveni». wnodbnd>:e jayvwj Additional forms ma12 last Pndnv evenln- in a lire- o b t a lned by notlfvw2 'tminnrv famr nt the local RVIII- K n p ] l l n no n a | ( |s •inMUtn Prank Mnnhart ,Ji4 C l l e p l I Hilled llV f I V P M ( l r . , 0 ] | , E d w a , . , |

1 3 . , O i n ' ; S4--»t ^.MIIK iiitti t h e m A J w k M ) n n

11 final pcrort A' this point r t i r*10 ' e i r t 'put (in. « drv:istat!nr 19

_ . . ._ -Tijnt rt ' lv In win tlv bull i'«21 15 57 I - l i P1H> wis li":h seirer for

'he Ramblers with 1 fS pointsT Oenr.v niPiioln was second with p |9 •leven pnint« ;in<1 P"l»>i An- I 1 3 F 1 S

5 'onfllo Inl'inved closely with ten7 onii>ts

Old Bri(l»f\

4 The

0 Mitoivllo6 16 ninaola0 0 Heffrran


-,™., league Saturday afternoon . ,2 a t the high school gym. e i « h t

flfams' _,

3 • . . . . , lafter flowers andGeorge Ferenchik. high s c o r - , ^ p l o w f f ^ ^ Q a m e f a r e

16 13 45 HetehtchrwScore by periods:

Woodbridge 19 12 13 13-57The QirU Class B League has Cnrteret 11 10 13 11—45:cr '"•»oni7,ed by the Recre- Referee Jakucs umpire Sidor Wnodbridfr

consisting of Referee—Jakucs n-wnwho are named Umpire— Sidorakis Snn'h

nick-named ——

.1 4


;ing start of the Columbia team,; , d a f t e r s c h o o i OnUiPtayed his usual stellar «ame d f t y s _ „ „ W e d n e s d a v s a t t n c

|and led his team in scoring j L l n c o l n ^ ^j with a grand to.tal of 17 pointsj

- - " i o n seven field goals and three1 , l"e s"'" •"»10 10 30 f/,,,,c ,„„,„ V A« „ « e o m n H rules, which is

The girls play under the girls



Carteret FroshTop St. Mar/

CARTERET — The Carterethigh school freshmen wonlThe score:

Three players on the winning Pusillosquad hit in the double figure Orlando .mark. Bobby Chodosh led the Williamsscoring attack with 16 points. Gretsky .John Markowitz scored 15

Cipoints and Tony Musco 12. FitzgeraldFor the losers Fred Jones was

high scorer with nine points.

third game of the season by de-feating the Perth Amboy St.Mary's in a thrilling overtimegame, 44 to 42..

Ed Prokopiak scored 13 pointsto lead the Carteret cagers.Emil Such took secondhonors with ten points.

The game was close all the

SchonwaldsMarkowitz 7Matefy 3Musco 5Qnodosh 6

I001 MinergJMcCombs0'.Jones0 McWuffie0 Powkie .5 Levin


fouls. Larfy was second1 not too

J. V.'s Nose OutSt. Marys 5 1 4

CARTERET — The Carteret



0 14 Danagj?rmond r 2

with 12 and Jerry Rosenblum h e n > a n d w h l c h a " * i r l s °** a t H i g h S c l l ° o 1 i ayv t'p basket'b!11!

other schools and colleges. It team won its eighth game of;is, not as rough and wild as the season this week by com-:Rnt»prs SnaiVOSjthe men's rules, but ftetter forlina from behind a 38-30 deficit

third with eight.

The score:


OLD BRIDGEBob Stiveter of F!nN. Y.. noted eastern

] 0 raeliiK promoter w:l!4 ., j j Crntral Jersey s (i12 6 Speidwar for the Ifi ;i 1=, palm followiiiKj Q g absence.

_ B a r n s t o r m i n .18 12 48 throuchout t h e m d -

muthern s\»ies M;i :, lltlon derby slur*'.

j l return will paw ih.2 many new Innova'i •5 Madison Township ;;u

15 The new,^ that all stock cai in4 at Old Bridge will6 under the NASCvf^ with m:duet car ra'.-i-.-44 under the supei vi- •

AR»r racing ciib !proai'l'.iiiK season

iff The renovated .^the Koiitf 18 rae



12 1 251 14

7 Rosenbjm4 Ferenchik2,Vogt .4 Rigby

McDonald4 32 Llsick

sv aenciijT r r e 1 1the girls. With the addition of to score 21 points in the final' '' rrosthnopn LVUgtlP Un a Sunday aftm:.


.... 6

. . 0c 1

4 8 the Class B League, the Recre-;period and beat the St.3 17 ation Department has under its jayvce club of Perth

Mary's! CARTER FT - Th.Amboy basketbull team won

Rutgers 21its third ti

• opener, stanin.'NASCAR sportM

0 12;supei"vlsion 10 leagues, conalst-lby a close three-point marpin,0 Olng of 63 teams, which means'51 to 48.1 3 about 700 players taking part! Dennis DePaola was high

to defeat Penn in the modified attraction 11:Fro$h-Sbph Recreation basket- Sunday aftenuKinball league at the hich school will continue till Juii'-

0 each week, having scheduled 35iscorer for Carteret. paining 15;irym on Saturday afternoon time twice weekly 'K:Bramowitz 0 0 0 games each week until the mid-|points Riehey Hefferan .scored The final score was 45 to 25. dayi night r»cum will

Baldwin 1

1 flams Top Holy Family2 12 For 1st Loss In Loop

16 CARTERET — The Holyi

place McKenna 2LengyelToth

IFffi 4th In RowTo Hold First Place]

CARTERET — The Mungs Thatcher

—. !dle of March.a 40


j 13 points for the Blues.

32:Family lost its first game of theiwon their fourth straight gameiBufano c 07|season. bowing to the Rams injin the Girls' Class A League by;Plonentino 3

very close ?ame, 18 to 16, in beating the winless All Stars, Versegl 0iferczo

way as both sides were dead-locked at 21-21 at halftimeand again tied at the end of jthe regulation same, 40 to 40. Grunden


0;the Cub A League. The Rams occupants of last place, by a— hold second position, one full j one-sided score of 52 to l0.;Falaeuer 0

24 10 58|»ame behind the leaders. |Kathy Szyba scored 20 points Laytham ( .'...2In the remaining game, the for the Mungs.

Results of the past week in Carterrtthe Rec. leagues . . . KolibasCardinals have won six games Antonelloand lost one, but are one gameJHeightchew

! in the bad in the losing col-jDiPaola. umn. Lou's Tavern lead the O'Reilly

league — until they meet againon Feb. 28.


A ti O 8^-eet Shop and the j M a t e f y


07 ,2



: It WHS the third victory for;tJlt> m o t o r battles Tl.-JRutsers this .--eason — as com- c"r shows will remi:;:;

P pared to as many losses Penn.days, while Priday i;Slost its second game to d i s f e a t u r e the newly .0 into third place semi-lat* model CHI rn

15' Paul Niemiece scored 15 vision events.9 noints and Harry Burton rolled The scml-late modi.9 up 14 for the winners Bobby introduced for the f.i>:

13 Vtso dropped in ten points for the slate, is open W> IIV

Holy Family team are tied for

jChamra 2

Pete's Diner Leading Jones 4

a Mancini 0Lanes Womens LeagueCARTERET — Pete's Diner

leads the Carteret Lanes Wo-mens League by three gamesover Lillians Dress Shop. FrankBrowns and Cridell Inc. aretied for third place.

Iris DeVito. hitting 210, and

Serson ...'Coughlin

1 20140, 1

. 2


41 Redskins triumphed over the I in a second game the Rejects j4JUons. 23 to 12, for their secondjrolled over the Bassanovas, 22!9 win in the Cub A League. - It I to 13. for their third win in

was the Lions fourth loss. Jim-(league play. By winning.enez scored ten points for the Rejects are only one full game

8 7 23 first in the Junior League/ each• j winning five timea and losing

lance. Teams will meet again

the Unbeaten Browns Leadon Maroh 7

0 the losers.The score


20 11 u


Andy Bathgate. 30 year oldrightl wing of thq New YorkRangers, set » team record

Paula Kaczur rblling 205, were I when he achieved 56 assists laston the weekly honor roll. I season

2 6,winners.1 The team standing:

9 29 Recreation DepartmentCUB "A" LEAGUE

w. :Holy Family 5Rams 4Redskins ^ 2Lions 1

behind the leaders,scored 10 point's for the win-ners.

A Columbia and Harvard have Niemiec

1 1

Whistlingin the dark

In Cub B League the same record in theCARTERET — The Browfis Sopn League, both winning fivejW«sili«hen

won their sixth straight game games and losing one. Teams OonveryThomasIn the final game the Mus- in the Cub 'B' League to remain|P}ay each other on Saturday.

tanas nosed out the Cardettes, unbeaten in league competition. "14 to 12, for their, second win.|In ,their latest conquest, the

St. Marr'jGa5I200



Coanshoek'p.Senysiyn .

28 Burton13 Scibetta2 Niamiec5 Oonovan

March 9 which could decidethe title.

The Royals lead the Midget'CarteretFor the Cardettes it was their [Browns whitewfeahed the ColU, _third loss. Woestemeyer tal-|16to 1, tohold.> full one-game A League by a game over the St. Maryslied eight points for the win- lead over the sjecond place Holy Lincoln School. Teams play ~ning team.

The team standing:Recreation Department


MungB - 4Rejects : 3Bassanovas 2Mustangs 2Cardettes ..._ 1All Btars '.... 0

Family aggregation.In the second1 game the Holy

Family contingent had a toughtime nosing out the Packers,10 to 9, in a defensive battle.Toth scored ten points for thewinners.

The final game saw theGiants beat the Eagle*, 12 to 5and hold a 3-3 record to date inleague play.

Retiilen ire "whistling inthe qark" when they feeltheir businesses are so wellknown they doirft need ad-vertising. An examination olft telephone directory of 10,tt. and 30 rears ago will re-veal name* of long-forgottenfirms which their proprie-tors then felt didn" needadvertising.

No community has a statiopopulation Customers dieand 'Potential customer' areborn People move awaj andnew residents move in whoare looking for the merchantwho shows he wants theirbusiness by his aggressivt-ne«s to attract their patron'aic through newspaper ad-mtlsing

," The average retailer loses115% of his customers eachyear and 6% 0! this IJ%stops trading with n firm be-cause or real or fancied be-lief tbiKtore or Its owner isindifferent to their patron-

Advertising tki print ligenuine proof to both theregular and non-regularcustomer that the merchantcares and is not indifferent.Advertising should pull, notjerk.

Consistent newspaper ad-vertising does more thanpromote Immediate sales. Itbuilds customer confidencein what Is advertised andwho advertises it; <t keep*reminding even those whoaren't ready to buy today,that this store has It; itbuilds desire for the prod-ucts advertised, "

Consistent advertising pro-duces results. Stores keepopening their doors everyday. apparent!; hoping thatit will be the day someoo*will-buy.

The bells of the NotreDame Cathedral ring outseveral times each da} aathey have for centwietso no one will forget NotnDame ft'Mill there.


• FREE CUSTOMER PICK-DP• automatic transmission• safety belts

• radio and luster• all gas, oN, rrnjntanwce and

(Alt charge


The Carteret Press(51 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret

K l 1-5600






each other on Saturday, March9, which could decide the issue.

Columbus school have wonsix straight games in the Mid-get B League, but have onlyone full game,lead over theNathan Hate School. Teamsmeet on Saturday, Keb'. 23.

The Holy Family team lostits first game of the seasonn the Cub A League, but stillold a game lead over the

lams. The Browns arc hang-ng on to their slim one gameead over the Holy Family team

the Cub B League and teamsplay each other on March 2.

The Nats have taken sixtraight games in the popular

Pee, Wee League an^ lead bytwo full games over the Knicks

nd Hawks. This league ha*more shut-ouU thai) a baseballteam.

The Class A Girls are in fullwing and the Mungs top high

scorers Linda Surowka andKathy Szyba lead the league by

full game over the Rejects.The Asters, Zennlas and the

Daisies are tied for first placen the Class B Girls League[t in not unusual for one girlto score all of her team'spoints. (iemilas scored 30 pointsand Cathy Zeleski scored SOixnnLs. The Lillies scored 22puinU and Diane Powers hadall 22 points.

There is a smile on CoachJimmy Gllrain's face theseduya. fur his hard work paidoff, m his wrestling team camehome with four trophies onSaturday, from the county no.vice tourney held in Metuchen

Holy Family KeepsPace Wfith Leaden

CARTERET - The HolyFamily five kept pace with thrfirst place A and 0 to&sers mthe Junior Recreation

Compatible low rates lor weekly-monthly nnUls. Ions UIIM leasing airangcd,



636-0200Woodbridje Boad, Oppwite State Inspection Station

16 16 48U 8 .8 21-51 Lubacz14 11 13 10-48'Letson

jJaeksonHereha .iToryak


Stars by a scon- of 50 to 25.

years or- older,a racing i

'experienced manner1 j watchful eye of1 5 CAR officials.0 14 Informative cur *0 o.tions and entries m.i1 15-wived by writing m0 t Eastern Represfntw.

- S a i l of 4 Kent Road3 45>, N J

j Presently in D*,yt":IFla., Strei'ter is «or.

1 • 3 a«r«m«nu »il)i NASt0 10 ldtnt Bill France' for ;2 itOiawl NMkuuU New i2 8 A 100-lap ARDC I-0 0 Championship grind

ied for Wednesday m.s 25 3rd1 under the littlit v

" — open-cocfcpit machim-.-, , _ he qualified for tli-Lead Rare fly

1 tyrer Lincohjt SchoolCXRTERET - The Rnvuh (»!>/« B l^OglW F»t'"'






• 1



y gThe scoring was evenly di- sained their sixth stiawht vie- n Btu>r»nlinn l>'

vlded among the five sUrting U>r>' in the Mldtu't A b-axu.- - n f l m "f layers , Al RiKler was high foriS a tui 'di>v afternpon, tusily m m . C A R T E R E T — I':-

his team with t*n points.The are:

Holy FamilySicoRigler '.NagyMillkRzasaZeremskiPietrzak .'ieczyskljarek

81ivka 0Slddons 0PUzarklarkowltz 2

Zuback 0 0*Wolarujky 3 2PhllllM 1 0

Kruuk Gullo, BobMike Yarnutoski



prizes and Sam Slca got a secund place. The team h u improved a lot and should beheard from in the future years.

Basketball team won Its seventh game, kkjfng the AnitooSaints for the third time this

All Star*

ing the vlnk-is Mmuc School Class 'B' bajiketball l>combine, 30 to 11 been organized by H"

The Royals were 111 command ation Dvpartmei^t Or:p fliall the way and the victory en- plwyrd on Tueiday ;'=J lOibled them to lead the Lincoln ne.^uy afternoons2 8! School bv one full Kame 111 tl-,e sdiool cjaisei. The l>-.<

g 'eam standing \*W\i\ u-ams <n comptt5. Ron Klnny and Vic Massi ull ijamei «|ere si'lt-cirjleach scored elgtjt points fpr thei!)the various flowci* Al4 (victors,2 The scores:

in charge of km<''"

21 12 54



9 7 25

FILLERSThe New York Mets drew

922.530 home fans last yearThis WM 298,607 more than theOl»nU drew in 1957, their finalyear in the Polo Grounds.

published and for the thirdstraight year, the RunUenwill not be represented JayVee* and Preihmen also wonfor a clean sweep. Vanity h ufour more games to play to-night at Metuchen, next Tues-day at South River, 26th atHighland. Park and March 1

station. Fairings have been|&^tuchen home.

Royals 1301G43 •>>




14Mlnve 111)

QR. TerebetskyLee I

2 30

J. Terebetaky8hatzT. WorthTurner

F2 "


' 001

Mrs, Thelma Ivy of RivertonWyoming, does not believe inwaiting ammunition: In Sep-tember she went hunting andbagged two antelope with aajingle bullet A month later sheifnt deer hunting, yep, Bhegot two deer, both does, with asingle bullet.

JustFor Your

C o n v e n i e n t "* Snick Barit Cocktail Louiu,** 24 Lanes* Air Conditions!

JOK SCHIAVONIfwmerlj of, f

Fortb ilecreaUonHorn iwfflini atWneed Rate.lor

8atnrda| Morning


346 Main Sim iWoodbridgeTeL 834-4520


i-CP Thursday, February 14, 1963 PAGE FIFTEEN

lororiiy Namesl Girls

Four local

joAnne flymC*r-prr

correspondingKOVBCS. stu-1



MM(' ipP-I'.itrlrla• i: meritc-irol ., ^,-t\ representative,,',i,,k daughter of

eph Symchlkpis a Junior.Honw

'eter AttendsConference

CARTttRBT — A legislative'onference held in Washington,). C. District 8, Oil, Chemicalnd Atomic Workers, AFL-CIO,?a« attended by Emll Peter,secretary-treasurer of Carteretjocal 8-3097.

Also attending were Jamesirvlng, and Bruce A, Dunton,resident of Local 8-397. TheilRhllght of last weekend's tripo the nations capitol was the!igltlnu of area congressmen on

Capital Hill. Mr. Peter and Mr

in.1 iOV. -

,,n»mlcs Club, fltu, and

I wire Club, sheIn the

( g choirrritlon A»«ocla-

CISIM of 1964

r Mr and Mrsi i Herman Ave,

i, innlor French,n.<inber of theptudent Educa

,;i onmmaKappaMHta >hl, New

,,f 1!>B4 Council.••irlpated In th*

• ,•.- fn l lege Choi.•Mlf.lMT.1.• „•«. a sophomon• ma lor, Is t h\;- :>nrl Mrs. Jutltii' '::i St. Active I:

, •Ariintiii. find Inter1

buttons Clubs,• •ibrr nf Hi* Btudw\ .iK-lallnn and th.". Cminrll.• I-' French, fi.nik'Kter of MlMrlini-l Brcsa,

,i member of t h" ; \ inter - Varslti.::>rjship. Intern*•:«:••; Club, and t h!•: .I'luii Association

will sponsorlent-faculty

who serves as the Car-«ret labor Council PAC and'Ubllcity chairman, questioned

Edward J. Patten, congressmenf the 15th District, Middlesexlounty. Mr. Patten commentedin the administrations pro

posed tax reform bill and de-scribed the benefits to be dc

Ived from a tax cut.Also high on the list of Im

portant legislation facing thnew 88th Congress was federalkid to education. Mr. Pete:itated that this was a rnospressing problem for the na-;lon and particularly for resldents of Middlesex County

Nat Ooldflnger of the AFLCIO Research Department Icetured on the effect the European Common Market wouldhave on some Industries nowdependlnn on foreign trade.In conjunction with this wasa brltflng on the newly passed

Carteret School News (juvenile AidCARTERET HIGH SCHOOL hospital. Officers art: Judith]The National Honor Society

the annual stu-basketball game

(Thursday evening, February 21,This game has drawn an pver-

apaclty-crowd every year sinceIts beginning In 1961. Students'nd faculty altkn en]oy a fun-Uled evening In which the

women members of the facultyilay the senior girls and men)f the faculty play the seniorhoys. Rome oi the students andctichers also provide the crowd!

with plenty of laughs with theircheerlradlnK.

Chairmen of the basketballnme urn Linda Woodhull and

Robert Leschek. Prooeeds from1 game will be used for schol-

arships for top members of thisyear's graduating class.

February 21 Is nlso Student1

Dny. Every year on this das thenrlnclpal's Job, the teachers'lobs, and the .lobs of the Boardif Education members are takeniver bv the students. The stu-

•cott, president; Keith Zenobla,lce-presldent; George Slncak,lecretary. The art chairmen are"ohn Stojka and Paul Rem-<aU. The faculty advisor Isllss 8. Csajkowskl of the So-al Studies Department.The Citizenship Club has been

•esponslble f o r maintainingroper discipline and fosteringood citizenship. All memberslartlelpate as members of thelafety Patrol. Officers are:

ll Stevens, president; Bettynn Mehl, vice president:;athy Burrows secretary; and!Cathy Cnlllns, Treasurer. Theacuity advisor Is Mrs. C. Wil-

liams, Sergeant Stanley Bnyta!if the Carteret Police Depart'

udents who fulfill these positions(ire elected by their fellow class^mutes.

The fourth annual vartet;show was held Wednesday eve-ning. February (I. The varietyihow wns under the guidance olMrs. Midlec?:, ari student dl"•dors were Eva Davis, CaroChrzmar, Marlon Clark, and

Decker. At RO'clock everyone's eyes turnedto tlio stage to watch master o

law in 1062

Gergits Hits 672In league Play

.Trade Expansion Bill made Into] ,rnAw(, s l n : ! m p l l ,n l s t S i atM

other nntrriainers from Car'eret Hlah .School. Manv hours

jhave gone Into practice tn makithis year's variety show the bes'

1 one yettunlor rlass will recelvin*s rings on February 1!

COM'MBI'S scnooi,CARTERET — Al QerglLv The newspaper club of Co'

hit a sensational 872 series onjumr),,, Rqboni stirred up mudg»me» of 337. 245 and 190, tn cltement lust week withset a new record In the Oarterrt contest h"M throughout thLanes Friday Nljht Mixed|school tn ld<-nt If v the svmbol oLrttue thlA week. Ixiu Slposthr cover of the first Issue

Vnnicttm B v 21-20, took honorable mention by'"Fresh Off The Press."• •• n The St. JOM blasting the wood for a 640 over one hundered children. • i>'-icctnn scoreless w r l M w l l n twnea of 209. 218 v>nt In Identifications. John,

! ' ^ f to win a low. and 313 Mickey Kwmir hadirarnt. elehth mrier. was the!•hr Frosh-Soph|«2l and Igfy DeBetla rolled/irst student to identify th*

•, v;w lit the hlRh'MSI -IrnwInB eorrectlv as a hydrogenSaturday after- In the team competition.Stom. for which he received a

• • >.\ <rnre was 21 to Orwnwuld's Insurance won two -mall nunrd

\n*ps Out

Bureau ReportsCARTERET — Edward CzaJ-

kowskl, director of the JuvenileAid Bureau and Investigator

'13' GOP ClubElects Richards

WOODBRIDOE—At a meet-Ing held at the home of ElburH. Richards, 840 Adelaide Av-

jWalter Chamra, reported that|enue, the recently formed "13"

ment serves as consultant forhi

Mr. D. Swanson Is faculty ad-Isor of the Music Appreciation

Club which plans to study andlearn to appreciate many music*orms, Marjorle Martin \s pres-ident of the club. .

Seventh and eighth gradersre learning to converse In

Spanish In the Spanish club —sponsored by Mr. WilliamO'Neill. This club has been or-ganized for the first time this1

year In Columbus School andvery popular.The Parents and Teachers

31 Offenders were handled Inthe bureau for the month ofJanuary.

Twelve Cases were referredto Judge Aldona Appreton inthe Juvenile Court In New[Brunswick, Juvenile complaints'were signed against eight boys,seven from the Borough ofCarteret, and one from Perth|Amboy. Ages ranged from 13 to17 Years. All were Involved Inautomobile thefts in the Bor-ough of Carteret. Other of-Ifeiues consisted of shoplifting

Group Opposes A&O Team f insState Sales Tax To Remain Tied

Republican Civic Club held itsfirst elecfton of officers.

Mr, Richards was elected)

CARTERET - At the recentmeeting of the Associated Dem-ocrats of Carteret the organi-zation-went on record opposing

CARTERET — The A & 0Sweet Shop scored a bit of sweetrevenge for an early season set-back by downing St, Joseph's

either a sales tax OT state ln-J5« to 35, in the Junior Recrea-

steallng building materials,[driving without a driver li-cense, running away fromhome, drinking Intoxicating'liquor.

Disposition of some of thecomplaint* heard were as follows; One Juvenile was sent toState Home for boys (Jamesburg); a male and female Juvenlle were sent to DiagnosticCenter 111 Menlo Park: .One juvenlle mate win be on probationtill he has reached the age o18 Yrs. Five'other Juveniles wer>given one-year probation eachOne female and nine male Ju

PTA Plant MeetingOn Tuesday EveningWOODBR1DOE — The next

eneral meeting of PTA Schoolwill be held Tuesday In the

all purpose room at 8 P. M.The program will be "Growth

if Child Through Instrumental

Association conducted a sue , „ , . , . . .cesssful cake sale throiighoutll"!116,1!. " ^ .**Columbus School last week.MrsT'kathryn Sullivan, Bc»ooi|lnSL*ere*wrd;secretary, was chairman.committee consisted of


Detention Home till their hear

homeroom teachers. The P.T.A.will use the money to furtherschool projects.

The School Safety Patrol col-lected $30 to donate to theMarch of Dimes Drlcve. Kath-

Coxleen Collins and Bonnieacted as collectors.

Boys and girls saw a colored

Three capes are still pendlmTwo of the vehicles were stoen by the sons of the owneriWho left their keys laylnaround the house.

The owner of another vehlcfailed to remove his keys fro:the Ignition, when he parked h!vehicle at his business establishment,

A boy, age 14 Yrs, who statedthat he had no Intentionstealing this vehicle but Rathe keys In the Ignition swlt<while he was playing with a dnear the vehicle. After a wh

Amboy Fronh Win U\he ent*red the car- f ™and drove away, running It un-til It ran out of gasoline. Twoother vehicles were stolen froma parking lot when the driversor owners failed to turn offtheir Ignition switch properly.

film entitledYork" duringlast week.

"Historic Newassemblies held

esldent; Mr.ce president;

Paul Cuntala,

come tax.Nicholas A. Tasslnello, stand-

ard bearer, asked the member-Mrs. Margaret|shlp to write to Governor

charwath. secretary; and MrIbert E. Baker, Jr., treasurer.Former Township Commlttee-nn John Evanko andughrs were amongjeakers.installation of officers


Hughes and the state legislatorsexpressing their views and that!of the club.

The election of officers for!

tlon basketball league.By winning, the A and O

*am stayed In a tie with theHoly Family for first place In.he Junior League as each teamhas won five games and loslonly one.

Les Poralo was highig s c r rthejthc year 1963 was held. The newjwlth 19 points and his team

officers are as follows: Mariowill P. Bummara, president; James

akc place at the next meetingarch 5. The dark horse1

lze was won by Mr, Richards.

,1. Comba

Qulnn, vice president; CharlesMcKernan, gecretary.

Plans have been formulatedto Institute an educatlona!program, whereby guest speak-ers will be invited to each meet-ing to keep the members informed of the various facets o!municipal operations and to!serve as an Instrument of Infor-mation for Budget formations,1

tax ratables, and other pertin-ent facts that makes a munici-pality function, financing, and;ppndl fc




BY: JOHN .1. SUDIAExecutive Director


P. 2/14/83 »15«0

jmate, Don Davidson, helpedthe winners with 14 points

Aft 0Ponlo 6

INVITATION FOR PUBLIC BIDSSealed hid" or proposals will b*

received by the HOUStNO AUTHOR-ITY OP THE BOROUOH OF CAR-TERET, Carteret., New Jersey onMONDAY, the 35th day of FEBRU-ARY 1M3 lit 11:00 A.M.. local l ime,in the office of the HOUSING AU-


DavidsonRusnak 3

1V Comba 0Foxe f 1 1fllvon ?Oregorv 0


St. Joes


7 102 149. B20011I



AT WHICH TIME AND PLACE allproposal! and bids w 11 be publiclyopened ana read aloud. Proposals,

0|blda, procedures, rontracts, bond!J a n d all matters connectfd with anch

bids and performance thereof srjall

4 on b

20 16 56

.nd Choral Music." Speakerslieg[sifttiVe procedures, The c o - ! c h e m n a k 2 ,,iu K» ii.r«..t n.-K.« Tnh" chairman of this committee are Fltz |?( irft ld "^ 2 9

Peter Argyrts and Charles Me 'will be Ernest Dubay, JohnWalz and Mrs. Ruth Frasher.

Refreshments will be served.

' d the winners:::>. Willie Joe14 for the l o « n

games from Wall's and Gene's,1 TV editor-in-chief of thewhile Leo's Inn gained a three'nnper culled "Nucleus" lsDoug-gune sweep over Angelo Ml- las Oinha. His assistants are:

Straight: Top LocalsCARTERET — The Carteret

Freshmen took It on the chinagain this time, losing to thefast Perth Amboy frosh by a88-42 score. It was the 14thjstralght triumph for Perth'Amboy's powerful freshmensquad this season. The Perth

Friendly SocietyWeek'is Observed\

WOODBRIDOE - A candle-light service and reception washeld at Trinity EpiscopalChurch to observe nationalQlrls' Friendly Society Week.New members initiated by Mrs.iMlchael Farrell, advisor, wereDebra Johnson, Deborah John,son, Bernadette Johnson, andMadeline Ruge.

The members presented a|skit, "What Is GFS-", which de-pleted the aims of the organiza-tion and reviewed Its hostory.Since 1877, GPS, has presentedmission study to the girls of thechurch through interesting ac-tivities rather than geographylessons or statistics,

A card party will be spon-sored February 20 at 8:00 P. M.In the New Parish House. Pro-ceeds will be used for the out-door nativity scene fund. Mrs

Peter Argyrts and Charles Mc-Kernan.

The membership drive con-test was concluded with elevennew members being acceptedInto the organization. Winnersof the contest were AnthonyiDelVacchlo, and Carl Sdbetta

Homlck 1Lafferty 0

1 4 fi7 11

IS00 0

Woellon .« 1 0

7 21 35

USUALLYThe, meek-looking man Is

usually the one who slgas thechecks for the more Importantlooking member of the family.— Christian Science Monitor


Lincoln School FfoeRallies to Win, JS-UCARTERET — The Lincoln

School basketball team defeatedSt. Joseph's, 18 to 16, to stayone game behind the leagueleading Royals. It was a lowscoring game, with defensiveplay featuring the contest

The winners came from be-hind to score seven fouls In thefinal period and emerge trhim-ohant.

Prelkschat was high scoring;^HOMES, BERGENJwith eight points ""


INVITATION FOR PUBLIC BIOSSealed bids or proposals will ha

received bv the HOUSINO AUTHOR.ITY OP THE BOROUGH OP CAn-TERET, Carteret, New Jersey onMONDAY the 25th day of FEBRU-ARY 1963 at 11:00 A.M.. local time.In the office of the HOUSINO AU-THORITY OF THB BOROUGH OFCARTERET, LOCATED AT THE ED-

-j In strict accordance with the »t>e-cKICiiilcns on tile at the ofrice otthe HOUSING AUTHORITY OF TOTBOROUOH OP CARTERET, AT THBKDWARD J. DOLAN HOMES, BBR-


Proposals .shall be submitted Insealed envelopes addreued to theHOU8INQ AUTHORITY OP TBBBOROUOH OF CARTERET, NEWJERSEY, IN PLAIN 8EALED ENVE-LOPES, endorsed 'TROPOSAL FORBUNKER "C" FUIL OIL # 6 (Pre-Heated Oil)" and submitted at the:lme and place mentioned, when

called for, and must be accompaniedby a CERTIFIED CHECK Payableto the HOUSING AUTHORITY OFTHK BORDIinH OF CARTBRJT,NEW JERSEY, In an amount equalto 10:' {ten per cent) of the amountbid, together with appropriate bidbond.



, BY; JOHN J. 8CDIAExecutive Director


C.P. 2/14/63 $13.20

gchael to trail the leader* byonly ttvnt full games.

•loiii'll rh i lTf l ,

Bruce, Kilas,I/>ulse Efimtmn.Howard Flnkel.

Amboy freshmen arethe leading combines

one ofIn the

Morton, and Rlchardjarea.FitwiThiele. The feature editor; Is; Bruce Taylor led the Amboy

_ . M i r •! iRfm:it'1 Klnney. His MslstantaDefeats Holy ramtly{nTV -rimnthv Donovan, RobertCARTERETT — The Colum-|r>nton, Robert Kiotz, and

ywith 16 points.


i ,

4 bui School quintet won ft dovjf.rt Uwhlnskl. The make-up'tame over th' Holy Family In «dit(ir is James dross. His as-

3 21 the Mldg't A Uajrue on Satur-d»y morning, 23 to 19, t t tb«hl»h Mhool gym

14;gThe winners won tftc giimel

nrc Doris Rompa. Clau-dia Ercollno, Charles Neal, JohnTreaduway. and Victor Mas!Art editors are: Richard Oreen-

7 « 20

5,wlth a late rally In the final>•« and Paul Martin. Sportsl:minutes Of play Karl CnMwrll -dltor Is Richard Rarnav. His0:wa» high acoirr for the Colum-iviistnnt.i arc- John Krisko,

|bu»ichoot with a total of (Own,Thomas Toth. Clinton Gilbertpoint*. Rcddtngtcm led the »n<i M^ter. Inqulrlnc reporters'losm with points >nn!e Matenw.o. Ruth


;-><• the little wife'.'.'• arxurwnU In yourjTardy ..

jCHIon .y-y'.\ win half of them." |Ro7jelle

i exjxvt to win th*jKr»nt»

The icorr:t'olumbui

Missionettet FAectMiss Deborah Harris

ISELIN — The Mlsslonettesthe young group of the Wo-men's Missionary Council of

(Herbert SchreiberIchairman.

is ticket


Kozar 0Hart 1Tampa 0

GIVES $121,600 AWAYHARROGATE, England—Dr

Kathleen Rutherford reported'that she was very happy that


walked Into a butcher shop andasked for a dressed chicken.

'When the butcher showedher a rather small bird the

[Church has elected officers asfollows:

Deborah Harrla, president;


him she wanted

around andcouldn't find another chicken,

customera larger one.

He looked

rnv mother-in-law



VM Is 4:10 PJH."!'i


M to 7:30 ?M.

Mr 8 - 0 1 M

Relford 0Kudrlck 0


Hoi; FamilyThoma«ChereponReddinnton <FerenchlkKotlliuklKorakowikl , . , . . . . , , .

Jarr*•Ann Kllbrldc. Dormld Hunsln\*n. Marie Walker. I4"da Doug-|°nf,

11,1a*. April Kwten, Vivian Laxar.jBiand Patricia Kwlatkowskl. The!5| faculty advisor Is Mrs I. J. Ko-Ovacs of th'1 Ftmllsh Department.1

0; Other clubs, actively InvolvedOj In programs are the ScienceOjeiub affiliated with the Natlon-

'• 'al Science Clubs of America as2 22jlhe M. ,1 Dowling Chanter. Of-

ficers o,f the flub are John La-izara, president: Olni Nelson.

0 3 vice-president. Dennis Frdka,n 2 secretary: and Joel Spiegel.2 8 Treasurer. The purpose of the0 0:club U to constructively further0 A the knowledge of science to Its

— quoting a larger price.The customer said, "That|

fine, I think I'll takeboth chickens."



NOTICETake notice that Vlncensa Loruato

t/a Vito's Beer Garden has appliedto the Mayor and Borough Councilot the Borough of Carteret for* ltransfer of plenary retail Consump-tion license No. C-2 " ' '

opened ana read aloud. Proposals,bids, procedures, contracts, bondsand all matters connected with such

6 12 18

bids'and""P"e7formanCT-thCrVot" shall | Objections. If any, should be mad.he In strlrt acrnrdanw with thp Immediately In wrltlns to Patrick. ™ l ? i , " " " „ " " . « » t h . „*?!„."fiPoiocnlg, Boroush Cleric, Carteret,

the Iselln A|wmbly of Qodjshe had completed giving away

Joyce Smith, first vice presi-dent: Cindy Bennett, secondvise president; Alice Troblew-skl. secretary: and Hope Mas-well, treasurer.

The group visited the nurs-ing home in Oak Tree Satur-day

The next meeting of the MU-

$121,600.The woman physician had

received the money as a be-quest from a relative. She madejp her mind immediately tha(

he was going to give th<noney to charity rather thanise It for herself.

Horton —•(Kacher

and brought out the same one|slonetteJ will take place Mon-day, at 6:30 pjn.

Arctic blast adds cold weath-er In Europe.

Income TaxReturns

Reasonable RatesCall KI 1-8200

ARGUMENT STOPPERTwo opposing political candi-

date* argued on » busy street,while • crowd of spectatorslistened

"There are hundreds of waysof making money." one of thecampaigners declared, "butdnly one honest one"

"And what's that1'1 jeeredthe other.

"Att, ah!" rejoined the first."I UKPiight you wouldn't ktpw!"

I I a.members-Mr. J. WelSQian, scl-j•jence teacher, ts the faculty ad-'

9 1 19'v!sor - • * iThe Arts and Crafts Club arej

responsible for the creative bul-


BASKETBALL GAMEWoodbridge Teachers1


letlons In the ijchpol corridorsA major projec^ is the knitting!of an afghan lor a veterans'

i .t-~—i '

BANK TELLERMale or FemaleFirst Bank and Trust Com-pany has an opening for ateller at1 It* Avenel-CoWnlaotlicc. Experience preferred.I'jciisant working conditions,starting salary commensu-rate with experience, ad-vancement a c c o r d i n g toability, all extra benefitspaid by bank. Reply by m*lloiily, giving personal resumeto P. L. MUU. Vlce-Prcsident.Pint Bank and Trust Com-pany, P.O. Box 1000, PerthAmboy, New Jersey.

Edison Twp. Teachers1 Ass'n- B E N E F I T - j

It«'H|»ective Scholarship Fluids ,

Saturday, February 1 6 , 1 9 6 3- 8:00 P. M. -

Woodbridge Sr. High School G pHalf Tli^e Entertainment

Donation — Adult $1.00 — Student .59

A Trophy Will Be AwardedTo Winning Team

Awards Made Fur

Highest Score * Most Valuable Player


( unit run fa I

Sttl listsf

9 Mr. Thomas

# Mr. John

• Mr. Louis

LI 8-tlBO!)

1 lii'J Green St. Iseli


ELECTRIC DRYERSnowy weather and icy winds will never be a washday problemwhen you own an automatic electric clothes dryer. In less thanan hour and with just the flick of a switch, a complete load ofwash can be fluff-dried'and ready to use. Visit your favoriteappliance dealer today and DON'T BE A DRUDGE ... BUYAN ELECTRIC DRYER.



St. Joes'edroff

JcCreary 0'eleposky..._ 0


tindzlerskl 3

t/a Vito's Beer Garden, lor premisessituated at 17 Salem Avenue, Car-teret. N. J.

Objections, If any. should be mad*

specifications on file at the olflce ofthe HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THEBOROUGH OF CARTERET. at theEDWARD J. DOLAN HOMES, BER-


8 0 16

BIOLOGY OT-fb-DATE *Teacher — How many sexes

are there?Little Boy — Three.Teacher — What are they?Little Boy — The male sex,

he female sex and the Insects.

JERSEY. IN plain sealed envelopes,endorsed "PROPOSAL FOR FUELOIL #4" and submitted at the timeand place mentioned when calledfor, and must be accompanied .jjy a |certified check payable to the HOUS-;ING AUTHORITY OF THE BOR-OOOH OP CARTERET, NEW JER-SEY, IN AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO1070 (TEN PERCENT) OF THEAMOUNT BID, together with theappropriate bit! bond.THE HOUSINO AUTHORITY OF


GEN STREET, CARTERET, N E W | C P 2n -14/03JERSEY where such specifications—Jmay be procured. Such bid or pro-posal will not Include a 24 hourlabor service.

Proposals shall be submitted Insealed envelopes addressed to the


Signed:VINCENZA LORUSSOt/a Vlto'a Beer Garden


Nothing says it like a phone call from lyou!In your practical everyday Hfe—phoru service isa practical everyday bargain. But on Valentine'sDay, it's Dan Cupid himself!- A phone call$ets straight to the heart of things —,puttingn u in touch in person with those WM love.

0. jood td*pbone wrvice doe» so much for you ,NEW -JERSEYBELL


been made to the Mayor and Councilot the Borough of Cnrteret to trans-ler to Susan Dzlak and Mat;, anaRusso trailing as Sports Rest forpremises located nt 65 RooseveltAvenue, Carteret, New Jersey thePlenary Retail Consumption LicenseC-40 heretofore Issued to SalvatoreTesta tradln; as Academy Bo%llngfor the premises Iocnte4j|t 62 Persh-Ing Avenue. Carteret, New Jersey.

Objections, If any, should b«made Immediately In writing toPatrick Potocnlg, Borough Cleric oltho Borough of Oarteret.


C. P. 2/7-14/63 *8.40

PA OF STXTKF7JThursday, February 14. 1965

TL - BB -


M- O i k I

r« Li *-»«<•

-V: a: ">V '.'..$.- Gra-t: i da^.ur* Ms:;

V" 5".rfft,sr.3

fr Pr.ifwct Street Avenel: JO r-T.

—§: CVc-: l:a s annual mission:: bff.r. Sunday. The first• k o; thf M:«ion has been1 fcr the women, the]»r;<S week for men. and third

for teen-aeers. Dominican

grade J. Room 203. Mrs. Fee-|han, (trade 3. Room 303: SisterJean Albert*, grade 3. RoomS05: Mrs. Stevens. grade 3,Room 307: Mi« Keating, grade'i. Room 301: Mrs. Heffere,grade 4. Room 302; Mrs. Sack-ett. grade 5. Room 215: Miss8tademan. grade J. Room 213:

Report*t i appreciated If all

down include «4 loaned equipment*™ ™ J J J would ^^so other, may

Miss Ruckert. grade t. Room ings, a brief business meeting fresnents will be wired There309: Mrs. Waters, grade 6, and serial will take place. Miss will be no admission . . . .Room 313: Mi. Forte*, grade Ruckerts Out will present a Announcement was made January ActtrtfM transport*. 37. Room 319; 8Wer Edward Iprofram. that a e*ke sale will be heM wooDBRrDOE-Th* Wood- aeeldentt. » _^ (

Agne*. grade 7. Room 3U: 81s-1 A PTA dance will be held oniSundaj alter all muses. Moth- bridpe Emergency Squad, dur- Ores. 15 ™«rter Anna Vincent!*, trade Saturday in Our I*dy of !ers of Miss Keating'* class will jn* January, answered s total Isneotis. and i uiausvnw « *Room 105: and Sister Mai?lLourde* Hall at • pjn. Mort!wpplj and sell the cakes, Mrs. of 126 call*, traveled 1.011 miles dent. . n according to

' prade 8. Room 107. Newberg and his orchestra, of Robert Matthews is tn charge and members donstrd 140 man ^ P " " 1 J0J™ uu*After the classroom meet- Musicana lame will play. Re- aassted by Mrs. R Marvl]# hours, according to a report by nouncefl It wouw


1 M 2 upset na

be greatly poll.

•••••c: Mr ar/d Mrs t r x s Yr.Y.ex v.2 conduct the

••: S;-.:jrusT --.^..^..o. ^- _Tv,f Wesiminster Fellowship

C-. Sur.iay A? GrsharM ( - h u r c h Tli] m w t in the church

--•>• »i

- V '••••*'*" J S T M ? H:?!mT " 8 0'CtOCt I

••••• T-f'v.'i '%•)•> cruli-en -Csthohc Nurses of Iselin.!._•__,"- ' u " are urjed to attend a meeting

r w of Trfr.wn Diocese Council of.Txp:-.r?r« Pofi .49_V

55>OV' caAolic Nurses. Middl^ei1

i by =•, Cecf iia ? U ' « a C o u n t y ^ j p ^ ton^h, a ; (r . « t tfT-.-.?ht frnm i w » S t Bartholemew't Chureh

- 7 St. s E X q BrunjTiek.

and ^ Pa? . Headquarters,


• • •


;ne rf the PTA of School 15.-Robert Paint*:, director of « •••">•

the Iselin We and Drum Corps. -The Post Band of VFW:sponsored by the Chemica! Post w.11 meet Wednesday forHonk and Ladder Co.. District rehear&s! at 8:15 p.m in Post;

11. announced meetings wiE be Hall. ihe!d OB Monday and Wednesday; Monday evening, at 8 B meet- •7:30 pm in the Harding Ave-jj^g of ;he St. Vincent DePaulnue Plrehouse New membPre'c^iety pf St. CWflls't Church!are always welcome. Instru- |W!i; xilt!: place in Room 107. St.|merits and Instructions are pro-:cec*iia'5 School.Tided for the children. - A ir.eeting of Boy Scout!

—There w'.D be s meeting of Troop 4T T:11 be held tomorrow.Ad Altare De: candidates to- 7:30 pjn. in First Presbyterian:r.ight from 7:30 to 6:30 in St. church of Iselin. Oak Tree Rd.jCecelia's Cafeteria. , —Mrs William Doerr. leader;

—A dance will be held for of Girl Scout Troop 43 an-jSt. Cecelia'? High School ofinounced a regular meeting of jRelieion studer.ts tomorrow at | the t-oop will be held tomorrow8 pjn , In the Cafeteria. Ad-|7 p.m. at her home,mission irtll be by Catholic High i - T h e GPKRT Mah JongSchool ticket only. Pubbe High Club will meet Tuesday 8 pm.;School student* may get their with Mrs. Nicholas Parisi. Julie,ticket* after regular classes Street. 1Monday evenings. , Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Aiello,

—The Women's Missionary .Jersey City, Were weekend jCoi;r,c;l of the lielin Assembly: miMts of Mr. and Mrs Georgeof God Church will meet to- Beveridge. Worth Street.

'nirht 7:45, at the church.Cooper Aver.ue. Members areasked to bring linens to be do-rmted to the various missionfields. The *ork project for the,month will bt the "Mr. and Mrs.Platters" s visual aid project'to be sent to the missions andalso f nr use in the home church, chial PTA 1 met last night in

—Bov Scout Troop = 49 will Our Lady of Lourdes Hall. PTArrr=* Tuesday from 7 to 9 pjn. 2 will meet tonight.; i '"I'-imbian Hall, Harding. AH parenu eicept the p a i sA V T •'.. onis of children in the first j

— \ meeting of Chapter 4, grades are asked to meet in.T-- -•. -5 of C '.umbus, St. Ceee-igroup meetings in the class-!i • • r-T jr?i;. will be held to- rooms, beginning promptly at- - • • 8 Tim. ir. Our "Lady 7:30 pm. Teachers will exolam!-" • - • - s Hal: Plans have.the Profile ol Test Rerif.s of;

- - J e fc: a Barn Dance to ;he January Scholastic Test-;•:•* ir. lourdes ar.d Pauma JUSI At a glance, the profile1

• •••-iP?.:-jrday. February 23. lWffl show the student's aca-•-. may be obtained from dpmx; standing in. comparison

^-jo ai Li S-IIOJ. tu - TS-/UJJ tn&t of &I1 the students- -: (Vrski. Me 4-8667. or D{ t h e rjiocese of Trenton, who' - " : - - ! B:h!»r. a: Fu 2-0872. t o o k e x a c t l j the ^f. ^ j ^ -T •••• •:= - s y also be purchased perCenUge will indicate thea " - :-'! Masses on Sunday at ajiproxiinate number of stu-th? n r in T:?kets pur- ( j e n U ,closed at the door on the ;n t j , e

n'eht of the dance. T J I beslighHy hie'ne: in price. ^ ^ ^

- ^ v Wi-am Kirov, pastor f e r e n c e s

of rh- Isehn Assembly of God c l a s s r o a m s > begming at VCh-irr?..- aMourced^an organ- p j n . P a r ents of children in Sis-tza..on m'"..".p .or a M e n s , « r Anna Thomas'class will as-F*:i3T5h:p wjl be- held on Sat- ^ ^ j ^ 2 , , f ^nrday. February 23. 8 pjn.the church. Men interestedi in,'*







PTA'sSlates Meetings;

ISELIN - St. Cecelia's Paro-:


c h a .

5 w:!: an-nual Blue ar.d Gold dinner, forthe 13th year, on Sunday.the Log Cab:n Ir.n. St. GeorgeArenue, Woodbridge, starting at

sack, grade 1, Room 302; SisterJoseph Ann, grade






9 9 ' SALE!SAVOT C 0 n - ffMMTOES u ^ 7







3.03; Mrs.

erman requests ihat boys attend £ ? ^ n

to uniform if possible. ^ o m a s - ^ ^ 2- l-Public School cfcEdren m Mrs. Smith, grade 3, Room 305;

jrades 2 through 8. who attend Mrs- S P " ^ . erade 3, RoomSt. .CeceUa'6 Church. Till re - 3 0 7 : M r s- Desflwn^ K ade 4..ceWe religious instructions S a t - R o o m W\ Mrs. Matthaei.Tirdky morning at 9 30 am ' ^ d e *• P00111 302: Mrs. Gtr-. -1st. Cecelia's Altar Boy can- rit>'' &W 4-dictates will meet Saturday at T " 8 ^ 8ra(1*11 am. in th« church. s i s tPr Mary Anthony, grade 5.

—The Ladies Auxiliary of the R o a m 2 1 6: M r s- Bolger, gradeChemical Hook and Ladder Co 5' R o o m 214'. Sister Agnes Tim-District 11, will hold? a card ^ ^rade 6, Room 308; Mrs.

, social tomorrow. 8 pjn.; at Auth D^un. grade 6, Room 311; Mrs.Avenue Firehouse. Tickets may Mengo, grade 6, Room 209:be purchased from any mem- Sister Francis Regina, grade 1.\her en" the auxiliary. The iwxt R o o m 317; Mr. Mendrick, grade

"regular tneeting viil be Pebru-^- Room 320; Mr. S. BrVjkl,!«ry 21. 'grade 8, Room 102; Mr. R. Bris-|

—The Chirst's Ambassadors k'., tr&it 8. Room 103; andOf the Iselin Asembly of God|M^s. Capriglione, special read-Church will miet tomorrow 7:30jini class, Room 109; PTA 2,p.m. in the cljurch. On Saiux-,Slier Thomas William, grade

.day the younjt people's, Room 201; Mrs. Caaey, gradewill enjoy a Valentine Social at 1, Room 202, Mrs. Nicolello,the home of Mr. and Mrs. John'grade 1, Room 208; Mrs. Bird,- -




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