Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)

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Transcript of Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)

  • 8/9/2019 Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)


    Rodriguez, Juan Calos Esq.De Mo McChesney, Cutright& Armendaiz, LLP Doloosa, Suite San ntonio, TX



    Executive Oce r Imigration Review

    Board of Immigraton AppealsQ    c e of he Cerk

    5107 Lbug ik, S 2F . V 253

    OHS/C ice of Chief Counsel - SNA9 Fouind Dive 5th FlooSan ntonio, 9


    Date of thi notice /9/

    Enclosed is a copy of he Boad's esion an ode in he above-reenced case.


    P My RgG JW L


    Donna Ca

    Che ek


    For more unpublished BIA decisions,

    Cite as: Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)

  • 8/9/2019 Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)


    U.S Dearment ofJuticeExe�utive Oc r Imgraon Revew

    Fl Cch, Vgna

    Fle: A06 824 333 - S oo TX




    Decson of he Boad of o Appel


    O BHF OF ESOND J Cros orguez sure

    O BEHAF O DHS D AlcoAsss Che Csel


     oce Sec 237(a)(2)(A() &  c 8 SC 27((2)()(] Cvced o aggravated y (s ee seco 0((43))

     Sec 237()()(E)( & c [8 USC 22(a)(){)() Ale sugger

    APLICAON Ajse o saus

    h resden a nave ce o ec h peale o e ecso of hegra Juge ae Fbary 7 203 a ecs he mgra ge rssse he hges erbly sed o he evdece he record rceedg relgo he resoe's ay 18 200 cvco r rgg a Harbrng Cer Aes vn of seco 27()()(A)() of he mgra d Noay Ac 8 USC 32())(A)) (IJ a 2; Exs 1-) Seco he Imgr Judge e aversecrebly dng wh reg h respe he ned Saes czen sose (IJ a 3 )Faly he Imgrao Jge deerned ha he respoe h o esashed herssby r ase sau uder sec 22(a)()(E)() he Ac 8 SC 82()()(E)() y a prerace f he evece ( a - r e long reass�he resodes apeal be ssae he recor o prceg l e ree rher prceegs he ery f e ecs

    We gree wh he mgr Juge h he evece resee by he eparme ooma r D esases e espnde is depabe unde sectin237(a)(2)()) of he c 8 USC § 227(a)(2)()() e resne as cve ersec 27()()(A)() of he Ac n seco (a)(43)) o e Ac 8 S 0(a)(3)N) ees gge ny s cg ay covco er sec27())(A) he Ac he soe has o dspue hs apea

    Hoever dsaree ha he resonen s eorale uer sec 237()( )()() of c a coresdgy admssble r s f ss er sec 22(a)()()() o

    Cite as: Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)

  • 8/9/2019 Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)


    76 ·824 33

    the ct Te Cinal Inoation to whic the eondent eaded ilt eect tat onJu 2, 2005, e eondent and e ned Sae iizen uband wi

    nowng d in recke diegad of e c hat [the unawl preent aie]wa aien who had come to, entered an eained in te nited Sate in

    oaton of law, dd trapot ove uc le r e puoe of comeciaadage or pvate ancia gain and in eane of uc volaton of law,whin e nied Sate, b mean of a oo ehile

    (x. 3 a . 3 e eonden eied tha a ou of ve en aoached e huband at aga ation in Ledo, Texa, ne the oue bode and oeed to pa a ide e not(T at 1925. e eondent te tetied that, aloug he did no know" that te enwee unlall eent alien, e aumed ta hey wee beaue te wee eeking a deo the g aton to go rter nla (Tr. at 23. e repondet expane that e a heubn ided te e en betwee ter two vece a doe ut te eahed e oreao ceckoint, whee, upo inqu ad netgaton, e ad er hub wee aete

    eentualy chge unde ecio 2(a( (( of the c ( 21, 24.

    On appeal the reonde ge that e i not inadmile r adjutent of tatu undeecton 212(a(6((i of te ct becaue e dd ot ow e anne of [the e alen']unlwl eny n the nited Sate" (Reondent B. a 12 The reonden e contendthat the ct ha e did not tanport the ve alen iediaely ae the lawl en"how tat e w not at of a cee or an to ait e alien to ente the Unied Sateillegall" (Reondent B. at 12.

    We recognize a the repondent a the buden of ealing tat he clel anbeond oubt" adble r ajutet of tatu. See Soriano v. Gonzales 484 F.3d 3 8, 32

    n I (5 Ci. 2007 (In a emoval poceeding, e aplicnt r aiion a he burden ofowng at e cea and beond dob entited o be adie and i no nadiibender [8 .SC.  1 182 . . (citation omited owee, te eponden to benadiibe a a eut of aien ugglin, he recod mu inlude at leat oe aateinicaion of uc inadmblty, and o thi eod, we ee no uch araive indcaon.

    To begin w te tatute of concton, ection 274(a( (( of te ct ha a mnimummens rea of reckle diregard," eag tat mere recklee ucent to upport aconvtion. Secon 212(a(6(( of the ct, covere, reque outrg knowege" on tepa of te reondent in ore er to trgge t groud of iadmiibit.

    ing reviewed e ecod of proceeing in it entety, cuing te Repo ofInetigaion reaed on anu 2, 2005 (For G166, we ee no aaie indicaton tate reonent m ve kowgy . ..ecougd, nce, sted, eed, r " othe alien iented in te Reo of nveigaion to enter or r to enter the nited State violaion of aw .. " See ecto 212(a(6((i of the ct. e the repondent rea ocooperate wh e netgaio ma upport ee rence agait e, uh feencalone doe not e to te ee of aate ndcation of otentia namiibl underecton 212(a( 6((i of te c. See, e Mater of Guevara 20 & Dec 23 8 (BI 1991.


    Cite as: Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)

  • 8/9/2019 Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)


    A07682 33

    Ardngly we reerse e Imgran udges deenan a e respnden as nesablse er admssby r adjusen saus under sen 2 l 2(a)(6(E() e Ae wl erere rean e er prceeng r e mmgran udge eermne herespne s ewse admssbe and elgbe r ajusmen saus as well deserng lawl permanen resdene n e eerse dsren

    Te llwng rder wl be enere

    ORER Te respndens appeal s susaned and e rerd preedg s remanded rher preedngs t  o

    R TE OA


    Cite as: Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)

  • 8/9/2019 Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)




    e: A06824

    e Maer o


    ebruary , 20



    CHARGS Seco 27a 2 A o e grao anNaoay Ac, oe covce o an aggravaeeony; Seco 2a (1E o e Ac, one woas ae, assse or aee anoer o eer eUe Saes egay.

    APCATNS Ajuse o sas o awu peraen resen.




    Te respoen s a 4yearo arre eae, a ave

    an cen o Meco, wo receve aw peraen resence


  • 8/9/2019 Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)


    the te States on February 5 1 by an ajstment o

    stats at Housto Texas On Juy 24 21 te Departmet o

    Homea Secrty ssue a Notce to Appear cargng tat te

    respoet ou be removabe rom the Ute States uer te

    provsos o Secto 27a) 2) (A) } o the mmgrato an

    Natoaty Act as e as Secto 27(a) (1) () () o the

    graton a Natoaty Act by reason o avn bee

    covcte on May 18 205 the te States Dstrct ort

    or te Souther Dstct o Texas or te oese o

    transportng a nocete ae tn te te States by

     means o a motor vece or prvate naca gan Te

    responet th couse has amtte the truth o the rst

    tree acta aegatons the Notce to Appear ene the

    ourth th an sxth actua aegatons a ee both

    carges ose or te Govermet as presete a jugmet

    xbt 2 shog that the responet as convcte on a pea

    o guty o the oese o a voaton o Tte 8 nte States

    oe Secto 124 (a) 1) A) () as e as 124(a) (1) B ()

    cocue tat ths s speccay an aggravate eo uer

    Secto (a) (4) (N) o the mmgraton a Natoaty Act

    a te jugment a covcto are scet to estabsh that

    the responet s removabe uer Secto 27(a) (2) (A} (} o

    the grato a Natoaty Act by cear a covncg


    Wth respect to the charge er Secto 27a) (1) E) ) o

    A76824- 2 Febrary 7 21

  • 8/9/2019 Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)


    e Act oud ote ta the Govermets compa as

    preseted xbt ad vestgatve report (xhbt 4} are

    cosstet aegg at te respodet as te ords o

    the compat a crmna orato kog an reckess

    dsregard o te act at a amed vdua as a ae ho

    a come o eered ad remaed the ted States

    voato o a dd trasport ad move suc ae or purpose

    o coerca avatage or a prvate aca ga a

    urerace o suc voao o a t e ted Staes by

     meas o a motor vehce ad act tracks the aguage

    cotaed the grato ad Natoaty Act at Secto 24

    ote that te oese cotas a eemet hat te crme must

    be coted urterace o suc voato o a a tat

    the voato o a reerred o s at e ae comes to

    eter or remas te ted Saes voato o a

    oud ave o cocude that categorcay there mus be some

    koedge at the deedat s urerg the voato o a

    by e dvdua beg raspored

    oud aso ote tha the respodet and er usbad

    esed gvg er curret versos o eves o Jauary

    21 25 take otce at Jauary 21 25 as Frday a

    orkng day ad a schoo ay as e ad cosderg te

    umber o staces here te respodet rst asserted tat

    or sace she ad ever bee arrested ad ater that she dd

    o remeber athoug ay recag that se ha act

    A6824- February 21

  • 8/9/2019 Alma Nelida Martinez, A076 824 333 (BIA March 19, 2015)


    been arreste an convcte or the oense escrbe here an

    varous other nstances urn er testmony and er eventua

    admsson that she as attemptn to testy so as to not ve

    ansers that ou be amagng  L I nd her testmony not

    crebe, an oud aso have to concue that the testmony o

    the husband as e as not crebe he entre scenaro o

    takn a Mexcan permt to Houston, Texas because a ne as too

    ong to at n, and then returnn on a orkn day th

    cren o are mssn scoo an parents o are both mssn

    ork or te soe purpose o returnn that permt, an then

    ratutousy pckn up peope at te roadse n areo, exas

    or te specc purpose o roppn them on the roadse n San

    Antono exas s mprobabe an does not rn true he

    ocumentaton create contemporaneousy (xbt 4 I beeve s

     more reabe than the testmony o te responent an her

    usban on ts ate, an ven ther nterest n the responent

    remann n te Unte States ou ave to concue that

    te crmna compant, settn ort as t oes that at the

    tme o appreenson a three prncpa subjects reused to

    ve statements L s another ndcaton that they ere aare o

    an partcpatn n a scheme to brn very recent arrvas n

    the nte States aay rom the borer area I ou have to

    n that ths ou be sucent gven te Fth Crcut Court

    o Appeas hodn n Sorano v onzaez, 484 F 18 5t

    r 200 to demonstrate that the respondents ere pat o a

    A06824 4 February , 201

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    cotu sceme or these vuas to eter the Ute

    States ou ay ote that the compat makes t cear

    that the vua ho as br the roup to the Ute

    States, the "ue, eter accompay them or operat

    separatey, as oy reporte as approac te respoets

    usba or the cotu trasportato to te teror o

    the te States rather tha ayere ese, that there ere a

    roup o peope rom sparate ocatos Mexco, hinti


    that they ere speccay athere or urter

    trasportato to the teror, a tat the respoet a

    her usba pe uty to ko tat tere as o to be

    remuerato vove. cocue that the ack o crebe

    evece rom the respoet a the ocumetary evece

    (Exhbts 2, a 4 presete by te Govermet are sucet

    to estabs te respoets removabty uer Secto

    27(a (1 (E ( o the mrato a Natoaty Act by cear

    a covc evece

    e respoet has presete a appcato or ajustmet

    o status. tat appcato (xbt te bure o proo,

    act, shts. We t s te Govermets bure to

    emostrate ay care o remova by cear a covc

    evece c ou cue tat the respoet, as she

    teste, etere or crosse to the te States o aay

    2, 2005, t s te respoets bure a appcato or

    ajustmet o status to emostrate amssbty to te Ute

    A06824- 5 February 7, 201

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    Staes. Where__as here, he respondent has been conviced of

    he crmnal offense ha she pled guily o (Exhbi 2) and on

    he copan hat was fled (Eh and gven he

    icrediily of her and her husand's eplaaion and

    esimony, and he conemporary nformaion resented tha was

    created a he ime of he inciden by e Deparen of

    Homeland Secury (Eh 4 wold have o fid ha the

    responden has ot demonsraed tha she is admssible o he

    Unted States, bu raher ha he evidence would indcae ha

    the responden s nadssle nder Secon 212(a) (6) (E) (i} of

    the mgraon and Naionalty Ac, and herefore neligile

    for adjustent of saus I find as fac hat he responden

    has not deonsraed y a preponderace of the evidece

    admissiilty under Secon 212(a) (6 (E) () of the fac, and on

    ha ground he appcaion for adjusme of satus will e

    dened as he responden has no demonstraed she s oherwse

    admissle o he Uied Staes

    There en no other appicaton presened and one known

    to he Cour, the responden beng neligible for volunary

    deparure as one conviced of an aggravaed feloy, he

    folowng order shall e enered


    IT IS REBY ORERED ha the apicatio f9r adusen o

    saus under Secon 245 of he Imigraion and Naionaliy Ac

    e, and s herey, dened

    A076-824333 6 Ferary 7 203

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    T S FUTH DD tat te espoet be emove o

    te Ute States to Meco, te cot o atvt a

    ctzesp a te cot esgate b e o te cage

    cotae te Notce to Appea

    Please see the nt paqe £or electoc si



    A D UKHDgato ge

    Feba , 21

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    Imigration Judge GARY D. BURKHOLER

    bukholg on Api 5, a 5: PM GMT

    A76-84 8 Febuay 7, 2013