Allocation Reference: 101 Area (Ha): 6.867 Allocation Type: …€¦ · Allocation Reference: 101...

Doncaster Local Plan: Archaeological Scoping Assessment Page 1 of 3 Allocation Reference: 101 Allocation Type: Employment Site Name: Land north of A614/M18 Junction, Thorne Area (Ha): 6.867 NGR (centre): SE 6777 1435 Settlement: Thorne Moorends Allocation Recommendations Archaeological significance of site Unknown Historic landscape significance Uncertain Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint Summary Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - 1 SMR record/event - 1 record/2 events Cropmark/Lidar evidence No Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

Transcript of Allocation Reference: 101 Area (Ha): 6.867 Allocation Type: …€¦ · Allocation Reference: 101...

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Allocation Reference: 101 Allocation Type: Employment Site Name: Land north of A614/M18 Junction, Thorne

Area (Ha): 6.867 NGR (centre): SE 6777 1435 Settlement: Thorne Moorends

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - 1 SMR record/event - 1 record/2 eventsCropmark/Lidar evidence No Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 101 Allocation Type: Employment Site Name: Land north of A614/M18 Junction, Thorne

Area (Ha): 6.867 NGR (centre): SE 6777 1435 Settlement: Thorne Moorends

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site. One monument and two events are recorded within the buffer zone. The monument relates to one of the events, an augur survey undertaken to examine buried alluvial deposits within the floodplain sequence. The other event was an evaluation near Cossons Road, which did not identify any significant archaeological remains.

One Grade II listed building is recorded within the buffer zone, a wharf on the River Don, near Quay Road.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project did not record any features within the site. Post-medieval ridge and furrow earthworks and cropmarks are recorded in fields within the east and north parts of the buffer zone.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as Drained Wetland, enclosed from common land as part of the 1825 Parliamentary Enclosure Award, with no legibility of the former common. The present boundaries are largely defined by the 19th-century drainage layout. Character zones within the buffer are defined as agglomerated fields retaining significant legibility of the pattern of early post-medieval piecemeal enclosure from valley floor meadows; post-medieval vernacular cottages at Thorne Waterside; 20th-century enclosure of former valley-floor meadows with no legibility of the previous layout and modern motorway and trunk road infrastructure and a distribution centre and sewage works.

The site is currently five small fields utilised as rough grassland, bounded to the southeast by the M18 and to the west by Selby Road.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The site was shown as fields on the 1854 OS map. With the exception of the removal of a small number of field boundaries, no further changes were shown within the site on OS maps produced after that date, though the southern boundary of the fields changed substantially in association with the construction of the M18 in 1975.

Various features were marked within the buffer zone on the 1855 OS map including fields, Gyme Close Drain, Waterside Drain, Shepherd House and other buildings, the Ship Inn, Hangman Hill and Brickholes Drain. A sewage works and two orchards were shown within the buffer on the 1932 OS map. The M18 motorway was under construction along the southeast boundary of the site by 1975, and the sewage works had expanded by 1981. Poultry Houses and an access road had been constructed to the north of the site by that date.


The extent of disturbance caused by the construction of the motorway and associated landscaping is currently unknown, but this may have impacted on the survival of buried archaeological remains within the southern and eastern part of the site. Where disturbance has been minimal and within the rest of the site, there is a moderate potential for the survival of unrecorded buried archaeological remains.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation is likely to be required if the site is brought forward for development.



Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first-century aerial photographs show the site as five small fields in use as rough grassland. Most of the

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fields have hedged boundaries. There is no Lidar coverage for this site.

Photograph references:

Google Earth: 2002, 2008 & 2009. Bing Maps: 2015.

Statutory Designations Reference ID

Name Designation/ Grade

Site? Buffer?

1151572 River Don wharf opposite west end of Quay Road II Y

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

04973 Holocene Sediment Sequences, Fishlake

Fishlake is within the boundary of the Humberhead Levels, which is demarcated in the north by the River Aire and the Vale of York. The levels developed from the glacial Lake Humber and are filled with up to 20m of clay in places. The sediments recorded from a study of this area represent alluvial floodplain deposits.


ESY538 Archaeological Evaluation and Mitigation on Land adjoining Cassons Road

Between January and February 2006 an archaeological evaluation was conducted on land adjacent to Cassons Road. The excavation of trial trenches revealed a tree trunk. Extant field boundaries were also recorded but no deposits of archaeological significance were observed.


ESY762 Auger Survey and Feasibility Study for OSL dating of alluvial sediments.

An auger survey and scientific dating of a sediment sequence was conducted on 6th and 7th February 2009. The auger survey was used to characterise the sediments in the study area. 13 hand auger cores were taken and the results used to select two locations for mechanical coring in 2009. OSL dating was conducted on one of the cores and carbon dating on the other which was unsuitable for the OSL technique.


SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4416 North Common, Thorne, Doncaster Drained Wetland Y Y

HSY4383 Land west of the Don, Fishlake, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y

HSY4452 River Don between Fishlake and Stainforth Valley Floor Meadows Y

HSY4604 M18 J6 (north end), Thorne, Doncaster Motorway and Trunk Road Junctions


HSY4605 M18 J6 (Southern End), Thorne, Doncaster Motorway and Trunk Road Junctions


HSY4607 Car distribution centre, J6 M18, Thorne Distribution Centre Y

HSY4611 Sewage Works, Thorne, Doncaster Utilities Y

HSY4613 Small Depot at Hangsman Hill Thorne (site of Ship Inn/ Low Hill Mill), Thorne, Doncaster

Other Industry Y

HSY5668 Thorne Waterside, Thorne, Doncaster Vernacular Cottages Y

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Allocation Reference: 102

Allocation Type: Minerals

Site Name: Holme Hall Quarry, Stainton Lane

Area (Ha): 37.7

NGR (centre): SK 5484 9667

Settlement: Stainton

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Negligible

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone

Scheduled Monument - -

Listed Building - -

SMR record/event - 1 event

Cropmark/Lidar evidence No Yes

Cartographic features of interest Yes Yes

Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 102

Allocation Type: Minerals

Site Name: Holme Hall Quarry, Stainton Lane

Area (Ha): 37.7

NGR (centre): SK 5484 9667

Settlement: Stainton

Site assessment

Known assets/character:

There are no SMR events or monuments recorded within the site and one event recorded within the buffer.

Archaeological fieldwalking at Cockhill House Farm, immediately adjacent to the site, recovered a concentration

of Roman material, possibly indicating the presence of a small Roman farmstead. Prehistoric material was also

recovered, although this was widely dispersed across the area.

There are no listed buildings or Scheduled Monuments within the site or the buffer.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project recorded two areas

of post medieval ridge and furrow within the buffer; one to the east of the north site and one to the south of the

south site.

Historic Landscape Characterisation records the eastern half of the north site as agglomerated fields which were

originally part of an open field system consolidated over time into enclosed strip fields, and subsequently

agglomerated in the second half of the 20th

century. The western half of the north site is an area of relatively

modern assarts. The woodland is likely to have been a coppice wood and final clearance occurred in the late 20th

century. The south site lies within an area of agglomerated fields. Many of the field boundaries were removed in

the 1950s and 1960s. Prior to enclosure the area was probably part of town fields belonging to Wadworth.

Legibility of the previous character is fragmentary as some boundaries of the parliamentary enclosure still exist.

The areas surrounding the sites comprise of surveyed enclosure, further assarts and areas of ancient woodland.

The site is divided into two parcels, a larger northern group of fields containing Peter Wood Farm, bounded to the

north by the M18, and a smaller southern parcel comprising a single field between Cockhill Plantation and Long


Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1854 OS map depicted the site as a mixture of agglomerated fields and ancient woodland. The northern

parcel was fields with Rakes Lane running through the centre. The southern parcel was made up of four

enclosures, part of an area labelled as Owt Moor. By 1892, Peterwood Farm had been built in the centre of the

northern parcel, and by 1969 the M18 had been constructed along the northern boundary.

Within the buffer, the 1854 map showed Armroyd Holt wood in the north, Four Acre Holt to the south of the

northern parcel and Cockhill Plantation between the two parcels. Cockhill House was depicted to the south and a

limekiln and Limestone Quarry were located to the north of the south parcel. No major changes to the area can

be identified on historic mapping other than the construction of the M18 by 1969.


The sites are located in an area of fields and former woodland and is presently used for agriculture. No

development is known to have occurred on the majority of site and, although some sub-surface deposits may

have been damaged by ploughing and tree roots, the potential for the survival of previously unrecorded buried

archaeological remains is considered to be moderate. Roman artefacts have been found in the area between the

two site parcels, and such remains could continue into the site. Peter Wood Farm may contain surviving later


-century buildings.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigations are likely to be required if this site is brought forward for development.


Unknown. Remains of Roman settlement and agricultural activity could be of Local to Regional archaeological

significance depending on their extent, nature and condition. Peter Wood Farm may contain buildings of Local

heritage value.

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Aerial Photographs & Lidar


Aerial photographs from 1999 show the north site as various sized arable fields with Peter Wood Farm located in

the centre of the site and Rakes Lane running in a north-south direction through the middle. The site is bounded

by the M18 in the north, and a mixture of farmland and woodland to the south and west. The south site is one

arable field bounded to the north by woodland, to the south by a road and to the east and west by farmland.

No LiDAR is available for this area.

Photograph references:

Google Earth: 1999, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009. Bing Maps: 2016.

RAF/541/35 4079 19-May-1948, RAF/541/35 4025 19-May-1948.

SMR Record/event



Name Details Site? Buffer?

ESY280 Archaeological

Fieldwalking at

Cockhill House

Farm, Stainton

Artefactual material was found by have been distributed only

thinly across the site, and the medieval period was almost

completely unrepresented in the material recovered. One

concentration of Roman material was clearly visible from the

results, occurring in an area about 60 x80 meters in field South

1. The size of concentration is consistent with the probable

presence of a small Roman farmstead. There was a wide

coverage of prehistoric material from across the survey, but no

clear concentration was definable.


SMR Historic Environment Characterisation



Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4208 Sand field, Wadworth, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y Y

HSY4238 Wood Lane 2, Edlington, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y Y

HSY4242 Peter Wood Fields, Wadworth, Doncaster Assarts Y Y

HSY4164 Stainton Lane, Stainton Assarts Y

HSY4165 Station Lane, Stainton, Doncaster Ancient Woodland Y

HSY4167 Cockhill Common, Stainton Surveyed Enclosure

(Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4194 Wood Lane, Edlington, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y

HSY4198 Edlington Wood, Doncaster Ancient Woodland Y

HSY4200 Wadworth Wood South, Wadworth, Doncaster Ancient Woodland Y

HSY4240 Peter Wood, Wadworth, Doncaster Ancient Woodland Y

HSY4243 Wood Lane, Wadworth, Doncaster Assarts Y

HSY4279 Tickhill Back Lane, Stancil, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y

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Allocation Reference: 105 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: South of Backfield Lane, Hatfield

Area (Ha): 1.62 NGR (centre): SE 6664 0933 Settlement: Hatfield Stainforth

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - 3 SMR record/event - 3 records/1 event Cropmark/Lidar evidence No No Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 105 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: South of Backfield Lane, Hatfield

Area (Ha): 1.62 NGR (centre): SE 6664 0933 Settlement: Hatfield Stainforth

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR records two monuments, one findspot and one event within the buffer zone. The monuments comprise a timber framed medieval building and a post-medieval timber framed barn, both located to the northwest of the site. The findspot is of Roman pottery, to the southeast of the site. The event relates to archaeological monitoring of development groundworks, which recorded a post-medieval ditch and pit. This is located to the northwest of the site, although the majority of the event lies outside of the buffer.

No Scheduled Monuments are recorded within the site or the buffer zone. Three listed buildings are recorded within the buffer zone, two to the immediate north of the site comprising a house and a stable block, both of which are Grade II listed. A further Grade II listed building lies to the northwest of the site, comprising a Methodist church.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project did not record any features within the site or buffer zone.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as surveyed enclosure established as part of the 1825 Parliamentary Enclosure Award, with most of the boundaries still in existence today as historic hedgerows. There is no legibility of former open field, but a significant area of well-preserved enclosure landscape is complete within this area. To the immediate north of the site is the medieval core of Hatfield, within which are typical 'strip plots' established by at least the early 19th century. The area represents piecemeal developments within the 'morphological frame' of probable medieval strip plots, with fragmentary legibility of former characters. To the north of the site is the well preserved section of ‘Firth Field’, retaining nearly all of the hedgerows first shown on 1825 'Haywood' enclosure award map. To the west and south of the site, the character is much the same as that within the site itself. Further to the south and east of the site is modern housing and the M18 motorway, with no legibility of former landscapes.

The site currently comprises two fields bounded by hedgerows, although the northern boundary is a recent addition.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The site is shown on the 1854 OS map as part of two fields, with the northern extent of the fields extending out of the site boundary and right up to Back Field Lane. There was very little change on the site until 1962, when what is now the northern site boundary was constructed, presumably a property boundary for the bungalows situated to the north. This shortened the length of the two fields that comprise the site. No change has occurred on the site since then.

Within the buffer zone, Back Field Lane, immediately to the north of the site, was extant by 1854, although was called Town Side Road at that date, with the name change having occurred by 1892. A handful of buildings appear on this road, one of which is situated immediately to the north of the site, but the High Street, slightly further to the north, is well developed, with several pubs, churches, and other residential and recreational/functional buildings. By 1906, the building immediately to the north of the site on Back Field Lane had been extended. In 1952, buildings were shown on Back Field Lane, immediately to the north of the site (now marked as The Shires Bungalows). By 1962, a handful of buildings had been constructed to the south-east of the site, off New Mill Field Road. By 1981, the M1 is present in the eastern part of the buffer, constructed in the 1970s. Little significant change has occurred within the buffer zone since then, with the northern area being well-developed, and the southern area having some development, but with more fields.


Due to the relative lack of deep ground disturbance on the site, the potential for the survival of any unrecorded buried archaeology is considered to be moderate.

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Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation is likely to be required if this site is brought forward for development.



Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first-century aerial photographs show the site as two fields in arable usage in 2002. Usage since then is unclear, although it may have been given over to waste/scrub land. The fields have hedged boundaries, with the northern boundary being of later 20th-century origin. Lidar data for this site did not show any previously unrecorded features.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage, 2002, 2003, 2008 & 2009. Lidar data tile SE6609 DTM 1m.

Statutory Designations Reference ID

Name Designation/ Grade

Site? Buffer?

1151622 Number 54 (Pyenest flat 1-4 inclusive) II Y

1192399 Hatfield Methodist Church II Y

1286620 Stable-block approximately 20 metres to rear of the mews II Y

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

01528/01 Timber Framed Barn, Hatfield

Barn of 18th century date showing clear replacement of timber frame elements in brick.


01529/01 Timber Framed Building, Hatfield

Anglers Shop, timber framed building, Hatfield. Medieval. Y

02787/01 Roman Pottery Find, Hatfield

Roman Samian sherds, (?) Dr 18/31. Y

ESY987 St Lawrence Vicarage, High Street, Hatfield

Plot A and access road topsoil stripping. Showed 17th/18th century ditch


SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4476 New Mill Field, Hatfield, Doncaster Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4471 Site of proposed Hatfield Services, M18, Hatfield, Doncaster

Regenerated Scrubland Y

HSY4483 Well preserved section of 'Firth Field', Hatfield, Doncaster

Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4619 Old Mill Field (North), Hatfield Woodhouse, Doncaster

Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


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HSY4711 Medieval core plots of Hatfield, Doncaster Burgage Plots Y

HSY4714 Old Epworth Road, Hatfield, Doncaster Vernacular Cottages Y

HSY4715 Old Thorne Road, Hatfield, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y

HSY4717 New Mill Field Road, Hatfield, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y

HSY4718 Hatfield Manor House, Hatfield, Doncaster Elite Residence Y

HSY4721 Manor Lane / Manor Gardens, Hatfield, Doncaster

Villas/ Detached Housing Y

HSY4727 Cricket Ground, Hatfield, Doncaster Sports Ground Y

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Allocation Reference: 106 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land off Barton Lane and adj. Oak Wood

Area (Ha): 13.56 NGR (centre): SE 6227 0393 Settlement: Armthorpe

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event - 2 records/1 event Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 106 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land off Barton Lane and adj. Oak Wood

Area (Ha): 13.56 NGR (centre): SE 6227 0393 Settlement: Armthorpe

Site assessment Known assets/character:

There are no SMR records within the site itself. Within the buffer zone, two monuments are recorded to the south of the site, relating to a possible stretch of Roman Road, and a ditch associated with it. One event exists within the buffer zone, to the southwest of the site, which relates to a fieldwalking survey which was undertaken over three fields and recovered only recent artefacts. A watching brief was carried out within the same area, but did not identify any archaeological features or deposits.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are recorded within the site or the buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project records fragmentary traces of Iron Age to Roman field boundaries within the site, which extend into the eastern and southern buffer zone and beyond. With the south end of the buffer zone, post-medieval ridge and furrow has also been recorded.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the majority of the site and southern part of the buffer as former commons enclosed in 1779 by Parliamentary Award. There is no legibility of the former common land. A small area in the northwest part of the site is part of a reclaimed coal mine and contains a spoil tip associated with the adjacent Markham Main colliery deep shaft mine. Further character zones within the buffer include private and social housing estates, a school and an industrial estate.

The site currently comprises an irregular parcel of three fields. A modern housing estate lies to the north, with fields to the south, east and west. A small strip of woodland, Oak Wood, is present between the two largest fields, and is not part of the site.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

On the 1854 map the site was part of three fields. A small strip of woodland was present between the two main fields, labelled Oak Wood. The entire area of the site and surrounding fields to the south was named South Moor, with the northernmost field part of an area called South Field. Barton Lane ran down the western boundary of the site. By 1948 Barton Lane had been re-aligned slightly, with a dogleg added to the northeast. This was probably done in conjunction with the construction of Markham Main Colliery, to the immediate west. By 1892 little had altered on the site, although by 1992 the housing estate to the north and east had been constructed, creating some of the site boundaries and forming the site into the shape in which it remains today.

In 1854, the area surrounding the site was mostly fields. To the east of the site was Tranmoor Wood, with Tranmoor Lane a little further to the east. Immediately outside the southern site boundary was an unnamed structure, and further to the south was Elm Wood and Ox Carr Wood. To the west was South Moor Wood. A small gravel pit was located to the northwest of the site, by Kirk Hill. By 1894 the structure to the south of the site was labelled Low Farm. By 1948 Markham Main Colliery was established to the west of the site, and Barton Lane had been re-routed slightly to the northeast. By 1982, a substantial housing development had been constructed to the northeast of the site. This had expanded further by 1992, creating the current northern site boundaries.


The site was enclosed in 1799 and is likely to have been in agricultural use since that time. As such, due to the lack of deep-ground disturbance on the site, the potential for the survival of buried archaeological remains is considered to be high. Cropmarks of probably Iron Age to Roman field boundaries have been recorded within the site and associated buried remains could extend throughout the site.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation will be required if the site is brought forward for development.

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Unknown. Remains of Iron Age to Roman field systems and settlement could be considered to be of Local to Regional archaeological significance depending on their nature, extent and condition.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first century aerial photographs show the site as unchanged from the 1992 map. All three fields appear to be used for agricultural purposes. Within the buffer zone, by 2002, the colliery buildings and infrastructure are no longer present, with the area undergoing regeneration. No features were identified within the available Lidar data for the site.

Photograph references:

Google Earth images 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2015. Lidar data tiles SE6203 & SE6204 DTM 1m.

ULM BTO 0039 01-Jul-1975, SE6203/13 DNR 872/7A 03-Jul-1976, MAL/79009 0217 23-Mar-1979, MAL/80007 0075 30-Mar-1980.

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

01258/01 Possible stretch of Roman Road at Armthorpe

A possible stretch of Roman Road is thought to lie on land south of Low Farm, Armthorpe.


01258/02 Ditch at Armthorpe Ditch associated with possible stretch of Roman Road at Armthorpe.


ESY273 Fieldwalking Survey and Watching Brief at Markham Main

In 1999 a fieldwalking survey was undertaken over 3 fields with a short cereal crop. Over 800 fragments of unglazed field drain were collected and 3 pottery sherds all of 20th century origin. In August 2002 a watching brief was carried out at the site. No archaeological features or deposits were identified.


SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4519 Land to the north of Cantley, Doncaster Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY5064 Markham Main Colliery tip, Armthorpe, Doncaster

Reclaimed Coal Mine Y Y

HSY4513 Markham Main Colliery Site, Armthorpe, Doncaster

Reclaimed Coal Mine Y

HSY4979 Armthorpe Southfield Primary School, Armthorpe, Doncaster

School Y

HSY4988 Barton Lane, Armthorpe, Doncaster Other Industry Y

HSY4991 Tranmoor Lane, Armthorpe, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY5007 Brampton Lane, Armthorpe, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5020 Barton Lane, Armthorpe, Doncaster Other Industry Y

HSY5025 Markham Main Colliery, Armthorpe, Doncaster Deep Shaft Coal Mine Y

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Allocation Reference: 107 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land at Victoria House, High St, Askern

Area (Ha): 1.99 NGR (centre): SE 5610 1333 Settlement: Askern

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Negligible

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event - 2 events Cropmark/Lidar evidence No Yes Cartographic features of interest Yes Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 107 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land at Victoria House, High St, Askern

Area (Ha): 1.99 NGR (centre): SE 5610 1333 Settlement: Askern

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site. Two events are recorded within the buffer: trial trench evaluations off Market Place towards the northern end of the buffer and off Doncaster Road at the southern edge. No remains of archaeological interest were found in either event.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are recorded within the site or buffer.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project did not record any features within the site. In the western part of the buffer, the extent of Askern Main Colliery and spoil heaps was recorded.

Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the southern two thirds of the site as an industrial area, with the principal complex being a sawmill, and much of the rest of the polygon being scrub vegetation on land previously used for tipping; however, there is no cartographic evidence for industrial activity or tipping with the site itself. The northern third is described as part of the urban commercial core of Askern, which defines the likely extent of the medieval settlement, though most of the current buildings date to the 20th-century redevelopment associated with the colliery. The settlement was briefly a spa town in the late 18th to early 19th century. Further character zones within the buffer include Askern Lake public park to the east, probably a naturally waterlogged area perhaps landscaped during the spa town phase; the site of Askern Main Colliery to the west, sunk in 1911 and demolished by 2003; and the Instoneville planned miners' housing estate to the west and southwest.

The site is currently shown as rough grass and scrub between the landscaped former colliery site to the west and High Street to the east.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1854 map depicted the southern two thirds of the site as part of a field behind a large building. The northern part of the site included garden plots to the west of houses fronting onto High Street, including Victoria Place. The 1892 map depicted the large building as Spring House, with a possible orchard along the street frontage on the western side of the site, and showed Victoria Place as two fairly large semi-detached houses. The buildings between Spring House and Victoria Place were unnamed. Three houses were shown at Victoria Place in 1906, with a narrow yard to the rear. Victoria Place was no longer labelled in 1932, but the buildings were still shown and the layout of the site relatively unchanged. In 1961, the houses to the south of Victoria Place were shown as Victoria House, Albert Cottage and Albert House, and outbuildings and a greenhouse were shown to the north of Spring House. Two cottages were shown in the southwest corner of the field, outside the site area. By 1986, the Victoria Place houses had been demolished, probably in association with the widening of High Street in this area. Albert House and Cottage had also been demolished, though Victoria House survived, along with the outbuildings north of Spring House.

Within the buffer, the 1854 map showed the core of Askern to the north, including several hotels and properties with summer houses. Askern Lake was located to the northeast, and numerous spa baths were depicted to the east of High Street. To the southeast of the site was an area called Askern Mather, which included Mather Pits, possibly old gravel pits. Two limestone quarries and a gravel pit were shown to the south and southwest of the site. In 1892, Mather Pits appeared to be laid out with a scenic walk and seats, and a ridge known as Askern Hill was shown to the immediate west of the site. The Crown Hotel was shown to the immediate north of the site. A spa well was depicted at the end of the Mather Pits footpath in 1906, and a 'spa hydropathic establishment' was shown to the north of the site. By 1932, this had become the Miners' Welfare Institute. Railway sidings associated with Askern Main Colliery were shown to the west of the site by that date, with spoil tipping to the west of the sidings. The pit-head buildings were outside the buffer to the northwest. Housing had been built to the south and west of the site as part of the Instoneville colliery village, and a Rug Works was shown to the east. A depot was shown to the north of the Mather Pits by 1961, replaced by a saw mill and electronics works by 1977.

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Rubble associated with demolished buildings lies within the northeast part of the site, and the footings of these houses and outbuildings may survive within this area. Some of these buildings were shown in 1854. None of the historic maps show any disturbance within the site, suggesting there is a moderate potential for the survival of unrecorded buried archaeology within this area. The northern part of the site falls within the area defined as the likely extent of the medieval settlement.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigations may be required if the site is brought forward for development.


Remains associated with the houses and outbuildings shown in 1892 are likely to be considered of Local archaeological significance.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

The 2002-2015 aerial photographs show the site as an area of rough grass and scrub vegetation crossed by a series of footpaths. Spa House (formerly Spring House) is shown along the street frontage just outside the site area, with outbuildings to the north. Victoria House was shown within the site in 2002, but had been demolished by 2015. Street View imagery shows rubble heaps within the vegetation along the northern part of the street frontage, probably the remains of the demolished Victoria House and possibly the houses to the north. To the west of the site, the colliery railway lines had been removed by 2002 and the site landscaped by 2008. There is no Lidar data for this site.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage 2002, 2008, 2009 & 2015. Street View 2015. SE5513/2 CCX 14249/6 16-Sep-1992.

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

ESY499 Archaeological Evaluation on land off Market Place

In January 2006 a programme of trial trenching was undertaken on land near Market Place. No archaeological remains were revealed.


ESY500 Field Evaluation on land off Doncaster Road

In 1996 a programme of trial trenching was undertaken on land adjacent to Doncaster Road in Askern. It appears that the whole area under assessment had been affected by landfill, or the activities associated with landfill. No features or finds of any archaeological interest were made in any of the trenches.


SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY354 Askern Town Centre Commercial Core-Urban Y Y

HSY364 Askern Mather / Sawmill Other Industry Y Y

HSY331 Askern Main Colliery site Deep Shaft Coal Mine Y

HSY358 Early social housing in Instonville, Askern Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY365 Askern Lake Public Park Y

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Allocation Reference: 108 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: White House Farm, Bramwith Lane

Area (Ha): 7.13 NGR (centre): SE 6116 0994 Settlement: Barnby Dun

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Negligible

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - 1 SMR record/event - 2 records/1 event Cropmark/Lidar evidence No Yes Cartographic features of interest Yes Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 108 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: White House Farm, Bramwith Lane

Area (Ha): 7.13 NGR (centre): SE 6116 0994 Settlement: Barnby Dun

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site. Two monuments and one event are recorded in the buffer, all to the southeast of the site. These comprise the church of St Peter and St Paul (also grade I listed), and a watching brief off Church Lane that identified the remains of a medieval building and an associated medieval to post-medieval ditch.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are recorded within the site. One grade I building is located in the south-eastern part of the buffer, the 14th-century and later Church of St Peter and St Paul.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project does not record any features within the site. A rectilinear enclosure of probable Iron Age to Roman date is located in the eastern part of the buffer, and field boundary ditches of uncertain date are recorded to the northeast.

Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as agglomerated fields, created through the loss of field boundaries in the 20th century, and resulting in only partial visibility of the 1807 Parliamentary Enclosure landscape. Further character zones within the buffer include further agglomerated fields, modern private housing estates, detached housing around the church, the church itself and a disused power station.

The site is currently fields in use for pasture, with the buildings of White House Farm at the southern end. The western side of the site is bounded by the Don Navigation canal, the eastern side by Bramwith Lane and the north side by a railway line. The southern boundary is formed by the edge of a housing estate.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1854 map shows the site in a layout very similar to the present day. The site comprised one large field, with farm buildings in an E-shaped arrangement at the southwest end and smaller enclosures to the northeast of the farm. A further small enclosure was shown at the northwest corner of the site, part of a larger field that had been divided by the construction of the railway along the northern boundary of the site. The 1893 map showed some probable alterations to the farm buildings, with a U-shaped range of probable barns to the northwest of an L-shaped house. The small enclosure at the northwest had been amalgamated into the larger field by that date. The area along the western side of the site was shown as separated by a boundary and slight embankment, (shown as a ditch in Lidar data). By 1930 the U-shaped range of barns had been either replaced or roofed over. There is no map coverage of the northern end of the site between 1962 and 1992, though the southern part is covered by 1980s mapping. By 1983, there were several more buildings at White House Farm, and the smaller enclosures to the northeast were not shown.

Within the buffer, the 1854 OS map showed the core of settlement at Barnby Dun to the southeast, including St Peter's Church, with the River Don Navigation and the old course of the Don to the west of the site, a railway turn bridge (swing bridge) to the northwest and a station to the northeast. The area to the east, north and west was fields. In the southeast part of the buffer, a group of large buildings labelled Manor Kilns was shown to the east of Church Lane in 1893. These were labelled 'malt kilns' in 1930, connected by a branch line to the main railway and a malthouse to the northeast, outside the buffer. By 1956, several large embankments had been constructed across Thorpe Marsh to the west of the Don, part of a new diversion of the route of the Don, and by 1962, Thorpe Marsh power station was shown at the western edge of the buffer, west of the new course of the river. The 1970 map showed new housing development around the church, and the malt kilns were disused. By 1992, the malt kilns had been demolished, and the southeast end of the buffer contained new housing estates.


The site has been in use for pasture at least during the 21st century, and sub-surface disturbance is likely to be minimal. The potential for the survival of buried archaeological remains within the site is considered to be moderate to high. The farmhouse and U-shaped range of barns at White House Farm were shown in 1893, and

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may be heritage assets in their own right. Possible Iron Age to Roman features are recorded as cropmarks within the buffer, and there is the potential for similar remains to extend into the site. The proximity of the site to the course of the Old River Don suggests there may also be the potential for the survival of buried alluvial sequences, which could contain palaeoenvironmental remains.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigations are likely to be required if the site is allocated for development. The historic significance of the farm buildings should be considered.


Unknown. If historic buildings survive within the site, these are likely to be of Local archaeological significance. Buried remains associated with Iron Age to Roman activity and palaeoenvironmental deposits could be of Local to Regional significance depending on their nature, extent and condition.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

The 2002-2015 aerial photographs show the site as a large pasture field, with farm buildings at the southwest end and small enclosures to the northeast. The line of the boundary along the western side of the site is still shown. The U-shaped range of farm buildings is shown, suggesting that it may have been roofed over in the past rather than demolished, and the L-shaped building also shown in 1893 is still extant. Newer buildings, mainly with corrugated metal roofs, are shown to the northeast and southwest of the farm, and a new bungalow to the east.

Lidar data is available for the most of the site. This shows the building locations and a linear ditch running along the western side of the site. A wide hollow is shown towards the northwest corner of the main field, possibly a natural undulation, or the site of former quarrying activity.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009 & 2015. Lidar data file SE6109 DTM 1m.

MAL/60427 81767 21-Jun-1960; OS/78051 0033 25-May-1978.

Statutory Designations Reference ID

Name Designation/ Grade

Site? Buffer?

1151488 Church of St Peter and St Paul I Y

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

00431/01 Church of St Peter and St Paul, Barnby Dunn

Church - mostly early 14th century, with later tower and Victoran chancel


04833 Medieval Building (demolished), Church Lane

A medieval building and associated medieval/post-medieval ditch found during excavation.


ESY317 Archaeological Watching Brief at Church Lane

Between November 1999 and January 2003 an intermittent watching brief was undertaken for land off Church Lane. The results revealed the presence of a medieval building and an associated ditch dating to the medieval and post-medieval periods.


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SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4494 Former open fields to the north and east of Barnby Dun

Agglomerated fields Y Y

HSY4329 Thorpe Marsh Power Station (disused), Thorpe in Balne, Doncaster

Utilities Y

HSY4428 Thorpe Marsh enclosed land, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y

HSY4794 Estate to the north of Barnby Dun, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY4845 Site of 'Manor Kilns', Barnby Dun, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY4854 Barnby Dun, St Peter and St Paul, Doncaster Religious (Worship) Y

HSY4855 Housing around St Peter and St Paul, Barnby Dun, Doncaster

Villas/ Detached Housing Y

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Allocation Reference: 109

Allocation Type: Housing

Site Name: Land off Sunderland Street, Tickhill

Area (Ha): 2.11

NGR (centre): SK 6019 9305

Settlement: Tickhill

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone

Scheduled Monument - -

Listed Building - 1

SMR record/event - 6 records

Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes

Cartographic features of interest No Yes

Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 109

Allocation Type: Housing

Site Name: Land off Sunderland Street, Tickhill

Area (Ha): 2.11

NGR (centre): SK 6019 9305

Settlement: Tickhill

Site assessment

Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any events or monuments within the site. Six monuments are recorded within the

buffer. These monuments include East or Sunderland End Paper Mill and Corn Mill located on Paper Mill Dyke

directly northeast of the site, a post-medieval toll road and associated toll house, a post-medieval dovecote and

the findspot of undated metalwork, all located in the northern part of the buffer.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are recorded within the site. There is one grade II listed building, 13

Sunderland Street, located in the northern part of the buffer.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project records a medieval

bank in the east of the buffer and two areas of post-medieval ridge and furrow; one within the southeast part of

the site, stretching across the A1(M) to the east and one in the southwest part of the buffer.

Historic Landscape Characterisation records the site and the south of the buffer as being areas of piecemeal

enclosure. The site and the southwest area show an irregular pattern of enclosure and there is no evidence of

previous character type. The area to the south and southeast was originally part of Tickhill Low Common which

was subject to parliamentary enclosure in 1766. These fields were progressively agglomerated throughout the


century. Further areas of piecemeal enclosure lie to the northeast, and the site of Tickhill Paper Mill and

modern nurseries in the east. The west and northwest comprises areas of modern housing.

The site is currently an irregularly-shaped field utilised as grassland, with hedged boundaries.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1854 OS map shows the site lying within an irregularly shaped field. By 1956 the field had been split into

three smaller enclosures and by 1962 the A1(M) had been constructed along the eastern site boundary.

Within the buffer, the 1854 OS map showed strip fields to the east and west of the site, housing and associated

plots running along Sunderland Street in the north and irregularly shaped piecemeal enclosure in the south. The

site of Tickhill Paper Mill was depicted to the north of the site and Paper Mill Dyke to the east. The 1893 map

depicted a gas works on the northern edge of the site. By 1962 the A1(M) motorway had been constructed within

the eastern part of the buffer, and buildings and smaller roads were shown to the northeast, branching off

Sunderland Street. By 1983 a housing estate had been built to the west of the site.


The site has been used for agriculture from at least 1852 and, apart from the construction of the A1(M) which

runs along the eastern edge of the site, no development is known to have occurred on the site. Although some

sub-surface deposits may have been truncated by ploughing, the potential for the survival of previously

unrecorded buried archaeological remains below the plough zone is considered to be moderate.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigations may be required if this site is brought forward for development.



Aerial Photographs & Lidar


Aerial photographs from 1999 show the site as rough grassland bounded by trees and hedgerow on all sides. The

A1(M) motorway runs along the eastern edge of the site. A drain (likely to be part of Paper Mill Dike) runs along

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the south western edge of the site. No LiDAR is available for this area.

Photograph references:

Google Earth: 1999, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009. Bing Maps: 2016. RAF/CPE/UK/1880 3359 06-Dec-1946,

RAF/CPE/UK/2563 3426 28-Mar-1948, MAL/71045 0169 03-May-1971.

Statutory Designations



Name Designation/


Site? Buffer?

1151707 137, Sunderland Street II Y

SMR Record/event



Name Details Site? Buffer?

00235/01 East/Sunderland

End Mill, Tickhill

Corn Mill - 'Site of an ancient Paper Mill about 2 chains south

of Gasworks'. No visible remains


00235/02 Tickhill Paper Mills

(East) or

Sunderland End

Mill, Tickhill

A water powered paper mill which may date to the early post

medieval period. The mill site lies on Paper Mill Dike at Tickhill


03588/01 Post-Medieval

Dovecote, Tickhill

Impressive tall pantile and rubble dovecote, with some brick



03933/01 Post-Medieval Toll

Road, Tickhill

Bawtry and Tinsley Trust turnpike road Y

03936/01 Post-Medieval to

Industrial Period

Toll House, Tickhill

Marked on the OS 6" 1st edition map (1854) as 'Old Toll Bar

House'. Small 1 storey cottage now stands in the vicinity of this



04092/01 Metalwork Finds,


Items include coinage, seals and personal ornaments. Y

SMR Historic Environment Characterisation



Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4304 Stocks Meadow, Tickhill, Doncaster Piecemeal Enclosure Y Y

HSY4265 Tickhill Low Common south, Tickhill, Doncaster Surveyed Enclosure

(Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4300 Great Black Lane, Tickhill, Doncaster Surveyed Enclosure

(Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4324 East Field east, Tickhill, Doncaster Strip Fields Y

HSY5463 Alderson Drive, Tickhill, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5464 Lancaster Crescent, Lumley Drive, Meadow

Drive, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5517 Sunderland Street villas, Tickhill, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y

HSY5594 Site of Tickhill Paper Mill, Tickhill, Doncaster Other Industry Y

HSY5595 Nurseries, Bawtry Road, Tickhill Nursery Y

HSY5596 Piecemeal enclosure east of Tickhill Piecemeal Enclosure Y

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Allocation Reference: 111 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Stevens Road, Balby

Area (Ha): 2.47 NGR (centre): SE 5643 0207 Settlement: Doncaster Urban Area

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Local

Historic landscape significance Negligible

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - 1 SMR record/event - - Cropmark/Lidar evidence No No Cartographic features of interest Yes Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Extensive n/a

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Allocation Reference: 111 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Stevens Road, Balby

Area (Ha): 2.47 NGR (centre): SE 5643 0207 Settlement: Doncaster Urban Area

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments, findspots or events in the site. One monument is recorded within the southern part of the buffer zone, a Roman road from Brough to Doncaster via Templeborough, which is thought to run along the approximate route of Littlemoor Lane.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are located within the site. One grade II listed structure is within the buffer zone to the north of the site, the Patrick Stirling Monument.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project did not record any features within the site or buffer.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as is recorded as the former S.E. Stevens Wagon Works, where hand-made wooden railway wagons were constructed in the early 20th century. The current buildings on the site may retain elements of the original wagon works within their fabric. There is no legibility of the former landscape of consolidated strip fields. Character zones within a wider area include modern school sites to the immediate east of the site and at the western edge of the buffer, and an early 20th-century school to the south, with modern private housing estates, late 19th- to early 20th-century terraced housing and 1930s semi-detached housing towards the east, west and south, and planned social housing to the north. There is a public park to the southeast and playing fields at the western edge, with a late 19th-century to modern industrial estate and railway sidings to the northeast and immediate north of the site.

The site is currently an area of vacant ground, with all the former works buildings apparently demolished.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1854 and 1892 OS maps show the site as several small fields, with fairly regular boundaries. The northern boundary was formed by the South Yorkshire, Doncaster and Goole railway. By 1903, a wagon works had been built within the site, with an internal railway system connected by a branch line leading west to the sidings off the main railway. The works comprised a large building occupying the eastern part of the site, and a smaller rectangular structure to the southwest. The 1930 map showed that the main works building had expanded to the west, and was linked with the formerly separate building to the southwest. The works' railway sidings had also expanded by that date. By 1961, the southwest building was no longer shown. The works was largely unchanged by 1986.

Within the buffer, the 1854 OS map depicted most of the surrounding area as fields, some of which were divided into narrow plots, possibly market gardens. Little Moor Lane ran on a northwest-southeast alignment through the buffer to the east of the site, with Fidler's Lane to the south and Hexthorpe Road to the north of the railway. A small area of settlement was shown at Hexthorpe outside the buffer to the northwest. Westfield Park was shown as the grounds of Westfield House, in the southeast part of the buffer. By 1892, a large area of sidings had developed to the northeast of the site, and an 'old quarry' was shown to the southwest. Some terraced housing had been built to the north of the railway line. By 1906, an iron and brass works was shown to the north of the extended sidings, and more terraced housing had been built at the eastern edge of the buffer. The 1930 map depicted a small row of houses to the south of the site, with the housing development to the north also extended, along with new housing built to the south of Fidler's Lane, now Florence Avenue. Probable works buildings and railway sidings were depicted to the immediate east of the site, and a new wagon works had been constructed at the eastern edge of the buffer. The 1960 OS map showed that the housing in the northern part of the buffer had extended up to the railway, and new works buildings and sidings were built to the east of Stevens Road. Further housing and a school had been built in the southern part of the buffer. In 1986, warehouses and a depot were shown to the immediate south of the site, and the school to the southeast had been moved further to the east, on the site of former railway sidings. The former Danum Wagon Works area to the east of the site was shown as scrubland.

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The site was formerly occupied by late 19th-/early 20th-century wagon works buildings, but these appear to have all been demolished between 2003 and 2012. There may be the potential for associated buried remains, but these are unlikely to be considered to be of high archaeological interest, with no recording of the buildings mentioned on the SMR prior to their demolition. The construction of the works is likely to have truncated any earlier buried remains below their footprint, and the potential for survival of buried remains pre-dating the wagon works is considered to be low to moderate.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation may be required if the site is brought forward for development.


Remains associated with the wagon works are likely to be considered to be of Local archaeological significance.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

The wagon works buildings were still shown on the 2002 and 2003 aerial imagery, both within the site and to the south, largely unchanged from the 1986 map except for a rectangular building in the southwest part of the site that was first depicted in 1992. the works appeared to be still in use, though presumably not as a wagon works, with many lorries parked in the area of former sidings to the northwest of the buildings. By 2008, all the buildings apart from the more recent 1992 structure had been demolished and the footprint shown as concrete hardstanding. The 2015 map is obscured by clouds, but appears to show that the final building had been demolished, and a small new structure built near the site entrance. On Street View, this appears to be of brick construction.

Lidar data does not show any earthwork features of archaeological interest within the site.

Photograph/Lidar references:

Google Earth: 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009 & 2015. Google Street View 2012. Lidar data tiles SE5601 and SE5602 DTM 1m.

Statutory Designations Reference ID

Name Designation/ Grade

Site? Buffer?

1193010 Patrick Stirling Monument II Y

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

04914 Roman Road; Brough to Doncaster via Templeborough

Suggested route of a Roman period road entering South Yorkshire in the southwest from Brough (Derby), travelling north-east towards the Roman fort at Templeborough and then towards Doncaster.


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SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY5529 Ex Wagon Works, Hexthorpe, Doncaster Other Industry Y

HSY5473 Westfield Park, Balby, Doncaster Public Park Y

HSY5474 King Edward Road, Balby, Doncaster School Y

HSY5476 St John's Road, Balby, Doncaster Terraced Housing Y

HSY5485 Westfield Road, Balby, Doncaster Semi-Detached Housing Y

HSY5486 Orchard Street, Balby, Doncaster Terraced Housing Y

HSY5489 Balby First School, Balby, Doncaster School Y

HSY5490 Railport, Doncaster Train Depot/ Sidings Y

HSY5529 Ex Wagon Works, Hexthorpe, Doncaster Other Industry Y

HSY5534 Orchard Street, Balby, Doncaster Regenerated Scrubland Y

HSY5537 Gresley Road, Balby, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5784 Hexthorpe Primary School, Hexthorpe, Doncaster

School Y

HSY5785 Shady Side, Hexthorpe, Doncaster Terraced Housing Y

HSY5786 Windle Road, Hexthorpe, Doncaster Terraced Housing Y

HSY5787 Laneside Close, Hexthorpe, Doncaster Low Rise Flats

HSY5788 Hexthorpe, Doncaster Other Industry

HSY5793 Hexthorpe Flatts, Doncaster Public Park

HSY5806 Urban Road, Hexthorpe, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing)

HSY5813 Burns Way, Balby, Doncaster Private Housing Estate

HSY5814 Greenfield Lane, Balby, Doncaster Semi-Detached Housing

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Allocation Reference: 115 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Alverley Lane, Balby

Area (Ha): 6.74 NGR (centre): SK 5643 9967 Settlement: Doncaster Urban Area

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Negligible

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event - 3 records/3 events Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes Cartographic features of interest No No Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 115 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Alverley Lane, Balby

Area (Ha): 6.74 NGR (centre): SK 5643 9967 Settlement: Doncaster Urban Area

Site assessment Known assets/character:

There are no SMR records within the site. One findspot and two monuments are recorded within the buffer zone, all to the south and east of the site. These relate to a medieval holy well, an early Iron Age to Romano-British field boundary, and a Mesolithic/Neolithic flint scraper. Three events are recorded within the buffer zone, all at the eastern edge, and mostly cover an area outside the buffer zone. The events include geophysical survey and field evaluations, although little of archaeological interest was identified, with only a few isolated features associated with agricultural practices.

There are no Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings within the site or the buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project records levelled post-medieval ridge and furrow as cropmarks within the site, and also at the northern and southern ends of the buffer zone.

Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as agglomerated fields. This area appears to have remained in agricultural use and undeveloped for some time. Removal of boundaries in the later 20th century resulted in the loss of the former character of strip fields enclosed from open field. Legibility of the former landscape is invisible. Character types within the buffer zone include various housing types, strip fields, piecemeal enclosure, a hospital complex and playing fields.

The site is a single triangular field, located within Balby, at the southern edge of Doncaster. The site is bounded by Averley Lane to the west, the garden plots of houses on Tickhill Road to the east and a disused railway line to the south.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The site is located over a number of fields on the 1854 map. Averley Lane to the west and Tickhill Road to the east were both extant at this time, although they are unnamed on the map. By 1930 the Dearne Valley Railway had been constructed to the south of the site. By 1948 houses had begun to be constructed along Tickhill Road to the east of the site. The garden plots of these houses form the current eastern site boundary. A garage had been constructed just to the west of the site by 1956, which created a short alignment of the western site boundary. By 1962 all of the internal field boundaries within the site had been removed, creating a single triangular field. Also by this time, two structures had been built within the site, at the eastern site boundary; these are depicted as glass on the 1966 map and may be greenhouses associated with Springwell Grange, which was located just outside the north-eastern site boundary. There is no evident change to the site on the 1994 map.

The area surrounding the site was mostly fields in 1854. St Catherine’s Well is marked to the south of the site, with Springwell Grange to the north-east. Further to the north-east, St Catherine’s Plantation was present, with Springwell Plantation to the west. By 1930 housing had been constructed to the north of the site, along Tickhill Road, which by 1948 had spread south, to create the southern site boundary. By 1948 houses had also begun to be constructed along Alverley Lane to the north of the site, and by 1972 the entire northern side of Alverley Lane had been developed with housing. There is little change within the buffer zone on the 1994 map.


The site was fields in 1854 map, and with the exception of two small greenhouses at the very eastern edge of the site, no development is known to have taken place on the site. Arable cultivation may have caused some truncation to below-ground deposits, but below the plough zone the potential for the survival of previously unrecorded buried archaeological remains is considered to be moderate.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigations may be required if the site is brought forward for development.

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Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Aerial photographs show little change on the site from the 1994 map, with the site occupying a single triangular field, with two light industrial buildings along the eastern boundary. The site is currently in use as arable land.

No previously unrecorded heritage assets have been identified within the available Lidar data for the site. Northeast to southwest aligned modern plough marks are visible within the site, along the same alignment as the post-medieval ridge and furrow recorded as cropmarks in 1948.

Photograph references:

Google Earth images 2002, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009. Google Street View 2012.

RAF/541/170 4152 21-Sep-1948.

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

00206/01 St Catherine's Well Natural Spring, Loversall

Holy well - Natural spring now contained in modern enclosure Y

01857/01 Mesolithic to Neolithic Scraper, Tickhill Road, Doncaster

Mesolithic (or earlier) flint scraper from 75 Tickhill Road Y

02888/01 Possible Iron Age or Romano-British Field System, Loversall

Iron Age or Romano-British rectilinear field system shown as crop marks on aerial photographs


ESY887 Second Phase Archaeological Evaluation, Balby St. Catherines Hospital

A mix of housing and retail uses have been proposed for the area, and this would have a serious effect on any archaeological remains. For this reason it was recommended that a two -stage archaeological evaluation should take place in order to determine the presence or absence, nature, extent, date and state of preservation of any such remains.


ESY890 Archaeological Field Evaluation at Balby, Doncaster

An archaeological field evaluation has carried out by the South Yorkshire Archaeology Filed and Research Unit. This was in response to a proposal to develop the site for retail and residential purposes. A geophysical survey has been commissioned from Geophysical Survey of Bradford and a programme of trial trenching completed based on the result of this. The result of this investigation demonstrate that the archaeology of this site restricted to a few isolated features associated with its use for agricultural purposes.


ESY892 Geophysical Survey at Balby, Doncaster

The site lies on the southern outskirt of Doncaster, South Yorkshire, of the east of the A60 road and to the north of the M18 motorway. The site under investigation is an area of undulating arable land which at the time of the survey had either recently been ploughed or set aside. The geology comprises mainly alluvium and bounder clay and morainic drift on the western edge of the site.


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SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4235 Springwell Lane north, Wadworth, Doncaster Strip Fields Y

HSY4387 Alverley Grange 2, Edlington, Doncaster Piecemeal Enclosure Y

HSY5322 St. Catherine's, Tickhill Road, Doncaster Hospital Complex Y

HSY5328 Brayton Drive, Balby, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5329 Whisperwood Drive, Balby, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5331 Hall Balk Lane, Loversall, Doncaster Strip Fields Y

HSY5561 Springwell Lane, Balby, Doncaster Playing Fields/ Recreation ground Y

HSY5562 Springwell Lane, Balby, Doncaster Semi-Detached Housing Y

HSY5563 Melford Drive, Balby, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY5565 Alverley Lane, Balby, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y Y

HSY5576 Farm Grange, Balby, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5587 Aldcliffe Crescent, Balby, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5603 Spring View, Alverley, Doncaster Nursery Y

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Allocation Reference: 116 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Armthorpe Lane, Barnby Dun

Area (Ha): 26.09 NGR (centre): SE 6244 0779 Settlement: Doncaster Urban Area

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event 1 record 3 records/2 events Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 116 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Armthorpe Lane, Barnby Dun

Area (Ha): 26.09 NGR (centre): SE 6244 0779 Settlement: Doncaster Urban Area

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR records one monument within the site: cropmarks showing the location of an extensive Iron Age to Roman field system of rectangular fields and trackways, covering the southern half of the site. These features extend into the buffer to the east, south and west, with the western area having been developed since the photographs were taken. Three further monuments and two events are recorded within the buffer. Two of the monuments are also cropmark features of a possible drove road and unclassified features, again of probable Iron Age to Roman date, to the south and east of the site and forming part of the same cropmark complex that covers the site. The third monument is a former malthouse near the northwest edge of the buffer, dating to c.1900, which was recorded in one of the events. The other event was geophysical survey and evaluation off Sandall Lane, in the east of the buffer, which identified several banks of uncertain purpose, possibly of medieval date.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are recorded within the site or the buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project recorded extensive remains of rectangular fields and droveways shown as cropmarks across the southern part of the site and extending to the east, west and south (also recorded on the SMR). Similar features were also recorded in the northeast area of the buffer.

Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site and the eastern part of the buffer as surveyed enclosure, probably dating to the 1807 Parliamentary Enclosure award, with no legibility of the former Barnby Dun Common. Further character zones within the buffer include surveyed enclosure from Long Sandall Common, piecemeal enclosure, modern private and social housing estates, detached housing, the maltings site, a plantation, a public park and a sports ground, and the suburban commercial core of Edenthorpe.

Historic landfill data records the Pilkington Moor Lane Landfill Site extending into the northwest edge of the buffer.

The site currently comprises fields in a mixture of arable and pasture use. It is bounded to the east by Armthorpe Lane, to the north by the railway line, and to the west by housing estates. Brecks Lane crosses the site.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1854 OS map shows the site as a collection of regular fields suggestive of Parliamentary Enclosure, the southern part of the site being within the former Kirk Sandall Common, the northern part within Barnby Dun Common. The two areas were separated by a clear boundary formed by a long drainage ditch aligned northwest to southeast across the site, and the fields in each half are on completely different alignments. The road forming the eastern boundary of the site was named Willow Bottoms Lane at that date, and Brecks Lane was also shown. Common Plantation and small disused sand and gravel pits were shown in the field to the immediate south of Brecks Lane, probably just outside the current site boundary. By 1892, the area to the south of Breck Lane was shown as one field, and the extractive pits were no longer shown. Most of the field boundaries within the southern part of the site had been removed by 1968, with the drainage ditches in the northern area still shown. Housing development to the west had formed the current western site boundary north of Brecks Lane by 1984, by which date the diagonal drain forming the boundary between the two commons had been removed.

Within the buffer, the 1854 map showed the railway line along the northern boundary, with a station just to the north of the site. The remaining buffer comprised enclosure fields and several plantations, including Gravel Hole plantation to the northeast and Brecks Plantation to the immediate west of the site. By 1893, Park Hill house and associated park were shown to the east of Armthorpe Lane. A malthouse and a row of terraced houses were shown adjacent to the railway to the northwest of the site in 1907. Housing development had commenced to the west of the site by 1930, and four semi-detached houses had been built immediately to the east of the site, opposite Gravel Hole Plantation. These buildings still survive. The housing estates to the west of the site had been extended by 1948. Further housing to the south of Brecks Lane was under construction by 1982 and extended

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further south by 1992. Housing to the west of the southern part of the site was under construction in 2002.


The site has been in arable cultivation since at least the mid-19th century, and this is likely to have impacted on the preservation of sub-surface remains through truncation of the upper levels. The potential for the survival of buried archaeology below the plough zone is considered to be high. Cropmark features in the southern part of the site indicate a high potential for remains associated with Iron Age to Roman field systems. No clear settlement enclosures are visible, but the potential for these should not be ruled out. It is likely that the remains continue into the northern part of the site, which may have been under unsuitable crop regimes for the production of cropmarks at the time the photographs were taken.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigations will be required if the site is brought forward for development.


Remains associated with Iron Age to Roman field systems and associated settlement could be of Local to Regional archaeological significance depending on the extent, nature and condition.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

The 2002 aerial photograph shows the site as two long, narrow fields to the south and two smaller fields at the northern end, under arable cultivation. Electricity pylons are visible within the site on a north-south alignment. On the 2009 photograph, the Iron Age to Roman rectangular fields are clearly visible as cropmarks within the southern field and within the buffer to the east; the northern fields are under different crops at the time and not suitable for the formation of cropmarks. Lidar data shows only the current field boundaries, and a small hollow in the field just to the north of Brecks Lane, possibly a small former sand and gravel quarry.

Photograph references:

Google Earth 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009 & 2015. Lidar data files SE6207, SE6208 DTM 1m.

MAL/60427 81727 21-Jun-1960; MAL/60427 81691 21-Jun-1960; SE6207/20 DNR 1083/12 26-Jul-1977; SE6207/12 DNR 1092/18 31-Jul-1977; SE6207/9 DNR 1093/12 31-Jul-1977; SE6208/9 NMR 12751/05 11-Aug-1995; SE6208/16 NMR 12797/19 10-Jul-1996.

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

01247/02 Iron Age to Romano-British period drove road, Edenthorpe

A possible drove road dating from the Iron Age or Roman periods was recorded on land at northeast Edenthorpe.


02696/01 Iron Age or Romano-British Unclassified Cropmark, Edenthorpe

Iron Age or Romano-British unclassified cropmark. Y

02985/01 The Maltings, Industrial Period Malt House, Barnby Dun / Kirk Sandall

Malthouse, c. 1900, extended in 1924. Pressed red brick in English garden wall bond; Welsh slate C20 cement-tile and sheet asbestos roofs. 3 storeys with partial basements and 2 attic storeys.


03040/01 Cropmarks showing extensive Iron Age to Romano-British Field System,

?Iron Age or Romano-British rectangular fields c. 50 acres found by air photography.


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ESY320 Archaeological Evaluation of Land off Sandall Lane

Geophysical survey revealed features that were probably associated with the use of the site as a park with pathways or avenues of trees or they could reflect earlier land divisions. Trial trenches located the anomalies picked on the geophysical survey and three banks were identified. The function of the banks is not clear and it is unlikely that they formed part of a road. The presence of medieval pottery could suggest a medieval date and possible connection with the medieval village of Kirk Sandall.


ESY321 Archaeological Building Assessment and Appraisal Station Road Maltings

In November 2005 a programme of building recording was undertaken at the Station Road Maltings. Although a fire in 1999 had destroyed part of the building, enough of the structure remained to reconstruct the malting process.


SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4490 Barnby Dun Common, Barnby Dun, Doncaster Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4510 Long Sandall Common, Doncaster. Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4633 Land between Kirk Sandall and Barnby Dun, Doncaster

Piecemeal Enclosure Y

HSY4748 Kirk Sandall Model Village, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster

Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY4750 Bowling Greens, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster Sports Ground Y

HSY4751 Brecks Plantation, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster Plantation Y

HSY4755 Longton Road / Curzen Crescent expansion of Kirk Sandall, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY4781 Brecks Field Housing developments, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY4792 Barnby Dun late twentieth century cul-de-sacs, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY4793 Mallard Avenue and Environs, Barnby Dun, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY4856 Park Hill, Barnby Dun Common, Doncaster Public Park Y

HSY4857 Armthorpe Lane, Barnby Dun, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y

HSY5696 Former Maltings, Barnby Dun / Kirk Sandall, Doncaster

Other Industry Y

HSY5698 Superstore, Edenthorpe, Doncaster Commercial Core-Suburban Y

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Allocation Reference: 118

Allocation Type: Housing

Site Name: St Marys Road, Dunsville

Area (Ha): 4.11

NGR (centre): SE 6421 0811

Settlement: Hatfield Stainforth

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone

Scheduled Monument - -

Listed Building - -

SMR record/event - -

Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes

Cartographic features of interest No No

Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 118

Allocation Type: Housing

Site Name: St Marys Road, Dunsville

Area (Ha): 4.11

NGR (centre): SE 6421 0811

Settlement: Hatfield Stainforth

Site assessment

Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site or buffer zone.

No listed buildings or Scheduled Monuments are recorded within the site or buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project records fragmentary

cropmark evidence of Iron Age/Roman field boundaries at the northern end of the site, which extend into the

buffer to the north and west. Areas of levelled post-medieval ridge and furrow are also present within the buffer

zone, to the southwest of the site.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site and the majority of the buffer

as the putative extent of Hatfield medieval deer park, which retains the character of enclosure of the land

following disparkment. The southwest area of the buffer is characterised by private modern housing estates, with

highly fragmented legibility of the former surveyed enclosures of 1825.

The site currently comprises two complete fields, with hedgerow boundaries.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1854 OS map shows the site as a part of two larger fields, with hedgerow boundaries. By 1892, the central

northwest/southeast aligned boundary between the two fields was marked as a drain. By 1948 the southern

boundary of the northernmost field had been established and the northern boundary of the southern field was

marked as a drain. By 1992 the southern boundary of the southern field had been established, with the

construction of the modern housing development situated to the south of the site.

Within the buffer, the 1854 OS map shows the area as fields. The only building within the buffer was Park Lane

Farm, located at the very southern extreme. There was little change in the buffer until 1930, with the beginnings

of the housing development to the southeast of the site, off St Mary’s Road and High Street. A sand pit was also

located to the east of the site at this time, which had extended considerably by 1948, with a second one a little

further south. By 1962, further houses had been constructed on High Street, extending right up to the southern

site boundary by 1992.


Following the establishment of the surveyed enclosure in the 19th

century, the site is likely to have been under

cultivation for some time. This may have impacted on the preservation of below-ground remains through

truncation. The site had also been drained since the late 19th

century, which may have negatively impacted on

any organic archaeological remains. The potential for the survival of buried archaeology below the zone impacted

by ploughing is considered to be moderate to high.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation is likely to be required if this site is brought forward for development.


The possible Iron Age to Romano-British cropmarks identified in 1960s aerial photography at the northern end of

the site are part of a wider landscape of features of the same age, and could be considered to be of Local to

Regional archaeological significance depending on the nature, extent and condition of surviving remains.

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Aerial Photographs & Lidar


Twenty-first century aerial photographs show the site as two fields, both used as arable land since at least 2002.

The boundaries are mostly hedging, which are highly likely to respect the 1825 enclosure boundaries.

Lidar data for the site does not contain any previously unrecorded features within the site or the buffer. The

possible Iron Age to Romano-British field boundary identified in aerial photographs at the northern end of the

site does not survive as an earthwork.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage, 2002, 2003, 2008 & 2009. Lidar data tiles SE6407 & SE6408 DTM 1m.

RAF/CPE/UK/1880 5064 06-Dec-1946; MAL/600427 81729 21-Jun-1960; SE6308/39 NMR 12797/15 10-Jul-1996.

SMR Historic Environment Characterisation



Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4437 Hatfield Deer Park (putative location), Hatfield,


Surveyed Enclosure

(Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4731 'Park Lane' / High Street, Dunscroft. Private Housing Estate Y

HSY4733 'Saints' Estate, Hatfield, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY4734 St Georges Avenue, Orchard Close, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

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Allocation Reference: 120

Allocation Type: Housing

Site Name: Manor Road, Hatfield

Area (Ha): 1.56

NGR (centre): SE 6606 0902

Settlement: Hatfield Stainforth

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone

Scheduled Monument - -

Listed Building - 8

SMR record/event - 3 records

Cropmark/Lidar evidence No No

Cartographic features of interest No No

Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 120

Allocation Type: Housing

Site Name: Manor Road, Hatfield

Area (Ha): 1.56

NGR (centre): SE 6606 0902

Settlement: Hatfield Stainforth

Site assessment

Known assets/character:

The SMR records three monuments within the buffer zone. The monuments comprise a post-medieval ice house

at Bow House to the west of the site, a 19th-century corn mill, and the findspot of a bronze buckle, possibly

medieval in date, both to the east of the site.

No Scheduled Monuments are recorded within the site or the buffer zone. Eight listed buildings are present

within the buffer zone, all of which are Grade II listed; six of these lie to the northeast of the site, whilst two are

situated to the northwest.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project did not record any

features within the site or the buffer zone.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as part of surveyed enclosure

dating to the 1825 Enclosure Award with most of the boundaries shown on the enclosure map still in existence

today as historic hedgerows. There is no legibility of former the open field, but a significant area of well-

preserved enclosure landscape exists. Within the buffer are numerous landscape character areas comprising a

variety of modern housing developments, sports grounds and schools. There is no legibility of former landscape

characters in the majority in the buffer due to this modern development.

The site currently comprises two fields, separated by a middle field, which is not included in the allocation. Both

the eastern and western field appear to be in use as pasture, with hedge and tree borders. The northern borders

of the site front onto Manor Road.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The site is shown on the 1855 OS map as fields, with the eastern field a single complete field, and the western

field part of a larger field. In 1982, the boundaries were loosely defined by trees, and by 1907, all of the field

boundaries within the site had been removed, with the entire site comprising the northern part of a single large

field. By 1962, the plot of land in between the two fields had been established, which effectively split this site into

two. The site remained much the same until sometime between 2003 and 2008, when the southern site

boundary was established.

Within the buffer zone, the basic road pattern we see today was recognisable by 1855. To the immediate west of

the site, an Ice House was marked within the grounds of Bow House, recorded in the SMR. Bow House and Bow

Window House were also shown, the latter now grade II listed. An area of field called The Lings was present to

the southwest of the site. To the north of Manor Road was a large house, named Hatfield House. A few smaller

houses were present on Manor Road, but on the whole, the area surrounding the site was fairly open at this

time. By 1892 Bow Window House was renamed Bow House, and Artesian Well Brewery was present to the

northeast of the site. By 1930 this had changed its name to Don Valley Brewery, and some almshouses were

marked just to the north, with further development on the eastern side of Lings Lane, most of which appeared to

be houses. By 1948, the area to the north of the site was becoming heavily developed, with new buildings off

Manor Road and Ash Hill Road. By 1962, Hatfield House to the north of the site no longer existed, and in its place

were the beginnings of a modern estate, which was well-established by 1984. A plot of land in-between the two

fields which make up the site was established by 1966, with a dwelling within it labelled The Park. By 1984, this

plot of land had been extended to the south and by 2002, there was a tennis court in the southwest corner.


Due to the relative lack of deep ground disturbance on the site, the survival of unrecorded buried archaeological

remains is considered to be moderate.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation is likely to be required if this site is brought forward for development. The

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proximity of grade II listed buildings to the site suggests that an assessment should be made of the impact of

development on the settings of the buildings.



Aerial Photographs & Lidar


Twenty-first-century aerial photographs appear to show the site as part of a large grassed field, possibly used as

pasture. By 2008, the southern site boundary had been established, creating the two smaller fields currently

extant. Lidar data for this site did not show any previously unrecorded features.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage, 2002, 2003, 2008 & 2009. Lidar data tiles SE6508, SE6509, SE6608 & SE6609 DTM 1m.

Statutory Designations



Name Designation/


Site? Buffer?

1151584 Thackray House II Y

1151585 Stable-Block and Coach House immediately to rear of Thackray



1151586 Barn Immediately to south east of Hatfield House Farmhouse II Y

1151587 Coach house immediately to south west of Hatfield House



1192291 Ash Hill Lodge II Y

1192594 31, Manor Road II Y

1286546 Bow House II Y

1314828 The Leylands II Y

SMR Record/event



Name Details Site? Buffer?

02741/01 Medieval Bronze

Buckle Find,


?Medieval cast bronze oval buckle, with bronze attachment

still in position, with incised line decoration on the attached



02750/01 Mound and Ice

house, Bow House,


In the garden of Bow House in Hatfield, obscured by trees is a

ruined ice-house of unknown date set into an earthen mound.


03643/01 19th Century Corn

Mill, Hatfield

Corn Mill. 19th century mill buildings of brick with Welsh slate

or pantile roofs.


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SMR Historic Environment Characterisation



Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4476 New Mill Field, Hatfield, Doncaster Surveyed Enclosure

(Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4685 Crookesbroom Avenue, Hatfield, Doncaster Semi-Detached Housing Y

HSY4686 Hatfield High School, Hatfield, Doncaster School Y

HSY4690 Late twentieth century housing between

Hatfield historic core and Dunsville, Doncaster

Semi-Detached Housing Y

HSY4692 Former Heath Field, Hatfield, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY4718 Hatfield Manor House, Hatfield, Doncaster Elite Residence Y

HSY4723 Manor Lane / Ash Hill, Hatfield, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y

HSY4726 Manor Lane, Hatfield, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y

HSY4727 Cricket Ground, Hatfield, Doncaster Sports Ground Y

HSY4728 Lings Lane, Hatfield, Doncaster Vernacular Cottages Y

HSY4729 1 - 11 Lings Lane, Hatfield, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y

HSY4731 'Park Lane' / High Street, Dunscroft. Private Housing Estate Y

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Allocation Reference: 121 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Amersall Road, Scawthorpe

Area (Ha): 0.50 NGR (centre): SE 5559 0502 Settlement: Doncaster Urban Area

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event - 2 records/2 events Cropmark/Lidar evidence No Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 121 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Amersall Road, Scawthorpe

Area (Ha): 0.50 NGR (centre): SE 5559 0502 Settlement: Doncaster Urban Area

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site. One findspot, one monument and two events are recorded within the buffer. The findspot is of a Roman coin; however, this is recorded in the text as being found at Toll Bar, Bentley, which is 3km to the north of the site, suggesting that the grid reference on the SMR record is incorrect. The monument is a stretch of the Roman Ridge Roman road, used as a bridleway. Both events comprise archaeological investigations of this road, a survey and an evaluation, the latter recording remains of the probable road surface. The road was part of a major route from Lincoln to York, via Doncaster and Castleford.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are recorded within the site or buffer.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project recorded remains of earthwork ridge and furrow within the buffer to the north, east and west, shown on aerial photographs from the 1940s. The northern and eastern remains have since been built on, but Lidar indicates that the earthworks to the west survive. No features are recorded within the site.

Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as part of a group of surviving piecemeal enclosures of unknown post-medieval date, surrounded on all sides by encroaching development. This character zone extends into the buffer to the west and south. Further character zones within the buffer include an industrial estate to the east, suburban commercial core, playing fields and semi-detached housing to the south and west, schools to the north and south, and social and semi-detached housing at the northern edge.

One area of historic landfill is recorded within the southwest part of the buffer, named as the Sun Inn commercial waste site.

The site is currently a small field with hedged boundaries. It is bounded to the north by school playing fields and to the east by housing fronting onto Amersall Road.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The site was shown as open land on Thomas Jefferys’ 1771 map of Yorkshire and the 1841 Ordnance Survey map. The site was shown as part of two fields on the 1854 OS map, with a drainage ditch running through it on a north-south alignment. The fields were of fairly irregular shape, characteristic of post-medieval piecemeal enclosure from open field. The current southern boundary of the field was shown at that date, but all the other current boundaries are more recently established. The eastern boundary was present by 1959, formed by the rear of new housing plots, and the drainage ditch to the north was also shown at that date. The northern boundary was present by 1971, and the western boundary was shown in 1985.

Within the buffer zone, York toll bar, York Road (Great North Road), Barnsley Road and the Roman road from Doncaster to Castleford were shown on the 1771 Jefferys map. Watch House Lane and the drains to the west of the site were shown on the 1841 OS map, while the Sun Inn was marked at the junction of the York and Barnsley roads in 1854. Houses had been constructed to the southeast of the site by 1930, and works to the east by 1956. Amersall Road to the east was laid out by 1959, with some housing shown along it to the immediate east of the site. By 1971, the site formed the northeast corner of a small group of surviving fields, surrounded on all sides by development. This included a school to the north, though the field boundaries in this area had been removed by 1959 when housing was built further to the north. A Wesleyan Reform Church, a garage and a depot were shown to the south of the site in 1971.


The site has been a field since at least the mid-19th century, and has probably been in agricultural use from the medieval period onwards. The levels of sub-surface disturbance are likely to be low, and the potential for unrecorded buried archaeological remains is considered to be moderate to high. The site is close to the route of a major Roman road. The southern boundary of the field was shown on the 1854 OS map, but all the other boundaries were created in the 20th century. The drainage ditch within the site is also of at least mid-19th-

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century date.

Further investigations:

Further consideration of the significance of the historic character of the landscape would be required to establish whether there is capacity for housing within the site. Archaeological investigations are also likely to be required to establish the potential for buried remains if the site is brought forward for development.


The site lies within an small group of remnant piecemeal enclosure of post-medieval date, and as such could be considered to have major historic landscape significance. However, only one boundary and the surviving drainage ditch within the site are of pre-20th-century date, and the field to the immediate southwest has been encroached on by car parking areas, leading to a reduction of the character of the fields. As such, the historic landscape significance is currently defined as Uncertain. The significance of any buried archaeology within the site is currently Unknown.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first century aerial photographs show the site as a grassed plot, with hedges along the plot boundaries and the course of the drain. Lidar data shows the drain as a hollow, and no other features within the site. From 2002 onwards, the field to the southwest of the site has been gradually taken over by car parking, which now covers the entire field.

Photograph references:

Google Earth 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009 & 2015. Lidar data SE5505 DTM 1m.

RAF/CPE/UK/1880 1074 06-Dec-1946; RAF/541/170 4143 21-Sep-1948

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

00658/01 Roman Coin, Bentley

Roman Coin, Derius: Faustia. From garden of 10 Marton Road, Toll Bar, Bentley.


03039/01 'Roman Ridge', Roman Road at Adwick le Street/Bentley

Stretches of Roman road used recently as a bridle path. It would have been the main Roman road from Doncaster (Danum) towards Castleford (Lagentivm).


ESY1407 Evaluation trenching at Roman Ridge Roman Road, Adwick le Street, Doncaster

7 trenches excavated along a section of the Roman Ridge Roman Road between Sunnyfields and Red House. At the southern part of the investigated area limestone rubble possibly representing a former road surface was recorded. Several of the trenches failed to find remains of the road due to disturbance caused by Brodsworth Colliery. The presumed line of the road may need to be re-evaluated in the southern portion, where a nearby and parallel bank may represent the true road route.


ESY986 Survey of Roman Ridge Cycle path route

Measured and photographic survey of archaeological and modern features along path of cycle route


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SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY5157 Relict enclosures by York Road, Doncaster Piecemeal Enclosure Y Y

HSY4923 Between Barnsley Road and Roman Ridge, Scawsby, Doncaster

Semi-Detached Housing Y

HSY4940 Springcroft Drive, Scawthorpe, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY4944 Housing to the east of Amersall Road, Scawthorpe, Doncaster

Semi-Detached Housing Y

HSY5081 Halifax Crescent, Raymond Rd, St Martins Ave, Cusworth Lane suburbs, Doncaster

Semi-Detached Housing Y

HSY5083 Doncaster Industry Park, Doncaster Other Industry Y

HSY5155 Scawsby Schools, Doncaster School Y

HSY5156 Sunnyfields Primary School, Scawthorpe, Doncaster

School Y

HSY5158 Retail motor trade premises, York Bar, York Road, Doncaster

Commercial Core-Suburban Y

HSY5159 Recreation Ground and Filling Station, York Road, Doncaster

Playing Fields/ Recreation ground Y

HSY5160 The Sun Inn, Doncaster Commercial Core-Suburban Y

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Allocation Reference: 122 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Challenger Drive, Sprotbrough

Area (Ha): 4.85 NGR (centre): SE 5507 0304 Settlement: Doncaster Urban Area

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Negligible

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building/Registered Park - 1 SMR record/event - - Cropmark/Lidar evidence No Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 122 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Challenger Drive, Sprotbrough

Area (Ha): 4.85 NGR (centre): SE 5507 0304 Settlement: Doncaster Urban Area

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any findspot, monuments or events within the site or the buffer zone.

There are no Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings within the site. One grade II Registered Park is recorded in the buffer: the landscape park associated with Cusworth Hall, which abuts the northern boundary of the site.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project did not record any features within the site. Earthwork ridge and furrow was recorded in the northern part of the buffer zone.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as Agglomerated Fields. This land became agglomerated between 1948 and 1966 after the removal of surveyed field boundaries in the area marked on the 1851 OS as 'Park Closes'. This name probably relates to the landscape parks of Sprotbrough to the south, and Cusworth to the north. There is no legibility of the earlier landscape character. Character zones within the buffer are defined as Private Parkland, Agglomerated Fields, Private Housing Estate and School.

One area of historic landfill is recorded in the eastern part of the buffer, a former railway cutting used for inert, household and commercial waste.

The site is currently an irregularly-shaped field in arable cultivation.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The1854 Ordnance Survey map showed the site as a field. With the exception of the modification of part of the field boundary at the east, no changes were shown within the site on OS maps produced up to 1980.

Numerous features were shown within the buffer zone on the 1854 OS map, including Cusworth Park, two limestone quarries, Sprotbrough Road and part of Long Plantation. A sheepfold was marked on the 1893 map, but was not shown in 1904. Housing, the LNER railway line and Sprotbrough Road Bridge were shown within the buffer on the 1930 OS map. School buildings were shown to the southeast of the site in 1948, with extensive housing and a foundry shown in 1956. Further housing, additional school buildings and a playing field were marked in 1961. The foundry had been removed by 1984. Housing occupied its former site at that date.


The site has been in agricultural use since at least 1854 and in use for recent arable cultivation. This may have caused some truncation of sub-surface deposits, but below the plough zone the potential for the survival of unrecorded buried archaeological remains is considered to moderate.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation is likely to be required if the site is brought forward for development. The impact of development on the setting of the grade II Registered Park should also be considered.



Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first-century aerial photographs show the site as a single, irregularly-shaped field in arable cultivation. Lidar data does not show any potential archaeological features within the site. The boundaries are mainly formed by field drains, with a belt of trees along the northern boundary, at the edge of Cusworth Park.

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Photograph references:

Google Earth: 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009 and 2015. Bing Maps: 2015. Lidar data tiles SE 5402, SE5403, SE5502 and SE 5503 DTM 1m. RAF/CPE/UK/1880 3098 06-Dec-1946.

Statutory Designations Reference ID

Name Designation/ Grade

Site? Buffer?

1000412 Cusworth Hall. Registered Park. II Y

SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4270 Former 'Park Closes', Sprotborough, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y Y

HSY4269 Cusworth Park 3, Doncaster Private Parkland Y

HSY4288 Land east of Sprotborough, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y

HSY5093 Suburban estates to the north of Newton, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5942 Challenger Drive, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5943 Richmond Hill Schools, Sprotborough, Doncaster

School Y

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Allocation Reference: 123 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Torne Valley Farm, Sheep Bridge Lane

Area (Ha): 4.63 NGR (centre): SK 6263 9884 Settlement: Rossington

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site National

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Major archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument 1 1 Listed Building - - SMR record/event 2 records 3 records Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes Cartographic features of interest No No Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 123 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Torne Vally Farm, Sheep Bridge Lane

Area (Ha): 4.63 NGR (centre): SK 6263 9884 Settlement: Rossington

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR records two monuments within the site. These comprise a Roman vexillation fort in the northeast part of the site (also a Scheduled Monument), and at the northern edge of the site, a possible Roman road visible as a cropmark, which could also be interpreted as a pipeline. Both records extend north and northeast into the buffer, a further record relates to the discovery of a Neolithic polished stone axe.

There are no Listed Buildings within the site and buffer. One Scheduled Monument, the buried remains of Rossington Bridge Roman fort, is recorded within the site and buffer.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project records the cropmark ditch of Rossington Bridge Roman fort as well as two parallel linear ditches aligned north-south, possibly a Roman road, to the west of the fort. Post-medieval ridge and furrow has also been recorded within the south part of the buffer, some in areas that have been developed after the photographs were taken.

Historic Environment Characterisation identifies the site as enclosed drained wetland, an area of large fields bounded by drainage ditches. The fields were probably created through the drainage improvement programmes of Vermuyden in the early 17th century from a wet common environment. Further character zones within the buffer mainly comprise modern private housing estates and an artificial lake in a former clay pit.

The current site is two sub-rectangular fields in pasture usage with Thorne Valley Farm (also recorded as Amethyst House Care Home) at its centre.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1854 OS map depicts the current pattern of fields. Running through the site to the northwest was a canalised brook which feeds into the River Torne and a spring was recorded within the west of the site. Thorne Valley Farm had been established by 1976, a pumping station had also been established within the site, adjacent to Sheep Bridge Lane.

Within the buffer, the 1854 map depicts Rossington Brick Works immediately to the west of the site. By 1892, the brick works was no longer shown. Prior to 1962 the urban centre of Rossington was located to the south along Littleworth Lane; by 1962 it had expanded to the south of the site along Sheep Bridge Lane.


The site has been under cultivation since the 17th century, which is likely to have impacted on the preservation of buried archaeology through truncation and desiccation. The potential for preservation of sub-surface remains below the level impacted by ploughing is considered to be moderate to high. The remains of a Roman fort, a Scheduled Monument, extends into the northeast corner of the site, with further cropmark evidence outside the Scheduled area.

Further investigations:

A Scheduled Monument extends into the northeast corner of the site, and it is highly unlikely that any development will be permitted within this area. For the remainder of the site, further archaeological investigation would be required to assess the potential for remains associated with the fort and possible road to extend outside the Scheduled area. This would allow an assessment of the capacity of the site for housing development to be made.


The Scheduled Monument is of National archaeological significance. Any associated remains extending into the remainder of the site could be of Local to National significance depending on their extent, nature and condition.

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Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

The 2002-2009 aerial photography shows the site as part of two fields under pasture. Farms, barns, a yard and enclosure associated with Thorne Valley Farm are shown in the centre of the site. The vegetation is not conducive to the formation of cropmarks is any of the photographs. There is no Lidar coverage for this area.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage, 2002, 2008, 2009 & 2015.

MAL/71046 0193 03-May-1971; SK6298/3 DNR 1079/14 23-Jul-1977; ULM (K17AI157) 5-Jul-1975.

Statutory Designations Reference ID

Name Designation/ Grade

Site? Buffer?

1004823 Rossington Roman Fort SM Y Y

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

00140/01 Rossington Bridge Roman Fort

A Roman vexillation fort was discovered at Rossington during air reconnaissance in 1968. The fort measures 1025 ft by 860 ft with an area of 23 acres.


01812/01 Neolithic Polished Stone Axe, Cantley

Polished stone axe. Y

01877/01 Linear cropmark feature, Rossington

Linear feature, possibly Roman road, but could be a pipeline. Y Y

SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4641 Bessacarr Lane, Doncaster Drained Wetland Y Y

HSY4749 Station Road, Rossington, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY4764 Brickworks Pond, Rossington, Doncaster Artificial Lake Y

HSY4766 Church Fields Road, Rossington, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5974 Littleworth, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

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Allocation Reference: 125 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Park Hill, Armthorpe Lane, Barnby Dun

Area (Ha): 5.14 NGR (centre): SE 6253 0841 Settlement: Barnby Dun

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Local

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event - - Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 125 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Park Hill, Armthorpe Lane, Barnby Dun

Area (Ha): 5.14 NGR (centre): SE 6253 0841 Settlement: Barnby Dun

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site or buffer zone.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are located within the site or buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project records two cropmark ditches probably associated with an Iron Age to Roman droveway within the western part of the site, and continuing northeast into the buffer. Further cropmarks of probable fields of a similar period are recorded in the northern and eastern parts of the buffer.

Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the main part of the site as a public park, formerly a private ornamental park associated with Park Hill villa to the east of the site. The house and park were established between 1854 and 1892, with fragmentary legibility of the former Parliamentary Enclosure fields in the edges of the park. A small portion of the western part of the site (the driveway) is characterised as part of an area of villas/detached housing on Armthorpe Lane. Further character zones within the site comprise regular fields enclosed from Barnby Dun Common by Parliamentary Award in 1807, piecemeal enclosure, and a private housing estate at Barnby Dun.

The site is currently parkland with an access drive onto Armthorpe Lane. Park Hill villa still stands to the east of the site.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1854 map shows the site as part of several square and rectangular fields, enclosed from Barnby Dun Common. The western part of the site was part of Gravel Hole Plantation. By 1892, the site was shown as ornamental parkland for Park Hill, a villa-type house to the east of the site. The access drive ran through Gravel Hole Plantation. A lodge was shown to the immediate south of the access drive on Armthorpe Lane. No significant changes had taken place within the site by 1992.

Within the buffer, the 1854 map shows Common House to the east of the site, and Gravel Hole Plantation to the west, just east of Armthorpe Lane. Gravel pits were shown to the north of the plantation, and a railway line ran through the northwest part of the buffer on a northeast to southwest alignment. The remaining area of the buffer was fields. By 1892, Park Hill house was shown to the east of the site, and Park Hill Farm occupied the former site of Common House. The area between the park and the railway line was shown as a gravel pit, which had been mostly reclaimed by 1906. By 1930, four semi-detached houses had been built to the west of Armthorpe Lane, opposite Gravel Hole Plantation. A cricket ground was shown in the northern part of the park, north of the site, by 1962, and two houses had been built at the former southern end of the plantation, with a telephone exchange and further semi-detached houses to the south. Park Hill Farm had been renamed Park Hill Grange by that date. Further detached housing had been built within Gravel Hole Plantation by 1983, with only a fairly small area of trees remaining, surrounding the access drive.


The site has been parkland since the late 19th century, and the extent of sub-surface disturbance is likely to be minimal. Tree roots may have caused some damage to underlying deposits at the western side of the site, and in the area of the ornamental trees. The potential for the survival of buried archaeological remains is considered to be moderate to high. Cropmark features relating to a probable Iron Age to Roman droveway are present within the site, and unrecorded associated remains could also survive. Possible post-medieval ridge and furrow earthworks survive within the site.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigations will be required if the site is brought forward for development.

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Remains associated with the Iron Age to Roman droveway could be considered to be of Local archaeological significance. The possible post-medieval ridge and furrow remains are likely to be considered to be of Local archaeological significance.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

The 2002 aerial photograph shows the site as a lawn area with ornamental tree plantings across it and a belt of trees along the southern boundary. The western half of the site had been separately enclosed and appeared to be used for pasture, with two small sheds at the northeast corner. The access drive ran through an area of trees, forming a remnant of Gravel Hole Plantation. By 2008, a further small enclosure had been created in the northern part of the site, also containing small barns or sheds. The western field appeared to have been cultivated, possibly for hay, in 2009. All the photographs show the cricket ground to the north of the site, and Park Hill to the east. The lodge is still present to the south of the access drive. Lidar data shows narrow cultivation ridges crossing the western part of the site on an east-west alignment, possibly the remains of post-medieval ridge and furrow pre-dating the park, and terminating at a former boundary running across the park on a northeast-southwest alignment. This boundary is shown on the 1854 map, possibly a drainage ditch.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009 & 2015. Lidar data file SE6208 DTM 1m.

RAF/58/469 5036 02-Jun-1950; MAL/60427 81727 21-Jun-1960; SE6208/8 NMR 2172/1305 27-Jul-1984; SE6208/16 NMR 12797/19 10-Jul-1996.

SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4856 Park Hill, Barnby Dun Common, Doncaster Public Park Y Y

HSY4857 Armthorpe Lane, Barnby Dun, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y Y

HSY4490 Barnby Dun Common, Barnby Dun, Doncaster Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4633 Land between Kirk Sandall and Barnby Dun, Doncaster

Piecemeal Enclosure Y

HSY4792 Barnby Dun late twentieth century cul-de-sacs, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5696 Former Maltings, Barnby Dun / Kirk Sandall, Doncaster

Other Industry Y

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Allocation Reference: 130 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Burgar Road, Burgar Common, Thorne

Area (Ha): 0.3570 NGR (centre): SE 6866 1227 Settlement: Thorne Moorends

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event - 1 record Cropmark/Lidar evidence No Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 130 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Burgar Road, Burgar Common, Thorne

Area (Ha): 0.3570 NGR (centre): SE 6866 1227 Settlement: Thorne Moorends

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site. One findspot is recorded at the southern edge of the buffer zone: a Roman coin found in a ploughed field.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are recorded within the site or the buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project recorded earthwork ridge and furrow within the buffer zone, some on sites that have since been built on.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as Drained Wetland, enclosed from common land as part of the 1825 Parliamentary Enclosure Award, with no legibility of the former common. The present boundaries are largely defined by the 19th-century drainage layout. Character zones within the buffer are defined as Drained Wetland with some legibility of the 17th-century drainage layout; fields enclosed as part of the 1825 Parliamentary Enclosure Award, and modern housing estates.

The site is currently a small, triangular field of rough grassland bounded to the south by Burgar Road.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The site was shown as a part of a larger field on the 1854 OS map, with Mere Drain forming its northern boundary. By 1892, it had been subdivided into two fields. No further changes are shown within the site on OS maps produced after that date.

Various features were marked within the buffer zone on the 1855 OS map including fields, field boundaries, the South Yorkshire Railway, the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation, South Sack drain, the old course of the River Don, Thorne Station, Balne Croft Common, Burgar Common and Tudworth Road. Housing had been built within the buffer zone by 1975, with Bridge Poultry Farm built to the south of Burgar Road by 1989.


The site has been drained and in agricultural use since at least the mid-19th century, which may have impacted on the preservation of below-ground remains through truncation and desiccation. It is unknown whether the field has been regularly cultivated, and the potential for the survival of buried archaeology is considered to be moderate.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation is likely to be required if the site is brought forward for development



Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first-century aerial photographs show the site as rough grassland, with hedged boundaries along the north and east sides. There is no Lidar coverage for this site.

Photograph references:

Google Earth: 2002, 2008 & 2009. Bing Maps: 2015. RAF/541/31 3425 18-May-1948.

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SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

01034/01 Roman Coin, Thorne Silver denarius of Julia Maesa from ploughed field, 1969. Y

SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4416 North Common, Thorne, Doncaster Drained Wetland Y Y

HSY4440 Hatfield Chase - High and Low Levels, Doncaster

Drained Wetland Y

HSY4464 Land around Kirton Lane and Hatfield Road, Thorne, Doncaster

Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4683 Housing west of Hatfield Road, Thorne, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5637 West Street / Park Crescent infill, Thorne, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

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Allocation Reference: 133 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land off St Nicholas Road, Thorne

Area (Ha): 0.83 NGR (centre): SE 6881 1345 Settlement: Thorne Moorends

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - 1 Listed Building - 11 SMR record/event - 7 records, 13 events Cropmark/Lidar evidence No Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 133 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land off St Nicholas Road, Thorne

Area (Ha): 0.83 NGR (centre): SE 6881 1345 Settlement: Thorne Moorends

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site. Seven monuments and 13 events are recorded within the buffer zone. The monuments range from a medieval castle, church, disturbed occupation deposits and human remains, to a post-medieval timber-framed structure, an 18th-century vicarage and a 19th- to 20th-century brewery. Events include building recording, archaeological evaluation and watching briefs, which mainly recorded post-medieval to modern features, though some medieval deposits were recorded at and close to Peel Hill motte.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are recorded within the site. One Scheduled Monument, one grade I listed building and ten grade II listed buildings are recorded within the buffer zone, all to the south of the site.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the majority of the site as Allotments, established in the 19th century. Small portions of the northwest part of the site falls within areas characterised as Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/Private) and Vernacular Cottages, part of the Historic ‘burgage’ core of Thorne. Character zones within the buffer include the medieval motte fortified site, St Nicholas' Church, late 19th- to early 20th-century terraced housing, later 20th-century planned housing estates, schools, Thorne commercial core and civil and municipal buildings, and a nursing home.

The site has been in use as allotment gardens from the mid-19th century, though these now appear to be disused.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1825 enclosure map depicts the majority of the site as containing three narrow fields, probably crofts or burgage plots associated with buildings fronting onto King Street. The northwest edge of the site was part of a larger field. This pattern was unchanged in 1892. The narrow plots were first labelled allotment gardens on the 1906 OS map, and remained in this usage throughout the 20th century. The field to the east had lost its southwest boundary by 1962, when it was part of a tennis club, with the water tower shown in its northeast corner for the first time. In 1962 two small structures relating to the allotment gardens were shown within the northeast and southeast corners. By 1980 the area of the allotments had been reduced in size, with two shops and a house built to the northeast.

Within the buffer zone, the 1853 map showed Peel Hill Motte, St Nicholas’ Church and a Quaker Meeting House to the southwest of the site. The main settlement of Thorne was concentrated along King Street at this date, with a chapel recorded immediately south of the site. By 1894, housing development was shown at the junctions of High Trod Road and Field Road within the northwest part of the buffer, and a brewery was located on King Street to the southwest. The brewery had been expanded by 1906. Throughout the mid-20th century, further development led to the urbanisation of the crofts along St Nicholas Road.


Due to the lack of deep ground disturbance, the potential for the survival of any previously unrecorded buried archaeology is considered to be moderate to high. Archaeological investigations within the buffer zone have identified evidence relating to the historical development of Thorne from the medieval to the modern periods, and the site represents land to the rear of medieval burgage plots on King Street.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigations are likely to be required if this site is brought forward for development.


Unknown. Remains associated with medieval occupation or activity could be of Local to Regional significance depending on their extent, nature and condition.

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Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first century aerial photographs depict both the allotment gardens and the former tennis courts within the site as rough grassland with scrub and tree cover. Within the buffer zone, the site of the brewery to the southwest has been redeveloped as a car park and supermarket. Adjacent to the site to the southeast is Thorne House and its gardens. There is no Lidar coverage for this site.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage, 2002, 2008 & 2009.

Statutory Designations Reference ID

Name Designation/ Grade

Site? Buffer?

1013451 Peel Hill motte and bailey castle, Thorne. SM Y

1151562 Travis Studio II Y

1151564 Premises of Richard Law fruit shops and flat above II Y

1151566 Outbuilding to rear of number 44a II Y

1151571 The Old Vicarage II Y

1192950 44a and 44b, King Street II Y

1192964 The White Hart Inn II Y

1192983 Crimean war memorial pump II Y

1193076 Church of St Nicholas I Y

1193099 Remains of medieval coffin approximately 3 metres to south of porch to church of St Nicholas


1314819 Churchyard gatepiers approximately 12 metres south west of porch to church of St Nicholas


1391348 1 and 2, Market Place II Y

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

00119/01 Peel Hill Motte, Thorne

Peel Hill Motte, medieval earthwork castle. Y

00318/01 St Nicholas' Church, Thorne

Medieval church, 12th century with later additions. Y

00477/01 Medieval Timber Framed Barn, Thorne

Structure with the partial remains of timber frame of 16th century barn.


03457/01 Darley's Brewery, Thorne

Brewery on the site for over a century. A stretch of wall from the earlier building survives in the blocked off yard to the left of the tower. C.W. Darley took over the brewery in 1892, leading to expansion and a number of buildings date to this period. The brewery was taken over by Vaux Breweries in 1978 and closed in 1986. The site is a good example of a medium sized tower brewery.


03962/01 The Old Vicarage, Thorne

18th century vicarage, now a private dwelling. Y

04512/01 Medieval Medieval occupation deposits containing 12th century and Y

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Occupation adjacent to Peel Hill, Thorne

earlier ceramics. Evidence shows the deposits have been disturbed.

05431 Inhumation, Lower Kenyon Street, Thorne

Inhumation discovered in a garden at Thorne. Extended, laid on back and aligned W-E with head to the W. Probably adult male. No left hand. No grave cut, container or goods. Dentition examination carried out during excavation suggested a medieval or earlier date due to wear on teeth.


ESY257 Archaeological Investigations at Thorne Grammar School

In 2004 a geophysical survey and a programme of trial trenching was undertaken at Thorne Grammar School. The results of the geophysical survey detected groups of linear anomalies probably reflecting traces of ridge and furrow ploughing and a former field system. The trial trenching confirmed that the anomalies detected in the geophysical survey related to the medieval/post-medieval agricultural use of the site in the form of ridge and furrows, field boundaries and drains. A number of pits and linear features dating from the 17th- to 18th-centuries in the southwest of the site were discovered.


ESY258 Archaeological Watching Brief at Thorne Church Hall

In January 2005 a watching brief was conducted at the Thorne Church Hall. The results demonstrated that the site had suffered from recent truncation despite being in an area of high archaeological potential for medieval activity. A small area of patterned floor tiles of modern date was revealed with a cobbled floor surface.


ESY260 Historic Building Assessment of 1-2 Market Place & 8 Silver Street, Thorne

In April 2005 a historic building assessment was undertaken ahead of complete demolition.


ESY263 Archaeological Evaluation of Land adjacent to Peel Hill

In 1994 an archaeological evaluation was undertaken on land adjacent to Peel Hill. The results revealed evidence for occupation from at least the 12th century.


ESY264 Archaeological Evaluation at Thorne Grammar School

In May 2005 a second phase of archaeological evaluation was undertaken at Thorne Grammar School. The results indicated that earthworks in the south-west corner of the school adjacent to the junction of St. Nicolas Road and Church Balk were likely to be associated with 20th-century quarrying with modern dumping deposits recorded in all of the trial trenches.


ESY267 Archaeological Evaluation of Land at Fieldside

In April 2005 an archaeological evaluation was undertaken at Fieldside. Although previous work in the area found evidence of medieval deposits no such features were found. The pottery recovered was mainly 18th- and 19th-century tablewares and utilitarian ware.


ESY482 Watching Brief on the Former Express Dairy Depot on Queen's Street

In September a watching brief was conducted at the former Express Dairy Depot. The results revealed a substantial wall near the Queen Street frontage, which could have represented the first development of structures in the 19th century. Buried medieval soils were also identified along the Queen Street and south-east boundaries.


ESY483 Archaeological Evaluation on land off Queen Street

In June 2001 an a programme of trial trenching was undertaken for land off Queen Street. The trenches revealed brick built structures dating to the 19th and 20th centuries and in a trench located near to Queen Street contained deposits relating to the construction of a house front onto the road, which was reported to have incorporated a date stone of AD 1640. A second trench contained a series of animals burials


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mainly of juvenile livestock from the farm.

ESY537 Archaeological Evaluation at Priory Cottage

In September 2003 a trial trench was excavated at Priory Cottage. No features of archaeological significance were recovered but two sub-circular features, possibly modern post holes, and an irregular tree-bowl was identified.


ESY1343 Evaluation trenching on land adjacent to Peel Hill Motte, Thorne

Eight trenches were excavated to evaluate land to the south and west of Peel Hill motte. No remains predating the 18th century were encountered. Footings for 18th- to 20th-century buildings were recorded in the southern part of the area, along with grave cuts associated with an 18th- to 19th-century Quaker burial ground.


ESY1374 Trial trenching at Peel Hill Motte, Thorne

Three trenches were excavated at Peel Hill Motte, Thorne. A 19th-century brick floor surface contained reused bricks of 16th- to 19th-century date. This, and the amount of brick found in later layers, suggests that the castle probably incorporated red brick. Foundation stones were excavated on the top of the motte, and these suggest a square plan. However they may related to an interior structure rather than the tower itself.


ESY1561 8 Market Place Watching Brief

A watching brief was maintained when foundation trenches for a domestic extension were excavated. The trenches were relatively shallow and were mainly cut through modern brick footings. A single dressed sandstone block was recovered from the northwestern corner of the site and is thought to be of post-medieval date.


ESY1565 21 Finkle Street, Thorne, Watching Brief

An extension to the post office involved the excavation of foundation trenches some way back from the street frontage. No archaeological features were located, but a three centimetre thick band of peat was visible in the side of the trench. This was not deemed to require further investigation, but the area was noted as one with possible significance should future development take place closer to the street.


SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY5602 Historic 'burgage' core, Thorne, Doncaster Vernacular Cottages Y Y

HSY5623 Enclosed land around water tower, Thorne, Doncaster

Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY5650 Allotment gardens North west of Peel Hill, Thorne, Doncaster

Allotments Y Y

HSY4649 King Edward Road, Thorne, Doncaster Terraced Housing Y

HSY4650 Corona Drive and Millfield Road, Thorne, Doncaster

Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY4651 Durham Avenue and Foster Road, Thorne, Doncaster

Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY4652 'Tree Estate' (southern section), Thorne Doncaster

Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY4674 King Edward First School and Thorne Grammar School, Thorne, Doncaster

School Y

HSY4675 Mansion Court Gardens, Thorne, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5601 St Nicholas Church, Thorne, Doncaster Religious (Worship) Y

HSY5609 Union Road, Thorne, Doncaster Terraced Housing Y

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HSY5620 Peel Hill Motte, Thorne, Doncaster Fortified Site Y

HSY5621 Supermarket, Field Road, Thorne, Doncaster Commercial Core-Urban Y

HSY5638 Late 19th century development around Horse Fair Green and Canal, Thorne, Doncaster

Terraced Housing Y

HSY5651 Houses to the north west of Peel Hill, Thorne, Doncaster

Villas/ Detached Housing Y

HSY5652 Overgrown orchards to the west of Peel Hill, Thorne, Doncaster

Orchards Y

HSY5654 Stonegate Road, Thorne, Doncaster Nursing Home / Almshouse Y

HSY5661 Queens Court, Thorne, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5662 Orchard Street, Thorne, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5663 Government buildings and Telephone Exchange, Thorne, Doncaster

Civil & Municipal Buildings Y

HSY6009 School, North Eastern Road, Thorne, Doncaster School Y

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Allocation Reference: 136 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land at Bawtry Rd, Finningley

Area (Ha): 3.79 NGR (centre): SK 6754 9904 Settlement: Finningley

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Negligible

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event - 1 record/2 events Cropmark/Lidar evidence No No Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Partial n/a

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Allocation Reference: 136 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land at Bawtry Rd, Finningley

Area (Ha): 3.79 NGR (centre): SK 6754 9904 Settlement: Finningley

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site. One findspot and two events are recorded within the buffer. The findspot is of a Roman hanging bowl associated with a hoard of metalwork, reputedly found to the east of the site though this is an old or duplicate record and may be mis-located. The events were a watching brief at Croft Road, at the southern edge of the buffer, which found a pit containing Romano-British pottery that suggested occupation in the vicinity; and a building survey and trial trenching at Manor Farm to the west of the buffer, which recorded the remains of 19th-century farm buildings.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are located within the site or buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project did not record any features within the site or buffer.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as Agglomerated Fields, an area of large fields created through progressive removal of field boundaries in the latter part of the 20th century, with partial legibility of boundaries formed prior to the 1778 Enclosure Award. Character zones within the buffer are defined as Parliamentary Enclosure, vernacular cottages and modern private housing estates.

Historic landfill data records two adjoining areas of infilled ground at Bawtry Road to the east of the site. One is recorded as a rubbish tip, whilst no details are recorded for the other, which is likely to be an old gravel pit.

The site is currently a field in arable cultivation with hedged borders. It is bounded on the east by Bawtry Road and to the north by housing.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1886 OS map shows the site as a field, which does not appear to have changed since that date. The irregular southern boundary of the site suggests a stream may have run along the boundary, possibly superseded by a drainage ditch shown within the buffer to the south. No changes were shown by 1956, but by 1962, two small, disused sand and gravel pits were shown within the field, at the eastern side and in the northeast corner. The pits were no longer shown in 1981, when they appeared to have been infilled and the field reinstated.

Within the buffer, the 1886 map shows settlement at Finningley to the north of the site, and fields to the east, south and west. An small, disused sand pit was located to the east of Bawtry Road. No significant changes were shown by 1956, though a label on the map states that Roman pottery was found in a field to the east of the site. By 1962, the refuse tip to the east of Bawtry Road was shown, possibly in an old sand and gravel pit not recorded on earlier maps, and further quarrying was being undertaken to the east. The fields in the area to the south and west of the site had been amalgamated into larger units by this date, and new housing was shown in the northeast part of the buffer. By 1992, houses had been built in the small field to the immediate north of the site, and most of the quarries appear to have been infilled and reinstated.


Sand and gravel quarrying has been shown within the northeast corner and eastern side of the field in 1962. It is not known if the quarrying extended further in between the available mapping episodes. Any archaeological remains within the quarried areas will have been removed. The potential for survival of buried archaeology outside the quarried areas is considered to be moderate. Roman and medieval remains have been recorded in the vicinity as findspots and through evaluation.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigations may be required if the site is brought forward for development. This should include an assessment of the extent of former quarrying within the field.

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Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

The 2002-2019 aerial photographs show the site as a field in regular arable cultivation. The boundaries are formed by hedgerows. No cropmarks are visible within the field, though the conditions were rarely suitable for these to be visible. It is not possible to ascertain the extent of quarrying within the field from the aerial photographs. Lidar data shows the field as a relatively smooth surface, with a track or ditch along the southern boundary and a slight hollow running through the centre of the site on an east-west alignment.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 & 2009. Lidar data file SK6799 DTM 1m.

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

02261/02 Hanging bowl with Roman / post-Roman metalwork hoard, Finningley

Incorporated into 02261/01 [No details] Y

ESY281 Archaeological Watching Brief at Croft Road

In February 2000 a watching brief was undertaken at Croft Road. A substantial amount of Romano-British pottery was recovered from a pit suggesting Romano-British occupation in the vicinity of Croft Road.


ESY294 Archaeological Building Survey and Trial Trenches at Manor Farm

The results of the trial trenches revealed evidence for the brick dovecote in the north-east of the site and a 19th century brick lined well. To the immediate west of the existing outbuildings the remains of a stone wall were found, which may be part of a building shown on the 19th century maps, demolished before 1900.


SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4542 Bawtry Road, Finningley, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y Y

HSY4531 Finningley, Auckley & Blaxton Commons, Doncaster

Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4782 Wroot Road, Finningley, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5953 Finningley Historic Core, Finningley, Doncaster Vernacular Cottages Y

HSY5956 Lindley Road, Chapel Close, Finningley, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5958 Wroot Road, Finningley, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5959 Silver Birch Grove, Finningley, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

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Allocation Reference: 139 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land North of Wath Road, Mexborough

Area (Ha): 18.57 NGR (centre): SE 4626 0078 Settlement: Mexborough

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - 1 Listed Building - - SMR record/event - Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes Cartographic features of interest Yes Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 139 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land North of Wath Road, Mexborough

Area (Ha): 18.57 NGR (centre): SE 4626 0078 Settlement: Mexborough

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any findspots, monuments or events within the site. One monument is recorded in the buffer zone: the Roman Ridge linear earthwork, also a Scheduled Monument.

No Scheduled Monuments are recorded within the site. One Scheduled Monument is recorded within the buffer: the Roman Ridge earthwork. No listed buildings are recorded within the site or the buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project recorded probable Iron Age to Roman cropmark ditches and an enclosure within the site, as well as an area of earthwork ridge an furrow towards the southern end. Ditches of probable Iron Age to post-medieval date were recorded within the buffer, as well as pits, a cropmark of uncertain origin and levelled ridge and furrow.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as Piecemeal Enclosure. Despite some boundary loss the character of piecemeal enclosure from open field survives. Some boundaries feature diagnostic 'S-curve' shapes while others appear to date to surveyed enclosures of the 18th and 19th centuries. There is fragmentary legibility of older roads and boundaries. Character zones within the buffer are defined as Planned Estate (Social Housing), Allotments, Business Park, Regenerated Scrubland, School, Terraced Housing, Nursing Home/Almshouse, Playing Fields/Recreation Ground, Civil and Municipal Buildings.

An area of historic landfill is recorded at the southeast corner of the site, named Wath Road, though no further information is recorded.

The site currently comprises a large, irregularly shaped field in arable cultivation, with two smaller, linked fields used as grassland at the southern end.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The site was shown as fields on the 1855 OS map. A row of terraced houses were shown at the southern end of the site in 1892, labelled Wragby Row in 1932. Several fields in the south of the site had been amalgamated by 1932, when a football pitch was shown in this area. With the exception of a television mast, no further changes were shown within the site on the 1971 map. Wragby Row had been demolished by 1985.

Various features were marked within the buffer zone on the 1855 OS map including the Roman Ridge earthwork, fields, High Woods Farm, the Midland Railway, the South Yorkshire Railway, the Dearne and Dove Canal, Shrogs Lane, Lousy Busk Lane, Woodfield Cottage and Woodfield Bridge. Housing, Roman Terrace, old brick kilns, a school and the New England Quarry were shown within the buffer on the 1892 OS map. Further housing had been built by 1903, with a recreation ground and allotments shown on the 1930 map. Highwoods Infant School, a TA Centre and further housing had been built by 1957. Housing along Manvers Road had been demolished by 1989 and a fire station built on part of their former site.


The majority of the site has been fields from at least 1855. Given the presence of cropmark features and the lack of deep ground disturbance within the majority of the site, the potential for buried archaeological remains is considered to be high. A short row of terraced housing formerly stood at the southern end of the site, shown in 1892 and demolished by 1985. This area is recorded as a landfill site, suggesting any remains of the buildings are likely to have been removed.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation is likely to be required if the site is brought forward for development.


Unknown. Any surviving remains associated with the former Wragby Row could be considered to be of Local archaeological significance, whilst remains associated with Iron Age to Roman dispersed settlement and

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agricultural landscapes could be of Local to Regional significance depending on their extent, nature and condition.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first-century aerial photographs shows the site as a large arable field, with two smaller grassed fields separated by a hedgerow at the southern end. One of these fields contains an area of hardstanding, possibly a sports pitch. Cropmark features visible in the southwest part of the site on a 2008 photograph correspond largely with former field boundaries shown on the 1855 OS map. Lidar data does not show any potential archaeological features within the site.

Photograph references:

Google Earth: 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009 and 2015. Bing Maps: 2015.

Statutory Designations Reference ID

Name Designation/ Grade

Site? Buffer?

1004812 Roman Ridge: section 150yds (140m) long W of Bow Brown Wood SM Y

SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4278 Land west of Adwick upon Dearne, Doncaster Piecemeal Enclosure Y Y

HSY3873 Bow Broom Estate, Rotherham Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY3910 Low Broom Bridge allotments, Swinton, Rotherham

Allotments Y

HSY3948 Farfield Park, Wath, Wath-Upon-Dearne Business Park Y

HSY3959 Brookfields Park, Wath, Wath-Upon-Dearne Business Park Y

HSY4123 Ex Wath Junction, Manvers, Rotherham Regenerated Scrubland Y

HSY4277 Mexborough School, Adwick upon Dearne, Doncaster

School Y

HSY5177 Roman Terrace, Mexborough, Doncaster Terraced Housing Y

HSY5205 Highwoods Estate, Mexborough, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY5214 Highwoods Junior and Infant School, Mexborough, Doncaster

School Y

HSY5215 Roman Court, Mexborough, Doncaster Nursing Home / Almshouse Y

HSY5219 Newark Road Recreation Ground, Mexborough, Doncaster

Playing Fields/ Recreation ground Y

HSY5220 Fire Station and Nursing Homes, Highwoods Estate, Mexborough, Doncaster

Civil & Municipal Buildings Y

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Allocation Reference: 141 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Westwood Road, Bawtry

Area (Ha): 0.75 NGR (centre): SK 6456 9254 Settlement: Bawtry

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event - 2 records Cropmark/Lidar evidence No Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 141 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Westwood Road, Bawtry

Area (Ha): 0.75 NGR (centre): SK 6456 9254 Settlement: Bawtry

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site. One findspot and one monument are recorded within the buffer, a Neolithic stone axe found in a ploughed field to the north of the site, and cropmarks associated with a probable Romano-British drove road and field boundaries in a field to the immediate south of the site.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are located within the site or buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project did not record any features within the site. Fragmentary cropmarks of Iron Age to Roman field boundaries and a trackway were recorded in the buffer to the north, south and west of the site, many of which have been recorded on the SMR.

Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site and the buffer to the north as a social housing estate, built in the mid-20th century within the boundaries of the former park associated with Bawtry Hall. Other character zones within the buffer include the surviving extent of Bawtry Park to the east, laid out in the late 18th century with later alterations, and a modern private housing estate at the northern edge of the buffer. There is no information on landscape character to the west and south of the site, as this area is within Nottinghamshire.

The site is currently a triangular area of rough grassland, with the eastern boundary formed by a hedge along Westwood Road and the southern boundary by a drainage ditch. The western edge is the county boundary, but does not seem to be formally marked.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1886 OS map shows the site as part of a triangular field, with the southern boundary formed by a stream or drainage ditch running eastwards to the fishpond. The field was within the parkland of Bawtry Hall. A footpath was shown to the immediate west of the western boundary in 1899, running south from menagerie wood to the stream. By 1921, the eastern boundary of the field within which the site was located had been altered, and it was more rectangular in shape. Between 1956 and 1962, the current eastern boundary of the site was established by the construction of the West Wood housing estate. By 1985, the boundary along the western side of the site had been removed, and the area was part of an area of large open fields.

Within the buffer, the 1886 OS map shows features associated with Bawtry Park, including a fish pond and a small plantation called Fish Pond Wood to the east, Menagerie Wood to the north, and ornamental stands and belts of trees to the northwest. At that date, the county boundary ran further to the east, through the fishpond, and the site was within Nottinghamshire. A sheepwash was shown adjacent to the stream to the west of the site in 1899. A further plantation was shown to the west of the site by 1921. Between 1956 and 1962, the West Wood housing estate was built to the northeast of the site, with a mixture of detached and semi-detached houses in a geometric layout, set amongst gardens. Some former boundaries in the land to the west of the site were removed by 1985, and the area shown as open between Bawtry Road and the stream to the south.


No significant ground disturbance has been recorded on the historic maps within the site, and it has not been subject to 20th-century arable cultivation. The potential for the survival of unrecorded buried archaeology is considered to be moderate to high. Cropmark features of probable Iron Age to Roman fields and a drove way have been recorded in the field to the south; none have been recorded as continuing into the site, where the ground cover has not been conducive to the formation of cropmarks, but associated remains could survive outside the area of cropmark features.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigations may be required if the site is brought forward for development.

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Unknown. Remains associated with Iron Age to Roman settlement and agricultural activity could be of Local to Regional significance depending on their nature, extent and condition.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

The 2002 aerial photograph shows the site as part of an area of rough grass, scrub and trees to the north of a drainage ditch or stream and south of an area of large fields that were formerly part of the park but are now in arable cultivation. Probable Iron Age to Roman cropmarks associated with trackway and field boundaries are visible in a field to the south of the site, none appearing to run into the site itself. The probable former route of the stream is also visible as a wider cropmark within the field to the south of the site, running in a semi-circular curve from a point to the west of the site and into the edge of Fish Pond Wood. The features are not visible on the 2003-2012 photographs as the crop is not at the right stage to show cropmarks.

Lidar data shows the stream in its canalised route along the southern boundary of the site, but no archaeological earthworks are visible within the site. Within the fields to the north and west, the earthwork remains of former field boundaries are visible, most apparently pre-dating the 1889 map and possibly pre-dating the late 18th-century park.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008 & 2012. Lidar data file SK6492.

SK6492/1 NMR 719/283-284 03-Jul-1974; SK6492/2 DNR 745/43 29-Jun-1975; SK6492/8 DNR 1082/18 23-Jul-1977; SK6492/13 DNR 1079/5 23-Jul-1977.

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

01269/01 Prehistoric Axehead, Bawtry

Neolithic stone axehead from ploughed field (Hall Farm). Y

02893/01 ?Romano-British Drove Road and Field Systems, Bawtry

Romano-British drove road with associated field boundaries Y

SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY5588 West Wood Estate, Bawtry, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y Y

HSY5573 Bawtry Park, Bawtry, Doncaster Private Parkland Y

HSY5584 Park Road, Bawtry, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

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Allocation Reference: 142 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land South of Sheffield Road, Conisbrough

Area (Ha): 4.391 NGR (centre): SK 5051 9773 Settlement: Conisbrough

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event 1 record/2 events 2 records Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 142 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land South of Sheffield Road, Conisbrough

Area (Ha): 4.391 NGR (centre): SK 5051 9773 Settlement: Conisbrough

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR records one monument within the site, the boundary ditch of a medieval deer park which is located at the north-eastern end of the site. Two events are recorded within the site, which relate to geophysical survey and associated trial trenching at Conisbrough cemetery, at the north-eastern end of the site. During the trial trenching, a double ditch, probably representing part of the medieval deer park boundary was recorded, along with stone-packed postholes and stone-packed foundations, although these could not be dated.

Two further monuments and two events are recorded within the buffer zone. Immediately to the north of the site, aligned approximately east-west, is the suggested route of a Roman road, which enters South Yorkshire in the southwest from Brough (Derby), travelling north-east towards the Roman fort at Templeborough and then towards Doncaster. To the south of the site is the location of two ditches, possibly of Iron Age or Romano-British date, identified as cropmarks from aerial photographs.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are recorded within the site or the buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project records a double-ditched feature, interpreted as part of an Iron Age to Roman trackway within the centre of the site, and an enclosure of the same date within the southern area of the buffer zone. Levelled post-medieval ridge and furrow is also recorded to the southeast of the site. The ‘trackway’ feature within the site may relate to the probable medieval deer park boundary recorded in the evaluation.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site and part of the southern buffer zone as surveyed enclosure of Park Lane. This area contains straight and regular fields created through the parliamentary enclosure award of Conisbrough and Clifton in 1858. The land appears to have been enclosed prior to this in a piecemeal fashion. The western boundary of the polygon is formed by Park Lane, which is present along some of the western site boundary and within the southern buffer zone. The section of Park Lane opposite Spring Bank bungalow, in the southern area of the buffer zone, is marked on the 1854 OS map as 'Park Balk'. This was probably an earthwork marking the boundary of Conisbrough Deer Park along with Park Lane. Legibility of the former deer park is fragmentary as the general area is still called Conisbrough Parks and Park Lane is still extant.

Within the buffer zone, to the north is a planned estate (social housing), comprising geometric semi-detached housing in a number of successive developments with no legibility of the earlier strip enclosure countryside. In the west of the buffer zone is an area of agglomerated fields, with the former character of piecemeal enclosure removed through the loss of field boundaries. Immediately to the northwest of the site is the early 20th-century Conisbrough cemetery, which contains the original mortuary chapel and lodge. The exterior boundaries of the cemetery relate to enclosure of the land in 1858.

The site currently comprises a single plot of arable land, with a small strip along the north-eastern edge belonging to the cemetery. The northern boundary is formed by Sheffield Road, the southern boundary by Spring Bank Road and part of the western boundary by Park Lane.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

On the 1854 map, the site is shown as a part of a large, single field. Sheffield Road at the northern end of the site is extant, but the roads which currently form part of the western and southern site boundary had not yet been constructed. By 1892 these roads had been established, forming the site boundaries which are still present on the site today. The site remains unchanged on the 1994 map.

Within the buffer zone, the area was predominantly fields in 1854, with two houses shown just outside the northern boundary of the site, fronting onto Sheffield Road. By 1892, to the north of the site, several houses had been constructed along Sheffield Road, and two new roads to the south of Sheffield Road had been built, named Sharman’s Lane and Park Lane. By 1902, a cemetery had been built between Sheffield Road and Sharman’s Lane,

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which had changed its name to Spring Bank Road. By 1958, substantial development had occurred to the north of Sheffield Road in the form of a housing estate, which extended considerably to the east. By 1981, further houses had been constructed to the northwest of the site.


Due to the relative lack of deep ground disturbance, the potential for the survival of previously unrecorded buried archaeology on the site is considered to be high. Cropmarks of a double-ditched feature interpreted as an Iron Age to Roman trackway are located within the site; this may actually be part of the medieval deer park boundary recorded in the evaluation at the northeast end of the site, as it is on the same alignment as Park Balk (and Park Lane) shown on the 1854 map, which may be part of this boundary. Recent burials are likely to extend into the north-eastern edge of the site, which has become part of Conisbrough cemetery.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation is likely to be required if the site is brought forward for development.


The significance of the site as a whole is unknown, although the double-ditched feature identified on the site from aerial photography and interpreted as an Iron Age to Roman trackway may be part of a wider landscape of features of this date, and could be of Local to Regional significance depending on the nature, extent and condition of surviving features. If the feature is part of the medieval deer park boundary, it could be considered to be of Local archaeological significance.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first century aerial photography shows the site as arable land since 1999. By 2015, a narrow strip at the north-western end of the site had been taken over by the cemetery, and some headstones appear to be situated within this area. The 2007 and 2009 photographs clearly show the double ditch cropmarks in the centre of the site. There is no available Lidar data for the site.

Photograph references:

Google Earth Images 1999, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009 & 2015.

RAF/541/170 3235 21-Sep-1948 ; OS/89258 0023 11-Jun-1989.

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

03363/01 Cropmark of Unknown Date, south of the A630, Conisbrough Parks

Two ditches, possibly of Iron Age or Romano-British date, have been identified on aerial photographs.


04914 Roman Road; Brough to Doncaster via Templeborough

Suggested route of a Roman period road entering South Yorkshire in the southwest from Brough (Derby), travelling north-east towards the Roman fort at Templeborough and then towards Doncaster.


05606 Medieval deer park boundary features, Conisbrough

Double ditch, probably relating to medieval to post-medieval deer park boundary. The ditch is close to the line of the 'Park Balk' shown on historic mapping, and may represent an earlier boundary. Evaluation trenching in 2011 identified a section of this ditch.


ESY1362 Geophysical survey on land adjacent to Conisbrough

Survey on land adjacent to Conisbrough cemetery ahead of its possible extension. No anomalies of clear archaeological origin were identified.


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ESY1363 Trial trenching at Conisbrough cemetery

6 trial trenches to evaluate land at Conisbrough cemetery ahead of a proposed extension. A double ditch, probably representing a medieval deer park boundary was recorded. Also encountered were stone-packed postholes and stone-packed foundations, though these could not be dated.


SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4207 Park Lane, Conisbrough, Doncaster Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4250 Sheffield Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y

HSY5358 Mid-twentieth century social housing estates, Conisbrough, Doncaster

Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY5454 Sheffield Road Conisbrough, Doncaster Cemetery Y

HSY5455 Sheffield Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y

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Allocation Reference: 143 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land North of Primary School, Barnburgh

Area (Ha): 1.89 NGR (centre): SE 4841 0304 Settlement: Barnburgh

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Local

Historic landscape significance Major

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - 7 SMR record/event 2 records 4 records/5 events Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes Cartographic features of interest No No Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 143 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land North of Primary School, Barnburgh

Area (Ha): 1.89 NGR (centre): SE 4841 0304 Settlement: Barnburgh

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR records two monuments within the site, comprising very well preserved ridge and furrow, which runs up to an associated pond. The pond does not appear to be later than the earthworks. Within the buffer zone, four further monuments are present. To the north of the site is the medieval Church of St Peter’s (grade I listed) and the location of an early medieval cross shaft. To the east of the church is Green Farm, possibly of medieval origin and grade II listed. On the northern edge of the buffer is the site of a probable Iron Age or Romano-British settlement recorded as cropmarks. Five events are recorded within the buffer. These are all located to the north of the site. At Ivy Tree Farm, an undated early V-shaped ditch, two pits, a gully and post hole have been recorded beneath the historic farmyard, whilst at the adjacent Plane Tree Farm, ridge and furrow earthworks, along with a trackway were recorded. Two events relate to watching briefs, which did not record any archaeological remains. Building recording at Green Farm established that the surviving structures date to the 17th and 19th centuries.

Seven listed buildings are present within the buffer zone. In addition to the grade I listed St Peter’s Church and grade II listed Green Farm, mentioned above, five further grade II listed structures are located to the north of the site.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project records extensive post-medieval ridge and furrow earthworks within the site, on a predominant north-south alignment. These extend into the south, east and west of the buffer zone, with some fragmentary remains also in the north of the buffer zone. At the northern end of the site, medieval to post-medieval terraced ground is also recorded. At the southern end of the buffer zone, Iron Age to Roman ditches have been recorded.

Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as enclosed land, comprising surveyed enclosures dating to the 1822 Parliamentary Enclosure Award. Much of this area preserves strongly legible ridge and furrow earthworks. To the south and east of the buffer is enclosed land, probably also dating to the 1822 Enclosure Award. Within this character area is also partial legibility of its earlier type, comprising curving boundaries surrounding parts of the earlier open fields. The north and west of the site is mostly made up of modern housing estates, with highly fragmented legibility of the former enclosed landscape.

Historic landfill data records the Railway Cutting between Church Lane and Hollowgate at the south-western end of the buffer and extending north-westwards. No further information is given for this record.

The site currently comprises two fields, used for pasture.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1855 OS map shows the site as part of single field, with hedged boundaries. At some point between 1956 and 1969, the external boundary was extended slightly in the south-eastern corner, creating the shape of the site as it remains today. The field had been divided into two by 1985.

Within the buffer zone, to the north of the site, the core of Barnbrough was well-established by 1855, with the Church of St Peter, a school, pubs and houses depicted. The remainder of the buffer comprised fields, with very little development. By 1892, a Rectory was marked to the north of the site. A railway line had been constructed at the southwest end of the buffer by 1930, with a housing development under construction to the south and west of the site, off Church Lane by 1956. This development had extended considerably to the north by 1977. Barnburgh Primary School had been established to the immediate south of the site by 1966.


Ridge and furrow earthwork remains survive within the site, indicating that there is a high potential for the preservation of unrecorded earlier buried archaeology within the site. The earthworks also preserve the historic character of Barnburgh’s medieval to post-medieval agricultural landscape.

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Further investigations:

Given the evidence for earthwork archaeological remains on this site, further consideration of the impact on these would be required to establish whether there was capacity for housing on this site.


Extensive ridge and furrow earthworks are recorded within the site, which are considered to be of Local archaeological significance and Major historic landscape significance.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first century aerial photography shows the site as two fields, used for pasture. In 2002, the northern field extended to the east, although by 2008 a boundary had been installed which effectively split the northern field into two, incorporating the western half into the current site boundary, with the eastern half remaining outside the site. Ridge and furrow remains are clearly visible as earthworks in the southern field, though possibly less well-preserved in the northern field. A sunken feature in the northern field may be the former site of the pond. There is no available Lidar data for the site.

Photograph references:

Google Earth Images 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009.

RAF/541/170 3051 21-Sep-1948; MAL/71024 0063 17-Apr-1971; MAL/71132 0200 05-Sep-1971; MAL/73020 0208 11-May-1973.

Statutory Designations Reference ID

Name Designation/ Grade

Site? Buffer?

1151675 Church of St Peter I Y

1151676 Medieval stone coffin against south wall of chancel of Church Of St Peter


1151677 Green Farmhouse II Y

1151678 Smithy Cottage, The cottage II Y

1191517 Barn and cowhouse with hayloft approximately 35 metres to north west of Plane Tree Farmhouse


1314756 Village pump to rear of number 1 II Y

1393748 The Coach and Horses Public House II Y

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

00376/01 St Peter's Church, Barnburgh

Medieval church at Barnburgh Y

00377/01 Pre-Norman Cross Shaft, Barnburgh

Found in church yard, now in north aisle. A "post-conquest cross shaft of Pre-Norman form"


01536/01 Medieval Building, Green Farm, Barnburgh

Green Farm, Barnburgh. Earlier building at south end, 17th century house.


03549/01 Medieval Ridge and Furrow, Barnburgh

Very well preserved ridge and furrow now used as a paddock ripe for village infill. The earthworks run up to a pond. The pond has a definite surrounding bank and does not appear to


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be later than the ridge and furrow earthworks.

03459/02 Pond, Barnburgh [Old or duplicate record]

Some trees growing. Definite bank round pond, and ridge and furrow runs up to it (PI 03549 01). It does not appear to be later than the ridge and furrow, therefore a medieval date is suggested.


04936 Site of Methodist Chapel, Barnburgh

Depicted on 1854 OS map as a Wesleyan Chapel, on later maps depicted as Primitive Methodist Chapel.


ESY1365 Evaluation at Plane Tree Farm, Barnburgh

Four trial trenches on former agricultural land within the historic core of Barnburgh recorded ridge and furrow earthworks, along with a trackway. No other archaeology was encountered.


ESY367 Archaeological Evaluation and Building Recording at Ivy House Farm

Desk Based Assessment report identified no archaeological site within the site boundary but acknowledged that excavation in the area demonstrated the potential for earlier archaeological deposits. Photographic building survey revealed an undated early V-shaped ditch, two pits, a gully and post hole that lay beneath the historic farmyard.


ESY370 Archaeological Evaluation on Land off Fox Lane

In September 1994 an archaeological evaluation was undertaken on land off Fox Lane. The results of the evaluation showed that there were no archaeological remains present within this area.


ESY387 Archaeological Assessment and Buildings Appraisal at Green Farm

In July 2005 an archaeological assessment and buildings appraisal was undertaken at Green Farm to establish the significance of the standing buildings. The structures making up the farm date to the 17th and 19th century.


ESY503 Archaeological Watching Brief at School House, Church Lane

In February 2006 a watching bried was undertaken on land at School House on Church Lane. No archaeological features or deposits were observed.


SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY5757 Well preserved ridge and furrow area to the south of Barnburgh, Doncaster

Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4229 Former Parliamentary Enclosure of Open Field, Barnburgh, Doncaster

Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY5752 Hollowgate estates, Barnburgh, Doncaster Semi-Detached Housing Y

HSY5758 Barnburgh Primary School, Barnburgh, Doncaster

School Y

HSY5759 Doncaster Road, Barnbugh, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y

HSY5761 Barnburgh Hall Gardens, Barnburgh, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5763 St Peter's Church, Barnburgh, Doncaster Religious (Worship) Y

HSY5764 Cemetery, Barnburgh, Doncaster Cemetery Y

HSY5765 Church Lane Barnburgh, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y

HSY5766 Housing on former Barnburgh village green, Barnburgh, Doncaster

Semi-Detached Housing Y

HSY5767 Fox Lane and Back Lane, Barnburgh, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5768 Barnburgh historic core, Doncaster Vernacular Cottages Y

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Allocation Reference: 145 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land at Skellow

Area (Ha): 7.12 NGR (centre): SE 5244 1025 Settlement: Carcroft Skellow

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event - 3 records/1 event Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes Cartographic features of interest No No Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 145 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land at Skellow

Area (Ha): 7.12 NGR (centre): SE 5244 1025 Settlement: Carcroft Skellow

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site. One monument, two findspots and one event are recorded within the buffer zone. The findspots are of a Roman coin and post-medieval clay pipe, though the latter is recorded as an old or duplicate record. The monument is the suggested route of a Roman road, with the event relating to evaluations along the route of the A1(M).

There are no Scheduled Monuments or Listed Buildings within the site or buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project records the cropmark of a medieval or post-medieval bank crossing the site on an east-west alignment. Within the buffer zone areas of ridge and furrow were recorded to the northeast and southwest of the site.

The Historic Environment Characterisation identifies the site as being within a parcel of enclosed drained wetland with large surveyed drainage ditches that connect south with the embanked river Skell. It was enclosed in the mid-18th century, prior to which it was enclosed wetland common. Character zones within the buffer include a residential private housing estate, established in the mid-20th century, with partial legibility of former Parliamentary Enclosure plots preserved as the edges of gardens, as well as strip fields, surveyed enclosure and motorway junctions.

The site is currently a single field in arable use, with hedged boundaries.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1851-54 OS depicts the site as a field defined by tree-lined boundaries in the same layout as the present day. The northern boundary was formed by Hampole Balk road. No changes to the site were shown by 1984.

Within the buffer, the 1854 map depicted three small quarries to the north and northwest of Hampole Balk, with the Roman Road shown along the western edge of the site. A field to the south was labelled Humber Head Ings, with the Holmeroyd or Humber Head Dike running through it. Settlement at Skellow was concentrated in an area to the east, outside the buffer. A railway line ran through the southern edge of the buffer. Cuckoo Plantation was shown in 1893 on the site of one of the former quarries. Town's Quarry was shown as disused in 1906. Housing was under construction to the west and northwest of the site by 1932, with further development extending in a row to the north of Hampole Balk shown in 1962. This had expanded further north by 1983, when the route of dikes to the east and south were defined by extensive banking.


The site has been drained and in agricultural use since the mid-18th century, which may have impacted on the preservation of below-ground remains through truncation and desiccation. The potential for the survival of buried archaeology below the zone impacted by ploughing is considered to be high. A possible medieval to post-medieval bank has been recorded within the site though does not appear to survive as an earthwork.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation may be required if this site is brought forward for development.


Unknown. Remains associated with medieval field boundaries could be considered to be of Local archaeological significance.

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Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first century aerial photography shows the site as a single field in arable use. The earthwork recorded in the 1960s does not appear to be visible as an upstanding monument. There is no Lidar coverage for this site.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage, 2002, 2003, 2008 & 2009.

OS/69286 0086 15-Jun-1969; RAF/541/31 4401 18-May-1948.

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

00655/01 First Century BC Roman Coin, Red House, Adwick-le-Street

Silver denarius (BC 48) of Julius Caesar found digging allotment at Red House.


02367/02 Old or duplicate record

Clay Pipe - found in topsoil removed for quarrying south end of Scabba Wood.


04915 Roman Road; Bawtry to Adwick Le Street via Doncaster

Suggested Roman road following the original line of military advance from Lincoln towards York, entering South Yorkshire in the south-east at Bawtry, travelling north-west through Doncaster and Adwick Le Street and then on towards Castleford.


ESY1080 A1(M) Redhouse to Ferrybridge

Trial pits, field walking and geophysical survey were carried out on discrete sites along the route of the A1(M). Possible field boundary features were identified during geophysical survey. Field walking produced some flint tools and small amounts of Roman and Medieval pottery.


SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY241 Fields north of Humber Head Ings , Skellow Drained Wetland Y Y

HSY92 1960's estate housing between Crabgate lane and Mill Lane, Skellow

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY226 Red House Interchange Motorway and Trunk Road Junctions


HSY245 Fields north of Red House Lane Adwick Le Street

Strip Fields Y

HSY249 Hampole Ings Surveyed Enclosure Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY250 Fields east of Hampole Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


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Allocation Reference: 146 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Tickhill Road, Bawtry

Area (Ha): 13.45 NGR (centre): SK 6451 9312 Settlement: Bawtry

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Negligible

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event - 2 records Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 146 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Tickhill Road, Bawtry

Area (Ha): 13.45 NGR (centre): SK 6451 9312 Settlement: Bawtry

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site. One findspot and one monument are recorded within the buffer, some medieval pottery sherds found in a garden to the east of the site, and Iron Age to Roman field systems and enclosures recorded as cropmarks in the field to the immediate west of the site.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are located within the site or buffer.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project records two field boundary ditches as cropmarks within the site, probably of Iron Age to Roman date, with further boundaries shown within the buffer to the south and west. A Second World War airfield was recorded to the immediate west and north of the site on a photograph of 1948.

Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site and the north part of the buffer as agglomerated fields, where arable intensification in the later 20th century has resulted in the removal of boundaries and the loss of the former character of strip fields enclosed from medieval open field. Other character zones within the buffer include mid- to late 20th-century private and social housing estates and an area of woodland formerly part of the park associated with Bawtry Hall, established in the late 18th century.

The site is currently a field in arable cultivation, with the eastern boundary formed by the edge of housing estates, the northern boundary by Martin Lane and the southern boundary by Tickhill Road.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1886 OS map depicts the site as seven fields, with slightly sinuous boundaries suggestive of piecemeal enclosure from open fields. One field boundary was removed between 1903 and 1921. In 1962, a lane (probably for taxiing aeroplanes) at the edge of an airfield to the north and west cut across the field at the northwest tip of the site, though the remainder of the field pattern was unchanged. By 1967, all but one of the internal boundaries of the site had been removed, and it comprised two larger fields, with the lane from the airfield still shown towards the north end.

Within the buffer, the 1886 OS map shows mainly fields, with Martin Lane shown to the north of the site, Tickhill Road to the south and fields and plantations associated with Bawtry Park at the southern edge. Settlement at Bawtry began to extend into the eastern edge of the buffer by 1948, when a housing estate was under construction off Martin Lane, and some buildings were also shown between Menagerie Wood and Tickhill Road by that date. The 1958 map showed that all the area to the north and west of the site as part of an airfield, probably established during the Second World War and not shown on the 1948 map for security reasons. The airfield was shown as disused in 1967, by which date housing had extended up to the eastern edge of the site, and was also present to the northeast. By 1985 the airfield infrastructure had been cleared and its site was shown as very large fields.


The site has been in intensive arable cultivation during the 20th century, which is likely to have truncated sub-surface deposits. The potential for the survival of unrecorded buried archaeological remains below the zone impacted by ploughing is considered to be moderate to high. Remains associated with the Iron Age to Roman agricultural landscape recorded as cropmarks could extend into the site.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigations are likely to be required if the site is brought forward for development.


Unknown. Remains of Iron Age to Roman settlement and field systems could be of Local to Regional significance depending on their extent, nature and condition.

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Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

The 2002-2012 aerial photography shows the site as a single large field in arable cultivation, with a small wooded area at its northern tip. None of the photographs show archaeologically-derived cropmark features within the site, though none were taken in conditions suitable to show clear cropmarks. Some irregular darker patches may be associated with geological conditions. The line of the former airfield track is preserved as the boundary of the wooded area at the northwest tip of the site. There is no Lidar coverage for this site.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009 & 2012.

RAF/541/35 3156 19-May-1948; SK6393/4 DNR 745/48 29-Jun-1975; SK6393/10 DNR 851/47 20-Jun-1976; SK6393/22 DNR 1092/1 31-Jul-1977; SK6493/7 DNR 1559/3 27-Jul-1979; OS/82130 0015 29-May-1982; SK6492/21 NMR 17569/13 21-Jun-2001.

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

00445/01 Medieval pottery sherds, Bawtry

A few sherds of medieval pottery from number 16, Limetree Crescent.


02473/01 Iron Age or Romano-British Field System and Enclosures, Bawtry

Iron Age or Romano-British field system and enclosures shown on aerial photographs.


SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4347 Martin Lane 2, Bawtry, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y Y

HSY5528 Martin Lane, Bawtry, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY5530 Suburban Housing to the west of Bawtry historic core, Bawtry, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5544 Hermes Court, Bawtry, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY5545 Shining Cliff Court, Bawtry, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5575 Belgrave, Bedford and Portman Court, Bawtry Doncaster

Terraced Housing Y

HSY5583 Menagerie Wood, Bawtry, Doncaster Semi Natural Woodland Y

HSY5584 Park Road, Bawtry, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

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Allocation Reference: 147 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land to North of Hatfield Lane, Barnby Dun

Area (Ha): 11.82 NGR (centre): SE 6242 0923 Settlement: Barnby Dun

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event - 5 records Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 147 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Land to North of Hatfield Lane, Barnby Dun

Area (Ha): 11.82 NGR (centre): SE 6242 0923 Settlement: Barnby Dun

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR does not record any monuments or events within the site. Two monuments (each with two associated records) and one findspot are located within the buffer. The monuments comprise cropmarks showing Iron Age to Roman trackways and field systems to the north and east of the site, whilst part of a perforated Neolithic stone hammer was found in a garden to the south of the site in 1965.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are located within the site or the buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project records two linear ditches running through the site, possibly part of an Iron Age to Roman trackway, with associated field boundaries, enclosures and further trackways recorded in the buffer around the site, some in areas that have been developed since the photographs were taken.

Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the western part of the site as agglomerated fields, created through boundary loss in the 20th century and resulting in fragmentary visibility of former Parliamentary Enclosure from medieval open field. The eastern part is recorded as surviving Parliamentary Enclosure fields, enclosed from commons in 1807. Further character zones within the buffer comprise modern private and social housing estates, semi-detached housing, a public park and recreation ground.

The site currently part of three large fields in arable cultivation. The southern boundary is formed by housing estates and the eastern boundary by a railway line.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The 1854 map shows the site as part of five fields to the north of a Bridle Road (now Hatfield Lane). The fields have regular boundaries indicative of Parliamentary Enclosure. The eastern end was labelled Brosley Hills, the western side Barnby Dun Fields. By 1962, removal of field boundaries meant that the site was part of three larger fields. A further boundary had been removed by 1992.

Within the buffer, the 1854 map shows a corn windmill to the immediate west of the site, and the railway line running along the eastern boundary. The remainder of the buffer comprised fields. Settlement at Barnby Dun was located outside the buffer to the west. The windmill was no longer shown in 1892, when a large gravel pit was shown adjacent to the railway in the southeast edge of the buffer. By 1930, housing was shown at the western edge of the buffer, along Talbot Avenue, and a large excavated area to the south of Hatfield Lane suggested that sand and gravel quarrying may have occurred between the railway and the southern edge of Barnby Dun. By 1948, housing was under construction to the north of Talbot Lane; with further housing to the immediate west of the site built by 1962. Between 1981 and 1992, the area to the south of Hatfield Lane became densely developed with housing.


The site has been in arable cultivation since at least the mid-19th century, and this is likely to have caused some truncation of buried archaeological deposits. Below the plough zone, the potential for the survival of buried archaeological remains is considered to be moderate to high. Cropmarks showing a trackway of probable Iron Age to Roman date have been recorded within the site, and associated field boundaries and enclosures are recorded in the surrounding area, suggesting there is a good potential for similar remains to extend into the site.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigations will be required if the site is brought forward for development.

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Remains associated with Iron Age to Roman field systems and dispersed settlement could be of Local to Regional significance depending on their extent, nature and condition.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

The 2002-2015 aerial photographs show the site as three large fields, the boundaries unchanged from 1962. They are in arable cultivation. None of the photographs were taken at a time suitable to show cropmarks. Lidar data shows only the field boundaries and cultivation marks that are probably of recent date.

Photograph references:

Google Earth coverage 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009 & 2015. Lidar data file SE6209 DTM 1m.

MAL/60427 81736 21-Jun-1960; SE6209/9 DNR 1092/23 31-Jul-1977; OS/92255 0026 20-Jul-1992.

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

01057/01 Neolithic Stone Hammer, Barnby Dun / Kirk Sandall

Part of a perforated stone hammer found in garden of 30 Hatfield Lane 1965.


01248/01 Cropmarks showing Iron Age or Romano-British field system, Barnby Dun/Kirk Sandall

Crop marks - traces of rectangular field system with associated "trackways".


01248/02 Trackways and field system, possible Iron Age or Roman-British date, Barnby Dun

Cropmarks showing trackways and field system of possible Iron Age or Roman-British date, seen on aerial photographs taken over Barnby Dun.


01252/01 Cropmarks showing field system of Iron Age or Romano-British date, Barnby Dun / Kirk Sandall

Rectangular field system. Associated trackways. Y

01252/02 Trackways and field system, possible Iron Age or Roman-British date, Barnby Dun

Cropmarks showing trackways and field system of possible Iron Age or Roman-British date can be seen on aerial photographs taken over Barnby Dunn, north of Hatfield Lane.


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SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4490 Barnby Dun Common, Barnby Dun, Doncaster Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4494 Former open fields to the north and east of Barnby Dun

Agglomerated fields Y Y

HSY4792 Barnby Dun late twentieth century cul-de-sacs, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY4793 Mallard Avenue and Environs, Barnby Dun, Doncaster

Private Housing Estate Y

HSY4795 Talbot Avenue, Barnby Dun, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY4796 Barnby Dun later council housing, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY4852 Stainforth Road, Barnby Dun, Doncaster Semi-Detached Housing Y

HSY4856 Park Hill, Barnby Dun Common, Doncaster Public Park Y

HSY4859 Recreation Ground, Barnby Dun, Doncaster Playing Fields/ Recreation ground Y

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Allocation Reference: 148 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Loversall Land, Weston Road, Balby

Area (Ha): 3.29 NGR (centre): SE 5712 0037 Settlement: Doncaster Urban Area

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Negligible

Historic landscape significance Negligible

Suitability of site for allocation No archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event - 4 events Cropmark/Lidar evidence No Yes Cartographic features of interest No Yes Estimated sub-surface disturbance Extensive n/a

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Allocation Reference: 148 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Loversall Land, Weston Road, Balby

Area (Ha): 3.29 NGR (centre): SE 5712 0037 Settlement: Doncaster Urban Area

Site assessment Known assets/character:

There are no SMR records within the site itself. Four events are recorded within the buffer zone, all of which are located to the east of the site. The events comprise geophysical surveys and archaeological evaluation; limited archaeological remains were recorded, restricted to a few isolated features associated with agricultural use.

There are no Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings recorded within the site or the buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project does not record any features within the site. Post-medieval ridge and furrow is recorded to the immediate southwest of the site and at the northern edge of the buffer, in areas that have been developed since the photographs were taken.

Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site and the western end of the buffer zone as a hospital complex. An isolation hospital was built in the grounds of the former private parkland of St. Catherine's house in 1928. Prior to parkland, the area was agricultural. It probably comprised strip fields created through the consolidation of furlongs in open fields. Legibility of the former landscape is partial as some parkland features, notably a screening plantation for the estate, are still extant. Additional character types within the buffer zone include agglomerated fields, drained wetland, educational sites and various housing types.

The site currently comprises scrubland on the location of former hospital buildings, bounded by St Catherine’s Hospital to the west, a community academy to the north, and housing to the east and south.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

In 1854 the site was located over two fields, with a north-south boundary dividing them. By 1962 this boundary was marked as a drain, although by 1972 this had been removed and Loversall Hospital had been built on the entire site. There is no change on the 1992 map.

Within the buffer zone, St Catherine’s was located to the west of the site in 1854, which appeared to be a private residence and parkland, with plantations denoting the parkland boundary to the north and west. The remainder of the buffer zone was fields, labelled ‘Balby Common’ to the north of the site. A fish pond was marked to the southeast of the site. By 1902, a contagious diseases hospital had been built to the north of the site. The 1937 map showed several ancillary buildings added to St Catherine’s, which by this time was labelled as a certified institution. By 1962 it was labelled St Catherine’s Hospital, with the complex expanding across the area to the west of the site over the second half of the 20th century. Housing had been built to the north of the site by 1937, extending up to the northwest edge of the site by 1962. By 1959, the contagious diseases hospital had become the Woodfield Community Centre, with Woodfield High School added by 1970, immediately outside the northern site boundary. The school had been renamed Balby Carr School by 1980.


Loversall Hospital had been built over the entire site by 1972, and is likely to have caused substantial sub-surface disturbance. As such, the potential for the survival of unrecorded buried archaeological remains on the site is considered to be low.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation is unlikely to be required if the site is brought forward for development.



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Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first century aerial photographs show the site as unchanged from the 1992 map, with Loversall Hospital built over the site. This was demolished between 2007 and 2008, and the site has remained scrubland since. No earthworks of archaeological origin have been identified on the site within the available Lidar data.

Photograph references:

Google Earth images 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2015. Google Street View images 2015. Lidar data tile SE5700 DTM 1m.

SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

ESY286 Archaeological Field Evaluation at Carr Lodge Farm

A desk-based assessment, aerial photographic survey and a geophysical survey were completed prior to field evaluation and identified two enclosures and a number of other linear and pit type features. Evaluation revealed that the two main enclosures appear to have had hedged banks and were almost certainly used for stock control. The evidence suggests that in the past the site was used for agricultural purposes, with seasonal activity dependent upon the height of the water table.


ESY887 Second Phase Archaeological Evaluation, Balby St. Catherine’s Hospital

A mix of housing and retail uses have been proposed for the area, and this would have a serious effect on any archaeological remains. For this reason, it was recommended that a two -stage archaeological evaluation should take place in order to determine the presence or absence, nature, extent, date and state of preservation of any such remains.


ESY890 Archaeological Field Evaluation at Balby, Doncaster

An archaeological field evaluation has carried out by the South Yorkshire Archaeology Filed and Research Unit. This was in response to a proposal to develop the site for retail and residential purposes. A geophysical survey has been commissioned from Geophysical Survey of Bradford and a programme of trial trenching completed based on the result of this. The result of this investigation demonstrate that the archaeology of this site restricted to a few isolated features associated with its use for agricultural purposes.


ESY892 Geophysical Survey at Balby, Doncaster

The site lies on the southern outskirt of Doncaster, South Yorkshire, of the east of the A60 road and to the north of the M18 motorway. The site under investigation is an area of undulating arable land which at the time of the survey had either recently been ploughed or set aside. The geology comprises mainly alluvium and bounder clay and morainic drift on the western edge of the site.


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SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY5322 St. Catherine's, Tickhill Road, Doncaster Hospital Complex Y Y

HSY4231 Potteric and Loversal Carr, Loversall, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y

HSY4232 Balby, Loversall and Potteric Carr, Doncaster Drained Wetland Y

HSY5327 St. Catherine's Hospital, Tickhill Road, Doncaster

Hospital Complex Y

HSY5328 Brayton Drive, Balby, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5329 Whisperwood Drive, Balby, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5330 Balby Carr School, Balby, Doncaster School Y

HSY5334 Woodfield Way, Balby, Doncaster Commercial Core-Suburban Y

HSY5414 Poets Estate, Balby, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY5417 Woodfield Road, Balby, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

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Allocation Reference: 149 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Nutwell South, Nutwell Lane, Armthorpe

Area (Ha): 66.06 NGR (centre): SE6339 0346 Settlement: Armthorpe

Allocation Recommendations

Archaeological significance of site Unknown

Historic landscape significance Uncertain

Suitability of site for allocation Uncertain archaeological constraint


Within site Within buffer zone Scheduled Monument - - Listed Building - - SMR record/event 3 records/3 events 6 records/3 events Cropmark/Lidar evidence Yes Yes Cartographic features of interest Yes No Estimated sub-surface disturbance Low n/a

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Allocation Reference: 149 Allocation Type: Housing Site Name: Nutwell South, Nutwell Lane, Armthorpe

Area (Ha): 66.06 NGR (centre): SE6339 0346 Settlement: Armthorpe

Site assessment Known assets/character:

The SMR records two monuments and one findspot within the site, all at the western end. These comprise two entries relating to an Iron Age/Roman enclosure and field systems, which are likely to be the same feature. A little to the south of this, a findspot of undated pottery is recorded. Two events are also recorded partially within the site. The very northern edge of the site lies in an area which was subject to evaluation in 1995. The results revealed a number of pits and ditches, representing several phases of agricultural land use dating to (at least) the Iron Age and Romano-British periods. The majority of this event lies outside the site, to the north. At the eastern end of the site, monitoring along the route of a water pipeline revealed a post-medieval field boundary ditch and two pits containing material suggestive of in-situ burning, also probably post-medieval in date, within the northeast corner of the site. Within the buffer zone, there is one further findspot and five monuments. The findspot was of a Neolithic axe to the northeast of the site, and the remainder relate to Iron Age to Roman field systems to the west of the site. One further event is recorded within the buffer zone was a geophysical survey which revealed evidence of a field system, which appeared to have been truncated by ploughing, as anomalies were indistinct and discontinuous.

No Scheduled Monuments or listed buildings are located within the site or the buffer zone.

The Magnesian Limestone in South and West Yorkshire Aerial Photographic Mapping Project records extensive Iron Age to Roman crop marks within the site, including sub-circular enclosures and rectilinear field boundaries, particularly in the western half of the site. These extend into the western end of the buffer zone and are part of a wider landscape of such features, mainly recorded on the SMR.

The Historic Environment Characterisation records the present character of the site as agglomerated fields. In the western half of the site, late 20th-century agglomeration has removed a pattern of piecemeal enclosure fields and a small woodland. The east of the site was formerly characterised by surveyed enclosure boundaries (probably dating to the 1774 Parliamentary Award for Armthorpe , but as with the western area of the site, this area experienced rapid removal of internal boundaries between the 1960s and 1980s. There is no legibility of earlier types. The buffer zone comprises a mix of character types including further agglomerated fields, private and social housing, surveyed enclosure and plantation.

One area of historic landfill is recorded within the southeast edge of the buffer, the former Cantley Quarry, used for commercial and industrial waste disposal.

The site currently comprises several fields. The site is bisected roughly through the centre by the north-south aligned Nutwell Lane. A farm is present just to the east of Nutwell Lane and several drains are present in the western half of the site. The M18 motorway runs just outside the eastern site boundary.

Cartographic/historic land use assessment:

The site is shown as numerous fields on the 1854 map. Nutwell Lane was depicted running north-south through the site. A group of buildings were shown on the current site of West Field Farm, east of the lane. The group of fields to the east of Nutwell Lane was named Southwood Field, and those to the west Park Closes. One of the fields on the western side was labelled ‘Site of Park Laithe’, possibly a former building. It was not mentioned on the 1892 map. Towards the south of the site was an area of woodland named Fidler’s Corner, and in the southwest a further small area of woodland named Ramsker Wood. A drain runs along the southern site boundary, labelled Fores Drain. Westfield Farm was labelled on the 1892 map. By 1930 a Water Works had been built just outside the southern boundary of the eastern half of the site, creating the site boundary within this area of the site. Many of the internal field boundaries within the site had been removed by 1967. By 1982 the M18 motorway had been constructed to the east, creating the current eastern boundary, and the northwest boundary was formed by a modern housing estate to the north of the western half of the site.

Within the buffer zone, the area surrounding the site comprised fields, with very few structures. A structure was present just outside the northern site boundary in 1854, labelled Southwood Field Farm. The area to the eastern

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extreme of the buffer zone was called Whiphills, and that to the west was named Tranmoor. The Horse and Groom pub was located at the northern extreme of the buffer zone by 1894. By 1930 some houses had been built adjacent to the pub, off Nutwell Lane, and the Nutwell Pumping Station had been established just outside the southern site boundary. Many field boundaries had been removed by 1967. By 1982 the area to the north of the site had become heavily developed with housing.


The site was enclosed by 1774 and has likely been in agricultural land ever since. Recent cultivation is likely to have caused some truncation of sub-surface deposits, but the potential for the preservation of buried archaeological remains below the plough zone is considered to be high. Cropmarks show rectilinear field boundaries and sub-circular enclosures within the site, particularly at the western site, and associated remains could continue throughout the site. The 1854 map showed the 'Site of Park Laithe', in the area of the sub-circular enclosures shown on aerial photography. The name may derive from old Scandinavian for 'barn', but the significance of Park Laithe is currently unclear. Westfield Farm has been shown on maps from at least 1854 onwards, though it is unclear whether the current buildings are of historic interest.

Further investigations:

Further archaeological investigation will be required should the site be brought forward for development. This should include a consideration of the historic significance of buildings at Westfield Farm.


The cropmarks across the site form part of a complex of Iron Age to Roman field systems and dispersed settlement in the area to the east of Doncaster. These features could be of Local to Regional archaeological significance depending on their extent, nature and condition. Any historic buildings at Westfield Farm are likely to be of Local archaeological significance.

Aerial Photographs & Lidar Summary:

Twenty-first century aerial photographs demonstrate little change on the site since the 1992 map, with the exception of additional housing to the north of the eastern end of the site, creating the northern site boundary in that area. Within the buffer, South Woodfield Farm has been demolished to make way for the housing. The site is shown as a number of fields, with Westfield Farm in the central eastern part of the site, though it is not possible to ascertain whether any of the buildings are of historic significance. The fields to the south of the farm are shown as under pasture, with the other fields being in arable use. The 2002 and 2009 photographs show some cropmarks in the southwest part of the site, including a sub-circular enclosure which shows clearly on both, and a couple of linear ditches in 2009. A feature aligned roughly east-west through the northwest part of the site is not recorded by the Magnesian Limestone mapping project and is probably one of the removed post-medieval field boundaries.

Lidar data shows the current field boundaries and a rectangular area of disturbed ground at the southern end of the eastern half of the site, adjacent to and possibly associated with the water works. A slight mound is shown at the northeast corner of the western half of the site, about 50m long by 20m wide, of uncertain origin. It is not visible on any of the Google Earth images, and could relate to discrete dumping of farm material.

Photograph references:

Google Earth Images 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009 & 2015. Lidar data files SE6203, SE6303 DTM 1m.

OS/67249 0020 23-Jun-1967, ULM BTO 0040 01-Jul-1975, SE6203/11 DNR 872/5A 03-Jul-1976, SE6303/4 NMR 17720/24 18-Jul-2002.

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SMR Record/event Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

00066/01 Iron Age or Romano-British Field system, Armthorpe

Two large irregular round enclosures and an approx square enclosure to the NW (c.240' x 200')


01244/01 ?Iron Age or Romano-British Rectangular Enclosure and Field System, Armthorpe

Crop mark site - rectangular, single-ditched enclosure. Traces of field system to the South West.


01245/01 Iron Age or Romano-British Enclosure and Field System, Park Closes, Armthorpe

Crop mark site - sub-rectangular single-ditched enclosure with associated field system. Trace of another sub-rectangular enclosure. Just to south west of the first.


01250/01 Iron Age or Romano-British Trackway and Field System, Cantley

A trackway and associated field system at Cantley Common. The features show on an aerial photograph.


01261/01 Neolithic flint axe Whiphills, Armthorpe

Neolithic axe - Flint axe from Whiphills. Y

03359/01 Iron Age or Romano-British Enclosure, Armthorpe

Iron Age or Romano-British small, irregular, sub-rounded enclosure.


03359/02 Pottery Finds of Unknown Date

Pottery. No details. Y

05076 Iron Age and Romano-British field system, Nutwell Lane, Armthorpe

Fieldwalking recovered worked flints and a scatter of pottery interpreted as evidence for Roman, late medieval and post-medieval manuring of fields. Trenching identified several phases of activity, the earliest being pits and gullies, cut by later ditches that formed part of a field system that developed over time, with elements being added onto a rectangular enclosure. The ditches were dated to the Iron Age/Romano-British period through artefacts. A series of ditches running on a different alignment are presumed to represent a separate phase of enclosure.


ESY272 Archaeological Evaluation off Nutwell Lane, Armthorpe

In 1995 an archaeological evaluation was undertaken on land off Nutwell Lane. The results have revealed a number of pits and ditches representing several phases of agricultural land use dating to (at least) the Iron Age and Romano-British periods.


ESY766 Geophysical Survey of land adjacent Holme Wood Lane, Armthorpe

Cropmark evidence had suggested that features were present in sandy soils across the site, however few existed where clay dominated areas. The survey revealed sufficient evidence to suggest that a field system detected to the north of Holme Wood Lane does continue into the site and there may be a scatter of related features. However, it was also clear that many features may have been truncated by ploughing as their anomalies are indistinct and discontinuous.


ESY908 Archaeological Monitoring and Trial Trenching at Doncaster Water

Excavations at two sites along the route of the pipeline revealed ditches and trackways corresponding to cropmarks of Iron Age to Romano-British field systems. Excavation of a third site at Kilham Farm close to the site of Romano British pottery


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Pipeline, South Yorkshire

kilns also revealed a number of ditches indicative of such field systems. The ditches excavated formed part of a locally, if not regionally important complex of cropmarks in the area to the east of Doncaster. The excavations confirmed the presence of field ditches and trackways identified from cropmarks, as well as identifying features not visible on aerial photographs. Despite an almost complete absence of artefactual and environmental evidence from the features, excavations have provided an insight into the use and re-use of Iron Age and Romano-British field system in the region.

SMR Historic Environment Characterisation Reference ID

Name Details Site? Buffer?

HSY4514 Southwood Field, Armthorpe, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y Y

HSY4629 Park Closes, Armthorpe, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y Y

HSY4497 Cantley Common, Cantley, Doncaster Agglomerated fields Y

HSY4500 Plantation on Cantley Common, Doncaster Plantation Y

HSY4518 Fox Covert / Crowther Wood, Doncaster Ancient Woodland Y

HSY4519 Land to the north of Cantley, Doncaster Surveyed Enclosure (Parliamentary/ Private)


HSY4991 Tranmoor Lane, Armthorpe, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY4998 Eastfield Road, Armthorpe, Doncaster Planned Estate (Social Housing) Y

HSY5005 Nutwell Lane, Armthorpe, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y

HSY5006 Alder Holt Close, Armthorpe, Doncaster Private Housing Estate Y

HSY5009 Whiphill Lane, Armthorpe, Doncaster Villas/ Detached Housing Y