Alliances Cloud Salesforce Insurance Property Casualty Factsheet

:// Page 1 of 4 Fact she et ImprovIng property and casualty processes wIth cloud computIng FujItsu allIance wIth act sheet ImprovIng property and Casualty proCesses wIth Cloud ComputIng Increase proItabIlIty through cloud tools, busIness process automatIon, and raud detectIon Property and casualty insurance carriers can increase protability through automation. Automating claims processing reduces costs and also streamlines worko w rom initial claim submiss ion to nal settlement. With automation, insurers can increase eciency and consiste ncy across the enterprise, speeding claims handling and improving both customer and employee satisaction. challenges Te insurance industry is grappling with new customer and market realities. Customers increasingly compar e rates and insurance produ cts online. Tey use the social media to report on their delight, or lack o it, with t heir insurance carriers. Tey expect t heir agents to help them, and they want answers ast. Tey expect — even demand — expensive “high touch” service. Insurance companies also ace other challenges, including: Aging legacy systems and databases Data ragmentation and data access problems Error-prone, manual business processes Hard-to-use or ineective reporting tools Sophisticated attempts at raud how we can help “Overall, emerging technologies can help property and casualty insurers meet emerging business requirements targeted at operational efciency, product innovation and customer-centricity.” 1 Fujitsu and ® understand your challenges. ogether, they oer cloud-based insurance industry solutions that address key prope rty and casualty areas—marketing and sales, underwriting and policy admin istration, claims process ing, and customer service. By adopting any — or all — o them, you can create a culture o innovation that wil l dierentiate you rom your competitors. You can increase customer delight by creating a “social” insurance enterprise that meets their expectations quickly and eciently via mobile and portal access. At the sa me time, you can achieve service and cost control objectives and eliminate the capital investment required by a traditional on-premise solution. what we oer Our property and casualty solutions are comprehensive. Fujitsu provides business process management (BPM) logic, Interstage ® , a powerul rules engine, and systems conguration capabilities. contributes its sales and service cloud inrastructure as well as the ® platorm that supports the Social Enterprise . Specic components o the property and casualty solution include: mki s – Reduce marketing and sales costs with an integrated account and broker management system. Improve results with lead and opportunity management that gu ides cross- and up-sell eorts. uii pi aiii – Stand apart rom competitors as you respond rapidly to inquiries, deliver quotes, and service policies online. 1 Kib hi-F, J wi, s li, “h C c f p&C Ic, 2010, g I rc, 26 J 2010, g00205292

Transcript of Alliances Cloud Salesforce Insurance Property Casualty Factsheet

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Fact sheetImprovIng property and casualtyprocesses wIth cloud computIng

FujItsu allIance wIth

act sheet ImprovIng property and Casualty proCesses wIth Cloud ComputIng

Increase proItabIlIty through cloud tools, busIness process

automatIon, and raud detectIon

Property and casualty insurance carriers can increase protability through automation. Automating claims processing reduces costs

and also streamlines workow rom initial claim submission to nalsettlement. With automation, insurers can increase eciency andconsistency across the enterprise, speeding claims handling andimproving both customer and employee satisaction.


Te insurance industry is grappling with new customer and marketrealities. Customers increasingly compare rates and insuranceproducts online. Tey use the social media to report on their delight,or lack o it, with their insurance carriers. Tey expect t heir agentsto help them, and they want answers ast. Tey expect — evendemand — expensive “high touch” service.

Insurance companies also ace other challenges, including:

Aging legacy systems and databases

Data ragmentation and data access problems

Error-prone, manual business processes

Hard-to-use or ineective reporting tools

Sophisticated attempts at raud

how we can help

“Overall, emerging technologies can help property and casualty insurers

meet emerging business requirements targeted at operational efciency,

product innovation and customer-centricity.”1

Fujitsu and® understand your challenges.

ogether, they oer cloud-based insurance industry solutions thataddress key property and casualty areas—marketing and sales,underwriting and policy administration, claims processing, andcustomer service. By adopting any — or all — o them, you cancreate a culture o innovation that wil l dierentiate you romyour competitors.

You can increase customer delight by creating a “social” insuranceenterprise that meets their expectations quickly and eciently viamobile and portal access. At the same time, you can achieve serviceand cost control objectives and eliminate the capital investmentrequired by a traditional on-premise solution.

what we oer

Our property and casualty solutions are comprehensive. Fujitsuprovides business process management (BPM) logic, Interstage®,a powerul rules engine, and systems conguration contributes its sales and service cloud inrastructure well as the® platorm that supports the Social Enterprise™

Specic components o the property and casualty solution include:

mki s – Reduce marketing and sales costs with anintegrated account and broker management system. Improve resultwith lead and opportunity management that guides cross- andup-sell eorts.

uii pi aiii – Stand apart romcompetitors as you respond rapidly to inquiries, deliver quotes,and service policies online.

1Kib hi-F, J wi, s li, “h C c f p&C Ic, 2010,

g I rc, 26 J 2010, g00205292

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 Jan Tupper – Frontline LimoCollaboration -Colleagues, Partners

Marketing, Sales,Submission

PipelineClaims &Customer


Integration &Business Process


Listen & Analyze

Websites,Portal Access


Delight Everyone with an Insurance Social Enterprise™

EMPLOYEESocial and Operational Networks

CUSTOMERSocial Networks and Web Access

 Jan Tupper – Frontline Limo

Interact with Body Shop■ Schedule Repair / Replace■ Finalize cost & Complete Repair

 Adoption & Renew■ Predictive Analytics■ BPM – Business Process Mgmt■ Cross Sell / Upsell

Review Claim and Damage■ View policy, coverage, photos, claim■ Schedule appointment / inspection

Instant Portal Updates■ Review Status■ See Pictures

Talk about it■ Social Networks■ Survey

 Auto Collision

■ Receive Claim

Claims 2.0

 Assign Adjuster■ Auto Assignment■ Queue based routing

© 2012 fc.c, ic. a i . u i ii.

fact sheet ImprovIng property and Casualty proCesses wIth Cloud ComputIng

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solutIon In actIon

Consider this scenario: Fujitsu Commercial Insurance, a property and casualty insurer, uses its automated claims system to receivean automobile accident report and settle a claim.

s 1 – Jan upper, oce manager o Front Line Limo, logs intothe Fujitsu Commercial Insurance customer sel-service portaland chooses n ci. Te system creates a claim record andauto-lls it with the correct vehicle inormation. Jan uploads an

iPhone picture o the damage sent by the driver.

ci pi – Accelerate ofen labor-intensive processingby automating rst notice o loss, claims scoring, and repair orreplacement. Quickly detect and assign resources to investigatepossible raud.

c svi – Meet your customers where they are with chat,email, call center, and Web portal access. Easily integrate withsocial media channels. Manage knowledge across the enterpriseor a single view o the customer.

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logged In as Jan tupper (Jan tupper@I nsuranCedemo.C

fact sheet ImprovIng property and Casualty proCesses wIth Cloud Comp

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ri, ii i ik i – Te FujitsuInterstage BPM tool can automatically start a raud investigationor connect with a predictive analytical engine to get a risk score.

Iv kf i – With most o the manualintervention in key business processes eliminated, workowsare smoother and more logical. And with data captured in asingle location and displayed in intuitive dashboards,managers have ast insight into raud trends, processingtimes, claims payouts, and more.

xi viii – Unlike traditional on-premise hardware ansofware solutions, the / Fujitsu approach to propeand casualty insurance management adjusts computing capacity business growth without requiring a substantial upront investm

why ujItsu?

Fujitsu understand your challenges. Our best practices can driverevenue and time-to-success—and reduce costs. More than 15 o the world’s leading insurance carriers are already enjoying superiROI through our unique methodologies and expert ise in cloudcomputing and the insurance industry.

Operating or more than 30 years in North America, Fujitsu is thworld’s largest I services provider, with approximately $50 billioin revenue. Our clients include more than 50 percent the FortuneGlobal 500.

Fujitsu has been a strategic Premier ConsultingPartner or more than eight years, with more licenses implementethan any other partner. We are one o only ve salesorce.comGlobal Systems Integrators.

s 2 – Te claims service representative sends the claim to theBPM tool. Depending on Fujitsu business rules, the BPM engine canassign the claim to a raud investigator or a claims adjustor. In thiscase, the claim looks suspicious. It is assigned to an investigator.

s 3 – Afer raud investigation clears the claim, it goes to a eldadjustor, who reviews the picture o the damaged car on her tabletPC. She then drags and drops the parts needed or repair onto awirerame image.

s 4 – Te BPM tool calculates the total cost o parts and laborand rolls it up into the adjustor’s claim report.

s 5 – Te adjustor discusses the settlement with the customerand then creates an agreement orm which the customer signselectronically. Te adjustor sends a PDF o the agreement to thecustomer and the repair shop.


As shown in this scenario, automating key property and casualty processes oers the error-ree “high touch” service your customerswant and the simplicity that boosts employee productivity.Te / Fujitsu property and casualty solutionalso delivers powerul business benets:

a i vi – A central data repository provides consistent customer and partner inormation to allenterprise divisions. Data ragmentation no longer slowsprocessing or rustrates customers and employees.

r ki, , i – Immediateavailability o claims scoring, policy tracking, litigationmanagement, and other important data promotestransparency and minimizes administrative costs.

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1250 East Aques Aeue

Suale, CA 94085-3470, U.S.A.

Telepe: 800 831 3183

408 746 6000

Web: ttp://

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FPC58-3072-01 02/12.


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With 100,000+ customers, ( the enterprise cloud computing company that is leading theshif to the Social Enterprise.’s Social Enterprisestrategy leverages social, mobile and open cloud technologies to putcustomers at the heart o their business. Based on’sreal-time, multitenant architecture, the company’s platorm and

application services include:

Salesorce Chatter, a secure, private social network or your business

Salesorce Sales Cloud, or sales orce automationand contact management

Salesorce Service Cloud, or customer service andsupport solutions

Salesorce Radian6, or social media monitoring and engagement

Salesorce, or the most complete source o 

accurate business data

AppExchange, the leading marketplace or enterprisecloud computing applications, or custom application development

Heroku, or building social and mobile customer apps, the world’s rst enterprise cloud database

about ujItsu amerIca

Fujitsu America, Inc. is a leading ICT solutions provider ororganizations in the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean. Fujitsu

enables clients to meet their business objectives throughintegrated oerings including consulting, systems integration,managed services and outsourcing or enterprise applications,data center and eld services operations, based on server,sofware, storage and mobile technologies. Fujitsu providesindustry-oriented solutions or manuacturing, retail,healthcare, government, education, nancial servicesand communications sectors.

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