Allah and His Creation New

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  • 7/27/2019 Allah and His Creation New




  • 7/27/2019 Allah and His Creation New


    2008 Mawlawi JahangirMahmud

    [email protected]

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    Relationshipwith HisCreation

    Relationshipwith His


    We shall studythree

    basic themesof the


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    Key Features of Allahs

    relationship with His creation1. He is most Gracious& Merciful.

    2. All Praise is due toAllah

    3. He is the Lord of theWorlds,

    4. Master of the Day ofJudgment

    5. Will reward / punish

    as per deeds6. Only He is to be

    worshipped7. He is to be feared

    8. He grants Guidance9. Those who follow

    guidance get Grace10. Those who dont,

    earn His anger11. He is the Creator of

    all, us & all aroundus; of Good & Evil

    12. We Should not set

    up rivals with Him13. He gave us

    knowledge14. His refuge should be

    sought from evil

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    Surah Al-Fatiha 1:1-7In the name of Allah,

    most Gracious, most

    Merciful.Praise be to Allah, the

    Lord of the Worlds,Most Gracious, most


    Master of the Day ofJudgment.You alone we worship,

    and Your aid we seek.Show us the straight

    way,The way of those on

    whom You havebestowed Your Grace,

    those whose portion isnot wrath, and who go

    not astray.

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    Surah Al-Fatiha 1:1-7

    In the name of Allah, mostGracious, most Merciful.

    Praise be to Allah, the Lord of theWorlds,

    Most Gracious, most Merciful,

    Master of the Day of Judgment.You alone we worship, and Your

    aid we seek.Show us the straight way,The way of those on whom You

    have bestowed Your Grace,those whose portion is not wrath,

    and who go not astray.




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    The Main Theme(s)1. This is the opening Surah of the Quran and it covers

    a variety of themes in its text2. It begins by introducing Allah and His Powers by

    glorifying His praise, announcing that He sustainseverything, declaring His colossal mercy, and thebelief in Hereafter

    3. It further highlights the two basic features ofTauheed.

    4. Firstly, that the focus of all forms of worship shallonly be for Allah and Him alone. Secondly, that weshould only ask Allah for help

    5. Failing these two would mean committing an

    unforgiveable sin, Shirk.6. The Surah ends by teaching a Dua for guidance

    from Allah of the straight path which is the path ofthe Prophets and all pious people.

    7. It also asks us to invoke Him to protect us fromgoing astray.

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    The Presentation of the Theme1. The Surah Fatiha presents a multitude of themes in

    a very distinctive manner from most other passagesof the Holy Quran because it in covers so manysubjects in just seven short sentences.

    2. Unlike many other Surahs that present differentarguments, it simply presents the outlines of allbasic Quranic themes

    3. These include the attributes of Allah, Tauheed,Allahs relationship with mankind, articles of faithand following the path of Guidance

    4. Many scholars call Surah Fatiha the preface orintroduction of the Holy Quran

    5. It is also called the seven oft repeated verses inthe Quran as it is recited in every rakah of Salah byall Muslims.

    6. Repeated recital ensures that Quranic principlesbecome deeply ingrained in a Muslims mind

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    Comparison Between (i) & (ii)



    MeaningsContent Teachings



    How themes havebeen presented

    by Allah to makepeopleunderstand them

    How this passage

    is different fromother similarpassages

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    Surah Baqara 2: 21-22

    21. O people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, who created youand those who came before you, so that you may havethe chance to learn righteousness

    22. Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavensyour canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens; andby it brought forth fruits for your sustenance; then donot set up rivals to Allah, when you know.

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    21. O people! Adore yourGuardian-Lord, whocreated you and thosewho came before you, sothat you may have thechance to learnrighteousness

    22. Who has made the earthyour couch, and theheavens your canopy; andsent down rain from the

    heavens; and by it broughtforth fruits for yoursustenance; then do notset up rivals to Allah,

    when you know.




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    The Main Theme(s)1. The main theme of these verses is to help a

    person understand the relationship of Allahwith humans.

    2. It stresses that Allah is the Creator of allpeoples, past and present.

    3. Also it is He who had created the heavensand the earth, it is He who sends down therain that produces fruit; all these He hasdone for mankind

    4. Hence, it directs us that keeping thesebounties of Allah in mind, we shouldworship Him alone, and that is the path topiety.

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    The Presentation of the Theme1. The distinctive theme of this passage is that it

    encourages us to recognize Allah through Hisbounties.

    2. The Quran says, No vision can grasp Him, but Hisgrasp is over all visions (Surah Al Anaam: 103).

    3. As we cannot see Him, therefore it is through Hisbounties that we may recognize Allah and see HisHand in all matters

    4. We are repeatedly reminded by the Quran toworship Allah alone and not to commit Shirk withHim, but in this particular passage it explains this by

    reminding us of His unlimited bounties and blessingsthat He sends down upon us5. This appreciation and gratitude leads us to the path

    of righteousness.

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    Surah Al Alaq 96; 1-5

    1. Read! in the name of your Lord, who created2. Created man out of a clot of congealed blood3.Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful4. He who taught by the pen5. Taught man what he did not know.

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    1. Read! in the nameof your Lord, who

    created2. Created man out

    of a clot ofcongealed blood

    3.Proclaim! Andyour Lord is mostbountiful

    4. He who taught bythe pen

    5. Taught man what

    he did not know.




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    The Main



    Teachings Lessons Beliefs Theme


    How does the Quranexplain it What examples etc it uses How similar themes are

    mentioned in the HQ Example from the Quran

    or the Ahadith

    The Presentation

    of the Theme

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    The Main Theme(s)1. This is part of the first ever revelation sent

    to the Prophet2. It mentions two of Allah's most important

    attributes and these arei. His creating man

    ii. bestowing knowledge upon him3. Man has been asked by Allah to

    acknowledge His great favours that makeman superior to all other creations

    4. Allah perfected man through variousstages of development

    5. and enabled him to read and write with thehelp of pen.

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    The Presentation of the Theme

    These verses present the nature ofthe relationship of man with Allahby teaching him that He created,shaped, and taught himKnowledge

    While these verses do not directlyask man to worship Allah as inSurah Baqara where afterreminding of Allahs favours, man

    is ordered to worship Him only. It presents the above facts beforeman with the purpose of makinghim recognize Him.

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    Surah ZilZal 99; 1-8

    1. When the earth is shaken to her utmost convulsion,2. And the earth throws up her burdens3. And man cries out: 'What is the matter with her?4. On that day will she declare her tidings5. For that your Lord will have given her inspiration6. On that day will men proceed in companies sorted out, to

    be shown their deeds7. Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good

    see it8. And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil shall

    see it.

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    1. When the earth is shaken toher utmost convulsion,

    2. And the earth throws up herburdens

    3. And man cries out: 'What isthe matter with her?

    4. On that day will she declareher tidings

    5. For that your Lord will havegiven her inspiration6. On that day will men proceed

    in companies sorted out, to beshown their deeds

    7. Then shall anyone who hasdone an atom's weight of goodsee it

    8. And anyone who has done anatom's weight of evil shall seeit.




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    The Main Theme(s)

    The main theme contained inthis Surah are four

    1.The fact that Allah is Master

    of the Day of Judgment2. Allah records all deeds3.Allah will evaluate every

    individual based on their

    actions4.Allah will reward or punish

    even the smallest of deeds.

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    The Presentation of the Theme

    1. While describing the relationship with themankind, Allah tells them that this life is atemporary and it will end with theunimaginable earthquake

    2. The surah distinctly highlights the relationshipof Allah with mankind by making it clear thatDay of Judgment will be a day of justice foreveryone.

    3. Other Surahs of the Quran also tell usregarding the Day of Judgment, but this Surah

    is different as it is one of the shortest Surah onthis Subject

    4. E.g., Surah Waqiah has a similar theme butpresents lengthy details about the same


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    The 7 in Allahs ShadeThe Prophet said, "Seven (people) will be shaded by Allah by

    His Shade on the Day of Resurrection when there will be noshade except His Shade.(They will be),

    1) A just ruler,2) A young man who has been brought up in the worship of


    3) A man who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes arethen flooded with tears,

    4) A man whose heart is attached to mosques,5) Two Muslims who love each other only for Allah's Sake,6) A man who is called by a charming lady of noble birth to

    commit sin with her, and he refuses, saying, 'I am afraid ofAllah,'7) And (finally), a man who gives in charity so secretly that

    his left hand does not know what his right hand has given.Allahhumma Rabbana Jaalna Min Hum May Allah include us

    amongst them

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    Key Features of Allahs

    relationship with His creation1. He is most Gracious& Merciful.

    2. All Praise is due toAllah

    3. He is the Lord of theWorlds,4. Master of the Day of

    Judgment5. Will reward / punish

    as per deeds6. Only He is to be

    worshipped7. He is to be feared

    8. He grants Guidance9. Those who follow

    guidance get Grace10. Those who dont,

    earn His anger11. He is the Creator of

    all, us & all aroundus; of Good & Evil

    12. We Should not set

    up rivals with Him13. He gave us

    knowledge14. His refuge should be

    sought from evil

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    Surah Al-Nas 114: 1-6

    In the name of Allah, most Gracious ,most Merciful.1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of Mankind,2. the King of Mankind,3. the Allah of Mankind,4. from the evil of the whisperer who withdraws,5. who whispers in the hearts of Mankind,6. from Among Jinn and Mankind.

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    Say: I seek refuge withthe Lord of Mankind,

    the King of Mankind,the God of Mankind,

    from the evil of thewhisperer whowithdraws,

    who whispers in thehearts of Mankind,

    from Among Jinn andMankind.




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    Comparison Between (i) & (ii)


    PART (II)



    MeaningsContent Teachings

    How themes havebeen presentedby Allah to makepeopleunderstand them

    How this passageis different fromother similarpassages

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    The Main Theme(s) This is the last Surah of the Quran and is partner to

    the preceding Surah (Al-Falaq) The Surah was revealed to cure the Prophet whena spell was cast on him

    It also teaches us to seek protection of AllahAlmighty against the evil effects of the whisperingof Satan that are aimed at distracting man from

    the Right Path This Surah focuses on three important themes of

    man's relation with Allah:1. Allah alone is the sole Sustainer and Supreme

    over all humans2. Therefore, He is only to be worshipped3. Allah is the One who can protect us from all evil,

    may that be hidden or visible

    Th P i f h Th

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    The Presentation of the Theme The themes of this Surah, overall Lordship of

    Allah and the seeking of His protection against all

    evil, have been presented differently from othersimilar passages in the Quran. Firstly, the concept of whisperings has been

    identified as a method used by both Jinn and Manto divert a believer from the Right Path.

    Secondly, it declares Allah in three shortsentences the relationship that Allah has withMan, namely being their Sustainer, King and God.

    In other similar passages, such as Surah Falaq,such reminders of God-Man relationship are not

    used, rather the powers of Allah as the creator ofall good as well as evil are presented. It is as if Allah is reminding us that as He is our

    Sustainer, King and God, it is He who shallprotect us from all evil.

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    Some of the Books authored by Maulvi Jahangir Mahmud

  • 7/27/2019 Allah and His Creation New


    2008 Mawlawi Jahangir

    [email protected]