All-University Leadership Conference 2008 Program

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Transcript of All-University Leadership Conference 2008 Program

  • 8/3/2019 All-University Leadership Conference 2008 Program


    Sponsored by Ofce of the Dean of Students

    October 4th - October 5th 2008Doral Desert Princess Resort

    25 Years of Growth:Leadership From e Ground Up

  • 8/3/2019 All-University Leadership Conference 2008 Program


    Welcome to beautiul Palm Springs and UCIs 25th Annual Randy B. LewisAll-University Leadership Conerence! Each year, a select group o UCIstudents has the opportunity to spend a weekend away rom campus or the

    purpose o enhancing their leadership skills, discussing issues acing the campuscommunity, and orging relationships among administrators and other studentleaders. As conerees, you join an All-U alumni o over 4,420 students thathave participated in this program since its establishment in 1984. o this day,the All-University Leadership Conerence remains the only event o its kindamong the University o Caliornia campuses.

    Our conerence theme, 25 Years o Growth: Leadership From Te Ground Up,hopes to inspire students to examine what makes up a leader today. We welcomeour new Law School Dean, Erwin Chemerinsky to the conerence to deliverthe opening keynote addressing his vision or UCIs Law School while sharinghis perspective on ree speech in an academic environment. Our conerence

    planning committee is excited that Dean Chemerinsky accepted our invitationto kick-o this years program and we are looking orward to introducing himto our UCI student leadership.

    As the conerence chair, I would like to express my deep appreciation to thededicated group o students and administrators who served on the conerence

    planning committee. Tis resourceul group met every other week throughout

    the summer to plan every nuance o this program. Tanks also to those campusadministrators, student leaders, and alumni that contributed their valuable timeto acilitate our conerence workshops and discussion groups.

    Above all, thank you, UCI student leaders, or being a part o this conerenceand or your many contributions on behal o the campus community. Te

    planning committee trusts that you will nd much in the next two days whichchallenges you, causes you to think, and provides you with insights into yourroles as campus leaders. Our hope is that this conerence will better prepare you

    or leadership in a changing world.


    Rameen aleshConerence Chair


  • 8/3/2019 All-University Leadership Conference 2008 Program


    2008 Conference Planning Committee

    Umera Ameen University Advancement/elephone Outreach

    Sarah Bana Student Center Board, Cross-Cultural Center Intern

    David Bishop Director, LGBRC

    Megan Braun ASUCI President

    Mia Cromarty Center or Service in Action, Circle K

    Jansen Cudal Programs Assistant, Oce o the Dean o Students

    Edgar Dormitorio Director, Student Judicial Aairs

    America Darlene Esparza Director, Center or Service in Action

    Raid Faraj Senior Investigator/Diversity Educator, Equal Opportunity & DiversityDaphne Felicitas Internship Coordinator, Career Center

    Greg Ferrer Assistant Director, Disability Services Center

    Jennier Gamble Complex Coordinator, Mesa Court Housing

    iany Go Alpha Chi Omega, ASUCI Executive Board

    Adrienne Elise Grayson Outreach Coordinator, Center or Educational Partnerships

    Kyle Holmes ASUCI Executive Board

    Kevin Huie Director, Cross-Cultural Center

    Andrea Knies Career Counselor, Career Center

    Alex Kushner Student Government, Program Coordinator

    Floyd Lai Assistant Director, Cross-Cultural Center

    Ellen Lu Associate Director, University Communications, University Advance-ment

    Eric Ly Center or Service in Action

    Neysa Nankervis Pi Beta Phi, Administrative Intern

    Justin ONeill Program Coordinator, Arroyo Vista HousingAnthony Pang Alcohol Prevention Coordinator, Health Education

    Daniel Park First Year Experience Coordinator, Middle Earth Housing

    Sally Peterson Dean o Students

    Leigh Poirier Ball Associate Director, Health Education

    Oracio Sanchez ASUCI Executive Board

    Genice Sarcedo Program Coordinator, LGBRC

    Sherwynn Umali Assistant Director, Cross-Cultural Center

    Kelly Watanabe Vice President, omo No Kai

    Sandy Winslow Executive Director, ASUCI

    Leya Worcester Co-President, Public Health Association

    onie Zhu Vice President, Undergraduate Finance Association

    Fatin Zubi Administrative Resource Coordinator, Oce o the Dean o Students

    Committee Chair Rameen Talesh Associate Dean, Oce o the Dean o Students

  • 8/3/2019 All-University Leadership Conference 2008 Program


    2008 Conference Goals

    Student Pride and Spirito promote campus spirit and inspire students to become proud and eective leaders.

    Student Empowermento raise awareness about campus issues and empower students to pursue meaningul involvements in universitygovernance.

    Campus Cultureo better understand the diversity within the campus culture and to appreciate how diversity can positively aect the UCIcommunity

    Leadership Styles and Skillo better appreciate various leadership styles and to strengthen personal leadership skills.Student, Faculty, and Administrative Relations

    o ortiy linkages and invigorate communication between student, aculty, and administrative leaders.Integrity and Values-Based Decision Makingo promote leadership integrity and values-based decision making.

    Campus and Communityo develop a vision/plan or UCI and the external community relating to student issues.

    echnologyo promote positive use o technology and educate students on how it may be eectively applied to student lie.

    Follow-Upo identiy strategies or applying inormation learned at the conerence to our leadership challenges at home.

    Previous Conference Themes2007 Zots Anatomy: Dissecting Leadership2006 UCI: Unity, Consciousness and Integrity2005 ransition and Vision2004 Coming o Age: Change, Choices, and Challenges2003 Connect the Zots2002 TeAntology:ALeadershipCollective2001 Anteaters to Antleaders2000 Leadership: A Journey, Not A Destination1999 Yes 2 Knowledge (Y2K)1998 Proles o Leadership: Styles, Strategies and Successes1997 Learn oday, Lead omorrow1996 [email protected] Renewing the University: Making Ideas Real1994 Tat Was Ten, Tis is Now - UCI: Understanding Our Changing Institution1993 Working ogether: Building Better Bridges1992 Redening UCI: Unity Trough Campuswide Interaction1991 I Not Me, Who? I Not Now, When?1990 Leadership: Vision in Action1989 Leadership...At Your Service1988 Leadership in a Changing Environment1987 Rising to the Challenge1986 Developing the Leader Within: Not or Leaders Only1985 Te Challenge o Leadership1984 Developing Your Leadership Style

  • 8/3/2019 All-University Leadership Conference 2008 Program


    Saturday, October 4th

    8:00 a.m. Depart or Doral Desert Princess Resort

    10:15 a.m. Arrive at the Doral Desert Princess Resort

    10:30 a.m. Registration and Check InPlace Luggage in Suite 139

    11:00 a.m. Welcome by Chair

    Rameen TaleshMesquite A,B,C

    11:30 a.m. LunchMesquite A,B,C

    12:00 noon Opening Keynote: Free Speech

    Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, UCI School of LawMesquite A,B,C

    1:10 p.m. -1:50 p.m.

    Anteater Cafe Breakout IVista, Canyon Suites, Oleander B, Mesquite

    2:00 p.m. Workshops(Select 1 o 4)Oleander A Event Planning

    Presenter: Sandy Winsow, Executive Director / Student Government &Darren Endo, Event Planner / Scheduling and Conerence Services

    Have you spent weeks planning an event, only to see your ocers showup? Have you ound the event planning process at UCI to be over-whelming, dicult to navigate, and expensive? Expand your marketingtools and event planning know-how at this interactive session on success-ul programming at UCI. Both new and experienced programmers willhave the opportunity to showcase their skills in a small group breakoutsession. Attendees will leave with up-to-date resources, new ideas andvaluable inormation that may be utilized or programming at UCI andbeyond.

    Oleander B Te Head Shot Syndrome: Understanding Your World View,Comort Zone, and Cultural Lens

    Presenter: Kevin Huie, Director / Cross-Cultural Center

    Part o becoming an eective student leader is learning to manage, com-municate, and work with your diverse constituency. In order to do this,

    one must understand how his or her world view, comort zone and cul-tural lens can have an eect on actions, interactions and reactions withand among one another. Tis interactive workshop allows participantsthe opportunity to analyze the ways in which they see and interpretothers, to assess their comort levels with dierence, and to increase theirawareness o ones ability to make presumptions based on appearance.Participants will also be able to set an action plan in developing theirown intercultural eectiveness.

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    Saturday, October 4th

    Oleander C When it comes to Confict: Whats your approach?Presenter: Michael Chennault, University Ombudsman

    When approaching conict its important to know what triggers yourears, biases and hot buttons. In short its critical to be sel aware. In thisworkshop, we will explore how you typically approach conict and howbiases make it dicult to be impartial. Te process is highly interactive.

    Mesquite D Beyond Your Peers! How to Communicate Across GenerationsPresenters:Andrea Knies, Career Counselor / Career Center & DaphneFelicitas, Career Counselor / Career Center

    Get a snapshot o the dierent generations you interact with radi-

    tionalists, Babyboomers, Generation X and YOU, the Millennials! Upuntil now, youve been surrounded by peers who watched the same showsand listened to the music o todays Grammy winners. As emergingleaders you interact with all 4 generations so it is essential to understandand appreciate the dierences and links between generations. Learnhow to manage your personal communication with supervisors, aculty,administrators and club sponsors rom all generations. Practice what youlearn in this highly interactive workshop!

    3:25 p.m. Zot Groups

    Vista Te Issues o Free Speech: How can we better appreciate dierent opinions andpoints o view?Facilitator:Leya Worcester, Public Health Association

    We live in a country that has its historical roots in ree speech: the First Amend-ment prohibits the United States Congress rom making laws that inringe onreedom o speech, but there are limitations on this reedom. How can we, a groupo leaders at UCI, continue to appreciate the diverse set o opinions and pointso view? In this Zotgroup, our goal is to act with compassion and sensitivity as

    we accept the opinions o others. We will strive to learn rom each other in anatmosphere o positive interaction and mutual respect.

    Oleander B CONAC: Clubs & Organizations Networking to Achieve Campus iesFacilitator:Kelly Watanabe, Tomo No Kai &Mia Cromarty, Center orService and Action

    Do you want your organization to build stronger partnerships with other groupson campus? Most organization leaders answer with an enthusiastic Yes! Comebe a part o this Zotgroup to share ideas on building stronger relationships and

    programming between organizations on-campus.

    Oleander C Show Me the Money!: Inormation and Discussion about Campus FundingFacilitator:Megan Braun, ASUCI

    Megan Braun as the Chair o the Student Programming Funding Board willprovide a brie summary o the sources o on campus unding, explain how the ap-plication process works and oer tips on successully being awarded unding. Terewill be an open discussion about strategies or securing unding, comments on howthe unding process can better meet the needs o your organization, brainstormingabout undraising ideas and an opportunity to ask questions about unding.

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    Anteater Pride: Zot-StyleFacilitator: Tifany Go, ASUCI, Alpha Chi Omega

    A common complaint about UC Irvine is that it is an apathetic commuter school.Ask leaders on this campus how they eel about UCI and apathetic is not one othe words you hear. Our goal is to spread that love and pride to every Anteater.Come discuss what can be done to ensure that all students reap the benets oa more unied campus. Expect laughs, interesting acts about UCI, and spiritreebies. Doing it ZO-SYLE will never go out o ashion!

    Mesquite D Political EngagementFacilitator:Neysa Nankervis, Administrative Intern, Pi Beta Phi

    Political engagement is the combination o political awareness and participation.With such a signicant election ast approaching it is important that students havea clear understanding o the various ways to get involved and actively participateon campus and in the community. Tis Zot Group will be an opportunity toopenly ask questions, state concerns and discuss amongst ellow students the manybranches o political engagement.

    Vista Student Space on CampusFacilitator: Sarah Bana, Student Center Board, Circle K

    Everyday, thousands o students use the Student Center, the Bren Events Center,and the Anteater Recreation Center. All three o these entities are integral parts ostudent lie, and in turn, are at least partially unded by student ees. Come discussthe uture o these acilities as well as the possible changes that can be made toenhance the AntLeader experience.

    Mesquite E Making the Grade: How do we score in diversity and inclusivity at UCI?Facilitator: Oracio Sanchez, ASUCI

    UCI strives to be a diverse campus where students can learn and respect the di-erences o each other. In this Zotgroup we have the opportunity to address and

    voice our opinion in regards to our campus climate. Are we diverse enough? Howtolerant are we? Do we eel sae? Have all our needs been met? Tis discussion

    will include topics related to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation,disabilities, saety, student health, and more.

    Oleander A Expanding the Branches o SustainabilityFacilitator:Eric Ly, Center or Service in Action &Colin Murphy, Sustain-ability Coalition at UCI

    Got some ideas on how to make UCI a more sustainable campus? Want to learnmore and get involved with the Sustainability movement on campus? Tis ZotGroup will provide a discussion or sustainability issues as well as a way to network

    with other ellow Anteaters who are concerned about sustainability.

    4:35 p.m. Anteater Cafe Breakout IIVista, Canyon Suites, Oleander B, Mesquite

    5:30 p.m. Claim Key Packets and Room Check-InCanyon Suites / Mesquite Foyer

    Saturday, October 4th

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    Sunday, October 5th8:30 a.m. -9:30 a.m.

    Check-Out of RoomsRoom 139

    9:00 a.m. Continental BreakfastMesquite A,B,C

    10:00 a.m. Super Sunday Sessions

    Oleander A Overcome your ear o public speaking.and boring meetings too!Presenter:Jennier Gamble, Complex Coordinator / Mesa Court Housing

    Learn tips and techniques that will help you lead your next meeting and

    increase your comort level in public speaking. Tis session will provideyou with the opportunity to practice speaking in ront o a group andidentiy ways to overcome common anxieties related to public speaking.Principles or leading eective meetings will also be presented.

    Oleander B Managing Your Most Valuable Resource: imePresenter: Sally Peterson, Dean o Students

    Did you ever wonder why some students seem to have more time thanothers? Te act is, that when it comes to one o our most valuableresources, time, everyone has an equal share o it, each o us are orced

    to spend it at the same rate, and each o us has all there is o it - that isthe paradox o time. Attend this workshop on one o your most valuableresources and learn how you can manage yoursel with respect to theclock. You will identiy your own time wasters, learn techniques toeliminate them, and emerge as a more organized student leader or theyear to come.

    Saturday, October 4th

    6:30 p.m. Dinner Etiquette Presentation

    Kathryn Van Ness & Michelle FoleyProessional & Dining Etiquette: First and Lasting Impressions!

    Mesquite A,B,C

    8:30 p.m. Anteater IdolMesquite A,B,C

    10:00 p.m. Karaoke and GamesMesquite A,B,C

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    Sunday, October 5th

    Oleander C Catching Your Breath - Stress Management or the Active StudentLeader

    Presenter: Leigh Porier-Ball, Associate Director / Health Education CenterAre you stressed? Do you nd yoursel skipping meals? Do you sacricesleep due to your busy schedule? Does working out or you meanrunning rom class to meetings to study groups? Unortunately, somestudent leaders are willing to sacrice their own well being in order tohelp their organizations. However, your own personal health contributesto the success o your organization. Relaxation is a key part o maintain-ing physical, mental and emotional wellness. Relaxation and healthystress management quiets your mind, calms your body and allows you toperorm at your personal best. Tis workshop explores techniques and

    resources available to manage stress and enhance personal wellness. It isdesigned to be active in nature with time or personal reection.

    Oleander D Creating Success as a Strengths-Based LeaderPresenters:Andrea Knies, Career Counselor / Career Center & DaphneFelicitas, Career Counselor / Career Center

    Start the new year with a more engaged and eective team! Duringtimes when we achieve success and perorm our best, we are most ofenutilizing our natural talents. Imagine leading a team o members whoare maximizing their unique strengths to achieve your teams vision.Walk away with tools you can use to identiy and leverage your teamsstrengths. Activate your leadership success by joining us or this interac-tive and insightul workshop

    11:15 a.m. UCI History of Social Movements/Zotgroup ReportsMesquite A,B,C

    How do some student groups empower their membership to grow andrealize their potential as student leaders? What are the actors that havemade a dierence in certain organizations achieving success? What are thepros and cons o protest and confontation as a tactic by student groups tobring about change? How can you as student leaders build opportunities

    or student empowerment within your organization and make a dierenceon the UCI campus?

    Be sure to attend this plenary session and learn about these issues plusothers that will inspire you and your organization to bring about posi-tive change at UCI. Tis plenary session is expected to serve as a kicko to the reports by the various Zot Groups.

    12:15 p.m. LunchMesquite A,B,C

    1:15 p.m. Closing RemarksMesquite A,B,C

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    Presenter Bios

    Founding Dean and Distinguished Proessor o Law

    University o Caliornia, IrvineSchool o Law

    Erwin Chemerinsky, a nationally re-nowned scholar o constitutional lawand civil procedure, assumed the ound-ing deanship o the new University oCaliornia, Irvine School o Law eec-tive July 1, 2008. Dean Chemerinskyis responsible or the schools academicand administrative leadership, includingdeveloping and implementing a scholarlyand educational vision that will take theschool rom start-up to top-tier status.

    Prior to his UC Irvine appointment, Dean Chemerinsky held an endowed pro-essorship in law and political science at Duke University, was proessor o pub-lic interest law, legal ethics, and political science at the University o SouthernCaliornia Law School, and prior to that a law proessor at DePaul College oLaw. Beore turning to teaching, Dean Chemerinsky practiced law as a trial at-torney with the United States Department o Justice, and at Dobrovir, Oakes &

    Gebhardt in Washington, D.C. He received a B.S. rom Northwestern Univer-sity and a J.D. rom Harvard Law School.

    Author o numerous authoritative books and a requent contributor to newspa-pers and magazines, Dean Chemerinsky regularly serves as a commentator onlegal issues or national and local media outlets. In April 2005, he was namedby Legal Aairs as one o the top 20 legal thinkers in America, was named bythe Daily Journal every year rom 1998-2003 as one o the 100 most inuentiallawyers in Caliornia, and is the recipient o innumerable prizes and awards or

    service to the public good. Rare among law school deans, he requently arguesappellate cases beore the United States Supreme Court and the United StatesCourts o Appeals, and has testied many times beore congressional and statelegislative committees.

    Erwin Chemerinsky

  • 8/3/2019 All-University Leadership Conference 2008 Program


    Director, UCI Career Center

    Kathryn received her Bachelors and Masters degreesrom the University o Wisconsin in Communicationsand Counseling. She spent ten years at UCLA where she

    was asked to rejuvenate the MBA Career Center at Te

    Anderson School. Under her leadership, the Center wasranked by Business Week as the Best MBA Career Centerin the nation in 1996 and in 1998.

    Kathryn arrived at UCI in 1999 to rebuild our UCI Ca-reer Center the culture and the services. Te results?You have access to outstanding resources and an energetic

    proessional team to help you dene and reach career goals whether aiming or the PeaceCorps, a public service law rm, or a corporate entity.

    Kathryn Van Ness

    Employer & Campus Relations Specialist,UCI Career Center

    Michelle has been actively creating internship andcareer opportunities or UCI students or over 5

    years. Michelle brings extensive experience in cus-tomer service, career services and hospitality. Shehas become the Etiquette Queen at the UCICareer Center oering dining and proessional eti-quette training or student groups on campus and tosummer interns at Ernst & Young, a top consultingrm.

    Michelle Foley

  • 8/3/2019 All-University Leadership Conference 2008 Program


    Acknowledgments We would like to acknowledge the nancial contributions o those schools, depart-ments, and individuals that assisted in underwriting all or a portion o the costs o many

    participating students.

    Alumni Association Housing

    Arroyo Vista Housing Housing Outreach Services

    Arts Student Aairs International Studies


    Bren School o ICS Mesa Court Housing

    Campus Recreation Middle Earth Housing

    Campus Village Housing Oce o the Dean o Students

    Campuswide Honors Program Oce o the Vice Chancellor StudentAars

    Career Center Oce o the Ombuds

    Center or Educational Partnerships,SAGE Scholars Program Scheduling & Conerence Services

    Center or International Education Schools First Credit Union

    Center or Service in Action Social Science Undergrad Oce

    Community and Government Rela-tions Student Aairs

    Counseling Center Student Center

    Cross-Cultural Center UCI Police Department

    Disability Services Center UCI School o Law

    Division o Undergraduate Education Undergraduate Research OpportunitiesProgram

    Education Veteran Services

    Financial Aid Vista del Campo

    Health Education Center Vista del Campo Norte

    Hospitality & Dining Services

  • 8/3/2019 All-University Leadership Conference 2008 Program


    Presenter Contact InfoDean Erwin ChemerinskyUCI School o Law

    Michael ChennaultUniversity [email protected](949)824-7256

    Darren EndoEvent Planner, Scheduling & Conerence [email protected](949)824-5252

    Daphne FelicitasInternship Coordinator, Career [email protected](949)824-6110

    Michelle FoleyRecruiting Coordinator, Career [email protected](949)824-6884

    Jennifer Gamble

    Complex Coordinator, Mesa [email protected](949)824-7530

    Kevin HuieDirector, Cross-Cultural [email protected](949)824-2001

    Andrea KniesCareer Counselor, Career [email protected](949)824-0038

    Sally PetersonDean o [email protected](949)824-5590

    Leigh Porier-BallAssociate Director, Health [email protected](949)824-9688

    Kathryn Van NessDirector, Career [email protected](949)824-4643

    Sandy WinslowExecutive Director, Student [email protected](949)824-2442

  • 8/3/2019 All-University Leadership Conference 2008 Program













    SUITE 139














    Conference Conduct PolicyTe Randy B. Lewis All University Leadership Conerence is an alcohol andsubstance ree University-sponsored event. Your compliance with this policy isappreciated. Tank you or your cooperation.

    Protect Your Belongings

    Please note that conerence participants are responsible or their own belongings. Laptopcomputers and other valuables should not be lef unattended. Valuables may be checked at nocharge with the bell captain stationed at the Doral Hotel ront lobby