All regular masses have been · Virginia D. Contreras Office Manager Joanna Haston Director of...

Most Rev. Bishop Peter Baldacchino 1240 S. Espina Most Rev. Ricardo Ramírez, C.S.B., D.D., Bishop Emeritus Las Cruces, New Mexico, 88001 Very Rev. Bill McCann, Rector Phone: (575) 524-8563 Deacon Joseph E. Misquez Fax: (575) 523-2252 Deacon Ruben GuƟerrez Web: Email: Parish staVirginia D. Contreras Oce Manager Joanna Haston Director of Religious EducaƟon Martha Beasley Family Outreach Patricia Cereceres RecepƟonist/Data Entry Eddie Padron Evening RecepƟonist Johnny Carrillo Custodian All regular masses have been suspended until further notice. Please call the office if you would like to schedule a family Mass. +++++ Todas las misas regulares han sido suspendidas hasta nuevo aviso. Llame a la oficina si desea programar una misa familiar. Sacramental InformaƟon BapƟsms — Please call the oce for more InformaƟon. Marriage — Those planning on geƫng married please contact the front oce for informaƟon. Adult Sacraments — Classes run from September unƟl Easter. Please call the oce for more informaƟon. Interested in Becoming Catholic? — Please call the oce for more informaƟon about RCIA. Holy Orders — Any one interested in serving the church as a priest or deacon should see one of the parish priests. We the people of Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral are a mulƟcultural, Roman Catholic Community of believers on a faith journey. We answer the call of our BapƟsm to serve God as Disciples of Christ and seek to evangelize people of all walks of life. We serve God and each other by ministering in our parish, our community and our homes, through lives rooted in the Word, Worship and Service. The Cathedral depends on the nancial support of friends like you. Please consider the Cathedral when you give to charity. All donaƟons are tax deducƟble. Our Legal Ɵtle is: Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral, Inc. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER, APRIL 26, 2020

Transcript of All regular masses have been · Virginia D. Contreras Office Manager Joanna Haston Director of...

Page 1: All regular masses have been · Virginia D. Contreras Office Manager Joanna Haston Director of Religious Educa on Martha Beasley Family Outreach Patricia Cereceres Recep onist/Data

Most Rev. Bishop Peter Baldacchino 1240 S. Espina Most Rev. Ricardo Ramírez, C.S.B., D.D., Bishop Emeritus Las Cruces, New Mexico, 88001 Very Rev. Bill McCann, Rector Phone: (575) 524-8563 Deacon Joseph E. Misquez Fax: (575) 523-2252 Deacon Ruben Gu errez Web: Email: [email protected] Parish staff Virginia D. Contreras Office Manager Joanna Haston Director of Religious Educa on Martha Beasley Family Outreach Patricia Cereceres Recep onist/Data Entry Eddie Padron Evening Recep onist Johnny Carrillo Custodian

All regular masses have been suspended until further notice.

Please call the office if you would

like to schedule a family Mass.


Todas las misas regulares han sido suspendidas hasta nuevo aviso.

Llame a la oficina si desea programar una misa familiar.

Sacramental Informa on Bap sms — Please call the office for more Informa on. Marriage — Those planning on ge ng married please contact the front office for informa on. Adult Sacraments — Classes run from September un l Easter. Please call the office for more informa on. Interested in Becoming Catholic? — Please call the office for more informa on about RCIA. Holy Orders — Any one interested in serving the church as a priest or deacon should see one of the parish priests. We the people of Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral are a mul cultural, Roman Catholic Community of believers on a faith journey. We answer the call of our Bap sm to serve God as Disciples of Christ and seek to evangelize people of all walks of life. We serve God and each other by ministering in our parish, our community and our homes, through lives rooted in the Word, Worship and Service.

The Cathedral depends on the financial support of friends like you. Please consider the Cathedral when you give to charity. All dona ons are tax deduc ble. Our Legal tle is: Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral, Inc.


Page 2: All regular masses have been · Virginia D. Contreras Office Manager Joanna Haston Director of Religious Educa on Martha Beasley Family Outreach Patricia Cereceres Recep onist/Data

MONDAY, April 27 8:15 AM + Maria de Jesus Loya By: Josefina Vargas + Omaira Perez By: Son TUESDAY, April 28 8:15 AM + Ernie Rel, Jr. By: Mom + Omaira Perez By: Son 6:00 PM Voca ons to the Priesthood and Religious Life WEDNESDAY, April 29 8:15 AM All Souls in Purgatory David Webster (Well being) By: Lydia Webster THURSDAY, April 30 8:15 AM All Souls in Purgatory 6:00 PM Word Service FRIDAY, May 1 8:15 AM + Mary T. and + Marie Vigil By: Nick Vigil SATURDAY, May 2 5:30 PM Our Parish Family SUNDAY, May 3 7:30 AM + Paul Sevachko By: Family + Manuel and + Vincent Ortega By: Family 9:00 AM + Gonzalo and + Juanita Rosales By: Family + Elena Nevarez By: Family 11:00 AM + Jack Valencia, Sr. By: Valencia Family Madrid Children (Living) By: Gloria Aldere e 1:00 PM + Rose Sowa By: Deacon Ed and Kathy

Note from Fr. Bill regarding infant bap sms:

I would like to resume with infant bap sms. If you have child to be bap zed please call the office to register. We could provide the bap smal classes by internet – either by live-streaming or by Zoom. The child could be bap zed at a Mass with only the parents and godparents present in order to comply with state health mandates.


Nota del Padre Bill sobre bau smos infan les: Me gustaría reanudar con bau smos infan les. Si

ene que bau zar a un niño, llame a la oficina para registrarse. Podríamos proporcionar las clases de bau smo por internet, ya sea por transmisión en vivo o por Zoom. El niño podría ser bau zado en una Misa con sólo los padres y padrinos presentes para cumplir con los mandatos de salud del estado.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59, or, for the memorial, Gn 1:26 — 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Ps 23:1-6; 1 Pt 2:20b-25; Jn 10:1-10

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Third Sunday of Easter Tuesday: St. Peter Chanel; St. Louis Grignion de Mon ort Wednesday: St. Catherine of Siena Thursday: St. Pius V Friday: St. Joseph the Worker; First Friday Saturday: St. Athanasius; First Saturday

Holy Thursday Collection 4.09.2020 $552.00 Good Friday Collection 4.10.2020 $406.00 Easter Vigil Collection 4.11.2020 $2,443.00 Sunday Collection 4.19.2020 $4,230.05 Deposits for this week: Stewardship: $8,179.00 St. Mother Teresa: $2,355.00 Building Maintenance: $80.00 Catholic Home Missions: $50.00

Reconcilia on Monday—5:30 pm Finley Hall Saturday, 4 pm Lawn in front of the Cathedral Tuesday— 12pm Finley Hall

Page 3: All regular masses have been · Virginia D. Contreras Office Manager Joanna Haston Director of Religious Educa on Martha Beasley Family Outreach Patricia Cereceres Recep onist/Data

The Bible and the Virgin Mary is a dynamic twelve-part video series that beautifully explains the Catholic truths about Our Lady, showing how she has been a part of God’s plan to bring salvation to the world since the beginning of time. In addition to explanation of dogmas, answers to common objections, and demonstration of Mary’s presence in the Old and New Testaments, this study discusses Church-approved Marian apparitions that play an important role in Catholic Tradition. It’s sure to help Catholics and non-Catholics alike grow in an understanding and appreciation of the Mother of God. To access “The Bible and the Virgin Mary” Log in to Click on “Study” at the top of the page. Next, scroll down to “Discover the Catholic Faith” and click on the image like the one above. Tip: To watch on your TV use an HDMI cord from your laptop to the TV, a “Chromecast” device from your Android phone to the TV, or an “Apple TV” device from your iPhone to the TV.

Tip: To watch on your TV use an HDMI cord from your laptop to the TV, a “Chromecast” device from your Android phone to the TV, or an “Apple TV” device from your iPhone to the TV Formed is no available on your ROKU device!

Already have a FORMED Account? • Visit • Click Sign In • Enter your email • Click the link in your email • You’re in! No more passwords! Want to create a new FORMED account with your parish or group? • Visit • Click Sign Up • Select “I belong to a Parish or Organiza on” • Find your parish by name, zip, or parish code • Enter your email - an you’re in!

Re lexionemossobrelaPalabradeDiosAlgunas veces e inesperadamente algo nuevo se desliza sobre nuestro horizonte y nos agarra desprevenidos. Nos levantamos una mañana, nos quedamos parados al pie de la cama mientras pensamos que es bueno estar vivo; entonces nos sonreímos brevemente antes de volver a concentrarnos en los quehaceres del día. O nos sentamos con un amigo al mediodía para almorzar, nos contamos historias y reímos al recordar cosas de la vida de los dos, y en medio de todo eso pensamos para nosotros mismos que este momento presente ha valido todas las luchas y lágrimas de la vida. O nos sentamos en la rara quietud de una casa donde raramente hay quietud y soñamos despiertos acerca de todas las cosas que han sucedido en esta casa en el transcurso de los días y los años y nos damos cuenta de que dentro de esas paredes además de vida ha habido amor y madurez, y ahora oímos el rar de una puerta y nuestro día regresa al tumultuoso caos. Todos esos son momentos de gracia, momentos en que las sombras se esfuman aunque sea brevemente y vemos con mucha más claridad que nunca antes, que ésa es la mera presencia de Dios en que nos movemos y exis mos. Entonces, por supuesto, el momento desaparece y queremos contárselo a alguien y tal vez tratemos de hacerlo, pero al final de cuentas nuestras palabras no alcanzan a describir la experiencia. Después de todo, ¿con qué palabras se puede explicar que por un breve momento caminamos por la vida junto a Dios de una manera más consciente que nunca antes? Me pregunto si eso fue parte de lo que sucedió cuando Cleofás y su amigo se encontraron con el extraño en el camino cuando iban de Jerusalén hacia Emaús. ¿Cómo es posible que no se dieran cuenta que ese extraño era Jesús? Tal vez la gracia haya sido que por la fe llegaron a reconocer al Señor Jesús entre ellos y en realidad no tenía importancia si la luz les llegó rápida o lentamente. Lo importante es que sucedió. —Padre Joseph J. Juknialis Derechos de autor © 2013, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. VivamoslaPalabradeDiosComo muchos ya han dicho, la vida es un peregrinar. También lo es la fe. Y nuestro peregrinar nos lleva a toda clase de lugares inesperados; de lo contrario no sería un peregrinar. La fe puede ser una de esas viradas en el camino, que nos abre otros caminos.

Derechos de autor © 2013, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados.

Page 4: All regular masses have been · Virginia D. Contreras Office Manager Joanna Haston Director of Religious Educa on Martha Beasley Family Outreach Patricia Cereceres Recep onist/Data


Toni Frietze Jack Hancock Hortencia V. Butler Nadege Griego Manny Ramirez Daniel N. Telles Liz V. Dan Montes Karen Hancock Mary Soto Phillis Larkin Amelia Miramontes Maria Leyva Josefina Herrera Alonzo Gonzales Alfredo Gonzalez Erlinda Flores Jesse Lopez Irene Bailey Dolores Vega Minerva Sandoval Ruben and Amelia Avalos

If you would like to add a name to the list please call

the parish office at 524-8563.


Feast Day - April 28

Louis’s life is inseparable from his efforts to promote genuine devo on to Mary, the mother of Jesus and mother of the Church. Totus tuus (completely yours) was Louis’s personal mo o; Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II, October 22) chose it as his episcopal mo o. Louis Mary Grignion was born to a poor family on January 21, 1673, at Mon ort, France, as an adult Louis iden fied himself by the place of his Bap sm instead of his family name, Grignion. He was educated at the Jesuit college in Rennes and was ordained as a diocesan priest there in 1700. He was assigned as chaplain to a hospital at Poiters, and his much-needed reorganiza on of the hospital staff caused great resentment, leading to his resigna on. However, during his stay there he organized a group of women into the Congrega on of the Daughters of Divine Wisdom. Eventually Louis went to Rome where Pope Clement XI appointed him missionary apostolic, and he began to preach in Bri any. His emo onal style caused much reac on, but he was successful, especially in furthering devo on to the Blessed Virgin through the Rosary. He also wrote a popular book, True Devo on to the Blessed Virgin. In 1715, Louis organized several priests and brothers and formed the Missionaries of the Company of Mary. He died in 1716 at Saint-Laurent-sur Sèvre, France, where a basilica has been erected in his honor and he was canonized in 1947 by Pope Pius XII.

Relevant Radio: -America’s Talk Radio Network for Catholics -Grow in your Faith -Church Teaching Explained in clear and concise ways -Easily Accessed through the Mobile Relevant Radio App -Listen on your computer at


Many centuries ago, Pope Pius V urged all Chris ans across Europe to invoke Our Lady’s intercession through the Rosary when the Church of Europe was on the verge of collapse. It was widely recognized that the ba le was won through the power of Mary, Our Lady of Victory.

This powerful weapon of the Rosary that saved Christendom from the clutches of the O oman invaders, is available to us today as we invoke her protec on during this me of the coronavirus pandemic.

Please pray the daily Rosary to Our Lady for this inten on, and be a witness to her powerful intercession by placing this Yard Sign in your front yard. To reserve a Yard Sign, call: Martha at 575/640-9076. A suggested dona on of $10.00 is requested to cover the cost of the Sign.

Page 5: All regular masses have been · Virginia D. Contreras Office Manager Joanna Haston Director of Religious Educa on Martha Beasley Family Outreach Patricia Cereceres Recep onist/Data

PRAY THE ROSARY Together with Mary, the first


we shall “contemplate the


on the Face of Christ”.

St. John Paul II

“I promise my special

protection and the greatest graces to all those who

shall recite the Rosary.”

The Blessed Virgin Mary

Visit for online resources

FOR A FREE ROSARY or more information:

Call 575-640-9076

Page 6: All regular masses have been · Virginia D. Contreras Office Manager Joanna Haston Director of Religious Educa on Martha Beasley Family Outreach Patricia Cereceres Recep onist/Data

The IHM Parish Council is pleased to announce their new email address: [email protected]

The Parish is invited to send any ques ons or sugges ons and ideas! Also, the minutes from recent mee ngs are now posted on the IHM Parish website.

El Consejo Parroquial de IHM se complace en anunciar su nueva dirección de correo electrónico: [email protected]

La parroquia está invitada a enviar cualquier pregunta o sugerencia e idea! Además, las actas de las reuniones recientes ahora están publicadas en el si o web de la Parroquia IHM.

FROM THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE As the “stay at home” order remains in place, here are some religious formation resources for your consideration… VIRTUAL OFFERINGS FROM LITURGY TRAINING PUBLICATIONS (LTP) At Home with the Word: A Weekly Easter Retreat

· Description: Consisting of a short reflection breaking open the Collect, First Reading, Psalm, Second Reading, Gospel, and a hymn of the week, each retreat will afford you the opportunity to reflect and meditate on God’s Word before the Sunday liturgy. · Day/Time: Thursdays at 8:00pm ET / 5:00pm PT beginning on April 16, 2020 · Cost: Free · Registration Link: s/gatherings

How Deep the Mystery: Adult Faith

Formation on the Mass · Presenter: Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS · Description: Four sessions directed to deepening our everyday living of our Eucharistic celebrations. Each session will include a reflection by Sr. Joyce Ann followed by an opportunity for questions. After the live-streamed session, participants will have an opportunity to download some reflection materials based on books published by Liturgy Training Publications: How Deep the Mystery: Meditating on the Words of the Mass and Silence: Everyday Living and Praying. · Day/Time: Thursdays at 4:00pm ET / 1:00pm PT beginning on May 7, 2020 · Cost: Free · Session Topics and Registration Link:

Cathedral Seeking “Handyman” The Cathedral is looking to hire a “handyman”.

We are looking for someone who has some basic skills do to simple maintenance and repairs.

If interested, please call Virginia at 524-8563.

LivingGod’sWordAs many have said, life is a journey. Faith, too. And journeys take us to all sorts of unexpected places, or else they’re not really journeys. Faith can be one of those unexpected turns in the road that make the journey new.

Copyright © 2013, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.


A consistent, reliable means of making your thes and offerings to The Cathedral of Immaculate

Heart of Mary

♦ Reduces Administra ve Costs ♦ Simplifies Record Keeping

♦ Provides consistent revenue

Your offering will be transferred conveniently from your account directly to the church’s account.

Enroll Today!!!!

Enrollment forms are available on our website at

Ques ons: Call 524-8563

Page 7: All regular masses have been · Virginia D. Contreras Office Manager Joanna Haston Director of Religious Educa on Martha Beasley Family Outreach Patricia Cereceres Recep onist/Data

ORACIÓN EN TIEMPOS DE PANDEMIA Oh, Dios de compasión, tu pueblo está angustiado en este tiempo de pandemia. Envía tu Espíritu Santo en medio de nosotros para disipar nuestros temores. Clamamos a ti en nuestra confusión; consuélanos en nuestro sufrimiento. Concede a nuestros líderes sabiduría para guiarnos. Fortalece y sustenta a los que están enfermos, y quédate con aquellos que los cuidan. Ayúdanos a recorrer este camino en solidaridad con nuestros vecinos, con nuestros ojos fijos en la salvación que se nos prometió a través de la muerte y resurrección de tu Hijo, que es el Señor por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.


Dios de bondad infinita, que enviaste a tu Hijo entre nosotros para traer la curación, paz y reconciliación a nuestro mundo cansado. Quédate con todo el personal médico y sus asistentes en este tiempo de la pandemia del Coronavirus.

Mientras continúan el ministerio de cuidado de Jesús, renuévalos en mente, cuerpo y espíritu. Mantenlos a salvo de infecciones y enfermedades, y que la presencia sanadora de Cristo fluya a través de ellos mientras ayudan a los que se les ha confiado a su cuidado.

Pedimos esto en su nombre, Cristo sanador, quien es el Señor por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

PRAYER IN A TIME OF PANDEMIC O God of compassion, your people are anxious in this time of pandemic. Send your Holy Spirit among us to dispel our fears. We cry out to you in our confusion; comfort us in our affliction. Grant our leaders wisdom to guide us. Strengthen and sustain those who are ill, and be with those who care for them. Help us to travel this road in solidarity with our neighbors, with our eyes fixed on the salvation promised us through the death and resurrection of your Son, who is Lord forever and ever. Amen. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

PRAYER FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS God of everlasting goodness, you sent your Son among us to bring healing, peace, and reconciliation to our weary world. Be with all health care workers and their assistants in this time of the Coronavirus pandemic. As they continue Jesus’ ministry of care, renew them in mind, body, and spirit. Keep them safe from infection and illness, and may Christ’s healing presence flow through them as they serve those entrusted to their care. We ask this in his name, Christ the healer, who is Lord forever and ever. Amen. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.