All Computer Slang

All Computer Slang On this site you will find a list of slang terms, acronyms and abbreviations as used in websites, ICQ chat rooms, blogs, SMS, and Internet forums - a complete dictionary of slang. This page lists all these acronyms. Please note that a few of the words stand for phrases containing words that may be offensive to some people. In those cases we have substituted asterisks, or similar, for the words in question. All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other # Twitter hashtag Number #1 Number one $ Dollar, money $_$ Has money %) Drunk, giddy &APOS;S Wrongly displayed 's >< Frustration >,< Angry, annoyed >.> Suspicious, wary >.< Frustrated, angry, upset, in pain >//< Embarrassed, blushing >3 Evil but happy Hate (opposite of <3) >:( Angry >:) Evil Grin >:D< Hug >:O Angry >O< Yelling >_> Looking left, shifty look


Computer Slang and Phone Sland

Transcript of All Computer Slang

All Computer SlangOn this site you will find a list of slang terms, acronyms and abbreviations as used in websites, ICQ chat rooms, blogs, SMS, and Internet forums - a complete dictionary of slang.his page lists all these acronyms. !lease note that a few of the words stand for phrases containing words that may be offensiveto some people. In those cases we have substituted asteris"s, or similar, for the words in #uestion. $ll$%C&'()*I+,-M.O!Q/S0123456789:;?Other #witter hashtag.umber #1.umber one $&ollar, money $_$*as money %)&run", giddy &APOS;S2rongly displayed @s >,.>Suspicious, wary >.//!$ngry >)'vil )rin >"O$ngry >O_>-oo"ing left, shifty loo" >_