alka ppt upload no code change

Automated Testing with Team Test Unit, Web, Performance, Load, Manual, and Ordered Tests Code Coverage and Code Analysis

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Automated Testing with Team Test

Unit, Web, Performance, Load, Manual, and Ordered Tests Code Coverage and Code Analysis

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Quality Challenges

““Software bugs, or errors, are so Software bugs, or errors, are so prevalent and so detrimental prevalent and so detrimental that they cost the U.S. economy that they cost the U.S. economy an estimated $59.5 billion an estimated $59.5 billion annually, or about 0.6 percent of annually, or about 0.6 percent of the gross domestic product…an the gross domestic product…an estimated $22.2 billion, could be estimated $22.2 billion, could be eliminated by an improved eliminated by an improved testing infrastructure that testing infrastructure that enables earlier and more enables earlier and more effective identification and effective identification and removal of software defects.”removal of software defects.”

(Source: NIST 2002)(Source: NIST 2002)




Ongoingmaintenancecosts rising

Less avail.resources

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How Does VSTS/TFS Help?

Increased Communication and Integration…

Code Analysis Tools

Code Profiling Tools

Unit Testing and Code Coverage

Load Testing

Other Testing Tools

Test Case Management

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Unit Testing

Each unit is tested independently

A large percentage of defects are identified during unit testing

Automatic and repeatable code testing

Simplifies integration

Self documenting


Isolate small portion of code & determine whether it works correctlyIsolate small portion of code & determine whether it works correctly

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Benefits of Automated Unit Testing

Repeatable unit that verifies code still works

Confirm code is tested

Build a set of regression tests

Make changes with confidence

Aid in understanding code

Limits: integration, web and Windows UI testing, load, performance testing

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Unit Test Types

Class (standard)– Test the properties and methods of a class

Data-driven– Bind unit test parameters to a datasource

ASP.NET– Test classes (or business logic) inside an ASP.NET application – Run in the context of the web server (ASP objects available)

Web Services– Define a web reference to the service

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Extensions of Unit Testing

Regression Testing– Modifications are validated with regression tests– Write new code and verify system continues to function


Integration Testing– Helps validate how tested components interact with one

another– Can identify problems that occur when units are


Scenario Testing– Combine sequence of unit tests to cover a scenario

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Writing Effective Unit Tests

Atomic– Should not require others tests to be run first

Cover all cases – One test for each sceneario– Cover all conditions, exceptions, nulls, etc.

Able to re-run without configuration– Database create/read/update/delete without having to

modify the database before or after the test is run

Test a common application state

Unit tests should be …

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Unit Test Conditions

Success baseline– Common, successful, most-likely call to your code

Parameter mix– Pass a varied set of parameters

– Data-driven

Bounds checking– Stress the upper and lower limits of your parameters

Null values– Determine outcome of passing nulls to parameters

Error conditions– Trigger error conditions and validate expected outcomes

Code coverage scenarios– Test all conditions in your code

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Creating Unit Tests (1 of 2)

Attributes are used to denote which methods and classes should be loaded for tests– TestClass – denotes a class for testing

– TestMethod – denotes a method for testing• must return void (Sub for VB.NET) and have no parameters

Certain attributes are associated with initialization– TestInitialize – run before each test

– TestCleanup – run after each test

– ClassInitialize – run once before running any tests in the class

– ClassCleanup – run once after running all tests in the class

Assert – static type used for asserting test values

ExpectedException – attribute used for determining the exception that should be thrown from the test

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Creating Unit Tests (2 of 2)

Methods on the Assert type– AreSame / AreNotSame– AreEqual / AreNotEqual– IsNull / IsNotNull– IsInstanceOfType / IsNotInstanceOfType– IsTrue / IsFalse

Other Assert types– CollectionAssert – collection equivalency– StringAssert – string comparison/regex matching

Web test types– HtmlDocument – grants access to tags in the html document– Validate*/Extract* - types used for reading field values from the

request and response

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Unit TestsUnit Tests

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Code Coverage

Improves effectiveness of tests

Show a measurable indication of code that was covered by unit tests– Strive for 75% and higher

Shows the ratio of executed logic to the total logic

Can be used in conjunction with unit and load testing

Helps to find unused code

Determine code that is exercised by tests

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Code CoverageCode Coverage

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Static Code Analysis

Provides a means to enforce coding standards


Reduction in code reviews for small issues

Provides guidance on how to fix

Define a check-in policy to enforce code analysis pass

Coverage includes issues with design, globalization, interoperability, maintainability, naming, performance, reliability, security, and usage

Warning: developers can supress messages with attirbute [SuppressMessage("AdventureWorks.Rules", "AW14441")]

MORE INFO see, “Writing Quality Code” in TFS documentation

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Static Code AnalysisStatic Code Analysis

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Web Testing

Record page navigation and user interactions with web pages

Run tests back to determine errors

Seed tests from a database

Run tests from a group of users

Validation rules


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Web TestingWeb Testing

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Load Testing

Load Testing: ensure application works under expected, concurrent user load

Create test cases that simulate real user conditions

Distribute tests across cases based on user behavior

Assume standard think times

Distribute across connection types

Simulate an application performance in a production environment

Provide repository to look at a performance trend over time, to see if changes are helping or hurting

Simulate multiple users against an application simultaneouslySimulate multiple users against an application simultaneously

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Stress Testing

Stress Testing: determine breaking points in your application

Find scalability issues before the application is deployed

Step (increase) user load over time, monitor

Find breaking point and use to monitor application– Change software– Add hardware

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Performance Testing

Test at single user

Test at normal load

Test at peak load (1.5x normal load)

Measure against expected performance– Peak load should allow for a 20-30% increase in metric

Set thresholds on the output to avoid digging through data

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Load, Stress, and Load, Stress, and

Performance TestingPerformance Testing

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Manual Test

Tracked like other tests when executing test groups

Presented to the tester to enter and confirm results

Defined as text file or Word document

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Generic Test

Wrap existing code and have that code executed as part of the testing process

Centralized results of all tests

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Ordered Test

Test to group (and order) other tests

Results of ordered tests either succeed or fail as a group

Used for scenario and module-level testing

Add any test except a load test to an ordered test

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Manual TestManual Test

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Test Case Management

Organize tests into lists

Run tests

Filter and group the display of the tests

Import additional tests

Export tests

Organize and manage test casesOrganize and manage test cases

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The Test Lab

Clients– Tester machine

– Used to create and edit tests / view results

Servers– Deployed test environment (web servers, load balancer, database server,


Agents– Computers running tests (multiple-threads, each a user)

– Listen for commands from controller

– Execute tests and pass results back to controller

Controller– Central computer that administers agents and collects results

– Distributes load by applying weights to agents

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The Test Lab Database

Run against a test version of the database

Test data should be same nature and size as production

Test a steady state of the database

Automate the initialization of the database

Extract data using rules to obfuscate personal information– Visual Studio Database Developer

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Test Lab Database InitializationTest Lab Database Initialization