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    Art Direction and the Web: A List Apart

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    SN: 1534-0295. 7 May 2004 Issue No. 180

    Art Direction and the Web

    y Stephen Hay

    In mathematics, the whole is always equal to the sum of its parts; two and two invariably

    add up to exactly four. In the arts, however, the whole is either much more than the sum of

    the parts or much less... Many dramas have been ruined by actors who tried to enlivenserious scenes by being funny. The spectators laughed at the comedy, but they were bored

    by the play.

    Henning Nelms, Magic and Showmanship

    his comment from Henning Nelmss classic text on showmanship for the conjurer can adequately be

    plied to web design. Designers, programmers, and other specialists create essential elements of the

    hole. But the art director is in a position to tie these parts together for maximum effect, and maximu

    usiness results.

    he purpose of this article is to introduce our readers to the principles and techniques of the art directo

    which relate closely to web design and show how these can influence the overall effect of a


    What is art direction?

    hats a hard question to answer. In the movies, art directors are usually responsible for creating the

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    Art Direction and the Web: A List Apart

    ook and feel of the film. In advertising and print work, art directors (often teamed up with a

    pywriter) come up with concepts, the creative ideas which communicate with us on a gut level

    rough such devices as theme, metaphor, and symbolism. Some art directors do little more than dream

    p these ideas and present them to clients, while some oversee almost all aspects of the design and

    oduction process. Surprisingly, art direction is seldom taught in schools and there is very little form

    formation on the subject; it is often learned in practice.

    ill sounds vague, doesnt it? One might argue that art direction cant be explained. But you can get tel of it by studying it. Zeldman has posted a wonderful example, and he accurately describes the

    fference between art direction and design. Try checking out the covers of news magazines (in my

    pinion, covers ofThe Economistare a showcase of consistently effective art direction), the features

    ction of many newspapers, and all types of print advertising. Watch television commercials, and ask

    ourself what devices or elements make some commercials work, while others dont.

    ow does this apply to the web?

    uppose a toothpaste company asks you to come up with a site that will be aimed at all age groups.

    omeone purely concerned with design might create a proposal which uses very nice type, blue as a

    ckground color because its fresh, and some stock photos of generic mouth and teeth or laughing

    odel families. Theyll spend time tinkering with lines and shadows, wondering if theyll use a two-

    lumn or three-column layout. They might even have a tube of toothpaste being squeezed on to the

    reen and use the straight line of squeezed toothpaste as a navigation bar. It might look nice, but that

    the end of it.

    n art director would perhaps come up with a concept which communicates the importance of the sm

    hat does a smile communicate? Power? Confidence? Happiness? Amusement? All of the above? Th

    t director might choose to delve into the smile as a symbol of healthy teeth and gums. She might eve

    oose to categorize types of smiles and relate these to types of toothpaste, exaggerating the images u

    portray the toothpaste types:

    q Cool Minty Fresh: the smile of a climber on Mount Everest.

    q Extra Sensitive: the smile of Dr. Phil.

    q Extra Strength: the smile of Dracula.

    miles of power people paired with success stories. Smiles of comedians laughter is the best

    edicine. The smile as an international language of friendship. Why not develop our own smilies o

    moticons? You get the idea. Dont just design. Its often just plain boring when compared to a wel

    veloped concept.

    reat ideas dont just happen

    he most important aspect of art direction is the concept. Sure, talent might be an issue when it com

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    Art Direction and the Web: A List Apart

    thinking up great concepts, and your idea or your art directors might not win you any award

    ut you can develop good ideas. Creativity is a process, and youve got to find your own. Here are so

    eas to get you started:

    1. Goals, goals, goals. Youve heard it all before, but theres a reason youve heard it all before.

    Good concepts accomplish something. And that something should be the objective to which yo

    and your client have agreed. Always ask yourself, will this idea help us reach our goal?

    2. Use idea-stimulating techniques. Fantastic ideas might just come to some in the shower, but rest of us can be helped along by using techniques like brainstorming. There are plenty of book

    on idea generation, and the rules of brainstorming are fairly well-known. Initially you should

    generate a large quantity of ideas. Your chances of coming up with a winning idea are usually

    directly proportionate to the number of ideas you generate. You can use the method of your

    choice. One effective technique, especially if you work alone, is to take a sheet of paper and w

    your problem or objective at the top. Then force yourself to quickly write or sketch twenty

    different ideas, and do not stop until youve got twenty. It will be difficult, but hey, if it were ea

    it wouldnt be called work. Here are some pointers:

    r Dont censor yourself. Youll do that later. All ideas are welcome at this point, even (asometimes especially) the crazy ones.

    r Sketch quickly, write quickly. Youll flesh out the best ideas later.

    r Use symbols, metaphor, or theme. Some of the best concepts utilize recognizable

    symbols, as in Zeldmans example. Use your life knowledge and experience. To get a f

    for this, take the creativity test at Ron Reasons site and study the test examples.

    r Dont design. Youll do that later.

    3. Once youve got your ideas on paper, put on the critics hat. Choose the best two or three i

    and flesh them out a bit. Now you can permit yourself to think more about the actual design, ty

    color, and layout. Test the ideas against your objective. The best idea should win, but stay flexGood ideas can always be made better.

    4. Keep the birds eye view Dont get too wrapped up in the details. Work like a sculptor. Start w

    a large mass of ideas and refine from there but keep looking at the whole through every pha

    of the project. Let the specialists work out the small details, and guide them subtly when neces

    to keep everything on track.

    irect the art

    o youve presented your idea and the client loves it (and you). Now the site needs to be produced. Yb as an art director has just begun now youve got to deal with the client, the programmers,the

    signers, the project manager, and anyone else involved in the project. All of these people contribute

    eir insight and talent, and its your job to make sure that the end result remains as closely related to

    our concept as possible. Here are some tips for the production phase:

    1. Know your stuff. As an art director, you need to know what the technologies are and how the

    used. You need to know what everyone on your team does, and why. Leave the details up to th

    but be sure you know whats involved. It will gain you the respect of your team when they rea

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    Art Direction and the Web: A List Apart

    that youre not working in a vacuum, and it will help you think up realistic ideas.

    2. Keep the specialists in check. Being a team player is a good thing, but just because John the

    primadonna designer has a thing for bevelled buttons and 20-pixel drop shadows doesnt mean

    you have to grant his wishes.

    3. Be open to those in the know. John the primadonna designer might just have a point (in thi

    case, probably not). Test your team members suggestions against your objective and your

    concept. If it fits and its okay for the budget, let them do it. They know their stuff, too.

    that all there is to it?

    ardly. The hardest part about art direction is arguably the development of a sound and creative conc

    his literally takesyears of practice in most cases. Finding an idea-generation technique that fits your

    wn personality can take just as long. But the results can be very rewarding indeed. Good design is

    etty, but good design based on a solid concept will help make your sites much more effective and

    emorable, especially when compared to the competition. Youll make your clients very happy.


    nd hopefully, youll enjoy the process.


    as it good for you, too? Discuss this article.

    ative Californian Stephen Hay is co-founder and creative director ofCinnamon Interactive, and has

    en designing for the web since 1995. He lives and works just over an hour northeast of Amsterda


    Talk about this article.


    Permanent URI.

    Designers, programmers, and other specialists create essential elements of the whole. But the art dire

    es these parts together for maximum effect and results.


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    Art Direction and the Web: A List Apart

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    welboxing. Sweet disc packaging systems. Put your stuff in something nice, will ya?

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