Alexis McGillivray All gifs from How Might Your Digital Footprint Effect Your Future...

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How Might Your Digital Footprint Effect Your Future Opportunities? As we move into a new era of technology people are able to see almost everything anyone has ever put on the internet. Maybe you don’t want some of the photos you have posted to be seen. Maybe some of your tweets have been a little harsh. But you never really thought anything of it cause it was just for fun. That “fun” can sometimes result in serious outcomes. Here are 2 ways your Digital Footprint effects your future opportunities.

Transcript of Alexis McGillivray All gifs from How Might Your Digital Footprint Effect Your Future...

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Alexis McGillivray

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How Might Your Digital Footprint Effect Your Future Opportunities?

You have ticked the Box that says “seen by friends only” so now you can post what you want because only your friends can see it, right? Wrong. People are posting all the time now not knowing how it may effect them in the future. Just because you have checked a box doesn’t meant your completely covered. There are loop holes in which other people you may not know can see your social media account and take advantage of it.

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How Might Your Digital Footprint Effect Your Future Opportunities?

As we move into a new era of technology people are able to see almost everything anyone has ever put on the internet. Maybe you don’t want some of the photos you have posted to be seen. Maybe some of your tweets have been a little harsh. But you never really thought anything of it cause it was just for fun. That “fun” can sometimes result in serious outcomes. Here are 2 ways your Digital Footprint effects your future opportunities.

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How Might Your Digital Footprint Effect Your Future Opportunities?

Have you thought about having a job yet? From working at a small food chain line in order to pay off your cell bill or something you want to do for the rest of your life. Even future schools can be hard to get into with the wrong photos online. Jobs can be taken right from your hands if your digital footprint has a bad reputation. Remember that tweet you ranted on and on about a couple of months ago because you were in a bad mood. Well managers wont want to hire you because you would come across as an employee with a bad attitude.

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How Might Your Digital Footprint Effect Your Future Opportunities?

What about those photos you posted with your friends doing something not considered the most appropriate. Colleges and universities wont want a troubled student representing there school. Everything you post on the internet will always be there. No matter how many times you pressed delete.

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How Might Your Digital Footprint Effect Your Future Opportunities?

You are probably aware of what a meme is but if your not, a meme is a photo or video of someone or something doing something amusing that appeals to people on the internet. Memes are usually combined of people doing or saying stupid things. What if you have been caught doing something embarrassing on the internet that you thought would be harmless but the next thing you know your face is plastered all over social media and everyone's making fun of you. Now whatever you do will always be looked past because the first thing that comes up when people search you on the internet is that embarrassing meme. And your digital footprint will consist of variations of that meme.

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3 ways to keep you digital footprint safe

Being socially smart:Be aware of what you are posting on the internet. Remember that everyone has access to it no matter what the settings are. Before you post something just think, what would my grandma think of this?

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3 ways to keep you digital footprint safe

Be internet organized:That Myspace you made 2 years ago full of embarrassing selfies, deactivate it. It may never be deleted but deactivating it will help. Have a password keeper to remember all your passwords and to keep your accounts safe.

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3 ways to keep you digital footprint safe

Monitor Linking Accounts:When you link your Facebook or twitter account to a new site (a link or game), you may not realize but at that moment you’re giving it access to your account and all its information. When signing up try to use a secondary email.

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Information I learned and would pass on to other students

The information I learned while doing this project was kind of scary. To know that everything you have ever done (including this project) will be on the internet forever and can be seen by anyone. It is important to know how to be safe on the internet and think before you post but you should also feel safe and in control of your digital footprint.

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Information I learned and would pass on to other students

I would pass on the information that you are in control of what you put on the web. So be cautious when posting and remember that it will always be on the web and can be used against you In the future. So think before you post, and blog safely.