Alexander (2011) -- Dinosaur to Bird Transition

1 The ecology, tempo and mode of the dinosaur to bird transition: examining multiple aspects of a major evolutionary event Thomas Alexander Dececchi Doctor of Philosophy Department of Biology McGill University Montreal, Quebec 2011-12-15 A Thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Copyright © Thomas Alexander Dececchi 2011

Transcript of Alexander (2011) -- Dinosaur to Bird Transition

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    The ecology, tempo and mode of the

    dinosaur to bird transition: examining

    multiple aspects of a major evolutionary


    Thomas Alexander Dececchi

    Doctor of Philosophy

    Department of Biology

    McGill University

    Montreal, Quebec


    A Thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements

    of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

    Copyright Thomas Alexander Dececchi 2011

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    To my family, especially my fiance Jordana Laporte and my parents for

    inspiration and support. Also to the menagerie of pets I have had over the years,

    whenever I wonder why I study biology I just look at them and then remember

    how wonderful nature is.

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    I would like to thank all members of the Larsson lab, both past and present for

    discussions throughout this project. I would also thank my friends for listening

    and tolerating me, with special thanks to Aleksandra Mloszewska for advice and

    help with all French translations over the years. I would like to extend my thanks

    to M. Carrano, P. Makovicky, C. Sullivan, K. Padian, D. Evans, J. Mller, M.

    Vavrek, X. Xu and N. Campione, and many others for thoughtful discussions on

    the topics contained herein. I would like to thank all the institutions that permitted

    me to view specimens as well as the many individuals that provided me with

    measurements. I extend great thanks to my supervisor Dr. Hans Larsson for his

    guidance and knowledge but also for his patience with me and my writing. Finally

    I would like to thank Jordana Laporte, my fiance and the most important person

    in guiding me through this journey. Thank you for putting up with me.

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    For all work presented herein I was the principal investigator and either

    performed or help perform all analyses and interpretations. For all but one chapter

    the sole investigators were my supervisor, Dr. Hans Larsson, and myself. In

    Chapter III Dr. Larsson and I were joined by Dr. David Hone, then at the IVPP in

    Beijing. For that project I was the lead investigator in all phases of the research,

    though Dr. Hone and Larsson aided with the phylogenetic and dietary analysis.

    While I am indebted to both Dr. Larsson and Dr. Hone for their help, the findings

    and analysis presented in that chapter, as in all other chapters, is primarily my


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    The origin of birds is one of the major evolutionary events in vertebrate history.

    The transition from non-avian to avian theropod dinosaurs encompass the origin

    of powered flight, a suite of musculoskeletal adaptations for powered flight, and

    early radiation of one of the most taxonomically and ecologically diverse groups

    of vertebrates today. The evolution of flight has occurred only three times in

    vertebrates: birds, bats and the extinct pterosaurs. Unlike either of the other two

    clades where flight has evolved, bats and pterosaurs, birds have an extensive

    fossil record documenting the evolution of flight related characters. This

    exceptional record allows for a detailed examination of the origin of flight in ways

    that are not possible in any other clade. In this thesis I will examine four separate

    but interrelated aspects of the non-avian to avian theropod transition and comment

    on how my findings shape our view of the origin of birds and powered flight in

    vertebrates and the tempo and mode of a macroevolutionary transition.

    The first chapter of my thesis is a detailed examination of character change in the

    forelimb and pectoral girdle of Theropoda including the non-avian to avian

    transition. This work focuses on both the placement and magnitude of character

    change along the phylogenetic backbone from early theropods through to birds. I

    created and scored 123 different theropod taxa and two outgroup taxa for 179

    discrete skeletal characters taken from the theropod and basal bird literature and

    traced these characters across all current phylogenetic hypotheses. Across these

  • 6

    phylogenetic permutations, three nodes repeatedly showed significant increased

    levels of evolutionary change: Tetanurae, Paraves, and Ornithothoraces. Notably

    Aves itself did not have above average evolutionary change and in most

    permutations had little to no character change in the forelimb at this node. This

    punctuated signal and the lack of forelimb skeletal evolution at Aves supports the

    hypothesis that the basic composition of the avian wing was in place before the

    origin of birds, and that other factors had a significant role in the transition from

    non-volant to volant locomotion.

    Chapter two is a re-description and re-analysis of a small feathered maniraptoran

    for the Jehol Biota Yixianosaurus longimanus. This taxon, which is known from

    only a single specimen, is represented by an articulated and largely complete

    forelimb and pectoral girdle. Under the supervision of Dr. Larsson and in

    collaboration with Dr. David Hone then of the IVPP (Institute of Vertebrate

    Paleontology and Paleoanthropology), I re-examined and scored the type material,

    and estimated its phylogenetic relationships for the first time. The phylogenetic

    analysis suggests that Yixianosaurus shares a basal position within Maniraptora,

    near Coelurus and Therizinosauria. This re-description was incorporated into a

    larger study of the proposed ecological niches selection of Jehol theropods based

    on the linear bone measurements and morphology of the forelimb skeleton. I

    tested whether proposed trends of manual proportions seen in this and other Jehol

    theropods are both distinct from other theropods and demonstrate a highly derived

  • 7

    grasping function that suggests climbing abilities. I found that the elongate manus

    of supposed climbing theropods is not consistently present among these

    theropods. Furthermore similar if not greater values for metrics proposed to show

    high grasping potential than in arboreal theropods are also present in obligate

    terrestrial herbivorous taxa such as Ornithomimosauria which are suspected to

    have poor grasping abilities. This work adds to our understanding of the evolution

    of Maniraptora by further refining the evolutionary characters and trends at its

    origins and suggests more accurate functional characters and paleoecolgical

    reconstructions for some advanced maniraptorans.

    The third section of my thesis is a test of the arboreal origin of birds theory and an

    examination of the paleoecological setting for the origin of the avian flight stroke.

    This work presents the traditional trees down versus ground up debate on the

    origin of flight in a testable framework. This was done using an extensive dataset

    of 114 modern arboreal, scansorial, and terrestrial mammals, lizards, and birds

    and a detailed examination of morphological signals previously linked to climbing

    ability. This work demonstrates that all non-avian theropods and Archaeopteryx

    group closer to terrestrial cursors than any climbing lineage. It also highlights the

    differences between post-Archaeopteryx basal birds, which are generally accepted

    to have had the ability to actively fly, and non-avian theropods in regards to

    arboreal adaptations. Basal birds cluster closer to modern perching birds whereas

    all non-avian theropods and Archaeopteryx cluster with strictly terrestrial avians,

  • 8

    such as ratites. This work strongly suggests that theropods were not arboreal until

    after the origin of both birds and flight, and places the origin of the avian flight

    stroke in a terrestrial context.

    The final chapter examines the effects of allometry on the theropod appendicular

    skeleton. Across Theropoda, there is a minimal 4 fold difference in adult body

    size, with a trend of decreasing body size approaching and crossing the non-avian

    to avian transition. Through the use of snout to vent length as a size proxy, a

    common approach in extant vertebrates, both the absolute and relative scaling of

    limb elements are studied. Using nodal reconstructions on trees encompassing 6

    distinct phylogenetic hypotheses, the purported trend of maniraptoran theropods

    elongating their forelimb beyond those expected by commensurate size reduction

    are tested. The results suggest that non-paravian theropods have no signal of

    forelimb enlargement beyond that expected through allometry. Furthermore this

    study suggests that avians have shorter than expected hindlimb lengths, which

    conflates the signal of forelimb enlargement seen in this clade. This work shows

    the need to establish a baseline for interspecific limb analysis studies and

    challenges some of the current models and evolutionary narratives surrounding

    the origin of the avian forelimb.

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    L'origine des oiseaux est l'un des vnements majeurs dans l'histoire volutive des

    vertbrs. La transition des dinosaures theropod en oiseaux comprends le vol

    d'origine aliment, une suite d'adaptations musculo-squelettiques pour le vol

    motoris, et le rayonnement au dbut d'un des groupes les plus taxonomiquement

    et cologiquement diversifi de vertbrs aujourd'hui. Le vol a evolue

    independament chez seuelement les oiseaux, les chauves-souris, et les pterosaurs, et

    est le plus competement documentee chez les oiseaux, grace a une vaste record

    fossilliere. Ce record exceptionnel permet un examen dtaill de l'origine du vol

    de manire qui nest pas possibles dans les autres clades. Ici, on examine quatre

    aspects distincts, mais interdpendants de la transition des theropodes non-aviaire

    en thropodes aviaire, et on commente sur la faon dont mes conclusions

    faonner notre point de vue de l'origine des oiseaux et vol propuls chez les

    vertbrs et le tempo et le mode d'une transition macrovolutifs.

    Le premier chapitre de ma thse est un examen dtaill des changement de la

    ceinture pectorale de membres antrieurs dans les theropod y compris les

    membres transitoires non-aviaire - aviaire. Ce travail se concentre sur le

    placement et l'ampleur du changement de caractre le long du squelette

    phylogntique partir des thropodes En utilisant un ensemble de donnes

    construit sur mesure, j'ai marqu 123 taxons diffrents thropodes et les deux

    taxons groupe externe pour 179 caractres discrets squelettiques issues de la

    littrature d'oiseaux et de thropodes basale et jai trac ces changements travers

  • 10

    une srie d'hypothses phylogntiques actuelles. Au travers de ces permutations

    phylogntique, trois nuds plusieurs reprises montr des niveaux

    significativement accru de changements volutifs: Tetanurae, Paraves et

    Ornithothoraces. Notamment Aves lui-mme n'a pas suprieure la moyenne des

    changements volutifs et dans la plupart des permutations avait peu ou pas de

    changer de personnage dans le membre antrieur ce nud. Ce signal ponctu et

    le manque d'volution du squelette du membre antrieur au Aves soutient

    l'hypothse que la composition de base de l'aile aviaire a t mis en place avant

    l'origine des oiseaux, et que d'autres facteurs ont un rle important dans la

    transition de la non-volant au volant de locomotion.

    Le chapitre suivant est une re-description et r-analyse d'une petite maniraptoran

    plumes pour le Jehol Biota Yixianosaurus longimanus. Ce taxon, qui est connu par

    un seul spcimen, est reprsent par une ceinture articule et complte largement

    antrieurs et pectoraux. Ici, sous la supervision du Dr Larsson et en collaboration

    avec le Dr David Hone, ainsi quavec l'IVPP, jai r-examin et marqu le

    matriel type, ainsi que estim ses relations phylogntiques pour la premire

    fois. L'analyse phylogntique suggre que Yixianosaurus part une position basale

    dans le groupe thropodes Maniraptora, prs Coelurus et Therizinosauria. Cette

    re-description a t incorpor dans une tude plus vaste de la slection propose

    niches cologiques des thropodes Jehol bas sur les mesures linaires et la

    morphologie des os du squelette du membre antrieur. J'ai evalue si les tendances

    des proportions proposes dans Yixianosaurus et d'autres thropodes Jehol sont

  • 11

    la fois distincte des autres thropodes et sils dmontrent une fonction hautement

    drives saisissant qui suggre que les capacits d'escalade. J'ai trouv que le

    manus allonge de supposs "thropodes escalade" n'est pas toujours prsents

    chez ces thropodes. Par ailleurs les valeurs sont similaires, sinon les memes, pour

    les paramtres proposs pour montrer fort potentiel saisissant que dans

    arboricoles thropodes sont aussi prsents dans n'oblige taxons herbivores

    terrestres tels que Ornithomimosauria qui sont suspects d'avoir de faibles

    habilets de prhension. Ce travail ajoute notre comprhension de l'volution de

    la Maniraptora en affinant encore les caractres volutifs et les tendances sa

    base et suggre que plus prcise des caractres fonctionnels et des reconstructions

    paleoecolgical pour certains maniraptorans avancs.

    La troisime section de ma thse est un test de l'origine arboricole de la thorie

    des oiseaux et un examen de la mise en palocologie de l'origine de la course de

    vol aviaire. Ce travail prsente le debat traditionnel arbre bas versus zro \sur

    l'origine de la fuite dans un cadre testables. Cela a t fait en utilisant un ensemble

    de donnes tendue de 114 mammifres arboricoles modernes, scansorial, et

    terrestres, les lzards et les oiseaux et un examen dtaill des signaux

    morphologiques prcdemment lis la capacit d'escalade. Ce travail dmontre

    que tous les thropodes non aviaires et de Archaeopteryx du groupe proche de

    curseurs terrestre que toute la ligne d'escalade. Il souligne galement les

    diffrences entre le post-Archaeopteryx oiseaux basale, qui sont gnralement

    acceptes d'avoir eu la possibilit de voler activement, et non aviaires thropodes

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    en ce qui concerne les adaptations arboricoles. Les oiseaux basales ple

    rapprochent les oiseaux modernes perchs alors que tous les thropodes non

    aviaires et des grappes d'Archaeopteryx aviaires strictement terrestre, tels que les

    ratites. Ce travail suggre fortement que les thropodes ne sont pas arboricoles

    qu'aprs l'origine de deux oiseaux et le vol, et place l'origine de la course de vol

    aviaire dans un contexte terrestre.

    Le dernier chapitre examine les effets de l'allomtrie du squelette appendiculaire

    thropodes. Partout Theropoda, il ya un minimum de quatre fois plus de

    diffrence de taille du corps adulte, avec une tendance la baisse la taille du corps

    approche et franchissement de la non-aviaire la transition aviaire. Grce

    l'utilisation de longueur museau-cloaque comme un proxy taille, une approche

    commune chez les vertbrs existantes, la fois l'chelle absolue et relative des

    lments du membre sont tudies. En utilisant des reconstructions nodale sur les

    arbres qui englobe une srie d'hypothses phylogntiques actuelles, la tendance

    suppose de maniraptoran thropode du allongeant leur patte avant-del de celles

    attendues par la rduction de la taille proportionnelle sont tests. Les rsultats

    suggrent que non paravian thropodes ont aucun signal de l'largissement au-

    del des membres antrieurs prvu par allomtrie. En outre, cette tude suggre

    que aviaires sont plus courts que prvu longueurs membres postrieurs, qui

    assimile le signal de l'largissement des membres antrieurs vus dans ce clade. Ce

    travail montre la ncessit d'tablir une base pour les tudes d'analyse

  • 13

    interspcifiques des membres et des dfis certains des modles actuels et volutifs

    des rcits sur l'origine de la patte avant aviaire.

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    Table of Contents

    Dedication ...............................................................................................................2

    Acknowledgements ................................................................................................,3

    Contribution of Authors..........................................................................................,4



    1 Introduction to the problem of the origin of birds and its place as a

    macroevolutionary transition..............................................................................22

    1.1 Paleontology pre- and post synthesis...............................................................23

    1.2 Theropod to bird transition..............................................................................25

    1.3 History of the debate........................................................................................27

    1.4 The origin and evolution of flight....................................................................29

    1.5 Thesis focus.....................................................................................................,31

    2- Patristic evolutionary rates suggest a punctuated pattern in forelimb

    evolution before and after the origin of birds....................................................39

    Bridging text..........................................................................................................40

    2.1 Abstract............................................................................................................41

    2.2 Introduction......................................................................................................42

    2.3 Methods............................................................................................................43

    2.4 Results..............................................................................................................48

    2.5 Discussion........................................................................................................52

    2.6 Figures



    2.7 Tables

  • 15






    2.8 Supplementary material

    Taxon list...............................................................................................................74

    Character list..........................................................................................................80


    Supplementary Tables






    S-6 .......................................................................................................................149

    S-7 .......................................................................................................................154

    S-8 .......................................................................................................................159

    S-9 .......................................................................................................................164

    S-10 .....................................................................................................................169

    S-11 .....................................................................................................................174

    S-12 .....................................................................................................................179

    S-13 .....................................................................................................................184

    S-14 .....................................................................................................................189

    S-15 .....................................................................................................................194

    S-16 .....................................................................................................................199

    S-17 .....................................................................................................................204

  • 16

    S-18 .....................................................................................................................209

    S-19 .....................................................................................................................214

    S-20 .....................................................................................................................219

    S-21 .....................................................................................................................224

    S-22 .....................................................................................................................225

    S-23 .....................................................................................................................228

    S-24 .....................................................................................................................230

    S-25 .....................................................................................................................232

    S-26 .....................................................................................................................235

    S-27 .....................................................................................................................238

    S-28 .....................................................................................................................241

    S-29 .....................................................................................................................242

    Supplementary Figures

    S-1 .......................................................................................................................243

    3 Yixianosaurus longimanus (Theropoda: Dinosauria) and its bearing on the

    evolution of Maniraptora and ecology of the Yixian fauna...........................245

    Bridging Text.......................................................................................................246

    3.1 Abstract .........................................................................................................247

    3.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................248

    3.3 Description ....................................................................................................249

    3.4 Phylogenetic analysis ....................................................................................258

    3.5 Comparisons to Coelurosauria ......................................................................261

    3.6 Discussion .....................................................................................................274

    3.7 Conclusions ...................................................................................................287

    3.8 Figures ...........................................................................................................288

    3-1 .......................................................................................................................289

  • 17

    3-2 .......................................................................................................................290

    3-3 .......................................................................................................................292

    3-4 .......................................................................................................................294

    3-5 .......................................................................................................................296

    3-6 .......................................................................................................................298

    3-7....................................................................................................................... 300

    3.9 Tables

    3-1 .......................................................................................................................302

    3-2 .......................................................................................................................304

    3-3 .......................................................................................................................306

    3-4 .......................................................................................................................307

    3-5 .......................................................................................................................311

    3-6 .......................................................................................................................315

    4 Assessing arboreal adaptations of bird antecedents: testing the ecological

    setting of the origin of the avian flight stroke .................................................318

    Bridging text .......................................................................................................319

    4.1 Abstract .........................................................................................................320

    4.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................321

    4.3 Materials and Methods ..................................................................................324

    4.4 Results and Discussion ..................................................................................330

    4.5 Discussion .....................................................................................................339

    4.6 Conclusions ...................................................................................................344

    4.7 Figures

    4-1 .......................................................................................................................347

    4-2 .......................................................................................................................349

    4-3 .......................................................................................................................351

  • 18

    4.8 Supporting Information

    Supporting Figures

    S-1 .......................................................................................................................353

    S-2 .......................................................................................................................356

    S-3 .......................................................................................................................359

    S-4 .......................................................................................................................362

    S-5 .......................................................................................................................365

    S-6 .......................................................................................................................368

    S-7 .......................................................................................................................371

    S-8 .......................................................................................................................374

    S-9 .......................................................................................................................377

    S-10 .....................................................................................................................380

    S-11 .....................................................................................................................383

    S-12 .....................................................................................................................385

    S-13 .....................................................................................................................387

    4.9 Supplementary Tables

    S-1 .......................................................................................................................389

    S-2 .......................................................................................................................399

    S-3 .......................................................................................................................402

    S-4 .......................................................................................................................409

    S-5 .......................................................................................................................416

    S-6 .......................................................................................................................422

    S-7 .......................................................................................................................428

    S-8 .......................................................................................................................431

    S-9 .......................................................................................................................436

    S-10 .....................................................................................................................442

    S-11 .....................................................................................................................445

  • 19

    S-12 .....................................................................................................................451

    S-13 .....................................................................................................................457

    S-14 .....................................................................................................................461

    5 Allometric scaling and the origin of birds: how fore and hindlimb bone

    length scales across Theropoda with emphasis on the non-avian to avian


    Bridging text .......................................................................................................464

    5.1 Abstract 465

    5.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................466

    5.3 Method ..........................................................................................................471

    5.4 Results ...........................................................................................................480

    5.5 Discussion .....................................................................................................487

    5.6 Conclusions ...................................................................................................509

    5.7 Figures ...........................................................................................................512

    5-1 .......................................................................................................................513

    5-2 .......................................................................................................................528

    5-3 .......................................................................................................................530

    5-4 .......................................................................................................................532

    5-5 .......................................................................................................................534

    5-6 .......................................................................................................................536

    5-7 .......................................................................................................................543

    5-8 .......................................................................................................................550

    5-9 .......................................................................................................................557

    5-10 .....................................................................................................................564

    5-11 .....................................................................................................................571

    5-12 .....................................................................................................................575

  • 20

    5-13 .....................................................................................................................585

    5-14 .....................................................................................................................592

    5-15 .....................................................................................................................595

    5-16 .....................................................................................................................597

    5.8 Tables

    5-1 .......................................................................................................................600

    5-2 .......................................................................................................................603

    5-3 .......................................................................................................................607

    5-4 .......................................................................................................................611

    5-5 .......................................................................................................................618

    5-6 .......................................................................................................................623

    5-7 .......................................................................................................................630

    5-8 .......................................................................................................................636

    5-9 .......................................................................................................................639

    5-10 .....................................................................................................................642


    5-12 .....................................................................................................................649

    5-13 .....................................................................................................................653

    5-14 .....................................................................................................................655

    5-15 .....................................................................................................................657

    5-16 .....................................................................................................................667

    5-17 .....................................................................................................................683

    5-18 .....................................................................................................................687

    5-19 .....................................................................................................................691

    5-20 .....................................................................................................................694

    5-21 .....................................................................................................................695

    5-22 .....................................................................................................................697

  • 21

    5-23 .....................................................................................................................699

    5-24 .....................................................................................................................702

    5-25 .....................................................................................................................708

    5-26 .....................................................................................................................712

    5-27 .....................................................................................................................714

    6 Summary of our understanding of the theropod to bird transition and

    conclusions .716

    6.1 Introduction ...717

    6.2 Objective of this thesis ..720

    References ......724

  • 22


    Introduction to the problem of the origin of Aves and its place as a

    macroevolutionary transition

  • 23


    Paleontology has long held a difficult place in the realm of Evolutionary

    Biology (Hunt 2010). While it deals with one of the great sources of information

    and the only primary source to understand the patterns and process of how clades

    evolved, traditionally paleontology has had a rocky relationship with neontology

    (see Gould 1980 for a summary). Ever since Darwin wrote about how The noble

    science of Geology loses glory from the extreme imperfection of the record

    (1859, p. 472) evolutionary biologists have spoke of the fossil record with an

    almost apologetic tone. It did not help that many of the leading pre-synthesis

    palaeontologist, such as Sir Richard Owen and H.F. Osborn rejected Darwinian

    natural selection as the primary explanatory factor that shaped the history of life,

    though neither doubted evolution itself (Osborn; 1922, 1933; Gould 1980;

    Camadri 2001).

    Championed most famously by Simpson, the incorporation of

    paleontology into the modern synthesis brought the field in tune with the

    mainstream biological thinking of the time (Gould 1980). With the publication of

    his influential book Tempo and Mode in Evolution (1944) Simpson brought the

    field from one of a collection and cataloguing to one that sought to explain and

    hypothesis test like much of biological science. Simpson looked to the processes

    and patterns seen in microevolution for explanations .This was unlike many of his

    contemporaries who viewed changes documented in the fossil record as the result

  • 24

    of abiotic or at least non-adaptive factors (Gould 1980). In addition to

    understanding the role of microevolution in shaping the history of life, Simpson

    thought that the fossil record showed evidence for higher levels selection. To him

    these macroevolutionary processes operated at longer time intervals and were not

    simply extended periods of microevolution (Simpson 1944).

    One of the major aspects of macroevolution in Simpsons mind, and

    indeed the mind of many modern palaeontologists, is the divergence of higher

    level clades (Simpson 1944; Erwin 2000; Jablonski 2000, 2008a, b). These

    divergences were said to often correspond to the transition between Adaptive

    Zones (1944) which are discontinuous peaks that populate the Adaptive

    Landscape model. Simpsons Adaptive Landscape model presents us with method

    to link both micro and macroevolution (Arnold et al. 2001) and explains the

    discontinuous nature of the fossil record (Erwin 2000). At major transitions the

    daughter groups diverge rapidly away from their ancestral fitness peak, quickly

    crossing an area of low fitness to a new peak permitted by the acquisition of some

    novel adaptation (Simpson 1944). These new adaptive zones often correspond to

    new regions of evolutionary space that were previously unavailable to the clade

    and may be driven by the colonization of new niches, morphological/ behavioural

    evolution or the overcoming of a developmental constraint.

  • 25

    Once in a new zone there is often a release of previous constraints

    (developmental, resources or competition) allowing for larger scale diversification

    in the daughter adaptive zone compared to the ancestral zone or sister group

    (Simpson 1953). It is the releasing from previous constraints at the crossing of

    adaptive zones that links together two of the major concepts in macroevolution:

    major evolutionary transitions and adaptive radiations (Futuyma 1986). One of the

    classic examples of crossing adaptive zones in vertebrates is the origin of birds

    (Guyer and Slowinski 1993) and powered flight (Carroll 1997).


    Modern Aves represents one of vertebrate evolutions greatest success

    stories, both in shear diversity and in terms of their mastery of flight. Neornithes,

    the clade that includes all living birds (Livezey and Zusi 2007), encompasses

    between 9000-10000 species of extant birds (ICN, 2010; Lindow 2011 ) and

    hundreds of fossil ones (Dyke and Gardiner 2011). Modern birds are the most

    specious extant tetrapod clade (Kardong 2011) representing nearly a third of all

    amniotes and almost 20% of known vertebrate diversity (ICN, 2010). Modern

    avians are also ecologically and geographically diverse, being found on all

    continents (Gill 1994). Due to their diversity and cosmopolitan nature birds have

    a significant impact on the ecosystems providing critical ecological services

    (Sekercioglu 2006).

  • 26

    Despite this extant species richness, the fossil record of modern birds

    (Neornithes) is relativly depauperate compared to that of similar sized mammals

    and reptiles (Fountaine et al. 2005; Lindow 2011). This lack of fossils has limited

    our understanding of how modern avian groups evolved and the tempo, mode, and

    timing of Neornithines origins and diversification is still debated (Feduccia 1995;

    James 2005; Fountaine et al. 2005; Dyke and Gardiner 2011).

    Counter intuitively, while our knowledge of modern bird evolution is still

    poorly resolved our knowledge of the transition from non-avian to avian

    theropods and the diversification of basal bird clades in the Early to Mid

    Cretaceous is extensive (Padian and Chiappe 1998; Chiappe 2002; Chiappe and

    Dyke 2006; Zhou and Zhang 2007; Clarke and Middleton 2008; Li et al. 2010;

    Bell and Chiappe 2011; Xu et al. 2011). Much of this is due to the presence of

    fossil Lagerstatten, deposits with exceptional preservation that allow for the

    retention of extraordinary amounts of fossil information and often include soft

    tissue structures (Selilacher et al. 1985). It is these types of beds that house a

    large proportion of known Mesozoic avian diversity (Butler et al. 2009) and

    allows for their study in great detail (Zhou and Zhang 2007). The most notable of

    these Lagerstatten for the study of Mesozoic bird evolution are the Solnhofen

    deposits of Germany, which yielded the first bird, Archaeopteryx (Wellenhofer

    2008) and the Early Cretaceous aged Jehol beds of China (Zhou and Wang 2010).

  • 27

    The Jehol biota beds contain approximately a third of all known Mesozoic avian

    taxonomic diversity and preserve representatives from all stages of basal avian

    evolution (Li et al. 2010; Zhou and Wang 2010). This staggering diversity is only

    increasing as new species are still being discovered regularly (Hu et al. 2011).

    The plethora of well preserved specimens and their importance as a major

    evolutionary event has lead to much interest in the theropod to bird transition

    (Chiappe and Padian 1998; Chiappe 2003; Dial 2003; Xu et al. 2010, 2011).

    Unfortunately, if this problem is approached without careful consideration that

    interest is in danger of producing much heat, but little light.


    The history of the study of the origins of birds begins with the history of the first

    bird, Archaeopteryx. The type specimen of Archaeopteryx is a single isolated

    feather that was discovered in the lithographic limestone quarries of Solnhofen

    Germany in 1860 and was described a year later (Griffith 1986; Wellnhofer

    2008). Shortly after this the first skeletal material was discovered in the same

    quarry (Wellenhofer 2008). This was a mostly complete and partially articulated

    specimen that now resides in the British Museum of Natural History and is

    referred to as the London specimen. Since than ten more specimens have been

    described (Mayr et al. 2007), the most recent of which was announced in October

  • 28

    2011. This specimen has yet to be formally described. The individual

    Archaeopteryx specimens are preserved in varying degrees of completeness

    ranging from only limb elements to articulated individuals complete with attached

    feathers (Ostrom 1985; Mayr et al. 2007; Wellnhofer, 2008). These specimens

    also document a range of ontogentic stages from the young juvenile Eichsttt

    specimen (JM 2257) to the sub-adult Solnhofen specimen (BMMS 500) (Erickson

    et al. 2009).

    Almost from the moment of its discovery, Archaeopteryx garnered much

    attention in scientific circles. The early description presented it as a link between

    reptiles and birds, a view that continues to this day (Ostrom 1985; Witmer 2002).

    While the osteology of Archaeopteryx generally resembles that of a small

    maniraptoran (Elzanowski 2002; Wellnhofer, 2008; Xu et al. 2011) it is the

    presence of asymmetrical feathers preserved in articulation with the forelimbs that

    has garnered the most interest. The size, shape and placement of these feathers

    presented the possibility that Archaeopteryx could fly, though this has been a

    source of much debate (Norberg 1985; Vazquez 1992; Elzanowski 2002; Senter

    2006; Nudds and Dyke 2010).

    Archaeopteryx has gained a large amount of public attention (Witmer 2002). and

    is considered by many to be one of the most important fossils discovered (Hecht

  • 29

    1985).It is seen as a missing link between avian and non-avian reptiles

    (Elzanowski 2002; Witmer 2002). As the classic missing link fossil

    Archaeopteryx is often used as an education tool to teach evolution (Lawson

    1999; Burton 2010). Although there has been recent controversy around its

    phylogenetic placement (Xu et al. 2011) Archaeopteryx is generally considered to

    be the first bird and is defined as such in many node based definitions of Aves

    (Sereno 1999; Chiappe 2002; Chiappe and Dyke 2006). With the recent

    discovery of feathered theropods and the numerous basal birds from China (Zhou

    et al. 2010; Li et al. 2010) some even predating Archaeopteryx (Xu et al. 2010;

    Xu et al. 2011) the debate over the pattern and process that drove the origin and

    early diversification of birds has become more intense (Makovicky and Zanno,



    Modern birds are closely associated with flight, as only 1% of extant or

    recently extinct avian taxa are flightless (Roff 1994; McCall et al. 1998). Birds

    are by far the dominate clade of extant aerial vertebrates having greater than ten

    times the species richness as bats and far greater ecological impact (Sekercigolu

    2006). Birds were not the first volant vertebrate clade as pterosaurs developed

    powered flight minimally 80 million years before the first bird (Bonaparte et al.

    2010). The origin of birds occurred approximately 150 million years ago and the

    subsequent avian radiation is suspected to have been rapid, By the Early

  • 30

    Cretaceous (approximately 130 million years ago) avians had diversified into a

    major factor in the Mesozoic ecosystems (Chiappe and Dyke 2006; Zhou and

    Wang 2010). There is little evidence of competition between early birds and

    pterosaurs despite the rapid diversification of birds and temporal overlap of the

    two clades (McGowan and Dyke 2007; Dyke et al. 2008; Butler et al. 2009).

    Of the three cases of powered flight originating in vertebrates (bats, birds

    and pterosaurs) birds best document the transition from non-volant to volant

    forms. Both bats and pterosaurs have very poor fossil records in regards to their

    origins. Powered flight is present already in the oldest known specimens of each

    group (Bonaparte et al. 2010; Simmons et al. 2008). This is in contrast to the long

    transitional series of fossils that exist recording the evolution and refinement of

    multiple flight related traits across non-avian and avian theropods (Chiappe 1995,

    2002; Clarke and Middleton 2008; Dececchi and Larsson 2009; Xu et al. 2010).

    The debate surrounding the origin of flight seeks to uncover the selective

    drivers for one of the major evolutionary transitions in vertebrate life (Carroll

    1997). Of the three known independent acquisitions of powered flight in

    vertebrates it is birds that present us with the best opportunity to examine the

    origin and evolution of a major locomotory and life history trait. The extensive

    fossil records both pre-and post-dating the theropod to bird transition allows us to

  • 31

    examine the tempo, sequence and ecological setting of flight related character

    evolution (Xu et al. 2010).

    Previous authors have taken individual characters and created evolutionary

    narratives surrounding their use. However, examining the large body of evidence

    surrounding the non-avian/ avian transition allows us to test the different

    ecological scenarios proposed for the origin of birds. It is these inquiries that I

    believe are of great interest and importance in taking the study of the evolution of

    avians beyond the cataloguing or narrative building that has surrounded it. I will

    address these in this thesis.


    This thesis examines four separate but interrelated parts of the study of

    how one group of non-volant theropods evolved into volant avians. These

    sections are: the study of the rate of forelimb evolution and placement of character

    change; the reanalysis of a Chinese feathered theropod with implications for

    maniraptoran evolution; the discussion of the ecological setting of the transition

    and the origin of avian flight stroke; and the discussion of the effects of allometry

    on patterns of fore- and hind limb evolution. Each section is covered by a

    different project. Each project takes a different approach to viewing one of the

    myriad of aspects of the evolution and diversification within Maniraptora with the

    special focus on how these trends affect the origin of Aves. Each semi-

    independent section of the overall study of the subject will be discussed in a

    separate chapter; yet they fit into a single fundamental narrative. Some sections

  • 32

    have been published as independent studies. But, when viewed as a whole the

    combination of all chapters presents the pattern and process of evolution across

    the theropod to bird transition in greater detail.

    Rates in Morphology

    The study of evolutionary rates began with Simpsons Tempo and Mode in

    Evolution (Simpson 1944; Haldane 1949; Gould 1980). Simpson demonstrated

    that palaeontology could provide more than just the evidence that evolution

    occurred, but it could also determine what form it took and, more importantly the

    speed at which it took place (Gould 1980).

    Building on Simpson, researchers sought practical and non-subjective

    measures of evolutionary rate. Most emphasis has been placed on continuous

    variables usually linear dimensions. There is debate surrounding their success,

    however they remain the basic metrics used by morphologist for the past 60 years.

    Classic measures like the Darwin, the Haldane or the Simpson are often used in

    modern studies but for studies of extinct lineages in deep time these metrics

    become unfeasible and other metrics are needed (Larsson et al. In press). One of

    these metrics, patristic distance, is less precise but easier to apply to fossil data

    from small sample populations from which measures such as generation time are


  • 33

    Patristic distance analysis

    Derived from the numerical taxonomic approach championed by Sneath and

    Sokal (1972) patristic distance analysis is the sum total of all character changes

    including reversals that occur along each phylogenetic branch between any two

    nodes on a tree. This is the same as cladistic distance sensu (Jackson and

    Cheetham 1994). It is a pairwise methodology allowing for comparisons of

    relative rates of evolution between branches (Smith 1994). Patristic

    methodologies are intimately linked to an a priori phylogenetic hypothesis and

    any modification of this hypothesis will alter the calculated rate scores (Wagner

    1997). The reliance on a particular phylogenetic reconstruction limits the use of

    this methodology to well resolved clades. Additionally, patristic methods rely on

    the assumption that all character changes are equally probable and equally

    weighted. This uniform approach assumes that any state change in character 1 and

    character 100 or the changing from states 0-1 and 1-2 within character 100 are

    equivalent, independent of time. Attempts have been made to answer questions of

    the limits of character spaces within lineages (Wagner et al. 2006), but little

    attention is paid to these problems.

    In Chapter II, patristic distance analysis is used to examine patterns of forelimb

    evolution within Theropoda. This dataset was not used to create a toplogy due to

    possiblility of convergent evolution due to functional similarity. Due to this

    limitation I mapped the data onto a supertree constructed from numerous smaller

  • 34

    scale phylogenies independent of the data. The amount of change at each node

    within the tree was counted. Due to potential effects of missing data the

    phylogenetic axis from basal Saurischia to birds was the primary focus. The data

    was permutated to account for different phylogenetic hypotheses regarding the

    relationship between various taxa and the node Aves. The dataset was subdivided

    into four different forelimb modules due to the possibility of differential patterns

    of evolution within different parts of the limb. These modules are the pectoral

    girdle, the stylopodium, the zeugopodium and the autopodium.

    Morphology of the Maniraptoran Forelimb

    As the primary generator of thrust and power during flight (Tobalske 2007) the

    avian forelimb and pectoral girdle is central to the understanding of how flight

    originated. While the anatomy of this region has been well categorized by

    previous authors (Ostrom 1969; Nicholls and Russell 1985; Zanno 2006;

    Jasinoski 2003; Wellenhofer 2008) there is work to be done to understand broader

    patterns within this region. Previous authors have reported trends surrounding

    intralimb and interlimb proportions which they have linked to behavioural or

    ecological signals (Ostrom 1969, Xu and Wang, 2003; Xu et al. 2011). The most

    commonly used metrics such as ratios of the humerus to femur (H:F), ulna to

    humerus (B.I.) and manus to forelimb. These metrics are frequently cited as

    showing trends of progressive elongation within derived maniraptorans into basal

    avians (Hu et al. 2008, Zhang and Zhou, 2002; Xu et al. 2003, 2010, 2011, Novas

  • 35

    et al. 2009). Yet these analyse have seldom involved more than direct

    interspecific comparisons. These analyses have not placed the findings into a

    broader context, with regards to theropods in general nor to the influence of

    scaling on the values obtained. Over the course of the final three chapters of the

    thesis I will examine these purported trends in detail to distil adaptive functional

    signals from the data that can be used to evaluate the origin of birds.

    In Chapter III, in concert with my supervisor and Dr. D.W.E. Hone then at the

    Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) in Beijing, I

    re-described a partial yet articulated small feathered theropod, Yixianosaurus

    longimanus, from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota of China. The data in this

    chapter elucidates the relationship between this relatively understudied taxon and

    other coelurosaurs. The study also presents methods of comparing theropod

    forelimb diversification that have broader implications for our understanding of

    the ecological partitioning of the clade.

    Chapter IV examines the question of the ecological setting for the origin of the

    avian flight stoke by testing one of the arboreal theropod trees down hypothesis.

    I focused on the flight stroke as opposed to flight itself as the flight stroke is a

    necessary prerequisite for flight but is not restricted to it. In extant avians the

    flight stroke has been modified into a variety of non-flight functions including:

  • 36

    Display (Merton et al. 1984; Zuk et al. 1995); maintaining a purchase on

    struggling prey items (Fowler et al. In press); Wing Assisted Incline Running

    (WAIR) (Dial 2003); or play (Bekoff and Byers 1998; Diamond and Bond, 2003).

    Additionally the original function of the flight stroke may not have been linked to

    flight as the thrust derived from the downward stroke could also have aided in

    terrestrial locomotion by increasing running speed (Burgers and Chiappe 1999) or

    to facilitate the traversing of barriers (Dial 2003).

    The two prevailing hypotheses on the origin of flight are the terrestrial ground

    up or the arboreal trees down views. The ground up postulates that the

    ancestors of birds were small cursorial theropods that evolved feathers and the

    flight stroke in a terrestrial context. There are a variety of proposed scenarios to

    explain the origin of the flight stroke on the ground such as: to trap insect prey

    (Ostrom 1979); to facilitate running (Burgers and Chiappe 1999); to aid in

    jumping (Caple et al. 1983); or to aid in subduing captured prey (Fowler et al. In


    In contrast the trees down scenario involves an arboreal bird antecedent that

    went through a gliding intermediate before evolving flight to move between the

    trees (Dudley et al. 2007, Norberg 1985, Fedducia 1993, Chatterjee and Templin

    2004, 2007, Zhou and Zhang 2002, Xu et al. 2000, 2003, 2010). Recently a new

    scenario based on the behaviour of extant birds, WAIR (Wing Assisted Incline

    Running), has been presented as a third possibility (Dial, 2003, Dial et al. 2008).

  • 37

    Some have questioned if these two hypotheses, ground up versus trees down,

    represent a strict dichotomy (Padian, 2001; Witmer 2001, Dial et al. 2008).

    Regardless whether or not this is true, and I would maintain it is not, the

    ecological setting for the origin of the flight stroke is still of great importance as it

    relates to the behaviour of the transitional forms. I tested if non-avian or basal

    avian theropods possessed the necessary functional adaptations to overcome the

    physical realities of life in the trees. I used a larger and more diverse dataset of

    climbing amniotes than had been previously assembled and incorporated a range

    of climbing styles and proficiencies. The results presented here are clear and

    unequivocal, and should have an influence on the shape of future debates on this


    In the final chapter (Chapter 5) I examine the potential linkage between allometry

    and the perceived trends in forelimb length approaching the origin of birds. Along

    the phylogenetic backbone towards Aves it has been noted that there is an

    apparent increase in forelimb length (Xu et al. 2000; Chiappe 2004; Hu et al.

    2008; Novas et al. 2009). Concurrently among coelurosaurian theropods there is a

    trend of decreasing body size leading to Aves (Carrano 2006, Turner et al. 2007).

    As body size is known to affect limb length (Alexander et al. 1979; Christiansen

    1999) and I studied the relationship between limb length and body size across the

    theropod to bird transition.

  • 38

    By creating both absolute and relative regression equations I determined both the

    strength of each elements scaling relationship and also how proportional values

    of the limb changed with scale. Taking a new approach this thesis examines how

    the scaling affects major purported trends within derived theropod history leading

    to and crossing the transition to avians. The study puts this transition into a proper

    context by supplying a baseline against which taxon and clade specific deviations

    can be measured. It also examines how early avians, in both the fore- and hind

    limb, broke the non-avian theropod appendicular bauplan and suggests functional

    and ecological reasons for these shifts.

  • 39


    Patristic evolutionary rates suggest a punctuated pattern in forelimb

    evolution before and after the origin of birds

  • 40

    Bridging Text

    The following section was published in the first issue of the 35th volume of the

    journal Paleobiology in 2009. Here I examined the pattern of discrete character

    change in the forelimb across Theropoda with special attention to the theropod to

    bird transition. I constructed a comprehensive dataset scoring 123 theropods for

    179 forelimb character taken from the literature. This data was then mapped on a

    supertree constructed for a collection of smaller phylogenies. This topology was

    also rearranged in multiple permutations to account for multiple different

    phylogenetic hypotheses surrounding the placement of critical taxa. This work

    showed that theropod forelimb evolution occurred in a punctuated manner and

    that the node Aves is not a region of high character change. This work is

    important for our understanding of the tempo and mode of a major evolutionary


  • 41

    2.1 ABSTRACT

    The evolution of powered flight has traditionally been associated with the origin of birds,

    the most successful clade of modern tetrapods, as exemplified by the nearly 10,000

    species alive today. Flight requires a suite of morphological changes to skeletal anatomy

    to create a light yet resistant framework for an airfoil and advanced nervous motor

    control. Given the level of morphological integration necessary to create a suitable

    aerofoil, the origin of flight may be intuitively assumed to be coupled with high

    evolutionary rates of wing-related morphologies. Here we show that the origin of birds is

    associated with little or no evolutionary change to the skeletal anatomy of the forelimb,

    and thus Archaeopteryx is unlikely to be the Rosetta Stone for the origin of flight it was

    once believed to be. Using comparative statistics and time-series analyses on a data set

    constructed from all known forelimb skeletal anatomy of non-avian theropod dinosaurs

    and a diverse assemblage of early birds, we demonstrate three focused peaks of rapid

    forelimb evolution at Tetanurae, Eumaniraptora, and Ornithothoraces. The peaks are not

    associated with missing data and remain stable under multiple perturbations to the

    phylogenetic arrangements. Different regions of the forelimbs are demonstrated to have

    undergone asynchronous periods of evolutionary peaks and stasis. Our results evince a

    more complicated stepwise mode of forelimb evolution before and after the origin of

    Aves than previously supposed.

  • 42


    The origin of avian powered flight has been heralded as a key evolutionary novelty at the

    origin of birds (Ostrom 1995). The evolution of avian flight required that theropod

    dinosaurs dramatically modify their anatomy to accommodate the demands aerial

    locomotion imposes: small body size (Padian et al. 2001), increased cerebellar and

    cerebral brain volumes to coordinate flight (Alonzo et al. 2004), and an airfoil (Gauthier

    and Padian 1985; Prum and Brush 2002). These evolutionary novelties in early birds

    were so successful that soon after their first appearance in the Tithonian (ca. 150 Ma)

    birds radiated into multiple diverse clades (Chiappe and Dyke 2006) and were the

    dominant aerial vertebrate by the end of the Cretaceous. During this transition, bird

    forelimbs underwent a profound remodeling as each element in the modern avian

    forelimb was radically modified from its homologue in the earliest archosaurs. However,

    previous analyses have shown that many avian skeletal (Sereno 1999), integumental (Ji et

    al. 1998), and endocranial (Larsson 2001) characters are present in non-avian theropods,

    suggesting these features were co-opted for flight by Aves from non-volant theropods.

    We examined forelimb evolution within the non-avian to avian theropod

    transition to assess the patterns of evolution of the skeleton most involved with avian

    powered flight. Skeletal changes were ordered in a phylogenetic context to calculate

    patristic evolutionary rates and allow for quantitative comparisons among selected

    segments over bird evolutionary history. Preliminary steps using similar techniques to

    examine evolutionary rates within early birds have been made (Chiappe 1995, 2002).

    Here we have greatly expanded the focus and data set to examine the transitional period

    and the origins of modern birds in both a qualitative and a statistical context. Unlike

    Chiappe, we used multiple optimization routines to examine the distribution of character

  • 43

    change, testing a variety of phylogenetic hypotheses but not assuming that all elements

    within the forelimb evolve in unison.

    Because research on evolutionary rates about the origin of birds is still at an early

    stage, we chose simply to assess rate variations along the phylogenetic axis from

    Saurischia to Ornithothoraces (Supplementary Fig. 1). The first null hypothesis of

    evolutionary rates we tested is that all rates are equal through the phylogenetic axis. This

    most general null hypothesis is required where no other tests have been done before.

    Given that rates are probably not equivalent throughout the tree, we also tested several

    other hypotheses involving the origin of birds and avian powered flight. If the origin of

    powered flight is accompanied by a suite of morphological adaptations for this mode of

    locomotion, we would expect to see high rates of evolution about the transition (Carroll

    1997). Thus, we can test whether or not significantly high rates of evolution of flight-

    related morphologies coincide with the origin of Aves.

    2.3 METHODS

    Phylogenetic Framework

    Phylogenetic relationships were based on a collection of nine current topologies obtained

    from the literature (Supplementary Table 1). The phylogenies, which spanned the range

    of non-avian theropod and early avian relationships, were concatenated to yield a tree

    with 92 clades (Supplementary Fig. 1). The homoplastic nature of the forelimb characters

    led to poor phylogenetic resolution when we used solely our data set (results not shown),

    so we selected a pre-existing topology. This method also avoids circularity involved with

    character evolution based on tree topologies derived from that same character data set.

  • 44

    Given the lack of a consensus phylogeny encapsulating theropods and including a diverse

    assemblage of Mesozoic birds, we constructed an informal supertree (sensu Bininda-

    Emonds 2004) using the phylogeny of Theropoda derived by Thomas Holtz from the

    2004 edition of the Dinosauria (Holtz 2004) as our backbone. Because this concatenated

    tree does address the relationships with Aves, we incorporated the phylogenetic topology

    derived by Clarke and colleagues (2006) as the basis for the avian clades. The informal

    method was chosen to reduce polytomies that result from the inadequate outgroup

    sampling of some leaf phylogenies. Although informal supertrees are widely used, they

    do have the inherent limitation of only allowing a single phylogenetic hypothesis to be

    tested at a time (Bininda-Emonds 2004 and references therein). To compensate for this

    we tested multiple different phylogenetic permutations (Table 1 and Supplementary

    Tables 3-20) to represent the spectrum of recent proposed interrelationships among

    derived maniraptoran taxa.

    Lesothosaurus and Thecodontosaurus were used as non-theropod outgroups to

    polarize character changes within Theropoda. We chose 123 different ingroup terminal

    taxa representing 18 major nodes along the phylogenetic axis from Theropoda to

    Ornithothoraces (Supplementary Tables 1). They include 1 herrerasaurid, 11

    neotheropods (5 ceratosaurs and 6 coelophysids), 10 tetanurans, 7 allosauroids, 7 basal

    coelurosaurs, 10 tyrannosauroids, 12 maniraptoriforms, 22 maniraptorans, 3

    alvarezsaurids, 16 deinonychosaurians, 6 basal birds and 18 ornithothoracines. These taxa

    represent the largest possible temporal, phylogenetic, ecological, and size-range diversity

    known for Mesozoic theropods. These taxa represent a minimum of 22 clades,

    encompassing a variety of life history strategies including: piscivory (spinosaurids),

    insectivory (various small theropods and birds), omnivory (ornithomimids),

  • 45

    hypercarnivory (allosaurids, tyrannosaurids), and herbivory (therizinosaurs, Jeholornis,

    Sapeornis). All taxa included a minimum of one forelimb skeletal element.

    Character Database.

    Discrete skeletal pectoral and forelimb characters were selected from nine independently

    published theropod and early bird phylogenies and taxonomic descriptions for use in

    scoring elements for this study (Supplementary Table 1). We selected character sets

    from phylogenetic analyses that maximized the overlap across Aves and encompassed all

    clades along the basal theropod to avian transition to minimize possible phylogenetic

    edge effects and biased observations at particular nodes. Of these analyses, two included

    both theropods and basal avians, five were for specific theropod clades, and two focused

    on interrelationships of basal avian taxa, using theropods as the outgroup. All characters

    from the phylogenetic analyses were concatenated, taking care to not have redundant

    characters and character states. All taxa were scored for all possible characters by using

    original scores from published sources and manually scoring the remaining characters.

    Manual scoring entailed examination of relevant literature to determine character states

    on the basis of descriptive, photographic, and/or illustrative evidence. All characters for

    which no clear evidence was available were scored as a question mark. Scores for higher

    classifications (e.g., at the family level) were not used, because these higher-level

    amalgamations have the potential to mask species specific changes within lineages. In

    cases where a taxon has been redescribed subsequent to the original phylogeny (e.g.,

    Ornitholestes and Coelurus) or new material assigned to taxa (e.g., forelimb elements to

    Tanycolagreus), these taxa were rescored manually. All specimens of Archaeopteryx

    were considered as Archaeopteryx lithographica, although there is ongoing debate on the

    status of species within the Archaeopterygidae (Mayr et al. 2007). All specimens of

  • 46

    Jeholornis prima and Shenzhouraptor sinensis were united under the senior synonym,

    Jeholornis prima. The resulting data matrix (Supplementary Data Matrix) consists of

    179 characters, divided into 402 total character states for the 125 non-avian and avian


    Character Evolution and Missing Data

    Ancestral state reconstructions are limited to maximum parsimony methods because of

    the multiple polytomies within this large phylogeny. Current maximum likelihood and

    Bayesian methods require fully resolved tree topologies. We used three optimizations to

    map charactersunambiguous, slow, and fast (Wincladas terminology)so that we

    could capture the maximum range of character state changes (Nixon 2002). By

    calculating the extreme possible values under accelerated and delayed models of

    evolution, fast and slow optimizations allow use of data that cannot be unambiguously

    optimized. This range of optimizations is expected to have encompassed the majority of

    ancestral state reconstructions that maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods would

    have yielded, when applied to a fixed tree topology with equal branch lengths and

    discrete character data, had their use been possible.

    Patristic rate methods have been used previously (Chiappe 1995, 2002; Sidor and

    Hopson 1998) in attempts to determine relative rates of change among lineages where

    absolute dating techniques are not available for all nodes. These methods assume uniform

    branch lengths along the tree. We used patristic rate methods to examine if and when

    nodes along the phylogenetic tree from Saurischia to Ornithothoraces show significantly

    high levels of forelimb character change with respect to the average rate of forelimb

  • 47

    character change within the entire tree. Patristic methods do not impose a model for

    evolutionary rate change a priori and allowed us to test whether the patterns seen in our

    data were consistent with those seen in other data sets composed of skeletal characters

    from the entire body and between modules of our own data set of forelimb data. Finally

    this method allowed us to test whether our data showed signs of non-stochastic relative

    rate changes and even to determine which nodes, if any, showed statistically significant

    deviations from the mean expected values.

    The distribution of character changes with the entire tree was performed by using

    Winclada under the three different optimization modes to bracket the maximum and

    minimum possible number of changes at each node (Fig. 1 AE). A total of 1265

    character state changes are present on the tree topology but only those changes along the

    phylogenetic axis from Theropoda to Ornithothoraces are presented here (Table 1).

    Missing data estimates for each node were calculated by using the union of all characters

    represented for both sister nodes (Supplementary Table 22). Union of characters, in this

    context, consists of examining the overlap in character scoring for all stems to determine

    the number of unscored characters at each node. This method was used in conjunction

    with the different optimization regimes to assess possible effects of missing data in any

    one taxon. However, missing data is not a factor in our results; all skeletal elements were

    well sampled at each node along the phylogenetic axis examined here. Most nodes on this

    axis are completely represented and only three approach 5% missing data once

    unionized. We excluded the data on the sternum and furcula from the main

    phylogenetic axis studies because these elements are largely absent in many of the taxa

    sampled (only 14 of the107 non-avian taxa were scored for five or more of the 11

    characters of these two elements). This reduced the number of pectoral skeletal characters

    from 51 to 40, but did not significantly change our results. One-sample t- and

  • 48

    Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) tests were used to assess changes in evolutionary rates.

    Because character acquisition is an additive process, the K-S tests for differences between

    the observed cumulative frequencies (the amount added per unit of patristic distance) and

    the expected values (Zar 1999). We selected t-tests because at small sample size (n = 19)

    they perform better than z-tests (Crawley 2005); they were also more robust when

    deviations from normality assumptions occurred in our data (Zar 1999). Skewness is not

    expected to be a major factor in our results because skewed one-sample t-tests undergo

    only moderate loss of resolution (Nanayakkara 1992); applying Johnsons modification

    for t-tests had no effect on number or identity of significant nodes (results not shown). In

    addition, we performed a bootstrapping analysis to attempt to calculate significance of

    single values within a non-normally distributed data vector (Table 2). Bootstrapping was

    done by resampling with replacement the range of scores across the phylogenetic axis

    nodes 10,000 times and calculating each samples mean. The distribution of the means

    approached a normal distribution by virtue of the central limit theorem. Values of each

    distribution for the 0.001, 2.5, 97.5, and 99.999 percentiles were calculated from each

    distribution to provide a nonparametric test for significance for proposed significantly

    active and inactive nodes. Time-series cross-correlation tests were performed in PAST

    (Hammer et al. 2001) to examine whether evolutionary rates across different forelimb

    regions were synchronized, showing a significantly similar distribution in two modules

    signal frequencies.

    2.4 RESULTS

    A single phylogenetic path originating at Saurischia and extending to

    Ornithothoraces is described to assess evolutionary changes about the avian node. The

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    use of a nonparametric cumulative frequency test such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S)

    indicated that there were significant deviations from the assumption of a uniform

    distribution of character change between nodes along the Saurischia to Ornithothoraces

    path (Table 3). The use of a K-S test as opposed to other two-sampled tests allowed us to

    determine whether the pattern of cumulative character changes seen was within the

    bounds of random variation around a uniform random model. In addition, the use of this

    test instead of a simple linear regression allows for comparison of each node

    independently, thus preventing Type II errors in the cases where nodes with higher than

    mean character counts follow those with below-mean counts (though we do see a similar

    pattern in a linear regression with multiple nodes exceeding the 95% confidence bounds;

    results not shown). By exceeding the bounds, the K-S test showed that our data have

    periods of significantly deviant accumulations of character change, which cannot be

    explained by stochastic variations around a mean accumulation rate. The data follow a

    punctuated pattern of character evolution, with most change occurring at irregular

    intervals and the majority of nodes contributing little to the overall pattern (Table 3, Fig.

    1A). We take this as evidence of an active trend in our data, because most nodes with

    high rates of change are not associated with long ghost lineages (Supplementary Material

    Tables 28, 29). The only node with both high rates of change and a large ghost lineage is

    Tetanurae, but this node is distant enough from Aves to be of much importance to the

    present analysis. Although the dismissal of the null hypothesis of uniform rates of change

    was not unexpected, the identification and location of the significantly active nodes was.

    We also performed one sample t-tests to determine which, if any, nodes

    significantly violated the expected distribution of change under each scenario. These tests

    allowed us to construct 95% confidence intervals around the mean distributions of nodal

    scores, which we took as the limits of stochastic variability in character count. As shown

  • 50

    in Table 1 and Supplementary Tables 4-20, our data indicate that few nodes consistently

    violate the upper bounds of these confidence intervals, and of these only three

    consistently violate them under all optimizations, across the spectrum of permutations.

    These nodes indicate periods of significantly higher than expected amounts of character

    change, and are taken to be periods of active evolution in the forelimb. These nodes have

    t-values much greater than those seen at even p = 0.0001; thus any Type I error effects

    experienced from the moderate level of skewness in our data will not affect our

    interpretation of the results. Large amounts of change that represent significantly

    accelerated rates of evolution of the forelimb skeleton under all three optimizations are

    concentrated at three nodes: Tetanurae, Eumaniraptora, and Ornithoraces. (Table 1, Fig.

    1A). Tetanurae show accelerated changes in the hand and wrist that created the

    foundation for the avian manus. This node features the reduction of the hand to three

    digits, close oppression of the base of digits I and II, and the origin of a semilunate

    carpal. These changes indicate an evolution of a novel predatory motion of the forearm

    involving tightly bounded anterior digits and unique wrist flexion along the transverse

    plane, all critical in the avian flight stroke (Padian 2001).

    Significantly greater than expected change never occurs at the node Aves, and

    under two optimization settings (unambiguous and fast) no changes to the forelimb

    occurred. Evolutionary stasis at the origin of birds is unexpected, given the presumed

    association between the node Aves and the origin of flight. A suite of phylogenetic

    perturbations to accommodate alternative phylogenetic hypotheses have insignificant

    effects on the phylogenetic position and magnitude of evolutionary peaks at

    Eumaniraptora and Ornithothoraces (Supplemental Tables 4-20). These results suggest

    that the pattern of significant periods of character evolution observed at these nodes are

    robust results and not artifacts of the phylogenetic hypothesis used.

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    Module analysis shows patterns similar to those seen in the generalized forelimb.

    The forelimb was divided into four anatomical regions to examine what elements of the

    forelimb contributed to each of the evolutionary peaks. All characters describing the

    pectoral skeleton, stylopodium, zeugopodium, and autopodium were examined separately

    (Fig. 1BE, Supplemental Table 3). All modules show high levels of skewness in the data

    and a large number of zero counts, thus leading to the possibility of Type I errors when

    using a standard t-test. To compensate for this potential bias, bootstrapping was

    performed to construct firmer (99.999%) confidence intervals, and thus reduce the

    number of false positive results. Each anatomical region indicates patterns of

    evolutionary peaks and stasis, and time-series cross-correlation analyses indicate that

    only the pectoral girdle and zeugopodium are significantly similar, with shared peaks at

    Maniraptora and Eumaniraptora, whereas the other skeletal regions evolved separately

    (Table 4, Supplemental Tables 22, 23). We calculated percentages of total possible

    changes per forelimb region were calculated to standardize for differences in character

    number between regions, but the significant peaks and cross-correlations seen in these

    results are identical to those of the absolute values presented above (Supplementary

    Tables 24-26).

    Cross-correlation analysis was performed to determine whether patterns in

    periodicity existed both between our forelimb and a preexisting whole-body (minus

    forelimb) data set and between modules. Cross-correlation analysis allows the frequency