
Alcoholism By: Andrew Owens Students in College


Alcoholism. By: Andrew Owens Students in College. What is Alcoholism?. When a person drinks over and over knowing the consequences they will face. No control over the amount of time they drink Possible to have a drinking problem without being an alcoholic. The Disease Itself. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Alcoholism


By: Andrew Owens

Students in College

What is Alcoholism?

When a person drinks over and over knowing the consequences they will face.

No control over the amount of time they drink

Possible to have a drinking problem without being an alcoholic

The Disease Itself

Anyone can get it

Does Not discriminate

Tough disease to fight

Isn't just a simple fix

Can be different depending on the person

Signs of Alcoholism

Neglect responsibilities

Use Alcohol in dangerous situation

Use of alcohol to relax

Signs of Alcoholism

Repeated arrests due to alcohol

Excess drinking and high tolerances

Loss of control while drinking


Can Be learned through family members who are alcoholics

Failure in work school or relationships


Death of a relative or friend

Social Pressure

General Statistics Percentage who have had atleast one drink

Women= 59.6%

Men= 71.8%

Percentage who have never had a drink

Women= 22.5%

Men= 11.6%

Percentage of binge drinkers( consume 4-5+ drinks within 2 hours at least once

Women= 28.8%

Men= 43.1%

Stress Impact

People will try to dull

side effects with


Stressors can make

alcohol abuse worse

Students may have a rough week and just want to forget


Stress Impact

People try to hide real life stress

with alcohol

Stress can cause a relapse

Stress of wanting to



Motor vehicle accidents

Poor work performance or school grades decline

Domestic abuse

Health Risks

Liver Disease

Hepatitis, Cirrhosis

Heart problems

High BP

Bone loss


Increase risk of Cancer

Mouth, throat, liver, colon, and breast.

Who Gets It?

Anyone can get it!

People surrounded by drinkers

People with a lot of stress

People who try to fit in with the crowd of partiers

How it Develops

Develops over time

Stress or unhappiness in life can increase drinking

People gradually need more alcohol to get the same effect

Chronic Disease

Non communicable- cannot catch it like a cold

People can relapse easily

Disease can run through the a family of drinkers






Patients can detox and get help

They go for a certain length of time Depending on severity

Doctors and staff help patients with withdrawal symptoms

Usually a step by step process to follow


Disulfiram -produces a physical reaction that may include flushing, nausea, vomiting and headaches

Naltrexone - blocks the good feelings alcohol causes

Acamprosate - may help you combat alcohol cravings

Group therapy

Most well know is AA Alcoholics Anonymous

Place where people can come together and work out their battles with alcoholism

Usually a meeting setting open and not private

Moderators help patients express their difficulties

Life Style Changes Alcoholic

Social situation Make know to your friends you are not drinking

Develop healthy habits Eat good, sleep well, exercise

Do activities not centered around alcohol Go outdoors, explore, get away from the city


Must set limits for yourself Couple drinks or DD

Do not succumb to peer pressure Just Say NO

Reach out to friends and family before alcohol