Alcohol Dependency - Abnormal Psychology

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Alcohol dependence A wolf in sheeps clothing

Alcohol dependence A wolf in sheeps clothingRebecca N. CrosswhiteInstructor Amanda Shinn PattersonMitchell Community CollegePSY 281 Abnormal Psychology

Sobering StaticsIn the United States

Every 30 minutes someone is killed in an alcohol related automobile accident.15,000,000 Americans are dependent on alcohol.500,000 children age 9 to 12 are dependent on alcohol.Americans spend over $90,000,000,000 on alcohol a year. (Statistics are according to

How Does Alcohol Dependency Effect Children?U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 1 in 4 children in the United States are exposed to alcoholism within the family.6.6 million American children under the age of 18 live in a household with at least one alcoholic parent.National Association for Children of Alcoholics, (NACA), states that 79.6% of welfare professionals cites that alcoholism contributes to half of all reported child maltreatment cases.Children experience guilt, anxiety, anger, embarrassment, confusion, helplessness and withdraw from relationships.

(According to

Alcoholism and Suicide

Alcoholism is a factor in 30 percent of all completed suicides.7 percent of those with alcohol dependency will die by suicide.

( Statistics from is a depressant. Not only does chronicalcohol use lead to depression, it in turn can also lead to suicide.

Why are there so many people dependent on alcohol if it can lead to:Broken FamiliesLoss of JobsDUIs and legal issuesFinancial ProblemsSevered relationshipsLonelinessHopelessnessDepressionSuicide

Picture from

Why is alcohol the number one abused mind- altering drug?Alcohol is a very luring substance. It gives the user a sense of warmth, well-being and courage. It inhibits fears and reduces anxiety. Alcohol is legal, affordable and readily available.Alcohol advertising is seen in magazines, television commercials and movies.Alcohol makes the mere acquaintance the best of friends; a very alluring quality to those who are lonely and lacking self-esteem.

Photo taken from

What are the some of the symptoms of alcohol dependency?Unable to limit the amount of alcohol you drink.Feeling a strong need or compulsion to drink.Drinking alone or hiding your drinking.Continuing to drink despite problems such as legal, marital, family, employment or money.Developing a tolerance and needing more alcohol to experience the same effect.Arranging your schedule to allow for your drinking.When you dont drink, you experience nausea, sweating, shaking or irritability.


The Top 5 Myths About Alcoholism1. I can stop drinking anytime I want to. Maybe you can and maybe you cant, but either way it is an excuse to keep drinking.2. I dont drink everyday OR I only drink wine or beer, so I cant be an alcoholic. Alcoholism isnt defined by what you drink but by continued drinking even after it has caused problems in your life.3. My drinking is my problem, it only hurts me. Alcoholism hurts everyone around you and is a family disease.*********

4. I cant be an alcoholic because I have a job and I am doing okay. Many alcoholics hold down jobs, get through school and raise a family. You may be a functioning alcoholic, but if the path continues, it will catch up to you.5. My drinking is not a real addiction like drug abuse. Alcohol is a real drug and alcohol addiction is just as damaging as drug addiction.

(Information obtained from )

What do you do if someone you love is an alcoholic?Stop enabling them! Many times alcoholics are able to continue in their illness because someone is enabling them, either by lying for them, taking care of their responsibilities when they fail to, and making rationalizations and excuses for their behavior.Stop arguing with them. This only adds fuel to the fire and usually the alcoholic is in denial.Seek advice from a professional substance abuse counselor.

What if I am the alcoholic?If you realize that you have a drinking problem and may have an addiction to alcohol, you have already taken the first step!Overcoming denial and realizing that your alcohol use has directly caused problems in your life means that your are ready to take the next step!What do I do next?

There are many resources available.Alcoholics Anonymous A 12-step recovery program. http://www.aa.orgCelebrate Recovery A 12-step Christ centered recovery program. http://www.celebraterecovery.comThere are also many outpatient and residential inpatient alcohol abuse treatment centers for more intense rehabilitation. Abuse and Crisis Hotline: 800-234-0246

AcknowledgmentsAudio track - Demon Alcohol By Ozzy Osbourne