

Transcript of Alcohol

  • 1. alcohol

2. History of: Alcohol was widely used for religious purposes. There were also times it was used for providing nutrients. It has also been known to be used for medicinal, antiseptic, and as a analgesic. Alcohol has been around since the stone age! 3. How is alcohol administrated into the body? Through the mouth. We drink alcohol. There is also ways it can enter if you use rubbing alcohol for a cut but it is not a substantial amount at that point. From the mouth, it is absorbed from the small intestine (80%, other 20% is in the stomach). It circulates your body until it is filtered out. 4. Street names? Booze Cold one Brew Hard Stuff Hooch Shine 5. Classifications This drug is considered a depressant as it slows down the bodies functions and your thinking. Alcohol is a level 2 drug. 6. chemicals Ethanol Esther Ester Methynol 7. Physical, mental, social dangers Alcohol lowers your judgement, and your bodies abilities. If you only drink occasionally, you more than likely arent going to hurt yourself. Long time usage can lead to mouth and throat cancer, liver problems, alcoholism, and much more. Alcoholism effects your mental health as well. You may not enjoy things the way you did because alcohol isnt included in the activity. 8. cont. If you are an alcoholic, people will not want to be around you if you are drunk constantly. You might cause problems in your family as well. Legal problems are varied. If you drink and drive there will more than likely be legal consequences. Drinking is legal though. 9. Nervous system Alcohol affects memory, judgement, and reasoning, and in severe cases, blackouts. In very severe cases, dementia is also a problem. Alcohol is a depressant. It slows down functions and is also very closely linked with depression and suicide. 10. cardiovascular Funny thing is, in very small amounts, alcohol is known to help reduce heart disease. 1 -2 glasses helps prevent blood clots. Long term over usage leads to arrhythmia, myocarditis, increase in cholesterol and hypertension. 11. digestive There is the chance of mouth and throat cancer, which if linked with cigarettes is greatly increased chance. Ulcers are also very common, which can cause bleeding. Pancreatis associated with binge drinking 12. Respitory Drinkers may often puke, and if they are passed out, they could inhale and choke on their own vomit. They are also known to have many upper respitory problems such as pneumonia. 13. Medical uses Rubbing alcohol is used to clean cuts. Alcohol is used to help prevent heart disease, strokes, diabetes, arthritis, enlarged prostate, dementia, and several cancers, in small dosages. 14. Alcohol+other drugs=? Alcohol plus another depressant, can be very threatening to ones health, and can very easily be fatal as two drugs work together and slow down the body quickly. 15. work cited PBPldW2U 4 Effects/Central-Nervous-System Effects/Cardiovascular-System Effects/Respiratory-System Effects/Digestive-System Effects/Cardiovascular-System 16. GAME TIME: Lets Make a wager! First, you are going to start off with $100 (metaphorical) With each question (there is going to be 5) you bet an amount based off how much money you have. If you get the question right, add how much you wagered, if you lost, subtract the wager you made. (The highest you can have is $6400) 17. MAKE A WAGER QUESTION 1: How long has alcohol been around for? Since the stone age! 18. Question 2: Does alcohol have any positive effects? Yes! It lowers the chance of heart disease, stroke, arthritis and several major cancers by a glass or so per day! 19. Question 3 What was some purposes alcohol was used for in the past? (If you name one or the other, you get the question right) For religious purposes and for nutrients alcohol provided. 20. Question 4 Name 1 of the chemicals found in alcohol ( no bonuses for getting all 4) Ethanol, Esther, Ester, Mythanyol 21. Question 5 Name 3 out of the 6 street names I listed in the powerpoint Booze, cold one, brew, hard stuff, hooch, shine 22. 0- 100: 101-1600 1601-6400