Alba Carolina13


Transcript of Alba Carolina13

Alba Carolina was once one of the most powerful citadels in southeastern Europe, and served in the line of defense meant to keep out Turkish invaders from Central Europe. The leaders of the peasants’ revolution of 1784-85 were jailed, tried and executed here. The fortress is outstanding both for its decorative elements and for the beauty of its gates, unique in European military architecture. Trei cetăţi au fost construite succesiv la Alba Iulia: Castrul Roman, Cetatea Medievală şi Cetatea Bastionară de tip Vauban Alba Carolina

The Route of the Three Fortifications is unique in Europe because it takes you over 2000 years of history. The name of this tour itinerary suggests that in the same stroll can be viewed fragments of the three cities built in succession in Alba Iulia: Roman fort, medieval city and Vauban bastion fortress Alba Carolina. Traseul celor Trei Fortificaţii este unic în Europa, deoarece te poartă de-a lungul a 2000 de ani de istorie. Numele acestui itinerariu turistic sugerează că în cadrul aceluiaşi ansamblu pot fi vizitate fragmente din cele trei cetăţi construite succesiv la Alba Iulia: Castrul Roman, Cetatea Medievală şi Cetatea Bastionară de tip Vauban Alba Carolina

The Route of the Three Fortifications

The tour also crosses underneath the southern gate of the Roman castrum (fortress), Gate Principalis Dextra, also largely restored, the only gate still standing of the four of the ancient Roman castrum

Gate of the Roman castrum (fortress), Gate Principalis Dextra

Manutanţa (Magazia de provizii, în prezent Hotel Medieval), a fost prima clădire construită de către autorităţile militare habsburgice, rolul ei principal fiind acela de a depozita alimente şi materiale de cazarmament pentru trupă

As such, the Tour of the three fortifications offers tourists the possibility to see vestiges from three different time periods, built successively in the same spot, each new citadel comprising the older one — the Roman castrum of Apulum (106 AD), the medieval citadel (16th-17th century), the Alba Carolina citadel (18th century).

Gate of the Roman castrum (fortress), Gate Principalis Dextra

Reconstituire a porţii romane (Principalis Dextra) a castrului în care a fost campată Legiunea a XIII-a Gemina

Caponiera - care străbate zidul dintre bastioanele Eugeniu de Savoia şi Sf. ŞtefanÎn prezent, aici se află camerele de gardă ale corpului de artilerie şi o galerie expoziţională cu imagini din timpul restaurării porţilor

Turn acces platforma artilerie

Iesire artilerie

©Ligia Robănescu

Scări spre platformă

Platforma de artilerie - cu trei tunuri de epocă funcţionale ce pot fi văzute "la lucru" în fiecare sâmbătă, la ora 12:00

The soldiers of the Guard of the Alba Carolina Citadel are among the main attractions of the fortress, not only children, but also adults flocking to take a picture with the 'men-at-arms'.

Intrarea în temniţa cetăţiisituată pe flancul de sud-est al bastionului Eugeniu de Savoia

In order for the restoration to be complete, the wooden draw bridge was also reconstructed, a replica of the one used in the medieval times. The architects in Alba Iulia have studied the citadel's plans, housed in an archive in Vienna, as well as accounts of how the bridge would be crossed during peace time or war

In Alba Carolina, most anywhere you may stumble upon a "Habsburg soldier", member of an "army" composed of an infantry corps, an artillery corps and a cavalry corps.

Text: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Otilia Contraş

Emanuel Nechita

InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foiş

Sound: tefan HruŞ şca - Tu Ardeal