Aladdin or ali babe

Aladdin or Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves? An Original Story By: Bayley Sweet Have you ever thought of reading two very similar stories almost the exact same but also had many differences? Well I have, and my two stories are, Aladdin and Ali Baba and the forty thieves. Aladdin and Ali Baba have many differences and similarities, in this story I will tell you all about the similarities and difference. Aladdin is a children’s movie and there is a pore street rat named Aladdin that is madly in love with princess Jasmine. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves is a story about a man and a woman that are married and there are forty thieves that try to steel the gold and Marianna tricks the forty thieves into death. One big similarity between the two of the stories is that they are both Arabian folktales which is a story that has been past on through generations written in a Arabian country. The moral of the story is to tell people about the thieves or how we consider them as bad guys and how they are very greedy and selfish people. But in the end the bad guy doesn’t have a happy ending and ends up in the worst place possible. So it is pretty much teaching us a lesson to not be a greedy and selfish person.

Transcript of Aladdin or ali babe

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Aladdin or Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves?

An Original Story By: Bayley Sweet

Have you ever thought of reading two very similar stories almost the exact same but also had many differences?Well I have, and my two stories are, Aladdin and Ali Baba and the forty thieves.Aladdin and Ali Baba have many differences and similarities, in this story I will tell you all about the similarities and difference.

Aladdin is a children’s movie and there is a pore street rat named Aladdin that is madly in love with princess Jasmine. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves is a story about a man and a woman that are married and there are forty thieves that try to steel the gold and Marianna tricks the forty thieves into death.

One big similarity between the two of the stories is that they are both Arabian folktales which is a story that has been past on through generations written in a Arabian country. The moral of the story is to tell people about the thieves or how we consider them as bad guys and how they are very greedy and selfish people. But in the end the bad guy doesn’t have a happy ending and ends up in the worst place possible. So it is pretty much teaching us a lesson to not be a greedy and selfish person.

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There are way more then that so don’t go anywhere!! In Aladdin and Ali Baba they both have a trickster. You all heard of Bugs bunny and he was a trickster. Well in Aladdin, Aladdin is the trickster and his trickster move was Aladdin tricked the bad guy using his brain. And since the bad guy turned himself into a magical and powerful Guiney he forgot that until his lamp gets rubbed he will be trapped up in the tiny thing forever! But in Ali Baba Marianna is the trickster and she out smarted the bad guys by poring oil into the jars and killing all of them!

In both of there stories there is obviously a happing ending with a true lover. Aladdin gets the girl he has been waiting for and Marianna and her husband live happily ever after!

Now that you have read all of the similarities it is time for the differences. Aladdin and Ali Baba aren’t exactly the same they have the same amount of differences too but I think even more.

I would love to have a magic carpet to ride on wouldn’t you?! Well Aladdin does have a flying carpet; Aladdin rides around on it all through town.But sadly Ali Babe doesn’t have one.

Like I was saying about that Guiney he is a magic blue humongous dude that grant’s 3 wishes for the lucky person that rub’s the lamp.

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He is in Aladdin and Aladdin is the one that rubs the lamp and the big blue Guiney offers Aladdin 3 grateful wishes. In Ali Baba they don’t have any sort of magic Guiney!!

I noticed in Ali Baba is in text form which means in writing and not in picture form like Aladdin. I personally like picture form. But I also don’t mine text form either.

So there is a good amount of differences and similarities between those two folk tails. In my opinion I like Aladdin better only because I can picture everything and sometimes in text form I can’t always picture it in my mind. They are both great stories I love them but I just proofer Aladdin. Aladdin is an in joy able movie for kids and maybe even adults. I know that I love that movie!

Well thank you for reading my story!

By: Bayley Sweet