Al Shabab Scheme - · Prepare to Market Conduct an SEO Audit Run an AdWords Campaign...

Al Shabab Scheme Stage One

Transcript of Al Shabab Scheme - · Prepare to Market Conduct an SEO Audit Run an AdWords Campaign...

Al Shabab SchemeStage One

A competitive selection process will identify 1000 young Omani nationals to attend the first stage of Al Shabab Schemes: a 3-month virtual learning program designed by the leading organisations shaping the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). Organisations such as Google, Facebook, Tableau and Mode have worked to develop practical content around subject areas such as Data Foundations, Digital Marketing and Introduction to Programming.

The Diwan of Royal Court is launching the National Youth Program for Skills Development. This innovative and challenging program is designed to equip young Omanis with the attitudes, skills and knowledge to be successful in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

There are two Schemes: Al Nashia and Al Shabab. This document provides a brief overview of Al Shabab Scheme Stage One – this should be read alongside the website where comprehensive information about the Schemescan be found.

Stage One


UdacityThe National Youth Program for Skills Development is partnering with Udacity,the market leader in developing and delivering 4IR virtual learning.For Stage One, participants will study one of three foundation modules, all of which will lead to a Nanodegree. The three month learning process is delivered through a virtual learning platform but supported by virtual mentors and face-to-face classroom sessions delivered in Oman.

There are three Foundation NanoDegrees (described on the following pages). Participants will be asked to select one of these programs. The three month learning process is delivered through a virtual learning platform but supported by virtual mentors and face-to-face classroom sessions delivered in 5 locations around Oman.

0201 03Data Foundations Digital Marketing Introduction to


The Learning

Nanodegrees: Option One - Introduction to Programming Programming knowledge is indispensable in today’s world - learning to code is one of the most valuable and useful things you can do.

Whether you’re launching a career, advancing a career, or just excited to learn a new skill, there is no time like the present to start learning, and this program offers everything you need to get up to speed—with no prior programming skills required.

Educational Objectives : This introductory Nanodegree program teaches you the foundational skills all programmers use, whether they program mobile apps, create web pages, or analyze data. It is ideal for beginners who want to learn new skills, make informed choices about career goals, and set themselves up for success in career-track Nanodegree programs.

Project Submission Schedule:


Getting started with HTML

Making a web page

Choose Your Path -Final Project

Discover your path

Week Week


01 03

Code your own quiz


05Create a Movie Website



Nanodegrees: Option Two - Data Foundations

Project Submission Schedule:

This program is perfect for beginners. You’ll learn data analysis skills and tools that will help you throughout your career, whether you’re in engineering, sales, marketing, operations, etc. You’ll learn to use Excel, SQL, and Tableau to manipulate, analyze, and visualize data with the end goal of making better, data-informed decisions.

Educational Objectives : Take your first step to becoming more data savvy in any industry.

Analyze Survey Data


Analyze Digital Music Store Database


Build Data Dashboards


Interpret a Data Visualization


Prepare toMarket

Conduct anSEO Audit

Run an AdWordsCampaign

Evaluate a Display AdCampaign

Market withEmail

Create yourPortfolio

Market yourContent

Run a FacebookCampaign

Week 2 Week 7

Week 9 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13

Week 4 Week 5

Project Submission Schedule:

This program offers you the opportunity to master platform-specific skills valued by top employers, while at the same time establishing a broad-based understanding of the whole digital marketing ecosystem. After graduating, you’ll be ready to join a large corporation or a small firm, or even go independent as a freelance digital marketeer.

Our commitment to equipping you with a 360-degree understanding of the whole digital marketing world means we cover a broad array of topics to ensure you build the best foundation for success, including: Marketing Fundamentals, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Advertising, Search Engine Marketing and Optimization, Display and Video Advertising, Email Marketing, Measurement and Optimization, and more.

Educational Objectives : In this course, we give you a framework to help you organize and plan your approach. We also introduce you to three companies that are featured throughout the Digital Marketing Nanodegree as examples of how to apply what you learn in both B2C and B2B contexts.

Nanodegrees: Option Three - Digital Marketing

Efficiency: Based on a model of 3 hours/week spent in Connect Sessions, and 10 hours/week spent on independent study, you will successfully complete your Nanodegree program in just 3 months between August and December, 2018

Q: What happens during Al Shabab Stage 1 support sessions?

Your Session Lead will also present lectures covering course material, and your sessions will additionally feature guest speakers—who are working professionals in relevant fields—speaking about their jobs, and how they apply the concepts you’ll be actively working on.

A: These sessions are called Connect Sessions and are focused on delivering three key benefits:

In-Person Collaboration: You’ll have the opportunity to work with instructors and peers to complete projects, overcome challenges, and master new concepts.

Accountability: You’ll benefit from check-ins with your Session Lead, who will help you with goal-setting, time management, and motivation.

Q: What should I bring to a Connect session? A: Bring your own laptop, headphones, power cord, water bottle, and whatever else you find helpful when working on your Nanodegree program.

Q: What happens if I miss a Connect session? A: You should plan to attend all Connect sessions. Should you need to miss one due to illness or emergency, you must let your Session Lead know in advance. Missing sessions will cause you to fall behind and could put your enrollment in jeopardy—working with your Session Lead is crucial to making sure you stay on track, and that you graduate within the prescribe time period.

Q: Why do I need to attend these Connect sessions

Q: How often do Virtual Connect sessions take place?

A: Participants who pursue a blended learning approach by adding an in-person component finish on average more than 30% faster than those students working strictly online. As one of Al Shabab Scheme participants, you’ll benefit from in-person collaboration with peers and instructors to complete projects, over-come challenges, and master new concepts. You’ll stay on track through weekly check-ins with Session Leads who provide additional lectures on difficult course material, and help with goal-setting, time management, and motivation. You’ll also gain critical career insights from guest speakers who are working profes-sionals in relevant fields. Attending the Connect Sessions will increase your chances of getting accepted to Stage Two of Al Shabab Scheme. This is also an important part of building Al Shabab community.

A: Virtual Connect Sessions will take place on same day and time every week for 13 consecutive weeks, whereas the last session of the month will be held in a physical location where you meet live with your Session Lead and peers. Attend-ing both virtual and physical Connects are a mandatory part of participating in Al Shabab Scheme and failure to keep up with attendance will put you at risk of not completing your Nanodegree.A detailed schedule for your weekly sessions and monthly meetups will be shared with you at the beginning of the cohort. Please note that Connects will run for 13 consecutive weeks except during public and national holidays.

Q: How long is the program?A: Al Shabab Scheme Stage 1 is designed to run over a period of 13 weeks (3 months) where students will have access to their online classroom, 1 virtual Connect session every week and 1 physical Connect session every month.

Q: What is the duration of each session?A: Each virtual Connect Session is between 60 - 90 minutes per week. For Connects which will be once per month, the duration of the physical session will be 3 hours.

Q: Where do Connect Sessions happen? A: In a city close to you. We have chosen 5 locations around the Sultanate.

Q: Is this program online, in-person, or a combination of both?A: The program is a combination of both virtual and physical Connects. There will be 1 virtual Connect session every week and 1 physical Connect session every month. Throughout the cohort, students get to interact with peers, coaches, and instructors in our virtual classrooms and on Slack.

Q: When we use the term “deadline” with regards to Nanodegree program projects, we use it in one of two ways:A: It is very important to understand the distinctions between the two, as your progress in the program is measured against the deadlines we’ve established. Please see below for an explanation of what each usage means. A final deadline for passing all projects Passing a project in this context means that a Udacity Reviewer has marked your project as “Meets Specifications.” In order to graduate, you have to pass all projects by the last day of the cohort. Ongoing suggested deadlines for individual projects The deadlines you see in your classroom are suggestions for when you should ideally pass each project. They are meant to help keep you on track so that you maintain an appropriate pace throughout the program–one that will see you graduate on time! Please note that you can submit your project as many times as you need to. There are no penalties if you miss these deadlines. However, you will be at risk of not passing all projects on time if you miss these deadlines, and fall behind, so it is a recommended best practice to try and meet each suggested deadline.

Q: How many hours a week should I expect to spend on my coursework, in order to succeed in this program?A: Between instructional content, quizzes, projects, and other course-related activity, we estimate that investing 10 hours/week of self-study plus attending a 1 hour/week of virtual Connect and 1 monthly physical Connect will enable Nanodegree program students to proceed through the curriculum at a successful pace.

A: Yes! Successful graduates of our Nanodegree program are eligible to keep curriculum access. Please note however, that students who leave the program—or who are removed from the program—prior to successfully graduating, will cease to have access.

Q: Will I have access to the material even after the cohort ends?

Q: What experience do I need to enroll?A: No prior experience is required for enrollment. Basic computer skills like managing files, navigating the Internet, and running programs will be useful. We’ll teach you everything you need to know, but the difficulty level of the projects may vary based on your familiarity with some of the content that is covered.Please see this link to the website which will describe the detailed eligibility criteria for application to Al Shabab Stage One

Q: Can you tell me more about support I get from my Session Lead?

Q: How do Project Reviews work?

A: Of course! Once you enroll, you will be assigned to a Session Lead who will be available to you via messaging on Slack (The Student Community Tool). They can answer questions for you, point you to helpful resources, and give you guidance on strategies for program success. Your Session Lead is there to help you successfully navigate your Nanodegree program straight through from enrollment to graduation.

A: Every time you submit a project, you will receive in-depth, personalized feedback on your project submission from one of our expert project reviewers. They will not only tell you what you got right and wrong, they will provide guidance on what you should try next, and give suggestions on how you can go even further with your project.

Apply Now

Q: What do you mean by “Slack Student Community?”A: As soon as you enroll, you will be given access to the (very!) active student Slack Community specific to this program.This enables you to connect directly with your classmates in real time; all Udacity students regularly use these forums to support each other’s work, answer each other’s questions, and to share relevant ideas and resources. Plus, your Session Leads are also part of this community and available to support you through these forums. Virtually all of our graduates high-light this community aspect as one of the most important parts of their Nanodegree program experience.

Q: What will happen after I get my Nanodegree?A: Getting a Nanodegree means you successfully finished Al Shabab Scheme- Stage One. Shortly afterwards, you will be invited by The National Youth Pro-gram for Skills Development to sit for additional assessment to qualify for Al Shabab- Stage Two.

Eligibility CriteriaYou must be an Omani national

You must be proficient in English (good spoken and written English is mandatory)

You must uphold high standards of integrity and ethics

Be aged between (18-29 )years Have completed a minimum of secondary school education

Be in either education, employment

(public or private sectors) or seeking a job.