Al Mann - The Proteus Envelope Supreme - For the Mentalist

3804-947-7730 • • Ox 155 Great CacapOn u", HV 25422 cop yr igh t Al Hann E by (1997) xCIus!ves t'JI,f AHoC fS'!'.\,.u A.,. .'Yk. V"Y4. THE ART OF BILOCATION OF THOUGHT. Anything written on the outside of the Proteus Envelope appears written inside the sealed envelope on a paper of a differnet color. Anyone can cut open the. envelope and remove the paper. All thirgs can be examined. N6 carbon or chemical paper used. Full and detailed instructions. The Proteus Envelope Supreme is a super weapon. Six mindboggling effects ...... ----------_. __ .... _------_._._-_._--_._--------------_ ....



Transcript of Al Mann - The Proteus Envelope Supreme - For the Mentalist

Page 1: Al Mann - The Proteus Envelope Supreme - For the Mentalist

~eol. 3804-947-7730

• • Ox 155

Great CacapOn u", • HV 25422

cop yr igh t

Al Hann E by

(1997) xCIus!ves

t'JI,f AHoC fS'!'.\,.u A.,.

.'Yk. ItlfllC~. V"Y4.

THE ART OF BILOCATION OF THOUGHT. Anything written on the

outside of the Proteus Envelope appears written inside the sealed

envelope on a paper of a differnet color. Anyone can cut open the.

envelope and remove the paper. All thirgs can be examined. N6

carbon or chemical paper used. Full and detailed instructions.

The Proteus Envelope Supreme is a super weapon. Six mindboggling

effects •

...... ----------_. __ .... _------_._._-_._--_._--------------_ ....

Page 2: Al Mann - The Proteus Envelope Supreme - For the Mentalist

Tel. 304-947-7730 P.O. Box 155 Great Cacapon. WV 25422

copyright by Al Mann Exclusives (1997)

'rll£ AKt C.TAYI: A't

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proteus. - One having great diversity of interests -Randum House Dictionary

Proteus. A king of Egypt

Proteus. Greek Mythology. A sea God son of Oceanus and Tethys, who preffered to live near the mouth of the Nile. Noted as an escapeologist (Probably the first Houdini. There were many escapeologists and blindfolded acts in the ancient world. Proteus may be the first on record.) Proteus possesed metamorphic powers and could change his body to that of any animal, fish or bird. He was also famous as a seer that answered questions with his vast knowledge. He was jealous of his knowledge and would only answer questions if he was tied wth a rope from which he could not escape. With his metamorphic powers he could easily escape the ropes by changing his body. He could predict the future.


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The reader may think that he a1rea1y knows all about the pr~teus envelope. It first appeared in print in the AME ms. Seven Seals and again in the AME, Keys~ to Khalda.

The feedback has been good for this envelope. Anything written or drawn on the outside of the envelope appears to come from the inside of it. The VIP opens the envelope and removes the paper from the inside with the predictio .. s! and the envelope is left on the table for anyones' inspection. That makes the Proteus envelope a super weapon for the Mentalist.

A BREAKTHROUGH. Some years back, I sat down to design the perfect prediction envelope. I wrote down several notes and asked myself a question. "Why can't the prediction paper be of a different color than the white envelope?" That was a good question for which I had no solution. BUT noW with the Proteus Envelope Supreme, we have a breakthrough and can create the illussion that the prediction paper is of another color. That should throw off the wise ones.


You will need: One white letter envelope, size 3-1/2 by 6-1/2 inches. (the size need not be exact.)

One white security envelope of the same size as the letter envelope or a hair larger. The security envelope has an opaque design pattern printed on the inside of the envelope.

The letter flaps plus the in Fig. 1.

envelope has 4 address side as

To prepsre the envelope, all that is needed is to detach flap A from flaps Band D, as indicated by the dash lines in Fig. 1.


Fig. 1

Open out the security envelope and cut away all the four flaps leaving only the address panel, measuring 3-1/2 by 6-1/2 inches or a hair smaller. It is best to use a paper cutting board, if you have one. Figs. 2 A and B show the way the address panel piece from the security envelope looks from both sides. Fig. 2A is all white while the back of it Fig. 2B, shows the design pattern.


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Fig. 2 A

Next, fold back 1/2 inch material on the right end of the paper shown in Fig. 2B. The piece will then look like in Fig. 3. Let's call this part E. Part E will be the prediction paper.


Fig. 2B


Fig. 3

Take part E and insert it into the white letter envelope, Fig. 1, through the left end over flap A, .as shown in Fig. 4. After partE is pushed all the way into the letter envelope so that the left end of part E is flush with flap A, your envelope will then look like an ordinary sealed letter envelope, Fig. 1. Unknown to your audience, the left end of the letter envelope is open.


Fi g. 4


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, The finished and p~epare8

Proteus Envelope Supreme mow looks like in Fig. 5. The heavy line section A on top of flap A is now available for your swami­writing.

con t.

Fig. 5

FOR THE PRESENTAION You inform the audience that you have written a name on a piece of paper and sealed it in the envelope which you now hold in your left or right hand. The envelope is flashed to the audience showing both sides of the envelope to be unmarked. Someone in the audience may be asked to initial the envelope BUT that is not necessary. If you insist in passing the envelope into the audience for their inspection, then a tiny piece of wax must be placed inside the envelope before sealing it to anchor the paper in place.

You must patter while you swami write. You may hold the envelope with both hands to do the writing. After the writing is done, the swami writing can be covered easily with the thumb and the envelope can be flashed again to the audience showing both sides of the envelope.

Have the VIP cut off, with scissors, 1/4 inch off the top end of the euve,lope as you hold it. Blow into the envelope to open it and have the VIP take out the prediction paper.

Fi g. 6

After the revelation, tear up the envelope into quarters and leave the pieces on the table or simply discard them.

If you insist in having the envelope examined and wish to leave the envelope in one piece on the table, then you must give it the rubber cement treatment before the show. Place rubber cement on the parts that will seal flap A. Allow the ruber cement to dry. Place the prediction paper in the envelope so that it keeps the rubber cement apart. Seal the envelope in readiness for the show. After the prediction paper is removed by the VIP the envelope will seal itself.


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THE PROTEUS ENVELOPE SUPREME '7~o ca (Ie t()ja ~ -6 _ To

effect, mystery

improve almost anything y~u simply double it. In this we will use two envelopes. By using two envelopes the is deeper, the working becomes easier for the Mentlist.

It The effect to be det.'ailed here can be a mind boggIer

all depends how you present it.

THE EFFECT is very simple. Mentalist holds two sealed envelopes in his hand. He has one person choose one word from a book. The first envelope is marked with.a ~1~ and placed aside on a table in full view of the audience. Another person is asked to choose the name of a girl. The second enve~ope that contains the name of a girl is marked with a big ~2."

The tops of the envelopes are cut off and the papers inside are removed by anyone. The papers can be of a different color. The chosen name and word are written on the papers. All is left on the table.

THE SECRET. The reader may already know the secret.

THE ENVELOPES. One envelope is the Proteus Envelope Supreme which is ready. The other envelope is an ungimmiked sealed letter envelope that predicts the choice of the force word.


Come out holding the envelopes in your left hand, fanned. The envelopes are face to face with the seam side showing from both sides. Always hold the envelopes face to face. The ungimmicked envelope is on top of the Proteus envelope. The fingers of your left hand cover the gimmicked end of the Proteus envelope, although it is not necessary as there is nothing to be seen. BUT you must get into the habbit of covering the bottom end of the Proteus Envelope always. This is a natural gesture as you hold the envelopes.

Inform your audience about the envelopes saying that you have sealed a name in one envelope and a word in the other. Force the word from the force book the very best way you can with some dramatics. Mark a big number "1" on the top envelope and show it to the aud ience as in Fig. 7 and then place the envelope aside temporarily. Tell thE audience to remember that envelope No. 1 predicts a word. (NOTE: The numbers "1" and "2" can be placed on the seam sides of the envelopes before the show. The Propteus envelope 1s No.2.)


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Turn the No. 2 envelope over as you hold it in your left hand in readiness for the swami-writing. Ask for the name of a girl. Swami write in the name of the girl as you patter AND COVER THE NAME WITH YOUR LEFT THUMB. "This is envelope No.2," you say, as you mark a big "2" on the envelope. "In it I have sealed the name of a girl."

Pick up the No.1 envelope and plac3 .it face to face under the number 2 envelope as you hold them in your left hand.

NOTE: At this time the two envelopes can be flashed audience as there is nothing to see.

to the

All the audience can see are two sealed envelopes with the numbers on them. This is shown in Figs. 8 A and B.

< ........ _----


Fig. 8

You now have a miracle in your hands. Envelope No. 1 predicts the chosen word. So it can be written on any color paper, preferably on a flashy color. Envelope No. 2 predicts the name

of the girl. Have some one cut off the ends of the envelopes and remove the predictions. Pocket or tear up the two envelopes. You can leave the ungimmicked envelope behind.


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'I eu t!J 1).1[ ~ t e fA, A Perhaps the reader does noi want to use a book f~rce. Using a

book to prove mindreading has become as common as using a deck of cards to prove telepathy. The worst of it is that too many lay persons know about specially printed books for the book test.

The book test became popular during the hey day of spiritualism in the last half of the 19th century. Sir William Crookes experimented at length with book tests. Book tests were used by such famous mediums as Eglinton.

Originally the book test was used to prove clairvoyance and sitters were awed and thrilled by book tests. Indeed a book test originally was an awesome test to contemplate.

"There were some books on the right hand side of a room upstairs in your house in Devonshire Place. On the second shelf four feet from the ground in the fourth book counting from the left, at the top of page 78 are some words which you should take as a direct answer," to a question put to Myers in the spirit world."

Another test was a book wrapped in brown paper or any book in the house of the sitter. The sitter was told to choose a page number. The Medium without opening or seeing the book would recite a whole sentance from the chosen page! .

Using two Proteus envelopes makes (You wont have to carry a book.)

the presentaion easier.

PRESENTATION: You enter holding two prepared and sealed envelopes in your hand. "Let's try a test. as a starter" You say. Ask a person for the name of a girl. He says Mary. Give him one of the envelopes address side up and ask him to initial it or mark it. While the person is doing that you swami-write the name of the girl in the envelope you hold. Take back the initialed envelope and as~ for a two-digit number say between 50 and 100. Have some one initial the second envelope while you hold it on the table or whatever.


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Swami-write the chosen number on the second envelope. You can cover the exposed writing on the ends of the envelopes easily with the fingers of your hand. ~ Flash the envelopes and turn your hand over. Have someone cut off the tops of both envelopes at the same time and take out the predictions and give them to the audience to read. There is no way by which your audience can tell which prediction paper came from which envelope. End of miracle.

Oue The Proteus Envelope was otiginally intended as a fast

opening effect. I used it in my shows and it worked perfect. A person was .asked to choose a number and then the envelope was opened and the prdiction shown to the person and a few others in the audience. The person was impressed. But r kept thinking that the effect had a flaw in it. THE PREDICTED NUMBER APPEARED AT THE BOTTOM EDGE OF A LONG PREDICTION PAPER.

Why not have the number written in the middle of the message on the long piece of paper? To do that we do the following:

side wish. do. ) , shown ahou t

Get a piece of paper {white on one and any color on the other, if you

(otherwise white on both side will 9-1/2 inches

in Fig. 9. The 3 inches longer

!:fou w~f/ e koose ;1)v MPt'Y'

by 3-1/2. This is prediction slip is

than the envelope.

Fig. 10


tj I)CJ will C hOD ~ IItJ/:1 ~er

-Fig. 9

Fold back from the bottom end of the long slip three inches as shown in Fig. 10 and fold forward 1/2 inch from the top of the slip.


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Write your prediction message as shown in Figs. 9, 10 and 11. Insert the folded prediction paper into the Proteus Envelope as shown in Fig. 11 and seal the envelope. Your preps'red envelope should now look like in Fig. 5. When the chosen number 1s called you swami-write it in the space (edge of the envelope.) When the prediction is removed the chosen number will appear in the middle of the me s sage.

Fig. 11

Here is another fast one. short reading.

It can be used as a

Get an Ace of Spades that has some blank space in the upper right corner. (dash lines). Some Aces have a large space. Some do not. I use the Ace of Spades from a Fox Lake Haines playing cards. Fig. 12.

Turn the Ace of Spades upside down and insert it into a proteus envelope. Your envelope will then look like in Fig. 13. The Ace of Space is not seen. Only part of the edge of the card shows. As shown in Fig. 14, your thumb can cover the line.

Fig. 14


" V Fi g. 12·

Fig. 13

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Approach anyone and say. "Sir, I have your lucky number written on a card and sealed in this envelope. What is your lucky number? He says 48 or whatev~r. What is your favorite playing card from a deck of cards? The Ace os Spade. He says, we hope.

In the meantime you have swami-written the number on the card. HERE we are assuming that you have a swami writer that is fitted with. a greese lead. Or perhaps you have your ink writer with you. A playing card does not take pencil lead well.

According to the late Bob Nelson. every time he asked some one to name a card, they chose the Ace of Spades. BUT I have seen that fail. Anyway, you tell the VIP that his lucky card is the Ace of Spades, Because, you say, that is the card I sealed in this envelope. Tear open the envelope and show the VIP the Ace of Spades with his lucky number written on it.

If you can tell fortunes from numbers, give the VIP a short encouraging reading.

Nothing excites the ladies more than a touch of love in your Mental program. I know a Mentalist who approaches a girl in his audience with a rose and a card. He asks her, "What is the name of your boy friend (or husband)?" "Bob." she may say. Would you believe it?" "I have a message for you from Bob." He then gives the rose to the lady with the card attached and the words, With Love from Bob.

This Mentalist learned the effect from me some 15 years ago. Put it into his show and has been using it ever since.

You can do the same with the Proteus envelope. Get a greeting love card (with flowers on it) that fits into the envelope, OR doctor up the envelope that comes with the card. The finished envelope must show blank on both sides. part of the card sticks out of course and there you swami-write the lover's name and message.


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Al MANN ~xc/U<UVeo Tel. 304-947-7730 P.O. Box 155 Great Cacapon. WV 25422


.IV,!. klDC&. W.VA.

There must surely be hundreds of effects that can be done with the Proteus Envelope. To mind come effects done in combination with a deck of cards, the Si Stebbins set up, a stack of books, etc. BUT I urge the reader not to settle for simple tricks BUT to strive for deep mystery effects.

ANNOUNCING The AME Zodiac Series. An attempt wil be made to write up the Zodiac series. Twelve mans., one for each sign of the Zodiac. For the present I have only enough material for the first two issues. The first issue, Aquarius, will probsbly be the best. It will deal with pseudo-psychic-motion, Telekinesis and Psychokinesis. (no strings attached, please). The contents will surely surprise the invisible string pullers.