Akash Brahmbhatt - Learn his Favorite Game Tennis

Akash Brahmbhatt is a Texan who enjoys watching and playing tennis in his spare time. He recently did some research on ways to improve his tennis skills. Here are a few things he found Here are a few things he found : A great way to get started is by spending some time on the Internet. There are many popular tennis blogs including Tennis Abstract, The Ultimate Tennis Blog and Love Tennis Blog. These websites are packed with interesting articles and tips about improving your game. They also offer product reviews that you can reference when choosing equipment.

Transcript of Akash Brahmbhatt - Learn his Favorite Game Tennis

Page 1: Akash Brahmbhatt - Learn his Favorite Game Tennis

Akash Brahmbhatt is a Texan who enjoys watching and playing tennis in his spare time. He recently did some research on ways to improve his tennis skills. Here are a few things he foundHere are a few things he found:A great way to get started is by spending some time on the Internet. There are many popular tennis blogs including Tennis Abstract, The Ultimate Tennis Blog and Love Tennis Blog. These websites are packed with interesting articles and tips about improving your game. They also offer product reviews that you can reference when choosing equipment.

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The web also offers a way to connect with peers who share your love for tennis. Facebook and Meet Up are both great sources to find groups that gather in your area. Look for a club that has a mix of beginners and advanced players so you can learn at a steady pace from people who know what they’re doing.Finding a tennis coach can improve your skills drastically. Without one, you may not know what you’re doing wrong or how to fix the problem. A coach will be able to tell you if you’re exerting too much or too little energy. Even just a short series of lessons over the course of a couple of months can make a big difference.If you can’t afford a coach, search YouTube for how-to videos and mimic the screen in your living room. You won’t be able to get any feedback but at least you’ll get to see a pro in action.

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