Akash Brahmbhatt - Entrepreneur & Fan of Tennis


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Transcript of Akash Brahmbhatt - Entrepreneur & Fan of Tennis

Page 1: Akash Brahmbhatt - Entrepreneur & Fan of Tennis

Akash Brahmbhatt - An Entrepreneur & fan of TennisAkash Brahmbhatt - An Entrepreneur & fan of Tennis

Page 2: Akash Brahmbhatt - Entrepreneur & Fan of Tennis

Tennis is a game that has captured the imagination of many people from all over the world. The trouble is, most do not know where the sport got its start. Many historians are under the belief that tennis came about in Northern France all the way back in the 12th century. Only then, the game was much different, as the players hit the ball with the palm of their hand.

Page 3: Akash Brahmbhatt - Entrepreneur & Fan of Tennis

It wasn’t until around the 16th century that tennis players began using rackets instead to hit the ball. This sport quickly became popular in France, spreading to England, though at this time the sport was only played indoors where you could bounce a ball off of the wall. It wasn’t until the early 20s that a professional tennis tour was established, using a group of American and French tennis players who put on an exhibition for an interested audience. Some of the greatest athletes of the game during this time was Vinnie Richards the American, and Suzanne Lenglen, a Frenchwoman.

Page 4: Akash Brahmbhatt - Entrepreneur & Fan of Tennis

The name tennis itself originally came from Old French, which can be translated to hold, or take. This became a call given out from the server that told his opponent he was about to serve. One of the first times the word tennis was used in a document was in a poem written by an English poet named John Gower. Six-hundred years later the game is still played with the same level of enthusiasm.

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Website:-Website:- http://akashbrahmbhatt.com/professional-experience/
