A.Karamitsos Public Auction 521



Coins, Medals & Banknotes 09 May 2015 11:00 @ Hilton Hotel Athens www.karamitsos.com

Transcript of A.Karamitsos Public Auction 521

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“Hilton Athens” Hotel46, Vasilissis Sofias Ave. - Athens • tel.: +30 210 7281000 • fax: +30 210 7281111

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No 521Coins, Medals & Banknotes

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working hours:Monday - Friday: 9:30 - 17:30

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Auction No

52134, Tsimiski Str. - 54623 Thessaloniki - GREECEtel.: +30 2310 264 366 - fax: +30 2310 274 031www.karamitsos.com . e-mail: [email protected]

Έλαβα γνώση των όρων της δημοπρασίας και παρακαλώ να πλειοδοτήσετε για λογαριασμό μου τους παρακάτω λαχνούς, μέχρι το ποσό που έχω σημειώσει αντίστοιχα.

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Όλοι οι λαχνοί περιγράφονται προσεκτικά και πωλούνται ως γνήσιοι και αυθεντικοί εκτός αν περιγράφονται άλλως. Ο αγοραστής μπορεί να απορρίψει το λαχνό και να τον επιστρέψει εντός 7 ημερών (ημερομηνία σφραγίδας ταχυδρομείου) απο την λήξη της δημοπρασίας, αν αποδείξει ότι δεν είναι γνήσιος ή ότι περιγράφηκε λανθασμένα. Οι λαχνοί πρέπει να επιστρέφονται όπως παραλήφθηκαν αρχικά, χωρίς καμμία διαφοροποίηση. Λαχνοί που εξετάσθηκαν προηγουμένως από τους υποψηφίους αγοραστές δεν επιστρέφονται. Επίσης δεν επιστρέφονται λαχνοί που αγοράσθηκαν στην Αίθουσα μετά την έξοδο των αγοραστών από αυτή. Οι αγοραστές δεν έχουν το δικαίωμα επιστροφής μικτών λαχνών, συλλογών, λαχνών που έχουν ελαττώματα σε μικροαξίες, καθώς και φωτογραφημένων στον κατάλογο λαχνών, για ελαττώματα ορατά στη φωτογραφία (κεντράρισμα, περιθώρια, οδόνττωση). Όταν η αξία του λαχνού είναι στη σφραγίδα και όχι στο γραμματό-

σημο, ο λαχνός δεν μπορεί να επιστραφεί για ελάττωμα του γραμματοσήμου.

Κάθε λαχνός περιέρχεται στον πλειοδότη, που προσφέρει την υψηλότερη τιμή. Σε περίπτωση ίσων ταχυδρομικών προσφο-ρών, πλειοδότης θεωρείται αυτός που η προσφορά του έφθασε πρώτη στα Γραφεία μας. Τηλεφωνικές εντολές αγοράς

γίνονται δεκτές από γνωστούς πελάτες, πρέπει όμως να επικυρωθούν γραπτώς.

Πριν από την έναρξη της πωλήσεως ή την ημέρα της δημοπρασίας (για γραπτές προσφορές), η Εταιρία έχει το δικαίωμα να αποσύρει λαχνούς, να διαχωρίσει λαχνούς σε δύο ή περισσότερα μέρη ή να συνενώσει δύο ή περισσότερους λαχνούς.

Μεγάλοι λαχνοί μπορεί να μην μεταφερθούν για viewing στην Αθήνα ή να μεταφερθούν κατ’επιλογή. Viewing λαχνών, που δεν μεταφέρονται στην Αθήνα, μπορεί να γίνει στα γραφεία στη Θεσσαλονίκη.

Προσφορές γίνονται δεκτές έως 2 ώρες πριν από την έναρξη της δημοπρασίας.

Η πληρωμή πρέπει να γίνεται αμέσως μετά το τέλος της δημοπρασίας στην Αίθουσα ή εντός 10 ημερών από την παρα-λαβή των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου (για πελάτες Εξωτερικού). Σε αγοραστές εντός Ελλάδος οι λαχνοί αποστέλλονται επί αντικαταβολή και σε γνωστούς πελάτες χωρίς προπληρωμή, για πληρωμή αμέσως μετά την παραλαβή των λαχνών. Αν η πληρωμή καθυστερήσει πέραν των 10 ημερών, η Εταιρία διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να επιβαρύνει το λογαριασμό με το νόμιμο επιτόκιο. Η κυριότητα των λαχνών παραμένει στον πωλητή, μέχρις ότου αποπληρωθεί ο λογαριασμός. Συμμετοχή αγοραστού στη δημοπρασία μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί, αν κατά την κρίση του πωλητού, ο αγοραστής δεν εκπληρώνει τους

όρους της καλής πίστεως.

Η ταχυδρόμηση των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου γίνεται στην διεύθυνση, που φαίνεται στο έντυπο προσφορών. Τα έξοδα αποστολής βαρύνουν τον αγοραστή. Η απόδειξη παραλαβής “Συστημένου” του Ταχυδρομείου αποτελεί για την Εταιρία

και απόδειξη παραλαβής του υλικού από τον αγοραστή.

Στην τιμή κατακυρώσεως προστίθεται ποσοστό 18% για προμήθειά μας και επί πλέον ο αναλογών ΦΠΑ επί της προ-μήθειάς μας. Όλες οι τιμές στόν κατάλογο είναι σε ΕΥΡΩ.

Απούλητοι λαχνοί με τιμή εκκίνησης “OFFER” δεν διατίθενται προς πώληση μετά τη λήξη της δημοπρασίας.

Η τιμή πώλησης των λαχνών με την ένδειξη “OFFER” ορίζεται από το ποσό της προσφοράς, με κατοχύρωση του λαχνού στην υψηλότερη.

Ο πλειοδότης (είτε βρίσκεται στην Αίθουσα, είτε έχει καταθέσει την προσφορά του μέσω τηλεφώνου/email) είναι υπεύ-θυνος για την εξόφληση του τιμολογίου, εκτός αν έχει συνεννοηθεί γραπτώς ειδάλλως με την Εταιρία.

Οποιοσδήποτε λαμβάνει μέρος στη δημοπρασία είναι γνώστης των προαναφερομένων όρων και τους αποδέχεται πλήρως. Οποιαδήποτε διαφωνία μεταξύ των συμβαλλομένων μερών τίθεται στην κρίση και δικαιοδοσία του αρμοδίου Δικαστηρίου



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ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΑ Νο.521 ΤΗΣ 9/5/2015PUBLIC AUCTION No.521 OF 9th May ’15



6001 1 Phoenix (1828) in silver, in slab by NGC “MS 66”. The only one in MS 66 & The best of all in slab. The first silver coin of modern greece in top quality. (Hellas 20) & (KM-4) Brilliant Uncirculated. B/UNC 8000


6002 2l. (1832) (typ.I) with “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” in copper. (Hellas 39). Uncirculated. UNC 500

6003 10 Lepta. (1833)(typ.I) with “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” in copper, in Slab by PCGS “MS 65 RB” Small scratch, bellow the “Λ” (ΛΕΠΤΑ). (Hellas 72) Uncirculated UNC 285

6004 1/2 drx.(1833)(Type I) with “Otto, King of Greece” in silver, in slab by NGC “MS 65” (Hellas 94) Uncirculated UNC 750

6005 5 drx.(1833A)(typ.I) with “Otto, king of Greece” (young head) in silver. Scratched & with very small strikes on the perimeter. (Hellas 111) Very Good VG 39

6006 5l. (1838) (typ.I) with “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙA ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” in copper, var. “1838 underlined on 1 & doublepressed main side (letters and cross)”. (Hellas 59). Fine+. F+ 70

6007 5 Lepta (1839) (type I) with “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” in Copper. (Hellas 60). Good/Extra Fine. Burnt. G/XF 90

6008 1 Lepto (1842)(typ.I) with “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” in copper. Slightly scratched & struck, on problematic disc. (Hellas 29) Fine plus & Very Fine F/VF 110

600910l. (1849) (typ.III) with “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” in copper, var. “obv: the N of ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ near the T of ΤΗΣ, the Σ near the coat of arms”, “rev: date 10mm.” & “T & A of ΛΕΠΤΑ almost touch” (RRR). (Hellas 83). Extra Fine / Almost Uncirculated.

EF 380

6010 10 Lepta (1850)(typ. III) with “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” in copper. (Hellas 84) Maybe cleaned. Extra Fine XF 185

6011 1 drx. (1851)(Type II) with “Otto, King of Greece” in silver.(0,900) Very small strike on the perimeter. & slightly scratched on obverse & reverse (Hellas 109) Very Fine & Very Fine plus VF+ 2275


6012 5 Lepta (1869 BB)(type I) with “George I, King of Greeks” in copper, with small BB.(MINMARK) & traces of corrosion. In slab by NGC “MS 61 BN” (Hellas 124) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 140

6013 20 drx.(1876)(typ.I) with “Georgre I, king of Greeks” in gold.(0,900) In slab by NGC “AU 58” Slightly scratched (Hellas 163) Very Fine plus VF+ 755

6014 20 drx.(1876)(typ.I) with “Georgre I,king of Greeks” in gold.(0,900). Small strike on perimeter. (Hellas 163) Very Fine plus VF+ 585

6015 10 Lepta.(1879 A)(type II) with bust of “George I, King of Greeks” in copper. Scratghed & with strikes on perimeter.(Hellas 135) Fine F 65

6016 1 drx. (1910)(typ. II) in silver (0,835) with “George I, King of Greeks” (Hellas 153) Extra Fine to Almost Uncirculated XF/AU 25

6017 1 drx. (1910)(Type II) “George I, king of Greeks”. Scratched on obverse & reverse. (Hellas 153) Extra Fine XF 14

6018 5Lepta,10Lepta & 20Lepta(1912)(typ.IV,III) & 1drx.(1910,1911),2drx.(1911)(typ.II) with “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛ-ΛΑΔΟΣ” & “George I,King of Greeks” in nickel & silver.(Hellas 131,139,145,153,154 & 158) Very to Extra Fine. VF-XF 105

6019 5 Lepta & 10 Lepta (1912)(typ. IV) with “owl” in nickel. (Hellas 131 & 139) Almost Uncirculated to Uncirculated AU/UN 12


6020 10 Lepta.(1922) with “KINGDOM OF GREECE / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” in Aluminium. (Hellas 167) Uncirculated UNC 11

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6021 20 Lepta (1926) in copper-nickel with “Godess Athena” (Hellas 170) Brilliant Uncirculated B/UNC 20

6022 50 Lepta (1926) in copper-nickel with “Godess Athena” (Hellas 171) Brilliant Uncirculated & Proof like BU/PL 20

6023 50 Lepta (1930/1926B) in copper-nickel with “Godess Athena” (Hellas 172) Brilliant Uncirculated B/UNC 28

6024 1 Drx. (1926) in copper-nickel with “Godess Athena” (Hellas 173) Brilliant Uncirculated & Proof like BU/PL 35

6025 1 Drx. (1930/1926B) with “Goddess Athena” in copper-nickel, scratches on the obverse. (Hellas 174) Uncirculated UNC 18

6026 2 Drx. (1926) in copper-nickel with “Godess Athena” (Hellas 175) Brilliant Uncirculated B/UNC 25

6027 5drx.(1930)(London mint) with “Phoenix” in nickel.(Hellas 177).Almost to Uncirculated. AU/UN 22

6028 10 drx.(1930) with “Demeter” in silver.(0,500) In slab by NGC “AU 58” (Hellas 178) Extra Fine & Almost Uncirculated XF/AU 85

6029 10 drx. (1930) with “Demeter” in silver.(0,500).(Hellas 178) Extra Fine plus XF+ 33

6030 20 drx. (1930) with “Poseidon” in silver (0,500) Minor scratches. (Hellas 179) Extra Fine plus XF+ 37

6031 20 drx. (1930) with “Poseidon” in silver. (0,500) in slab by NGC “AU 58” (Hellas 179) Extra Fine XF 75


6032 5 x 50 Lepta.(1962) with “Paul,king of Greeks” in copper-nickel.(Hellas 191) Almost Uncirculated. to Uncirculated AU/UN 13

60332 x 2 drx. (1954) in copper-nickel with “Paul, King of Greeks” The common and with “Hollow cheek”. (The 2 drx. with hollow cheek, is the rarest of four pieces) (Hellas 197 & Hellas 197 var./ Part of Hellas T.121) ALMOST UNCIRCULATED

A/UNC 475


6034 50 Lepta(1970) with “Constantine II,king of Greeks” in copper-nickel.struck on problematic disc (Hellas 217) Very Fine plus VF+ 35

6035 50drx. (1970) commemorative coin, for “APRIL 21st 1967” in silver. (Hellas 241) Uncirculated UNC 30


60361 drx.(1976) with “Konstantinos Kanaris” in Ni-Brass. Coin same as its circulation counterpart obverse-wise, but featuring four jibs and a double wave line on the reverse. Unusual good condition for this coin. In slab by PCGS “SP 61” (SP=SPECIMEN) Nice pattern. (HELLAS T.162) & (KM-Pn 89) Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 815

6037 1993 PROOF SET. Complete set of 8 pcs. (1 drx. to 100 drx. plus 500 drx./ Democracy coin in silver.) all in official case.(slightly damage) for “2500 years of Democracy” with certificates (Hellas M.13) PROOF PROOF 195


6038 1 lepto (1900A) in bronze, with “ΚΡΗΤΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ” In slab by PCGS “MS 64 BN” (Hellas C.1) Uncirculated UNC 190

6039 50 Lepta (1901) in silver (0,835) with “Prince George of Greece, High Commissioner in Crete”. In slab by NGC “MS 62” (Hellas C.8) Almost Uncirculated & Uncirculated AU/UN 670

6040 50 Lepta, 1 drx., 2 drx. & 5 drx. (1901) with “Prince George of Greece, High Commissioner in Crete” Total: 4 pieces. All in silver. Strikes on the perimeter, on 5 drx. (Hellas C.8, C.9, C.10 & C.11) Good to Very Good G/VG 70


6041 2 Lepta. (1/2 Obol) (1819) with “seated Britannia”, in copper. Slightly scratched surface, small strikes on perimeter & slightly polished (Hellas I.15) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 65

6042 2 obols (1819) with “seated Britannia” in copper. In slab by PCGS “PR 64 BN” (Hellas I.18) Brilliant Uncirculated & Prooflike BU/PR 3395

6043 1 new obol (1834) with “seated Britannia” in copper, complete “4” & the digit “1” is bigger, space between “18” and “34”. Die breaks. (Hellas I.19) Almost Uncirculated & Uncirculated. AU/UN 90

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6044 1/2pi. (1879) in bronze with “Queen Victoria”. XF. (KM 2). XF 100

6045 1pi. (1879) in bronze with “Queen Victoria”. XF. (KM 3.1). XF 140

6046 1/2pi. (1882 H) in bronze with “Queen Victoria”. Some scratches. Almost VF. (KM 2). A/VF 145

6047 18 piastres (1901) with “Queen Victoria” in silver.(0,925) small strike on the perimeter. Good to Very Good G/VG 11

6048 4,5 & 9 piastres (1921) with “King George V” in silver.(0,925) Total: 2 pieces. Good to Very Good G/VG 8

6049 18 piastres (1921) with “King George V” in silver.(0,925) Strike on the perimeter. Good to Very Good G/VG 11

6050 1/4 pi. (1926) with “King George V” in bronze, slightly scratched. Almost Very Fine A/VF 11

6051 1pi. (1927) in bronze with “King George V”. XF. (KM 18). XF 325

6052 45 piastres. (1928) COMMEMORATIVE COIN ISSUED ON THE 50th anniversary of British rule in the island. with “King George V” in silver.(0,925) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 195

6053 45 piastres. (1928) COMMEMORATIVE COIN ISSUED ON THE 50th anniversary of British rule in the island. with “King George V” in silver.(0,925) Strikes on the perimeter. Very Fine VF 65

6054 9 piastres (1938) with “King George VI” in silver.(0,925) Almost Uncirculated & Uncirculated AU/UN 13

6055 9 piastres (1940) with “King George VI” in silver.(0,925) Slightly scratched. Extra Fine to Almost Uncirculated XF/AU 12


6056 AUSTRALIA:3 PENCE (1938-1941,1942D,1942S,1943,1943D,1943S & 1944S) with “George VI” in silver.(0,925), total:10 pcs. & fine silver.(total):13 gr. (KM 37) Fine to Very Fine plus F/VF+ 14

6057 CANADA: 1 cent (1974) in bronze, dented on faulty disc. (KM 59.1). Almost Uncirculated. A/UNC 10

6058 CANADA: 200 Dollars (2010).Commemorative coin for”VANCOUVER OLYMPICS/FIRST GOLD”in gold.Weight:16 gr.(0,9167).In original case & certificate. PROOF. PRF 790

6059 G.Britain: Forthing 1694 obv: William & Mary right, Rev: Britania seated left, in copper. KM. 466.2.Very Good VG 3

6060 LUXEMBOURG: 25 Centimes (1960) in aluminium / Medal alignment. Obv: Crowned national arms flanked by diamonds. Rev: Value and date to right of sprig. (KM 45a.2) Very Fine VF 3

6061 PALESTINE / BRITISH ADMINISTRATION : 1 Mil, 10 Mils & 20 Mils (1927) in bronze & copper-nickel. Total: 3 pieces. Corroded (the bronze) (KM 1,4 & 5). Fine F 9

6062 PALESTINE / BRITISH ADMINISTRATION : 1 Mil (1943), 5 Mils (1939) & 10 Mils (1935) in bronze & copper-nickel. Total: 3 pieces. (KM 1,3 & 4) Very Fine to Almost Uncirculated VF/AU 11


6063 Copper token “ΚΕΡΑΜΕΙΚΟΣ Α.Ε.* 1 ΔΡΑΧΜΗ” on one side & “ΣΥΣΣΙΤΙΟΝ” (=soup-kitchen) plus the figure of a cow on reverse side. stained. Fine F 15



6064 WAR CROSS 1940. 3rd class:Bronze cross and crown. With full ribbon (Stratoudakis 121.34) Very Fine VF 40

6065 NATIONAL RESISTANCE 1941-45 Commemorative medal. The second type of this medal struck after 1982 with inscription “ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΗ 1941-45”. with full original ribbon.(Stratoudakis 132) Extremely Fine EF 6

6066 GREECE 1945. AIR FORCE “CROSS OF MERIT” with full original ribbon,(Stratoudakis 205.01) Extremely Fine. XF 290



1988 Commemorative Silver.(0,900) Medal with “Athenas Head / ΒΟΥΛΗ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ*CHAMBRE DES DEPUTES HELLENIQUE” & “The Rape of Europa (from a mosaic of the 3rd Century B.C.- Sparta Meseum / REUNIONS D ETE DU CONSEIL DE L EUROPE * ATHENS 1988” Weight:18 gr. & Diameter: 34 mm. in official blue case & certificate. PROOF


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6068 1907 commemorative bronze medal by kelaidis. “ΟΡΦΑΝΟΤΡΟΦΕΙΟΝ Γ. & ΑΙΚ. ΧΑΤΖΗΚΩΝΣΤΑ - ΕΠΙ ΤΗ ΠΕΝΤΗΚΟΝΤΑΕΤΗΡΙΔΙ”, weight:47,30 gr. & 46mm. in case. Extrem.Fine. XF 80

60691841 Silver medal by Lange. Obverse: The General Petros Mauromichalis with a legend with his name. Reverse: The legends “TΡΙΠΟΛΗ, 23 Sept. 1821/Ο ΔΕ ΘΕΟΣ ΗΓΕΙΤΟ ΑΥΤΩΝ”. Diametr: 45mm. Weight: 61,60 gr. (Broken die). Almsot Extremely Fine & Extremely rare.

A/XF 1750


1850 Large bronze medal by Lange for “The regent of Greece by Amalia August 1850-August 1851” Obverse: Amalia and the legend: “ΑΜΑΛΙΑ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ”. Reverse: 3 palm trees, columns Olympion Zeus, Acropole and the legend: “ΔΙΚΑΙΩΣ ΩΣ ΦΟΙΝΙΞ ΑΝΘΗΣΕΙ(The creation of the royal garden was Amalias achievement). Diametr: 47mm. Weight: 40,30 gr. Almost Extremely Fine.

A/XF 1350


1819 Large bronze(goldplate on Obverse at center). Medal commemorative for P. Ross. Obv: Map of the area Lefkada and the goldplated head at the center. There is also a legend in greek “ΝΕΩΡΥΧΗΣ ΑΥΛΑΞ”. Rev: Legend in 8 lines in greek “Π. ΡΟΣΣ ΧΙΛΙΑΡΧΩΙ ΕΠΙΕΙΚΟΥΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΑΡΧΙΑΣ ΕΝΕΚΕΝ ΩΝ ΤΕ ΑΙΤΙΟΣ ΠΟΛΛΩΝ ΑΓΑΘΩΝ ΓΕΓΟΝΕΝ ΤΗΣ ΤΕΤΑΡΤΙ ΤΟΥ ΙΣΘΜΟΥ ΑΝΟΡΥΞΕΩΣ ΕΥΓΝΩΜΟΣΥΝΗΣ ΔΕΙΓΜΑ. ΕΤΗ ΣΩΤΗΡ ΑΩΙΘ(1819)”. Also there is a wreath with ribbons. CONTINUE

VF+ 1900

6072Large commemorative medal for “THE VISIT OF GEORGE 1ST KING OF HELLENES TO THE CITY OF LONDON, 16th JUNE 1880” in bronze engraved by G.G.Adams. Weight:284gr & size:75mm. In special official wooden case, with outer leather lining. Small strike on perimetre. Extremely Fine

EF 225


1898 Visit of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia to Crete, a pair of silver medals, unsigned, both with bust of Nicholas II right. Rev: bust of Prince George of Greece, Gov. General of Crete right, legend in Greek on one, Russian on other, Russian medal dated & Greek medal (Stamped 0,990 on edge). WEIGHT:13,91 gr. & 14,30 gr. Diametr.: 34mm. DIAKOV 1281.1 & 1281.2(provenance from Spink Sale in late 1970s). RARE & EXTREM. FINE.

XF 1900

6074Bronze Medal.(1903-1904) by Kelaidis. For “Macedonian Struggle”.Obverse:”ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΚΟΣ ΣΥΛΛΟ-ΓΟΣ 1903”. on reverse: “ΣΩΣΩΜΕΝ ΤΗΝ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ”. Strikes on perimetre, corroded & with broken suspension. Weight:20,70gr. & Diameter:37mm. RARE & FINE

F 90

6075 Silver plated, Baptism medal(1921). with “ΕΙΡΗΝΗ” (her name).on reverse: date of birth,28-8-1921 & date of baptism,31-10-1921/ Godfather:A.ZHSIMOS,oxidized. Extremely Fine EF 10

6076 Medal of “THESSALONIKI INTERNATIONAL FAIR 1930/ΔΙΕΘΝΗΣ ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ 1930”-”GRAND PRIZE/ΜΕΓΑ ΒΡΑΒΕΙΟΝ” by huguenin. with “Saint Dimitrios,Patron & view of city”RARE & EXTREMELY FINE EF 195

6077Greek Pin. with “Paleon Patron Germanos / ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΙ ΚΑΛΑΒΡΥΤΙΝΩΝ” on backside:”ΕΡΓΟΣΤΑΣΙΟΝ ΣΗΜΑΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΣ / ΟΔ. ΣΤΑΔΙΟΥ 40 - Δ. ΜΑΓΕΙΡΟΥ”.(Manufacturer) Diameter:32mm. Extremely Fine

EF 20

6078 ΑΘΛΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΜΙΛΟΣ * ΚΕΡΑΜΕΙΚΟΣ / ΝΕΟΝ ΦΑΛΗΡΟΝ 1938 pin in blue and white,enameled with bull figure. Very Fine VF 5

6079Large modern,silver plated medal.(1992-1993)?? From Greek Parliament. For “Athenian Democracy”. Obverse:”Pericles speak”.Reverse:”THE HELLENIC PARLIAMENT”.Weight:104gr.& diameter:65mm. in original case.Extremely Fine

EF 55

6080 2001 Commemorative medal for “30 years,Greek mint./1971-2001” & “Goddess Athena”in silver proof. Weight: 13 gr.(0,650) silver.& diametre:31mm.in case. & certificate Proof. PROOF 95

6081 Bronze medal 2007 “ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΔΡΟΜΕΩΝ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ ΤΡΙΠΟΛΗΣ” & “17ος ΚΟΛΟΚΟΤΡΩΝΕΙΟΣ ΔΡΟΜΟΣ 10 ΧΛΜ. - ΤΡΙΠΟΛΗ 30-9-2007”, Weight: 62,20gr. & 51 mm. Extrem. Fine. XF 10



Combined Pilot/Observer badge with engraved “A” (by Assman) on the back, the medal was a World War II German military decoration awarded to Luftwaffe service personnel who had already been awarded the Pilots or Observer Badge. Nonferrous metal issue issue with gilt wreath and silvered eagle. Vertical attached pin. Early work badge in original case with legend “Flugzeugfuhrer= u. Beobachter=Abzeichen”. Very Fine plus.

VF+ 1300

6083 Observer Luftwaffe badge was awarded by the German aviation during World War II. Not clear engravers mark. Non ferrous metal with silvered wreath and patinated eagle. Vertically attached pin. Almost Extra Fine. A/XF 450


1716 medal in bronze by Mueller and Vestner commemorative the defense of Corfu, by Matthias Johann Graf von der Schulenburg. Obv: the bust of Schulenburg. Rev: plan of events and port with the trajectory of artilery the besieging army Thereis a legend in latin which says: “ΥΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑ ΤΩΝ ΒΕΝΕΤΣΙΑΝΩΝ Η ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΗ ΓΕΝΝΑΙΟΤΗΤΑ ΥΠΕΡΑΣΠΙΣΕ ΤΗΝ ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ. ΗΜΕΡΑ 22 ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥ, ΕΤΟΣ 1716” Diam: 50mm, Weight: 44gr. In original case. Almost Very Fine.

A/VF 380

60851827. Bronze or Brass Medal. Commemorating the Death of the Prime Minister. (GEORGE CANNING) By Galle. Dated 1827. OBVERSE: Bare head left / REVERSE: Inscription and date in seven lines. all within corded border. Weight:51,5gr. & Diameter:51mm. Extremely Fine

EF 75

60861827 Bronze Medal.(with suspension) Commemorating the Death of the Prime Minister. (GEORGE CANNING) OBVERSE: Bust of CANNING / REVERSE: Inscription in five lines. Weight:41,gr. & Diameter:41mm. Extremely Fine

EF 75

60875 Franken Size,gold medal,33mm, 27 grams, struck at Bern Mint, design by Wiederkehr,showing naked torchbearer kneeling bordered by Olympic motto on front and Olympic rings in front of laurel branch bordered by legend on reverse. Extrem.fin

XF 960

Page 13: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 521



British Silver medal instituted in April 1856 for award those who served with the Naval deployment to the Baltic during the Crimean war. It is a Royal Navy medal, eventhough some French and 106 Royal Engineers awarded with this medal for their services. Obverse: the diademed head of Queen Victoria and the legend “VICTORIA REGINA”. Reverse: Britannia holding a trident and sitting on a plinth. In the background a coastal seascape depicting the forts of Bomarsund and Sveaborg. The dates 1854 - 1855 are in exergue. The engravers signatures W. Wyon RA” (Obverse) is on the bust truncation, and “L.C. Wyon” (reverse) is within the exergue. Weight: 35,29 gr. (with ribbon). Diametr: 37mm. With full original ribbon.

A/XF 400


1855 turkish silver medal for the battle of Crimean between French,Turkish,Piemonte(Italy) and British alliance against Russian, Bulgarians and Greeks alliance. The Russian defeated after a terrible war with 240000 deads. There are three differnet type of this medal with different legend depending their origin. Obverse: Tugra. Reverse: The flags of the victorious countries with the map of Crimean and artilery above a Russian flag which lay down humiliated. Weight:28,32gr(with the ribbon), Diametr: 38mm. With full original ribbon. Extremely Fine.

XF 300

6090 ETHIOPIA:THE ORDER OF THE HOLY TRINITY.Grand cross set.Awarded:for outstanding service to the crown,civil or military,including that rendered by foreigners.Without sash.Extremely Fine EF 790

6091 FRANCE:ORDER OF LEGION OF HONOR,3RD REPUBLIC. Officers Cross,gold,enameled.Awarded: for eminent service to the nation,civilian or millitary. Full original ribbon with rosette. Extremely Fine EF 400

6092FRANCE:ORDER OF LEGION OF HONOR,3RD REPUBLIC. Officers Cross,gold,enameled.Awarded: for eminent service to the nation,civilian or millitary,small cracks on the white enamel.Full original ribbon with rosette. Almost Extremely Fine

A/EF 400

6093 PANAMA:Medal of Solidarity 1918.This Bronze medal awarded to members of Allied Forces during Panamas paricipation in WWI (She having declared war on Germany on 7 April 1917).Full original ribbon with rossete.Very Fine VF 550


1903 Russian bronze commemorative medal for the char Alexander III, which was constructed at the time of his son Nikolaos II. Obverse: A statue in St. Petersburg with the figure of char Alexander III, community of charity donation. Below the statue there is a wreath and above there is a legend in Russian: “Emperor Alexander III”. Reverse: There is a legend above a wreath and says: St Petersburg, Emperor Nikolaos, community of charity donation, 1903. Weight: 200gr. Diametr: 79mm. Extremely Fine. In special original case which is in bad condition.

XF 400

6095 Commemorative Silver or Silver plated Medal. OBVERSE: four “Vanellus Vanellus”?????????? on REVERSE: Blank. Weight:62gr. & Diameter:51mm. Almost Extremely Fine A/EF 15

6096 1 Oz Copper (0,999) RON PAUL. Obverse: RON PAUL. & Reverse: Peace - Freedom - Prosperity (ADCS APPROVED). Diameter:39mm. Uncirculated UNC 10




25 drx. (7.1.1912) corner marginal Specimen in black on red and blue unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left, “Arms of King George I” at right & “Two women” at center. Signature “ΒΑΛΑΩΡΙΤΗΣ”. Serial no “00000” Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) Two (cancellation holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 52s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 51b) Uncirculated

UNC 110

60985 drx. (1.5.1912) in black on purple and green unpt. with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left and “Arms of King George I” at right. Serial no “ΜΝ 724 762979” Governors signature “ΒΑΛΑΩΡΙΤΗΣ”. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 54a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 48a) Uncirculated

UNC 220

609925 drx. (20.7.1915) in black on red and blue unpt. with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left, “Arms of King George I” at right & “Two women” at center. Signature “ΖΑΙΜΗΣ”. Serial no “ΩΧ 00000 εψ”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) Four cancellation holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 52s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 51b) Uncirculated

UNC 90

6100100 drx. (8.1.1916) in black on purple and green unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left & “Arms of King George I” at right. Signature: ZAIMIS & Serial no “N26 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” and two cancellation holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 53s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 52b) Uncirculated

UNC 175

61015 drx (15.3.1918) in black on purple and green unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left & “Arms of King George I” at right. Serial no “ΦΧ 0000 00000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” at bottom center and two cancellation holes on signatures. Signature Zaimis. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 54s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 48c) Uncirculated

UNC 65


5 drx. (13.12.1918).(1922) in black on red and multicolor unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left and “Arms of King George I” at right. Serial no “ΛΟ2819 815325”. Black ovpt “NEON” on arms. Royal commissioners signature “ΠΑΠΑΔΑΚΗΣ”. Printer: ABNC. Small brown stain at upper left corner. (Pick 64a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 60a) Uncirculated

UNC 155


5 drx (29.10.1918) in black on red and multicolor unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left & “Arms of King George I” at right. Third issue, signature “ZAΙΜΗΣ”. Serial no “000000” (without letters). Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” on value and two cancellation holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 64s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 60b) Uncirculated

UNC 85

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610425 drx (22.1.1919) of 1922 NEON issue in black on blue unpt with “Seated figure” at center, “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left & “Arms of King George I” at right. Red ovpt “NEON” on arms. Serial no “PN 717050 ζτ”. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 65a) Very Fine.

VF 115

610525 drx. (25.7.1918) in black on blue unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left, “Arms of King George I” at right & “Seated figure” at center. Serial no “000000” (without letters), red ovpt “SPECIMEN” & two cancellation holes. (Pick 65s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 61b) Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 125


50 drx. (20.10.1921) in brown on green unpt. with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left, “Arms of King George I” at right & “Relief from Sarcophagus” at center. Serial no “ΓΟ 050 000000” Red ovpt “ΝΕΟΝ” on arms and red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) on value. Two cancellation holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 66s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 62b) Uncirculated

UNC 245

6107500 drx. (25.1.1922).(1922 NEON issue) in black on brown and green unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left and “Arms of King George I” at right. Serial no “ΣΔ 011 592796”. Red ovpt “NEON” on arms. (Pick 68a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 64a) Uncirculated

UNC 825


500 drx (25.1.1922) in black on brown and green unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left & “Arms of King George I” at right. Serial no “ΣΔ 031 000000” Red ovpt “ΝΕON” on arms and red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) on value. Two cancellation holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 68s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 64b) Uncirculated

UNC 275

6109 1000dr. (4 Dec.1921) with “Woman at centre” in blue on multicolor underprint, ovpt. red “NEON”. Signature: ΚΟΝΤΑΞΗΣ. (Pick 69a). Fine+. Oxidized lower margin. F+ 390

61101.000 drx. (21.1.1922) 1922 NEON issue in blue on multicolor unpt with “Godess Demetra” at center, “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left and “Arms of King George I” at right. Serial no “ΒΞ 025 253207”. Signature “ΠΑΠΑΔΑ-ΚΗΣ”. Red ovpt “NEON” on arms. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 69a). Very Fine plus.

VF+ 475

6111 1000dr. (21 Jan.1922) with “woman at center” in blue on multicolor underprint, ovpt, red “NEON”, SIGNATURE: ΠΑΠΑΔΑΚΗΣ. (Pick 69a). Very Fine. VF 450

6112 1000dr. (21 Jan.1922) with “woman at center” in blue on multicolor underprint, ovpt, red “NEON”, SIGNATURE: ΠΑΠΑΔΑΚΗΣ. (Pick 69a). Very Good to Fine, upper right corner problematic. VG/F 325

6113 5 drx. (24.3.1923) in green on orange unpt. with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left. Serial no “AB 082 879272”. with printed signature. Printer: BWC. (Pick 70a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 66a). Extra Fine plus. XF+ 70

611425 drx. (5.3.1923) in brown, with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left. Serial no “BB 062 806381”. Printer: BWC. Yellow spot on left upper corner & problematic left margin.?? (Pick 71a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 67a) Uncirculated

UNC 385

6115 5 drx.(28-4-1923) with Portrait of “G.Stavros” in Black on orange and green unpt,signature with rubber-stamp. Serial nos. “ΔΑ 068 201677 “(Pick 73a) UNCIRCULATED UNC 130

61165 drx. (28.4.1923) in black on orange and green unpt. with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left. Serial no “ZT 021 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” on value and three cancellation holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 73s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 69c) Uncirculated

UNC 90

61171.000 drx. (4.4.1923) in black on multicolor unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” center, “Statue” at left and right. Serial no “ΔΟ 100 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) on values and two cancellations holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 79s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 74b) Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 550

61185 drx. (17.12.1926) in brown on green unpt. with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at center. (never issued, only as provisional banknote??). Serial no “MZ 100 000000” Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) on values and three cancellation holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 87s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 83a) Uncirculated

UNC 125

611910 drx. (5.8.1926) in blue on yellow and orange unpt. with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at center. Serial no “ΘΝ 029 585265”. Commissioners signature by rubber stamp. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 88a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 84e) Uncirculated.

UNC 535

612010 drx. (5.8.1926) in blue on yellow and orange unpt. with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at center. Serial no “HY 100 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) and three cancellations holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 88s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 84f) Uncirculated

UNC 180

612120 drx. (19.10.1926) in brown on multicolor unpt. with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left. First issue (never issued, only as provisional banknote). Serial no “IM 100 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” on value and three cancellation holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 85a) Uncirculated

UNC 185


100 drx (25.5.1927) in green on orange and brown unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at left & “Ancient coin” at right. Never issued, they was issued only as provisional notes of the Bank of Greece.? Serial no “ΞΔ 050 000000” Red ovpt. “SPECIMEN” on value. Three cancellation holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 91s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 87a) Uncirculated

UNC 135

6123500 drx. (12.11.1926) in purple on multicolor unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at center. Serial no “ΛΟ 043 436631”. Black signature “ΠΑΠΑΔΑΚΗΣ” Washed, pressed, slightly problematic margins & four pinholes. (Pick 89a) Very Good

VG 65

BANK OF GREECE (Provisional Issues)

6124100 drx (20.4.1926 / NEON 1926) 1928 First Provisional issue. in green, with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at center. Red ovpt “ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” and circular ovpt “NEON 1926”. Serial no “ΒΘ 035 263246”. Red signature of royal commissioner. Torn and worn out margins. (Pick 93a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 93). Good

G 8

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61255 drx. (17.12.1926 / Second Provisional issue 1928) in brown on green unpt. with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at center. Black ovpt “ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” at lower right. Serial no “MI 068 262065” (Pick 94a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 94) Uncirculated

UNC 195

612650 drx. (13.5.1927 / Third Provisional issue) in brown on orange and green unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at center. Serial no “NO 068 205704” with red ovpt new banks name. Stained. (Pick 97a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 96b) Almost Very Fine.

A/VF 7

612750 drx (24.5.1927 / Third Provisional issue) in brown on orange and green unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at center. Serial no “NX007 346604” with red ovpt new banks name. Maybe removed from a photo album because of the gum traces on the back. (Pick 97a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 96c). Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 23

6128100 drx (14.6.1927 / 1928 Third Provisional issue) in green on orange and brown unpt with “Potrait of G. Stavros” at left & “Ancient coin” at right. Serial no “OB 061 926606”. Red ovpt “ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” Printer: ABNC. Pressed (Pick 98a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 97c) Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 45

6129500 drx (12.11.1926 / 1928 Third Provisional issue) in purple on multicolor unpt with “Portrait of G. Stavros” at center. Red ovpt “ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ”. Serial no “ΛΣ 016 119571”. Red signature of royal commissioner. Worn out margins. (Pick 99a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 98) Very Good.

VG 45

61301.000 drx. (4.11.1926 / 1928 Third Provisional issue) in black on green and multicolor unpt with “Potrait of G. Stavros” at center. Serial no “ΛΘ 013 369582” Red ovpt “ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” Without signature under red bar at lower right. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 100b) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 99b) Uncirculated.

UNC 13

BANK OF GREECE (Regular Issues)

6131 5.000 drx. (1.9.1932) in brown with “Portrait of Athena” at center. Serial no “AI 018 821743”. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 103a). Uncirculated. UNC 11

61325.000 drx. (1.9.1932) in brown with “Portrait of Athena” at center. Serial no “AA097 00000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) on values and three cancellation holes on signatures. Printer: ABNC. (Pick 103s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 101s1) Uncirculated

UNC 135

6133 50 drx. (1.9.1935) in multicolor with “Girl with sheaf of wheat” at left. Serial no “ΒΓ = 073 767752” (Pick 104a). Uncirculated. UNC 15

61342 x 100 drx. (1 September 1935) with “Hermes” at ctr. in multicolor. Woman holding basket at ctr. on back. Two pieces with continuous Serial nos. “ΑE-059 182584/182585” Stained. (Pick 105a) EXTRA FINE to ALMOST UNCIRCULATED

XF/AU 21

61352 x 1.000 drx. (1 May 1935) with “Girl in national costume” at ctr. in multicolor. Workman at l. and r., girl in national costume on back. Two pieces with continuous Serial nos. “ΑΖ-043 887329 / ΑΖ-043 887330” (Pick 106a) Extra Fine & Almost Uncirculated

XF/AU 21

6136 5 x 50 drx. (1-1-1939) with “Hesiod” in Green. Printer: TDLR (w/o imprint) Five pieces with continuous Serial nos. “O - 009 170051 / O - 009 170055” (Pick 107a) Uncirculated UNC 7

613750 drx. (1.1.1939) in green with “Hesiod” at left. Serial no “A-150 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” & “ΑΚΥ-ΡΟΝ” on both sides and perfin “SPECIMEN” at center. Printer: TDLR (without imprint). (Pick 107s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 106s) Uncirculated

UNC 75

6138 100 drx. (1.1.1939) in green and yellow, with “Two peasant women” at lower left. Printer: W&S (without imprint).(Not issued) Serial no “Ξ-065 562196” (Pick 108a) Uncirculated UNC 11

6139500 drx. (1.1.1939) in purple and lilac with “Woman in national costume” at left. Serial no “A-040 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) on signatures and perfin “CANCELLED & ΑΚΥΡΟΝ” at left and right. Printer: BWC (without imprint). (Pick 109s)& (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 108s) Uncirculated

UNC 75

6140 500 drx. (1.1.1939) in purple and lilac with “Woman in national costume” at left. Error: “ENI” instead of “EΠI”. Serial no “Α-037 158429” Printer: BWC (without imprint). (Pick 109b). Almost Uncirculated. A/UNC 8

61411.000 drx. (1.1.1939) in green with “Woman in national costume” at right. Serial no “A-000 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) on signatures and perfin “CANCELLED & ΑΚΥΡΟΝ” at left and right. Four file holes. Printer: BWC (without imprint).(Pick 110s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 109s) Uncirculated

UNC 75

1941 TOWN CACHETS (Re-issue)

6142 1941 “Emergency re-issue” cancelled banknote of Bolo with large box cachet in back & With six file holes. on 1000 drx.(15-10-1926) (Pick 115 & Grabowski GR 8a) POOR POOR 3


6143 100 drx. (10.7.1941) in brown with “Bird frieze” at left and right. Serial no “ΔΗ 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” at center right and center left. (Pick 116s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 116s) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 60

6144 Final proof of 100dr. (10.7.1941) with lower margin, without serial numbers, (Pick 116s). Uncirculated. UNC 55

Page 16: A.Karamitsos Public Auction 521


6145 Final Proof of 100 drx. (10.7.1941) in brown with “bird frieze” at left and right. CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. “ΥΠΟΔΕΙΓΜΑ” and number “24” in yellow and “58” in red-orange. (Pick 116s) Uncirculated. UNC 190

6146Colour PROOF of face & FINAL PROOF of back of 100 dr (10.7.1941). Combined colours at face without design in black. Design of Kapnikarea Church in brown on multicolour underprint on back. (Pick 116s). Uncirculated.

UNC 45

61471.000 drx. (1.10.1941) in blue and brown with “Coin of Alexander” at left. Title of picture on illustration. Serial no “001888 ΓΗ” with suffix letters. (Pick 117a), (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 117a) & (Grabowski GR13a) Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 30

6148 Colour PROOF of face & Final proof of back of 1000 drx. (1.10.1941) orange on face. A GROUP OF FOUR (Pick 117bs) Uncirculated. UNC 190

6149Colour PROOF of face & FINAL PROOF of back of 1000 dr (1.10.1941). Combined colours at face: orange & blue, missing brown & without design in black. Design of Edessa waterfalls in black on multicolour underprint on back. Title of picture onwhite background. (Pick 117sb) Almost Uncirculated

AU 55

6150Final Proof of face & Colour Proof of back of 1.000 drx. (21.8.1942). Combined colours at back without design in black.( Missing the “ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ”) A CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. (Pick 118s) Uncirculated

UNC 240


2 x 5.000 drx.(20-6-1942) with “Factories and ships at lower l., statue of Nike of Samothrace between male workers at ctr., fisherman and shoreline at lower r.” in black on pale red, blue and m/c unpt. Wmk. paper (same paper used for Agricultural bonds) two pcs. with continuous ser. nos “ΑΤ 836040-ΑΤ 836041”. (Pick 119b & Grabowski GR 14b) Extra Fine to Almost Uncirculated



5000 drx (20.6.1942) in black on pale red, blue and multicolor unpt with “Statue of Nike of Samothrace between male workers” at center & “Fisherman and shoreline” at lower right. Serial no “000000” (no letters). Watermaked paper & perforated “ΑΚΥΡΟΝ” at center left and center right. (Pick 119sb) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 118s) Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 75

6153 Final Proof of 5.000 drx. (20.6.1942/PAPER WITHOUT WMK.) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. In black on pale red, blue and multicolor unpt. (Pick 119as) Uncirculated UNC 210

6154 Proof of face of 5.000 drx. (20.6.1942/PAPER WITHOUT WATERMARK) GROUP OF FOUR. Black without underprint. color. UNIFACE (Pick 119as) Uncirculated UNC 120

6155Final Proof of 50 drx. (1.2.1943) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. In brown on blue unpt. Number “33” in orange, number “50” in green & number “43” in black all on bottom margin. Similar number on bottom margin, on back. (Pick 121s) Uncirculated

UNC 220

6156 Final Proof of 5.000 drx. (19.7.1943) GROUP OF FOUR. In green and brown. (Pick 122s) Uncirculated UNC 190

6157 25.000 drx. (12.8.1943) in black on brown and light blue-green unpt with “Bust of Nymph Deidamia” left. Serial no “000000 ΙΔ” / (SPECIMEN). (Pick 123s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 123s) Uncirculated UNC 65

6158 FINAL PROOF of 25.000 dr. (12.8.1943). Bust of “Nymph Deidamia” in black on brown on face. Back black on olive green with ruind of Olympian Temple of Zeus. (Pick 123s). Uncirculated. UNC 58

6159 Proof of Face of 25.000 drx. (12.8.1943) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. Black without underprint. UNIFACE. (Pick 123s) Uncirculated. UNC 110

6160 Colour PROOF of face & Final proof of back of 25.000 drx. (12.8.1943). Combined colours yellow & blue-green on face. A CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. (Pick 123s) Uncirculated. UNC 120

6161 Final Proof of 100.000 drx. (21.1.1944) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. In black on brown and light blue-green unpt. (Pick 125s) Uncirculated. UNC 210

6162 Final proof of 1.000.000dr. (29.6.1944), without serial number & with larger left margin. (Pick 127s). Uncirculated. UNC 58

6163 Final Proof of 1.000.000 drx. (29.6.1944) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. in black on blue-green and pal orange unpt. (Pick 127s) Uncirculated UNC 190

6164 Proof of Face of 1.000.000 drx. (29.6.1944) GROUP OF FOUR. Black without underprint. (Pick 127s) Uncirculated UNC 95

6165Final PROOF (face & back) with ERROR of 1.000.000 dr. (29.6.1944). Back design in black and blue & orange underprint. ERROR on face: green & orange combined colours WITHOUT the design in black. with large margin at the bottom (Pick 127s) Uncirculated

UNC 55

6166 Proof of back of 1.000.000 drx. (29.6.1944) GROUP OF FOUR. Black without underprint (Pick 127s) Uncirculated UNC 95

6167 2 x 5 million drx. (20-7-1944) in brown with “Arethusa on dekadrachm of Syracuse” at left. Continuous serial nos. “ΑΓ 373279 / ΑΓ 373280” with prefix letters. (Pick 128a) & (Grabowski GR 24b) Uncirculated UNC 6

6168 2 x 5 million drx. (20-7-1944) in brown with “Arethusa on dekadrachm of Syracuse” at left. Continuous serial nos. “656785 ΞΤ / 656786 ΞΤ” with suffix letters. (Pick 128b) & (Grabowski GR 24d). Uncirculated. UNC 6

6169 Final proof of 5.000.000dr. (20.7.1944), without serial number. & with large margin at the bottom (Pick 128s). Uncirculated. UNC 68

6170 Final proof of 5.000.000 drx. (20.7.1944) with variety “missing colours and ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” on the face, Backside is full color. (Pick. 128s). Uncirculated. UNC 52

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61712 x 10 Million drx. (29-7-1944) Brown. Dk. brown fringe around denomination guilloche and sign. Two pieces with continuous serial nos. “465581 AΞ / 465582 ΑΞ” & Suffix letters. (Pick 129b) & (Grabowski GR 25b) Uncirculated


6172 Final proof of 10.000.000dr.(29.7.1944) with margin on the left, without serial numbers, (Pick 129s). Uncirculated. UNC 68

6173 2 x 25 million drx. (10-8-1944) in green with “Ancient Greek coin” at left and right. Continuous serial nos. “027115 ΕΠ” & “027116 ΕΠ” with suffix letters. (Pick 130b) & (Grabowski GR 26d). Uncirculated. UNC 7

6174 Final proof of 25.000.000dr. (10.8.1944) in green with margin on the right, without serial numbers, (Pick 130s). Uncirculated. UNC 65


24 x 200 Million drx. (9-9-1944) with “Parthenon frieze” at ctr. in brown and red-brown. Unpt. in tightly woven pattern w/o cirles. A series of 24 banknotes with continious serial nos Prefix ΙΑ-ΙΩ. This series is coming from one out of four printers who printed the Bank of Greece banknotes in WW 2. (Pick 131a & Grabowski GR 27a) Almost Extra Fine to Uncirculated

XF/UN 100

6176 Final Proof of 200 million drx. (9.9.1944) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. In brown and red-brown. Number “15” in yellow and number “16/ΠΡΟΣΘΙΑΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΙ” in red on margin. (Pick 131s) Uncirculated UNC 260

6177 2 x 500 million drx. (1-10-1944) in blue-green with “Apollo” at left. two pieces with Same serial nos. “KZ 275697” (printed) with prefix letters. (Pick 132a) & (Grabowski GR 29a) Uncirculated. UNC 5

6178 100 Billion drx. (3-11-1944) with “Nymph Deidamia” in red-brown. Serial nos. “630280 AA” (SUFFIX SERIAL NO).(Pick 135a) & (Grabowski GR 32b) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 7


100 Billion drx.(3-11-1944) with “Nymph Deidamia” in red-brown. With serial nos “874955 ΕΠ”. BUT WITH A RARE COMBINATION OF ERRORS. A)PART OF BACKSIDE IS PRINTED ON FACE. B)BROWN COLOR OF FACE IS MISPRINTED. c) INCOMPLETE PRINTING ON THE BACKSIDE. Error of print of (Pick 135a) & (Grabowski GR 32b) RARE & EXTRA FINE

XF 190


6180 50 drx. (9.11.1944) in brown on blue and gold unpt with “Statue of Nike of Samothrace” at left. Serial no “BM 378233”. Maybe folding paper at right. (Pick 169). Uncirculated. UNC 35

6181 Final Proof of Face of 50 drx.(9.11.1944) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. in brown on blue and gold unpt. UNIFACE (Pick 169s) Uncirculated UNC 240

6182 PROOF of face of 50 drx. (9.11.1944) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR, Black without underprint with statue of Nike of Samothrake. “ΥΠΟΔΕΙΓΜΑ” on left margin. (Pick 169s). Uncirculated. UNC 110

6183 Final Proof of back of 50 drx. (9.11.1944) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR. in brown on blue and gold unpt. UNIFACE (Pick 169s) Uncirculated UNC 95

6184 Proof of back of 50drx. (9.11.1944) CORNER GROUP OF FOUR, black without unpt. with “Phoenix”. “ΥΠΟ-ΔΕΙΓΜΑ ΧΡΩΜΑΤΟΣ” at the two margins.(stained)(Pick 169s) Uncirculated. UNC 110

618550 drx. 1.1.1941 (2.1.1945) in red-brown on lilac unpt. with “Hesiod” at left. Serial no “α.A-200 000000”. Black ovpt “SPECIMEN” & “ΑΚΥΡΟΝ” on both sides and perfin “SPECIMEN” at center. Printer: TDLR (without imprint). (Pick 168s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 151s) Uncirculated

UNC 75

6186 100 drx. (ND 1944) in blue on gold unpt with “Canaris” at right. Serial no “η.Κ-150 092594”. Printer: W&S (without imprint). (Pick 170a). Uncirculated. UNC 13

6187100 drx. (1944) in blue on gold unpt with “Canaris” at right. Serial no “ε.Ε.000 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” & “ΔΕΙΓΜΑ” on both sides. Perfin “SPECIMEN” (3) on signatures and on “ΔΡΑΧΜΑΙ”. Printer: W&S (without imprint). (Pick 170s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 152s) Uncirculated

UNC 75

6188 500 drx. (1945) in green with “Portrait of Capodistrias” at left. Second type serial no “Θ.06 - 557239”. Printer: BWC (without imprint). Small brown spot at top margin. (Pick 171a). Uncirculated. UNC 17

6189500 drx. (1945) in green with “Portrait of Capodistrias” at left. Serial no “ι.Η-180 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) on signatures and perfins “SPECIMEN” at left and “CANCELLED” at right. Two cancellation holes on serial numbers. Printer:BWC (without imprint). (Pick 171s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 153s) Uncirculated

UNC 75

6190 1.000 drx. (1944) in brown, with “Kolokotronis” (Hero of freedom) at left. Second type serial no “E.07 343924”. Printer: BWC (without imprint). (Pick 172a). Uncirculated. UNC 42

6191 5.000 drx. (1945) in red (2nd issue / large format) with “Woman with two children” at center. Serial no “Z.07 680731” (second type). Printer: BWC (without imprint). Cut margin?? (Pick 173a). Extra Fine. XF 385

6192 10.000 drx. (1945) in orange (Α ISSUE / large format) with “Aristotle” at left. Second type of serial no. “Α. 15 - 912201” (common) Printer: BWC (without imprint). (Pick 174a) Uncirculated UNC 325

6193 10.000 drx. (1946) in blue, with “Aristotle” at left. Serial no “Γ.10 - 522819” Slight, diagonal creases. Otherwise Uncirculated. (Pick 175a) Almost Uncirculated. A/UNC 475

6194 20.000 drx. (1946) in dark green (Α ISSUE / large format) with “Athena” at left. Serial no “Κ.10 - 184158” Pressed & cut margin. (Pick 176a) Almost Very Fine A/VF 155

6195 5.000 dr.(1947) with “woman & children” in purple on orange.Size 153x80 mm.2nd issue. (Pick 177).Almost Uncirculated. A/UNC 175

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6196 10.000 drx. (1947) in orange (Α ISSUE / small format) with “Aristotle” at left. Serial no “P.14 - 167347”. Washed & pressed. (Pick 178a) Very Fine VF 145

6197 20.000 drx. (1947) in dark green with “Athena” on face & “Medusa” on back. Without security strip. Serial no. “T.02 - 181042”. Rusted/stained. (Pick 179a) Very Good VG 8

6198 20.000 drx. (1947) in dark green (Α ISSUE / small format) with “Athena” at left. Serial no “T.41 013103”. With security strip. (Pick 179b) Uncirculated UNC 375

6199 1.000 drx. (9.1.1947) in brown with “Kolokotronis” at left. ΔISSUE. Serial no “ΑΞ-1 000020” (Low number). WMK: Ancient warrior with helmet. Slightly rusted/stained. (Pick 180a) Uncirculated UNC 35

62001.000 drx. (9.1.1947) in brown with “Portrait of Kolokotronis” at left. Serial no “AB-4 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) WMK: Ancient warrior with helmet. (Pick 180s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 162s) Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 85

6201 5.000 drx. (9.6.1947) in brown (small format) with “Woman with children” at center. Serial no “245331 ΑΔ-3”. Very slight crease, Otherwise Uncirculated. (Pick 181a) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 235

6202 1.000 drx. (14.11.1947) in brown with “Kolokotronis” at left. ΕISSUE. Serial no “EΞ-4 865159” Without watermark. Two slight vertical, creases, otherwise Uncirculated. (Pick 180b) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 27

6203 10.000 drx. (29.12.1947) in orange (Β ISSUE / small format) with “Aristotle” at left. Serial no “BA 061803”. Printer: BWC (without imprint). Stained (Pick 182a) Almost Extra Fine A/XF 75

6204 20.000 drx. (29.12.1949) in blue on multicolor with “Athena” at left. Serial no “B.05 - 360038” (Pick 183a) Uncirculated UNC 195

6205 5.000 drx. (28.10.1950) in brown with “Portrait of D. Solomos” at left. Serial no “αδ- 277899”. (Pick 184a). Almost Uncirculated. A/UNC 190

6206 50.000 drx. (1.12.1950) in olive and gray with “Portrait of woman” at left. Serial no “B.07 406876”. Pressed. (Pick 185a) Very Fine VF 45

6207 10 drx. (15.1.1954 / ΝΕΑ ΕΚΔΟΣΙΣ) in orange with “Aristotle” at left. Serial no “αα - 359638” (Pick 186a) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 650

6208 20 drx. (15.1.1954 / ΝΕΑ ΕΚΔΟΣΙΣ) in blue with “Athena” at left. Serial no “A.01 881303” Washed, pressed & cut margin. (Pick 187a) Almost Very Fine A/VF 145

6209 50 drx. (15.1.1954 / ΝΕΑ ΕΚΔΟΣΙΣ) in green and gray with “Portrait of woman” at left. Serial no “A.03 300084” (Pick 188a). Uncirculated UNC 375

6210 10 drx. (15.5.1954) in orange, with “King George I” at left. Serial no “αθ 097489” Signature of Matzavinos. Pressed and slightly stained (Pick 189a) Almost Extra Fine A/XF 65

6211 10 drx. (1.3.1955) in orange, with “King George I” at left. Serial no “γ.06 951087” Signature of Zolotas, slight diagonal crease. Otherwise Uncirculated (Pick 189b) Almost Uncirculated. A/UNC 115

6212 20 drx. (1.3.1955) in blue with “Demokritos” at left. Serial no “Γ.08 546081”, pressed (Pick 190a) Extra Fine XF 80

6213 20 drx. (1.3.1955) in blue, with “Demokritos” at left. Serial no “A.08 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) & perfin “ΑΚΥΡΟΝ” at right. (Pick 190s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 176s) Uncirculated UNC 175

6214 50 drx. (1.3.1955) in dark green with “Pericles” at center. Serial no “εο. 769859” (Pick 191a). Almost Uncirculated. A/UNC 75

6215 100 drx. (1.7.1955) in red on multicolor unpt. with “Themistocles” at left. Serial no “Κ.09 887940” (Pick 192b). Uncirculated. UNC 45

6216 100 drx. (1.7.1955) in red with “Themistocles” at left. Serial no “Γ.06 000000”. Black ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) & perfin “ΑΚΥΡΟΝ” (vertical) at right. (Pick 192s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 178s) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 90

6217 500 drx. (8-8-1955) with portrait of “Socrates” in green on multicolor underprint. Serial no “E.09 692877” (Pick 193a) Uncirculated UNC 135

6218 500 drx. (8.8.1955) in green on multicolor unpt. with “Socrates” at center. Serial no “E.09 990169” Washed & pressed (Pick 193a) Very Fine plus VF+ 65

6219 1.000 drx. (16.4.1956) in brown with “Great Alexander” at left. Serial no “A.10 000000”. Red ovpt “SPECIMEN” (2) & perfin “ΑΚΥΡΟΝ” at right. (Pick 194s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 180s) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 125

6220 50 drx. (1.10.1964) in blue on multicolor unpt, with “Arethusa” at left. Serial no “17 Θ 567781” (Pick 195a). Uncirculated. UNC 5

6221 500 drx. (1.11.1968) in olive on multicolor unpt, with “Relief of Eleusis” at center. Serial no “04 O 357868”. (Pick 197a). Uncirculated. UNC 9

6222 5.000 drx.(23-3-1984) with “T.Kolokotronis” in deep blue on multicolor underprint. The digit “0”(last) of serial.(lower) is double print. (Pick 203a) UNCIRCULATED UNC 25


6223 50 Lepta (1920) in blue, with “Standing Athena” at center. Square perforation. Serial no “A/1 157376”. (Pick 303a) Almost Uncirculated. A/UNC 17

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6224 50 lepta (1920) in blue with “Standing Athena” at center. Square perforation (on upper margin) and serial no “Ξ/4 364755” Pressed & thinning. (Pick 303a) Very Good VG 5

6225 50 Lepta (1920) in blue with “Standing Athena” at center. Zig-Zag perforation. Serial no “X/1 270305”. (Pick 303b). Extra Fine plus. XF+ 33

62261 drx. 27.10.1917 (1924) in brown on gold unpt with “Hermes seated” at center. Without inner line in dark brown diamond surrounding Hermes. Serial no “E/29 96969” (Palindromic/Radar). (Pick 304a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 266c) Uncirculated

UNC 75

62271 drx. 27.10.1917 (1924) in brown on gold unpt without inner line in diamond surroundings Hermes, diamond darkk brown. Serial no “E/37 51930”. Stained/rusted & cut margin. (Pick 304a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 266c) Almost Extra Fine

A/XF 24

6228 1drx. 27-10-1917. (1924) with “Hermes seated at ctr.” in Darker brown w/o unpt.Inner line in diamond surrounding Hermes,diamond brown.Ser.nos “Α/36 42106” (Pick 304b) Uncirculated UNC 45

6229 1 drx. (1918) in brown with “Pericles” at right. Serial no “Η 155816”. The upper piece of vertical strip of five. (Pick 305) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 260) Uncirculated UNC 80

6230 2 drx. 27.10.1917 (1925) in blue and brown, with “Hermes seated” at center. Serial no “A/13 62530” Slightly stained & slightly rounded corners. (Pick 306). Almost Extra Fine. A/XF 28

6231 2 drx. (1918) in black on gold unpt with “Pericles” at left. Serial no “Y 240231”. The upper piece of vertical strip of five, cut margin?? (Pick 307) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 80

6232 2 drx. (1918) in black on gold unpt with “Pericles” at left. Serial no “K 365611” Pressed and slightly stained (Pick 307) Fine. F 23

6233 1 drx. 27.10.1917 (1918) in black on light green and pink unpt with “Homer” at center. Serial no “Γ/24 079058” (Pick 308) Almost Uncirculated. A/UNC 42


1 drx.(27.10.1917)(1918) in black on light green and pink unpt. with “Homer” at center. Production specimen, Serial A/1 to Δ/50 & 1 to 100.000. (Number of notes put in circulation:20.000.000) Three ser. nos. “A/1 000.001”, “Δ/50 100.000”, “Δ/50 000.000” & “73438 5.11.17” at the bottom margin.(Handwritten) One file hole. Probably the only one known! with stain (watermark place) & thinning. (Pick 308s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 258c) Extr. Rare & UNC

UNC 1200

6235 2 x 1drx. 27-10-1917.(1918) with “Hermes seated at right” in Purple on lilac and m/c unpt.Two pcs. with continuous ser.nos.”Α 31 056931/932”, with pinholes & stained (Pick 309) Uncirculated UNC 68

6236 1 drx. 27.10.1917 (1918) in purple on lilac and multicolor unpt with “Hermes seated” at right. Serial no “Α/43 092641” Pressed. (Pick 309) Very Good VG 9


1 drx.(27.10.1917)(1922) in purple on lilac and multicolor unpt. with “Hermes seated” at left. Production specimen, serial A/1 to B/50 & 1 to 100.000. (Number of notes put in circulation:10.000.000) Three serial numbers “A/1 000.001”,”B/50 100.000”,”B/50 000.000” & “7349 6.10.22” at the bottom margin.(Handwritten). One file hole. Probably the only one known! (Pick 309s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 264c) Extremely Rare & Uncirculated

UNC 1200

6238 2 drx. 27.10.1917 (1918) in blue on brown and orange unpt with “Poseidon” at left. Serial no “Γ/2 083118” slightly stained. (Pick 310) Extra Fine plus XF+ 42


2 drx.(27.10.1917)(1918) in blue on brown and orange unpt. with “Zeus” at left. Production specimen, serial A/1 to Δ/50 & 1 to 100.000. (Number of notes put in circulation:18.798.202) Three serial numbers “A/1 000.001”,”Δ/50 100.000”,”Δ/50 000.000” & “73438 25.11.1918” at the bottom margin.(Handwritten) One file hole. Probably the one known! (Pick 310s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 259c) Extremely Rare & Uncirculated

UNC 1200

6240 2 drx. 27.10.1917 (1918) in red-brown on multicolor unpt with “Orpheus with lyre” at center. Serial no “A/48 069294” Pressed (Pick 311) Almost Uncirculated. A/UNC 55

6241 2 drx. 27.10.1917 (1918) in red-brown on multicolor unpt with “Orpheus with lyre” at center. Serial no “Β/43 065494” Pressed. (Pick 311) Very Good VG 8


2 drx. (27/10/1917)(1922) in red-brown on multicolor unpt. with “Orpheus with lyre” at center. Production specimen, Serial A/1 to B/50 & 1 to 100.000.(Number of notes put in circulation:10.000.000) Three serial nos “A/1 000.001”, “B/50 100.000”, “B/50 000.000” & “7349 6.10.20” at the bottom margin.(Handwritten). One file hole. Probably the only one known! (Pick 311s) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 265c) Extremely Rare & Uncirculated

UNC 1200

6243 10Lepta.(1922),(1922 ND POSTAGE STAMP CURRENCY ISSUE) with “Hermes” in brown, same design in reverse on back. With square perforations. (Pick 313a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 268a) Uncirculated UNC 14

6244 50 x 10drx. (6-4-1940) with “Demeter on ancient coin” in blue in green and light brown unpt. Fifty pieces with continuous serial nos. from “Β18 254159 / Β18 254208” (Pick 314) Uncirculated UNC 58

6245 5 x 20 drx. (6-4-1940) in green on light lilac and orange unpt with “Ancient coin with Poseidon”. Continuous serial nos. “B24 202855 / B24 202859” (Pick 315) Uncirculated. UNC 9

6246 2 x 5 drx. (18 June 1941/ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ/Greek State) with “3 women of Knossos” in black & red on pale yellow. Continuous Serial Nos. AE-477532/AE-477533 (Pick 319) & (Grabowski GR 36) Uncirculated UNC 7

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6247 25.000 drx. (5.3.1943 - 2nd Series) Agricultural treasury bond in blue and gray. Serial no “ΒΓ 053142”. Watermarked paper. Pressed and traces of self-adhesive tape at left margin. (Pick 139) Extra Fine. XF 90

6248 100.000 drx. (15-5-1943)(Serie 3th) Agricultural treasury bond, in green. With ser.nos.”ΓΑ 006035” (Paper without watermark)(Pick 143) Uncirculated UNC 1150


50 million drx. (6.10.1944) treasury note issued by “Bank of Greece, Cephalonia-Ithaka branch” printed on official watermarked paper.(not this piece) Serial no “A 10184”. Four cachets (two on face and two on back) and red linear cachet “6 Oct. 1944” on back. Without accent after serial letter “A” and different frame. Slightly problematic corner. (Pick 151) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 420a). Uncirculated.

UNC 125

6250100 million drx. (6.10.1944) treasury note issued by “Bank of Greece, Cephalonia - Ithaka branch” printed on official watermarked paper (Uniface) Serial no “A 32782”. Four cachets (two on face and two on back) and red linear cachet “6. OKT. 1944” on back. (Pick 152) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 421) Uncirculated.

UNC 60

6251100 million drx. (17.10.1944) treasury note issued by “Bank of Greece, Kerkyras branch” in green on yellow. Stamp with larger inner circle. Serial no “091512” Slightly stained. (Pick 156) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 430b/stamp 3) Extra Fine

XF 23

625225 million drx. (20.9.1944) treasury note issued by “Bank of Greece, Kalamatas branch” in brown (Uniface). Serial no “A 10232”. Bank cachet and signatures on the back. Slightly stained,(by print). (Pick 157) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 415) Uncirculated

UNC 75

625350 million drx. (20.9.1944) treasury note issued by “Bank of Greece, Kalamatas branch” in violet (Uniface). Serial no “A 09280”. Bank cachet and signatures on the back. Unusual in this condition. (Pick 158) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 416) Extra Fine

XF 255

6254100 million drx (20.9.1944) treasury note issued by “Bank of Greece, Kalamatas branch” in light blue (Uniface). Serial no “A 45992”. Bank cachet and signatures on the back. (Pick 159) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 417). Uncirculated.

UNC 85

6255500 million drx (20.9.1944) treasury note issued by “Bank of Greece, Kalamatas branch” in green (Uniface). Serial no “A 7974”. Bank cachet and signatures on the back. Stained (by print) otherwise Uncirculated. (Pick 160) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 418) Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 85

6256200 million drx. (5.10.1944) treasury note issued by “Bank of Greece, Kalamatas branch” (Second issue) in orange. French handstamp “BANQUE DE GRECE - KALAMATA - 5.OCT.44” on back. Serial no “B 285317” (Pick 161b) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 419c) Uncirculated

UNC 75

6257200 million drx. (5.10.1944) treasury note issued by “Bank of Greece, Kalamatas branch” (Second issue) in orange. No stamp on the back but with regular serial no. “B 269773”. (Pick 161) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 419d). Uncirculated.

UNC 28

6258100 million drx. (19.9.1944) red ovpt, on back of 5 million drx (20.7.1944). Provisional trasury note issued in Nauplia. Two hand singnatures on back & cachet on face. Suffix serial no “085213 ΞΠ” (Pick 162) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 413a) Almost Uncirculated.

A/UNC 295

6259 100 million drx. (7.10.1944) treasury note issued by “Bank of Greece, Patras branch” in brown with “Ancient coin” at left (Uniface). Serial no “002774”. (Pick 164) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 422) Extra Fine plus XF+ 35

6260500 million drx. (7.10.1944) treasury note issued by “Bank of Greece, Patras branch” in blue-gray with “Ancient coin” at center (Uniface). Serial no “271533”. (Pick 165) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 423). Almost Uncirculated.

A/UNC 70

6261500 million drx. (7.10.1944) treasury note issued by “Bank of Greece, Patras branch” in blue-gray with “Ancient coin” at center (Uniface). Very small black serial no “Α 001007”. Cut margin?? (Pick 165) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 423b) Extra Fine plus

XF+ 65


62625 drx. (1941) by “CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA” in green with “Wheat” at left on front and “Hermes of Praxiteles” at right on back. Serial no “0001 449664”. (Pick M1) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 337). Uncirculated.

UNC 40

62635 drx. (1941) with “Hermes of Praxiteles” at right on back and “wheat” at left on front, by “CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA” in green. Serial nos “0010 087488” Stain/Rusted, rounded corner & small tear, on right vertical margin. (Pick M1) Very Good

VG 4

626410 drx. (1941) by “CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA” in red-orange with “Prow of Ancient ship” at left on front and “Hermes of Praxiteles” at right on back. Serial no “0002 173521”. (Pick M2) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 338) Uncirculated

UNC 40

626550 drx. (1941) by “CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA” in blue with “Wheat” at left on front and “Hermes of Praxiteles” at right on back. Serial no “0001 455064”. Slight diagonal crease, otherwise Uncirculated (Pick M3) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 339) Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 50

6266100 drx. (1941) by “CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA” in brown on orange unpt with “Prow of Ancient ship” at left on front and “Hermes of Praxiteles” at right on back. Serial no “0003 576470”. (Pick M4) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 340). Uncirculated.

UNC 50

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62671.000 drx. (1941) by “CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA” in light brown with “Michaelangelos David” at left. Serial no “0001 546781”. (Pick M6) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 342) Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 125

6268 10.000 drx. (1941) by “CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA” in gray with “Michaelangelos David” at left. Serial no “0001 201461”. (Pick M8) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 344). Extra Fine plus. XF+ 275

626920.000 drx. (1941) by “CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA” in blue with “Michaelangelos David” at left. Serial no “0001 034032”. Two small yellow spots on bottom margin. (Pick M9) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 345). Extra Fine

XF 335

6270 1 drx. (1941) for “ISOLE JONIE” in dark green. Serial no. “007 119964” (Pick M11) Uncirculated A/UNC 5

6271 50 drx. (1941) for “ISOLE JONIE” with “Old man” at left in brown. Serial No. “0002 933351” (Pick M14) ALMOST UNCIRCULATED A/UNC 27

6272 100 drx. (1941) for “ISOLE JONIE” with “Old man” at left in blue. Serial No. “0006 335714” Marks by pen.(on face) (Pick M15) UNCIRCULATED UNC 22

6273 500 drx. (1941) for “ISOLE JONIE” with “Ceasar head” at left in lilac on blue unpt. Serial no. “0003 276758” (Pick M16) Extra Fine XF 70

6274 1.000 drx. (1941) with “Ceasar head” at left in brown. Serial nos. “0001 216534” In plastic folder by C.G.A.: “CHOICE UNCIRCULATED 64* / Original paper Quality.” (Pick M17a) Uncirculated UNC 110

6275 1.000 drx.(1941) with “Ceasar head” at left in brown. Serial no. “0003 074090” (Pick M17a) Extra Fine XF 24

6276 5.000 drx.(1941) for “ISOLE JONIE” with “Ceasars head” at left, in blue on gray underprint. Serial no. “0001 090478” Slightly stained (Pick M18a) Extra Fine plus XF+ 105


6277 500 Leva (1940) in blue on green unpt with “Portrait of King Boris III” at right and “Arms” at left. Printer: RDK. (Pick 58a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 389) & (Bulphila 59) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 50

6278 500 Leva (1942) in black and blue on green and brown unpt, with “Portrait of King Boris III” at left. WMK: BNB, Printer: G&D. (Pick 60a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 391) & (Bulphila 61). Uncirculated UNC 35

6279 1.000 Leva (1942) in light and dark brown on orange and blue unpt. with “Portrait of King Boris III” at left. WMK: BNB, Printer: G&D. (Pick 61a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 392) & (Bulphila 62) Almost Uncirculated A/UNC 65

6280 5.000 Leva (1942) in brown and multicolor with “Portrait of King Boris III” at left. WMK: BNB, Printer: G&D. Diagonal folding. (Pick 62a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 393) & (Bulphila 63) Uncirculated UNC 195

6281 250 Leva (1943) in green and brown with “Portrait of King Simeon II” at left & “Arms” at right. Serial no “A 245429”. Printer: RDK (Pick 65a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 396) & (Bulphila 66A) Uncirculated UNC 25

6282 500 Leva (1943) in blue on brown unpt with “Portrait of King Simeon II” at left & “Arms” at right. Serial no “Γ 425564”. Printer: RDK. (Pick 66a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 397) & (Bulphila 67A) Almost Uncirculated. A/UNC 18

6283 1.000 Leva (1943) in red and dark brown on purple unpt with “Portrait of King Simeon II” at right & “Arms” at left. (Not Issued) Serial no “X 278312”. Printer: RDK. (Pick 67a) & (Bulphila V) Uncirculated UNC 90


6284 6 Pence (1943) of British Military Authority (circulated after the liberation 1944/45) in red-brown on green and peach unpt. (Pick M1) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 434) Uncirculated. UNC 65

6285 1 Shilling. (1943) of British Military Authority (circulated after the liberation 1944/45) in black on gray and violet unpt. Serial “R” Stained. (Pick M2) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 435) Extra Fine plus XF+ 29

62862 Shillings - 6 Pence (1943) of British Military Authority (circulated after the liberation 1944/45) in green on pink unpt. Serial “R” Two yellow spots on the back. (stained??).(Pick M3) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 436) Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 33

62872 Shillings - 6 pence (1943) of British Military Authority (circulated after the liberation, 1944/5) in green on pink unpt. Back in olive green and brown on lilac and olive unpt. Serial “R” Rusted, rounded corner & Handwritten “3” on the back. (Pick M3) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 436) Almost Fine

A/F 5

62885 Shillings (1943) of British Military Authority (circulated after the liberation 1944/45) in brown on blue and green unpt. Serial “R” Slight diagonal crease, otherwise Uncirculated. (Pick M4) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 437) Almost Uncirculated

A/UNC 39

62895 Shillings (1943) of British Military Authority (circulated after the liberation, 1944/5) in brown on blue and green unpt. Back in violet on green and blue unpt. Serial “R” Stained & small tear, at bottom. (Pick M4) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 437) Almost Fine

A/F 7

6290 10 Shillings (1943) of British Military Authority (circulated after the liberation 1944/45) in blue on olive and lilac unpt. Serial no “01L 085965”. One pink spot. Pressed (Pick M5) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 438) Extra Fine XF 25

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629110 Shillings (1943) of British Military Authority (circulated after the liberation, 1944/5) in blue on olive and lilac unpt. Back in olive brown on gray and brown unpt. Serial no. “01 E 904659”. Rusted/Stained, small tears & rounded corners. (Pick M5) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 438) Very Good

VG 8

6292 1 Pound (1943-45) of British Military Authority (circulated after the liberation 1944/45) in purple on orange and green unpt. Serial no “40R 911730” (Pick M6) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 439) Extra Fine XF 45



2 drx.(law of 1885) (1897) with “Hermes” at right in black on blue and brown unpt. Backside in brown. Serial Nos. “Σ 405 00426”. With the signature of “Πανουριας - Κοσκινας” Perforated only on lower margin.(The upper piece of vertical stripof 5 pieces).The piece who listed in the “WORLD PAPER MONEY / EIGHTH EDITION. PAGE 657. (Pick S 148)/(Stratoudakis - Pitidis 236c) Fine plus

F+ 265


6294 100 drx. (1.7.1945) Payment Order multicolor painting issued at Zagora-Thessaly. Never issued. Serial no “1840” (large serial machine numbered) Plain back. (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 441) Almost Uncirculated. A/UNC 15

6295 500 drx. (1.7.1945) Payment Order multicolor painting issued at Zagora-Thessaly. Never issued. Serial no “108” (Hand numbered Serial #) Plain back. (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 442a). Uncirculated. UNC 48

6296 1.000 drx. (1.7.1945) Payment Order multicolor painting issued at Zagora-Thessaly. Never issued. Serial no “9658” (large serial machine numbered) Plain back. (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 443). Uncirculated. UNC 29

6297 10.000/1.000 drx. (1.7.1945) Payment Order multicolor painting issued at Zagora-Thessaly. Never issued. Serial no “843” (large serial machine numbered) Plain back. (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 445). Uncirculated. UNC 29

629850.000/5.000 drx. (1.7.1945) Payment Order multicolor painting issued at Zagora-Thessaly. Never issued. Serial no “1243” (large serial # machine numbered) Plain back. Var. Incomplete, printers name (ΛΙΘ. Ν ΚΑΛ..).(Stratoudakis/Pitidis 446) Uncirculated

UNC 42


6299 1 Shilling (1.5.1942) in brown and green with “Portrait King George VI” at center. Serial no “C/4 423688”. Pressed & stained. (Pick 20). Almost Very Fine. A/VF 60

6300 5 Shillings (31.1.1950) in brown-violet and blue with “Portrait King George VI” at center. Serial no “F/1 080400”. Pressed. (Pick 22) Fine plus F+ 90

6301 250 Mils (1.6.1955) in blue on multicolor unpt. with “Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II” at right & “Map of Cyprus” at lower right. Serial no “A/6 247325”. Pressed & rusted. (Pick 33a) Very Good VG 33

6302 1 Pound (1.2.1956) in brown on multicolor unpt, with “Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II” at right & “Map of Cyprus” at lower right. Serial no “A/15 026215” Pressed & slightly stained. (Pick 35a) Almost Very Fine A/VF 245

6303 5 Pounds (15.3.1958) in green on multicolor unpt. with “Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II” at right & “Map of Cyprus” at lower right. Serial no “A/7 102359” Pressed & slightly stained. (Pick 36a) Very Fine VF 485

6304 1 Pound (1.7.75) issued by Central Bank of Cyprus, with “Arms” at right and “Map of Cyprus” at lower right in brown on multicolor unpt. Serial no “J/73 232900” Wmk:Eagles head. (Pick 43b) Very Fine VF 8

63051 Pound. (1.8.1976) issued by Central Bank of Cyprus, in brown on multicolor unpt with “Arms” at right and “Map of Cyprus” at lower right. Serial no “K/88 036326”. WMK: Eagles head. Stained & rounded corners. (Pick 43c) Fine

F 5

63065 Pounds (1.8.1976) issued by Central Bank of Cyprus, in blue on multicolor unpt with “Arms” at right and “Map of Cyprus” at lower right. WMK: Eagles head. Serial no. “T/192 821727” Washed & pressed (Pick 44c) Very Good

VG 12

6307 250 mils (1-9-1979) with “Fruit” at left, “arms” at right & “map” at lower right. In blue on multicolour underprint. With Serial nos. “P/66 116017” Stained/Rusted?? (Pick 41c) VERY FINE PLUS VF+ 7

6308500 MILS.(1-9-1979) ISSUED BY “ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ / CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS” with “Arms at right & map at lower right” in green on multicolor underprint. Serial nos. “M/49 031253”.(Pick 42c) UNCIRCULATED

UNC 45

6309 500 Mils (1.6.1982) with “Woman seated” at right, in light brown on green and multicolor unpt. Serial no “B 330527” (Pick 45a) Uncirculated. UNC 18

6310 50 Cents (1.11.89) with “Woman seated” at right in brown and multicolor. unpt. Serial no “T 196071”. WMK: Moufflon. (Pick 52) Uncirculated. UNC 15

63115 Pounds. (1-9-1995) with “Limestone head from Hellenistic period” at left, arms at upper center right. line of micro-printing added within bank titles. Back: Ancient Theater at Salamis” in Violet on multicolor underprint. Watermark:Moufflon (rams) head. Printer:TDLR (without imprint.) with Serial nos.”Q 871571” (Pick 54b) FINE

F 9

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6312 1 Pound (1.2.1997) in brown on pink and multicolour unpt with “Cypriot girl” at left. Serial no “K 802410” (Pick 57) Uncirculated UNC 11

6313 5 Pounds (1.2.1997) issued by Central Bank of Cyprus, in purple and violet on multicolor unpt. with “Archaic limestone head of young man” at left. Serial nos. “D 547644” Wmk:Bust of Aphrodite (Pick 58) Uncirculated UNC 14

6314 10 Pounds. (1-12-1998) with “Marble head of Artemis” at left. “arms” at upper center. in olive-green and blue-green on multicolor underprint. With Serial nos. “Z 263287” Pressed (Pick 62b) Fine plus F+ 17

6315 1 Pound (1.2.2001) issued by Central Bank of Cyprus, in brown on light tan and multicolour unpt with “Cypriot girl” at left. Serial nos. “AT 392272” Wmk: Bust of Aphrodite (Pick 60c) Uncirculated UNC 5

6316 5 Pounds (1.2.2001) issued by Central Bank of Cyprus, in purple and violet on multicolor unpt. with “Archaic limestone head of young man” at left. Serial nos. “J 911406” Wmk:Bust of Aphrodite (Pick 61a) Uncirculated UNC 12

6317 10 Pounds. (1-2-2001) with “Marble head of Artemis” at left. “arms” at upper center. in olive-green and blue-green on multicolor underprint. With Serial nos. “AE 410840” Pressed (Pick 62c) Almost Very Fine A/VF 17

6318 5 Pounds (1.9.2003) issued by Central Bank of Cyprus, in purple and violet on multicolor unpt. with “Archaic limestone head of young man” at left. Serial nos. “M 243797” Wmk:Bust of Aphrodite (Pick 61b) Uncirculated UNC 9

63191 Pound (1.4.2004) issued by Central Bank of Cyprus, in brown on light tank and multicolour unpt with “Cypriot girl” at left. Serial nos. “BF 856171” Wmk:Bust of Aphrodite. Signature: Chr. Christodoulou. (Pick 60d) Almost Uncirculated


6320 20 Pounds. (1-4-2004) with “Bust of Aphrodite” at left. “arms” at upper center, ancient bird (pottery art) at right, in Deep blue on multicolor underprint. With Serial nos. “AA 999282” (Pick 63c) Uncirculated UNC 37

6321 10 Pounds. (1-4-2005) with “Marble head of Artemis” at left. “arms” at upper center. in olive-green and blue-green on multicolor underprint. With Serial nos. “BM 390956” (Pick 62e) Very Fine plus VF+ 17


6322 ALBANIA / REGIONAL-KORCE. 1/2 FRANC (1/3/1917) SERIES A, with “double-headed eagle” at center. In black on brown on aqua unpt. on backside: circular black hand stamp at r. (Pick S106). Fine+. F+ 40

6323 BULGARIA / RUSSIAN ADMINISTRATION / BULGARIAN NATIONAL BANK. 20 Leva (1944) in brown on salmon unpt. Serial no “D 542293” in red. (Pick 68a) & (Bulphila 68 I A.) Uncirculated UNC 17

6324 BULGARIA / RUSSIAN ADMINISTRATION / BULGARIAN NATIONAL BANK. 20 Leva (1944) in brown on light orange unpt. Serial no “C 832333” in brown without star. (Pick 68b) & (Bulphila 68 II) Uncirculated UNC 12

6325GERMANY: 20 Reichsmark (22.1.1929) in dark brown on multicolour watermarked paper with “portrait of Werner von Siemens” at right. Serial no. “O.29397623”. Creased and pressed. Part of the upper left corner ommited. (Pick 181a). Fine plus.

F 4

6326 GERMANY. 50 Euro signature of Jean Claude Trichet. Vertical printed “NDREIKE” error of print. UNC UNC 500

6327 5 Pounds. (ND 1957-67) in blue and multicolor with “Helmeted Britannia head” at left. Serial no “B13 262676”. Signature: L.K. O Brien, denomination in blue print on back. (Pick 371) & (B277) Extra Fine XF 35

632810 Pounds (ND 1970-75) in deep brown on multicolor unpt, with “Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II” at right. Serial no “C69 200882”. WMK: Queen Elizabeth II, signature: J.B. Page. Pressed. (Pick 376c) & (B326) Fine plus

F+ 14

6329 IRAN: 5 Rials (ND 1944) in reddish brown on light green and pink unpt with “First portrait ShahPahlavi in army uniform” at right. WMK: Imperial crown, Printer: Harrison (without imprint). (Pick 39) Extra Fine XF 14

6330 IRAN: 10 Rials (ND 1944) in purple on light orange and multicolor unpt with “First portrait Shah Pahlavi in army uniform” at right. WMK: Imperial crown, Printer: Harrison (without imprint). (Pick 40). Uncirculated. UNC 38

6331IRAN: 10 Rials (SH1337 / 1958) in dark blue on green and orange unpt with “Fifth portrait Shah Pahlavi in army uniform” at right. Yellow security thread. Ser. no “15 / 323878” WMK: Young Shah Pahlavi, Printer: Harrison (without imprint). (Pick 68) Uncirculated


6332IRAN: 20 Rials (SH1337 - 1958) in dark brown on light brown, lilac and multicolor unpt with “Fifth portrait Shah Pahlavi in army uniform” at right. Yellow security thread. Ser. no “6 / 705288” WMK: Young Shah Pahlavi, Printer: Harrison (without imprint). Pressed. (Pick 69) Almost Very Fine

A/VF 3

6333IRAN: 200 Rials (SH1337 / 1958) in blue on purple, orange and multicolor unpt with “Fifth portrait Shah Pahlavi in army uniform” at right. Yellow security thread. Ser. no “19/536496” WMK: Young Shah Pahlavi, printer: Harrison (without impriint) Slightly rounded corners, washed & pressed (Pick 70) Extra Fine

XF 25

6334IRAN: 10 Rials (SH1340 / 1961) in blue on green and orange unpt with “Fifth portrait Shah Pahlavi in army uniform” at right. Yellow security thread. Ser. no “24 / 589211” WMK: Young Shah Pahlavi, Printer: Harrison (without imprint). Slightly creased at top right corner (Pick 71) Almost Uncirculated.


6335IRAN: 20 Rials (SH1340 / 1961) in dark brown on green and pink unpt with “Fifth portrait Shah Pahlavi in army uniform” at right. Yellow security thread. Ser. no. “20 / 266287” WMK: Young Shah Pahlavi. (Pick 72) Uncirculated

UNC 11

6336IRAN: 500 Rials (1971-73) in black on orange, green and multicolor unpt with “Seventh portrait of Shah Pahlavi in army uniform” at center. WMK: Young Shah Pahlavi, signature 12. Serial no “30 / 553804” Slightly stained & pressed (Pick 93b) Extra Fine

XF 35

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6337IRAN: 1000 Rials (1971-73) in brown on red, blue and multicolor unpt. with “Seventh portrait of Shah Pahlavi in army uniform” at center. Ser. no “67 / 860116” WMK: Young Shah Pahlavi, signature 13. Pressed. (Pick 94c) Fine plus

F+ 12

6338IRAN: 5000 Rials (1971-72) in purple on red and multicolor unpt with “Seventh portrait of Shah Pahlavi in army uniform” at center. Ser. no “8 / 768997” WMK: Young Shah Pahlavi, signature 13. Pressed (Pick 95b) Extra Fine

XF 185

6339 NETHERLANDS: 10 Gulden (12.9.1942) in blue and green with “Young girl” by Paulus J. Morelse (1571-1638). Serial no “1CG 017470”. WMK: Grapes. Pressed. (Pick 56b) & (Grabowski NL 5b) Fine plus F+ 7

6340NETHERLANDS: 10 Gulden (6.1.1943) in blue, violet and multicolor with “Man with hat” one of the Small Meesters (painting by Rembrandt). Serial no “9AC 002832”. Pressed. (Pick 59) & (Grabowski NL 8) Almost Very Fine

A/VF 6

6341NETHERLANDS: 25 Gulden (10.4.1955) in red, orange and brown with “Christiaan Huygens”. Serial no “3 XE 082850”. Printer: JEZ. Pressed, pinhole at center caused due to folding & small cut on bottom margin. (Pick 87). Almost Very Fine.

A/VF 12

6342RUSSIA. 10 Rubles (1917 - old date 1909)/(Soviet government) in Deep olive-green on green and red unpt. Imperial eagle at top ctr., produce at left and right. Serial no. “ag 987755” & Signatures, Shipov & P. Barishev.(cashier).(Pick 11c.c02) & (Grabowski RU 5) Uncirculated


6343RUSSIA. 10 Rubles (1917 - old date 1909)/(Soviet government) in Deep olive-green on green and red unpt. Imperial eagle at top ctr., produce at left and right. Serial no. “TΠ 349729” & Signatures, Shipov & Bogatirev.(cashier). (Pick 11c.c03) & (Grabowski RU 5) Uncirculated


6344RUSSIA. 10 Rubles (1917 - old date 1909)/(Soviet government) in Deep olive-green on green and red unpt. Imperial eagle at top ctr., produce at left and right. Serial no. “ud 193936” & Signatures, Shipov & F. Shmidt.(cashier). (Pick 11c.c15) & (Grabowski RU 5) Uncirculated


6345 SUDAN. 1 Pound (1970) Blue on multicolor underprint. Bank of Sudan at left. Back: Ancient temple. Watermark: Rhinoceros head. Serial nos. “C/15 392157” Printer: TDLR (Pick 13a) UNCIRCULATED UNC 8

6346SUDAN. 10 Pounds (1980) Purple and green on multicolor underprint. Bank of Sudan at left. Back: Transportation elements (ship,plane,etc.) Serial nos. “E/97 002387”. Printer: TDLR (Pick 15c) UNCIRCULATED


6347SUDAN/LOW OF 30-6-1985/1405./ 5 Pounds. Olive and brown on multicolor underprint. Cattle at left, outline map of Sudan at center. Signature title with 2 lines of Arabic text (Acting Governor). Back:Bank of Sudan at center right. Serial nos. “D/39 039835” Watermark: Arms. (Pick 33) Almost Uncirculated


6348Sudan: 5 Pounds.(1991) Red, orange and violet on multicolor underprint. Cattle at left, outline map of Sudan at center. Signature title in 1 lines of Arabic text (Governor). Back: Red - orange on multicolor underprint. Bank of Sudan at center right. Watermark: Arms Ser. nos. “D/247 217692” (Pick 45) Uncirculated


6349 YUGOSLAVIA: 100 Dinara, 500 Dinara, 1000 Dinara & 5000 Dinara. (1.5.1963) complete 1963 issue in 4 values. (Pick 73a,74a,75a & 76a) Extra Fine plus and Uncirculated. XF/UN 44


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6010 185 €

6009 380 €

6008 110 €

6007 90 €

6006 70 €

6005 39 €

6003 285 €

6002 500 €

6001 8000 €

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6011 2275 €

6004 750 €

6013 755 €

6018 105 €6017 14 €

6016 25 €

6015 65 €

6014 585 €6020 11 €

6012 140 €

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6030 37 €

6026 25 €

6022 20 €6021 20 €

6029 33 €

6025 18 €

6024 35 €

6023 28 €

6032 13 €

6031 75 €

6028 85 €

6027 22 €

6019 12 €

6033 475 €

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6037 195 €

6036 815 €

6035 30 €

6034 35 €

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6041 65 €

6040 70 €

6039 670 €

6038 190 €

6048 8 €

6047 11 €

6046 145 €

6045 140 €

6044 100 €

6043 90 €

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6042 3395 €

6055 12 €

6054 13 €

6053 65 €

6052 195 €

6051 325 €6050 11 €

6049 11 €

6060 3 €

6059 3 €6058 790 €

6057 10 €

6056 14 €

6063 15 €

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6062 11 €

6061 9 €

6066 290 €6065 6 €

6064 40 €

6068 80 €

6069 1750 €6067 275 €

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6070 1350 €

6073 1900 €

6072 225 €

6071 1900 €

6080 95 €

6078 5 €

6077 20 €

6076 195 €

6074 90 €

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6081 10 €6079 55 €

6075 10 €

6082 1300 €6082 1300 €

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6083 450 €

6087 960 €

6086 75 €

6085 75 €

6084 380 €

6089 300 €

6088 400 €

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6096 10 €

6095 15 €

6094 400 €6093 550 €

6092 400 €

6091 400 €

6090 790 €6090 790 €

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6101 65 €6100 175 €

6099 90 €

6097 110 €6098 220 €

6102 155 €

6105 125 €

6103 85 € 6104 115 €

6107 825 €

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6108 275 €

6106 245 €

6114 385 €6113 70 €

6112 325 €6111 450 €

6110 475 €6109 390 €

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6119 535 €6115 130 €

6116 90 € 6118 125 €

6117 550 €

6120 180 €

6122 135 €

6121 185 €

6123 65 €

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35 €



1 €



3 €

6129 45 €



5 €



3 €





95 €





5 €



1 €



1 €

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5 €





8 €



1 €



6147 30 €



5 €

6143 60 €

6141 75 €

6139 75 €

6137 75 €

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6145 190 €

6148 190 €

6151 5 €6149 55 €

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6153 210 €

6150 240 €

6157 65 €6152 75 €

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6155 220 €

6154 120 €

6158 58 € 6162 58 €

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6159 110 €

6156 190 €

6167 6 €6165 55 €

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6160 120 €

6161 210 €

6169 68 €6168 6 €

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6166 95 €

6164 95 €

6163 190 €

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6177 5 €

6175 100 €

6174 65 €

6173 7 € 6172 68 €

6171 5 €6170 52 €

6176 260 €

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6178 7 € 6180 35 €

6179 190 €

6181 240 €

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6182 110 €

6183 95 €

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6184 110 €

6190 42 €6189 75 €

6188 17 €6187 75 €

6186 13 €6185 75 €

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6200 85 €6199 35 €

6198 375 €

6197 8 €

6196 145 €6195 175 €

6194 155 €6193 475 €

6192 325 €6191 385 €

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6210 65 €6209 375 €

6208 145 €6207 650 €

6206 45 €6205 190 €

6204 195 €6203 75 €

6202 27 €6201 235 €

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6222 25 €6221 9 €

6220 5 €6219 125 €

6218 65 €6217 135 €

6216 90 €6215 45 €

6214 75 €6213 175 €

6212 80 €6211 115 €

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6238 42 €6237 1200 €6232 23 €

6236 9 €6235 68 €6231 80 €

6234 1200 €6233 42 €6230 28 €

6229 80 €6228 45 €

6227 24 €6226 75 €

6225 33 €6224 5 €6223 17 €

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6245 9 €

6244 58 €

6242 1200 €

6241 8 €

6240 55 €

6239 1200 €

6246 7 €

6243 14 €

6248 1150 €

6247 90 €

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6254 85 €

6253 255 €

6252 75 €

6250 60 €

6251 23 €

6249 125 €

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6256 75 €

6255 85 €

6260 70 €6259 35 €

6258 295 €

6257 28 €

6264 40 €6263 4 €

6261 65 € 6262 40 €

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6274 110 €

6273 70 €

6272 22 €

6271 27 €

6270 5 €

6269 335 €

6268 275 €6267 125 €

6266 50 €6265 50 €

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6276 105 €6275 24 €

6284 65 €6283 90 €

6282 18 €6281 25 €

6280 195 €6279 65 €

6278 35 €6277 50 €

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6292 45 €

6291 8 €

6290 25 €

6289 7 €

6288 39 €6287 5 €

6286 33 €6285 29 €

6294 15 €6293 265 €

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6297 29 €

6296 29 €

6295 48 €

6302 245 €

6301 33 €

6300 90 €

6299 60 €

6298 42 €

6303 485 €

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6313 14 €6312 11 €

6311 9 €6310 15 €

6309 18 €6308 45 €

6307 7 €6306 12 €

6305 5 €6304 8 €

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6321 17 €6320 37 €

6319 3 €6318 9 €

6317 17 €6316 12 €

6315 5 €6314 17 €

6324 12 €6323 17 €6322 40 €

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6330 38 €

6329 14 €

6328 14 €

6327 35 €

6326 500 €6325 4 €

6333 25 €6332 3 €

6331 8 €6330 38 €

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6346 8 €6345 8 €

6341 12 €6340 6 €

6339 7 €6338 185 €

6337 12 €6336 35 €

6335 11 €6334 7 €

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6349 44 €

6348 2 €

6347 2 €

6344 3 €

6343 3 €6342 3 €

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