A.K. Jain IPS Disproportionate Assests Case Judgement

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 1


    SPECIAL CASE NO.62 OF 2005

    The State(Anti-Corruption Bureau, Mumbai

    vide C.R.No.54/2000) ..Complainant


    1) Ajaykumar Gyanchand JainA-3, Maval Flat, Moledina Road,

    Camp, Pune 411001.2) Anita Ajaykumar JainA-3, Maval Flat, Moledina Road,Camp, Pune 411001. ..Accused

    Appearance :Ld. SPP Smt. Kalpana Chavan for the State.Ld. Advocate Shri. Shingnapurkar for the Accused.

    CORAM : H.H.The Special Judge (Under P.C.Act)SHRI V.A.DAULATABADKAR(Court Room.No.46)

    Dated : 11.07.2013

    J U D G M E N T

    1. Accused no. 1 being a public servant has been charged under

    sections, 11, 13 (1) (e) r/w Sec. 13(2) of The Prevention of Corruption Act,

    1988 for amassing wealth of Rs. 48,87,549.16 ps in his name and in the

    names of his dependents which is disproportionate to the known sources of

    his income and his family members whereas accused no. 2 who is a wife of

    accused no. 1 has been charged under Section 109 of Indian Penal Code for

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    aiding and abetting accused no. 1 for the commission of offence under

    Section 13(1) (e) r/w Section 13 (2) of The Prevention of Corruption Act,


    Case of the prosecution is as under ;

    2. Accused no.1 was born on 07.08.1953. He is having three younger

    brothers and one sister. In the year 1974, he obtained a Masters degree in

    Zoology from Meerut University. His marriage was performed with accused

    no. 2 on 28.02.1975 and from the said wedlock they have begotten elder

    son Rahul on 19.11.1981 and another son Vipul on 07.08.1986. From

    August 1974 to June 1981 he worked as a Associate professor in Degree

    college, Mawana situated in Utter Pradesh. From July 1981 to August 1982

    accused no. 1 served as a District Panchayat Raj Officer at Mujaffar Nagar,

    Utter Pradesh. Thereafter, he was selected by Union Public Service

    Commission as a IPS officer of Maharashtra cadre and he joined service as a

    trainee IPS officer on 01.09.1982. From 01.09.1982 to 31.01.1984 he

    undergone training at Hyderabad and Masoorie. Thereafter, he was posted

    at various places in Maharashtra from the year 1984 to 1996.

    3. On 05.11.1990 Joint Commissioner, Anti Corruption Bureau,

    Maharashtra State, Mumbai was asked to keep a discreet watch on the

    activities of accused no. 1 who then was working as a Deputy Commissioner

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    of Police, Zone IX in Mumbai. Thereafter, on 05.03.1992 Joint

    Commissioner, Anti Corruption Bureau, Mumbai ordered a discreet inquiry

    in to the assets of accused no. 1 and his family members which was

    completed on 31.12.1992 and report was forwarded to Additional Chief

    Secretary, Home Department, Maharashtra, Mumbai and permission was

    sought to conduct an open enquiry in to the assets of accused no. 1 and his

    family members and the said permission was given on 05.03.1994.

    Accordingly open enquiry was conducted relating to the assets of accused

    no. 1 and his family members and then report to that effect was forwarded

    to the Competent Authority. During the enquiry it was found that accused

    no. 1 has amassed wealth in his name and his family members which is

    disproportionate to the known sources of his income and of his family

    members. Therefore, Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police Shri.

    Kamalakar Pandurang Sawant then attached to Anti Corruption Bureau,

    Mumbai filed a First Information Report on 06.11.2000 against accused no.

    1 & 2 for the offences under Sections 13 (1) (e) r/w Section 13(2) of The

    Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 r/w Sec. 109 of Indian Penal Code.

    Accordingly, a crime bearing no. 54/2000 was registered against both the

    accused by ACP Wable and investigation was commenced.

    4. In the First Information Report it was alleged that from

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    01.09.1982 to 31.03.1995 accused no. 1 and 2, their two sons, A.K. Jain

    (HUF) and Saralkanta Jain Family Trust of which the accused no. 2 is the

    sole trustee have earned income of Rs. 23,53,499/- from known and legal

    sources. It was also alleged that during the said period their expenses were

    found to be of Rs. 9,64,560/- and after deducting these expenses from the

    income, likely saving would be of Rs. 13,88,939/- but both the accused,

    their sons, A.K. Jain (HUF) and Saralkanta Jain Family Trust have found in

    possession of assets of Rs.45,36,956/- and as per these calculations accused

    no. 1 found in possession of assets worth Rs. 31,48,017/- disproportionate

    to his known sources of income. It was also stated in F.I.R. that certain

    heads of income claimed by both the accused, their sons and their firms

    have been rejected for cogent and valid reasons. Complainant had spelt out

    description of all the heads relating to income, expenditure and assets of

    both the accused and their dependents in F.I.R.

    5. After registration of crime, Investigating officers ACP Wable

    decided to carry out search of the house of accused as well as at his other

    known addresses. Accordingly, he decided to carry out search at the house

    of accused situated at Pune and instructed ACP Rane and ACP Sanghai to

    conduct search at two other addresses of the accused.

    6. On 07.11.2000 ACP Wable carried out search at Flat no. A-3,

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    Maval flats, Moledina Road, Camp, Pune which belongs to both the

    accused. At the time of house search, accused no. 2 was present in the

    house and search was carried out in her presence. At the time of search one

    valuer namely Shivalkar was also called. Some gold and silver ornaments

    were found during the said search. Inventories of all these articles were

    separately prepared. Ornaments were got valued from the valuer.

    Accordingly, panchanama Exh. 195 was completed by ACP Wable in

    presence of two panchas. At the time of search ACP Wable seized one

    receipt Exhibit 26 and valuation report Exh. 197 Colly. On that day ACP

    Rane and ACP Sanghai have also carried out search at the residence of one

    Rajesh Tripathi and at Deccan Queen Restaurant respectively and seized

    some documents.

    7. On 08.11.2000 both the search panchanamas along with seized

    documents were forwarded to ACP Wable. Then ACP Wable gone through

    the entire papers of enquiry handed over by complainant Sawant.

    Thereafter, he called various witnesses relating to the transactions entered

    into by the accused and recorded their statements. He also collected

    documentary evidence from the witnesses as well as from various


    8. During investigation ACP Wable called upon both the accused to

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    file explanations in respect of material found to him relating to income,

    expenditure and assets. In response to it accused no. 1 filed explanation on

    some occasions in respect of some of the items. However, accused no. 2 did

    not file any explanation instead of several opportunities.

    9. After completion of investigation it was found to ACP Wable that

    accused no. 1 is in possession of assets worth Rs. 46,80,144.90 ps. which

    were disproportionate to his known sources of income. Accordingly, he

    prepared a final report and through his superior a proposal was forwarded

    to Government of Maharashtra to obtain sanction for the prosecution of

    accused no. 1. Consequently, Government of Maharashtra forwarded

    proposal to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. After

    considering the material produced, Government of India initially accorded

    sanction vide Exh. 217 dated 2.04.2004. However, it was found that some

    correction is necessary and accordingly as per the request of Government of

    Maharashtra, a corrected sanction order Exh. 219 was issued by

    Government of India on 16.09.2004. Accordingly, ACP M.D. Pawar filed

    chargesheet against both the accused in this court.

    10. After filing of the chargesheet, my Ld. Predecessor issued

    process against accused no.1 for the offences under section 11, 13(1) (e)

    r/w Sec. 13 (2) of P.C. Act 1988 and also issued process under section 109

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    of IPC against accused no.2 on 08.12.2005. In response to it both the

    accused have appeared before this court. Thereafter, my Ld. Predecessor

    framed charge against accused no.1 u/s 11, 13(1) (e) r/w Sec. 13 (2) of

    P.C. Act 1988 and u/s 109 of IPC against accused no.2 at Exhibit 6 on

    04.10.2008. It was read over to both the accused in vernacular to which

    they pleaded not guilty and claimed trial. Their pleas were recorded at

    Exhibit 7 & 8 respectively. Thereafter, a notice was given by the prosecution

    u/s 294 of Cr.P.C. to the defence side. Accused no. 1 and 2 have admitted

    various documents and those were exhibited by my Ld. Predecessor.

    Thereafter, matter was proceeded for trial.

    11. In order to substantiate charge against both the accused,

    prosecution has examined 19 witnesses. Thereafter, Ld. SPP filed evidence

    close pursis on 08.02.2013 at Exh. 381. Thereafter, this court has recorded

    statements of both the accused under section 313 of Code of Criminal

    Procedure at Exh. 382 & 383 respectively on 20.02.2013. Defence of both

    the accused is of total denial and of false implication. It is also defence of

    accused no. 1 that calculations were not properly made and they have been

    falsely implicated. However, none of the accused has chosen to adduce any

    evidence in their defence. Therefore, this court heard arguments of both the

    sides at length. Both the sides have also filed separate charts at Exh. 387 &

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    388 respectively in respect of income, expenditure and assets in support of

    their case.

    12. After considering the oral and documentary evidence available

    on record and the submissions of both the sides, following points arise for

    my determination and I am giving my findings to it in subsequent

    paragraphs ;

    Sr. Nos. Points Findings


    Whether sanction order Exh. 290 accorded for the

    prosecution of accused no.1 is legal and valid.



    Whether prosecution has proved that accused no.1

    being a public servant during a period from

    01.09.1982 to 31.03.1995 amassed assets in his

    name and in the name of accused no.2, their two

    sons, A.K. Jain (HUF) And S.K. Jain Family Trust

    through out India and which are found to be

    disproportionate to his and his familys known

    sources of income and they have also failed to

    account it satisfactorily and thereby guilty of

    criminal misconduct as contemplated under section

    13 (1) (e) r/w sec. 13 (2) of P.C. act 1988.


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    Whether prosecution has proved that accused no.2

    being a wife of accused no. 1 had knowingly and

    willing aided and abetted accused no. 1 for

    acquiring assets in her name and in the name of

    Saral Kanta Jain Family Trust of which she is the

    sole trustee and thereby committed offence under

    section 13 (1) (e) r/w sec. 13 (2) of P.C. act 1988

    r/w sec. 109 of IPC.



    Whether prosecution has proved that accused no.1

    being a public servant between January 1990 to

    November 1991 accepted a Maruti Van, a valuable

    thing free of cost or for inadequate consideration

    from a slumlord namely Birendrakumar

    Muneshwarnath Shukla who then was active

    within zone IX , Mumbai and connected with the

    official functions of accused no.1 who then was

    working as a Deputy Commissioner of Police of

    that area and thereby committed an offence

    punishable under section 11 of P.C. Act 1988.



    What order ?. As per final


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    13. Ld. SPP Smt. Kalpana Chavan submitted that in this case P.W. 14

    who was then working as a Under Secretary in ministry of Home Affairs of

    Government of India is examined by the prosecution in order to prove

    sanction order Exh. 219. She further submitted that while deposing before

    this court he stated that initially opinion was obtained by Government of

    Maharashtra from its Law and Judiciary department and thereafter proposal

    seeking sanction for the prosecution of accused no. 1 was forwarded to

    Government of India. Thereafter, he obtained opinion of various authorities

    i.e. of Director of Police, Joint Secretary, Police, Home Secretary, Deputy

    Prime Minister and Home Minister, Vigilance Section attached to Ministry

    of Home affairs, Deputy and Joint Secretary of Vigilance, Central Vigilance

    Commission and lastly a proposal was submitted with Chief secretary of

    home department. All these authorities have gone through the entire papers

    of investigation and after being satisfied and with the approval of Home

    Minister, Government of India sanction order for the prosecution of accused

    no. 1 has been issued by Government of India. According to her P.W. 14 has

    signed the sanction order on behalf of Government of India according to

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    rules of business framed by Government of India. Therefore, in this case it is

    immaterial as to whether P.W. 14 was competent to remove accused no. 1

    from his service at the relevant time. The Government of India is competent

    to remove accused no. 1 from his service. Perusal of sanction order also

    shows application of mind on the part of Government of India. Nothing has

    been brought during cross examination of P.W. 14 that sanction order Exh.

    219 has been issued without application of mind. Therefore, she submitted

    that prosecution has proved that a valid sanction has been given for the

    prosecution of accused no. 1.

    14. Per contra, Ld. Adv. Shri. Shingnapurkar appearing for both the

    accused submitted that in sanction order Exh. 219 there is no reference that

    opinion from Central Vigilance Commission was obtained. Sanction order

    also shows that incorrect figures in respect of income, expenditure and

    assets have been shown by the sanctioning authority. Sanctioning authority

    while giving sanction for the prosecution of accused no.1 for the offence

    under section 11 has not considered that no document was forwarded to

    show that Virendrakumar Shukla is a slumlord. Even in absence of this

    material sanction has been given wrongly for the offence under section 11

    of P.C. Act, 1988. In sanction order there is no reference in respect of

    intimation given by accused no. 1 to the Government about acquiring of

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    assets. Therefore, with these submissions he submitted that there is non

    application of mind on the part of sanctioning authority and the material

    available on record shows that sanction is accorded in mechanical manner.

    Therefore, for this sole reason accused no. 1 is entitle for acquittal.

    15. In order to prove that a legal and valid sanction order has been

    issued for the prosecution of accused no. 1, prosecution has examined P.W.

    14 Shri. Yashpal Dhinga who in the year 2004 was working as under

    Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs of Government of India.

    16. While deposing before this court this witness has stated that

    along with proposal his ministry had received opinion Exh. 212 given by

    Law and Judiciary department, Government of Maharashtra. He also

    deposed that initially the proposal was verified by his department and then

    forwarded to Law Ministry, Government of India. He further deposed that

    thereafter proposal was forwarded to various authorities related with the

    service matters of IPS officers and finally proposal was submitted to Home

    Minister who after going through the papers gave his consent for issuance

    of sanction order. In order to show that the consents were given by various

    authorities, he has produced notesheets Exh. 213,214 , 215 & 216.

    17. This witness also deposed that after receipt of consent from all

    the concerns, he prepared sanction order and then signed it and issued on

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    behalf of Government of India for the prosecution of accused no. 1 for the

    offences under sections 11, 13( 1) (e) r/w Sec. 13 (2) of P.C. Act, 1988.

    Though adv. for accused raised several grounds to show that sanction order

    is illegal and invalid but during cross examination nothing has been

    brought on record in order to show that it was issued in mechanical

    manner. During cross examination competency of this witness to sign the

    sanction order has not been challenged by accused no. 1. Only it was

    suggested to this witness that no documents to show that Virendrakumar

    Shukla is a slumlord were forwarded along with investigation papers.

    However, merely because documents were not forwarded which is a

    admitted fact, sanction order can not be termed as invalid. There was no

    reason for sanctioning authority to disbelieve the allegations made by the

    investigating officer in this regard.

    18. It is settled position of law that giving sanction is a

    administrative act and prima facia satisfaction of the authority in respect of

    existence of a prima facia case is the only requirement to accord sanction.

    From sanction order it appears that after going through the material,

    authority was satisfied about the existence of prima facia case and therefore

    sanction was accorded for the prosecution of accused no.1. It is also settled

    position of law that sanctioning authority is not expected to sit in judgment

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    chair and to analyse the material meticulously. Similarly while considering

    the proposal in respect of case pertains to acquiring of disproportionate

    assets by a public servant, authority is not expected to carry out

    mathematical calculations and only to consider as to whether or not the

    assets shown to be acquired by the public servant are disproportionate to

    his known sources of income. Here in this case, perusal of sanction order

    shows that authority had considered all the material aspects in proper

    manner and then accorded sanction.

    19. Ld. SPP in support of her contentions rightly placed her reliance

    on one judgment of Honble Apex court delivered in the case of State by

    Police Inspector, Appellant V/s T. Vanktesh Murthy, Respondent reported in

    (2004) 7 S.C. 763 in which following ratio is laid down ;

    Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 Sc 19 (3) and (4)

    Offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act Invalid sanction

    Effect of Merely because there is any omission, error or irregularity in

    the matter of according sanction that does not affect the validity of the

    proceeding unless the court records the satisfaction that such error,

    omission or irregularity has resulted in failure of justice The said logic

    applies to the appellate or revisional court also- On facts, sanction

    granted by the Superintending Engineer of the Karnataka Electricity

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    Board was not sufficient to prosecute the accused Trial court

    discharging accused, but granting liberty to prosecution to obtain fresh

    sanction and file a fresh charge-sheet - Revision before High Court by

    State - Dismissal of Held, courts below had not kept in view the

    requirements of sub-ss. (3) and (4) relating to failure of justice -

    Orders of the courts below set aside- Trial court directed to record

    findings in terms of sub-ss. (3) (b) and (4) Service Law Karnataka

    Electricity Board Employee (Classification, Disciplinary Control and

    Appeal) Regulations 1987- Words and phrases - Failure of justice -

    Criminal Procedure, 1973, Ss. 465 and 401.

    20. Therefore, after considering the material available on record

    and the law laid down by the Honble Apex Court in the above referred

    judgment, this court is of the opinion that sanction accorded in the present

    case for the prosecution of accused no. 1 is legal and valid. Hence, I answer

    point no. 1 in the affirmative.

    AS TO POINT TO NO. 2 & 3

    21. As both these points are inter dependent, I am taking these

    points together for discussion in order to arrive at proper conclusion.

    22. Prior to marshaling evidence available on record, the law

    relating to cases of disproportionate assets and particularly in respect of

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    Sec. 13 (1) (e) of P.C. Act 1988 is required to be taken in to account. Sec.

    13 (1) (e) of P.C. Act 1988 reads as under ;

    Criminal misconduct by a public servant (1) A public servant is said

    to commit the offence of criminal misconduct-

    (a) ---------------------------------------

    (b) --------------------------------------

    (c) --------------------------------------

    (d) ----------------------------------------

    (e) If he or any person on his behalf, is in possession or has, at

    any time during the period of his office, been in possession for which the

    public servant can not satisfactorily account, of pecuniary resources or

    property disproportionate to his known sources of income.

    Explanation For the purposes of this section, known sources of

    income means income received from any lawful source and such

    receipt has been intimated in accordance with the provisions of any

    law, rules or orders for the time being applicable to a public servant.

    23. So reading of this section shows that after a public servant

    found to be in possession of assets disproportionate to known sources of

    income, then it is for accused to satisfactorily account and to disclose

    pecuniary resources available to him in order to show that he is not

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    acquired any assets disproportionate to his known sources of income.

    Secondly, as per the explanation to this section the sources from which the

    income is received must be lawful sources and in addition to it, it also duty

    of the public servant to intimate all the income and sources from which he

    acquired assets and accordance with the provisions of law, rules or orders

    applicable to a public servant.

    24. Similarly, Hon'ble Apex court in the case of State of

    Maharashtra. Appellant V/s Vasudeo Ramchandra Kaidalvar, Respondent

    reported in AIR 1981 S.C. 1186 while dealing with sec. 5 (1) (e) of the old

    Act, observed in para no. 12 & 13 as under;

    Prevention of Corruption Act (2 of 1947 S. 5 (2) read with S. 5

    (1) (e) Public Servant Possession of assets disproportionate to income

    Failure to account satisfactorily for such possession Liable to be

    convicted for offence under S. 5 (2) r/w S. 5 (1) (e) Prosecution nee d

    not disprove all possible sources of his income. Decision of Bombay H.C.

    Reversed (Evidence Act. 1872 ), Ss. 101 to 104 ; 114)

    12. The term and expressions appearing in S. 5 (1) (e) of the Act

    are the same as those used in the old Section 5 (3). Although the two

    provisions operate in two different field, the meaning to be assigned to

    them must be the same. The expression known sources of incomes

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    means Sources known to the prosecution, so also, the same meaning

    must be given to the words for which the public servant is unable to

    satisfactorily account occurring in S. 5 (1) (e). No doubt, S. 4 (1)

    provides for presumption of guilt in cases falling under S. 5 (1) (e)

    therein. For, the reason is obvious. The provision contained in S. 5 (1)

    (e) of the Act is a self- contained provision. The first part of the Section

    casts a burden on the prosecution and the second on the accused. When

    S. 5 (1) (e) uses the words for which the public servant is unable to

    satisfactorily account, it is implied that the burden is on such public

    servant to account for the sources for the acquisition of

    disproportionate as sets. The High Court, therefore, was in error in

    holding that a public servant charged for having disproportionate

    assets in his possession for which he can not satisfactorily account

    cannot be convicted of an offence under Section 5 (2) read with Section

    5 (1) (e) of the Act unless the prosecution disproves all possible sources

    of income.

    13. That takes us to the difficult question as to the nature and

    extent of the burden of proof under section 5 (1) (e) of the Act. The

    expression burden of proof has two distinct meanings (1) the legal

    burden, i.e. the burden of establishing the guilt, and (2) the evidential

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    burden, i.e. the burden of leading evidence. In a criminal trial, the

    burden of proving everything essential to establish the charge against

    the accused lies upon the prosecution, and that burden never shifts.

    Notwithstanding the general rule that the burden of proof lies

    exclusively upon the prosecution, in the case of certain offences, the

    burden of proving a particular fact in issue may be laid by law upon the

    accused. The burden resting on the accused in such cases is, however, no

    so onerous as that which lies on the prosecution and is discharged by

    proof of a balance of probabilities. The ingredients of the offence of

    criminal misconduct under S. 5 (2) read with S. 5 (1) (e) are the

    possession of pecuniary resources or property disproportionate to the

    known sources of income for which the public servant can not

    satisfactorily account. To substantiate the charge, the prosecution must

    prove the following facts before it can bring a case under S. 5(1) (E)

    namely, (1) it must establish that the accused is a public servant (2) the

    nature and extent of the pecuniary resources or property which were

    found in his possession, (3) it must be proved as to what were his

    known sources of income i.e. known to the prosecution, and (4) it must

    prove, quite objectively, that such resources or property found in

    possession of the accused were disproportionate to his known sources of

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    income. Once these four ingredients are established, the offence of

    criminal misconduct under S. 5(1) (e) is complete unless the accused is

    able to account for such resources or property. The burden then shifts to

    the accused to satisfactorily account for his possession of

    disproportionate assets. The extent and nature of burden of proof

    resting upon the public servant to be found in possession of

    disproportionate assets under Section 5 (1) (e) cannot higher than the

    test laid by the court in Jhagans case (AIR 1966 SC 1762)Supra, i.e. to

    establish his case by a preponderance of probability. That test was laid

    down by the court following the dictum of Viscount Sankey, L.C. in

    Woolmington V. Director of Public Prosecutions (1935) AC 462. The

    High Court has placed an impossible burden on the prosecution to

    disprove all possible sources of income which were within the special

    knowledge of the accused. As laid down in Swamys case (AIR 1960 SC

    7) (Supra), the prosecution can not, in the very nature of things, be

    expected to know the affairs of public servant found in possession of

    resources or property disproportionate to his known sources of income,

    i.e. his salary. Those will be matters specially within the knowledge of

    the public servant within the meaning of S. 106 of the Evidence Act,

    1872, Section 106 reads :

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    Section 106, When any fact is especially within the knowledge of any

    person, the burden of proving that fact is upon him.

    In this connection, the phrase the burden of proof is clearly used in the

    secondary sense, namely, the duty of introducing evidence. The nature

    and extent of the burden cast on the accused is well settled. The accused

    is not bound to prove his innocence beyond all reasonable doubt. All

    that he need do is to bring out a preponderance of probability.

    25. While dealing with scope of section 5 (1) (e) of the P.C. Act of

    1964 which is almost identical to sec. 13 (1) (e) of the present Act,

    constitution bench of the Hon'ble Apex court in the case of K.

    Veeraswami, Appellant V/s Unions of India & Ors, Respondents observed

    in para 72 to 74 as under ;

    Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 Section 5 & 6 Held (per

    majority: Bverma J. contra), applicable to Judges of High Courts and

    Supreme Court including Chief Justice of India.

    72. the soundness of the reasoning in Wasudeo Ramchandra

    Kaidlwar case has been doubted. Counsel for the appellant urged that

    the view taken on Section 5 (3) can not be imported to clause (e) of

    Section 5 (1) and the decision, therefore, requires reconsideration. But

    we do not think that the decision requires reconsideration. It is

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    significant to note that there is useful parallel found in Section 5(3)

    and clause (e) of Section 5(1). Clause (e) creates a statutory offence

    which must be proved by the prosecution. It is for the prosecution to

    prove that the accused or any person on his behalf, has been in

    possession of pecuniary resources or property disproportionate to his

    known sources of income. When that onus is discharged by the

    prosecution, it is for the accused to account satisfactorily for the

    disproportionality of the properties possessed by him. The section

    makes available statutory defence which must be proved by the accused.

    It is a restricted defence that is accorded to the accused to account for

    the disproportionality of the assets over the income. But the legal

    burden of proof placed on the accused is not so onerous as that of the

    prosecution. However, it is just not throwing some doubt on the

    prosecution version. The legislature has advisedly used the expression

    satisfactorily account. The emphasis must be on the word

    satisfactorily. That means that accused has to satisfy the court that

    his explanation is worthy of acceptance. The burden of proof placed on

    the accused is an evidential burden though not a persuasive burden.

    The accused however, could discharge that burden of proof on the

    balance of probabilities either from the evidence of the prosecution

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 23

    and/or/evidence from the defence.

    73. This procedure may be contrary to the well-known principle

    of criminal jurisprudence laid down in Woolmington v. Director of

    Public Prosecutions that the burden of proof is always on the

    prosecution and never shifts to the accused person. But parliament is

    competent to place the burden on the certain aspects on the accused as

    well and particularly in matter specially within his knowledge.

    (Section 106 of the Evidence Act. ) Adroitly, as observed in Swamy case

    (at p.469) and reiterated in Wasudeo case (at p. 683 : SCC p. 205), the

    prosecution can not , in the very nature of thing, expected to know the

    affairs of a public servant found in possession of resources or property

    disproportionate to his known sources of income. It is for him to

    explain. Such a statute placing burden on the accused can not be

    regarded as unreasonable, unjust or unfair. Nor it can be regarded as

    contrary to Article 21 of the Constitution as contended for the

    appellant. It may be noted that the principle re affirmed in

    Woolmington case is not a universal rule to be followed in every case.

    The principle is applied only in the absence of statutory provision to the

    contrary. (see the observations of Lord Templeman and Lord Griffiths in

    Rig V. Hunt.)

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    74. Counsel for the appellant however, submitted that there is no

    law prohibiting a public servant having in his possession assets

    disproportionate to his known sources of income and such possession

    becomes an offence of criminal misconduct only when the accused is

    unable to account for it. Counsel seems to be focusing too much only on

    one part of clause (e) of Section 5(1). The first part of clause (e) of

    Section 5 (1) as seen earlier relates to the proof of assets possessed by

    the public servant. When the prosecution proves that the public servant

    possesses assets disproportionate to his known sources of income, the

    offence of criminal misconduct is attributed to the public servant.

    However, it is open to the public servant to satisfactorily account for

    such disproportionality of assets. But that is not the same thing to state

    that there is no offence till the public servant is able to account for the

    excess of assets. If one possess assets beyond his legitimate means, it

    goes without saying that the excess is out of ill-gotten gain. The assets

    are not drawn like nitrogen from the air. It has to be acquired for

    which means are necessary. It is for the public servant to prove the

    source of income or the means by which he acquired the assets. That is

    the substance of clause (e) of Section 5(1).

    26. Similarly, while dealing with the term used in the explanation

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    to sec. 13 (1) (e) as known sources of income Hon'ble Apex court in the

    case ofN. Ramkrishnaiah (Dead) through L.R. V/s State of A.P. Reported

    in 2009 Cri. L.J. as observed in para 14 & 15 as under ;

    14. Section 13 of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (in short

    the Act) deals with various situations when a public servant can be said

    to have committed criminal misconduct. Clause (e) of Sub-Section (1) of

    the Section is applicable when the public servant or any person on his

    behalf , is in the possession or has, at any time during the period of his

    office, been in possession for which the public servant can not

    satisfactorily account of pecuniary resources of property

    disproportionate to his known sources of income. Clause (e) of Sub-

    Section (1) of Section 56 of the Old Act was in similar lines. But there

    have been drastic amendments under the new clause, the earlier

    concept of known source of income has under gone a radical change.

    As per the explanation appended, the prosecution is relieved of the

    burden of investigating into source of income of an accused to a large

    extent, as it is stated in the explanation that known sources of income

    of an accused to a large extent as it is stated in the explanation that

    known sources of income means income received from any lawful

    sources, the receipt of which has been intimated in accordance with the

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 26

    provisions of any law, rules or orders for the time being applicable to a

    public servant. The expression known source of income has reference

    to sources known to the prosecution after thorough investigation of the

    case. It is not and can not be contended that known sources of income

    means sources known to the accused. The prosecution can not in

    the very nature of things be expected to know the affairs of an accused

    person. Those will be matters specially within the knowledge of the

    accused withing the meaning of Section 106 of the Indian Evidence Act,

    1872 (in short, the Evidence Act.

    15. The emphasis of the phrase known sources of income in

    section 13(1) (e) (old Section 5 (1) (e) is clearly on the word income.

    It would be primary to observe that qua the public servant, the income

    would be what is attached to his office or post commonly known as

    remuneration or salary. The term income by itself, is classic and has a

    wide connotation. Whatever comes in or is received is income. But,

    however, wide the import and connotation of the term income , it is

    incapable of being understood as meaning receipt having no nexus to

    ones labour, expertise, or property, or investment, and being further a

    source which may or may not yield a regular revenue. These essential

    characteristics are vital in understanding the term Income.

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 27

    Therefore,it can be said that though income in receipt in the hand of

    its recipient, every receipt would not partake into the character of

    income. for the public servant, whatever return he gets of his service,

    will be the primary item of his income. Other income which can

    conceivably be income qua the public servant will be in the regular

    receipt from (a) his property, or (b) his investment. A receipt from

    windfall, or gain of graft crime or immoral secretions by persons prima

    facie would not be receipt for the known source of income of a public


    27. So after going through these pronouncements and in the light

    of section 13 (1) (e) the position which emerges is that once prosecution

    has proved that a public servant is in the possession of assets

    disproportionate to known sources of his income, then burden would shift

    on the shoulders of public servant to account it satisfactorily and to show

    that he acquired those assets from lawful sources.

    28. As far as framing of charge of abatement against a person who

    is not a public servant in a trial u/s 13 (1) (e) of P.C. Act is concerned, the

    Hon'ble Apex court in the case of P. Nallammal and Anr, Appellants V/s

    State represented by Inspector of Police, Respondent reported in (1999)

    6 S.C. 559 has observed in para no. 12 to 15 as under ;

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    Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 Ss. 13 (1) (e) , 4 , 3 (1), 10 and

    12 Offence under S. 13 (1) (e) not unabettable- Trial of non-public

    srevant for abetment of offence under S. 13 (1) (e) along with public

    servant by Special Judge not barred Penal Code 1860, Ss. 107 & 109.

    12. It is true that Section 11 deals with a case of abetment of

    offences defined under Section 8 and Section 9 , and it is also true that

    Section 12 specifically deals with the case of abetment of offences under

    Section 7 and 11. But that is no ground to hold that the PC Act does not

    contemplate abetment of any of the offences specified in Secton 13 of

    the PC Act. Learned counsel focussed on Section 13 (1) (e) to elaborate

    that by the very nature of that offence it pertains entirely to the public

    servant concerned as there is no role for the co-accused for discharging

    the burden of proof.

    13 Section 13 (1) (e) reads thus :

    13(1) A public servant is said to commit the offence of criminal


    (a) ---------------------------------------

    (b) --------------------------------------

    (c) --------------------------------------

    (d) ----------------------------------------

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 29

    (e) If he or any person on his behalf, is in possession or has, at

    any time during the period of his office, been in possession for which the

    public servant can not satisfactorily account, of pecuniary resources or

    property disproportionate to his known sources of income.

    Explanation For the purposes of this section, known sources of

    income means income received from any lawful source and such

    receipt has been intimated in accordance with the provisions of any

    law, rules or orders for the time being applicable to a public servant.

    14 It may be remembered that this court has held in M. Krishna

    Reddy V. State Dy. Supdt. of Police thus : (SCC p. 47, para 6)

    6. An analysis of Section 5 (!) (e) of the Act, 1947 which

    corresponds to Section 13(1) (e) of the new Act of 1988 shows that it is

    not the mere acquisition of property that constitutes an offence under

    the provisions of the Act but it is the failure of satisfactorily account for

    such possession that makes the possession objectionable as offending the


    15. Thus, the two postulates must combine together for crystallization

    into the offence, namely, possession of property or resources

    disproportionate to the known sources of income of public servant and

    the inability of the public servant to account for it. Burden of proof

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 30

    regarding the first limb is on the prosecution whereas the onus is on the

    public servant to prove the second limb. So it is contended that a non-

    public servant has no role in the trial of the said offence and hence he

    can not conceivably be tagged with the public servant for the offence

    under Section 13(1) (e) of the PC Act.

    29. After going through the judgment it can be said that a person

    who possesses some assets on behalf of public servant which are found to

    be disproportionate, can be charged for the offence of abatement under

    sec. 109 of IPC.

    30. Prior to appreciating evidence available on record it is also

    necessary to take in to account certain admitted facts to both the sides

    which are as under ;

    31. During the trial accused no. 1 has not disputed that from

    01.09.1982 to 31.03.1995 he was working as a officer of IPS cadre in the

    state of Maharashtra. Therefore, it can be safely held that during the check

    period accused no. 1 was working as a public servant within a meaning of

    sec. 2 (c) of Prevention of Corruption Act 1988.

    32. Accused no. 1 has not disputed that from 1974 to 1981 he was

    working as a associate professor in a degree college situated at Mawana

    (U.P.) and thereafter from 1981 to 1982 he worked as a District Panchayat

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 31

    Raj officer in the state of Utter Pradesh. It is also not in dispute that on the

    next day of registration of crime house of accused no. 1 was searched by

    investigating officer Wable and articles were found and the inventory

    prepared at that time. It is also not in dispute that during the check period

    accused no. 2 from October 1991 to January 1992 invested amount of Rs. 5

    lacs in Deccan Queen Restaurant, Juhu, Mumbai as a partner of the said

    firm. It is also not in dispute that during the check period accused no. 2

    received deposit from OTIS Elevators for subletting her rented premises. It

    is also not in dispute that accused no. 1 constructed one house in CIDCO

    area of Aurangabad. Besides these major items of the assets and income

    acquired by accused no.1 & 2 they have admitted maximum part of the

    income, expenditure and assets shown by the prosecution.

    33. After completion of open enquiry, crime was registered on

    06.11.2000 on the basis of complaint filed by ACP Sawant. In F.I.R. It was

    alleged that during period from 01.08.1974 to 31.03.1995 accused no. 1

    and his family members have acquired assets of Rs. 31,48,017/- which are

    disproportionate to known sources of income. In F.I.R. the entire details in

    respect of income, expenditure and assets of accused no. 1 & 2, their two

    minor sons, A.K. Jain (HUF) and S.K. Jain family trust were given. After

    filing of this F.I.R., detail investigation was carried out by ACP Wable and in

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    final report it is alleged that accused no. 1 and his family members are

    found in possession of assets worth Rs. 46,76,933.45 ps. which are

    disproportionate to their known sources of income. After completion of

    investigation it was found to ACP Wable that cost of some assets is more as

    shown in F.I.R., so also some figures of expenditures were not correctly

    arrived at by the complainant. It was also found that some of the income

    was wrongly accepted by the complainant. It would be convenient to spell

    out a chart in respect of income, expenditure and assets of accused no. 1

    and his family members and their two firms found at the time of FIR and at

    the time of filing of chargesheet.





    Head As F.I.R. Proved Remarks


    01 House at Jehangirabad 01,80,000=00 1,80,000=0002 Bungalow at N-5,

    CIDCO, Aurangabad06,93,826=00 8,05,510=00 Cost of the

    plot added tothe total


    03 Plot,K.P.C.L.E.Hsg.Society,Bangalore

    01,59,200=00 1,59,200=00

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    04 Orson make B & W TV 2,100=00 2,100=00

    05 Videocon WashingMachine

    6,000=00 6,000=00

    06 Sanyo music system 20,000=00 20,000=00

    07 Onida Colour TV 19,550=00 16,460=00 Amountactually spenttaken intoconsideration.

    08 Vacuum Cleaner 3,990=00 3,990=00

    09 Videocon air cooler 2,660=00 2,660=00

    10 Nicky Tasha Kitchenette 2,323=00 2,323=0011 National Savings

    Certificates1,10,000=00 1,10,000=00

    12 Fixed deposit in bank 25,000=00 25,000=00

    13 Bank balance inB.M.C.Bank, ColabaBranch

    22,882=00 22,882=43

    14 Bank Balance in State

    Bank of India, WodeHouse Road Branch

    11,022=00 11,022=00

    15 Bank balance inB.M.C.Bank AurangabadBranch

    53,053=00 53,053=90

    16 Bank balance in VyasyaBank, Nanded Branch

    29,698=00 29,698=00

    17 Godrej refrigerator 10,800=00 Wrongly

    shown asasset of MrsJain.

    18 Clothes of Shri Jainfound during housesearch

    32,200=00 Notconsidered inF.I.R.

    19 Books found duringhouse search

    1,571=00 Notconsidered inF.I.R.

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    20 Furniture in the house 15,000=00 Disclosedfrom ITRS

    21 Audio cassettes found in

    the house

    2,426=00 Disclosed

    during housesearch

    22 President make suitcase 3,000=00 Disclosedduring housesearch

    23 Cash in hand as on31.03.1995

    16,376=70 Disclosedfrom ITRS

    24 Music System 10,000=00 Disclosed

    from ITRS ofAY 1991-92

    25 Portable Typewriter 1,200=00 Disclosedfrom ITRs of

    26 Maruti Van MH-01-1136 40,000=00 Notconsidered bythecomplainant

    Total 13,41,304=00 15,82,473=03


    01 Godrej refrigerator 9,600=00 5,150=00 Proved figurenowconsidered

    02 VCR, National Make 10,800=00 10,800=0003 Investment in Shares 1,14,750=00 2,10,100=00 Recalculated

    from ITRs

    04 Balance in B.M.C. Bank,Byculla Branch a/c13183

    1,18,845=00 70,843=28 Wronglyaccepted bythecomplainant

    05 Onida colour TV 15,800=00 15,800=00

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    06 Investment in DeccanQueen Restaurant

    5,00,000=00 5,00,000=00

    07 Investment in Associate

    Business Technology

    20,000=00 20,000=00

    08 Gold and Silverornaments found in thehouse

    1,33,059=00 Disclosedduring housesearch

    09 Nicky Tasha TV 9,600=00 Disclosedfrom ITRs

    10 Clothes of Mrs. Jain 4,200=00 Disclosedduring house


    11 Cash in hand as on31.03.95

    48,002=00 Disclosedfrom ITRs

    12 Two Air conditioners 10,000=00 Disclosedfrom ITRs

    13 Sony make Music System 19,550=00 Disclosedfrom ITRs

    Total 7,89,795=00 10,57,104=28


    01 Balance in a/c. No.13184 in B.M.C. Bank,Byculla Branch

    22,784-00 40,493=20 Wronglyaccepted bythecomplainant

    02 Plot No. 78, Aurangabad 01,07,843=00 96,000=00 Amount spentforregistrationetc.treated asexpenditure

    03 Flat no. 402, Lotus Co-op.Housing Society,Shimpoli Rd, Boriwali(W)

    7,35,110=00 7,35,110=00

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    04 Plot at Abitghar,Tal:Wada, Dist. Thane

    2,00,000=00 2,00,000=00

    05 Flat No. 17, Anand

    Mangal Building, Nerul,New Mumbai

    3,00,000=00 3,00,000=00

    06 Shares in the name ofRahul Jain

    25,000=00 Disclosedfrom ITRs

    Total 13,65,737=00 13,96,603=20


    01 Plot no. 79, Aurangabad 1,07,843=00 96,000=00 Amount paidforregistrationetc.considered asexpenditure

    02 Investment in shares 37,300=00 26,000=00 Disclosedfrom PropertyReturns

    03 Balance in a/c. No.13183 in B.M.C. Bank,Byculla Branch

    2,42,079=00 2,32,634=00 Actualbalance takenintoconsideration

    Total 3,87,222=00 3,54,634-=20


    01 Open plot at Erangal,Mumbai

    25,000=00 25,000=00

    02 Investment in ShriSahayog Exhibitors,


    4,65,397=00 2,40,000=00 Income byway ofinterest

    wronglytreated as

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    03 Investment in Shares 20,0000=00 20,0000=00

    04 Balance in a/c.no. 13394in BMC Bank, Bycullabranch

    1,27,215=00 28,719=10 Actualbalance takenintoconsideration

    05 Plot at Waladgaon,Aurangabad

    68,500=00 N.A. hadsuppressedthisinformationduring

    enquiry06 Cash in hand 1,06,996=10 Disclosed

    from ITRs

    Total 6,37,612=00 4,89,215=10


    01 Balance in a/c. no.13185 in BMC Bank,Byculla Branch

    15,286=00 7,519=35 Wronglyaccepted bythecomplainant.

    Total 15,286=00 7,519=35


    01 Salary from August-74 toJune-81

    01,31,916=00 6,38,840=80 Actual salaryas per detailsreceived fromthe concerned

    02 Salary fromSeptember-82 toMarch-95


    03 Profit from sale Mavanaplot

    34,000=00 9,700=00 Amountactuallyshown in

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    ITRs onlytaken intoconsideration.

    04 Salary asD.P.R.O.Muzaffarnagar


    05 Interest on N.S.Cs. 46,175=00 86,175=00 Actuallycalculatedand thenconsidered.

    06 Surrender of LIC policy 17,307=00 17,307=00

    07 Deposit for Bungalow at

    CIDCO Aurangabad

    50,000=00 50,000=00

    08 Interest on bankaccounts

    28,149=00 20,294=87 Actual figuresreceived frombanks.

    09 Sale of gold 45,140=00 45,140=00

    10 Income from Beauty Art,Printing Press, Mavana

    17,000=00 Nil This incomeis notpermissible

    by law.

    11 Income from House rentand deposit atJehangirbad

    95,200=00 Nil This incomenot declaredto Income Taxand hencerejected.

    12 Sale of old refrigerator 7,000=00 Disclosedfrom ITRs.

    Total : 10,42,366=00 08,74,457=67


    01 Dividend on Shares 30,830=00 24,302=00 Actualamountdisclosed inITRs.only

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    02 Survival benefit onL.I.C. Policy

    35,000=00 35,000=00

    03 Sale of Silver Ornaments 10,915=00 10,915=00

    04 Sale of Gold Ornaments 40,021=00 40,021=00

    05 Income from sale ofSaries, tuitions andCoaching Classes

    03,67,750=00 Nil Rejected asMrs. Jaincould notproduce anyevidence insupport.

    06 Profit from sale of sharesof Videocon and UshaRectifiers

    01,16,600=00 Nil Rejected asnot disclosedin ITRs.

    07 Profit from sale ofKiradpura, Aurangabadplot.

    45,380=00 45,380=00

    08 Interest of Bank Savings 4,686=00 4,695=67 Actualfigures.

    Total : 06,51,182=00 01,60,313=67


    01 Profit on surrendering offlat no.102, at Nerul

    01,000,00=00 Nil This incomefalselyclaimed by

    N.A.02 Profit on sale of

    Kiradpura plot atAurangabad

    45,380=00 45,380=00

    03 Profit on surrenderingflat no. D-1, Mangalam

    Apartments, ThakurComplex, Kandivali.

    24,500=00 24,500=00

    04 Interest on Bank Savings 13,554=00 13,554=00

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    Total : 01,83,434=00 83,434=30


    01 Profit on surrendering offlat no-D-2 in Mangalam

    Apts. Thakur Complex.

    30,000=00 30,000=00

    02 Profit from sale of flatno. 401 in Lotus Co-op.Hsg. Society, Borivali(W)

    59,851=00 59,851=00

    03 Profit from surrenderingflat no. 103- in Nerul.

    1,00,000=00 Nil Falselyclaimedincome byN.A.

    04 Profit from sale ofKiradpura plot at


    45,380=00 45,380=00

    5 Interest on bank savings 11,863=00 11,863.50 Actual figure.

    Total : 02,47,094=00 01,47,094=50


    01 Profit from sale ofKiradpura plot at


    45,380=00 45,380=00

    02 Interest on bank Savings 09,240=00 08,735=85 Actual figureconsidered.

    Total : 54,620=00 54,115=85

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    01 Interest on bank Savings 18,844=00 18,844=10

    02 Interest received fromSahayog Exhibitors Pvt.No.

    01,55,959=00 Nil Income notpermissibleand hencerejected.

    Total : 01,74,803=00 18,844=10


    01 33% of gross Salary 2,71,156=00 2,61,353=33 due todecrease inactual grosssalary.

    02 premium paid for LICpolicies.

    1,97,124=00 1,97,124=00

    03 Income Tax paid 13,420=00 7,390=00 actual figuresconsidered.

    04 Expenditure for clubs 66,454=00 68,233=00 actual figurestaken intoconsideration.

    05 Visit to Singapore andMauritius

    17,453=00 17,453=00

    06 House rent paid inMavana

    5000=00 5000=00

    07 Maintenance of Scooter 3000=00 3000=0008 Maintenance of Car 2900=00 16800=00 Proved from


    09 Rent and deposit forHouse at Jehangirbad

    95,200=00 This wasaccepted asIncome andExpendituretoo in theF.I.R.

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    10 Income from beauty ArtsPrinter, Mawana

    17,000=00 This wasaccepted asIncome and

    Expendituretoo in theF.I.R.

    11 Expenditure foreducation of Children

    25,687=00 Wronglyshownagainst thenames of theminorchildren

    12 Expenditure for L.P.G. 3,627=00 Notconsideredduringenquiry.

    13 Transfer fee of R.T.O.Mumbai

    1,005=00 Notconsidered bythecomplainant.

    14 Municipal TaxAurangabad

    916=75 Notconsidered bythecomplainant.

    15 Stamp duty andregistration fee forErangal, Mumbai plot.

    2,810=00 Notconsidered bythecomplainant.

    16 Amount paid to CIDCO,Aurangabad as fine andother fees.

    42,755=00 Notconsidered bythecomplainant.

    17 Chief Minister ReliefFunds

    516=00 Disclosedfrom ITRs.

    18 Transfer charges paid forMavana Plot

    3,310=00 Disclosedduring

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    19 Amount spent by usingDiners Cards

    15,802=00 Disclosedduring


    20 Commission paid toBanks


    Total : 06,88,707=00 06,78,420=58


    01 10% of gross income 36,775=00 Notapplicable

    02 LIC Premium 87,601=00 87,601=00

    03 Income Tax Paid 3,466=00 5,977=00 Verified figure

    04 Rent for KopargaonEstate Shed

    7,548=00 Notconsidered bythe complaint

    05 Open Land Tax paid forKiradpura plot at


    916=75 Disclosedduringinvestigation.

    06 Amount withdrawn forpersonal Expenditure

    84,635=00 Disclosedfrom ITRs.

    Total : 01,27,842=00 01,97,962=75


    01 Income Tax paid 605=00 605=00 Verified fromITRs

    02 Expenditure foreducation

    4,800=00 Nil Thisexpenditurehas beenattributed toShri Jain

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    03 LIC Premium 21,748=00 21,748=00

    04 Rent paid for shed inKopargaon Estate

    6,864=00 Notconsidered by


    05 Open land tax paid forKiradpura plot,


    916=75 Disclosedduringinvestigation

    06 Stamp duty andregistration fee paid forflat No. 402, Ansal Vihar,


    26,060=00 Disclosedduringinvestigation

    07 Stamp duty andregistration fee paid forplot No. 78. Aurangabad

    10,563=00 Disclosedduringinvestigation

    08 Advance paid for flat atVile Parle

    10,000=00 Disclosedfrom ITR's

    09 Commission paid tobanks

    255=00 Disclosedduring

    investigationTotal : 27,153=00 77,011=75


    01 Income tax paid 477=00 477=00

    02 Expenditure for


    9600=00 Nil Considered in

    theexpenditureof Shri Jain

    03 LIC premium 9,793=00 9,793=00

    04 Commission paid toBanks

    384=00 Notconsidered bycomplainant

    05 Open land tax forKiradpura, Aurangabad

    916=75 Disclosedduring

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    plot investigation

    06 Advanced paid for VileParle flat

    10,000=00 Disclosedfrom ITRs.

    07 Stamp Duty andRegistration fee for plotNo.79

    10,563=00 Disclosedduringinvestigation

    Total : 19,870=00 32,133=75


    01 Income tax paid 1,619=00 1,619=00

    02 Rent paid for KopargaonEstate Shed

    7,548=00 Notconsidered bythecomplainant

    Total : 1,619=00 9,167=00


    01 Income tax paid 99,369=00 65,562=00

    02 Commission paid toBanks

    650=00 Disclosedduringinvestigation

    03 Rent paid for KopargaonEstate Shed

    5,148=00 Notconsidered by


    04 Tax deducted at sourcefrom the account ofSahayog Exhibitors

    17,744=00 Disclosedduringinvestigation

    05 Registration fee paid forWaladgaon Plot

    2,740=00 Disclosedduringinvestigation

    06 Rent paid to R.C.C. Trust 44,316=00 Clubbed with

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 46

    for Rehem MansionProperty.

    rejectedincome by thecomplainant.

    Total : 99,369=00 1,36,160=00


    01 Income from OtisElevator for R.C.C. Trustproperty.

    19,01,570=00 18,44,500=00 Figures havechangedbecausecomplainantalsoconsideredthe rent paidin therejectedincome.

    02 Income for relinquishingtenancy right in

    Kopargaon Estate.

    10,00,000=00 10,00,000=00

    03 Profit on sale of Scooter 10,000=00 10,000=00

    04 Sale of gold ornaments 40,000=00 40,000=00

    05 Gifts 70,000=00 70,000=00

    06 Profit from sale ofKiradpura plot at


    1,38,480=00 1,38,480=00

    07 Tuition fees received by

    Shri Jain

    42,000=00 Not

    considered bythecomplainant.

    08 Amount received asExaminership fees byShri Jain

    7,000=00 Notconsidered bythecomplainant.

    09 Income from Beauty Arts 17,000=00 Not

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    Printing press. considered bythecomplainant.

    10 Rent from House atJahangirbad.

    95,200=00 Notconsidered bythecomplainant.

    11 Income from DeccanQueen Restaurant

    96,000=00 96,000=00

    12 Sale of Old T.V. 7,450=00 Not disclosedin ITRs.

    13 Profit from sale of UshaRectifiers and Videoconshares.

    1,16,600=00 This incomewas given bythecomplainant.

    14 Profit on the surrenderof flat Nerul.

    2,00,000=00 This incomewas given bythecomplainant.

    15 Deposit for flat at AnsalVihar. 50,000=00 50,000=00

    16 Income by way ofinterest fromK.E.Enterprises.

    1,00,000=00 Notconsidered bythecomplainant.

    17 Income by way ofinterest from SayahogExhibitors.


    18 Sale of Saris and tuitionand coaching classes byMrs. Jain

    3,67,750=00 Considered asincome by thecomplainant.

    19 Rent from GayatriEngineering Companyfor Banglore at


    15,789=00 Outside check period.

    Total : 33,21,839=00 42,90,964=00

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    34. It is the case of prosecution that in fact accused no. 2 who is the

    wife of accused no. 1 and their two minor sons have no any independent

    source of income during the check period and it was accused no. 1 who in

    a clever manner invested his ill-gotten wealth in the name of his family

    members in order to show that they have got independent sources of

    income. To the contrary it is the case of accused no. 1 that accused no. 2,

    his two minor sons, A.K.Jain (HUF) and S.K. Jain family trust have

    independent sources of income during the check period and he is no way

    related with the assets acquired by them and in fact those were acquired by

    them out of their own income. Therefore, now first of all it is necessary to

    decide as to whether or not accused no. 2, her two minor sons, A.K. Jain

    (HUF) and S.K. Jain family trust were having their independent sources of


    35. It is not in dispute that two sons of accused no. 1 & 2 Vipul and

    Rahul were the minors during the check period i.e. between 01.09.1982 to

    31.03.1995. It is also not in dispute that during this period both of them

    were taking education. Material available on record shows that both of

    them have taken education at the places where accused no. 1 was posted.

    It is not the case of accused no. 1 & 2 that their two sons were doing any

    business independently during this period or any one on their behalf was

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    conducting any business.

    36. Prosecution has produced on record copies of I.T. Returns of

    Rahul Jain submitted for the financial year 1990-91 and balancesheets

    submitted by him on 31.03.1990, 31.03.1991, 31.03.1994 & 31.03.1995

    with income tax department. Prosecution has also produced copies of

    income tax return submitted by another son of accused namely Vipul Jain

    for the financial year 1990-91 and the copies of balancesheets submitted by

    him on 31.03.1990, 31.03.1991 and 31.03.1994 with income tax

    department. These documents are the part of Exh.107. None of the accused

    has disputed genuineness of these documents. According to investigating

    officer, these documents were provided to him by income tax department.

    On all these documents there is attestation of the concern income tax

    officer. Perusal of acknowledgment sheet of both Rahul and Vipul shows

    that in the year 1991-92 they have filed returns for the first time as it is

    mentioned in first column which is in respect of PAN No. that these are

    new cases. Therefore, admittedly prior to 1991-92 these two sons of

    accused have not filed any returns with income tax department. Perusal of

    their balance sheets also does not show that they were gaining profit from

    any business.

    37. From Sale Deed Exh. 15 it appears that a plot of land situated

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 50

    at Jaswantpura, (Kiradpura), Aurangabad was purchased on 02.07.1987 by

    both the accused and their minor sons for a consideration of Rs. 40,000/-.

    The sale deed also shows that at the time of its execution Rahul Jain and

    Vipul Jain were minor sons. In sale deed it was demonstrated that this plot

    has been purchased by A.K. Jain (HUF). It is pertinent to note that during

    trial both the accused are not shown as to what were the sources of income

    of A.K. Jain (HUF) and why it was formed. There is no material available

    on record to show that A.K. Jain (HUF) was having any independent source

    of income in order to invest the amount and therefore it appears that it was

    accused no. 1 who was investing his income in the name of A.K. Jain

    (HUF) and it also appears that A.K. Jain (HUF) was shown to be in

    existence only for the purpose of availing tax benefits as it is a matter of

    common knowledge that the concept of Hindu Undivided Family is

    altogether different as far as the provisions of Income Tax Act, are


    38. Sale Deeds Exh. 16 & 17 show that in the year 1990 this A.K.

    Jain (HUF) sold this plot for a consideration of Rs. 4 lacs. So this could be

    the first income derived by two sons of accused. From IT returns it appears

    that income derived from this transaction was equally distributed among

    both the accused and their two minor sons. It is the claim of accused no. 1

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 51

    that each one of them incurred expenses for the development of this plot

    for Rs. 54,620/- and they have earned net income of Rs 45,380/- each from

    this sale proceed. So this appears to be the first income earned by Rahul

    Jain and Vipul Jain. Balancesheet filed by them does not show that there

    was any independent source of income to them. Sale Deeds Exh. 13 & 14

    shows that both Vipul and Rahul have purchased one plot each within the

    municipal limits of Aurangabad on 09.10.1990 by paying consideration of

    Rs. 96,000/- each. Their balancesheets which are part of Exhibit 107 show

    that from the profit earned through sell of plot at Aurangabad and by

    raising some loan they have purchased this plot. So from this it appears

    that in the year 1987 when a plot was purchased in the name of A.K Jain

    (HUF), entire amount of consideration was paid by accused no. 1 and after

    the sale of that plot, amount earned was distributed equally to all the

    family members and by this way it is shown that Vipul and Rahul have

    started earning money but in fact it was accused no. 1 who initially

    invested amount in their names. As per these calculations, it appears that

    in the year 1990 when Rahul and Vipul purchased one plot each at

    Aurangabad for a consideration of Rs. 96,000/- each, accused no. 1 at that

    time invested amount of Rs.40,000/- each in the name of Rahul and Vipul.

    Therefore, it can be said that till the year 1990 accused no. 1 invested total

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 52

    amount of Rs. 1,20,000/- for the purchase of plots at Aurangabad.

    39. The charts referred to above show that thereafter several

    properties were acquired in the name of Rahul & Vipul but it can not be

    said that these investments were made by them from the income derived

    from any independent source and these are to be termed as the

    investments made by accused no. 1. Having regard to this discussion this

    court is of the opinion that two minor sons of accused namely Rahul and

    Vipul did not have any independent source of income during the check

    period. Accused no. 1 at the time of his statement under section 313 of

    Cr.P.C. filed copy of his one of the explanation given to investigating officer

    on 14.08.2000 along with list Exh. 367. This explanation also shows that

    accused no. 1 admitted that Rahul and Vipul have no any independent

    source of income and they are earning amount as a interest on deposits

    kept in the bank and profit from the transaction of immovable properties. It

    has also been stated in the said statement that Rahul and Vipul have filed

    their IT returns for the first time in the year 1991. Similarly, in this

    explanation accused no.1 has not claimed that there is any independent

    source of income available to A.K. Jain (HUF). Therefore, it has been duly

    proved that the transactions entered into by Rahul, Vipul and A.K.Jain

    (HUF) were in fact of accused no. 1.

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    40. Prosecution has also came with the case that in the year 1991

    Rahul and Vipul have booked one flat each bearing nos. D-1 & D-2 in

    Mangalam Apartment, Mumbai which was the project of potential builders

    and paid amount of Rs. 3,63,000/- and Rs. 3,45,000/- respectively till the

    year 1993. Thereafter, in the month of September 1993 prior to taking

    possession of these flats, they have sold it through potential builders and

    got returned amount paid by them as referred to above vide Exh. 63 and

    63 A. There is no material on record to show that these amounts were

    earned by them from any transaction entered into prior to this transaction.

    It is not the case of accused no. 1 that plots purchased in the year 1990

    were sold out by Rahul and Vipul prior to booking of these flats. Therefore,

    it is necessary to held that amount of Rs. 7,08,000/- was paid by accused

    no. 1 for booking of these two flats. Accused no. 1 & 2 have admitted

    documents Exh. 63 & 63 A which relates to these transactions.

    41. Prosecution has also filed on record copies of agreement

    marked as Exh. 47 & 49 which are admitted by the accused. Contents of

    these agreements show that Rahul and Vipul have booked flat no. 102 &

    103 respectively with Anmol Developer, Mumbai and they have paid

    amount of Rs. 2 lacs each for booking of these flats on 25.11.1993 and

    28.01.1994. However, subsequently in the month of November 1994 they

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    have cancelled these bookings and got returned amount of Rs. 2 lacs each.

    However, this amount could have been invested by accused no. 1 from the

    amount received from potential builders. Therefore, these transactions

    have no bearing on the matter.

    42. Prosecution has also produced copy of agreement Exh. 60

    which is admitted by the accused. Contents of this agreement shows that

    one flat was sold by Rahul Jain to one Mehta in the month of July 1995

    which is admittedly a transaction entered into after the check period i.e

    31.03.1995. However, its contents shows that this flat was purchased by

    Rahul Jain and the consideration amount of Rs. 6,41,250/- was paid by

    accused no. 1 on 06.02.1995 i.e. during check period. However, this

    payment could have been made from the amount of Rs. 7,08,000/-

    received from potential builders. Therefore, this transaction is material

    while calculating the income, expenditure and assets of accused no. 1 & 2.

    43. Prosecution has also relied on Exh. 100 which is admitted by

    the accused. This is a agreement for sale entered in between VGP Agro

    Limited and Rahul and Vipul Jain. As per this agreement Rahul and Vipul

    Jain have purchased on piece of land at Abidghar village, Taluka Wada,

    Dist. Thane on 01.03.1995 for a consideration of Rs. 2 lacs. As a guardian

    of Rahul and Vipul accused no. 1 must have paid this amount. None of the

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 55

    accused has taken the responsibility for this payment. At the time of this

    transaction only amount of Rs.66,750/- was with accused no. 1 out of

    amount of Rs. 7,08,000/- received from potential builders and after

    purchase of flat at Ansal Vihar on 06.02.1995. Therefore, it appears that at

    the time of this transaction accused no. 1 invested amount of Rs.

    1,33,250/- in the name of Rahul and Vipul. So the sum and substance is

    that from the year 1987 till the year 1995 accused no.1 invested amount of

    Rs. 9,61,250/- in the name of his two minors sons namely Rahul Jain and

    Vipul Jain for purchase of various properties.

    44. Apart from this investigating officer has also collected

    documents from the respective banks in order to show that Rahul and Vipul

    have earned interest on deposits of Rs. 13,554.30 ps. and Rs. 11,863.50 ps

    respectively. This fact has not been disputed by both the accused.

    Therefore, this amount is required to be excluded from the amount of

    investment made by accused no. 1 in the name of his two minor sons.

    Therefore, after deducting this amount, it can be said that accused no. 1

    acquired assets of Rs. 9,35,832.20 ps in the name of his two minor sons.

    45. It is the case of prosecution that on 31.03.1995 there was

    balance of Rs. 40,493.20 ps. and Rs. 2,32,634.20 ps. lying in the accounts

    of Rahul and Vipul Jain respectively in Bombay Mercantile Cooperative

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 56

    Bank, branch Byculla, Mumbai and this fact has been admitted by both the

    accused. It is not the case of any of the accused that Rahul and Vipul have

    earned this amount from any independent source. Similarly, prosecution

    has also claimed that accused no. 1 purchased shares of Rs. 25,000/- and

    of Rs. 26,000/- in the name of Rahul and Vipul Jain respectively and

    informed this fact in his property return submitted for the year 1993. This

    has also not been disputed by accused no.1. Therefore, it is necessary to

    held that these amounts were invested by accused no. 1 and its total comes

    to Rs. 3,24,127.40 ps. Therefore, in totality accused no. 1 invested amount

    of Rs. 12,59,959.60 ps. in the name of his two minor sons.

    46. Now it is also necessary to take into account expenditure

    incurred by Rahul and Vipul Jain. When it is an admitted position to

    accused no. 1 & 2 that Rahul and Vipul did not have any independent

    source of income and as this court has already deducted the income earned

    from the reinvestment in the property, the expenditure incurred by Rahul

    and Vipul is to be considered as the expenditure made by accused no. 1

    and it is to be included in the amount which was invested by accused no. 1

    in the name of Rahul and Vipul.

    47. During investigation it was found that accused no. 1 spent

    following amount for Rahul and Vipul Jain.

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    Rahul Jain

    1. Income tax paid for the financial year

    1991-92 Rs. 605/-

    2. Premium for two LIC policies Rs. 21,748/-

    3. Stamp Duty and Registration fee

    for registration of flat no. 402, Ansal

    Vihar, Mumbai Rs. 26,060/-

    4. Stamp duty and registration fee

    for the plot purchased at Aurangabad

    in the year 1990 Rs. 10,563/-


    Total Rs. 58,976/------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Vipul Jain

    1. Income tax paid for the financial year

    1991-92 Rs. 477/-

    2. Premium for LIC policy Rs. 9793/-

    3. Commission paid to Bombay

    Mercantile Co-Op. Bank, Mumbai Rs. 384/-

    4. Stamp duty and registration fee

    for the plot purchased at Aurangabad

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 58

    in the year 1990 Rs. 10,563/-


    Total Rs. 21,217/----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    48. Thus, total expenditure incurred by accused no.1 for Rahul and

    Vipul Jain comes to Rs. 80,193/-. If this is included in the amount of

    investment of Rs. 12,59,959.60 ps. then its total comes to Rs.13,40,152.60

    ps. So this is the total amount invested by accused no. 1 in the name of his

    two minor sons and A.K. Jain(HUF). Both the accused have not denied this

    part of expenditure.

    49. Now it is necessary to decide as to whether accused no. 2 who

    is the wife of accused no. 1 had any independent source of income prior to

    and during the check period. It is pertinent to note that during

    investigation though accused no. 2 was called upon to submit her

    explanation and details regarding her claim of income but she has not filed

    any explanation in support of her claim. During trial also, accused no. 2

    has not produced any material in support of her claim nor examine any


    50. Initially it was claimed by accused no.2 that she had earned

    income of Rs. 3,67,750/- from the sale of Saree business, tuitions and

    coaching classes. However, accused no. 2 has not furnished any details in

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 59

    respect of this income. There is absolutely no document available on record

    in order to support this claim nor any witness is examined by accused no.

    2. Admittedly for running cloth business a licence under the provisions of

    Shops and Establishment Act has to be obtained from the concern

    authority. Similarly, returns are to be submitted with sales tax authorities in

    respect of purchase and sale of the goods. It is also necessary to preserve

    the purchase and sale vouchers by the businessmen. Not only that, income

    tax return also required to be submitted in respect of profit earned.

    Therefore, there could be availability of various documents to show that

    she had carried out saree business at a particular point of time. However,

    accused no.2 has not produced anything on record. Similarly, while

    running private coaching classes a licence is required to be obtained and

    record has to be maintained in respect of names of students and payment

    received by them as tuition fees. So also, returns are to be submitted in

    respect of profit earned from it with income tax authorities. However,

    accused no. 1 has also not produced any document in support of this claim.

    Moreover, no evidence has been adduced by her that she had not

    maintained any such record or preserved it.

    51. P.W. 15 investigating officer Shri. Wable while deposing before

    this court has stated that as accused no. 2 failed to furnish any document to

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 60

    prove this income, he has rejected this part of her income. The reason

    given by investigating officer is appears to be proper for rejection of this

    part of income.

    52. It is also claimed by accused no. 2 that she had earned income

    of Rs. 1,16,600/- from the sale of share of Videocon and Usha limited.

    Copies of her IT returns and balance sheet produced by her for the period

    from 1990 to 1993 are part of exhibit 107. Perusal of these copies of

    returns does not show that she had ever sold shares and debentures during

    this period. So also she has not filed any thing on record in support of this

    claim. Obviously a document has to be prepared after sale of shares and a

    receipt is to be issued but accused no. 2 has even not given any details of

    this transaction. Therefore, investigating officer has rightly rejected this

    part of income claimed by accused no.2.

    53. Prosecution has placed on record copy of one unregistered

    partnership deed Exh.12 on record which has been admitted by accused

    no. 2. As per this agreement accused no. 2 was inducted as a partner in

    Deccan Queen Restaurant, Juhu, Mumbai and her share was fixed to the

    extent of 33%. As per the said agreement accused no. 2 agreed to invest

    amount of Rs. 5 lacs as her share from October 1991 to 25.01.1992. It is

    the case of prosecution that accused no. 2 claimed that she had invested

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 61

    this amount in the said Restaurant as a partner of it and accused no.2 has

    also not disputed this fact. Perusal of balance sheet filed along with IT

    returns show that only amount of Rs. 1 lac was invested by her in the

    financial year 1991-1992. It is not her case that she had not shown

    remaining investment of Rs. 4 lacs in her returns. Nothing has been

    explained by accused no.2 as to from where she invested remaining

    amount of Rs. 4 lacs in the said Restaurant. Therefore, it appears that the

    remaining amount of Rs. 4 lacs was invested by accused no. 1 in the name

    of accused no.2 and a attempt was made to convert his ill-gotten wealth as

    a wealth of accused no. 2. Accused no. 2 claimed that she earned Rs.

    96,000/- as her share of profit from Deccan Queen Restaurant which has

    been rejected by the investigating officer on the ground that structure of

    Deccan Queen Restaurant is a illegal structure and therefore income

    derived from the said Restaurant can not said to be the income earned

    from lawful sources. However, the reason given by the investigating officer

    appears to be improper for several reasons. In the first place the term

    lawful sources of income used in section 13 (1) (e) relates with the income

    earned by a public servant and not by a non public servant. Moreover, even

    if the structure of the said Restaurant is said to be a illegal structure, it does

    not reason to mind that profit earned from the sale of food items from that

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    SPECIAL CASE 62 of 2005 62

    place amounts to an illegality. At the most Municipal Corporation can take

    action for it by way of recovery of fine amount or by adopting some other

    measures. Therefore, this part of income of accused no. 2 is required to be

    accepted. Therefore, sum and substance of the discussion would be that

    accused no. 1 invested amount of Rs. 4 lacs in the name of accused no. 2 in

    the said Restaurant and she earned profit of Rs. 96,000/- towards her


    54. I have already pointed out that in the year 1987 and as per Exh.

    15 accused no. 1 while purchasing a plot at Aurangabad for Rs. 40,000/-

    invested amount of Rs. 10,000/- in the name of accused no.2. It is also

    claimed by accused no. 2 that she incurred expenses of Rs. 54,620/- for the

    development of the said plot alongwith accused no. 1 and her two minor

    sons who have also spent this much amount. As per exhibit 16 & 17 this

    plot was sold in the year 1990 and for Rs. 4 lacs and the said amount was

    equally distributed amongst both the accused and their two sons. So after

    deducting expenses it can be said that accused no.2 earned a profit of Rs.

    45,380/- from the said plot.

    55. P.W. 15 investigating officer stated before this court that accused

    no. 2 claimed income of Rs. 28,000/- from 07.06.1990 to 04.06.1994

    towards gifts from accused no.1 and his family members. However, she has

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