AISA Poster Oct 19 Against Communal Campaign

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Transcript of AISA Poster Oct 19 Against Communal Campaign

  • 7/27/2019 AISA Poster Oct 19 Against Communal Campaign


    Over the past few months, we have been seeing posters and pamphlets issued by India First

    the tone, tenor and content of their campaigns are of course painfully familiar and reveal India

    Firsts ideological closeness to the Sangh Parivar. And now, joining the pantheon of Sanghioutfits in JNU is the so-called Akk Jagrit Matdata Manch (AJMM), which has recently called a

    public meeting on Our Real Hero: Lord Rama. Clearly, as preparations for the 2014 Lok Sabha

    elections intensify across the country, the various fronts of the Sangh Parivar are systematically

    building a communal campaign.

    We are familiar with the slander and myths as well as anti-minority propaganda that

    constitute the core of such campaigns. In the name of culture, tradition and a dubiously

    constructed Hindu pride, these campaigns aggressively deny space to alternative interpretations

    and renderings of history and mythology. This hate and divisive propaganda, combined withorchestrated riots and communal violence, such as the ones we recently witnessed in

    Muzaffarnagar, are the staple diet of the Sangh Parivar. Driven as they are by a desire to spread

    a communal common sense and to foment tensions, their main agenda is to reap quick electoral

    benefits and use religion for their own narrow political purposes.

    The instances of the Sangh Parivars lumpenism, intolerance and violence are way too

    many to recount. During Durga Puja this year in JNU, some students were forcedto say Jai

    Mata Di at the pandal for taking prasad. Such calculated attempts to foment intolerance in the

    pretext of religious festivals must be condemned and defeated.We have not forgotten that recently

    in the FTII in Pune, students were beaten up simply because they refused to say Jai Narendra

    Modi! As the 2014 elections draw near, it becomes all the more clear that BJP and the Sangh

    Parivar is more than willing to literally walk over corpses in their bid for power. The progressive

    and secular forces across the country will have to resist this deeply dangerous and damaging

    campaign. AISA appeals to the student community to strengthen all efforts to expose the real

    divisive and polarising political agenda behind the aggressive campaign of India First and the

    Akk Jagrit Matdata Manch.

    Do Not Remove Till 25 Oct

    Expose and Defeat the SanghBrigades Renewed Communal

    Campaigns To Vitiate CampusAtmosphere!
