Air National Guard Virginia History

In 1946, the USAF had just been through a m assive de-mobili- zation effort and was downsizing on a truly massive scale with thousands of aircraft being retired. With so man y veterans and combat-seasoned personnel around, a new Air National Guard was organized as a reserve force for the regular USAF and every state in the Union started to organize their own aviation elements, almost exclusively made up of those former WWII veterans. On 7 June 1946, the National Guard Bureau (which was the HQ ANG) notied Virginia governor William M Tuck that an ANG unit would be assigned to the state of Virginia. The search for qualied personnel started and on 21 June 1947 149th Fighter Squadron received federal recognition as part of the Virginia Air National Guard. The squadron took over the lineage and honors of the 328th Fighter Squadron, a WWII unit. The 328th had been activated on 10 October 1942 and saw ex- tensive action in Europe, being based in England and France. The squadron’s leading ace was George Preddy Jr, who had 28 victories to his credit when he was shot down and killed by friendly AAA while chasing a German Fw190 on 25 December 1944. Initially, the unit ew P-47D Thunderbolts, the rst of which was delivered to Richmond on 15 July. The unit was authorized to have 27 ‘Jugs’, as the Thunderbolt’s nick-name was, and these were based at Byrd Field, Sandston (VA). Sandston is a small town a few miles east of Richmond. The base’s facilities were made up of wooden structures ‘left over’ from World War II, in- cluding a large wooden hang- ar. The P-47Ds were redesig- nated F-47D in 1947. Several of these Thunderbolts carried names; ‘Lady Louise’, ‘Little Stinker’, ‘Mighty Mouse’, ‘City of Richmond’ and ‘Happy-Go- Lucky Gal’, to name a few. The USAF concentrated all ANG F-47 units in the east- ern part of the USA, while the ANG ghter squadrons in the Mid-West and West received F-51 Mustangs. Wallace R Lundie, a former WWII ghter pilot, was one of the pilots that  joined the unit in 1947 and never regretted it: “Flying was fun in those days and we did a lot of it. It was a heck of a good way of life”, he said. Spirits were high and it was quickly decided to form an aerobatic team, ‘The Rebel Riders of the Sky’. For a few years, they ew their routine with four Thunderbolts and the team became quite popular in the States surrounding Virginia. From the outset, 149th FS also used a few B-26 Invaders, in- cluding a TB-26B, as support aircraft; these were mainly used for transport and target-towing duties. Other early support air- craft included the T-6 Texan, Beech C-45 and the C-47; the latter was in use from at least September 1948. One exam- ple was named ‘The Old Dominion’ in large lettering along the fuselage. This aircraft was occasionally used as the transport aircraft for the state governor of Virginia. In those days, ying safety was not the big issue as it is nowadays and regretta- bly, mishaps were plentiful, although most of these were minor. There were, however, some fatalities as well. On 28 August 1948, the squadron lost a pilot and F-47, while on 22 January 1949, one of the squadron’s B-26s was lost together with four crewmembers. Training missions were own over the local ranges, but the occasional cross-country ight was also made. Sometime in 1948, the squadron ew sixteen F-47s to Blackstone, about 40 miles southwest of Richmond, and next to Fort Pickett, for a goodwill visit to the town. However, bad weather closed in on vi r g i n i a a i r na t i ona l g uar d Jan van Waarde Without a doubt, the F-105D Thunderchief was the most impressive aircraft to have graced Virginia ANG’s ightlines. This F-105D, 59-1743, was photographed at Richmond on 29 April 1972. It carries the standard F-105 markings for the unit, but the F-105 on the right still has the short-live d, old-style ANG badge on the tail, with the lettering ‘Virginia’ above it. (Stephen Miller) A great ac tion shot of F-47D 44-32745 being serviced at Richmond in 19 50. (Kenneth W Keet on)

Transcript of Air National Guard Virginia History

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In 1946, the USAF had just been through a massive de-mobili-zation effort and was downsizing on a truly massive scale withthousands of aircraft being retired. With so many veterans andcombat-seasoned personnel around, a new Air National Guardwas organized as a reserve force for the regular USAF andevery state in the Union started to organize their own aviationelements, almost exclusively made up of those former WWIIveterans. On 7 June 1946, the National Guard Bureau (whichwas the HQ ANG) notified Virginia governor William M Tuck

that an ANG unit would be assigned to the state of Virginia.The search for qualified personnel started and on 21 June 1947149th Fighter Squadron received federal recognition as part ofthe Virginia Air National Guard. The squadron took over thelineage and honors of the 328th Fighter Squadron, a WWII unit.The 328th had been activated on 10 October 1942 and saw ex-tensive action in Europe, being based in England and France.The squadron’s leading ace was George Preddy Jr, who had28 victories to his credit when he was shot down and killed byfriendly AAA while chasing a German Fw190 on 25 December1944.

Initially, the unit flew P-47D Thunderbolts, the first of which wasdelivered to Richmond on 15 July. The unit was authorized tohave 27 ‘Jugs’, as the Thunderbolt’s nick-name was, and these

were based at Byrd Field, Sandston (VA). Sandston is a smalltown a few miles east of Richmond. The base’s facilities weremade up of wooden structures‘left over’ from World War II, in-cluding a large wooden hang-ar. The P-47Ds were redesig-nated F-47D in 1947. Severalof these Thunderbolts carriednames; ‘Lady Louise’, ‘LittleStinker’, ‘Mighty Mouse’, ‘Cityof Richmond’ and ‘Happy-Go-Lucky Gal’, to name a few.The USAF concentrated allANG F-47 units in the east-ern part of the USA, while the

ANG fighter squadrons in theMid-West and West receivedF-51 Mustangs. Wallace RLundie, a former WWII fighter pilot, was one of the pilots that

  joined the unit in 1947 and

never regretted it: “Flying was fun in those days and we did alot of it. It was a heck of a good way of life”, he said. Spirits werehigh and it was quickly decided to form an aerobatic team, ‘TheRebel Riders of the Sky’. For a few years, they flew their routinewith four Thunderbolts and the team became quite popular inthe States surrounding Virginia.

From the outset, 149th FS also used a few B-26 Invaders, in-cluding a TB-26B, as support aircraft; these were mainly used

for transport and target-towing duties. Other early support air-craft included the T-6 Texan, Beech C-45 and the C-47; thelatter was in use from at least September 1948. One exam-ple was named ‘The Old Dominion’ in large lettering along thefuselage. This aircraft was occasionally used as the transportaircraft for the state governor of Virginia. In those days, flyingsafety was not the big issue as it is nowadays and regretta-bly, mishaps were plentiful, although most of these were minor.There were, however, some fatalities as well. On 28 August1948, the squadron lost a pilot and F-47, while on 22 January1949, one of the squadron’s B-26s was lost together with fourcrewmembers.

Training missions were flown over the local ranges, but theoccasional cross-country flight was also made. Sometime in1948, the squadron flew sixteen F-47s to Blackstone, about

40 miles southwest of Richmond, and next to Fort Pickett, fora goodwill visit to the town. However, bad weather closed in on

v i r g i n i a a i r n a t i o n a l g u a r d

Jan van Waarde

Without a doubt, the F-105D Thunderchief was the most impressive aircraft to have graced Virginia ANG’s flightlines. This F-105D,59-1743, was photographed at Richmond on 29 April 1972. It carries the standard F-105 markings for the unit, but the F-105 on the right still has the short-lived, old-style ANG badge on the tail, with the lettering ‘Virginia’ above it. (Stephen Miller)

A great action shot of F-47D 44-32745 being serviced at Richmond in 1950. (Kenneth W Keeton)

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the town and the aircraft were unable to fly back to Richmondthat day. The residents of Blackstone showed their hospitalityand treated the pilots to free hotel accommodations and freemeals in private homes and restaurants, showing the supportthey gave the Guard. Part of the way of life in the ANG wasthe annual summer camp, during which the entire squadrondeployed to another site for two weeks of training as a wholeunit. These summer camps were started in the late 1940s andvarious locations across the USA were regular destinations.In the 1980s, for example, Volk Field (WI) and Gulfport (MS)were popular destinations. In July 1948, however, on their firstsummer camp,149th FS deployed to Dover Army Airfield (DE),where they exercised with sister units from Pennsylvania, Mar-

yland and the District of Columbia, with about 100 Thunderboltsand a fleet of support aircraft present on the airfield. On 31 July,a large number of these aircraft participated in a huge fly-pastover New York’s Idlewild airport, which was being dedicatedthat day by President Truman. In 1949, 149th FS went to Wilm-ington (DE), flying 1100 hours in two weeks, and to Turner Fieldin Georgia in 1950. Early in 1950, it was planned that the unitwas to convert to jets – probably old F-84s – later that year,and a number of pilots actually started jet training at Shaw AFBin February and March 1950. However, the start of the war inKorea in June effectively put a stop to these plans and the F-47soldiered on for a few more years.

Despite some early successes, the war effort in Korea need-ed the additional manpower the reserves could give and on 1

March 1951, the squadron was called to active duty as part ofthe Korean War call-up, which included large numbers of otherANG units as well. Two months before, when he heard the unitwas to be recalled, the squadron’s C/O, Maj James Barnhardt,put up a sign that said: ‘Air Force – Here we come’! Many of the

squadron’s members actually went to Korea,while others saw duty in various other units inthe USA. The parts of the 149th that remainedactive during the war stayed in the USA andthe squadron’s F-47s moved to Turner AFB(GA) on 20 March (reporting to SAC), butnot before a huge farewell party was thrown

The F-47D Thunderbolt was a truly impressive aircraft, with the big radial engine in front. This F-47D, 44-89978 is seen here on the ramp at Richmond in 1950, awaiting its pilot. Note the confederate ‘Rebel’ flag with the lightning on the engine cowling. These are

the old-style markings of the unit’s Thunderbolts, the ‘NG’ was later replaced by ‘ANG’. (Kenneth W Keeton)F-47Ds known to have been assigned to 149th FS42-29456 ‘5044-32700 ‘5044-32745 ‘5044-32856 unknown44-32866 ’51 – later destroyed in a crash44-32886 unknown44-32929 unknown44-33274 ’49 – ‘5044-33724 unknown44-89734 unknown44-89876 unknown44-89978 ‘5044-90069 ‘5144-90073 unknown45-49090 ’5045-49095 ’50 & ‘51 – named ’Mighty Mouse’45-49100 ’51 – named ‘Betty’. Also named ‘The

Blunderbolt’ at one time45-49114 unknown, crashed45-49149 ‘4845-49151 ’48 – ’50 – named ‘Rebel Thunderbolts’45-49190 ‘5145-49229 ’47, w/o in landing accident in either 1947

or 194845-49233 ‘5045-49269 ’50 – ‘5145-49301 unknown, crashed

45-49302 unknown45-49283 ‘5045-49508 ‘5145-49548 unknown45-49554 unknown, crashed

View of the rather primitive Richmond flight-line in 1950, with F-47D 44-33724 in front,

with the newer ‘ANG’ titles on the fuselage.Note the remnants of the older ‘NG’markings still showing on the natural metal. The other F-47Ds in the line (including 42-29456 and 44-89876) still carry the older markings.

(Kenneth W Keeton)

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for the unit at Richmond’s Tantilla Gardensby none other than Virginia State GovernorTuck. The weeks before the party, the pilotswere polled on their favorite girl, who theywould most like to take with them on ac-tive duty. This turned out to be well-known(for those days) singer Dorothy Collins, thebeautiful star of the ‘Lucky Strike’s Your HitParade’ radio show, singing with RaymondScott’s big band. Upon learning the resultsof the poll, she decided to come to the fare-

well party to sing the song ‘Good-Bye’ andto wish the pilots well! To have something toremember her by, they put a saddle on theback of one of the Thunderbolts, on whichMs Collins posed for some publicity photo-graphs. Following a few weeks of operationsfrom Turner, the squadron went to CastleAFB (CA) for an exercise, where they flewwith the B-50s of 93  BW. The ‘Jugs’ madegunnery attacks on the B-50s, recording thiswith their gun cameras, but also practiced fly-ing long range escort missions. In late 1951,the squadron was reassigned to TAC andmoved to Godman AFB (KY), concentratingon a tactical role. They participated in vari-ous exercises around the country, including‘Operation Longhorn’, which was a large jointUSAF and Army exercise which included anairborne assault attack. This was the largest‘wargames’ exercise attempted thus far, andwas held in Texas in March and April 1952.For the exercise, the squadron painted therear fuselage and tail of their Thunderboltsbright red. Other participants included 110FS and 170 FS. Sadly, an F-47D and its pilotwere lost in a crash on 13 August 1952.

On 1 December 1952, the unit returned toVirginia state control after the maximum al-lowable 21 months of active duty. Initially, the

unit remained nominally active with the F-47Thunderbolts but in fact there were hardlyany planes, all the unit’s personnel was stillscattered around the world and so was therest of the unit’s equipment, but slowly thingsstarted to come alive again. The squadronreceived B-26 Invaders in November 1953;at the time the runway at Richmond was stillunable to handle jet aircraft so this is whatthey got; for some of the pilots it was a toughdeal to leave fighters and fly a bomber in-stead. Both the B-26B and B-26C were used;the unit was redesignated 149 BS (Light) thatsame month, but initially it was hard to find qualified B-26 in-structors to show the pilots around in their new aircraft. Like the

F-47s, the B-26s continued the tradition of receiving nose art,and named aircraft included ‘The Spirit of Manchester ’ and ‘Ca-lamity Jane’. The unit started flying dive bombing, skip bomb-ing and strafing missions, but oddly enough, the 149th never became fully combat-capable flying the Invader, as they wereunable to attract a sufficient number of bombardier-navigatorsto man the aircraft…

Initially, the squadron was housed in an old wooden WWII-erahangar, but this burned down in a large fire on 23 December 1954. In 1955 the ANG announced a $ 2.5 million improve-ment program for Richmond, which included lengthening therunway and build a new hangar and office buildings. The newhangar was dedicated early in 1958, slightly delayed becausethere was a shortage of steel. This new hangar was built a short

distance away from the old one. Other new facilities included anew ramp for the aircraft and a motor maintenance and basesupply facility. This remained in use until 2007 when the unitmoved to Langley.

The late 1950s were a time of rapid changes for the unit; theunit’s C/O, General Heath, described this period as “a hell of a

mess”. On 15 June 1957, the squadron was redesignated 149thFIS (Fighter Interceptor Squadron) and was due to transitionto F-86Es. However, only three Sabres were actually received

by the unit and just a single pilot had been checked out whenplans were changed and on 10 April 1958 the squadron wasredesignated 149th TRS (Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron)and started preparing for the arrival of the unit’s new mount,the RB-57A. One – all black - RB-57A (52-1475) was receivedby the unit and although it received full 149th TRS markings, itwas never flown operationally and was transferred out again inJune 1958, following which the squadron regained its old des-ignation, 149th FIS, on 14 June 1958. Yet another new aircraftappeared on the ramp at Richmond, the F-84F Thunderstreak.On 10 November 1958, the squadron was again redesignated,this time it became 149th TFS (SD) (Tactical Fighter Squad-ron – Special Delivery) which implied that the unit was capableof delivering nuclear weapons. This designation was carriedfor a very short period only, by 1959 the unit concentrated onthe conventional weapons delivery role with their Streaks, or‘Hogs’, as the pilots called them.

After the erection of the Berlin Wall in 1961, the Berlin crisisfollowed and the squadron was called to active duty again, on1 October 1961. Many ANG units were activated and Europe’s

A trio of photographs illustrating the unit’s turbulent 1950s. On top is B-26C 43-22707 in Virginia ANG colors on the ramp at Richmond. Unfortunately, only a few VA ANG B-26 serials are known, precluding a serial listing like that of the F-47D. In the mid- dle an extremely rare shot of F-86E 51-12987 in full squadron markings, one of only three Sabres to have been assigned to the unit. On the bottom is RB-57A 52-1475,the one and only B-57 to have been assigned to the unit. Although it was not flownoperationally, it did receive full squadron markings, as can be seen in this poor-quality shot. (All Kenneth W Keeton)

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defenses were bolstered by various stateside fighter units. Dueto budget restrictions, however, only one of the three plannedANG F-84F units actually deployed to Europe, to Chaumont ABin France, and 149th TFS remained based at Richmond, butcould be asked to deploy at short notice. The unit that did de-ploy was 110th TFS MO ANG. In December 1961, 22 members

of the VA ANG were sent to Chaumont to support 7180th TFW(the temporary unit that controlled the ANG F-84 deploymentto Europe as well as 110th TFS) operations. They spent eightmonths in Europe. 149th TFS returned to state control on 20August 1962, after the crisis had largely subsided. Also during1962, on 15 October, 192nd TFG was activated as the con-trolling parent unit of the 149th TFS. From this date, all othersub-units reported to the 192nd TFG instead of 149th TFS. Ex-amples include the 192nd Materiel Squadron (Maintenance),192nd Combat Support Squadron, and the 192nd USAF Dis-pensary.

On 5 May 1968 the squadron lost an unknown F-84F in a marshnorth of Grand View, Hampton (VA). While on a training flightover the Chesapeake Bay, the F-84F of pilot, Maj. William P

Lemmond, a lawyer from Hopewell by profession, experienceda catastrophic engine failure. Smoke filled the cockpit and hequickly looked for possible landing sites and chose PatrickHenry AP for his emergency landing. However, upon approachhe also lost his radio and noticed there was traffic in the pat-tern at the airport, so he broke off his approach and opted for

nearby Langley AFB instead. However, he did not have enoughaltitude and steered his aircraft away from populated areas andbailed out over the marsh, he did not use an ejection seat. He

Undoubtedly still one of the best-looking airplanes around, the F-84F was the backbone of the squadron for well over a decade. This  photograph of 52-6600 was taken at Andrews AFB on 28 February 1970 and shows the final F-84F markings used by the squadron.These were very plain and only consisted of the ANG badge on the tail with ‘Virginia’ on top. (Stephen Miller)

F-84Fs known to have been assigned to 149th TFS51-1646 – apr64/oct6951-1658 – feb69/sep6951-1682 – oct69/dec6951-1706 – may69/oct6951-1745 – may64/may6951-1756 – oct65, crashed 17oct65, pilot OK

51-1826 – oct67, lost 14oct67 nr SeymourJohnson AFB (SC), pilot OK51-9419 – sep6951-9430 – jul69/mar7051-9437 – jul62, lost 13jul62 nr Richmond-

Byrd Field (VA), pilot OK51-9457 – aug64/may6951-9469 - early 1960s51-9482 – aug61, crashed 26aug61 near

Tappahannock (VA), pilot OK51-9546 – jan69/aug6952-6365 – jan6952-6370 – apr64/aug7052-6475 – feb69/jul6952-6498 – apr64/jul69

52-6507 – may64/jun6952-6515 – sep7052-6593 – jul69/may7052-6598 – nov6952-6600 – feb69/aug6952-6609 – mar64/apr6952-6626 – apr64/jul66, crashed 12jul66 nr

Hunter AFB (GA), pilot OK52-6634 – sep7052-6642 – mar69/jun6952-6826 – jul60, crashed on 16jul60 near

Langley AFB (VA), pilot OK52-6846 – mar69/oct70, crashed 03oct70

near Richmond-Byrd Field (VA),pilot OK

52-7019 – feb69/jul6952-7023 – jul64/aug6452-7060 – nov62, lost on 17nov62 near

Richmond-Byrd Field (VA), pilotkilled

52-8837 – jun69/oct69

This photograph of F-84F 51-9469 was taken sometime in early 1960s and show the first markings the squadron used, whichconsisted of a ‘VA AIR GUARD’ on the nose and a yellow trian- gle on the tail, with a code, in this instance ‘4’. T-33s with the unit carried the same markings. (Ken Hampton)

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was picked up by a nearby boat, whichbrought him safely ashore at Langley.USAF officials praised the pilot for pre-venting it from crashing in a populatedarea. During the entire 13 years that thesquadron flew the F-84F, they lost nineof these in crashes. Further info can befound in the serials listing.

In August 1968, both 149th TFS VAANG and 162th TFS OH ANG deployed

a number of F-84Fs to Larissa AB inGreece for exercise ‘Deep Furrow’,which was an annual exercise sponsoredby AFSOUTH (Allied Forces SouthernCommand), and held between 17 and23 August. During the exercise, Greekand US forces (including the carrier USS Independence ) worked together, and theF-84Fs flew missions against naval tar-gets, including the Independence , but alarge airdrop was also part of the exer-cise, this was the first time C-141 Star-lifters were used as such in a Europeanexercise. The VA ANG flew missions withGreek fighters, they used F-84Fs as well.

In June 1969, the squadron deployed tenF-84Fs to Eielson AFB (AK) for exercisePunch Card VI’ to familiarize themselveswith operating conditions in Alaska.

F-84Fs were not the only aircraft used by the squadron, asvarious support aircraft were used over the years. The old C-47had been replaced by a C-54D and T-33As were used as well.Missions flown by these aircraft included target towing, pro-ficiency flying and regular transport duties, like flying groundcrews to a deployment site and the state governor to varioussites around the country. By 1973, the old C-54 had been re-placed by a newer Convair T-29A.

By 1971, it was the end of the line for the venerable Thunder-streak and on 19 January, the squadron’s first F-105D Thunder-

chief arrived from McConnell AFB (KS). The Thud had gainedfame as the backbone of America’s fighter element during theVietnam War. Actually, most of the unit’s new ‘Chiefs had justserved time flying combat missions over Vietnam and this wasreflected in the poor state in which a number of aircraft werereceived – they definitely needed some good TLC. Due to workbeing carried out on Richmond’s runway in the summer of 1971,most of the F-105s were delivered to the unit at Langley AFB,

where the 149th was temporarily based for the duration. Thepilots were overjoyed with the arrival of the F-105 and could notwait to get checked out in the new bird. The unit moved back toRichmond in October and became fully operational on the typein the autumn of 1972. With arrival of the F-105, the squadronsaid goodbye to its old and trusty T-33As. It was deemed thatthese were no longer necessary, partly due to the arrival of afew twin-stick F-105Fs. The final 149th TFS T-33s were retiredin the summer of 1972.

Over the next ten years, apart from flying local missions tonearby ranges and local exercises, some of these with the Ma-

rines in North and South Carolina, the squadron made severaldeployments to Nellis AFB, as well as several other airfields inthe USA, including the summer camps in Gulfport (MS), or atSavannah (GA). The 1980 summer camp was spent at Gulf-port, but bad weather curtailed the number of sorties flown to

These are the second type of markings the squadron used on the Thunderstreak. The aircraft is painted overall grey and carried the USAF legend on the nose. The ANG badge has appeared on the tail, which was adorned with the state name as well. The photo- 

graph was taken at Dover AFB (DE) on 8 May 1965. (Stephen Miller)

Support aircraft noted with 149th TFS:C-26A 86-0459 dec89/may95C-47B 43-49521 mid50sC-54D 44-72675 ’70/mar71C-54G 45-0617 dec72T-29A 49-1926 oct73T-33A 49-0937 unknown

51-9119 may6452-9740 apr63/jun6453-5265 unknown, store Davis M by 196453-5328 ‘60s, coded ‘28’ on fin, l/n jun7256-1669 ‘7056-3661 ‘70

The Virginia ANG has used a number of support aircraft, like 44-72675, the C-54D on the photograph, which is seen here in full marks at Richmond on 21 March 1971. As can be seen in the table above, various transport aircraft and T-33s were used until the 

early 1970s, but after the arrival of the F-105 all were transferred out, It was not until 1989 that a C-26A was received. B-26s and T-6s, used in the 1940/50s, have not been included in the list. (Stephen Miller)

One of the unit’s T-33As, 53-5328, seen on the flightline at Richmond in the early 1960s. Note the yellow triangle on the tail with the code ‘28’. (Kenneth W Keeton)

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F-105Ds known to have been assigned to 149th TFS:58-1167 apr72, fate unknown59-1731 1971/may80 – named “The Hun’s Hammer” (may80) , to MASDC as FK040, arr 28may8159-1739 oct74/sep75 – named “The Queen of the Fleet” (date?), Preserved at Veteran’s Memorial, Midland AP,

Tx (f/n jul98)59-1743 apr72/may80 – named “River Rats & Hanoi Express” jul78/may80. Preserved in Heritage Museum, Hill

AFB, UT (f/n nov86)59-1771 sep75/jul80 – named “Dynamic Duo” in 1978/jul80. to MASDC as FK048, arr 25jun8159-1822 1971/jun80 – named “Superhog” in 1978/jun80, to MASDC as FK030, arr 26feb81.60-0449 oct74, to MASDC as FK005, arr 28apr7560-0452 jul80, but named ‘Rebel Rider’, to MASDC as FK061, arr 24sep8160-0492 jan75/may80 – named “Ye old war horse” in 1978/may80, to MASDC as FK045, arr 17jun8160-0498 oct74/may80 – named “Top Dog” in 1978/may80, to MASDC as FK036, arr 20may8160-5385 oct74/oct80 – named ‘Fireball Express” in 1978/oct80, to MASDC as FK042, arr 29may8161-0050 1971/1977 – named “The Boss” in 1977, Preserved at Richmond IAP, VA (f/n in dec77)61-0071 1978 – named “Regal Beagle” in 1978. To MASDC as FK049, arr 25jun8161-0086 sep75/may80 – named “Yankee Dood it” in 1978 and “Keep’em Flyin” in may80, to MASDC as FK062,

arr 24sep8161-0134 1971/sep75 , to MASDC as FK010, arr 13oct7661-0159 1972/jul78 – named “Have gun will travel” in jul78. To MASDC as FK050, arr 25jun8161-0164 jan75/may80 – named “Golden Gun” (may80), to MASDC as FK046, arr 17jun8161-0165 1971/jun73 , Preserved George AFB, CA (f/n oct75)61-0167 apr74/may80 – named “Millard the Mallard” apr78/may80, to MASDC as FK047, arr 17jun8161-0170 sep74/may80 – named “Thunder Ax” in may80. Damaged in an accident at Pope AFB (NC) sep74 but

repaired, to MASDC as FK063, arr 24sep8161-0212 sep75/may80 – named “Thunderchief” in 1978, to MASDC as FK037, arr 20may8162-4229 sep75/aug77, crashed on 31aug77 into Pamlico Sound (NC), when engine flamed out62-4242 oct74/sep75, transferred to 465 TFS AFRES (SH) by jun7862-4307 jun73, crashed in farmland near Kingsland Road, just north of the James river, 3 miles south of

Richmond IAP (VA), the pilot ejected safely, on 27jun73.62-4344 oct74/may80 – named “Battlin Gatlin” (may80), to MASDC as FK051, arr 25jun8162-4353 sep75/1978 – named “No Guts no Glory” in 1978 – instr at Lackland AFB, TX, f/n may9462-4365 sep75/may80 – named “T.C.’s Toy & Puff the magic dragon” (may80), to MASDC as FK031, arr 26feb8162-4384 sep75/may80 – named “Red River Raider” in may80. The aircraft was lost on 10 March 1981 over a

range at Fort Bragg (NC), when the aircraft exploded during a bomb run. The pilot was killed.

62-4411 sep75/may80 – named “Magnet Asp” in 1978/may80, to MASDC as FK041, arr 28may8162-4413 1978/may80 – named “Flying Anvil” in 1978, to MASDC as FK065, arr2nov8162-4414 sep74/sep81 – named “Ridge Runner” in 1978/may80, to MASDC as FK066, arr 2nov8163-8315 F-105F - apr74/jun77 – crashed 4jun77 near Nicklesville, GA63-8357 F-105F - not actually noted with unit, to MASDC (in 149 TFS mks) as FK055, arr 10jul8163-8362 F-105F - oct76/sep81 – named “Do it with….Finesse” in 1978/may80, to MASDC as FK089, arr 22jul82

62-4414  61-0086 

62-4384  60-0492 

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83, instead of the planned 132. It was the last time the squad-ron went to Gulfport!

A few years earlier, in 1976, the squadron deployed some of its

F-105s to RAF Lakenheath in the UK, in reflection of USAF’s‘total force’ policy, which meant that ANG and AFRES units weresubjected to the same operational demands an operational unitwould have been, and this also recognizes the high standardsof any ANG unit. After all, many of the seasoned ANG pilots hadmore experience than the first-tour jocks in a regular unit. Sofar, few ANG units had made the long trek to Europe for such ashort deployment, in fact, two ANG F-100 deployments to Ram-stein in 1975 were the first ANG fighter deployments to Europeto be given a ‘Coronet’ code name. On 23 October, a joint 121stTFS DC ANG and 149th TFS VA ANG deployment, codenamed‘Coronet Fife’, arrived at Lakenheath with sixteen Thunder-chiefs, ten of which were from the Virginia ANG. The squadronhad no problems finding volunteersto go to England: all 33 of the squad-ron’s pilots eagerly wanted to go! Asthe F-105s departed Richmond forthe UK in the middle of the night,the local Virginia news station pre-pared the local residents by sayingthat “they were going to make a lotof noise in the middle of the night”and the ANG invited the locals tocome on down to the base for somecoffee and donuts! It took ten aerialrefuelings to reach Europe via thesouthern route over the Azores. Aswith all USAF deployments to Eu-rope, the formation was accompa-

nied by one of the two EC-135Ks,which acted as Tactical DeploymentControl Aircraft, an airborne trafficcontrol center, complete with radarand controllers. While in Europe, thesquadron took part in the large ‘Au-

tumn Forge’ exercise, which was held for the first time in 1976;it was a combined exercise with ‘Reforger’ (Return of FORcesto GERmany), which also brought numerous Army elements to

Europe and evolved into huge airlift operations in the 1980s.One of the outcomes of the exercise was quite interesting: itwas found that NATO units were able to destroy 20-30 percentof WarPac armored units on the first day, but they would run outof ammo in about 12 hours, whereas Soviet units carried twoweeks’ worth of ammo with them, allowing them to overrun Al-lied units after the first day and win the conflict! Missions flownincluded close air support, anti-shipping warfare, low-levelnavigation and a lot of instrument flying in the harsh Europeanautumn weather. Other aircraft deployments to Europe for thesame exercise included eighteen F-4Es of 4 TFW to Bergen inNorway and no less than 58 (!) F-4Ds of 49 TFW to Hahn andRamstein. All the F-105s at Lakenheath departed for home

60-0498  62-4411

59-1743  62-4365 

The Thunderchiefs of 149th TFS were famous for their beautiful artwork. Most of their aircraft carried a name, and all of them had it applied to the grey area beneath the air intake. Eight examples of this artwork are shown here. (all Stephen Miller)

F-105D 59-1743 ‘Hanoi Express’ is seen here on the ramp at Richmond on 29 July 1978. The aircraft has a yellow fin-tip with a black lightning bolt, the latter was applied to the unit’s F-105sin 1974. The centreline store is actually the the fuel tank carried in the F-105’s internal bomb bay, but lowered for maintenance here. (Stephen Miller)

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F-105D 61-0159 “Have Gun Will Travel’ taxying out at Richmond on 29 July 1978. (Stephen Miller)

F-105F 62-4414 on the ramp at Langley AFB on 21 September 1974. This pristine-looking aircraft did not carry any artwork but had been named ‘Ridge Runner’ by 1978. The centreline store is a dummy BLU-27 napalm bomb. (David Ostrowski)

F-105D 61-0167 ‘Millard the Mallard’ on the ramp at Richmond on a sunny day on 22 April 1978. (Stephen Miller)

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on 6 November 1976, but 61-0212 and 62-4365 returned toLakenheath with technical problems and finally made it homeon 18 November.

The squadron’s Thunderchiefs were renowned for their elabo-

rate artwork, which was usually painted on the grey patch belowthe air intake. In 1977, a squadron-wide gunnery competitiondetermined the 24 best ‘shooters’ within the squadron, each ofwhich had an aircraft ‘assigned’ to him. The pilot and his crewchief then decided which name and artwork the aircraft wouldbe carrying, culminating in some very interesting designs, asseen on the photographs. Generally, the F-105s were wellloved and were an enjoyable aircraft to fly.

The squadron received A-7D Corsairs in 1981. HQ USAF hadinformed the unit of the impending change of mission aircraft on12 December 1980 but for most pilots it was not a change theyrelished, as they loved their impressive F-105s, and had hopedto get something more glamorous, like F-16s. But hey, they re-mained in the fighter business, so that was not a bad thing! The

first two A-7Ds actually arrived at Richmond on 24 June 1981,flown by the first Virginia ANG pilot to graduate from A-7 schooland an Arizona ANG major. By September, twelve Corsairs hadbeen received and only four F-105s remained on strength. Theunit’s intended complement of A-7s was down to 18 A-7Ds fromthe 24 Thuds they had on the ramp previously. At the sametime, the 23rd TFW was busy converting from A-7Ds to A-10Asand the wing’s final A-7D (and coincidentally the final active-duty Corsair in the USAF) was transferred to 149th TFS on 14August 1981. On the other hand, in 1982 the VA ANG receivedthe first A-7K (80-0288) to be delivered to an operational unit,and that statement disregards earlier deliveries to the AZ ANG,which was not regarded to be an operational unit, but a trainingunit. In April 1982, the squadron was declared ‘mission ready’and in 1983, the number of A-7Ds authorized for the squadron

was increased again, from 18 to 24 aircraft.With the A-7, the squadron joined the ongoing ANG commitmentto defend the strategically important Panama Canal, and flewmissions from Howard AFB in Panama; the unit’s first deploy-ment to Panama started in March 1983, followed by additionaldeployments in October 1983 and May 1984. These ‘CoronetCove’ deployments, as they were all known, were made by allANG A-7 units and every unit went to Panama about once ayear. Usually, a unit would deploy four to six A-7Ds to Panamafor a month, with personnel (all volunteers) being rotated every15 days. The program started backin September 1978 and would lastuntil 31 January 1990.

On 11 August 1984, the squadron

came close to losing one of itsCorsairs. Capt Denny Linkous wasperforming an emergency landingat Richmond, but failed to grab thebarrier cable and ran off the endof the runway. The undercarriagepartly collapsed and the aircraftcrashed into some radar equip-ment before coming to a standstill.Linkous was unhurt and the planewas eventually repaired, though.

The squadron also competed inGunsmoke ‘85, the USAF air-to-ground bombing and gunnery

competition, held at Nellis AFB be-tween 6 and 19 October 1985. Afew months before, in June, the unitwon the 9th Air Force A-7 gunnerymeet at Rickenbacker ANGB andtherefore earned the right to par-

ticipate in Gunsmoke. During the competition, the 149th wasnamed the world’s “Best A-7 Unit.” This was not too difficult, asonly two A-7 units took part in the competition, the other being174th TFS IA ANG. Apart from the A-7s, there were A-10, F-4and F-16 categories as well. 466th TFS, flying F-16s, were theoverall winners of the competition.

Several deployments were made in 1985. First, in July 1985,the squadron returned to Howard AFB in Panama for another‘Coronet Cove’ deployment. During their stay in Panama, theunit deployed three A-7s and 40 personnel to Taura AB in Ec-

uador for exercise ‘Blue Horizon 85’, flying missions with theEcuadorian AF’s fighters, which were also based at Taura.This was followed by a deployment to Norway in September1985 as ‘Coronet Panther’. Following a night stop at Keflavikon 5 September, twelve A-7s arrived at Evenes in Norway on 6September 1985 and did not depart for home until 21 October.Although Bodo was originally thought to be the destination ofthe deployment back in 1985, a later history released by thesquadron itself suggests that the deployment went to Evenes,which is located 140 miles above the Arctic Circle. During theirstay in Norway, the squadron flew 266 operational sorties, butno serials of participating aircraft are known.

Following an absence of nearly three years, the squadronreturned to Howard AFB, Panama in April 1988. At this time,there already was some tension between the US and Panama’s

leader, Manuel Noriega. The unit exercised extreme cautionwhile in Panama and as the 192nd TFG commander put it: “Offbase, there was tension in the air”. Eventually, in December1989, the US would invade Panama to oust Noriega and pro-tect the strategic Panama Canal as ‘Operation Just Cause’.The A-7 unit in residence at Howard AFB during ‘Just Cause’was 112th TFS OH ANG. Following the invasion, 149th TFSwent back to Howard AFB with five A-7s one final time on 20January 1990. Although the Operation had been concluded bythat date, there were still elements of the former PanamanianArmy at large in the country’s provinces and the unit’s A-7sregularly provided top cover for US Army field operations andalso flew recce missions over areas where enemy activity wassuspected. However, on 31 January the ‘Coronet Cove’-seriesof deployments was unexpectedly suspended and the squad-ron returned home.

In 1989 the unit received a C-26A to act as support aircraft forthe unit. One of the pilots that flew the aircraft was Capt SueGillespie, who was commissioned as the VA ANG’s first femalepilot in 1989. The C-26 was retired in the summer of 1995, leav-ing the unit without a dedicated support aircraft.

Another deployment to Evenes was made in 1989, when theunit deployed twelve A-7Ds to Norway as ‘Coronet Anaconda’,for yet another ‘Autumn Forge’ exercise. Although the aircraft

 A-7D 71-0350 as seen on 9 February 1982, in the early markings and wrap-around camouflageas carried by the unit’s A-7s in the early 1980s. The badge behind the cockpit is the squadron’s ‘Rebel’ badge. The tail band is bright yellow, outlined in white; there is a toned-down ANG badge on the fin. (collection Patrick Roegies)

‘Coronet Fife’, Lakenheath oct/nov76

121st TFS F-105D 58-1173, 59-1774, 60-0504, 60-0526, 61-0093,

and F-105F 62-4413

149th TFS F-105D 59-1731, 60-0498, 61-0086, 61-0164, 61-0212,

62-4229, 62-4365, F-105F 62-4414, 63-8315, 63-8362

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A-7 Corsairs known to have been assigned to 149th TFSActual change-over dates of the camouflage schemes noted below may be some way off, as not every report from the era mentionedwhich camouflage the aircraft actually carried. The SEA camo (South East Asia camo) had two distinct versions: the one with thegrey undersides and the wrap-around scheme. No distinction between these two has been made. The Grey camouflage also camein two distinct versions: the common version and a rarer one where the lighter grey had been substituted with a dark grey. As far isknown, the Virginia ANG never had any A-7s with the latter scheme. No attempt has been made to quote final fates for the aircraft af-ter they had been transferred to another unit. Finally, all aircraft below are A-7Ds except for 80-0288, which is an A-7K two-seater.

69-6197 ex 157th TFS/SC l/n jul83, with 149th TFS apr84/aug90. First noted with VA tail code in feb88, already in European Onescheme when received by the unit. First noted in grey scheme in apr90. Named ‘Honey Pot’ in oct89. Upon retirementused as Battle Damage Repair Training aid at Balt imore/Martin State AP (MD), f/n apr91.

69-6198 ex 157th TFS/SC l/n feb82, with 149th TFS oct82/jun83. Never carried VA tail code. Painted in SEA camo when re-ceived by the unit . Named ‘What’sa Sluf’ in oct82. Transferred to 4450th TG/LV, f/n nov84.

69-6199 ex 162nd TFTG/AZ l/n may81, with 149th TFS nov81/oct90. First noted with VA tail code in oct87. Was in SEA camowhen received by the unit, first noted in European One oct85. Named ‘Dollar 99’ oct82/apr90. Transferred to 198thTFS/PR, f/n mar91.

70-0942 ex 23rd TFW/EL l/n jul79, with 149th TFS sep81/jan86. Never carried VA tail code. Painted in SEA camo when receivedand probably repainted in European One camo, but there are no reports of this actually happening. Named ‘Nail it withfinesse’ oct82. Transferred to 162nd TFG/AZ, f/n oct87.

70-0943 ex 76th TFS/23rd TFW/EL, l/n may81. With 149th TFS sep81/jun91. First noted with VA tail code in oct87. Carried SEAcamo when received by the unit, f/n with European One camo oct87. Named ‘Sweet 16’ in oct89 but ‘Cors-Hare II’ in

 jun91. Transferred to 198th TFS/PR, f/n feb92.70-0955 ex 76th TFS/23rd TFW/EL, l/n may81. With 149th TFS sep81/jun91. First noted with VA tail code in oct88. Carried

SEA camo when received by the unit, f/n in Grey camo oct88. Named ‘Rebel Rider’ oct82 and ‘Sassy Susie’ in jun91.Transferred to 198th TFS/PR, f/n feb92.

70-0966 ex 157th TFS/SC l/n jul83, with 149th TFS may84/jun91. First noted with VA tail code in oct88. Carried SEA camo

when received by the unit, first noted in European One camo oct85. Named ‘Death Dealer’ mar86/jun91. Preserved inVirginia Aviation Museum, Richmond-Byrd AP, VA, f/n apr97.70-0976 ex 125th TFS/OK, l/n jul88. With 149th TFS/VA oct89/jun91. Carried European One camo. Put in storage at AMARC

(AE064), arrival date 30sep9170-0979 ex 157th TFS/SC, l/n jun83. With 149th TFS apr84/jun91, first noted with VA tail code jul87. Carried SEA camo when

received by the unit, f/n in European One camo oct87. Named ‘Virginia Gentleman in oct89. Transferred to 162nd TFS/ OH, f/n jul91.

70-0982 ex 4450th TG/LV l/n apr89, with 149th TFS sep89/jun91. First noted with VA tail code jun91. Carried European Onecamo, named ‘Bad Company’ in apr90 and ‘Final Objective’ in jun91. Transferred to 198th TFS/PR, f/n jan92.

70-1020 ex 4450th TG/LV l/n mar88, with 149th TFS oct88/jun91. Carried VA tail code right away, painted in European Onecamo, but carried the grey camo (without VA tail code) in jun91. Named ‘Old Warrior’ oct89/apr90. Transferred to 162ndTFS/OH, f/n jan92.

71-0333 ex 76th TFS/23rd TFW/EL, l/n may81. With 149th TFS sep81/jun91. First noted with VA tail code may87, it actually wasthe very first aircraft to receive the VA code. Carried SEA camo when received by the unit, first noted in European Onecamo oct85 and f/n in the grey camo apr90. Named ‘Ain’t Fleagle’ mar86/oct89 and ‘Awesome’ jun91. Transferred to

162nd TFS/OH, f/n jan92.71-0345 ex 107th TFS/MI l/n sep89. With 149th TFS/VA apr90, already in grey camo when received by the unit. Transferred to198th TFS/PR, f/n mar91.

71-0350 ex 75th TFS/23rd TFW/EL l/n feb80. With 149th TFS sep81/jun91. First noted with the VA tail code in apr88. CarriedSEA camo when received by the unit, first noted in European One camo oct85. Named ‘Playmate’ apr90/jun91. Trans-ferred to 162nd FS/OH, f/n jun92.

Noted taxying to the active runway with a few practice bombs on a wing-mounted dispenser is A-7D 69-6199. The aircraft was named ‘Dollar 99’ after its serial number. Different types of paint were used to paint the serial number and the tail code, which sometimes made it difficult to make out the tail code at all! (Richmond, October 1987, Don Spering)

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71-0361 ex 23rd TFW/EL, l/n sep79. With 149th TFS sep81/apr83, carried SEA camo when received by the unit. On 28apr83,this aircraft was lost in a crash at Prince George (VA). It was successfully abandoned by its pilot after the engine caughtfire. The wreck was noted in the unit’s hangar in Richmond in may83, but was scrapped soon thereafter.

71-0364 ex 157th TFS/SC, l/n aug83. With 149th TFS may84/jun91. First noted with the VA tail code apr88, but lost it by jun91.Carried SEA camo when received by the unit, first noted in the grey camo in oct88. Named ‘Cadillac’ jun91. Transferredto 162nd FS/OH, f/n jun92.

71-0371 ex 76th TFS/23rd TFW/EL l/n may81, with 149th TFS sep81/jun91. First noted with the VA tail code in apr88. CarriedSEA camo when received by the unit, f/n in European One in mar89. Named ‘Play Mate’ oct89 but ‘Panama Patrol’ in

 jun91. Stored at AMARC (AE044), arrival date 22jul91.71-0374 ex 157th TFS/SC, l/n oct83. With 149th TFS oct85/jun91. First noted with VA tail code apr88. Noted in European One

camo in oct85, named ‘Super Sluf’ mar86 and ‘Thumper’ apr90/jun91. Stored at AMARC (AE042) on 11jul91.

71-0376 ex 76th TFS/23rd TFW/EL, l/n oct78. With 149th TFS sep81/jun91. First noted with VA tail code apr88. Carried SEAcamo when received by the unit, f/n in European One camo in apr88. Named ‘Bad Company’ mar86/oct89. Stored atAMARC (AE063), arrival date 25sep91.

72-0171 ex 157th TFS/SC, l/n may83. With 149th TFS apr84/jun91, first noted with VA tail code apr88. Carried SEA camo whenreceived by the unit, first noted with European One camo in oct85. Named ‘Virginia Gentleman’ in jun91. Transferredto 198th TFS/PR, f/n jan92.

72-0179 ex 23rd TFW/EL, l/n at Oklahoma City ALC sep81. With 149th TFS oct82/jun91. First noted with the VA tail code inoct88, but lost it in jun91 when the aircraft was prepared for transfer to another unit. Delivered to the unit in SEA camo,but had changed to European One camo by oct85. Transferred to 162nd TFS/OH, f/n jul91.

72-0192 ex 76th TFS/23rd TFW/EL, l/n may81. With 149th TFS nov81/jun91, first noted with the VA tail code apr88. Initiallycarried SEA camo when received by the unit, but this changed to European One, f/n may83. Marked ‘192nd TFG’ inoct82, but markings had been removed again by dec82. Upon retirement, retained by the VA ANG and put on displayas a gate guard, f/n jun92. Moved to the Virginia Aviation Museum, a few blocks down the road, by dec09.

72-0198 ex 74th TFS/23rd TFW/EL l/n mar80. With 149th TFS oct81/jun91, first noted with the VA tail code in aug87. CarriedSEA camo when received by the unit, f/n with European One camo in oct85 and first noted in the grey scheme apr90.Named ‘Taz the terrible’ in oct82 and ‘Fightin Keydet’ in oct89. Transferred to 162nd FS/OH, f/n jun92.

 A-7Ds 71-0374 and 69-6197 on the ramp at Richmond on 28 August 1990, in the European One and newer grey camouflageschemes used by the unit. The fin-tip markings of the grey A-7 are white, only the front part is painted in dark blue. No name is car-ried by this aircraft, but 71-0374 is named ‘Thumper’. (S B Sauve)

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initially arrived at RAF Lakenheath on 9 Sep-tember, all Corsairs moved over to Norwayon 12 September. The Virginia ANG was theonly USAF fighter unit to ever deploy to a

bare base – like Evenes was – north of theArctic Circle. Other Stateside units deployingto Europe for Autumn Forge included 347thTFW F-16s to Ramstein, 141th TFS F-4Esto Bodo, 118th TFS A-10As to Nordholz and

72-0223 ex 23rd TFW/EL l/n may81. With 149th TFS sep81/jun91, first noted with VA tail code feb88. Initially carried SEA camobut f/n with European One camo in mar89. Noted with the name ‘Rebel Air Pirate’ on various occasions between oct82and jun91, but it is unlikely to have been carried in the late 1980s. Stored at AMARC (AE061) on 24sep91.

72-0226 ex 76th TFS/23rd TFW/EL may81. With 149th TFS aug81/jun91, first noted with VA tail code oct88. Initially carried SEAcamo, f/n with European One camo in oct85. Named ‘Bluegrass Special in oct82 and ‘Goin’ my way’ in jun91. Storedat AMARC (AE043), arrival date 11jul91.

72-0228 ex 188th TFS l/n aug87. With 149th TFS oct88/jun91, carried VA tail from the beginning. f/n with European One camoin sep89, but probably already carried this before that time. Named ’Sergeant at Arms’ in jun91. Noted on the dump atRichmond IAP in oct93, probably scrapped after that.

72-0233 ex 76th TFS/23rd TFW/EL, l/n may81. With 149th TFS may81/feb82, but lost in a fatal crash in the Atlantic about 20miles north of Cape Hatteras (NC) on 09feb82.

72-0235 ex 76th TFS/23rd TFW/EL, l/n may81. With 149th TFS sep81/jun91, first noted with the VA tail code in apr88. CarriedSEA camo when received by the unit, f/n with European One camo in may83 and first noted in the grey scheme in

 jun91. Transferred to 124th TFS/IA, f/n jul91.72-0240 ex 75th TFS/23rd TFW/EL, l/n may81 and at Oklahoma City ALC sep81. With 149th TFS nov81/jun91, first noted with

the VA tail code in apr88. Initially carried SEA camo, but f/n in European One scheme in apr89 and f/n with grey camo in jun91. Named ‘Tailwind’ oct89/jun91. Upon retirement the aircraft was flown to Tulsa IAP (OK) and was used for sparesrecovery by 125th TFS, f/n may92. It was due to be sold for scrap, but ended up being preserved in Oklahoma.

72-0259 ex 76th TFS/23rd TFW/EL, l/n may81. With 149th TFS sep81/jun91, first noted with VA tail code in apr88. Carried SEAcamo when received by the unit, this had changed to European One by apr89 and it had received grey camo by apr90.Named ‘Bear Getter’ in oct89 and ‘Diabolical Angel’ apr90/jun91. Transferred to 162nd TFS/OH, f/n jan92.

73-1010 ex 157th TFS/SC l/n may83. With 149th TFS apr84/oct90. Was officially transferred out of 157th TFS on 04may83and was noted flying from Richmond, still in its old markings, later that month. First noted in full 149th TFS marks inapr84, f/n with the VA tail code in apr88. Initially carried SEA camo but this was changed to European One by oct85.Transferred to Montgomery – Dannelly Field (AL) for Battle Damage Repair Training, f/n apr92.

73-1015 ex 157th TFS/SC l/n dec82, with 149th TFS may83/apr90. First noted with the VA tail code apr88. Initially carried SEAcamo, f/n with European One camo in oct89. Possibly noted at Eglin Advanced Warhead Experimentation Facility(AWEF, range C-64), f/n nov00.

75-0386 ex 162nd TFTG/AZ, l/n may81. With 149th TFS sep81/may87, never seen with a VA tail code. Had SEA camo whenreceived by the squadron, f/n with European One oct85. Transferred to 188th TFS NM ANG, f/n oct91.

75-0398 ex 162nd TFTG/AZ, l/n may81. With 149th TFS sep81/sep88, first noted with the VA tail code in oct87. Received withSEA camo, but f/n with European One camo in oct87. Named ‘Old Warrior’ oct82/may88. Transferred to 125th TFS/ OK, f/n may89.

80-0288 Sole A-7K with the unit – received straight from the production line. With 149th TFS may82/jun91, first noted with theVA tail code in oct88. Delivered in the SEA camo, but f/n with European One in oct85. Stored at AMARC (AE062), ar-rival date 24sep91.

The squadron’s sole A-7K, 80-0288, is seen here on the ramp at Richmond in 1984, prioir to the application of ‘European One’ camou- flage. (Larry Monger)

One of the squadron’s F-16Cs, 86-0216/VA, seen on the Richmond flightline on 28 September 1998. (Jan van Waarde)

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706th TFS A-10As to Vandel. Following the exercise, duringwhich 180 missions had been flown, all of the unit’s A-7Ds de-parted for home on 23 September, but 72-0228/235 divertedto Lakenheath with technical difficulties. These two finally suc-ceeded in returning to the USA on 5 October.

The next year, the unit returned to Europe for another deploy-

ment; between 8 June and 21 July 1990 the squadron was partof a mixed ANG deployment to Spangdahlem AB in Germany,known as ‘Creek Corsair’. Participating units were 120th TFSCO ANG (sending 3 aircraft, including an A-7K), 146th TFS PAANG (2 aircraft) and 149th TFS VA ANG (2 aircraft, 70-0955

and 71-0333). Personnel from each of the three units relievedeach other in Germany; the Virginians were at Spangdahlembetween 23 June and 7 July. While in Germany, the aircraftparticipated in exercise ‘Cold Fire’. Later that same year, Iraqinvaded Kuwait and Operation Desert Shield started. Althoughthe unit did not deploy any aircraft, 89 of its squadron membersspent duty at various military installations in the United Statesand overseas.

In 1991, the unit wound down Corsair operations and conver-sion to the F-16C started; they were in fact the first ANG unit to

fly the F-16C (and F-16D) version of the F-16. Initially, 24 F16-Cs and 2 F-16Ds were assigned to the unit and most of thesewere ex-52nd TFW jets from Spangdahlem; the first one for theunit, 85-1572, actually landed at Richmond on 26 June 1991.On 15 March 1992, the squadron was redesignated 149th FS,

‘Coronet Anaconda’, Evenes September 1989A-7D 71-0374, 71-0371, 71-0333, 70-0943, 70-0955, 70-0979,

72-0223, 72-0226, 72-0228, 72-0235, 73-1010, 73-1015

F-16s known to have been assigned to 149th FS85-1460 ex 526th FS/86th FW/RS, dep RS 20mar92. With 149th FS/VA jul92/aug93. Noted without VA tail code in aug93 and

transferred to 175th FS SD ANG, f/n jun9485-1509 F-16D – ex 512th FS/86th FW/RS, l/n sep93. 149th FS/VA nov93/dec93. Transferred to 121th FS/DC, f/n mar94.85-1546 ex 526th FS/86th FW/RS, dep RS 02apr92. With 149th FS/VA nov93/oct05. Actually did not carry VA tail code between

nov93/may94, f/n with the code sep94. Transferred to 175 FSth SD ANG, f/n apr07.85-1552 ex 52nd FW/SP, dep SP 09nov91. With 149th FS/VA jan92/aug93. Actually did not carry VA tail code in jan92, f/n with

the code jul92. Transferred to 175th FS SD ANG, f/n jun94.85-1572 F-16D – ex 480th TFS/52nd TFW/SP, dep SP (in full 149th TFS mks) on 25jun91, was among the first F-16s for the

149th to land at Richmond on 26jun91. With 149th (T)FS/VA jun91/jun07. Damaged during a nocturnal collision overthe Atlantic with 86-0228 on 30jan01. Both aircraft landed safely and were repaired. Transferred to 416th FLTS/412thTW/ED, f/n aug08.

86-0216 ex 480th TFS/52nd TFW/SP, dep SP (in full 149th TFS mks) on 12aug91. With 149th (T)FS/VA aug91/oct05. Carried

special 50th anniversary markings apr97/jan98, reverted to normal markings by jun98. Transferred to 457th FS/TX,f/n mar07.86-0219 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n jul91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/sep07. Noted marked ‘149 FS’ sep02/may03; was

also specially marked ‘192FW’ during the unit’s retirement ceremony on 16sep07. Was the last of the unit’s F-16s toleave Richmond. Transferred to 457th FS/TX, f/n sep07.

86-0222 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, dep SP on 09nov91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/aug98. Damaged 03dec93, see maintext. Shipped back to Ogden ALC for repair, the wreck was seen there, being worked on, in aug95. By dec96 it hadbeen repaired and was back in use with 149th FS. Transferred to 457th FS/TX, f/n oct99.

86-0223 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n jun91. With 149th (T)FS/VA jun91/jun07, it was still at Spangdahlem when noted in jun91; had been flown to Richmond by dec91. Marked ‘149 FS’ mar06/apr06. Transferred to 457th FS/TX, f/n jun07.

86-0225 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, dep SP on 18dec91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/jul06. Transferred to 175th FS SD ANG,f/n jan07.

86-0226 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n jul91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/oct94. Transferred to 113th FS/TH, f/n aug95.86-0227 ex 480th TFS/52nd TFW/SP, dep SP on 09nov91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/nov07, transferred to 121st FS/DC, f/n


86-0228 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n aug91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/may05. Damaged during a nocturnal collision overthe Atlantic with 85-1572 on 30jan01. Both aircraft landed safely and were repaired. Transferred to 175th FS SD ANG,f/n jun06.

86-0229 ex 480th TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n jul91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/jun07. Transferred to 457th FS/TX, f/n may08.86-0230 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n jul91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/oct05. Transferred to 121st FS/DC, f/n dec06.86-0231 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n oct91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/jun07. Actually seen without the VA tail code in

F-16C 86-0222/VA seen at the ‘last chance’ at Richmond on 6 May 1993. (Bob Greby)

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following the large-scale reorganization of the USAF followingthe first Gulf War. Likewise, the unit’s parent group was redesig-nated 192nd Fighter Group (and subsequently became 192ndFighter Wing in October 1995). By 1994, the unit’s complementhad decreased to eighteen jets, while a few years later the com-

plement was down to just fifteen F-16s.Another change for the unit was that they were ordered to re-move the Confederate flags from their aircraft and patches in1992, they had proudly worn these colors since the unit’s in-ception in the late 1940s, when they called themselves ‘TheRebel Squadron’. In the Thunderbolt era, squadron pilots hadthe confederate flag applied to their flight jackets and helmets.Actually, most of the squadron’s pilots even had replica ‘rebel’caps which they wore on special occasions! A case of mis-placed political correctness?

On 28 February 1993, the squadron deployed eight F-16Cs toAndoya AB in Norway for exercise ‘Battle Griffin’, which wasa NATO cold-weather exercise which included forces from 15countries, like VMAQ-3 EA-6Bs at Bodo. No serials of partici-

pating F-16s are known for the deployment, nor is the returndate.

On 3 December 1993, almost lost an F-16, when 86-0222caught fire on landing at Richmond IAP, following which the un-dercarriage collapsed. At that moment, the pilot (safely) ejectedfrom the stricken aircraft, when, according to his own state-

ment: “the aircraft started going sideways, and the jet ended upnext to the civilian firehouse idling and burning contentedly. Wepicked it up with a crane, blew the gear down, pinned it, andtowed it back to the ramp. Boy, did it stink!!” The aircraft wassent back to Ogden ALC for repairs.

Between 1 December 1993 and 15 January 1994, the squadronwas part of a joint ANG deployment to Incirlik AB in Turkey. FourANG F-16 units were involved in this deployment, 120th FS COANG, 149th FS VA ANG, 174th FS IA ANG and 175th FS SDANG; these combined deployments became known as ‘Rain-bow Team’ deployments and were conceived to relieve the bur-den for the units involved, as each unit would man the deploy-ment for a few weeks, before being relieved by personnel fromone of the other states. Each of the units quoted contributedthree aircraft to the deployment, except the 149th, which onlysent over a pair of F-16Cs, 86-0227 and 86-0246. The F-16stook four days to make the flight, arriving in Turkey via Ger-many, on 4 December. While in Turkey, the squadron supported‘Operation Provide Comfort II’, patrolling the no-fly zone over northern Iraq to prevent Iraqi forces from inflicting damage on

the villages of Kurdish minorities. This deployment also markedthe first time ANG units had been called to active duty sincethe liberation of Kuwait in 1991. The 149th returned home on15 January 1994. Over the next ten years, a steady stream offighters and support aircraft of a large number of units deployed

F-16C 86-0249/VA, armed with a Maverick missile, shortly after returning from a training mission on 6 May 1993. (Bob Greby)

dec91, this had been applied by jul92. Transferred to 457th FS/TX, f/n nov08.86-0232 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n oct91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/sep05. Transferred to 121st FS/DC, f/n nov06.86-0242 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n may91. With 149th (T)FS/VA aug91/may00. When first seen in aug91, it was still

at Spangdahlem, first noted in Richmond in dec91. Was at Ogden ALC for rework in dec00, but on 26dec00 it wasseverely damaged when the landing gear was suddenly retracted during landing at Hill AFB (UT) following a post-maintenance test flight. A complete rebuild of the aircraft started, using parts of F-16N 163571. It was still at Hill infeb05 and never returned to Richmond. Transferred to 457th FS/TX, f /n mar07.

86-0243 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n jun91. With 149th (T)FS/VA jan92/sep05. Marked ‘149 FS’ sep98/may01. Transferredto 121st FS/DC, f/n oct07.

86-0244 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n oct91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/mar03. In sep00, a set of special markings waspainted on the aircraft, based on the scheme carried by 328th FS Mustangs during World War II. It carried the code‘PE’ and the name ‘Cripes A Mighty’. Transferred to 150th DSE NM ANG, f/n mar04. Returned to 149th FS/VA, notedmay05/sep05, but transferred again, to 457th FS/TX, f/n mar07.

86-0245 ex 480th TFS/52nd TFW/SP, dep SP on 09nov91. 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/apr06. Was one of the few VA ANG F-16snoted with a name, it was named ‘Warrior Princess’ in dec91. Transferred to 457th FS/TX, f/n nov06.

86-0246 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, dep SP (in full 149th TFS mks) on 25jun91. With 149th (T)FS/VA jun91/may06. Marked

‘192 FW’ sep04/may06. Transferred to 457th FS/TX, f/n mar07.86-0249 ex 480th TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n jun91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/feb00. To 174th FS IA ANG, f/n aug01.86-0254 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n jul91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/sep05. Noted without VA tail code, following a repaint,

in apr00. Full mks again may00. Also marked ‘192 FW’ sep96/mar01. Transferred to 175th FS SD ANG, f/n sep08.86-0258 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n jul91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/oct94, transferred to 113th FS/TH, f/n aug95.86-0259 ex 23rd TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n sep91. With 149th (T)FS/VA oct91/oct94, actually still at Spangdahlem when seen in

oct91. Had been delivered by dec91. Transferred to 113th FS/TH, f/n mar95.86-0260 ex 480th TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n jun91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/oct94. Transferred to 113th FS/TH, f/n aug95.86-0261 ex 480th TFS/52nd TFW/SP, l/n jun91. With 149th (T)FS/VA dec91/oct94. Transferred to 113th FS/TH, f/n aug95.

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to Turkey in support of the operation, whichofficially ended on 1 May 2003. The VirginiaANG returned to Incirlik for more ‘OperationProvide Comfort II’ in 1996; between 9 Janu-ary and 9 April 1996 they were part of another‘Rainbow Team’ operating from Incirlik, whichincluded F-16s from 149th FS VA ANG, 174thFS IA ANG and 175th FS SD ANG, each con-tributing four F-16s to the deployment (serialsof F-16s involved unknown). 149th FS per-sonnel deployed to Iraq in February.

The squadron was selected to evaluate anew recce pod for the F-16 force, namedTARS (Theatre Airborne ReconnaissanceSystem), and from 1995 the unit conductedtests with this portable, pod-mounted electro-optical reconnaissance system, with F-16D85-1572 being used as the dedicated testaircraft. To provide maximum flexibility for itsfighter force, the USAF wanted to see wheth-er reconnaissance pods could be carried byregular fighter aircraft, giving operational unitsthe additional function of reconnaissance, with each unit be-ing capable of equipping a small number of aircraft with thepod, thus eliminating dedicated recce squadrons. In April 1996,

the squadron was declared fully mission capable with the podand the next month, in May 1996, the squadron deployed toAviano to fly recce missions over Bosnia, supporting interna-tional peace keeping efforts in the region. This operation wasnamed ‘Operation Decisive Edge’. The five F-16s involved inthe deployment (86-0223, 86-0229, 86-0230. 86-0243 and 86-0244) arrived in Italy on 30 May (actually, two aircraft (229/244)diverted to Spangdahlem and arrived at Aviano the next day).The F-16s usually flew four missions each day, photographingeight or more targets on each mission. The targets were chosenby NATO’s Combined Air Operations Center in Vicenza. Theseoperational tests with the new pod proved quite successful andit was decided to further develop the concept, which ultimatelyresulted in the definitive TARS pod in 1998. Anyway, the unitdeparted Aviano for home again early in July 1996.

The next few years were spent participating in various exer-cises in the USA and Canada. These included annual partici-pation in Air Warrior and Red Flag exercises at Nellis or MapleFlag at Cold Lake, but in June 1999 the unit deployed to Alaska,followed by a deployment to Hickam AFB (HI) in February andMarch 2000. In December 2000, the squadron deployed a de-tachment of F-16s (and 130 personnel) to Hato AP, Curacao inthe Netherlands Antilles as part of ‘Operation Nighthawk’, an

F-16C 86-0219/VA serves as a backdrop for the troops during the F-16 farewell cer- emony at Richmond on 16 September 2007. (Kenneth W Keeton)

effort to stop drug smuggling into the United States.

Following the terrorist attacks on the USA on 11 September2001, elements of the squadron were called to active duty,starting on 20 September 2001. Their mission was to provide

full-time air defence for the USA, and the unit´s F-16s startedflying missions in support of ‘Operation Noble Eagle’, defendingthe cities in their area from further terrorist attacks. The squad-ron’s home took on the look of an active-duty Air Force base!Beginning in mid-September, combat air patrols were flown dayand night for 218 consecutive days until mid-April 2002; duringthat period 820 operational sorties were flown. To support 24-hour-a-day operations, the unit installed three alert trailers forF-16 crews at Richmond, as well as on-base laundry facilities,a mini-BX and a small gymnasium. The USA was in turmoiland although never called to active duty as a whole, selectedsquadron and wing personnel did their periods of active duty,which lasted up to two years at a time, the maximum federallyallowed.

On 7 June 2002, after being relieved from the 24/7 ´NobleEagle´ patrols, 149th FS deployed six F-16Cs to Aalborg ABin Denmark for participation in exercise ‘Clean Hunter 2002’,which was held between 10 and 21 June. They were support-ed by KC-135Es from 108th ARS IL ANG. 522nd FS/27th FWF-16s also took part in the exercise; these had deployed toDenmark a few days earlier. 149th FS left for home again on22 June.

Another shot taken at Richmond on 6 May 1993, of F-16C 86-0226/VA. (Stephen Miller)

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In March 2003, a coalition led by Britain and the USA invadedIraq in an effort to oust Saddam Hussein as the dictator of Iraq.On 1 May 2003, President Bush declared military victory, butthis was only the beginning of a long stay in Iraq for the USforces, also known as ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ (OIF). Follow-ing ‘9-11’, the US had also gradually increased its presencein Afghanistan and over the next years, the US military waslargely devoted to supporting the war effort in Afghanistan andIraq. 149th FS also participated in this effort and in October2003, the squadron deployed to Al Udeid AB in Qatar, in a jointdeployment with 138th FS, supporting US ground troops in Iraq

during OIF. The deployment involved six F-16s of each squad-ron (the VA ANG aircraft were 86-0219, 86-0225, 86-0230, 86-0243, 86-0245 and 86-0246), and after 45 days of operations,the squadron departed Al Udeid for Moron AB in Spain for thefirst leg of the long journey home on 2 December 2003.

A news report in the Newport News Daily Press of 14 February2004 claimed that 149th FS was going to move to Langley AFBin the future and was going to be integrated into 1st FW flyingthe FA-22 Raptor, much like an Associate squadron in AFRC,maintaining their own unit identity and command structure. Thisreport proved to be correct and USAF officially announced their ‘Future Total Force Initiative’ on 1 December. A few months lat-er, on 13 May 2005, the fate of 149th FS was sealed when thenext wave of base closures and unit reductions was officially

announced: the unit was due to retire all its F-16s over the nextfew years and move to Langley AFB to fly the F-22, just like thenewspaper report predicted. The squadron would not ‘own’ anyF-22s but support 1st FW operations by flying their jets. In Oc-tober 2005, LtCol Phillip Guy became the first of the squadron’spilots to make the move to Langley AFB and fly the Raptor. Thefirst two-ship mission of F-22As exclusively flown by VirginiaANG pilots was flown from Langley AFB on 18 February 2006,by LtCol Guy and Maj Patrick DeConcini. As the unit was, atthat time, still based at Richmond, the group at Langley wasoperated by Det.3.

On 9 June 2007, the squadron flew its final tactical F-16 sorties.By that time, the majority of the VA ANG pilots was in training orhad completed the Raptor conversion-course. Only a handfulof F-16s was left on strength with the unit. On 10 June, 86-0229 departed to Fort Worth, leaving only 85-1572, 86-0219,86-0223 and 86-0231 to be reassigned. By 20 June only 219and 223 were still present and these flew the official last F-16training mission for the squadron on that date; this was also thedate the unit officially transitioned to the F-22A, and becamethe first ANG squadron to use the type. By this time, twenty

pilots had converted to the type. However, it was not until 16September 2007 that the final F-16 (86-0219) officially left Rich-mond during a farewell-ceremony held at the base. That day,the unit’s facility at Richmond was closed in a ceremony; theunit flag was rolled-up by Col Jay Pearsall and then put away.86-0219 then departed, the pilot dipped the wings of the F-16and made the final fly-by.

On 13 October 2007, 149th FS and associated 192nd FW of-ficially moved to Langley AFB, at which time Det.3 was inacti-vated and replaced by the main body of the unit. That day, a

ceremony was held in 27 FS’s hangar at Langley. A squadronmember quoted that it had been reported that “according tosome VA ANG F-22 pilots, they really didn’t like someone else(i.e. 1 FW) flying their jets, and losing their own identity. Themaintenance troops were getting along fine, at the time. How-ever, given the high state of ANG maintenance, it was thoughtthey would soon get ‘tired’ of putting up with the active dutyfolks, in the long term.” Generally, ANG aircraft maintenanceis of a higher standard than in the active duty Air Force. Themove to Langley was not entirely a happy one for the squadron.A large number of personnel left the unit altogether, or movedover to the DC ANG to continue working on F-16s, or took otherNational Guard jobs closer to home, they had the feeling theywere ‘sold out’ by the Air Force. The number of personnel actu-ally transferring to Langley was fairly small, and while at Lang-

ley, most felt that ‘they were just a number on the list’ and notan individual human being.

Be that as it may, the squadron moved on and F-22 operationsstarted to gather pace. In late 2007 the squadron resumed their‘Operation Noble Eagle’ duties with the Raptors, reaching FullOperational Capability with the F-22A on 13 December 2007.On 6 January 2009, 1st FW deployed twelve F-22s to KadenaAB, and about 50 Virginia ANG personnel, including a few pi-lots, went along as well. They returned home on 11 April.

Unfortunately, the 149th FS is just one of many ANG squad-rons to have lost its identity over the past few years and morechanges to the ANG force will undoubtedly take place in thefuture. The past 60 years have seen good and bad times for thesquadron, and they have always been a favorite of us aircraft

‘buffs’!Credits: Kenneth W Keeton, Virginia Air National Guard Reti-ree’s Association, Stephen Miller, Don Spering, Patrick Roe-gies, USAF, BAR, SEAR,, ‘The Air Guard’ by ReneFrancillon, Air Combat, World Air Power Journal. Correctionsand additions? Mail [email protected].

The shape of the future for the Virginia ANG is captured in this photograph, showing 149th FS F-16Cs 86-0223/VA as lead aircraft,flanked by F-16C 86-0245/VA and F-22A 03-4050/FF of 1st FW. (30 March 2006, USAF photo TSgt Ben Bloker)