Air-MidSem Journal

semester two aaron lougoon 328159 de itecture s tudio ign air arch


air mid sem journal entry

Transcript of Air-MidSem Journal

semester twoaaron lougoon 328159

de itecture studio ignair


contents: the case for innovation week one - architecture as discouse week two - computing in architecture week three - parametric modelling

cut case study project week four - argument + case study 1.0 week five - cut case study 2.0 week six - cut case study 2.0 week seven - cut case study 2.0 week eight - EOI presesntations

p. 3p. 7p. 11

p. 17p. 21p. 30p. 35p. 39

case for innovation


Oh, Hello there! If your reading this I take it you want to get to know me a bit better. So here it goes, my name is Aaron Lougoon and i’m doing design studio air. Some things about me: I like to cook, play sport and watch movies. I play hockey and am loving that the olympics are on because its one of the only chances you get to watch the Aussie hockeys teams go at it! This is my first semester of my environments degree but I have previously finished a science degree. Why the change? Well its just something ive always occupied the idea of doing (having done some work experience at an architecture firm during school and then choosing predominantly design based breadth subjects during my science degree). I found that those design subjects were just as engaging as the anatomy and physiology subjects I was also doing. Even from a young age I guess I always loved making things, whether that was playing with lego or creating bush shelters with friends.Getting back to the now, the most recent designing subject ive done was Virtual Environments that took us through the process of choosing a natural process and abstracting it though a digital means and then constructing it with the help of plugings to Rhino (to help with the nothcing of the paper/card construction).

week one:architecture as discourse

My design was based around embroyonic development of cells multiplying and growing. This was conveyed both by the increasing size and number of interior rings of the balls. I think it was reasonably successful for its purpose. So, up until the start of this year I had had very little interaction with computer based design and it was through this subject that we were introduced to a range of different examples and applications of digital architecture. The main guide I gained from this means of design, was that when combind with model making model making is one of the greatest tools for learning about a project and expanding and improving upon it. That process of designing, making, improving, making again was done on a lesser degree in that subject but the idea of how well it works with computer design really stuck with me.It was also around this time that I saw the documentary Sketches for Frank Gehry and it just sort of reinstated how important that process can be, no matter how experienced you are.


Favourite buildings are always fun to talk about but on the same hand deciding on more then one was difficult. Firstly i’ll talk about the one that took some time to come up with. Im not sure whether it actually is my second favourite building but since seeing it ive always been intrigued. The Manadnock building in Chicago was one of the early skyscrapers in the US. In terms of standard conventions and precedents there was very little, so in that sense it was part of the modern movement. However, with Daniel Burnham as one of the architects, its no real surprisethat it still holds some classical values, allbut subtly displayed. I think it was this subtleness that I was really drawn to, its slightly tapered base and abstract flared cornice add to the effect that it could be a giant column if it wasnt for all the bay windows. Another thing that really stands this building out is the colour, when considering what was to follow is also really rare (1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition and the “White City”, also framed by Burnham among others). Its seems to me that it was part of a one step forward ten steps back process (it being the one step forward). I feel that, that colour really does add to the monoloithic presense of the building. One of the last giant brick structures to reach for the sky. Its magnificent!

Daniel BurnhamManadnock Building

Ever since I saw this next building, I was always facinated by it and as cliche a favourite building comes this ones it. Falling Water or the Kauffman House in Bear Run has forever been amongst lists of the greatest buildings ever designed but my reasons were a bit more simple.I like it because it looks cool, not only is it situated on a flowing creek but its cantilevered out over it too. It wasnt until I actually looked into more of Frank Llyod Wrights work and what was happening else where at the time that it really becomes a bit more significant. He was a master of siting a building and understanding the environment, both built and natural. I think thats what makes this incredible, creating a grace on this particular landscape. Something fitting such a pristine and natural space while also creating a path that emcompasses fantastic views. Another reason I love this building is because of him, who better to create this then the crazy man himself. Confidence is an understatment when considering the engineering prowess of this build and the hangover of the floors. This building was also quite distant from the utopian dream he was also trying to create during the tough economic middle war years. On one hand economical minded builds compared to this, which even in 1936 was super expensive. Quite happy to paralell those projects.


Frank Llyod Wright“Falling Water”

week two:computers in architecture

This age of Information is chaging the way we think about all aspects of buildings; from conception to constrcuction and sustainability and the impacts on the environment. Through these digital technologies there is scope for greater holistic integration of the process from conception to production to living. When we think of iconic shapes that are defining this age we need not look furhter the in front of us most of the time; our phones, ipods, computers, cars etc all are a part of the a smooth architectural/design discourse. As a part of the digital conituum there is now more expanded exploration in architecture and these links can help in the speed of the entire process as this digital design information is essenitally the construction information (as shown in the ship building industry where there is no drawings anymore, just 3D digital models). Buildings have this same potenitally. By chagning the use of the computer from display tool to design tool, there is scope forfill the potential of the anaylitical machines they are.

In the past, computerisation In conventional design generally followed theprocess; ideas a drawn, translated to the computer, models are made and this process is refined to create a final product. Kalay breaks this up further into drafting and modeling, where the designer has full control and the computer has no knowledge, analylitical systems where the computer can model scenerios for energy, cost etc and ‘knowledge-based’ design that can propose ideas.Through exploring this last field of digital/computational architecture you soon begin to reviel a specific vocab that is begining to define it. The modelling types; generative, emergent, swarming, associative, morphogenesis, genetic, cellular autonomy, L-systems and parametric. Each of these individual methods for design use different computational techniques to reach their desired outcome and effect.


Way back in 1994, Greg Lynn made the proposal towards using data from traffic and pedestrian flow to base his design around for the Port Authority Triple Bridge Gateway competition. By using animation software for form generation he let the inofrmation create the design for him.

Greg Lynn was the first person to use animation software not just as display tool but to generate forms. His project, Animate form, was part of this exploration into new ways of creating new forms. By using motion-based modelling techniques, he employed kinematics (among others) to show the motion of an object, or the result that motion has on a field of space. This was expanded upon through heirachy and led to his ideas of skin and skeleton structures.

Port Authority Triple Bridge Gateway Proposal Greg Lynn Studio

Through biomimicry and non-euclidean geometries, LAVA designed the Martian Embassy as a fusion of a whale and time travel. The space functions as a not-for-profit writing centre for young people in Sydney and needed a spark to trigger the imagination of the users. The design fully utelises the CNC milling and plywood to create the fluid geometry flowing the length of the structure. Broken up into sections by the plywood ribs, these in turn create spaces for seats, shelves, storage and displays as well as becoming some of these spaces.Once the project was oulined, it was as simple as notching the intersecting ribs and panels together.

The Martian Embassy LAVA Studio


Unlike conventional design (independent), computational design (dependent) has interelated parts that are predetermined by their relations to one another or to a deeper algorithm or formulae. With parametric modelling, those relations are determined by set parameters. Relationships defined and established by the designer to fit a certain criteria in its discourse. As a new part of the design process the designer must first though set down the logic that connects the design as a whole, By having a dynamic means, this method aims at representing change. Unlike traditional design, simply erasing lines, walls or sections of buildings is much more difficult as these become part of the whole (of interelated parts). Is this going to restrict imaginative exploration into projects by limiting options available.

week three:parametric modelling

Rocker Lange Architects in Hong Kong is using parametric modeling to try and define a new and unique Hong Kong streetscape. This comtemport city bench is part of a greater group of dynamic street furniture, with the ability to adapt to the already existing layout of the city. They all have similar properties because they are all based on similar parameters with varible environmental inputs, such as stairs and poles. The great positive about using parametric modelling for installations and furniture is that because it is on a small scale, more options can be processed further down the design process unlike architecture. This project shows some of the great capabilities of parametric design as new forms can be made by inputing physical environmental features (prebuilt environment) but also has a form with minimal inputs.


Urban AdapterRocker Lange Architects

The “Yorkshire Diamond” project from Various Architects drew inspiration from the mining district and its in this biomimicry that is the key parametric feature. The frame is made of inflatable tubes and are in place as the atomic structure of diamonds (hence the name) and allow for varying shapes to be hollowed out into the structure by following the structural patterns. The idea of a mobile pavillion needs to have this dynamic aspect to suit the needs at the time; small to large conferences/ public presentation.Stability in 3D structural shape.

Yorkshire DiamondVarious Architects



pages 1,2,5,6 - range of building images from wikipedia commons under names of buildings/structurespage 9 - greg lynn : 10 - lava : 12 - rocker lange architects : 13 - various architects :

cut case study project


experience so farAlthough I knew about quite a few of these design programs and the types of data inputs for them (Rhino, grasshopper, parametrics, data scapes, metamorphesis), I was blisssfully unaware how used they are by architectural community. Through exploring this ‘case for innovation’ I genuinely saw the advantages in adapting more of these technologies to help us better site/suite and fit our environment while also furthering the design discourse and bringing up new and intriging ideas for future exploration.Critical analysis is another new area for me (in this field anyway, come from a science background). Posing question like why are these buildings significant? What have they brought thats new or different to todays contempary architectural discourse? Why is this design more appropriate then another?Then trying to answer or further understand whats gone into the design has be really insightful.


Why panelisation?

Potential for adaption and change - take on responsive qualities- enhance the panels by making operable/responsive to natural elements, light, wind or noise.Create level of interaction between Wyndham City locale and cars.Able to utelise a kit of parts - mass production methods- ease of fabrication (similar sized panels)

Why responsive?

Creation of dynamism via reactivity to outside elements would create a unique experience.Ability to create an experience when driving past the installation- possible reaction to the winds generated by driving combined with air currents.Multiple possibilities for the surface to respond to the elements at any one time and hence create different experiences.

Expression of Interest Argument

Wyndham CityWestern Gateway Design project:Brief: exciting eye catching installation that inspires and enriches the municipality.

I joined a group with Jiin Kim and Sanjay Santhosh. In our first meeting during class we decided that we were all interested in panelisation as our parametric designing focus. Although we knew there was scope to adapt and as a secondary focus we also looked into responsive architecture. We looked at the case studies and came up with a few main points we liked and these points became our argument.

case study oneOMA - McCormick Tribune campus centre

The interior and facade glazing is patterned throughout OMAs McCormick Tribune on the IIT campus. As case study 1.0 we looked into how the designers were able to use parametric programs like Rhino and grasshopper to create variations on the surface of the glass from similar smaller individual images. In grasshopper to recreate the patterning we used similar small images and an image sampler to form our own variations, that then evolved into a range of other forms.

201. simple slider variation on the grasshopper defintion given

2. replaced the surfaces with objects. spheres at the same height then at varying heights

3. data driven extrusion

4. data driven rotation

5. data driven components

Art615by Aalborg University students

case study 2.0


Groups of second year University of Aalborg architecture and design students, were assigned the task of digitally designing an art pavilion for a park in Aalborg. The concept had to pledge the feeling of a safer environment as the park was crime-related. The project explored the development of dynamic architecture that utelised both understanding complex social interactions and advanced digital design methods from conception to fabrication. Their research sought the community engagment to establish a safer park through perfomances and interactive light systems, advancing local culture, interactions and discussions.For the form and structure itself, Rhino and Grasshopper were used to for the development of the dynamic architectural concepts.

24Through the interior part of the installation, visitors were given the chance to ‘step into the art’ as the lighting systems gaged outside information and transformed it into a light show.The simple surface in Rhino created a semi-closed space, that with parametric modeling in Grasshopper allowed alterations until everyone involved was happy with the outcome. Underneath the panelled surafce is a structral waffle system that the panels are fixed to. “We wanted to work with the inside and outside of Art615 and also make a spatial connection between these two spaces. By perforating the shell, the scales are able take advantage of the displayed light on the inside and at the same time create a visual and audible connection between the two spaces.”

Series of curves referenced into grasshopper

Lofted surface created from curves

Surface divided into uv coordinates, based on sliders

Panels created from surface points

Fail. All panels paralell to xy plane. Try again.

26Surface broken down into surface frames (normal to surface)

Panels created from surface frames

Slider variations for number of panels

drawings of finished case study

28Creating the reverse engineered case study of Art615 pavilion was seamingly straight forward once we established how they went about it. Apart from the exact form of the structure, there still is a few other main differences. Unlike Art615, we had trouble with the intersections between our panels on the surface. We were unable to get the panels to overlap properly for actual fabrication. The case study also somehow established more uniform rows and columns of panels where the seperations were clearly defined for lighting effects, that we were only partially able to recreate. One thing we coouldnt really figure out was whether the angles of the panels we completely based on the normal of the surface or floated slightly away in conjunction with the overlapping panels. The last major difference which we noticed once we had completed the exercise was the type of waffle grid as the sub-structure and how to go about making the flat connections with the ground that theirs did.

So apart from those few differences, our case study was very similar in the working of the Grasshopper definition.

We to take it from here? As a group we have been looking into the effects wind can have on panels, or mimicking the patterns of wind itself (swirls of wind or ways to represent wind through form).

streaming text files multiple maths functions altered tile geometry alter profile geometry point attractor multiple point attractors

data driven rotation

data driven extrusion

data driven shading

image sampler

curve attractors


30streaming text files multiple maths functions altered tile geometry alter profile geometry point attractor multiple point attractors

Grasshopper process of Final outcome for Mid-semester presentation

32Through the process of making a matrix of ideas we found a few processes that we became more fond of and tried to apply these to what we wanted from our final mid-sem design. We wanted to create a new form so we lengthened our initial curves for our lofted surface. We also liked the effect of attractor points and utelised multiple attractor points to try and create a more curving, wind like flowing panelisation. Lastly we wanted to apply the thought of what type of panels can reflect the motion we were trying to display in relation to the wind. We found that the point of the triangle was the more appropriate to try and get this message across.

Further precedents

Fragmented Sea - Ned KahnAfter looking further into the responsive side of panelisation and in particular the majority of works by Ned Kahn and how he attempts to replicate the natural elements, we thought about how we could go about appylying this to our project. The Fragmented Sea showcases the strengths and capabilities of panelisation. This particular project, which is composed of square panels that respond to wind, has effectively conveyed the designer’s intent to create a wind-animated screen around the Mesa Arts Centre. This generates the ever-changing illusion of rippling water enveloping the building.


Voussoir CloudIwamotoScott architectsPanelisation in this context, allowed for the architects to break down the surface into both solid and open spaces. The translation of the surface into parametrically designed petal-shaped panels creates greater visual and experiential intrigue than a planar surface would have. Also, the exhibition display features unique and disperse voids between the 2300 petal-modules which play with light and shadow, and draws further attention to the structure.

Talee IsetanUN STUDIOThe Talee Isetan is another example of how panelisation has been utilised in a commercial context to create a distinct and memorable experience for people. For the redesigning of the facade, they decided to create a visual link to the Star Place adjacent to it, and at the same time create its own unique identity amongst the cityscape of Taiwan. The curved pattern on the face of the structure, made from twisting rays of panels from being horizontal to vertical, continues the trend by Star Palace while maintaining its individuality.

fabricationOur model was fabricated out of 2.7mm plywood, laser cut from the fab lab. After the waffle sub-structure was complete, the group went about placing the trianglar panels lengthways along the frame following the layout from our Grasshopper definition (with a few randomised panels to show some possible responsive nature from the wind). Not that it was a complete hindsight, but the creation of indentations or notches for the panels to sit on on the frame would have made assebly quite alot faster and easier.


fabricationOur model was fabricated out of 2.7mm plywood, laser cut from the fab lab. After the waffle sub-structure was complete, the group went about placing the trianglar panels lengthways along the frame following the layout from our Grasshopper definition (with a few randomised panels to show some possible responsive nature from the wind). Not that it was a complete hindsight, but the creation of indentations or notches for the panels to sit on on the frame would have made assebly quite alot faster and easier.


EOI and presenation crit feedbackWhat we need to work on:Decide further on our take on wind.If we do look closer at wind spirals etc try to understand better fluidity through other forms.Incorperating direction, not only of the triangles (wind and shadows) and other ways to articulate it.We can/should start from illustrations or images of the forms/shapes that we like and are suitable to the site (looking more into viewpoints).

Fabrication:Waffle vs camouflage (with skin/panels)Changing waffle (if we keep it - therefore make some more models angeneral presentation notes check out specifications)Photos of models - were good but just need to work on positioning (but with a freestanding model we can fix this easily)

More precedents:Shadow pavilionDragon skin pavilion



pages 19 - OMA : 21,22,23,24 - Art615 : page 33 - Ned Kahn : 34 - IwamotoScott architects : 34 - UN studio :