Aim: The Great Depression to the Great War…. 31. Herbert Hoover Born: August 10, 1874, West...

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Aim: The Great Depression to the Great War

Aim: The Great Depression to the Great War1Mr. OberhausHVS11 Lesson 3631. Herbert Hoover Born: August 10, 1874, West Branch, Iowa Occupation: Engineer Wife: Lou Henry Children: 2 boys President: 1929 - 1933 Political Party: Republican Vice President: Charles Curtis Died: October 20, 1964 Buried: West Branch, Iowa Historical Ranking: Average

Hoover as President The economy had showed some cause for concern before Hoover came to power, however, after Hoover became President the stock market crashed and the economy bottomed-out. People lost their jobs and their fortunes. Stock Brokers committed suicide. The people blamed everything on Hoover. People who lost their homes designed make shift shelters that became known as "Homerville's". Hoover tried to launch programs to help those in need but it was not enough. Hoover lost his re-election bid to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Later, most people came to understand that Hoover was not to blame for the depression. 32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Born: January 30, 1882, Hyde Park, New York Occupation: Farmer, Lawyer, Public Official Wife: Eleanor Roosevelt Children: 5 boys & 1 girl President: 1933 - 1945 Political Party: Democratic Vice Presidents: John N. Garner, Henry A. Wallace, Harry S. Truman Died: April 12, 1945 Buried: Hyde Park, New York Historical Ranking: Great

Roosevelt as President Franklin Roosevelt was the cousin of Theodore Roosevelt. In 1921, Roosevelt was confined to a wheelchair due to polio. He was able to walk short distances with the aid of crutches and braces on his legs. When Roosevelt took office he immediately closed all banks for a "Bank Holiday". He then allowed them to open slowly with government help. Roosevelt famously said; "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself". Congress and Roosevelt worked closely together to pass numerous programs meant to help keep people from losing their homes and to put people back to work. The First Lady traveled the country for her husband to find out what people needed.Roosevelt as President (continued) Roosevelt's administration became known as "The New Deal". Roosevelt was re-elected in 1936. In 1941 Roosevelt started his 3rd term as President. Many in the country were very upset by this because he went against tradition. But Roosevelt said he; "loved the power and enjoyed being President". On December 7, 1941 while the US economy was still not as strong has it was prior to 1929, Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. On December 9, 1941, Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war. The US now entered the war in Europe and Asia. World War II was now underway.Roosevelt as War Time President Roosevelt effectively led the war effort. The American economy finally grew. In 1945, Roosevelt won his fourth term as President. However, the work was causing a strain on his health. On April 12, 1945 while on vacation in Georgia, Roosevelt was having his portrait painted when he suddenly grabbed his head and fell back in his chair. Within a few hours Roosevelt died from a brain hemorrhage. Roosevelt ended up serving as President for 12 years, 1 month, and 8 days. Congress would eventually pass and the states would ratify the 25th amendment to make sure no President ever serves more than 2 terms or a total of 10 years. 33. Harry S. Truman Born: May 8, 1884, Lamar, Missouri Occupation: Farmer, Businessman, Public Official Wife: Bess Wallace Children: 1 girl President: 1945 - 1953 Political Party: Democratic Vice President: Alben W. Barkley (2nd term only) Died: December 26, 1972 Buried: Independence, Missouri Historical Ranking: Near Great

Truman as President Truman's first decision as President was whether or not to drop the Atomic Bomb on Japan to hopefully end World War II. He ordered two bombings; the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan surrendered. Congress battled Truman for the remainder of the term. Truman than ran for his own term against the Governor of New York Thomas E. Dewey. Most expected Truman to lose however, he pulled out a surprise victory. Truman famously held up a newspaper headline that was printed prior to the end of the election that read "Dewey Defeats Truman". Truman had a sign on his desk that said; "The Buck Stops Here". Truman took responsibility for all decisions he made. Truman as President (continued) After WWII, the Cold War began, Russia cut off a divided Berlin, Germany. Truman ordered supplies to be airlifted into Berlin. This became known as the "Berlin Airlift"Truman issued his "Truman Doctrine" which stated that the United States would help any country that wanted to stay free from Communism. Truman ordered American troops into South Korea after Communist North Korea invaded. This was the start of the Korean War which lasted from 1950 - 1953. It was an undeclared war. Truman faced many challenges and was never afraid to make the tough decisions. 34. Dwight D. Eisenhower Born: October 14, 1890, Denison, Texas Occupation: Army General Wife: Mary Geneva Doud Children: 2 boys President: 1953 - 1961 Political Party: Republican Vice President: Richard M. Nixon Died: March 28, 1969 Buried: Abilene, Kansas Historical Ranking: Average

Eisenhower as President Eisenhower had to keep fighting the cold war. However, he sought ways to make and keep peace with the Russians. Eisenhower wanted to avoid a Nuclear War at all costs. In 1955, Eisenhower had a minor heart attack but quickly recovered. Eisenhower believed in Civil Rights and when the Governor of Arkansas refused to integrate the high school in Little Rock; Eisenhower ordered federal troops in. In 1957, Russia launched their first satellite into space. Sputnik would spark the United States to step up their technology. In 1958, the US launched their first satellite known as Explorer 1. "The Space Race" began under Eisenhower.35. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Born: May 29, 1917 (the first President born in the 1900s), Brookline, Massachusetts Occupation: Author, Naval Officer, Public Official Wife: Jacqueline Bouvier Children: 2 boys & 2 girls (only 1 boy & 1 girl lived into adulthood) President: 1961 - 1963 (Assassinated) Political Party: Democratic Vice President: Lyndon B. Johnson Died: November 22, 1963 Buried: Arlington National Cemetery Historical Ranking: Average

Kennedy as President Kennedy is the youngest elected President at the age of 43. He is also the only Roman Catholic to serve as President. Kennedy and Nixon held a debate on television for the first time. Those who watched on television thought Kennedy won and those who listened on the radio thought Nixon won. Kennedy formed the Peace Corps and hoped to have good relations with Russia. Kennedy put together an invasion of Communist Cuba known as the "Bay of Pigs". It was a disaster. Then Russia sent nuclear weapons to Cuba and Kennedy order a blockade. On the brink of war, Russia withdrew the weapons. The Cold War intensified. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was the first and only President to be assassinated while under Secret Service Protection