AILY STA BUDGE FOR SUPT. L Dr. Anthony B. Jurka DAN'l ... 15/Brooklyn... · ney, Alfred .1....

' f l»ip- #• m KAQi TWO AILY STA WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1919. BUDGE FOR SUPT. D A N ' l EHNTHOLT The friends of Superintendent Daniel Ehntholt of the Queens* Bureau of Street Cleaning ure admiring lni » ( leautlfut mjlitl froltl, diamond-set iiadj^e Aliifh was iiieaentua to him at the annual meeting of the Civil Service. Kiit|iloye»' Association of the bureau j it Winters Hall, Bidgewood Heights. Superintendent Khntholt, Senator Bernard Patten and Assemblyman U'Hare were visitors at this meeting 3f the two hundred employes of the mreau who are affiliated with the as- sociation. Superintendent Khntholt vas so .aken by surprise that he at flrst ivould not be convinced that the pre- sentation was genuine. He satisfied -limself on this point, however, when 10 s a w his name inscribed near the op of the badge. The badge :s a beauty. It contains i two-karat diamond and the ensigna if the eoat-of-arms of the City of New York, also the inscription, 'Bureau )f Street Cleaning, City of New York." Section Foreman Michael Heeg of tiie Richmond Hill district, treasurer of the association, made the presenta- tion in behalf of the employes of the bureau. Responding to the address of pre- sentation, Mr. Khntholt extended his thanks for the gift, which he declared was as unnecessary ai it was unex- pected. He said that he felt very grateful to the employes of the bureau tor their faithful service of the Past tnd wa« certain that the same pleas- int relations would exist during the present year. Chi9f Clerk WilMam .1. Crtsey and District Superintendents Dudley Whit- ney, Alfred .1. Williams, Reuben Mun- son, William Walters and Joseph Car- lin were m< m b e r s of the committee that selected the gift and arranged for the presentation. Superintendent Khntholt, Senator 1'atten and Assemblyman O'Hare each spoke in *avor of the establishment Of a pension system for the employes similar to that which is now in ope- ration for the employes of the Street Cleaning Department in Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx. To Introduce Pension Bill. A pension bill to benefit the em- ployes oi the Street Cleaning Bureau of Queens Borough will be introduced Into the Assembly at Albany this week. Senator Patten and Assembly- man O'Hare each pledged themselves at the meeting of the association to work in the interests of its passage. The entertainment committee made nal report in relation to the sue of the picnic held last July, profit of $460 was turned into Tel. Newtown KM. UK. B. KHANKKL of New York, for yearn physician tor Stomach, Nervous and Internal Dlseas** at Vanderbrlt Clinic, Presbyterian HtwpUal ana German Hospital and Dispensary. New York. has c««abllHhcd his re. Idem;* and oltlce at SI Elmhuret avenue (Shell »oa*l), b-twecn 5th and Stti street. Klmnurat. Ilo.irt: I to 10 » in.; « to 8 p. m. New York office, 1234 Modlson avenue, near llth^atreat. SLOSSON TO TALK TO BRYANT GRADUATES The January graduating class of Bryant I linn School will hold its com- muniemejit exercises in the school on Monday evening, January 31. Although the graduates have not yet been definitely decided on, it is expected that a class of more than thirty will be graduated. The address to the class will be de- livered by Kdwin E. Slosson, literary editor of The Independent. Dr. peter K. Demarest, principal of Bryant, will confer the diplomas on the graduates and will also address the class. Class day will be observed by the graduates on the afternoon of Jan- uary 28. A program of interesting exercises is beinj? prepared. The graduates will welcome the juniors as their siJceessors at the junior prom on the evening of February 1. Regents' examinations are now go- ins on at the school this week. The annual entertainment of Bryant for the benefit of the school organizations will be held on the evenings of Feb- ruary 4 and o. L HONOR ROLLS. ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL, L. I. CITY. Kighth—Arthur Born, Francis Her- sick, Adrian Maher, 'Mary Costello, Helen Ferrera, Catherine Gallagher, Marie Hebron, Madeline Keenan, Mary Mallery, Francis McGorry, Mary Storey. Seventh—Edward Tucker, Jacob Schehr, David O'Connell, Catherine Foley, Gertrude McDermott, Lillian Orpheus, Jennie Sabatlno. Sixth — Mary Bowes, Annunciata Brusco, Catherine Maher, Anna Mack, , , . , ,. ,, Ella Simpson, Louise Segallno, Julia *""* ^ry Case! Mary Morrlssey. , Piaskoskl. Viola Ross, Catherine j *%*** %*!?***' ^ <iw = lri M«hC»rmftC, . John Roulett, John Smith, Charles ! 6B—Mildred Hyland, Frances Mc- Clancy, Mary Dorsey, Florence Gor- don, James Browne, Thomas Dooley. 6A—Margaret Slattery. Anna Flynn, Catherine Golden, Marie (Jxley, Alice Butler, Helen Fox, Augusta Nurdt, Rita iliggins, Frank Ross, James Hig- glns, John' Gallagher, James Kelly, John Murphy. 4.0 and 5A—Adeline Blessinger, Alice Cook, Lucille Cougan, Cathe.-ine I Crowley, Josephine Delehanty, Anna | Finn. Molly Flynn, Margaret Foley, , Elizabeth Harold, Lillian Harper, j Ruth Leonard, Margaiet Manta, Nel- lie Martin, Nellie Mason, Molly Russe, i.Mareella Smith, Matthew Anderson, Francis Cullen, John Dorsey, Willlum Dunn, James Kilcullen, Edward Mun- hall, Jerome O'Brien, Anthony Russo, James Ryan. 4A—Mary Vail, Veronica Hammarth, Agnes Smith, Helen Murphy, Marion McGrath, Mary Dowd, Alice Arm- Dr. Anthony B. Jurka •01 Surgeon Dentist MALCOLM RAFFERTY CAMP TO INSTALL NEW OFFICERS cess 'A the treasury of the association. Another picnic will be held next summer. At this meeting; of the association the newly elected officers were pres- ent, President Daniel Nolan of Wood- haven presiding, other officers are: John J. Bowes of Woodside, vice-pre- sident; William J. Casey of Long Is- land City, financial secretary; Adam Schaaj: of Woodhaven. recording §ecj^ retary: Henry Gassier of Ridsrcwood Heights, corresponding secretary; Michael Her^r-frf-R-le+mwnd-HiU, treas- urer. Since the association was orgnnized two years ago at Elmhurst death benefits to eight beneficiaries have been paid. Dues of fifty cents monthly are paid by the members. At the death of a member $200 goes to the immediate beneficiary. The officers of Malcolm Rafferty Camp, ^Spanish War Veterans, will be installed at Kleefeld's Hall, 250 Jack- eon avenue. Long Island City, Thurs- day evening, January 20. Spanish war veterans from all parts of Queens, the Bronx, Manhattan and Brooklyn are expected to attend. The officers elected are: Commander, A. Schneckenburger; senior vice-commander, C. Marshall; Junior vice-commander, C. Phillips; officer of the day, C. Lutz; officer of the guard, William Scott; trustee for three years, L. Wheeler. The appointive officers to be in- stalled are: Adjutant. Frank Sluka; quarter- master. John Leya; chaplain, Edward Mattern; surgeon, Dr. Samuel Mar- shall; sergeant-major, Dennis Fur- long; quartermaster-sergeant, C. Lutz; color-sergeants. T. Phillips and H. Meinerman; chief musician, Stanley Goodman. Tompkins. Fifth—Edward Connelly. Gilbert Mo- j Fadden, Lucy Coon, Barbara Koch, i Agnes Storey, Edward Gorman, James I McGowan, Winifred Courtney, M a y j Giery, Beatrice Hughes, Catherine Keenan, Josephine Mack, Jennie Paz- zaro, Rose Sabatino, Catherine l*n- dermark. Fourth—Mortimer Gleason, Thomas F. Keegan, Meredith McBride, James i McGovern, Elizabeth Heibron, Evelyn Leonard, Marguerite Maher. ST. FIDELIS' SCHOOL, College Point. First—Francis Bauer, John Cregan, Francis Cregan, Arthur Council, Wil- liam I'pton, William Kirchner, Chas. Hein, George Simon, Jul Deisinger, Charles Dunn, Fred Clarke, Joseph Klein, Joseph Rauchbauer, Wm. Burg- | Brady, Leo Conway, John Woods. Horan, Richard Conway, Leonard ' White, Edward Ryan, Andrew Cavag- j na'ra, Joseph Russo. ' 3B—Edith Hjlanil. Veronica Rus- I I sell, Eleanor Dowdell. Catherine Mc- , j EIroy, Arthur Marshal, James Leary, i Raymond Connelly. 3A—Mary Farrell, iMary Henning, I | Anna Haggerty, Josephine O'Neill, ! Patrick Fitzgerald, Daniel Langley, I Alfred Leonard, Carroll Rigncy, Fran- j | els Walsh. 2D—Alice Quinn, Lillian Solan, Rose I Mayer, Bella Mungeluzzo, Catherine I Donovan, Mary Auriermmo, Alice Un- | derail!, Julia Morrissey, Catherine Kelly, Catherine Byrnes, Jane Walsh, , Josephine Cifferelli, Mary Wenger, | Edward Laherty, Augino Fortunate, | Walter Smith, Frank Lisantl, Thomas Smith, Joseph Brannlgan, John Dowd, \ John Forbes, Scott Abranis, Joseph MR. AND MRS. GIVE CHI )CH 3TENING PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Bfederiek Koch gave a christening party on Sunday evening JEFFERSONS PREPARE FOR BIO YEARLY AFFAIR The annual reception and ball of the Jefierson Club of the Seventeenth Ward was tin- main topic of discussion on Tuesday night at the regular week- ly meeting "f that organization held at 136 Greenpoint avenue. Greenpoint. Thomas E, .Vhvrissey, chairman of the entertainment committee, reported that the committee has definitely de- cided to conduct a reception and vau- deville entertainment in St. Antony's ball on Leonard street on the night of February 2s. District Leader John W. Carpenter asked the whole-hearted support of the members to the end that this . < ear*8 event might be made the ban- ner affair of the long history of the Greenpoint avenue club. At the conclusion of the business session the entertainment committee held a meeting. It was decided that an elaborate decorative si heme will be carried out. A journal is being pre- pared and tickets are to be on sale next week. Alderman William P. MeGarry, who has experienced a return of his rheu- itittism during the past few days, pre- sided at the meeting and was con- gratulated on his recovery. Congressman Joseph V. Flynn also attended the meeting." He told the members that the dally issues of tha Congressional Record are to be mail- ed to the clubhouse for their pnllght- < nmeni. HOW TO PROLONG LIFI. for their infant 7son, Woodrow Fred- erick Koch. An enjoyable evening was spent in singing and dancing. Among those who entertained .during the evening were: C. Smith of Brooklyn, Benja- min H. Koch. Miss B. Weibel, Miss Lydie Koch and Miss N. Weibel. At midnight a collation was served. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C Smith, Mr. and Mrs, T. La,- mtm*r=A. Lamoner -M^r^grtfr -Mrfff=Bny - der, Mr. and Mrs. C. Moeser, E. Moeser, Miss Palmer. E. Elsten, t", Johnston, Miss Mildred Mareca, Mr. Benjamin, H. Koch, Miss B. Weibel, Miss L. E. Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Koch. hoff, Harold Wurtz, Catherine Beres- heim, Malva O'Neill, Angela Weis, Alice Stack. Anna Korten, Agnes Sut- ter, Dorothy Hanlon, Barbara Malcit- ener, Bertha Krell, Elizabeth Friedl, Eva Dunnele, Madeline Grler, Teresa Moran, Klizabeth Magenheimer. 2A—Joseph Piekel, George Dillman, Stanley Williams, Gustave Beitter, Al- bert Kimmers, Joseph _ Phelps, John Spillett, John Bagshaw, 'Anton Schlee, John Larkin, John Berger, Joseph Petischan, Paul Lorenz, Joseph Bar- thel, George Heim, George Rohlf, John Weiss, Vincent Kelly, Eugene Schnell, Harold Kohlmeier, Lewis Kohlmeyer, Clifford Gregory, Johanna Peidl, Lil- lian Fries, Anna Hoyer, Gertrude Neu- haus, Evelyn Mundschenk, Christina Konzet, Margaret Drakert, Magdalene Postmeyer, Beatrice Baumgaertner, Dorothy Wurtz, Dorothy Schnell, Marie Clarke, Elizabeth Baumgaert- ner, Edith Shaw, Dorothy Stack. Grace Spillett. Dorothy Seid, Marie Clarke, Eva Mayer, Cecilia Wohlseln, Irene Gunson, Catherine Carroll, Gertrude Popp, Magdalene Zimmerman, Eva 2A—Ethel Jamson, Eleanor McCar- ren, Virginia Whittaker, Catherine MeCaffry, Louise Mirro, Armidia Gringiana, Mary Boyle, Geo. Schaefer, William Younger, Anthony Desarlo, George Curtin, John McQuade. IB—Margaret cougan Agnes. Cos- tello, Catherine Fitzgerald, Mary Nordt, Catherine Rissi, Alice Stiehl. Helen Laguardia, Joseph Gerardo, Jo- seph Weiland. lA2-r'Mae Quinn. Marjorle Wood, Winifpfed Rush, Grace McElroy, Fran- ces Gallagher, Helen McCaffrey, Mar- garet Boyle, Mary Smith, Adele Red- mond, Helen Brennan, James Catter- son, George Mitchell, Arthur Glenn, Peter Conway, Thomas Hartford, Daniel McCarthy, Michael Coloster, Francis Seery, Erwin Schell. 1A1—Evelyn Jamison, Helen Quinn, Veronica Higgins, Mary Gerardo, Jas. Dwyer, Velto Prudente, Anthony Fo- line, Rocco Ricutti, Walter Dowd. Hopp, Mary Drlscoll. 3A—Frank Blntner. Christopher Plunkett, John Carroll, Michael Hoen- inger, Arthur Marky, John Munz, Peter The adult dancing class met last Reiss, Julius Kalna, Joseph Hoffmann, , night in Ariel Hall. In spite of the cokl a large number were present and a very pleasant evening was spent. Henry McDonald, LeRoy Smith; Syl vester Rahl. Elmer Wurtz, John Hol- zer. leorge Kohlmueller, Francis Zim- merman. Felix Nowickl, Francis Juett- ner, Ernest Alle, Anna Fitzmaurice, Anna Zollner. Rosalia Schaudencck, Anna Murphy, Cafhorlne—^^0* - * « « « * , lh ? $>%* -&<&& °LWoQclaidfi Anna Kimmers. Genevieve Donovan at ArlCl , Ha " , thrf .? evening. Mr. Vivian, NEW FILM COMPANY OPENS GLENDALE STUDIOS Nat C. Goodwin, veteran tictor of the stage, made his first appearance before the camera for the Mirror Films, Inc., at it Clendale studio today. He is the star in the first picture to be mtde by the new film organization. Dur- ing the day a number of prominent people visited the studio. The studio was turned over to the company last week completely remod- eled by Hector J. Btreyckmans ami James H. Harris. it was announced today that Mar- garet Green had been engaged as lending lady. Miss Green* is not un- known to theatre-goers. James H. Harria.,has been engaged as chief electrician. Mr. Harris for- merly was in charge of the erection of the wireless stations at Key West, Colon and San Juan. RECENT REALTY SALES. N. Hubbard & Co. of Manhattan have taken title to a plot, 50x100, on the west' s?idc of Academy street, south of Grand avenue, Astoria. The plot is in (be vicinity of a number of im- provements made recently. Several other important sales in the ! Long Island City section were those of Kate Cassidy to Richard F. Sharpe of 84 Elm street of a plot on the south side of Kim street, east of Sherman street, and the purchase by Stanislaus Makoski of a plot, S8xl00, on the southwest corner of pearsall and Van Dam streets. Blissvllle. Makoski gave a mortgage for $".">00 on the plot to the Title Guarantee & Trust Com- pany. Anna SpiUelL-Cath*ri«*--M*g««he,im er, Anna Henrich, Agnes Geiss, Aug- usta Schnell, Zunda Copone, Mary Ankner, Margaret Dunne. Mary Ne- meth, Margaret Keller, Monica Hup- ber. Mary Stolz, Mildred Contort!, So- phie Zoellner, Teresa Meyer, Eliza- beth Trimble. 4A—Charles Busch, Frank Beres- heim. Lawrence Dunn, George Kohl- meyer, Francis Marky, Frank Meyer, Joseph Nowickl, Frank Nowicki, Ed- ward Piekel, James Pinny, John Schulz. Lawrence Sehork, Louis Stack, John Zollner, Theodore Van Roten, Marion Bagshaw, Catherine Fitz- maurice. Catherine Drakert, Magda- lene Gehrlcke. Helen Juettner, Anna Kaiser, Anna Kefer, Mary Lewis, Ce- cilia Popp. Madeline Sheridan, May Schwab. Marie Trleb, Ethel Piekel, Veronica I'pton. 5A—Frank Volzein. Thomas Wil- liams Walter Gebauer, Harry Smith, Joseph Helm, Mathilda Berger, iMarle I^rkin, Marie Greler, Virginia Han- lon. Bertha Kalna, Madge Rickus. 6A-—Harold Baumgaertner, Theodore Bux, Adam Meyer. James Schauder- necker, Max Morgentaler, Robert Scully. John Hoffman, Otto Kuebler, Thomas Stiles, Raymond Schnell. John Farrlngton, Rose Zollner, Irene Maher, Lucy Confortl, Rose Beitter, Philo- mena Mangeney, Henrietta Kloph. Marie Wolf, Clara Peidl, Elizabeth Konzet, Lena Schnell. Josephine Shaw, Agnes Lerner, Agnes Plunkett, Carrie Hess. Marie Mangeney, Sablnn Daly, Gertrude Maurer, Mildred Zimmer- man, Carrie Geiss. Dramatic Club Tonight. A dramatic cluh will be organized a member of the Ben Greet Com- ITatry; witt—trc present^to ayslat Mr. Dixon in the work of organization. Since the publication of the notice that such a society would be organ- ized, many young people have ex- pressed a desire to join and a large membership jg expected. Lady Forester* to Meet. Laura Simon Circle of Lady Forest- ers will hold a business meeting to- night at Ariel Hall. Matters of Im- portance to the members will come up for discussion. WINFIELD DWELLING DAMAGED BY FLAMES Fire broke out on the flrst floor of the two-story frame dwelling at Washington and East avenue, owned and occupied by James Murphy, and caused $600 damage before it was quenched. The cause of the Arc Is unknown. The loss Is partially covered by in- surance. •TKIXWAY AVBMK. COBNW KI.IMHING A \ t N L B . Office Iloure—8 A. H. tu • P. H. Turada, s a nd ThurMlaj.. tA,l,tolML Sunday.. • A. H. In II H. Tel 037 Aatorla. aeTrtd SOCIETIES DISA6REE ON RIGHT TO 00 CHARITY WORK Rivalry between two charitable organizations has become rather keen In Long Island City. In 1912 a society was organized to fight tuberculosis by Mrs. Herman J'iffgs. This society has since heen working throughout the First Ward and claims the recognition of the De- partment of Health which has been referring to it all needy cases. A second ,ody was organized for the same purpose a year or so after the first. Recently the second body has begun to do relief work through- out Long Island City. The organiza- tion that was flrst in the field, of which Mrs. George Forbes is presi- dent, resents the coming of the newer society into their territory. The older group contends that It has covered the ground satisfactorily and is en- titled to the undivided support of the residents of Long Island City and should hava a free ftelS in wltlch to work. Some confusion has resulted from the fact that l«th organizations are doing the same work and have similar names. The older body is called the Society for Relief and Prevention of Disease and Tuberculosis, and the younger is known as the Society for the Prevention and Relief of Tuber- culosis POLICE HAVE GYMS IN LOCAL STATION HOUSES Following the establishment by Po- lice Commissioner Woods of gymna- siums and handball courts in the sta- tion houses of the Hunter's Point and Astoria precincts, the men in these precincts have started on a course of physical training that Is expected to give to every one of them the pro- portions of Adonis within the next few weeks. As a result of the gymnasiums, bay window copg, fat-jowled cops, puffing cops and cops of like physical cali- bre will be a memory of the past In the two Long Island City precincts, It is prophesied. The equipment of the two station with several Brooklyn station Houses, was made possible from a fund of $6,000 raised by a con- cert and subscriptions The equip- ment sent, to the Hunter's Point and Astoria precincts consists of wrestling mats, punching bags, medicine balls and weight machines. The men are also adding to the equipment at their own expense. The handball court is expe. ted to be a most Interesting feature. In the Ht>njt,pr^i-Eoint station house the.gygi.. nasium Is in an unused dormitory. The handball court will be erected to one end of the rwnrn—The gymnasium In the Astoria station house Is in the rear over the cell block. ELY AVENUE PROPERTY OWNERS LOSE FIGHT Despite the protests of property owners, the city will probably soon begin proceedings for the taking of title to the lower end of Ely avenue, Long Island Clt>, although this street has been In public use for a great many years. It has been paved and sewered and Is, in fact, a completely improved city highway. Since the elevated extension of the Queensboro subway was built in this street, the city has come to the con- clusion that there is a flaw In the city's title to the street, and In order to clear up the matter it several years ago filed an application in the Su- preme Court for the appointment of a condemnation commission. Property owners protested against such a proceeding on the ground that it was unnecessary and would involve considerable expense upon them. The bone of contention is the claim of Patrick Coleman, who own prop- erty at Eleventh street and Ely ave- nue. He claims title to land occu- pied by the sidewalk and" also certain rights in the street. Justice Benedict refused to grant j the city's application for a condem- ! nation commission when it was first i made, and he was sustained by the j Appellate Division. The Court of Ap- I peals, however, has just handed down a decision reversing the lower court and ordering that the long-delayed proceedings be started. Dr. H. Mendelsohn Surgeon Dentist 309 Sttiiiwuy Ave., near Jamaica AT*. L. I. City. Next to Mtrlmvay Ave. Pool Ofllea Hoiir»—» a. m. till 8 |». an. Mjntlay*—• till IS. Telephone 1780 Aatorla. Ul«li-rlaw» work at raaaooable prleea. LETTERSIOTHE EDITOR. "Will you kindly decide for a con- stant reader the following question; What year did Henry George, sr., die? T. P., Maspeth. October 29. 1897.—Ed. CARD OF THAXKH. Mr. and Mrs. Joneph Schultz and family retpeotfully be B to acknowledge with reelings of gratitude the many heartfelt expressions of eoimolutlon and aympathy and the klndneB* ehown by the many frlenda of their deceased son, John P. Sehults, [ DEATHS FOTT c u m ran unmmo*. n MM MRS. HANSON LEAVES |1,500 TO RELATIVES By will of Annie Hansen, late of Winfleld, an estate valued at $1,500 j personal property Is disposed of as follows: To her sister, Otlllle Peter- son, of Brooklyn; her grandson, Ar- thur Hanson, of Corona, and a grand- daughter, Edith Hanson, of Corona, is given $50 each; to her son, Charles Hanson, of Manhattan, and to her daughter, Anna Atkinson, of Elmhurst, is given the money deposited In the Union Dime Savings Bank. All the rest of the estate is given to the son, Martin Hanson, of Corona. Martin Hanson, of Corona, and An- na Atkinson, of Elmhurst, children, are appointed executors. ORGANIZE EIGHT-TEAM LOCAL BASEBALL LEAGUE The Queens Borough Baseball League has been organized to help develop local players for the bigger leagues. The eight cluibs are: The Alcoa of Dunton, the Celiacs of Woodhaven, the Hustlers of T'nion Coursfe, the Labres of Morris Park, the Peerless of Richmond Hill, the Orioles of Ozone Park, the Unity Triangles of Hollls and the Woodhulls of Jamaica. The officers of the league are: John J. Lutz, president; Sylvester Byrnes, 1 In imjmru; Jam** P. DM secretary; George Eckhard, treasurer. IA XEMHEKC—Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonaa Luxemberg and husband of Anna Luxemburg, on Monday, January 18. 1916. Funeral Thursday. January 20, 1916, at 3 p. m., from hie late residence, 1163 Fourth avenue. Long Island City. 19tl SMITH—On Tuesday, January 18, 1916, John Henry Smith. Funeral from hla Utn residence, 232 East 123rd street, New York City, on Friday morning. January 21st Inst., at 9:30 a. m., thence to Ft. Paul's Churdrr-128 East 117th •treet. at 10 o'clock. Interment Calvary Cemetery. jal9t2 UNDERIAKEHP. Telephone 2177 Hunterapolnt. M. C. GALLAGHER (8ti<-re*M>r to .IAME.H GALLAGHER) LNDEKTAKER AND EMBAXSfEK 110 Eighth Street, L. 1. City, N. *. Borough of Queen. Jaltyla Established 1811. TH. t l M *» - - M. E. CONWAT * SON ' FCNEltAL DIJRECTOM IMmt.ww 47 Jackson Aveaua, L. 1. CH», Funeral Parlor. Lady Attendant Coaches to Hlra for all Occasion* asHmrlTawg Establish** MIT. l**> attOBtaaoa Charles Waydig F u n w l Director and Emhalmtrr MS lota AVENUE, LONG ISLAND CR1 Botwoca Woleott Avaaat, aaa T u n Baa* BRITISH MAXIMUM RATE ON U. 8. FREIGHTS ADVERTIREb LETTERS. Lena; Island City. Henry Albert. Wm. Murkc, J. Brodrlck, V. lloltrl. J. Barbl. S. Cariacolo, L. CItryn, Mrs. Carroll. Pntsss-'Courelly, Mrs, \V"m. C'olum, Mary Creamer. Hurry CleausMn, Mrs. Dlkeman. K»c;imi Darling, Mrs. Louis , Doyle. F.mll Edwards, Charles Fogg, Amp- j lla Giorgio. August OolcTtter, Francis (tiles, 1 Wm. Julian, wm. Klrtgarhtnan, Wm. Ma- gulrp. N. Manotusslo, M. Mospbese. Anthony Peters. H. Klehtor, .fosertne Knrga, l'adllns 1 Htevens, Anna Schwartz, John Fnyder. Seventh—Eva Greener, Andrew Con- ! Jennie SomterlgU, Kitty Walsh, Kdward WILLS FILED FOR PROBATE By will of Louis Kefer, jr., late of Whitestone, an estate valued at $2,000 personal and $2,500 real property is all given to the widow, Margaret L. Kefer, and she Is appointed executrix. The will is dated June 2, 1903, and the testator died January 11, 1916. By will of Annie Muller, late of Long Island City, an estate valued at $1,600 personal property Is disposed of by giving all of the household fur- niture and effects to her daughter, Martha Muller, of Long Island City. All the rest of the property is to he equally divided between her three children, Martha Muller, Olga Haman :ir.d William Muller, all of Long Island City. The daughter, Martha Muller, Is appointed executrix. The will Is dated November 11, 1911, and the tes- tatrix died December 19, 1915. London, Wednesday. Restrictive measures adopted respecting licenses 1 and the composition of cargoes from I t h e River Plata and from certain North American ports virtually mark a definite effort on the part of the au- thorffles here w Tfs a~~ffiffltnmmr~TJTr freightf. OMWArfL-tonnage has been largely requisitioned today at the coal ports. Tonnage has also been requisitioned In the Australian wheat trade and It is reported that an embargo has been placed on Australian coal exports. Telephone KDO-UM Astoria. THOMAS M. QUINN mCORPOMTEO 169 FULTON AVENUE, A8T0RIA. 245 JACK30N AVENUE, L. I. CITY. CASKETS FROM $ 2 5 . 0 0 UP COACHES TO ANY LOCAL CEMETERY $4.50 CAMP CHAIRS TO HIRE, 5 0 c . DOZEN FORTY FAMILIE8 LEFT HOMELESS BY BLAZE Passaic, N. J., Wednesday.—Fire early today swept through the busi- ness section around Maine avenue and Washington place, destroying many buildings. Including a hotel and thea- tre, leaving forty or fifty families homeless and doing damage estimated at $500,000. Too Late for Classification TO LET—litegant apartment of S rooms, lower part of 2-famlly corner houae, all ....... v ». ^ wfc to-,.,(it,,y tuuitr aguag, an modern improvements including telephone; convenient to cars and ferry; will decorate to suit; liberal conceaslons to desirable ten- ants; Inquire 033 Crescent at., Astoria; 1IS90 Astoria. JalDtf A BUTCHER wanted. Apply to Robart Brown, Its Main st„ Astoria. 19-2 LOST—Cold cross and chain, betweert^Baw- rence, Potter and Wooisoy ava.; Moualch, 10i Vunderventer i\v., Astoria; reward. * ' 1»-21 "YOU.VQ man wanted to help In baker/ and luke out oitiers; P<ter Heymann. HIS FIGHT TO PROTECT CITY WATER SlTri.Y The Merchants' Association, which has led In the campaign to prevent the con- tamination of the city's water supply by j dralnago of treated sewage from two i State Institutions Into the Croton water- shed, has addressed an appeal to a score of other civic organizations to aid In obtaining the passage of three bills It has caused to be Introduced in the Legislature, The bills are Intended t» effect the re- moval of the Motianslc State Hospital and | the New York State Training School for Van Alst av,, Astorlu. 19-21 KTARVINO SERBS ARE IN OHKAT NEED OF AID Boys to sites where the city's water supply cannot be "^Rcted and to preclude the future location ot similar Institutions within the Croton watershed. A RESPE'.'TABLE woman will go out washing and Ironing or cleaning by the day or take it home; Mrs. Steller, 2!6 Law- rence at., Aatorla. 19-25 A RESPECTABLE woman wants plain sew- ing or children's dresses to make home; Mrs. Steller, 28» Lawrence at., Astoria, 18-2» LOST—A bur-ch of keys at Bridge Tina* K<<lng into Stein way car, nder please leave sume at Star Omce, Bridge Plaza. j _____ 19 " 21 : JANITOR'S helper, steam, sober man; call , morning, Janitor, Crescent Apartments, I 12th and Crescent St., L I. d t v 19-21 AN EXPERIENCED girl wishes position an general houaaworker in small family with, good references; pleas* call at 7f Academy at., L. I. City; no cards answered. 19-25 By adopting a simple diet men like Conaro have lived to he 100 years of affc. but with our lomj'lex diets of today, the vitality of the aged Is ttixed in Its utmost endurance, A simple diet, therefore, Is conducive to a long life, and if t h e vitality becomes impaired and weakness seems apparent, our local druKRtst*. Dennler * Turner, and M. AlthHmer. have In Vinnl a re- lldlile, nun-secret remedy which con- tains Just tht 1 elements needed to re- store strength to w«'Hk. feeble old people, and prolong a healthy, happy life.-Adv. I roy, Barbara Lebkuecher, Anna Munz, ! Marie Popp. Gladys Kohlmeyer, 1,11- i Han Murray. Catherine Murphy, Jo- : sephlne Heinrlch, Raymund Muller, I Fred Barrett, Thnma s Barrett, Thos. | Tully, Prank Taylor. William Brlesa- chen, Kdward Plercth. BLACKWELL'S DOPE CURE VOUCHED BY STARS Office Hour* 2 A M t > $ p. H. Sundays 10 A M. to 4 P. M. Open Kvsnlnga »«r»pt Monday and Friday DR H. H. HUNT* KVROP. ON DENTIST No. inn Third street. Corner .lackson Avenue MiNti irtf.AN» err*. Telephone llunter.point 1570. I'runiinent Broadway stars, one an actor, the other an actress, took the drug treatment introduced into the ) prison at BlackweH's Island, and have returned cured. This information was given out last nisht by H. (1. Lewis, Commissioner of Correi tion, In an address before the Columbia University Institute of Arts ar.d Sciences .n llavemeyer Hall. The actor was the first to try the cure, going to the Island under a per- mit under an MS8tn#4 name. He found the treatment, which Commis- sioner Lewis said had been worked out by two prominent physicians, so successful that he Induced the fa- mous actress, who had spent $4,000 !'nr a cure, to try the treatment. The treatment. Commissioner I^wis said, cured her and Is curing hundreds of iIn prisoners who are subjected to It. Wing CI, Wagner. Mrs. A. Wouldcn, Chas. Aatorla Station. Matthew H. Uelforcl, August Collmar. Hcnjomln Cohen. J. M. Crawley. Mrs, James H'irlln. Anna Henry. Dr. and Mrs. John J. Keating, I.ulgl Marsxlntt Rletie. Michael Wosnlck. K. C. ST, MARY'8 SCHOOL, L, I, CITY. c'nn't look w<>ll. est well, or feel well with Impiifi blood. Keep the blood purs with rpinloi k Rnort miters Ent simply, take ever'I*" keep clean,, snd good heslth Is I p f t t y sure to follow. $1.00 a bottle —srtv Eighth—Nancy Sweeney, Marlon Sheehan, Ella Leahy, Rose L-ynch, Kathleen Ryan, Catherine Treacy, Ea- telle Wood, Rose Hantangelo, Mary Maher, Catherine Lawrence, Hugh j Quinn. Eugene Rooney. .lames Arm- • strong, John Smith, John Glenn, Fran- j cis MeKee, Francis Smith, Cecil Con- | way, Frank Catterson, Edward iMoti- arty,. John Flynn, Thomas Murtagh, James Dunn. Richard Cook, Clarence McClancy, James O'Brien. Maurice Ctissldy. Eugene Smith. 7B— Mary O'Brien, Mary Kelly, Nel- lie O'Brien, Anna McOee, Ethel Mc- Kee, Elizabeth Kelly, Lillian Butler. Florence McQuade, George Rogner, John Fitzgerald. "A—Helen O'Brien, Mildred Kelly, Anna McGllnchey, Helen Carey, Elea- nor White, Rose O'Connor, Anna Fla- herty, Irene Hoffman, Rose DIChlcke, Anthony Campise, Anthony Janaske, James Fitzgerald, norucllu.s Lnciunr- dls. Francis o'Mearn, Joseph McElroy, John Nagie, William Hyland, John Tully. Thomas Maher, Francis Norclt. Vincent McCarthy, Lawrence Carra- her. John Garrotter, F"or tiny pain, burn, scald or bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil—the household remedy. Two sizes 25c. and SOc. at all drug *tores.-yad»\ Conditions In Serbia are described vividly in a letter Just received by John \V. Froth- Ingham, of New Vork. from Frank Klepal, formerly of the Bohemian-American Mis- sion, who now Is connected with Lady Paget's Hospital at Skoplje, Serbia. Ths letter says: "Since the Bulgarian army entered Serbia ~ have been corresponding with the Amerl- enn Consul nt Salonlca nnd the American Am*assttdor at Bucharest, but never re- cef"%d any answer. At the present time, as ; a member of the Lady Paget Hospital j I am staying at Hknpije. nnd hope In a short time the whole mission will receive I pei mission to return home. "Lady Paget \* helping the refugees from the Serbian relief funds. Nearly every other day more than 1,500 hungry people come to our hospltnl for clothes and flour. I How long th.s will keep up no one knows. i Several thousands of Bulgarian, (lerman | and Austrian troops came here, and th« whole tow n was cleaned. There was noth- ing left to eat. One kilogram of sugar costs twelve franks and bakers have no more flour to hake bread for the poor." l I * I it 1 * j NAT. FRIEDMAN ANNOUNCES HALF YEARLY MANHATTAN SHIRT SALE At Both Stores 31 BORDEN AVENUE 330 STEINWAY AVENUE I Oil i m # ML CARMEL BASKETBALL | T E W _ W B A6AIN ! The Mt. Carta*I five boat the Empire City five Saturday night by the score of 20 to 12 in one of the most exciting game* played on Mt. Carmel court this season. The Kmplres had a good team, but tho • excellent work of McClellan and Krake a« guards held them down to 12 points. After 7 minutes of play the Empire* started off to carry- home a victory when two basket* b) VV. HInson, followed by ono by llobena, gave them s points, Uhaw got a free shot from the foul line and also two from the field. Ocdaer put the Mounts In the lead by one point, McClellan, who played on* of the best gam's of hi* career as a basketball player. made tht fans sit up and take notice when lie caged one from the center of the court. Anderson got one soon after, ending the scoring for the first half. The second half started with Ilealy in j place of Anderson. After playing 7 mln- • utes, w, HInson was the ,.rst to score "again, but there was very littli> scoring on both side*. clelspr ims the star of the hnlf. gutting f"ur points out of the nine • scored hj too .Mounts and when the time ; was up, the pcorc for the ha.f was Mount ' Curiiid »: Umpire City «. Tonight s mil MI Hun will be the Lallan Catholic Club of New Vork. This will be : the first appearance of this club on Long I Island, 'iiiere will b« dancing before and after the gam*. , I«OST—Hhur-on.nose glasses, Sunday even- ing between Beebee and Jackson av., or Jumalca and Htelnway av., or on the Bteln- way car; Mrs. H. 8. Mlllwurd, 353 9th av., Astoria. 11-21 HOY wanted, over Id years old. In butcher »hop to deliver orders; call at 19 W**t Polk av., Corona. 19-21 Clerks and Carriers Wanted postal service; Brooklyn and N*w Vork. Kxamlnatlons May «; preparation by Civil Service experts. For full particular*, call or write; Tel. 1816 Newtown. E. O. Heydt, (Irani! St., opp. Jefferson av., Mgspeth, N. Y. Over Candy store. 1»-IJ ASTORIA—Delightful upartmonta, 4 and 6 large light rooms, Dutch din- ing room; hot water aupply; ronx $16 to 921. Academy at, near . roadway, or Jerry F. Ryan, Builder, 1 Bridgo Plasa, L. I, City. Tel. 1970 Astoria. 19-25 PLUMBING ANQ QA8 FITTING. IIIICIIISIIIK TH.H P.I.KKS BRAT ST. M VHl'S LYCEUM I r.\M On Tuesday evening at St. Mary's Lyceum the St. Marys were defeated by the Trav- elers of Woodside by the score of 41 to 26. The feature of the game was the shootlni of P. Chick and the floor work of B. Nicho- bts*. The line-up; St. Marys. Doyle r. f, Hupcr-O'Connnr, .. I. f. Schut Iinrdt c, Holltnan .... 1. g. Wood-Rlelly r. g eravoler*. ..Chick Call* . . Nlcholns^ Murry Arinur Score, first half: «t. Marys 12; Wood*Id Travelers 19. final score: St. Marys 2*; Travelers It; Held goals' St. Marys 11; Travelers I* fouls; Bt. Marys 4, Travelers 7; referee' H. O'Connor; timekeeper: Tho- mas. O'Connor; scorer; Harry Wood, Ckorfe M. O'Connor PLUMBING AND HEATING 1*4 FULTON AVENUI, Tel. Ms Astoria. AtTOMA, L, I. « * , I f M Heater* Pi. JoMtkag a»i»>sf to. Henry McKevitt LICENSED PLUMBER, Hanfware, ftiim, Qa* Fitting ami .Hot Water Hoatlnr. ItO VERNON AVE, L. r. CITY. *5." ,l ! , » > r ^»" • • * Use lat* Alei Bryaat at Maaaattoa. d.HyU ADVERTISE IN THE STAR~ ., ,!.,„, •j I IllM 11 if 11 llilliai I i lltaaali Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of AILY STA BUDGE FOR SUPT. L Dr. Anthony B. Jurka DAN'l ... 15/Brooklyn... · ney, Alfred .1....

Page 1: AILY STA BUDGE FOR SUPT. L Dr. Anthony B. Jurka DAN'l ... 15/Brooklyn... · ney, Alfred .1. Williams, Reuben Mun-son, William Walters and Joseph Car-lin were m< mbers of the committee

' •





K A Q i T W O A I L Y S T A W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 19, 1919.


The f r iends of S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Daniel Ehn tho l t of the Queens* Bureau of Street C l ean ing ure admi r ing l n i » (

leautlfut mjlitl froltl, d i amond- se t iiadj^e Aliifh was i i ieaentua to him at the annua l m e e t i n g of the Civil Service. Kiit|iloye»' Assoc ia t ion of the bureau j i t W i n t e r s Hal l , Bidgewood Heigh t s .

S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Khnthol t , Sena to r Bernard P a t t e n a n d Assemblyman U 'Hare were v is i tors a t this mee t ing 3f the two h u n d r e d employes of t he mreau who a r e affiliated wi th the a s ­sociation.

S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Khnthol t v a s so .aken by s u r p r i s e t h a t he a t flrst ivould not be convinced t h a t t he p re ­sentat ion was genu ine . He satisfied -limself on th i s point , however, when 10 s aw his n a m e inscr ibed near the op of t he badge .

The badge :s a beau ty . It con ta ins i t w o - k a r a t d i a m o n d a n d the ens igna if the e o a t - o f - a r m s of the City of New York, a l so the inscr ip t ion, ' B u r e a u )f S t r e e t C lean ing , City of New York."

Sect ion F o r e m a n Michael Heeg of tiie R i c h m o n d Hill d is t r ic t , t r ea su re r of the a s soc ia t ion , m a d e the p re sen ta ­tion in behalf of the employes of the bureau.

Respond ing to the add res s of p r e ­senta t ion , Mr. Khn tho l t extended his t h a n k s for the gift, which he declared was a s u n n e c e s s a r y a i it was unex­pected. H e sa id t h a t he felt very grateful to t he employes of the bureau tor the i r fai thful service of the Past tnd wa« c e r t a i n t h a t t he s ame p leas -i n t r e l a t i o n s would exis t dur ing the present year.

Chi9f Clerk WilMam .1. Crtsey and District S u p e r i n t e n d e n t s Dudley W h i t ­ney, Alfred .1. Wi l l i ams , Reuben M u n -son, Wi l l i am W a l t e r s a n d Joseph C a r -lin were m< m b e r s of the commit tee that se lec ted t he gift and a r r anged for the p r e s e n t a t i o n .

S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Khnthol t , Sena to r 1'atten a n d A s s e m b l y m a n O'Hare each spoke in *avor of t he es t ab l i shment Of a pens ion sys t em for the employes s imi la r t o t h a t wh ich is now in ope­rat ion for t h e employes of the S t ree t Cleaning D e p a r t m e n t in M a n h a t t a n , Brooklyn a n d the Bronx .

T o Introduce Pension Bi l l . A pens ion bill to benefit the e m ­

ployes oi t he S t r e e t Cleaning Bureau of Queens Borough will be in t roduced Into the Assembly a t Albany th is week. S e n a t o r P a t t e n and Assembly­man O ' H a r e each pledged themselves a t the m e e t i n g of the associat ion to work in t h e i n t e r e s t s of i ts passage .

The e n t e r t a i n m e n t commit tee m a d e nal r e p o r t in re la t ion to the sue of t h e picnic held last July,

profit of $460 w a s t u rned into

Tel. Newtown KM. UK. B. KHANKKL

of New York, for yearn physician tor Stomach, Nervous and Internal Dlseas** at Vanderbrlt Clinic, Presbyterian HtwpUal ana German Hospital and Dispensary. New York. has c««abllHhcd his re. Idem;* and oltlce at SI Elmhuret avenue (Shell »oa*l), b-twecn 5th and Stti street. Klmnurat. Ilo.irt: I to 10 » in.; « to 8 p. m. New York office, 1234 Modlson avenue, near llth^atreat.


The J a n u a r y g r a d u a t i n g c l a s s of Bryan t I l inn School will hold i ts com-m u n i e m e j i t exercises in the school on M o n d a y evening, J a n u a r y 31.

A l though the g r a d u a t e s h a v e no t yet been definitely decided on, it is expec t ed tha t a class of more t h a n t h i r t y will be g r adua t ed .

T h e a d d r e s s to t he c lass will be d e ­l ivered by Kdwin E. Slosson, l i t e r a ry ed i to r of T h e Independen t . Dr. p e t e r K. Demare s t , pr incipal of B r y a n t , will confer t he d ip lomas on the g r a d u a t e s a n d will also a d d r e s s the c lass .

Class day will be observed by the g r a d u a t e s on the a f te rnoon of J a n ­u a r y 28. A p rog ram of i n t e r e s t i n g exerc i ses is beinj? p repa red . T h e g r a d u a t e s will welcome the j u n i o r s a s t h e i r siJceessors at the j u n i o r p rom on the evening of F e b r u a r y 1.

R e g e n t s ' examina t i ons a r e now g o -i n s on a t the school th i s week. T h e a n n u a l e n t e r t a i n m e n t of B r y a n t for t he benefit of t he school o r g a n i z a t i o n s will be held on the even ings of F e b ­r u a r y 4 a n d o.


S T . P A T R I C K ' S S C H O O L , L. I. C I T Y .

K i g h t h — A r t h u r Born, F r a n c i s H e r -sick, Adr ian Maher , 'Mary Costel lo, Helen Fer re ra , C a t h e r i n e Ga l lagher , Mar ie Hebron , Madel ine K e e n a n , M a r y Mallery, F r a n c i s McGorry, M a r y S torey .

S e v e n t h — E d w a r d Tucker , J a c o b Schehr , David O'Connell, C a t h e r i n e Foley, G e r t r u d e McDermot t , L i l l i an Orpheus , J enn i e S a b a t l n o .

S ix th — Mary Bowes, A n n u n c i a t a Brusco , C a t h e r i n e Maher, A n n a Mack, , , „ . , , . , , Ella S impson , Louise Segal lno, J u l i a * " " * ^ r y Case! Mary Morrlssey. , P i a s k o s k l . Viola Ross, C a t h e r i n e j *%*** %*!?***' ^ < i w = l r i M«hC»rmftC, .

J o h n Roule t t , J o h n Smi th , Char les !

6B—Mildred H y l a n d , F r a n c e s Mc-Clancy, Mary Dorsey, F lo rence Gor­don, J a m e s Browne , T h o m a s Dooley.

6A—Marga re t S l a t t e r y . A n n a Flynn, C a t h e r i n e Golden, M a r i e (Jxley, Alice Butler , Helen Fox, A u g u s t a Nurdt , R i t a i l i gg ins , F r a n k Ross , J a m e s H i g -glns , J o h n ' Ga l l aghe r , J a m e s Kelly, J o h n Murphy .

4.0 a n d 5A—Adel ine Blessinger, Alice Cook, Luci l le Cougan , Cathe.-ine I Crowley, J o s e p h i n e De lehan ty , Anna | Finn. Molly F lynn , M a r g a r e t Foley, , E l izabe th Harold , Lil l ian Harper , j Ruth Leonard , M a r g a i e t Man ta , Nel­lie Mar t in , Nellie Mason , Molly Russe, i.Mareella Smi th , M a t t h e w Anderson, F r a n c i s Cullen, J o h n Dorsey, Willlum Dunn, J a m e s Ki lcul len, E d w a r d Mun-hall, J e r o m e O'Brien, A n t h o n y Russo, J a m e s Ryan .

4A—Mary Vail , Ve ron i ca H a m m a r t h , Agnes Smi th , Helen Murphy , Marion McGra th , Mary Dowd, Alice A r m -

Dr. Anthony B. Jurka •01

Surgeon Dentist



cess 'A the

t r ea su ry of the assoc ia t ion . Ano the r picnic will be he ld nex t summer .

A t t h i s meeting; of the assoc ia t ion the newly elected officers were p r e s ­ent, P r e s iden t Danie l Nolan of Wood-haven pres id ing , o t h e r officers a r e : John J. Bowes of Woodside, v i ce -p re ­s iden t ; Wi l l i am J . Casey of Long I s ­land City, financial s ec re t a ry ; Adam Schaaj: of W o o d h a v e n . recording §ecj^ r e t a r y : H e n r y Gass i e r of Ridsrcwood Heights , co r r e spond ing sec re t a ry ; Michael Her^r-frf-R-le+mwnd-HiU, t r e a s ­urer.

Since t he a s soc ia t ion was orgnnized two y e a r s ago a t E l m h u r s t dea th benefits to e ight beneficiaries have been paid. Dues of fifty cents month ly are paid by the m e m b e r s . At t he death of a m e m b e r $200 goes to t h e immedia te beneficiary.

T h e officers of Malcolm Rafferty C a m p , ^Spanish W a r Vete rans , will be ins ta l l ed a t Kleefeld 's Hal l , 250 J a c k -eon avenue . Long Is land City, T h u r s ­day evening, J a n u a r y 20.

S p a n i s h w a r ve t e rans from all p a r t s of Queens , the Bronx, M a n h a t t a n a n d Brook lyn a r e expected to a t t e n d . T h e officers elected a r e :

C o m m a n d e r , A . S c h n e c k e n b u r g e r ; sen ior v i ce -commander , C. M a r s h a l l ; Junior v i ce -commander , C. Ph i l l ips ; officer of the day, C. L u t z ; officer of t he guard , Wil l iam Sco t t ; t r u s t e e for t h r e e yea r s , L. Wheeler .

T h e appoin t ive officers to be i n ­s ta l led a r e :

Ad ju t an t . F r a n k S luka ; q u a r t e r ­m a s t e r . J o h n L e y a ; chapla in , E d w a r d M a t t e r n ; surgeon, Dr. Samue l M a r ­sha l l ; s e r g e a n t - m a j o r , Denn i s F u r ­long; q u a r t e r m a s t e r - s e r g e a n t , C. L u t z ; co lo r - s e rgean t s . T. Phi l l ips a n d H . M e i n e r m a n ; chief mus ic ian , S t a n l e y Goodman .

T o m p k i n s . F i f t h—Edward Connelly. Gilbert M o - j

Fadden , Lucy Coon, B a r b a r a Koch, i Agnes Storey, E d w a r d Gorman , J a m e s I McGowan, Winifred Cour tney , M a y j Giery, Bea t r i ce Hughes , C a t h e r i n e Keenan , J o s e p h i n e Mack, J e n n i e P a z -zaro , Rose Saba t i no , Ca the r ine l*n-d e r m a r k .

F o u r t h — M o r t i m e r Gleason, T h o m a s F. Keegan , Mered i th McBride, J a m e s i McGovern, E l izabe th Heibron, Eve lyn Leonard , M a r g u e r i t e Maher .

S T . F I D E L I S ' S C H O O L ,

College Point .

F i r s t — F r a n c i s Bauer , J o h n C r e g a n , F r a n c i s Cregan, A r t h u r Council , W i l ­l iam I 'p ton , Wil l iam Ki rchner , C h a s . Hein , George S imon, J u l Deis inger , Cha r l e s Dunn, Fred Clarke , J o s e p h Klein, Jo seph R a u c h b a u e r , W m . B u r g - | Brady , Leo Conway , J o h n Woods .

Horan , R ichard Conway , Leonard ' Whi te , E d w a r d R y a n , A n d r e w Cavag - j na'ra, Joseph Russo . '

3B—Edith Hj l an i l . Veronica R u s - I I sell, E leanor Dowdel l . C a t h e r i n e Mc- , j EIroy, A r t h u r M a r s h a l , J a m e s Leary, i R a y m o n d Connelly.

3A—Mary Far re l l , iMary Henn ing , I | A n n a H a g g e r t y , J o s e p h i n e O'Neill, ! P a t r i c k F i tzgera ld , Danie l Langley , I

Alfred Leonard , Car ro l l Rigncy, F r a n - j | e ls W a l s h .

2D—Alice Quinn, Li l l ian Solan, Rose I Mayer , Bella Munge luzzo , Ca the r ine I Donovan, Mary A u r i e r m m o , Alice U n -| derai l! , Ju l i a Morr i s sey , Ca the r ine

Kelly, Ca the r ine B y r n e s , J a n e Walsh , , J o seph ine Cifferelli, M a r y Wenger , | E d w a r d L a h e r t y , Aug ino F o r t u n a t e , | W a l t e r Smi th , F r a n k L i san t l , T h o m a s Smi th , Jo seph B r a n n l g a n , J o h n Dowd, \ J o h n Forbes , Sco t t Abran i s , Joseph

M R . A N D M R S .


) C H

3 T E N I N G P A R T Y

Mr. and Mrs . Bfederiek Koch gave a c h r i s t e n i n g p a r t y on S u n d a y even ing


The a n n u a l recept ion and ball of the Jef ierson Club of the Seven teen th W a r d w a s tin- m a i n topic of d iscuss ion on T u e s d a y n igh t a t t he regular week­ly m e e t i n g "f t h a t organizat ion held a t 136 Greenpoin t avenue . Greenpoint .

T h o m a s E, .Vhvrissey, cha i rman of the e n t e r t a i n m e n t commit tee , repor ted t h a t t he c o m m i t t e e h a s definitely de ­cided to conduc t a recept ion and v a u ­devil le e n t e r t a i n m e n t in St. An tony ' s ball on Leona rd s t r e e t on the night of F e b r u a r y 2s.

Dis t r ic t L e a d e r J o h n W. C a r p e n t e r asked t h e w h o l e - h e a r t e d suppor t of the m e m b e r s to the end tha t th is .< ear*8 event might be made the b a n ­ner affair of the long his tory of the Greenpoin t a v e n u e club.

At t he conclusion of the bus iness session the e n t e r t a i n m e n t commi t t ee held a mee t ing . It was decided t h a t an elaborate deco ra t ive si heme will be carr ied out . A journa l is being p re ­pared and t i cke t s a r e to be on sale next week.

Alderman William P. MeGarry, who has exper ienced a r e tu rn of his r h e u -i t i t t ism du r ing the pas t few days, p r e ­sided a t the m e e t i n g and was con­g r a t u l a t e d on h i s recovery.

C o n g r e s s m a n J o s e p h V. Flynn also a t t ended the mee t ing . " He told t he m e m b e r s t h a t t he dally issues of tha Congress ional Record a r e to be ma i l ­ed to the c lubhouse for their pnl lght -< nmen i .

H O W T O P R O L O N G L I F I .

for the i r in fan t 7son, Woodrow F r e d ­erick Koch.

An enjoyable evening w a s spen t in s ing ing and danc ing . A m o n g those who e n t e r t a i n e d . du r ing t h e even ing w e r e : C. S m i t h of Brooklyn, B e n j a ­m i n H . Koch. Miss B. Weibel , Miss Lydie Koch and Miss N. Weibel .

A t midn igh t a collation w a s served. A m o n g those p resen t w e r e : Mr. and Mrs . C Smi th , Mr. and Mrs , T . La,-mtm*r=A. L a m o n e r -M^r^grtfr -Mrfff=Bny -der, Mr. and Mrs. C. Moeser , E. Moeser , Miss Pa lmer .

E. E l s t en , t", J o h n s t o n , Miss Mildred Mareca , Mr. Benjamin, H. Koch, Miss B. Weibel , Miss L. E. Koch , Mr. a n d Mrs . F reder i ck Koch.

hoff, Haro ld W u r t z , Ca the r ine B e r e s -heim, Malva O'Neill, Ange la We i s , Alice S tack . A n n a Kor ten , Agnes S u t ­ter, Doro thy Han lon , B a r b a r a Malci t-ener , B e r t h a Krel l , E l i zabe th Fr ied l , E v a Dunnele , Madel ine Grler , T e r e s a Moran , Kl izabeth Magenhe imer .

2A—Joseph Piekel , George Di l lman , S t an ley Wi l l i ams , Gus tave Bei t te r , A l ­bert K i m m e r s , Jo seph _ Phe lps , J o h n Spil let t , J o h n B a g s h a w , 'An ton Schlee , J o h n L a r k i n , J o h n Berger , J o s e p h Pe t i s chan , Pau l Lorenz, Jo seph B a r -thel , George He im, George Rohlf, J o h n Weiss , Vincent Kelly, Eugene Schnel l , Haro ld Kohlmeie r , Lewis K o h l m e y e r , Clifford Gregory, J o h a n n a Peidl , L i l ­lian Fr ies , A n n a Hoyer , G e r t r u d e N e u -h a u s , Eve lyn Mundschenk , C h r i s t i n a Konzet , M a r g a r e t Draker t , M a g d a l e n e Pos tmeyer , Bea t r i ce B a u m g a e r t n e r , Doro thy W u r t z , Doro thy Schnel l , Mar i e Clarke , E l izabe th B a u m g a e r t ­ner, Ed i th Shaw, Dorothy S tack . G r a c e Spi l le t t . Doro thy Seid, M a r i e C la rke , E v a Mayer , Cecilia Wohlseln , I r e n e Gunson, C a t h e r i n e Carroll , G e r t r u d e Popp, Magda lene Z i m m e r m a n , E v a

2A—Ethel J a m s o n , E l e a n o r McCar -ren, Virg in ia W h i t t a k e r , Ca the r ine MeCaffry, Lou i se Mir ro , Armid ia Gr ing iana , Mary Boyle, Geo. Schaefer , Wi l l i am Younger , A n t h o n y Desarlo, George Cur t in , J o h n McQuade .

I B — M a r g a r e t c o u g a n Agnes . Cos-tello, Ca the r ine F i t z g e r a l d , Mary Nord t , Ca the r ine Riss i , Alice Stiehl . Helen L a g u a r d i a , J o s e p h Gera rdo , J o ­seph Wei land .

lA2-r 'Mae Quinn . Mar jo r l e Wood, Winifpfed Rush , G r a c e McElroy , F r a n ­ces Gal lagher , He l en McCaffrey, Mar ­g a r e t Boyle, Mary S m i t h , Adele Red­mond, Helen B r e n n a n , J a m e s C a t t e r -son, George Mitchel l , A r t h u r Glenn, P e t e r Conway, T h o m a s Har t fo rd , Danie l McCar thy , Michae l Coloster, F r a n c i s Seery, E r w i n Schell .

1A1—Evelyn J a m i s o n , Helen Quinn, Veronica Higg ins , M a r y Gerardo , J a s . Dwyer , Velto P r u d e n t e , A n t h o n y F o -line, Rocco Ricu t t i , W a l t e r Dowd.

Hopp, Mary Drlscoll . 3A—Frank Bln tner . C h r i s t o p h e r

P lunke t t , J o h n Carrol l , Michael H o e n -inger, A r t h u r Marky , J o h n Munz, P e t e r The adu l t d a n c i n g c l a s s m e t l a s t Reiss , J u l i u s Ka lna , Joseph Hoffmann, , n igh t in Ariel Ha l l . In sp i t e of the

cokl a large n u m b e r w e r e p r e s e n t and a very p l ea san t e v e n i n g was spent .

H e n r y McDonald, LeRoy S m i t h ; Syl ves te r Rahl . E l m e r W u r t z , J o h n H o l -zer. l e o r g e Kohlmuel ler , F r a n c i s Z i m ­m e r m a n . Felix Nowickl , F r a n c i s J u e t t -ner, E r n e s t Alle, Anna F i t z m a u r i c e , Anna Zollner. Rosal ia S c h a u d e n c c k , Anna Murphy, C a f h o r l n e — ^ ^ 0 * - * « « « * , l h ? $>%* -&<&& °LWoQclaidfi Anna K i m m e r s . Genevieve D o n o v a n a t A r l C l , H a " ,thrf.? e v e n i n g . Mr. Vivian,



N a t C. Goodwin, ve te ran t ictor of the s t age , m a d e his first a p p e a r a n c e before t he c a m e r a for the Mirror F i lms , Inc., a t it -« Clendale s tudio today . He is the s t a r in the first p ic ture to be m t d e by the new film organ iza t ion . Dur ­ing the day a n u m b e r of p r o m i n e n t people visited the s tudio .

The s tud io w a s t u rned over to t h e c o m p a n y las t week complete ly r emod­eled by H e c t o r J . B t r e y c k m a n s ami J a m e s H. Har r i s .

it w a s announced today t h a t Mar­g a r e t Green had been engaged a s lending lady. Miss Green* is not u n ­k n o w n to t hea t r e -goe r s .

J a m e s H. Ha r r i a . , ha s been engaged a s chief e lect r ic ian. Mr. H a r r i s for­mer ly w a s in charge of t he erect ion of the wireless s t a t ions a t Key Wes t , Colon and San J u a n .


N. Hubba rd & Co. of M a n h a t t a n h a v e t a k e n t i t le to a plot, 50x100, on t h e west ' s?idc of Academy s t r ee t , sou th of Grand avenue , Astor ia . T h e plot is in (be vicinity of a n u m b e r of im­p r o v e m e n t s made recent ly .

Severa l o ther impor t an t sa les in the ! L o n g Island City section were those

of K a t e Cassidy to R icha rd F . S h a r p e of 84 Elm s t r ee t of a plot on t h e south side of Kim s t ree t , eas t of S h e r m a n s t ree t , and the purchase by S t a n i s l a u s Makosk i of a plot, S8xl00, on the s o u t h w e s t corner of p e a r s a l l a n d Van D a m s t r ee t s . Blissvllle. Makosk i gave a m o r t g a g e for $".">00 on the plot to the Ti t le G u a r a n t e e & T r u s t Com­pany .

A n n a SpiUelL-Cath*r i«*- -M*g««he , im er, Anna Henr i ch , Agnes Geiss, A u g ­u s t a Schnel l , Z u n d a Copone, M a r y Ankner , M a r g a r e t Dunne . M a r y N e -meth , M a r g a r e t Keller, Monica H u p -ber. Mary Stolz, Mildred Contor t ! , S o ­phie Zoellner, T e r e s a Meyer, E l i z a ­beth Tr imble .

4A—Charles Busch, F r a n k B e r e s -heim. L a w r e n c e Dunn, George K o h l ­meyer , F r a n c i s Marky , F r a n k Meyer , Joseph Nowickl , F rank Nowicki , E d ­w a r d Piekel , J a m e s P inny , J o h n Schulz . L a w r e n c e Sehork, Louis S t a c k , J o h n Zollner, Theodore Van Ro ten , Mar ion B a g s h a w , Ca the r ine F i t z ­m a u r i c e . Ca the r ine Draker t , M a g d a ­lene Gehr lcke . Helen J u e t t n e r , A n n a Ka ise r , A n n a Kefer, Mary Lewis , C e ­cilia Popp. Madel ine She r idan , M a y S c h w a b . Mar ie Trleb, E the l P ieke l , Veronica I 'p ton .

5A—Frank Volzein. T h o m a s W i l ­l i ams W a l t e r Gebauer , H a r r y S m i t h , Jo seph Helm, Math i lda Berger , iMarle I ^ r k i n , Mar ie Greler, Vi rg in ia H a n ­lon. B e r t h a Ka lna , Madge R ickus .

6A-—Harold B a u m g a e r t n e r , T h e o d o r e Bux, Adam Meyer . J a m e s S c h a u d e r -necker , Max Morgenta ler , R o b e r t Scully. John Hoffman, Ot to K u e b l e r , T h o m a s St i les , R a y m o n d Schnel l . J o h n Fa r r l ng ton , Rose Zollner, I rene M a h e r , Lucy Confort l , Rose Bei t te r , P h i l o -m e n a Mangeney , H e n r i e t t a K loph . Mar ie Wolf, C la ra Peidl, E l i z a b e t h Konzet , L e n a Schnel l . Jo seph ine S h a w , Agnes Lerner , Agnes P lunke t t , C a r r i e Hess . Mar ie Mangeney, Sablnn Daly , G e r t r u d e Maure r , Mildred Z i m m e r ­m a n , C a r r i e Geiss .

D r a m a t i c C lub T o n i g h t .

A d r a m a t i c c luh will be organized

a m e m b e r of t he Ben Greet Com-ITatry; witt—trc p r e s e n t ^ t o ayslat Mr. Dixon in the work of o rgan iza t ion .

Since the pub l i ca t ion of the notice t h a t such a soc ie ty would be o rgan ­ized, m a n y y o u n g people h a v e e x ­pressed a desi re to jo in a n d a large m e m b e r s h i p jg expec ted .

Lady Fores t e r* t o Meet. L a u r a Simon Ci rc le of L a d y F o r e s t ­

e r s will hold a b u s i n e s s mee t ing t o ­n igh t a t Ariel H a l l . M a t t e r s of Im­por t ance to the m e m b e r s will come up for discussion.



Fire broke out on t h e flrst floor of t h e two-s to ry f r a m e dwel l ing a t W a s h i n g t o n a n d E a s t a v e n u e , owned a n d occupied by J a m e s Murphy , and caused $600 d a m a g e before it was quenched .

T h e cause of t h e Arc Is unknown . T h e loss Is pa r t i a l l y covered by in ­su rance .


Office Iloure— 8 A. H. tu • P. H. Turada, s a nd ThurMlaj.. t A , l , t o l M L

Sunday.. • A. H. In I I H. Tel 037 Aatorla. aeTrtd


Riva l ry be tween two cha r i t ab l e o r g a n i z a t i o n s h a s become r a t h e r keen In L o n g I s land City.

In 1912 a socie ty w a s organized to fight tube rcu los i s by Mrs . H e r m a n J'iffgs. T h i s society has s ince heen w o r k i n g t h r o u g h o u t t h e F i r s t W a r d and c l a i m s t h e recogni t ion of the De­p a r t m e n t of H e a l t h which has been r e f e r r i ng to it all needy cases .

A second ,ody w a s organized for the s a m e pu rpose a y e a r or so a f te r the first. Recen t ly t h e second body h a s begun to do relief work t h r o u g h ­out L o n g I s land City. The o r g a n i z a ­tion tha t w a s flrst in t he field, of which Mrs . George Forbes is p res i ­den t , r e s e n t s t he c o m i n g of the newer society in to t he i r t e r r i t o ry . The older g r o u p c o n t e n d s t h a t It h a s covered the g r o u n d sa t i s fac to r i ly a n d is en ­t i t led to the undiv ided s u p p o r t of the r e s i d e n t s of Long I s land City a n d should h a v a a free ftelS in wltlch to work .

S o m e confusion h a s r e su l t ed from the fac t t h a t l « t h o r g a n i z a t i o n s a r e d o i n g the s a m e work a n d h a v e s imi la r n a m e s . T h e older body is called the Soc ie ty for Relief a n d P r e v e n t i o n of D i s e a s e a n d Tubercu los i s , a n d t h e y o u n g e r is k n o w n a s t h e Society for t h e P r e v e n t i o n a n d Relief of T u b e r ­cu los i s


Fo l lowing the e s t a b l i s h m e n t by P o ­lice C o m m i s s i o n e r Woods of g y m n a ­s i u m s and h a n d b a l l c o u r t s in the s t a ­t ion h o u s e s of the H u n t e r ' s Po in t a n d A s t o r i a prec inc ts , t he m e n in these p r e c i n c t s h a v e s t a r t e d on a cour se of phys i ca l t r a i n i n g t h a t Is expected to g ive to eve ry one of t h e m the p ro ­po r t i ons of Adonis w i th in t he nex t few weeks .

As a r e su l t of t h e g y m n a s i u m s , bay window copg, fa t - jowled cops, puffing cops a n d cops of l ike phys ica l ca l i ­bre will be a m e m o r y of t he pas t In t h e t w o L o n g Is land City p rec inc t s , It is p rophes ied .

T h e e q u i p m e n t of t he two s t a t i o n wi th s e v e r a l Brooklyn

s t a t i o n Houses, w a s m a d e possible from a fund of $6,000 ra i sed by a c o n ­c e r t a n d s u b s c r i p t i o n s T h e e q u i p ­m e n t s e n t , to the H u n t e r ' s Po in t a n d A s t o r i a p r e c i n c t s cons i s t s of wres t l ing m a t s , p u n c h i n g bags , medic ine bal ls a n d w e i g h t m a c h i n e s . T h e men a r e a lso a d d i n g to the e q u i p m e n t a t t he i r own expense .

T h e h a n d b a l l c o u r t is expe . ted to be a m o s t In t e r e s t i ng fea tu re . In t h e Ht>njt,pr^i-Eoint s t a t i o n h o u s e t h e . g y g i . . n a s i u m Is in an unused do rmi to ry . T h e h a n d b a l l cou r t will be e rec ted to o n e end of t h e rwnrn—The g y m n a s i u m In t h e A s t o r i a s t a t i on house Is in t h e r e a r ove r t h e cell block.


Despi te t he p r o t e s t s of p rope r ty owners , t he c i ty will probably soon begin p roceed ings for the t ak ing of title to t h e lower end of Ely avenue , Long I s l and Clt>, a l t h o u g h th is s t r ee t h a s been In publ ic u s e for a g r e a t m a n y yea r s . I t h a s been paved a n d sewered a n d Is, in fact, a complete ly improved c i ty h i g h w a y .

Since the e leva ted extens ion of t he Queensboro s u b w a y w a s built in th i s s t reet , t he city h a s come to the con­clusion t h a t t h e r e i s a flaw In t he c i ty ' s t i t le to the s t r ee t , a n d In order to clear up t h e m a t t e r it severa l y e a r s ago filed a n app l i ca t i on in t h e S u ­preme C o u r t for t he a p p o i n t m e n t of a c o n d e m n a t i o n commiss ion .

P r o p e r t y o w n e r s p ro te s t ed a g a i n s t such a p roceed ing on the g r o u n d t h a t it was u n n e c e s s a r y a n d would involve cons iderable expense upon them.

T h e bone of con t en t i on is t h e c la im of P a t r i c k Coleman, who own p r o p ­er ty a t E l e v e n t h s t r e e t and Ely a v e ­nue. H e c l a ims t i t le to land occu ­pied by the s idewa lk and" also c e r t a i n r i gh t s in the s t r ee t .

J u s t i c e Bened ic t refused to g r a n t j the c i ty ' s a p p l i c a t i o n for a c o n d e m -! na t ion commiss ion when i t w a s first i made , a n d he was s u s t a i n e d by the j Appel la te Divis ion. T h e Cour t of A p -I peals, however , h a s j u s t handed down

a decision r e v e r s i n g the lower cour t and o r d e r i n g t h a t t h e long-de layed proceedings be s t a r t e d .

Dr. H. Mendelsohn Surgeon Dentist

309 Sttiiiwuy Ave., near Jamaica AT*. L. I. City. Next to Mtrlmvay Ave. Pool Ofllea

Hoiir»—» a. m. till 8 |». an. Mjntlay*—• till IS.

Telephone 1780 Aatorla. Ul«li-rlaw» work at raaaooable prleea.

L E T T E R S I O T H E EDITOR. "Will you kindly decide for a con ­

s t a n t r e a d e r the fol lowing ques t i on ; W h a t yea r did H e n r y George, sr., d i e?

T. P. , Maspe th . Oc tobe r 29. 1897.—Ed.


Mr. and Mrs. Joneph Schultz and family retpeotfully beB to acknowledge with reelings of gratitude the many heartfelt expressions of eoimolutlon and aympathy and the klndneB* ehown by the many frlenda of their deceased son, John P. Sehults,

[ DEATHS FOTT c u m ran unmmo*. n

M M •

M R S . H A N S O N L E A V E S

|1 ,500 T O R E L A T I V E S

By will of A n n i e H a n s e n , l a t e of Winfleld, a n e s t a t e va lued a t $1,500

j pe r sona l p r o p e r t y Is disposed of a s follows: To h e r s i s t e r , Otlllle P e t e r ­son, of Brook lyn ; h e r g r andson , A r ­t h u r H a n s o n , of Corona , a n d a g r a n d ­daugh te r , E d i t h H a n s o n , of Corona, is given $50 e a c h ; t o h e r son, C h a r l e s Hanson , of M a n h a t t a n , a n d to h e r daugh te r , A n n a A tk in son , of E l m h u r s t , is g iven t h e money deposi ted In t h e Union D i m e S a v i n g s Bank. All t h e res t of t h e e s t a t e i s g iven to t h e son, Mar t in H a n s o n , of Corona .

M a r t i n H a n s o n , of Corona , a n d A n ­na Atk inson , of E l m h u r s t , ch i ld ren , a re a p p o i n t e d e x e c u t o r s .

O R G A N I Z E E I G H T - T E A M


T h e Q u e e n s B o r o u g h Basebal l L e a g u e h a s been o rgan ized to he lp develop local p l a y e r s for t h e b igger l e a g u e s . T h e e igh t cluibs a r e : T h e Alcoa of Dunton , t h e Cel iacs of W o o d h a v e n , the H u s t l e r s of T'nion Coursfe, t h e L a b r e s of Mor r i s P a r k , t h e P e e r l e s s of R i c h m o n d Hill , t h e Orioles of Ozone P a r k , t h e U n i t y T r i a n g l e s of Hol l l s and the W o o d h u l l s of J a m a i c a .

T h e officers of t he l e ague a r e : J o h n J. Lu tz , p r e s i d e n t ; Sy lves t e r Byrnes , 1 I n i m j m r u ; J a m * * P . D M s e c r e t a r y ; George E c k h a r d , t r e a s u r e r .

IA XEMHEKC—Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonaa Luxemberg and husband of Anna Luxemburg, on Monday, January 18. 1916. Funeral Thursday. January 20, 1916, at 3

p. m., from hie late residence, 1163 Fourth avenue. Long Island City. 19tl

SMITH—On Tuesday, January 18, 1916, John Henry Smith. Funeral from hla Utn residence, 232 East

123rd street, New York City, on Friday morning. January 21st Inst., at 9:30 a. m., thence to Ft. Paul's Churdrr-128 East 117th •treet. at 10 o'clock. Interment Calvary Cemetery. jal9t2

U N D E R I A K E H P .

Telephone 2177 Hunterapolnt. M. C. GALLAGHER

(8ti<-re*M>r to .IAME.H GALLAGHER) LNDEKTAKER AND EMBAXSfEK 110 Eighth Street, L. 1. City, N. * .

Borough of Queen. Jal tyla

Established 1811. TH. t l M *» - -M. E. CONWAT * SON '

FCNEltAL DIJRECTOM • I M m t . w w 47 Jackson Aveaua, L. 1. CH»,

Funeral Parlor. Lady Attendant Coaches to Hlra for all Occasion*


Establish** MIT. l**> attOBtaaoa

Charles Waydig F u n w l Director and Emhalmtrr MS lota AVENUE, LONG ISLAND C R 1

Botwoca Woleott Avaaat, aaa T u n Baa*


R A T E O N U . 8 . F R E I G H T S


Lena; Island City. Henry Albert. Wm. Murkc, J. Brodrlck,

V. lloltrl. J. Barbl. S. Cariacolo, L. CItryn, Mrs. Carroll. Pntsss-'Courelly, Mrs, \V"m. C'olum, Mary Creamer. Hurry CleausMn, Mrs. Dlkeman. K»c;imi Darling, Mrs. Louis

, Doyle. F.mll Edwards, Charles Fogg, Amp-j lla Giorgio. August OolcTtter, Francis (tiles, 1 Wm. Julian, wm. Klrtgarhtnan, Wm. Ma-

gulrp. N. Manotusslo, M. Mospbese. Anthony Peters. H. Klehtor, .fosertne Knrga, l'adllns

1 Htevens, Anna Schwartz, John Fnyder. S e v e n t h — E v a Greener, A n d r e w C o n - ! Jennie SomterlgU, Kitty Walsh, Kdward

WILLS FILED FOR PROBATE By will of Louis Kefer, jr., l a te of

W h i t e s t o n e , an e s t a t e va lued a t $2,000 pe r sona l a n d $2,500 rea l p r o p e r t y is all g iven to t he widow, M a r g a r e t L. Kefer , a n d s h e Is appo in ted execu t r ix . T h e will is da ted J u n e 2, 1903, a n d the t e s t a t o r died J a n u a r y 11, 1916.

By will of Annie Muller , l a te of L o n g I s l and City, a n e s t a t e va lued a t $1,600 pe r sona l p rope r ty Is disposed of by g i v i n g al l of t h e household fur ­n i t u r e a n d effects to he r daugh t e r , M a r t h a Muller, of Long Is land City.

All t he r e s t of the p rope r ty is to he equa l ly divided be tween he r t h r ee ch i ldren , M a r t h a Muller, Olga H a m a n :ir.d Wi l l i am Muller, all of Long Is land City. T h e daugh t e r , M a r t h a Muller, Is a p p o i n t e d execu t r ix . T h e will Is d a t e d N o v e m b e r 11, 1911, a n d the t e s ­t a t r i x died December 19, 1915.

London, W e d n e s d a y . — R e s t r i c t i v e m e a s u r e s a d o p t e d r e spec t ing l icenses

1 and the compos i t ion of ca rgoes f rom I the R ive r P l a t a a n d from c e r t a i n

Nor th A m e r i c a n p o r t s v i r tua l ly m a r k a definite effort o n t h e p a r t of t he a u -thorffles here w Tfs a~~ffiffltnmmr~TJTr freightf.

OMWArfL-tonnage h a s been la rge ly requ is i t ioned t o d a y a t the coal p o r t s . T o n n a g e h a s a lso been r equ i s i t i oned In t he A u s t r a l i a n w h e a t t r a d e a n d I t is r epor t ed t h a t a n e m b a r g o h a s been placed on A u s t r a l i a n coal expor t s .

Telephone KDO-UM Astoria.


169 F U L T O N A V E N U E , A 8 T 0 R I A .

245 J A C K 3 0 N A V E N U E , L. I. C I T Y .



F O R T Y F A M I L I E 8 L E F T


P a s s a i c , N. J. , W e d n e s d a y . — F i r e ear ly t o d a y s w e p t t h r o u g h t h e b u s i ­ness sec t ion a r o u n d Maine a v e n u e a n d W a s h i n g t o n p lace , des t roy ing m a n y bui ld ings . I n c l u d i n g a hotel and t h e a ­tre, l e av ing for ty or fifty fami l ies homeless a n d doing d a m a g e e s t i m a t e d a t $500,000.

Too Late for Classification TO LET—litegant apartment of S rooms,

lower part of 2-famlly corner houae, all . . . . . . . v » . ^ wfc to-,.,(it,,y t u u i t r aguag, a n modern improvements including telephone; convenient to cars and ferry; will decorate to suit; liberal conceaslons to desirable ten­ants; Inquire 033 Crescent at., Astoria; 1IS90 Astoria. JalDtf A BUTCHER wanted. Apply to Robart

Brown, I t s Main st„ Astoria. 19-2

LOST—Cold cross and chain, betweert^Baw-rence, Potter and Wooisoy ava.; Moualch,

10i Vunderventer i\v., Astoria; reward. * ' 1»-21

"YOU.VQ man wanted to help In baker / and luke out oitiers; P<ter Heymann. HIS


The Merchants' Association, which has led In the campaign to prevent the con­tamination of the city's water supply by

j dralnago of treated sewage from two i State Institutions Into the Croton water­

shed, has addressed an appeal to a score of other civic organizations to aid In obtaining the passage of three bills It has caused to be Introduced in the Legislature,

The bills are Intended t» effect the re­moval of the Motianslc State Hospital and

| the New York State Training School for

Van Alst av,, Astorlu. 19-21


Boys to sites where the city's water supply cannot be " ^ R c t e d and to preclude the future location ot similar Institutions within the Croton watershed.

A RESPE'.'TABLE woman will go out washing and Ironing or cleaning by the

day or take it home; Mrs. Steller, 2!6 Law­rence at., Aatorla. 19-25

A RESPECTABLE woman wants plain sew­ing or children's dresses to make home;

Mrs. Steller, 28» Lawrence at., Astoria, 18-2»

LOST—A bur-ch of keys at Bridge T ina* K<<lng into Stein way car, nder please

leave sume at Star Omce, Bridge Plaza. j _ _ _ _ _ 19"21

: JANITOR'S helper, steam, sober man; call , morning, Janitor, Crescent Apartments, I 12th and Crescent St., L I. d t v 19-21

AN EXPERIENCED girl wishes position an general houaaworker in small family with,

good references; pleas* call at 7f Academy at., L. I. City; no cards answered. 19-25

By a d o p t i n g a s imple diet men like Conaro h a v e lived to he 100 years of affc. but wi th our lomj ' lex diets of today, the vi ta l i ty of the aged Is ttixed in Its u t m o s t endu rance , A simple diet , therefore , Is conducive to a long life, and if t he vi ta l i ty becomes impai red and w e a k n e s s seems apparen t , our local druKRtst*. Dennler * Turner , and M. A l t h H m e r . have In Vinnl a r e -lldlile, nun-sec re t remedy which con­t a in s Just tht1 e l emen t s needed to r e ­s to re s t r e n g t h to w«'Hk. feeble old people, and prolong a healthy, happy l i f e . - A d v .

I roy, B a r b a r a Lebkuecher , A n n a Munz, ! Mar ie Popp. Gladys Kohlmeyer , 1,11-i Han Mur ray . C a t h e r i n e Murphy , J o -: seph lne Heinr lch , R a y m u n d Muller , I Fred Bar re t t , T h n m a s Ba r re t t , T h o s . | Tully, P r a n k Taylor . Wil l iam B r l e s a -

chen, Kdward P le rc th .

B L A C K W E L L ' S D O P E C U R E


Office Hour* 2 A M t > $ p. H. Sundays 10 A M. to 4 P. M.

Open Kvsnlnga »«r»pt Monday and Friday

D R H. H. HUNT* K V R O P . ON D E N T I S T

No. inn Third street. Corner .lackson Avenue MiNt i irtf.AN» e r r * .

Telephone llunter.point 1570.

I ' runi inent Broadway s t a r s , one a n ac to r , the o the r an ac t r e s s , took the d r u g t r e a t m e n t in t roduced in to the

) pr ison a t BlackweH's Is land, a n d h a v e r e tu rned cured.

T h i s informat ion was g iven out las t n i s h t by H. (1. Lewis , Commiss ione r of Correi tion, In an a d d r e s s before the Co lumbia Univers i ty I n s t i t u t e of A r t s ar.d Sciences .n l l a v e m e y e r Hal l .

T h e ac to r was the first to try the cure , going to the Island u n d e r a pe r ­mit under an MS8tn#4 n a m e . H e found the t r ea tmen t , which C o m m i s ­s ioner Lewis s a id had been worked ou t by two prominent phys ic ians , so successful t h a t he Induced the fa­m o u s ac t ress , who had spent $4,000 !'nr a cure, to t ry the t r e a t m e n t . T h e t r e a t m e n t . Commiss ioner I ^ w i s said, cured he r and Is cur ing h u n d r e d s of iIn p r i soners who a r e sub jec ted to It.

Wing CI , Wagner.

Mrs. A. Wouldcn, Chas.

Aatorla Station. Matthew H. Uelforcl, August Collmar.

Hcnjomln Cohen. J. M. Crawley. Mrs, James H'irlln. Anna Henry. Dr. and Mrs. John J. Keating, I.ulgl Marsxlntt Rletie. Michael Wosnlck.

K. C.

S T , M A R Y ' 8 S C H O O L , L, I, C I T Y .

c'nn't look w<>ll. est well, or feel well with Impiifi blood. Keep the blood purs with rpinloi k Rnort miters Ent simply, take ever'I*" keep clean,, snd good heslth Is

I p f t t y sure to follow. $1.00 a bottle —srtv

E i g h t h — N a n c y Sweeney, M a r l o n Sheehan , El la Leahy, Rose L-ynch, K a t h l e e n Ryan , Ca the r ine Treacy , Ea-telle Wood, Rose Hantangelo , M a r y Maher , C a t h e r i n e Lawrence , H u g h j Quinn . Eugene Rooney. . lames A r m - • s t rong , J o h n Smi th , John Glenn, F r a n - j cis MeKee, F r a n c i s Smith , Cecil C o n - | way, F r a n k Ca t t e r son , E d w a r d iMoti-a r t y , . J o h n F lynn , T h o m a s M u r t a g h , J a m e s Dunn. R ichard Cook, C l a r e n c e McClancy, J a m e s O'Brien. Maur i ce Ctissldy. E u g e n e Smi th .

7B— Mary O'Brien, Mary Kelly, Ne l ­lie O'Brien, A n n a McOee, E the l M c -Kee, E l izabeth Kelly, Lillian But le r . F lo rence McQuade , George Rogner , J o h n F i tzgera ld .

"A—Helen O'Brien, Mildred Kelly, A n n a McGllnchey, Helen Carey , E l e a ­nor Whi te , Rose O'Connor, A n n a F l a ­her ty , I rene Hoffman, Rose DIChlcke, An thony C a m p i s e , Anthony J a n a s k e , J a m e s Fi tzgera ld , norucllu.s Lnciunr-dls. F r a n c i s o 'Mea rn , Joseph McElroy , J o h n Nagie , Will iam Hyland , J o h n Tully. T h o m a s Maher, F r anc i s Norclt. Vincent McCar thy , L a w r e n c e C a r r a -her. J o h n Garrot ter ,

F"or tiny pain, burn, scald or bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil—the household remedy. Two sizes 25c. and SOc. at all drug *tores.-yad»\

Conditions In Serbia are described vividly in a letter Just received by John \V. Froth-Ingham, of New Vork. from Frank Klepal, formerly of the Bohemian-American Mis­sion, who now Is connected with Lady Paget's Hospital at Skoplje, Serbia. Ths letter says:

"Since the Bulgarian army entered Serbia ~ have been corresponding with the Amerl-

enn Consul nt Salonlca nnd the American Am*assttdor a t Bucharest, but never re-cef"%d any answer. At the present time, as

; a member of the Lady Paget Hospital j I am staying at Hknpije. nnd hope In a short time the whole mission will receive

I pei mission to return home. "Lady Paget \* helping the refugees from

the Serbian relief funds. Nearly every other day more than 1,500 hungry people come to our hospltnl for clothes and flour.

I How long th.s will keep up no one knows. i Several thousands of Bulgarian, (lerman | and Austrian troops came here, and th« whole tow n was cleaned. There was noth­ing left to eat. One kilogram of sugar costs twelve franks and bakers have no more flour to hake bread for the poor."

l I * I it • 1 *






I Oil i

m #

M L CARMEL BASKETBALL | T E W _ W B A6AIN ! The Mt. Carta*I five boat the Empire City

five Saturday night by the score of 20 to 12 in one of the most exciting game* played on Mt. Carmel court this season.

The Kmplres had a good team, but tho • excellent work of McClellan and Krake a«

guards held them down to 12 points. After 7 minutes of play the Empire*

started off to carry- home a victory when two basket* b) VV. HInson, followed by ono by llobena, gave them s points, Uhaw got a free shot from the foul line and also two from the field. Ocdaer put the Mounts In the lead by one point,

McClellan, who played on* of the best gam's of hi* career as a basketball player. made tht fans sit up and take notice when lie caged one from the center of the court. Anderson got one soon after, ending the scoring for the first half.

The second half started with Ilealy in j place of Anderson. After playing 7 mln-• utes, w, HInson was the ,.rst to score "again, but there was very littli> scoring on

both side*. clelspr ims the star of the hnlf. gutting f"ur points out of the nine

• scored hj too .Mounts and when the time ; was up, the pcorc for the ha.f was Mount ' Curiiid »: Umpire City «.

Tonight s mil MI Hun will be the Lallan Catholic Club of New Vork. This will be

: the first appearance of this club on Long I Island, 'iiiere will b« dancing before and

after the gam*. ,

I«OST—Hhur-on.nose glasses, Sunday even­ing between Beebee and Jackson av., or

Jumalca and Htelnway av., or on the Bteln-way car; Mrs. H. 8. Mlllwurd, 353 9th av., Astoria. 11-21

HOY wanted, over Id years old. In butcher »hop to deliver orders; call at 19 W**t

Polk av., Corona. 19-21

Clerks and Carriers Wanted postal service; Brooklyn and N*w Vork.

Kxamlnatlons May «; preparation by Civil Service experts. For full particular*, call or write; Tel. 1816 Newtown. E. O. Heydt, (Irani! St., opp. Jefferson av., Mgspeth, N. Y. Over Candy store. 1»-IJ

A S T O R I A — D e l i g h t f u l upar tmonta , 4 and 6 large l ight rooms, Dutch d i n ­

ing r o o m ; hot water aupp ly ; ronx $16 t o 921 . Academy at, near . roadway, or Je r ry F. R y a n , Bui lder , 1 Bridgo P lasa , L. I, C i ty . T e l . 1970 Astor ia .


P L U M B I N G A N Q Q A 8 F I T T I N G .


On Tuesday evening at St. Mary's Lyceum the St. Marys were defeated by the Trav­elers of Woodside by the score of 41 to 26.

The feature of the game was the shootlni of P. Chick and the floor work of B. Nicho-bts*. The line-up;

St. Marys. Doyle r. f, Hupcr-O'Connnr, . . I. f. Schut Iinrdt c, Hol l tnan. . . . 1. g. Wood-Rlelly r. g

eravoler*. — ..Chick

Call* . . Nlcholns^

Murry Arinur Score, first half: «t. Marys 12; Wood*Id

Travelers 19. final score: St. Marys 2*; Travelers It; Held goals' St. Marys 11; Travelers I* fouls; Bt. Marys 4, Travelers 7; referee' H. O'Connor; timekeeper: Tho­mas. O'Connor; scorer; Harry Wood,

Ckorfe M. O'Connor P L U M B I N G A N D H E A T I N G

1*4 F U L T O N A V E N U I ,

T e l . M s Astoria. A t T O M A , L, I .

« * , I f M Heater* P i . JoMtkag a» i»>sf to.

Henry McKevitt L I C E N S E D P L U M B E R ,

H a n f w a r e , f t i i m , Q a * F i t t ing ami

.Hot W a t e r H o a t l n r . I t O V E R N O N A V E , L. r. C I T Y .

* 5 . " , l ! , » >r^»" • • * Use lat* Alei Bryaat at Maaaattoa. d . H y U


. , ,!.,„, • j I IllM 11 if 11 llilliai I i lltaaali

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