Aid Project Compilation

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  • 8/2/2019 Aid Project Compilation


    These are the selected project works of students of Group 44-Ph of Naukova Zmina Lycee in Kyiv,

    Ukraine. They are based on the task from Unit 8 of Longman-Pearsons Opportunities Upper

    Intermediate course book. The students were supposed to create a humanitarian aid plan for an

    imaginary country.

    Humanitarian Aid Project Aid NihmueBy Julia Ptushkina, Group 44-Ph, Naukova Zmina Lycee, Kyiv 2012

    I am going to enlighten the project of humanitarian aid mission of a tropical country, which is suffering

    virtually all imaginable problems. The name of the country

    is Nihmue with the capital city of N`ana.

    The situation there is the following:.

    Studying descriptions and features of the country, I

    selected some basic problems:

    High level of unemployment ; Low index of GNP ($ 100 per capita ); Little industry

    Bad communication and social infrastructure ; Few educated people , only 40 % literacy rate; Poor sanitation- malaria is common ; The main river is polluted by a chemical factory.

    According to these factors, I have created the plan

    of actions aimed at economic development of

    Nihmue. I suggest starting with developing thefarming.

    Nihmue is a rural-based country and it needs to

    modernize its agriculture. This branch will provide

    jobs for unemployment and some export. There is

    a desert area in the south-east of the country. It

    can be used for growing products for export, for

    example coffee beans.

    The profit of export will fill the budget of the


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    Nihmue today is facing the situation when the roads are badly damaged. I will realize a road-building

    program. It would help to export products and would provide communication with all part of the

    country. Then, we may start purifying the water in the main river of Nihmue the Nthem.

    The next step is the housing program, which

    should fight the problem of homelessness. First

    of all I have to provide small buildings, blankets or


    The following step will be organizing tent

    provide the camps with electricity for refugees,

    and equipping them with necessary sanitation and

    water supply.

    I have decided to implement the medical aid program for Nihmue in six steps.

    Here they are :

    Send heavy-duty ambulance vehicles ; Send a request for aid to neighboring countries ; Began training medical staff at places, in each region ; Provide free vaccination of children; Provide free assistance to the wounded and the poor ; Provide mobile field hospitals.

    The last step is an educational program.

    There is a full devastation in the country. It needs to rebuild

    everything from the very beginning. Firstly, I have decided to build

    schools in each region. The next task is to look for volunteers to teach

    children and to provide free lessons for adults.

    We have to start to train teachers as soon as possible. For this purpose

    we ought to ask the neighboring countries to send qualified personnel.

    I suggest building an irrigational system for growing commodities.

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    Gaiki Aid Program Report

    By Tetyana Pakholok, Group 44-Ph, Naukova Zmina Lycee, Kyiv 2012

    Population: 64 million

    GNP per Capita:57Unemployment: 50%

    Agriculture: soil is waterlogged

    Industry: very little, wood industry in the capital

    Communications: most roads are muddy, no

    airports, very few telephones, damaged


    Education: only 23% literacy rate, very few

    schools, only 12 universities

    Health: poor sanitation, only 20 hospitals, child


    Housing: many houses badly damaged afterwar

    Natural disasters: bad floods in Glisa valley, windstorms, landslides

    Environment: several endangered species.

    There is a country in northern Europe, which is suffering from virtually all imaginable problems. The name

    of the country is Gaiki with the capital city of Dinda. The population of Gaiki is estimated to be 64 million

    people with GNP hardly reaching 50 euro per capita. There are a lot of problems in Gaiki and our

    Organization of Humanitarian Aid has accepted participating in program Aid Gaiki.

    Studying description and features of this country, we selected the following basic problems:

    Low index of GNPHigh level of illiteracy

    Damaged houses


    High level of unemployment

    Lack of medical care

    Natural disasters

    Bad communication

    We faced a difficult task.

    Building houses

    Living standards in Gaiki are very low,

    so we started our aid program with

    building houses for low-income groups

    of population. We built 1000 houses

    and provided housing for about 1

    million inhabitants. We used modern

    technologies and craftsmen, so we can guarantee these houses being of

    high quality. The money for building them was invested by big companies,

    which are interested in the development of Gaiki.

    Education problem

    The main reason of unemployment is illiteracy, so our next step was

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    building schools and establishments of higher education. We have involved volunteers from around the

    world, who started work in the newly built schools. Also we provided jobs for native Gaikians, who received

    their education abroad (more than 1000 people). Now there are 220 schools (10 in Dinda) and 24

    Universities, where every Gaikian can receive his/her education.

    Health programme

    High mortality rate, especially among children, caused by lack of hospitals and qualified doctors and nurses

    attracted our special attention. Our program included vaccinating children, building hospitals and training

    doctors and nurses. We started with vaccinations: we used only high-quality vaccines, which do not contain

    mercury preservatives, and have low reactivity; children had vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, polio,

    hepatitis B and C, HIB infection, measles, mumps and rubella.

    Also, an oncology center was built in Dinda; 78 hospitals in cities and 54 in countryside were built. Hospitalswere provided with ambulances and helicopters.

    Unfortunately, there are too many problems in Gaiki to be solved in two years, but thanks to good financing

    we were able to solve some of them.

    Aid MoramBy Semen Kyselyov,Group 44-Ph, Naukova Zmina Lycee, Kyiv 2012

    Our organization - Aid To Poor Countries

    (ATPC) has published our first program Aid Moram.

    Studying description and features of this country, we

    selected such basic problems as:

    High level of unemployment 45%;

    Low index of GNP ($85 per capita); Low industry level; Very bad communications and social


    Poor medicine levelWe suggest starting our program from sending to Moram a half-year stock of medicine. Also we will

    send specialists and doctors, because we focus on strengthening the national health system as a whole.

    Support to the Department of Health is channeled through the health sector strategic plan. The plan

    provides for the expansion of basic services, supporting the rural water and sanitation sector in Mak County

    through the Department of Rural Water Supply in the Ministry of Natural Resources, because it needs itvery much. It must help in providing water and sanitation facilities to the most remote villages in this

    County. Also, a similar program has been developed for the other areas of Moram.

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    Then, we suggest realizing the road building program, because it would provide communications

    with all parts of this country, and might help a lot in developing this country.

    After that we will modernize farming. Moram is predominantly an agricultural and still rural-based

    country. Agriculture provides livelihoods for 80% of the population and the majority of the poor. This action

    would put an end to famine, provide some export, and develop agricultural industry. Also some credits to

    government of this country will help in stabilizing the situation.

    Then, we suggest using the central river Anduin for building many small and three powerful hydro-electric stations. They would protect the central valley from floods, and provide energy for industrial,

    agricultural and household needs. Also they would play the role of bridges.

    The next step is developing of industry, especially heavy industry. Because of that we could expect

    the level of unemployment going down.

    The next step is realizing our housing program, which should fight with the problem of

    homelessness. The programs essential part is engaging the local resources: producing up to 80% of the

    structural components by the local small enterprises, using local materials, and employing the local


    And the last step according to our program is Moram`s budget support. We would send extra 3

    billion dollars to this country every year, so that it could developed the other parts of its economic and

    other areas.We hope this program would: help this country in its developing, eliminate main problems and

    make its population happier than they are. Also we hope that you and many other people, organizations,

    and countries will invest money in our program and support it.

    Comprehensive plan of humanitarian aid for GrafricaProject Grafrica prepared by Ann Samar, Group 44-Ph Naukova Zmina Lycee, Kyiv 2012

    Grafrica is a country in a tropical region with the capital city of Gongorio. The

    population of Grafrica is estimated to be 10 million people with Gross

    National Product hardly reaching 100 US dollars per capita. In country, there

    are 30 per cent of unemployment people, which make social problems more

    significant. Being an agricultural country, Grafrica has poor soil, so the only

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    crop growing there is bananas. There is some industry in capital, such as a chemical factory, which, by

    the way is the main polluter of the only rivers in the city. However Grafrica has a number of problems

    that require immediate resolution.


    Among them there

    are problems with


    caused by floods in

    the wet season, which

    make roads badly

    damaged, blocked by

    debris and landslides

    or even destroyed. We have to act immediately:

    1. Deploy amphibious vehicles received from the military surplus stock.2. Create the network of fast-built helicopter.

    And also we have to send volunteer engineers and professional construction teams to Grafrica to repair

    damaged roads and destroyed bridges.

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    Each year the country is affected by

    earthquakes which create a

    desperate situation. Nearly 3 millionpeople in Grafrica are homeless

    because their homes have been


    Such situation calls for immediate


    1. We need to organize tentcamps for homeless to transform them into more permanent settlements to replace the

    villages that were completely destroyed.

    2. Tent camps should be equipped with necessary sanitation, cooking facilities and water supply.3. We should reconstruct the villages that suffered less damage.


    Subsequently, there is another problem, which arises because of the natural disasters. The problem is

    the lack of hospital beds. There are only 2 hospitals in Grafrica and in connection with the spread of

    malaria it may cause severe consequences. We have to take the following immediate actions:

    1. We have to man medical aid stations in the campsites for refugees2. And also we have to send volunteers and foreign doctors and nurses to Grafrica3. We have to ensure free vaccination of children for malaria

    Thank you for attention.