AHA! Creating Change through the Power of Insight. Meeting Notes

Resources for Change AHA! Creating change through the power of insight 1 Donna Hartney, Ph.D.


We want our clients to be successful. We want them to achieve their most cherished goals. And we owe it to them, and ourselves, to provide them with the best tools possible, to supply them with the right tools at the right time, and to equip them with the skills to continue to grow and to change. Let’s face it. Organizations change when and only when the individuals within them change, but individual change can be difficult to achieve.

Transcript of AHA! Creating Change through the Power of Insight. Meeting Notes

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Resources for Change


AHA!Creating change through

the power of insight

Donna Hartney, Ph.D.

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Resources for Change


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Resources for Change


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Resources for Change


“People change only when they have to.”“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

“Change is hard.”

Photo by Camila Dequech

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Resources for Change


Sometimes change can happen quickly and effortlessly.

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Resources for Change


Today – Six Questions

• What’s an AHA! anyway?• How are they different from ordinary ahas?• What impact can an AHA! have on a person’s life and

career?• What’s the evidence that it’s possible to prime oneself

for pivotal AHA!s?• Where do AHA!s fit within a comprehensive model of

change, and why are they a crucial addition?• Why is it important to be a student of AHA!s before

attempting to teach others?

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Resources for Change


“…one of those emotionally powerful moments when suddenly what was a tangle of confusion becomes clear and understandable.”

Jeff HawkinsOn Intelligence

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Resources for Change


aha vs AHA!

An aha is a flash of clarity that answers a question, solves a problem, or ignites a creative idea.

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Resources for Change


• Co-inventor of CAPTCHA• (Completely Automated Public

Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart)

• After reflecting on both the upside and downside of CAPTCHA, he was hit with an insight.

• Invented reCAPTCHA

The Economist (1 June 2013)

Luis von Ahn

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Resources for Change


aha vs AHA!

An aha is a flash of clarity that answers a question, solves a problem, or ignites a creative idea.• Have you ever experienced an aha?• Do you know what you can do to spark an aha?

Please turn to the person sitting next to you and share your top tip for sparking the flash of an aha.

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Resources for Change


aha vs AHA!

An aha is a flash of clarity that answers a question, solves a problem, or ignites a creative idea.

An AHA! is a flash of clarity that has a personal and profound impact on the person who experiences it making them a different person, a better person, a more successful person.


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Resources for Change


Pam MacKinnon

• Grew up in Western New York

• Won 2013 Tony award for best director of a play

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Resources for Change


Pam MacKinnon

“It’s not the content of what you’re interested in which makes something serious, but it’s your relationship in it, it’s your feeling about it.So I went back to theater.”

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Resources for Change


I didn’t like the sight of blood. So education it would be.

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“The question embarrassed and sobered me; it made me realize my parochialism and just how unprepared I was for the task of serving my people. I had unconsciously succumbed to the ethnic divisions fostered by the white government and I did not know how to speak to my own kith and kin.”

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Resources for Change


aha vs AHA!

An aha is a flash of clarity that answers a question, solves a problem, or ignites a creative idea.

An AHA! is a flash of clarity that has a personal and profound impact on the person who experiences it making them a different person, a better person, a more successful person.• Have you ever experienced an AHA!?• Do you know what you can do to spark an AHA!?


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Resources for Change


Is it possible to prime oneself for pivotal AHA!s?

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“I am practicing retirement.”

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Resources for Change


Why coaching?• High potential project leader• Career progression had stopped

ROI (4 Years)• Project Leader Director Senior Director• VP

Case Study #1

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Resources for Change


Why coaching?• High potential, recently promoted director• Saw progress in his direct report and

wondered if coaching would be of use to him

ROI (3 Years)• Director Senior Director VP• Being groomed for position of CIO

Case Study #2

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In addition to the value they received from foundational coaching, what percent of xSAIL clients are able to generate transformative insights?• Overall: 79.5%• Solid performers/high performers: 86%• At risk/remedial: 63.6%


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Resources for Change


Where do AHA!s fit within a comprehensive model of change, and

why are they a crucial addition?

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Resources for Change




Style Performance


The Change


The Change Process• Set goals.• Measure the gap.• Plan.• Implement, monitor and adjust.

Change Fundamentals

Performance Essentials• Identify the required skill set.• Assess current skill level.• Develop skills as needed.

Operating Style• Understand personal operating style.• Assess impacts of style.• Capitalize on style strengths, address

style nonpreferences, and accommodate the styles of others.

Framework for Individual Change

© 2010 - 2013. Tools2transform. All rights reserved.

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Resources for Change


Personal Ceilings Can Block Progress

Watch for the Signs:• Not making enough progress• Procrastination• Excuses• Distractions• Lost in complexity• Puzzled• Others’ skepticism


Style Performance


The Change


Change Fundamentals© 2010 - 2013. Tools2transform. All rights


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Resources for Change


Change Ability - Key to Breakthrough






Style Performance


The Change


A person who is change able: • Is proactive,• Establishes stretch goals,• Seeks out personal

ceilings, and• Applies effective

techniques to break through.

Change Fundamentals Transformation


© 2010 - 2013. Tools2transform. All rights reserved.

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Resources for Change


Our Framework for Change







Style Performance


The Change


• Force of Logic• Force of Will• Force of Experience• Force of Discovery

Change Fundamentals Transformation© 2010 - 2013. Tools2transform. All rights


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Resources for Change


Match the Force to the Situation

• Force of Logic

• Force of Will

• Force of Experience

• Force of Discovery

• When one’s thinking is getting in the way

• When a burst of momentum or a stop-gap measure is needed

• When there’s a lack of exposure and/or confidence

• When there are stubborn or perplexing ceilings

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Resources for Change

What Do You Think?

• If I taped a Superman cape to my back, I could fly.

• I have a brain.• If there’s something I am able to do

and want to do, I ought to have the resolve and willpower to do it.

• I can predict better than others can what I will do.

• I know why I act and feel the way that I do.





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Resources for Change


It’s All About Adaptive Capacity

“We found that adaptive capacity was the single most important attribute, whatever the field.”

Warren Bennis

Still Surprised: A memoir of a life in leadership


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Resources for Change


Why is it so important to first be a student of AHA!s before attempting

to teach others how to generate their own?

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