AH Module 5-3

Aetheric Healing™ - Mod 5 - Video 3 © www.UniversalLifeTools.com 1 www.UniversalLifeTools.com Aetheric Healing™ Video 1 – Revision Modules 1 to 4 Video 2 – Thumb Print Video 3 – Thumb, Pineal Gland & Alta Major Video 4 – Intention & Intuition Video 5 – SET & Earth-Soul Testing Video 6 – Aetheric Healing™ Session Video 7 – Demonstration Module 5 – Video 3 Pineal Pineal Alta Major Alta Major Lung Lung www.UniversalLifeTools.com Pineal Alta Major Pineal Gland & Alta Major

Transcript of AH Module 5-3

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Aetheric Healing™•  Video 1 – Revision Modules 1 to 4

•  Video 2 – Thumb Print

•  Video 3 – Thumb, Pineal Gland & Alta Major

•  Video 4 – Intention & Intuition

•  Video 5 – SET & Earth-Soul Testing

•  Video 6 – Aetheric Healing™ Session

•  Video 7 – Demonstration

Module 5 – Video 3

Pineal Pineal

Alta Major Alta Major Lung Lung



Alta Major

Pineal Gland & Alta Major

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Earth Fire Air


Earth Fire Air


Aether Aether


Pineal Gland

Pineal Gland & Alta Major

Pineal Gland Alta Major Alta Major


Pineal Gland

Alta Major

Pineal Gland & Alta Major

Pineal Gland & Alta Major

Pineal Gland

Alta Major


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Heart & Soul Unity EL 5

Pineal Gland & Alta Major

Cosmic Unity EL 6

Pineal Gland & Alta Major

As Above, So Below, So Within

EL 7

Pineal Gland & Alta Major

Pineal Pineal

Alta Major Alta Major Lung Lung


Pineal Gland & Alta Major


Soul Star




Pineal Gland

Alta Major

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Pineal Gland & Alta Major (thumb in alignment

with the heart)

(moneta, water element)

Pineal Gland & Alta Major

•  Higher Self, I AM Presence

•  Integration Point between Cosmos & your Human Experience of Soul

•  Past Lives, Gifts, Talents etc

•  Sacred Contract / Soul Potential

Soul Star

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1.  Sacred Contract (Individually)

2.  Sacred Contract (Collectively)

3.  Free Will in how you express Sacred Contract

4.  Conscious Action

Soul Star

•  Personal Soul Creative Contract Evolution

•  ‘Source’ experiencing itself through you

•  Channel 5D Soul Light into 3D Body – DNA

•  To experience the Highest Vibration of Grandest Version of Self

•  SET, Numerology, Finger Prints etc…

1. Individual Sacred Contract

Soul Star

•  You make a difference - ‘How may I serve ?’

•  Bridge - 3 Hearts of Creation

•  Quantum Leap Earth & all Life Forms - Evolution

2. Collective Sacred Contract

Don’t ask what can I get out of life ? Ask: What does life want of me ?

Soul Star

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3. Free Will

•  Choosing to ‘Show up & being SEEN’

•  Life is not about ‘Winning’ or ‘Losing’

•  LIFE - Evolution

•  Choose to be VULNERABLE

Soul Star •  We each have pre-determined Soul Contract/Purpose

•  However, we choose how to: �  React

�  Learn & grow

�  Move forward from our experiences

�  Expression of our DNA

�  Evolve

4. Conscious Action

•  Breaking FREE of a Meme (cultural/familial/society)

•  Being your own person

•  ‘What other people think of me is none of my business’

•  Honouring your uniqueness - Gift of Diversity

Soul Star

Soul Star

Crown Chakra

Source: Crystal Light Healing® & Soul Evolution Self-Study

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95% programmed before Age 7

95% 5%

40 million bits of info per second

40 bits of info per second

Brain responds up to 7 seconds BEFORE conscious mind

Source: Crystal Light Healing® & Soul Evolution Self-Study

How we experience the World Perception

5 Senses






Source: Crystal Light Healing® & Soul Evolution Self-Study


Occipital Lobe

Source: Crystal Light Healing® & Soul Evolution Self-Study

Soul Star


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Alta Major Awakening Perception

Side Chakra’s ‘Hear’ & ‘See’ beyond 3D

Third Eye ‘See & awaken to’ the holographic field through Pineal

Causal ‘E-Motional’ Memory of the Field ie Akashics

Crown Lifeforce: Spiritual to Physical

Source: Crystal Light Healing® & Soul Evolution Self-Study

Soul Star


Source: Crystal Light Healing® & Soul Evolution Self-Study

Alta Major Awakening Perception

Side Chakra’s ‘Hear’ & ‘See’ beyond 3D

Third Eye ‘See & awaken to’ the holographic field through Pineal

Causal ‘E-Motional’ Memory of the Field ie Akashics

Crown Lifeforce: Spiritual to Physical

Source: Crystal Light Healing® & Soul Evolution Self-Study

Soul Star

Thalamus & Limbic System

Temporal Lobe Cerebellum & Medulla Oblongata

Pineal Gland

Hypothalamus & Pituitary

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Pineal Gland

Third Eye


Source: Crystal Light Healing®

Pineal Gland

•  Endocrine Gland

•  Located in Epithalamus nearcenter of Brain

•  Between the two Hemispheres

•  5 to 8mm – pinecone shape

•  Only midline brain structure that is ‘unpaired’

•  Bathed in Cerebrospinal fluid

•  Not isolated from body by Blood/Brain Barrier

•  Calcifies – with Calcium & Fluoride

•  By old age contains as much Fluoride as teeth

•  Production of Melatonin

Source: Crystal Light Healing®

Melatonin •  Found in animals, plants, fungi & bacteria

•  In animals involved in entrainment/synchronisation Circadian Rhythms

•  Sleep, Blood Pressure, Seasonal Reproduction, Immunity (anti-oxidant)

•  Production stimulated by darkness

Source: Crystal Light Healing® Images: Wikipedia

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•  Referred to as the �Seat of the Soul� (Descartes, 1600’s)

•  MCC (Master Crystal Cell) – Crystal (Absorb, store, emit, amplify)

•  Allows our deepest memories (Soul) to flow into our conscious awareness

•  SEE (Third Eye) beyond space/time

•  Multi-dimensional Awareness (beyond the physical senses)

•  Intuitive, Channelling, Conscious Connection with the Aetheric Field

•  Musical Note ‘E’ (Crystal Light Healing & Essence of Angels®)

Third Eye

Source: Crystal Light Healing®

Pineal - Energetics

Pineal Gland (MCC) Crystal Tuning Fork

Third Eye

Alta Major Awakening Perception

Side Chakra’s ‘Hear’ & ‘See’ beyond 3D

Third Eye ‘See & awaken to’ the holographic field through Pineal

Causal ‘E-Motional’ Memory of the Field ie Akashics

Crown Lifeforce: Spiritual to Physical

Source: Crystal Light Healing® & Soul Evolution Self-Study

Soul Star

Thalamus & Limbic System

Temporal Lobe Cerebellum & Medulla Oblongata

Pineal Gland

Hypothalamus & Pituitary

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Alta Major


Pineal Gland


Medulla Oblongata

Source: Crystal Light Healing®

Alta Major Awakening Perception

Alta Major

Cerebellum •  Latin for ‘little brain’

•  Motor function – co-ordination, precision & timing

•  Regulating Fear & Pleasure responses

•  Language, attention & mental imagery

Source: Crystal Light Healing®


Medulla Oblongata

Image: Wikipedia

Energetics: •  Awareness / Perception of the Environment

•  Moving beyond 3D time & space reality

•  Anchoring ‘conscious’ perception

Alta Major

Medulla Oblongata

•  Autonomic Functions

•  Breathing

•  Heart Rate, Blood Pressure – cardiac control centre

•  Reflexes - Vomiting, Coughing, Sneezing & Swallowing

•  Connects higher levels of brain to spinal cord

Source: Crystal Light Healing®


Medulla Oblongata

Energetics: •  Cosmic Heart Breathing

•  Moving beyond 3D time & space reality

•  Anchoring ‘conscious’ perception through Heart

Image: Wikipedia

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Alta Major

As Above, So Below, So Within

EL 7

Pineal Gland & Alta Major

STAGE 5 Galactic Evolution Triangle - Client

Keeping RIGHT Hand on Clients LEFT Hand

Step 1: Place Left Hand on Heart – GC (Galactic Centre)

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Signing of the Cross