Agricultural Revolution SWBAT: 1. Analyze why life changed as industry spread 2. Summarize how an...

+ Agricultural Revolution SWBAT: 1. Analyze why life changed as industry spread 2. Summarize how an agricultural revolution led to the growth of industry 3. Outline the new technologies that helped trigger the Industrial Revolution

Transcript of Agricultural Revolution SWBAT: 1. Analyze why life changed as industry spread 2. Summarize how an...

Agricultural Revolution

SWBAT: 1. Analyze why life changed as industry

spread2. Summarize how an agricultural

revolution led to the growth of industry3. Outline the new technologies that

helped trigger the Industrial Revolution

Do Now 2/4/13

How are these two phones different? What are the improvements? What are some pros and cons of these improvements?


Zach Morris

Steve Jobs

A Turning Point in History

1750s: people worked the land, using simple hand tools

Lived in simple cottages lit by candles & firelight

Made their own clothes and grew their own food

Agricultural Revolution

Industrial Rev was made possible by the change in new agricultural revolution

Second revolution the first was when people learned to farm and domesticate animals

The Dutch led the way in agricultural revolution

Combined smaller fields into larger ones to make better use of the land and used fertilizer from livestock to renew the soil

Four Field System: Townshend

UK France

New Inventions

1700s British expanded on the Dutch

Mixed soils & crop rotation

Jethro Tull – Seed Drill (1701) Deposited seeds in rows

rather than scattering them over the land.

Less waste – more accurate way to plant crops

New Inventions

Lord Charles Townshend – “Turnip Townshend”

Pushed the crop turnips – restored exhausted soil (1730)

Robert Bakewell – bred stronger horses for farm work and fatter sheep and cattle for meat

Educated farmers exchanged news of experiments through farm journals


Enclosure: taking over and fencing off land formerly shared by peasant farmers

Gained pastures for sheep – increased wool production

Millions of farms were enclosed increased output and migration

Profits rose from farms from the large fields

Needed less people to work them – unemployment

Human cost laborers were thrown out of work

Effects of Enclosure

Small farmers were forced off their land because they could not compete with large landowners

Villages shrank as people left in search of work

Jobless farmers migrated to towns and cities

Found a growing labor force that would tend the machines in the Industrial Revolution

+Trickle Down Effect

Population Multiplies5 million (1700) to 9 million (1800)

① Decreased risk of death because created surplus of food

② People ate better so they were healthier

③ Added hygiene and sanitation & improved medical care

Healthier = more food + sanitation & medicine

Homework 2/1/13

Pg. 510-515 “Britain Leads the Way”

#1-5 ALL

Due: Wednesday Feb. 6


**QUIZ – Wednesday February 6, 2013**

1. Trickle Down Effect

2. 8 Reasons Britain Leads the Way


What were the effects of the Agricultural Revolution? On farming? On people/society?

Effects of Agricultural Revolution

Crop yield increased

Food available for people in the cities

Falling food prices = more $$ to spend on consumer goods

Healthier population decline in death rate 5 million to 9 million

Wool yield increased better care of animals & selective breeding More wool available for the textile industry and at less cost

workforce available Peasants were turned off their land by enclosures

Families moved into the cities unemployment Labour was cheap

Exit Ticket

What are the pros and cons of the Agricultural Revolution?

What are some of the changes that are being made?

Industrial Rev