agricultural education collections & repositories: scratching the surface

agricultural education collections & repositories scratching the surface Nikos Manouselis, Vassilis Protonotarios Agro-Know Technologies [email protected] ; [email protected]


Presentation at the AgEd Workshop 2012 at University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Bra, Italy

Transcript of agricultural education collections & repositories: scratching the surface

Page 1: agricultural education collections & repositories: scratching the surface

agricultural education collections & repositories

scratching the surface

Nikos Manouselis, Vassilis ProtonotariosAgro-Know Technologies

[email protected]; [email protected]

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(long) introduction

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learning object

"any entity, "any entity, digitaldigital or non-digital, that may or non-digital, that may be used for be used for learninglearning, , educationeducation or or trainingtraining""

ΙΕΕΕ Learning Technology Standards Committee (2002)

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learning object

"any entity, "any entity, digitaldigital or non-digital, that may or non-digital, that may be used for be used for learninglearning, , educationeducation or or trainingtraining““

+ metadata describing this use+ metadata describing this use

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Date Catalog




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educational metadata

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NOT a learning object

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…a learning object, in context

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metadata reflect the context

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our context

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agricultural science(s)

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lots of data produced & consumed

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what does ag-specific mean?• data types/formats very particular to

agricultural education?• classification of data around agriculture-specific

themes & topics?• connectivity and combination of data with

other sources of agricultural interest?• usage scenarios, environments & tools tightly

connected and specialised for agricultural practices and applications?

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data types & formats• bibliographic metadata• educational content• statistical/economic data• germplasm collections• soil maps• DNA sequence markers/data• …more

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classification schemes• knowledge organisation systems for agriculture


• in recent work, we identified more than 88 ag-specialised ones

[Palavitsinis & Manouselis, “Agricultural Knowledge Organization Systems: analysis of an indicative sample”, in press]

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classification schemes• knowledge organisation systems for agriculture


• in recent work, we identified more than 88 ag-specialised ones

[Palavitsinis & Manouselis, “Agricultural Knowledge Organization Systems: analysis of an indicative sample”, in press]

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connectivity & combination of data • interoperability to achieve remix & reuse

– learning technology standards & specifications

• recently revisited metadata analysis of agricultural learning repositories– 11 out of 13 found implementations have been

analysed– satisfactory conformance to base metadata schemas

was found– next step: harmonization & exchange of good practices[Manolis et al., “Revisiting an analysis of agricultural learning repository metadata: preliminary

results”, MTSR’12]

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connectivity & combination of data Metadata TermsGroup of Common Properties

Property dc:-based dcterms:-based lom:-based More specific Metadata Terms

1. General Characteristics Identifier dc:identifier

dcterms:identifier lom:identifier  

  Title dc:title dcterms:title lom:title dcterms:alternative

  Language dc:languagedcterms:language lom :language  



lom :description dcterms:abstract

ags:DescriptionNotes  Keyword dc:subject dcterms:subject lom:keyword ags:subjectThesaurus2. Life Cycle Entity role dc:creator dcterms:creator lom: role  


dcterms:contributor lom: role  

    dc:publisherdcterms:publisher lom: role  

3. Technical Characteristics Format dc:format dcterms:format lom:format  

4. Educational Characteristics

Learning Resource Type dc:type  


5. Intellectual Property Rights

Rights Description dc:rights dcterms:rights lom:rights ags:rightsStatement


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scenarios & environments• very much context-specific: educational

activity workflows to be carefully studied and modelled

• preliminary ideas currently explored in connection with digital content– e.g. educational scenarios/pathways

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required: learning repositories

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definitions• digital repository: system for the storage,

location and retrieval of digital resources• digital learning repository (DLR):

– nature of resources or their description reflects an interest of use in an educational context

Holden C., “From Local Challenges to a Global Community: Learning Repositories Summit”, Academic ADL Co-Lab, 2003

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putting it all together• agricultural data/content being stored and

described to serve educational activities– types of data/content that would serve typical

educational needs in this context– metadata that includes proper thematic

classification and ensures interoperability– design & development of educational

scenarios/pathways on top of this content

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interesting (?) questions

• do existing, generic learning repositories have content of agricultural interest?– do they have a lot?

• are there learning repositories focusing particularly to agricultural & rural stakeholders?– where are they?

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preliminary study

• took place during 2005 • examined 59 well-known general-purpose

repositories– found in 27 of them (~45%) agricultural content

BUT• in a total of ~881,000 educational resources:

– …only 3,201 resources (0.36%) related to agricultural topics

Tzikopoulos et al., "Investigating Digital Learning Repositories' Coverage of Agriculture-related Topics", ITAFE 2005.

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34.5% of resources not 34.5% of resources not particularly classified particularly classified

subject classification

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so we assume that…• learning repositories that particularly

focus on agricultural & rural stakeholders–should probably have more relevant

content–should probably have it better


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technology• content management systems for digital

repositories exist and are very popular– many of them specifically adapted for educational

content (e.g. Dspace, ePrints, Fedora, …)

• some tools already being adapted for the agricultural domain– e.g. AgriOceanDSpace, Organic.ePrints, AgriDrupal, …

• learning management systems also include resource/collection repository component– Moodle (and agriMoodle), ILIAS, …

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technology• content management systems for digital

repositories exist and are very popular– many of them specifically adapted for educational

content (e.g. Dspace, ePrints, Fedora, …)

• some tools already being adapted for the agricultural domain– e.g. AgriOceanDSpace, Organic.ePrints, AgriDrupal, …

• learning management systems also include resource/collection repository component– Moodle (and agriMoodle), ILIAS, …



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more problems?

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--indicative list--

a. metadata authoring/creationb. metadata curation/validationc. metadata values/vocabulariesd. metadata multilingualitye. …lots more


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a. authoring/creation

• metadata creation is a painful and costly process–automatic generation can help–high quality/accuracy/relevance

descriptions require human intervention


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a. authoring/creation


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b. curation/validation

• good online services demand high quality (or at least not poor quality) description of content–someone needs to take the final decision

before something is published–especially relevant when content

development has been costly/labourous


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b. curation/validation


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c. values/vocabularies• mappings and crosswalks among values and

vocabularies of different collections are crucial–usually manually defined and maintained–difficult to ensure that all applications will

publish and link their vocabularies–vocabulary bank management tend to become

too complex for the purpose that they serve


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c. values/vocabularies


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d. multilinguality• for multilingual contexts, everything

needs to become (and be maintained) multilingual–metadata values and labels– interface labels for various systems–automatic translation helps but usually

produces rather rough/poor translations


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d. multilinguality


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potential• learning objects/resources: useful• having them organised in learning

repositories: good • exploring ways to introduce them into

formal and informal education & training–challenging and worthwhile

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challenges• technical issues

–mainly interoperability• content issues

–taking advantage of existing collections– integrate traditional data types/sources

coming from agricultural science–combine with cultural heritage, research

work/outcomes, …

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thank you!