Agreements Climate and Global Warming

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  • 8/13/2019 Agreements Climate and Global Warming


    Agreements Climate and Global Warming

    With the approaching deadline for compliance with the Kyoto Protocol , which

    expires in 2012 , tensions between the " big " nations begin to grow further .

    According to this document , the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions would

    be 8 % for the European Union countries , 7 % to the United States and 6 % for

    Japan Just to say no , result was obtained .

    However , the maximization of environmental problems is notorious , and in this

    context the international agreements are extremely important in the search for

    effective solutions .

    This will be held between 7 and December 18, the Summit on Climate Change

    in Copenhagen , capital of Denmark . The Danish Prime Minister , Lars Lokke

    Rasmussen , invited , through a formal letter , 191 member countries of the

    United Nations ( UN) including Denmark , to attend the summit .

    Until December 2 , we confirmed the presence of 98 heads of state and

    government , including : Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva , the

    president of the United States , Barack Obama , the Chinese prime minister ,

    Wen Jiabao , and German Chancellor Angela Merkel .

    The Chinese Prime Minister , Wen Jiabao , has made explicit its position ,

    stating that China will not reduce its production to reduce the emission of gases

    that cause the greenhouse effect . Barack Obama , meanwhile , has found

    great resistance in the U.S. Congress to approve legislation that would reduce

    greenhouse gas emissions . Recalling that China and the United States are the

    largest emitters of greenhouse gases on the planet .

    What is expected from the summit on climate change are proposed with

    concrete and immediate results , because the Earth can no longer wait for the

    economic development of countries .

  • 8/13/2019 Agreements Climate and Global Warming


    Denmark , a country that will host the UN Conference on climate change in

    December , suggested that during the meeting establish a new date for the

    greenhouse gas emissions are reduced and, therefore , reduce the

    environmental impact the planet faces today.

    According to the Minister of Mines and Energy Danish , Connie Hedegaard ,

    during the Copenhagen conference , should be set a deadline so that , finally, a

    complete text of the agreement is signed by the signatory countries . With the

    progressive increase of global warming , the situation of the planet is only

    getting worse .


    Each year , the polar ice caps melt even more . Anyone who watched The Day

    After Tomorrow or 2012 and thought that was an illusion too , can begin to

    rethink their ecological footprint , because of the way the world goes , mankind

    will have no end. It is true that Roland Emmerich (also director of the movie

    Independence Day ) likes a good old apocalypse.

    But is that the planet is no longer condemned to a late style ?

    Climate change begin to be palpable and recent discoveries of science only

    come to confirm that it was apocalyptic global warming has generated . To get

    an idea , only in the late summer of last year , more than 1 million square miles

    of water thawed at the North Pole - this area is about one -fifth of the Amazon

    rainforest . It is a fact that all these changes have already been provided , but

    not believed could happen so fast .

    Last year , newspapers around the world announced the results of studies that

    2500 climate experts made about global warming . The result was consensus

    among all , the temperature of the globe should rise by between 1.1 C and 2.9

    C by the year 2010.

  • 8/13/2019 Agreements Climate and Global Warming


    The worst is that there's ways around warming in the world . To get an idea ,

    even if by a miracle the carbon dioxide and other gases that contribute to the

    greenhouse effect would no longer be released into the atmosphere , global

    temperatures would still rise. And the disasters caused by heating are real !

    Remember Hurricane Katrina , which hit the southeast coast of the United

    States in 2005 ? Reminiscent of another hurricane named Rita , days later ,

    devastated the Gulf of Mexico , causing losses billionaires ? Remember the

    drought in the Amazon River basin that plagued Brazil in the same year ,

    revealing only a desert full of dead fish and abandoned boats ?