AGIA (Inc.) 2016 Annual General Meeting...

__________________________________________________________________ 1 AGIA (Inc.) 2016 Annual General Meeting Minutes Minutes of the AGIA Inc. Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 21 September 2016 at Department of Mines, 100 Plain Street., Perth The meeting commenced at 7:45 a.m. Present: Angela Riganti, Elizabeth Amann, Sandra Hayward, Kerry Smith, Ray Smith, Rae Davie, Camille Peters, Vanessa Johnson, Jutta Pagel, Margaret Ellis, Martin Storey, Grant Jacquier via teleconference, Apologies: Des Tellis, Julie Roberts, Jenny Mikucki, Lyn Trouchet, Bill Shaw, Lisa Kirby, Pam Aagard Minutes of the 2015 AGIA AGM: Moved by Camille Peters. Seconded by Elizabeth Amann that the Minutes be adopted as a true and correct record of the meeting. Reports: President’s Report Vanessa Johnson spoke to her tabled report Vanessa particularly noted the efforts to reinvigorate the membership through a focus on outreach and engagement during 2015-2016. She highlighted the successful AGIA geoscience information Seminar held in 2015 and ongoing sponsorship of PPDM. A number of students received funding to assist with their research grants and role of AGIA in the AGC Convention to be held in 2018. .Vanessa thanked the National Committee for their ongoing support. Vanessa Johnson moved to accept the Presidents Report. Seconded by Camille Peters. Treasurers Report Sandra Hayward spoke to her tabled report, in particular noting success in delivering a more digital and streamlined system. Sandra provided a brief report on the sponsorship, support and donations provided by AGIA over recent years. Angela Riganti thanked Sandra Hayward for all her hard work during the year. Sandra Hayward moved to accept the Treasurers Report. Camille Peters seconded acceptance. Newsletter Editors Report Camille Peters spoke to her tabled report. Camille Peters moved to accept the Newsletter Editor’s report. Seconded by Kerry Smith. Membership Report Kerry Smith spoke to her tabled report and noted that membership renewals so far had reached 40. Membership renewals are due by 31 October 2016 and a TryBooking event has been set up. Kerry Smith moved to accept the Membership report. Seconded by Angela Riganti. Project/s Report/s No Project Report was tabled.

Transcript of AGIA (Inc.) 2016 Annual General Meeting...

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AGIA (Inc.)

2016 Annual General Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the AGIA Inc. Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 21 September 2016 at Department of Mines, 100 Plain Street., Perth The meeting commenced at 7:45 a.m. Present: Angela Riganti, Elizabeth Amann, Sandra Hayward, Kerry Smith, Ray Smith, Rae Davie, Camille Peters, Vanessa Johnson, Jutta Pagel, Margaret Ellis, Martin Storey, Grant Jacquier via teleconference, Apologies: Des Tellis, Julie Roberts, Jenny Mikucki, Lyn Trouchet, Bill Shaw, Lisa Kirby, Pam Aagard Minutes of the 2015 AGIA AGM:

Moved by Camille Peters. Seconded by Elizabeth Amann that the Minutes be adopted as a true

and correct record of the meeting. Reports: President’s Report Vanessa Johnson spoke to her tabled report Vanessa particularly noted the efforts to reinvigorate the membership through a focus on outreach and engagement during 2015-2016. She highlighted the successful AGIA geoscience information Seminar held in 2015 and ongoing sponsorship of PPDM. A number of students received funding to assist with their research grants and role of AGIA in the AGC Convention to be held in 2018. .Vanessa thanked the National Committee for their ongoing support. Vanessa Johnson moved to accept the President’s Report. Seconded by Camille Peters. Treasurer’s Report Sandra Hayward spoke to her tabled report, in particular noting success in delivering a more digital and streamlined system. Sandra provided a brief report on the sponsorship, support and donations provided by AGIA over recent years. Angela Riganti thanked Sandra Hayward for all her hard work during the year. Sandra Hayward moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Camille Peters seconded acceptance. Newsletter Editor’s Report Camille Peters spoke to her tabled report. Camille Peters moved to accept the Newsletter Editor’s report. Seconded by Kerry Smith. Membership Report Kerry Smith spoke to her tabled report and noted that membership renewals so far had reached 40. Membership renewals are due by 31 October 2016 and a TryBooking event has been set up. Kerry Smith moved to accept the Membership report. Seconded by Angela Riganti. Project/s Report/s No Project Report was tabled.

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SA Branch Report Vanessa Johnson tabled and spoke to the reports from the AGIA (SA Branch). Of particular note was the passing of long term member Tony Turner. Vanessa Johnson moved to accept the SA Branch Report. Seconded by Kerry Smith Queensland Membership Grant Jacquier provided a brief overview of Queensland matters of interest. These included considerable interest in PPDM. He noted that there is little activity in metals, coal and coal seam gas currently in Queensland. Grant discussed the issue of data transfers and updates to Geological Survey of Queensland QDEX system. Election of Office Bearers The President, Vanessa Johnson declared all positions vacant and handed the chair to Ray Smith to conduct the elections. *President: Angela Riganti - elected unopposed *Vice-President: - No nominations received *Secretary: - No nominations received *Treasurer: Elizabeth Amann - elected unopposed Committee Members: Vanessa Johnson - *Editor/Social Media Co-ordinator - elected Kerry Smith - *Membership Secretary - elected Rae Davie – elected

Sandra Hayward – elected Lisa Kirby – elected Camille Peters – elected

*No nominations were received for the positions of Vice-President or Secretary by due date and are currently vacant. Ray Smith handed over to the new President and vacated the chair. The AGIA National Committee for 2016-17 is therefore: President: Angela Riganti Vice-President: Vacant Secretary: Vacant Treasurer: Elizabeth Amann Committee Members: Vanessa Johnson - Editor/Social Media Co-ordinator Kerry Smith - Membership Secretary Sandra Hayward Lisa Kirby Camille Peters Angela Riganti thanked Ray Smith for acting as Returning Officer and congratulated and welcomed the new National Committee. Angela reminded those present of the need to attract new members and retain old ones. She discussed the upcoming 2018 AGC Seminar and AGIA’s commitments as a member of the media sub-committee and raising the profile of the event. Angela thanked the previous committee for their efforts. Other Business: Angela Riganti raised the matter of the removal of AGIA boxes from DMP Library. Kerry Smith discussed re-establishing a liaison between AGIA and GSIS. She requested a show of hands for those in favour. All present were in favour and Kerry will work to re-establish a formal relationship. Martin Storey discussed improving the use of LinkedIn to share AGIA’s activities and republish articles from the website. Vanessa Johnson asked that all republished material be acknowledged correctly. The meeting concluded at 8:35 a.m.

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President’s Report - AGIA AGM 21 September 2016

In an effort to reinvigorate the membership AGIA has focused on outreach and engagement

during 2015-2016. Member surveys, events and sponsorships were used to provide

professional development and engagement opportunities and value for members.

The AGIA Professional Development survey was distributed to the membership to determine if

AGIA was on the right track in the type of professional development opportunities offered. The

results showed that half-day seminars are a popular format, as are the AGIA breakfast

meetings. There were many suggestions for PD topics – much around data management and

tools for managing data & information. Respondents wanted to hear more from designated

authorities such as DMP, from colleagues to learn about the tools they are using, and how they

communicate the value of information professionals to those who hold the purse strings. This

feedback is valuable as we plan speakers for future AGIA events.

One of the highlights of the past year was the AGIA 2015 Geoscience Information Seminar held

in Bentley, WA in October 2015. The feedback from attendees was very positive, both on the

day and received subsequently via email. It was especially rewarding to have South Australian

AGIA SA colleagues in attendance as it made the event feel very national. The Seminar was

also AGIA’s first webinar event, with attendees connecting from interstate and internationally.

The publication of the proceedings as Occasional Paper 9 is imminent.

Other events have included the traditional Christmas drinks and Easter Breakfast in Perth, as

well as the AGIA Winter Warmer where guest speaker Matthias Liffers discussed his role in

data management at Curtin University. In South Australia AGIA hosted a very successful

Graphite Seminar, attended by approximately 70 people.

In addition to hosting events, AGIA sponsored the PPDM Perth 2016 Data Management

Symposium. The sponsorship provided AGIA members with discounted registration for the

event. AGIA also sponsored individual members to attend and present at the AGIA 2015

Geoscience Information Seminar and the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)

2016 National Conference. AGIA’s membership of the AGC enabled three of AGIA’s student

members to successfully apply for funding through the 34th IGC Travel Grant to assist with their

research projects.

The AGC has begun preparations for the Australian Geoscience Council Convention 2018

(AGCC 2018). As a member society AGIA will play a role in the organisation of the convention,

and hopefully be able to apply some pressure for a geoscience information session.

Beyond the boundaries of AGIA members continue to engage on geoscience information

topics. A query about grey literature received via the AGC prompted AGIA Vice President

Angela Riganti to contribute an article to TAG–Grey literature in the geosciences. As President I

have represented AGIA at the PPDM Symposium, a Curtin University Information Studies

Student Club tour of DMP’s Core Library, and at the Information Professionals WA photo

opportunity. These have been valuable opportunities to remind colleagues that AGIA and its

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members continue to exist and do good work, despite the challenges currently facing the

mining and petroleum industries.

The National Committee was saddened to hear of the passing Tony Turner in November 2015.

Tony was possibly AGIA’s most dedicated committee members, serving as AGIA SA Branch

Treasurer for over 30 years.

Finally, thanks to the AGIA National Committee for their continued work through 2015-2016:

Angela Riganti (Vice President) and Liz Amann (General Committee-GC) for attending AGC

meetings on my behalf; Kerry Smith for her ongoing dedication as Membership Secretary;

Camille Peters for her work as Newsletter Editor; Grant Jacquier (GC) our voice in Queensland;

and Lisa Kirby (GC) for her insight and advice. Particular thanks to outgoing committee

members Sandy Hayward (Treasurer) and Rae Davie (Secretary) – your contribution to AGIA is

greatly appreciated. AGIA is a small Association and we need our members to step up, have a

say and get their hands dirty with committee work if the Association is going to survive. Truly,

the rewards outweigh the effort.

Vanessa Johnson

AGIA President

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Australian Geoscience Information Association, Inc.

Annual General Meeting Wednesday 21st September 2016

AGIA National Treasurer’s Report

2015/2016 AGIA National Accounts for the financial year July 2015- June 2016 were as follows: Cheque Account

Opening Balance 01/07/2015 $ 6,484.29

Less Payments $ 5,688.38 Plus Receipts $ 5,536.96 Closing Balance at 30/06/2016 $ 6,332.87

Term Deposit

Opening Balance 01/07/2015 $30,258.50

Interest for the Year ending 30/06/2016 $ 808.04

Further investments $ 0

Closing Balance at 30/06/2016 $31,066.54


The total balance AGIA National funds at 30/6/2016 was $37,399.41.

The balance in the AGIA (National) Cheque account at 30/6/2016 was $ 6,332.87; this is a similar amount to 12 months previously.

The balance in the AGIA (National) Term Deposit account at 30/6/2016 was $31,066.54. The interest accrued was $808.04, elevated since the period 2014-2015 because of a large interest payment in July 2015. Due to the irregular intervals of the terms, it is hard to compare year-on-year, but the term deposit is increasing steadily. The best rates are currently offered for short terms of 3-5 months, so the Term Deposit is being renewed 3-4 times yearly.

Membership fees are about to be added to the Cheque account from the TryBooking website (30/9/2016).

The accounts will submitted to the auditor in the next few weeks.

A brief report on seminar sponsorship, education sponsorship and other forms of donation over the past few years will be given at the AGM. Thanks to the AGIA National Committee for their continued support and I look forward to handing over a much more digital and streamlined system. Sandra Hayward AGIA National Treasurer 2015/2016

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Newsletter report

There was one issue of the Great Australian Byte published in May 2016, covering

AGIA 2015 Geoscience Information Seminar

AESIS online and AGIA’s Occasional Paper 8

Obituary for Antony (Tony) Charles Turner 1932–2015

Reports from the AGIA AGM 2015

The newsletter still has a place in AGIA’s communications but LinkedIn and the

website are being used to disseminate information that needs to go out promptly,

such as details of upcoming events.

Occasional papers

The occasional paper series was re-established last year with the release of

Occasional Paper 8. All occasional papers except for Occasional Paper 7 have been

scanned and made available from the AGIA website. The papers from the 2015

AGIA seminar have been edited by Vanessa Johnson into Occasional Paper 9 which

will be released later this year. Many thanks to Vanessa for organising scanning of

back issues and managing the publication of recent issues.

Website report

Content on the AGIA website has been revised as needed, with new material added

to the events and publications pages and updating of links on the resources pages.

The most popular pages on the website have been the resources pages so

expanding this section would attract more visits.

Monthly statistics for visits indicate some correlation between major events, such

as AGIA’s legacy data seminar in October 2015 and the PPDM symposium in August

2015, and a higher number of visits to the website. 2015 had an exceptionally high

number of visits (see figure 2) while 2016 is likely to end with similar statistics to


Figure 1: Monthly website statistics: 1 September 2015 – 15 September 2016

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Figure 2: Website statistics 2013-2016

Social media report

LinkedIn membership has increased from 60 to 69 members. There were over 40

postings during the past year. Postings were primarily announcements about

upcoming events, links to newsletters or articles, and news stories.

Camille Peters

Newsletter Editor, AGIA

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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 25 August 2016 at Wasabi Japanese Restaurant, 104 Flinders Street, Adelaide, at 12.30 pm

1. Present: Des Tellis, President, Pam Aagaard, Treasurer, Julie Roberts, Secretary

Members: Gwen Walkden, John Keeling Apologies: Kevin Bond

2. The President opened the meeting at 12.45pm

3. Minutes of the 2015 AGM were read and accepted

Proposed: Des Tellis ; Seconded: Pam Aagaard

4. President’s Report The President, Des Tellis, tabled his report, covering Branch activities since the last AGM, which were:

a. Attendance by three SA Branch members at the AGIA seminar, Legacy Data – Looking at the

Past, Thinking of the Future, held in Perth in October 2015 b. Launch at the Perth seminar of the AESIS story by Des Tellis, and published as AGIA Occasional

Paper 8 c. The highly successful seminar, organised and hosted by the SA Branch, on Graphite Potential

and Graphene Research in South Australia, held in May at Adelaide University d. Farewell to Committee member Shelagh Krummel, who moved back to Victoria in July 2016 e. Vale to long-term SA Treasurer, Tony Turner, who sadly passed away in November 2015

The report was accepted. Proposed: Pam Aagaard; Seconded: Julie Roberts

5. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer, Pam Aagaard presented her report on the financial situation of the Branch. The report, copy attached, was accepted as tabled. The President raised the question of Capitation fees, whether any had been received from the National Committee. A suggestion was made from The Chair that it may be of value to open a short term investment account to receive a higher rate of interest than currently being applied to the operating account. Pam to investigate both these items further.

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South Australian Branch

Annual General Meeting ‘Wasabi Japanese’ 104 Flinders Street, Adelaide

Thursday 25 August 2016 at 12.30 pm

Treasurer’s Report (1 July 2015 –30 June 2016) 22 September 2015 – Following the resignation of Tony Turner as AGIA (SA Branch) Treasurer, Pam Aagaard elected as Treasurer for AGIA (SA Branch).

Balance as per Bank Statement at 1 July 2015: $7673.78 INCOME: 1. Royalties (RMIT payments total) $2818.59 30 March 2016 ($1292.09) 3

July 2015 ($1526.50)

2. Interest $7.98

Total Income: $2826.57 LESS EXPENDITURE: 1. Meeting expenses $454.74

2. Seminar expenses $2772.41 National AGIA Seminar October 2015 ($1450)

AGIA (SA Branch) Graphite Seminar 2016 ($1322.41)

Total Expenditure: $3227.15

LAST FINANCIAL YEAR: Income: $2826.57

Expenditure: –$3227.15 –––––––– (Debit) -$400.58*Extra expenses associated with meeting/seminar costs

Balance as per Bank Statement at 30 June 2016: $7273.20

Pam Aagaard AGIA (SA Branch) Treasurer

25 August 2016