Aggregates – Geometric Parameters - Microtrac€¦ · Aggregates – Geometric Parameters ......

Aggregates – Geometric Parameters On-Line or Lab Measurement of Size and Shapes by 3D Image Analysis Terry Stauffer Application Note SL-AN-48 Revision B Provided By: Microtrac Particle Characterization Solutions

Transcript of Aggregates – Geometric Parameters - Microtrac€¦ · Aggregates – Geometric Parameters ......

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Aggregates – Geometric Parameters On-Line or Lab Measurement of Size and Shapes

by 3D Image Analysis    

Terry Stauffer  

Application Note  

SL-AN-48 Revision B      

Provided By:


Particle Characterization Solutions

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Summary:    Aggregates  are  a  broad  size  range  of  common  minerals  used  to  mix  with  cement  

to  make  concrete  or  with  asphalt  to  make  asphalt  concrete,  both  used  in  many  types  of   construction,   foremost   in   highways   and   runways.   They’re   also   used   as   is   to  provide  base  roadbeds  for  such  construction  as  railways.  A  number  of  different  test  standards  have  been  written  by  organizations  around  the  world  for  measuring  size  distribution  and  for  measuring  various  shape  properties  of  the  material  which  affect  such   final   use   characteristics   such   as   load-­‐bearing   strength,   wear   resistance   and  internal   frictional   strength.   These   tests   have   traditionally   been   run   manually   by  operators  on  such  physical  measuring  devices  as  sieves  and  hand-­‐held  sizing  gauges  (load-­‐bearing   strength),   tumbling  mills   (wear)   and   containers   for  measuring   voids  (frictional  strength).    This  paper  introduces  an  automated  method  for  making  these  size  and  shape  measurements  much  faster  and  accurately  using  3-­‐dimensional  image  analysis,  either  in  the  QC  lab  or  on  line  in  an  aggregates  processing  plant.    

 The  Aggregates  Industry:  Crushed  stone  aggregates  used  for  construction  of  highways,  runways  and  other  

heavy   load-­‐bearing   surfaces   are   typically   the   products   of   a   quarry   operation.   The  normally   3-­‐step   process   includes   blasting,   crushing   and   size   classification   by  screening.  Types  of  stone  most  used  are  granite,   limestone,  gravel  and  slag.  Coarse  aggregates   range   generally   in   sieve   sizes   from   90   mm   down   to   4.75   mm.   Fine  aggregates  are  natural  sand,  manufactured  sand,  or  a  combination  of  both.    They  are  normally  measured   in  sieve  sizes   from  9.5  mm  to  pan,  but   the  smallest   sieve   is  75  microns.   These   fines   are   typically   blended   into   coarse   aggregates   at   proportions  optimum  for  the  specific  end  use.  

 End  users  of   these  construction  materials  are  generally  regulatory  agencies   like  

departments  of   transportation,  airport  and  railroad  authorities.  These  groups   issue  specifications  to  their  suppliers  based  very  closely  on  the  various  standard  tests  that  have  been  written  for  large  regions  globally.      

 Standard  QC  Tests  for  Aggregates:  All   of   the   Test   Parameters   listed   below   involve   very   time   consuming   manual  

measurements,   which   often   are   run   on   sample   sizes   too   small   to   be   considered  representative.   This   paper   will   introduce   and   describe   in   detail   the   use   of   an  automated   three-­‐dimensional   image   analyzer,   which   can   report   all   parameters   in  one  quick  measurement.  And  it’s  available  in  an  on-­‐line  real-­‐time  configuration  or  as  a  bench-­‐top  QC  instrument.          


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Flat/Elongated  (D  4791):  This   ASTM   Test   requires   Length,   Width   and   Thickness   dimensions   of   a  

representative   sample   of   aggregate   from   each   Sieve   fraction   in   the   specified   Sieve  size  distribution.   It’s   carried  out  manually  using   two  different  hand-­‐held  gauges   to  measure   those   operator   judged   dimensions,   on   a   very   small   group   of   particles   for  each  size  fraction.  This  test  identifies  the  proportion  of  particles  judged  to  be  “thin,”  which   weakens   the   load-­‐bearing   strength   of   the   road   surface   matrix.   A   dynamic  image  analyzer  with  3-­‐D  mode  of  operation  can  measure  all  necessary  parameters  on  large  samples  in  a  small  fraction  of  the  time  required  manually.      

 Fractured  Particles  (Angularity)  (D  5921  &  IS  2386):  This   test   attempts   to   describe   quantitatively   the   number   of   very   flat   large  

surfaces  that  exist  at  sharp  angles  from  adjacent  faces  on  aggregate  particles,  again,  measured  within  each  Sieve  fraction.  Both  the  British  and  Indian  standards  describe  manual  techniques,  the  first  is  an  objective  operator  visual  inspection  of  the  particles  and   the   second   involves   measurement   of   the   void   space   in   a   bed   of   particles   as  measured   by   the   volume   of   water   used   to   fill   them.   These   measurements   are  indicators   of   the   internal   frictional   strength   within   the   road   surface.   A   dynamic  image  analyzer  with  3-­‐D  mode  of   operation   can  measure   an  adjustable  parameter,  Angularity,  which  gives  an  objective  quantitative  correlation  to  frictional  strength  on  a  large  sample  in  a  small  fraction  of  the  time  required  for  manual  testing.    


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Flakiness  Index  (BS-­‐EN-­‐933  &  IS  2386):  This   test,   manual   sequential   sieving,   is   used   to   quantitatively   describe   the  

proportion   of   thin   aggregate   particles  within   each   Sieve   fraction,  which   lower   the  load-­‐bearing   strength   of   the   road   surface   matrix.   In   IS   2386,   the   measurement   is  made   manually   on   a   hand-­‐held   gauge   and   is   based   on   operator   judgment   about  exactly  where  the  three  major  axes  are.  A  dynamic  image  analyzer  with  3-­‐D  mode  of  operation  can  measure  Flakiness   Index  on  a   large  sample   in  a  small   fraction  of   the  time  required  for  manual  testing.      

 Elongation  (IS  2386):    This  index  gives  information  about  aggregate  which  is  very  similar  to  that  given  

by   Flat/Elongated   and   Flakiness   Index   parameters   in   that   it   indicates   the   relative  proportion   of   particles  with   a   small   thickness  which   leads   to  weakening   the   load-­‐bearing  strength  of  the  road  surface.  It’s  defined  as  %  by  weight  of  particles  whose  length  is  greater  than  1.8  times  their  mean  sieve  size,  for  each  sieve  fraction.  It  is  not  applicable  to  sizes  smaller  than  6.3  mm.  A  dynamic  image  analyzer  with  3-­‐D  mode  of  operation  can  measure  Elongation  on  a   large  sample   in  a  small   fraction  of   the  time  required  for  manual  testing.  

 Sieve  Sizes:    All   these   test   standards   list   sieve   sizes   for   two  separate   classes  of   aggregates  –  

Coarse   aggregate   and   Fine   aggregate.   Coarse   aggregate   consists   of   gravel,   crushed  gravel,   crushed   stone   (granite,   limestone,   dolomite)   blast   furnace   slag   or   a  combinations  of   these.  Fine  Aggregate  consists  of  natural   sand,  manufactured  sand  or  a  combination  of  the  two.    

 Setting  Specifications  on  Suppliers:  The  aggregates  industry  is  very  much  dependent  on  the  demand  for  its  products  

being  dependent  on   the  demand   for  highway,   runway,   railway  bed,  dam  and  some  commercial   building   construction.   In   these   applications   aggregates   are   most  generally   mixed   into   a   cement   matrix   or   asphalt   (bitumen)   matrix,   both   blends  referred   to   as   concrete.   These   aggregate   blends   are   specified   by   the   customer,   or  buyer,  and  depend  on  the  specific  final  use  of  the  concrete.  The  final  concrete  mix  can  be  a  blend  of  various  size   fractions  of  both  coarse  and   fine  aggregate.  And  the  vast  majority  of  customers  for  these  construction  concretes  are  government  agencies,  at  one  level  or  another.  Therefore,  the  specifications  imposed  by  these  highly  regulated  agencies  generally  follow  published  standard  tests.  A  good  example  is  all  the  US  state  Departments   of   Transportation   (DOT’s).   So,   in   the   US,   the   ASTM   standards   are  closely   followed.  But   these  agencies  are   free   to  modify   the  required   test  reports  as  they  wish,  and  lower  agencies  at  regional  and  local  levels  can  do  the  same.  AASHTO  (American  Association  of  State  Highway  and  Transportation  Officials),  composed  of  all   52   US   state   DOT’s,   also   has   an   influence   at   a   high   level   on   specification  considerations   by   regulated   transportation   agencies.   But   overall,   regardless   of   the  

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exact   specifications   required,   they   will   be   able   to   be   measured   by   a   3-­‐D   mode  automated  image  analyzer  on  large  samples  very  quickly.        

   New  Tests  Under  Consideration:  The   existing   standard   tests   described   above   are   all   pretty   old   manual   tests  

utilizing  all  types  of  equipment.  They  are  subject  to  operator  error,  time  consuming,  and  most  often  they  measure  small  sample  sizes,  which  are  not   large  enough  to  be  considered  to  be  well  representative  of  the  bulk  sample.  However,  technical  groups  within   DOT’s,   AASHTO,   Airport   Authorities   and   Universities   have   been   working  together   in   various   groups   looking   into   new   tests   that   could   either   add   to   the  information  needed  or  to  replace  to  a  degree  some  existing  tests,  which  have  some  of  the  major  shortcomings,  mentioned.  Some  are  discussed  below.  

 Measuring  Surface  Roughness  as  an  Indicator  of  Wear  Resistance:  The  wear   on   load   bearing   traffic   surfaces   is  measured   in   the   lab   on   aggregate  

particles  by  simulating  how  wear  would  affect  the  aggregate.  A  sample  of  aggregates  from   individual   sieve   fractions   are   abraded   in   a   tumbling   mill   and   the   fines  generated   by   abrasion   of   the   particles   rubbing   over   each   other   are   collected   by  sieving  the  sample  on  a  finer  screen  than  its  lower  size,  and  then  the  fines  collected  are   calculated   by   dividing   the   fines  weight   by   the   total  weight   of   the   sample.   This  number  is  an  indicator  of  the  wear  resistance  of  the  aggregate  –  the  larger  the  ratio,  the   lower   the  wear   resistance.    Automated   image  analysis   calculates   and   reports   a  number  of   surface   roughness  parameters  which   could  be  quickly  measured  on   the  before  and  after  abrasion  surfaces  to  be  an  indicator  of  wear  resistance,  eliminating  the  need  for  manual  fines  collection  and  weighing.    

 Surface  Area:  The   3D   mode   image   analysis   measures   the   surface   area   of   all   particles   which  

would  be  an  indicator  of  the  bonding/binding  strength  of  the  aggregate  with  the  mix  matrix.  

 Volume:  Volume   is  measured   in   3D   image   analysis   as   the   product   of   length,   width   and  

thickness  for  each  particle,  which  provides  a  true  volume  distribution,  and  it  can  be  converted,   if  desired,   to  a  mass  distribution  using  a  density   correction.  This  would  eliminate  the  bias  of  a  sieve  measurement  basing  its  results  on  the  middle,  or  width,  dimension  of  a  particle  rather  than  on  the  volume.  But  if  it’s  desirable  to  report  size  measurement  using   the   sieve  values,   the  3D   software   calculates   a   Sieve  parameter  which   directly   overlays   actual   sieve   data   using   an   algorithm  which   includes   some  portion  of  the  width  parameter  and  the  thickness  parameter.      


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EXPERIMENTAL:  3-­‐D  Image  Analysis:  This   is  an  automated  particle  characterization  technique,  which  measures  many  

different  size,  shape,  intensity  and  other  miscellaneous  parameters,  like  the  ones  that  have  been  discussed  for  aggregates  in  this  document.  The  3-­‐D  image  analysis  results  reported  in  this  section  were  all  made  on  the  PartAn3D.  This  analyzer’s  3-­‐D  mode  of  operation   is   patented   by   Microtrac   and   is   the   only   3-­‐D   mode   of   image   analysis  offered  commercially   today.   It’s  also  a  part  of   the  PartAn3D  Maxi,  which   is  different  only  in  that  it  covers  a  larger  size  range.  


Results  of  PartAn3D Flat/Elongated  Analysisper  ASTM  D4782-­‐10

X-­‐Y  Graph  as  Cumulative  %  Finer1. actual  sieve  data2. PartAn  sieve  data3. PartAn  Width  4. PartAn  Thickness5. L/T  1:3  Elongated  Ratio  as  %  of  total6. L/T  1:5  Elongated  Ratio  as  %  of  total

Tabular  distribution  dataColumns  4  and  5  report    Cum  L/T        Elongated  ratio  data  for  each  sizefraction  






                Fig.  1.  Following  the  numbers  on  the  

X-­‐Y  graph,  1  is  a  cumulative  %  finer  plot  of  the  actual  sieve  data  size  distribution;  2,  the  red  curve,  is  the  PartAn  calculated  sieve  data;  3  is  PartAn  width;  4  is  PartAn  Thickness;  5  is  the  1:3  Length  to  Thickness  ratio  and  6  is  the  1:5  L/T  ratio,  both  as  a  percentage  of  the  total  sample.  Any  ratio  can  be  chosen  and  reported,  L/W,  W/T,  &  L/T  On  the  Table  to  the  right,  number  1  is  the  tabular  sieve  distribution  list  and  2  points  to  the  two  aspect  ratios  in  columns  4  and  5  which  list    the  1:3  and  1:5  L/T  ratio  %  by  size  fraction.      


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Results  of  PartAn3D Flakiness  Index  Measurement  

Standard  FI  Measurement  Sieve  Tables   FI  Measurement  Results

in  PartAn3D Mode

Stay  column Pass  column

Flakiness column  is  ratio  of  Pass value  divided  by  Stay value

Total  Flakiness  Index  for  entire  sample


Angularity  in  PartAn3D View  Particles  Display

1 2

Image  file  of  all  particles  reported,  can  be  sorted  (1)  and  searched  in  the  Query  window  (2),  and  all  2D  and  3D  parameters  for  selected  particle  listed  in  table  to  right  (3).  



Fig.  2.These  are  the  results  of  the  PartAn  3D  analysis  for  Flakiness  index.  The  table  on  the  left  lists  columns  of  the  screen  designations  and  the  size  in  mm  of  the  square-­‐holed  screens  used  in  the  first  screening  operation  and  the  third  column  lists  the  rod  sieve  sizes  in  mm.  All  results  are  given  in  the  table  to  the  right.    Square  holed  screen  designations  are  listed  in  the  first  column  below  a  “Stay”  value  which  indicates  %  by  volume  in  those  size  fractions.  The  “Pass”  column  to  the  right  is  the  list  of  %  passing  the  rod  screen  from  the  stay  screen.    The  Flakiness  column  then  lists  the  Flakiness  Index  for  each  fraction  and  for  the  total  sample  at  the  bottom.  FI  is  the  Pass  value  divided  by  the  Stay  value.  


Fig.  3.  Display  of  Angularity  parameter    sorted  in  descending  order  of  the  3D  value  for  Angularity.  This  is  the  PartAn  3D  View  Particles  display,  where  the  entire  image  file  can  be  viewed,  sorted  by  any  parameter,  number  1,  searched  to  isolate  different  classes  of  particles,2,  and  display  all  2D  and  3D  parameters  for  a  selected  particle  in  upper  right  table,  3.    All  3800  3D  images  are  contained  in  this  file,  and  all  can  be  viewed  by  scrolling,  exported  by  image  or  data  and  printed  if  desired.  The  images  can  be  seen  to  have  reasonably  low  surface  roughness  and  low  angularity,  but  good  uni-­‐dimensional  shape  for  strong  load-­‐bearing  strength.    


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PartAn3D Surface  Roughness  Parameters§Three  roughness  parameters  – Convexity,  Solidity,  Concavity§Similar  data  for  aggregate  samples§Any  two  parameters  displayed  with  respect  to  each  other  

Results  presented  in  Scatter  Diagram  Display

Scatter  Diagram

3D  Width


Summary  Data


Fig.  4.  Surface  Roughness.  This  is  a  slide  showing  a  3D  surface  roughness  parameter,  Convexity  on  the  red  Y  graph,  along  with  a  3D  size  parameter,  Width,  X  graph.  Any  of  PartAn’s  36  parameters  can  be  plotted  relative  to  each  other  on  this  Scatter  Diagram  graph.  The  blue  dots  show  where  every  particle  is  with  respect  to  its    x  and  y  parameters.  The  roughness  parameters  available  are  Convexity,  Solidity  and  Concavity    For  Aggregate  samples  these  are  all  very  similar  in  value  and  any  can  be  used.  Convexity  is  reported  on  the  right  side  red  distribution  on  a  scale  of  0  to  1  -­‐  1  being  a  completely  smooth  convex  surface.    Summary  data  for  each  parameter  are  shown,  in  percentiles,  means,  relative  standard  deviations  and  number  of  particles  on  the  list  to  the  far  right  –  nearly  4  thousand  particles  were  measured  in  this  small  sample,  in  less  than  5  minutes,  with  complete  data  for  all  36  parameters  available  immediately  when  the  analysis  ends.      

Fig.  5.  (Below)  This  is  a  Scatter  Diagram  displaying  results  for  Surface  Area  distribution  on  the  Y  axis  and  3D  Thickness  on  the  X  axis.  The  higher  the  surface  area,  the  stronger  the  binding  strength  is  between  the  aggregate  particles  and  the  cement  or  asphalt  matrix.  


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PartAn3D Surface  Area  Measurement

3D  Thickness

Surface  Area

3D  Surface  Area,  Y  axis,  displayed  relative  to  3D  Thickness  In  Scatter  Diagram  

Summary  Data


PartAn3D                                                                                       PartAn3D Maxi

Range:  35  µ  -­‐ 35  mm

Lab  Units

On-­‐Line  UnitMounted  on  


Range:  0.28  mm  – 127  mm



On  –Line  Unit  Un-­‐mounted

 Fig.   6.   Microtrac   offers   4   different   3D   automated   image   analyzers,   all   shown   in   this   slide.   At   the  

bottom   of   the   slide   the   two   different   ranges   are   given   for   the   PartAn3D   series   and   the   PartAn3D  Maxi  series   –   35   um   to   35  mm  and   0.28  mm   to   127  mm   respectively.   Both  models   come   in   on-­‐line   process  versions   and   in   lab   versions.   The   upper   left   photo   shows   the   PartAn3D   PRO,   pro   for   0n-­‐line   process  version,   and   it’s   shown   here   mounted   on   a   pipe,   sampling   and   measuring   the   sample   stream   and  returning  it  to  the  process.  At  lower  left  is  the  lab  version.  

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SL-AN-48 Rev. B


The  upper  right  photo  shows  the  PartAn3D  Maxi  PRO,  un-­‐mounted  on  a  process  stream,  and  below  it  the  lab  version.    

The   on-­‐line  PRO   versions   provide   continuous  unmanned  operation  and   sample  measurement  with  turn   around   time   averaging   about   10  minutes,  which   greatly   improves   process   control   response   time  with   the   normal   increase   in   both   productivity   and   quality   vs   having   to   collect   the   samples  manually,  bring  them  to  a  lab,  and  then  make  the  measurement.    

It’s   so   labor   intensive,   manual   sampling   and   measurement   intervals   generally   end   up   being  measured   in   hours   –   not   enough   time   to   prevent   the   process   from   going   out   of   control   and   possibly  shutting  down.    

Microtrac  has  over  40  on-­‐line  image  analysis  systems  like  these  installed  in  various  processes.    


For   information,   please   visit   the   Microtrac   website   (