Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies [email protected] June 14,...

Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies [email protected] June 14, 2001

Transcript of Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies [email protected] June 14,...

Page 1: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.

Agent Markup Languages, XML and

the Semantic Web

John FlynnBBN [email protected]

June 14, 2001

Page 2: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.
Page 3: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.


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• Cars• Airplanes• Tanks

• Movies• TV shows• Ships

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Page 4: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.

“In 30 years e-commerce will have become second nature. Lifelike, intelligent virtual assistants will be performing most routine transactions and simple negotiations electronically on our behalf. More technological change will have taken place in that period than during the entire twentieth century, and the curve will continue to steepen exponentially into the foreseeable future.”

Ray Kurzweil

Page 5: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.

What Is An Agent?

• Software module• Intended to act as a proxy for you

in some way• May be:

– Tightly controlled – Autonomous– Mobile

Page 6: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.

Why Is This Important?

• Humans work sequentially• Agents work in parallel and 24x7• Therefore, agents can be a major

productivity multiplier

Page 7: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.

Web Trends

• Web is evolving from a provider of documents and images (information retrieval)

• To a provider of services• Web service discovery -Find me an airline service that offers flights to Singapore • Web service execution -Buy me “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” at

• Web service selection, composition and interoperation -Make my travel arrangements for my Internet World conference trip

• Both retrieval and services lend themselves to agent technologies

Page 8: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.


• Average Web searches examine only 25% of available information

• Web searches return a lot of unwanted information

• Information content of the Web doubles approximately every six months

• Problem continues to worsen as Web grows

Page 9: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.

Why Don’t We Have Agents Today?

• Information on the World Wide Web is based on HTML

• HTML is intended only for the visual presentation of information for humans to understand

• The best you can do is some form of word lookup

• There is no syntactic, semantic or logic description of the information

• Information is not machine readableAlgol = Ship, Star, Computer Language?

Page 10: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.

XML• World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

standard• Provides important solution to syntax

problem and simple semantics and schemas:


• Now we can describe the meaning of words• Many applications of XML appearing:

– Geographic Markup Language (GML)– Extensible rights Markup Language (XrML)– Chemical Markup Language (CML)

Problem: Limited semantics and ontology

Page 11: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.

DARPA Agent Markup Language

• Builds on top of XML and RDF• Provides rich ontology

representation• Key starting point for W3C

Semantic Web activity• Future releases will provide logic

and rules capabilities

Problem: Tools to help create DAML ontologies, markup, and to facilitate access are still emerging

Page 12: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.


<html> <head> <TITLE>Fred Jones</TITLE> </head><body> <H1>Information About Fred Jones</H1><P>Fred Jones is in the U.S. Air Force. He is a Captain stationed at AFRL. </P> </body> </html>


<person><name>Fred Jones</name><employer>U.S. Air Force</employer><station>AFRL</station><rank>Captain</rank></person>

XML<rdf:RDF  xmlns:rdf=""  xmlns:daml="" xmlns:dod=""  xmlns:af=""  xmlns:afrl=""  <dod:Officer rdf:ID="fsmith">    <dod:givenName>Fred</dod:givenName>    <dod:surname>Smith</dod:surname>    <dod:service rdf:resource=""/>  <af:rank rdf:resource=""/>    <af:station rdf:resource=""/>   

<daml:equivalentTo rdf:resource="ssn:123-45-6789"/>    </dod:Officer></rdf:RDF>


Page 13: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.

DAML Status

• DAML ontology language specification released

• provides public Web site with DAML information

• 18 top-level research teams are developing DAML technology– Including Tim Berners-Lee (creator of

web)– Dan Connolly (key developer of XML)

• Supported by W3C their new Semantic Web Activity

Page 14: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.


• DAML has the potential to revolutionize the way we use the Web

• As the Semantic Web infrastructure grows it will result in major improvements in human access to information

• Agents will act as real functional proxies for people and greatly increase their productivity

Page 15: Agent Markup Languages, XML and the Semantic Web John Flynn BBN Technologies June 14, 2001.

Vision: The Semantic Web

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