Agenda Review User input Scanner Strong type checking Other flow-control structures switch break &...

Advanced Programming in Java

Transcript of Agenda Review User input Scanner Strong type checking Other flow-control structures switch break &...

Page 1: Agenda Review User input Scanner Strong type checking Other flow-control structures switch break & continue Strings Arrays 2.

Advanced Programming in Java

Page 2: Agenda Review User input Scanner Strong type checking Other flow-control structures switch break & continue Strings Arrays 2.


AgendaReviewUser input

ScannerStrong type checkingOther flow-control structures

switchbreak & continue


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Primitive data typesOperatorsMethods

Parameter passingCall by value

ConditionsIf, else, else if


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User InputPrint on console

System.out.printlnHow to read from console?ScannerExample:

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;int n = scanner.nextInt();double d = scanner.nextDouble();

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Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;int a = scanner.nextInt();int b = scanner.nextInt();long pow = power(a,b);System.out.println(pow);

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Type CheckingJava has a strong type-checking mechanismSome assignment is not permitted

int intVal = 2;long longVal =12;

intVal = longVal;Syntax ErrorlongVal = intVal;OKintVal = (int)longVal; OK (Type Casting)

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Direct Type ConversionThe arrows are

transitiveAll other conversions

need an explicit castboolean is not

convertiblechar is a special type









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Type Conversion Grid

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Type ConversionN : the conversion cannot be performedY : the conversion is performed automatically

and implicitly by JavaC : the conversion is a narrowing conversion

and requires an explicit castY* : the conversion is an automatic widening

conversion, but that some of the least significant digits of the value may be lost by the conversion

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Exampleint i = 123456789; //a big integerfloat f = i; //f stores and approximation of iSystem.out.println(f);//output : 1.23456792E8i = (int) f;System.out.println(i); //output : 123456792

floating-point types are approximations of numbers

They cannot always hold as many significant digits as the integer types

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Switch statementAn alternative to if-elseBetter structureBefore Java 1.7

can use byte, short, char, and int (note: not long) primitive data types or their corresponding wrapper types

 Starting with J2SE 5.0, it is possible to use enum types

With Java 1.7Strings are also allowed

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switch exampleswitch (i) {case 1:


case 2:System.out.println("2");break;



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Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;boolean again = true;while(again){

System.out.println("1: Play");System.out.println("2: Setting:");System.out.println("3: Exit");System.out.print("Enter Your Choice:");int i = scanner.nextInt();switch (i) {case 1:


case 2:setting();break;

case 3:again = false;break;

default:System.out.println("Enter a valid number");


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BreakBreaks the execution of a loop

while(true){int nextInt = scanner.nextInt();if(nextInt==0)



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ContinueStops the execution of the body of the loop

and continues from the beginning of the loop

for(int i=0;i<10;i++){if(i==4)continue;System.out.println(i);


Difference between continue in for and while

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Nested LoopsScanner scanner = new Scanner (;int nextInt;do{

nextInt = scanner.nextInt();for(int i=0;i<nextInt;i++){



How to break or continue from outer loop?

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Label outer: for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)inner: for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {

if (j == 2)break outer;

else {System.out.println(i);System.out.println(j);continue inner;


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Tip of the Day: Indentationint nextInt;do{nextInt = scanner.nextInt();for(int i=0;i<nextInt;i++){System.out.println(i);}}while(nextInt>0);

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Tip of the Day: Indentationint nextInt;do{

nextInt = scanner.nextInt();for(int i=0;i<nextInt;i++){



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CommentsComments are ignored by compilerUsually is used for documentation and

description of the codeOn line comment

//nextInt = scanner.nextInt();Some line comment

/*nextInt = scanner.nextInt();for(int i=0;i<nextInt;i++){


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StringA sequence of charactersCharacter:

char ch = ‘a’;char ch = ‘1’;char ch = ‘#’;

Strings:String st = “Ali”;String st = “123”;String st = “1”;String st = “”;

String is not a primitive type

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StringString in C and C++

char* and char[]\0 at the end of String

Some functionsstrlen, strcpy, …

String in java is a classString in java is not equal to char[]Constant strings

“salam!”“Hellow World!”

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ExampleScanner scanner = new Scanner(;String input;input =;switch (input) {case "Salam":


case "Khdahafez":System.out.println("Bye!");break;




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Example(2)String input = "Nader and Simin, A Separation";char ch = input.charAt(0);int i = input.indexOf("Nader");int j = input.lastIndexOf("Simin");String newS = input.replace("Separation", "Reconciliation");String sth = newS + ch + i + j;System.out.println(sth);

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String methodscharAtconcat plus (+) operatorcontainsstartsWithendsWithindesxOf first index of sthlastIndexOfreplacesubstringlengthsplit