after new moon when Edward didn't come back !

 What if Edward never came bac k ? continuing from when Alice came to see Bella Bella's Pov

Transcript of after new moon when Edward didn't come back !

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What if Edward


back ?

continuing from when Alice came tosee BellaBella's Pov

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It's like a huge whole has beenpunched through my chest since

Edward left.

Alice is here now. She saw me jump from the cliff and came tocheck on me . She thought she

would have found me dead .

She said that Edward is gone to Texas for a while , and when Iasked if he was having a good

time she answered ''yes'' .

So I have decided that I amgoing to go out with Jacob . If Edward can get on with his life

then so can I .He mangled my heart , but withthe help of Jacob it might be

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repaired. I will be like a mirror ,able to repair but still able to

see the cracks.

Thats exactly what it will be like. I will always love Edward butyou can't always get what you

wan't .Like Charlie said ' jacob is whatI need ' . It's like the song ''youcan't always get what you want ,but you can get what you need .

Want is something that willmake you happy and enjoy yourlife . Need is another thing ,need is something that is

inevitable . Like food and drink.I used to think that Edward wasinevitable , essential to my well

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being .

I am going to prove myself wrong . Alice promised that shewill still come and see me . Shealso promised that I will see theother Cullens soon. Just not

Edward . He doesn't want meanymore.

Jacob on the other hand, isperfect for me . He is my ray of

sunshine . It's like when hewalks in to a room it's the sunshining through the clouds.

I still have the whole in my chest

(Ithink it will be there forever)because don't get me wrong . Istill love Edward .Ok ok , I'm lying to myself . I will

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never get over Edward . He canget over me , he's strong , but i

can't . It's been 3 years now andI still have the nightmares andfind myself thinking about him.

I have to be faithful to Jacob , I

know that it's wrong to be withsomeone when you love somoneelse also , but I need Jacob inmy life .

I can't live without him ANDEdward .


T his is the day that I'm going tomeet the Cullen's for the firsttime since they left.

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I am excited . It's unfortunatethat I will not get to see Edwards

wonderful , outstandingbeautiful face .I shouldn't even be thinkingthis . I have a werewolf boyfriend sitting at home . (in

case I forgot to mention Edwardis a vampire , and Jacob is awerewolf)

Jacob knows that I still love

Edward . I can't kiss Jacobwithout thinking of Edward . It just doesn't feel right . Jacob is really warm , Edwardwas really cold !.

I am on my way to ' Saoirse's ' arestaurant in south Washington.

The Cullen's couldn't come to

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Forks because people wouldkeep asking why they were here


3 hours later ....

I am now at the Cullens house .

Edward doesn't know I'm hereand no - one is even mentioninghim , so I walk over to Emmettand ask how he is .Emmett : Bella , he is in a

state . I have never seenhim like this . He can'teven bear to be around us .We don't even know where heis he hasn't spoken to any

of us since he left Denalibecause Tanya said that youwere a stupid , worthlesshuman .

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Bella : Alice told me that

he was in Texas , I askedif he was having a goodtime and she said 'yes' .Anyway , it's probably justguilt that's making him act

like that .

Emmett : Bella believe me , he'snot acting from a guiltyconscience . He loves you , he

always has and always will.

Emmett's POV

''Bella I really don't think

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that this is a good idea '' Istated .'' Em I believe in you , I haveto have a reason to stay awayfrom Jacob anyway , and I wantto stay with all of youforever . I know Edward doens'twant me but tough ''. sheanswered , jeez she's sostubborn .

''Son , you will be able to doit , I know you will, Bella hasalways wanted to be a vampire ,I know I said that I would havedone it , but I won't you to now.I believe that you can do it''. Carlisle answered .

Ok here goes . I pressed to lipsto her neck ( hope Rose isn'ttoo jealous LOL ) and then bit .Carlisle wanted me to do itbecause I have stronger teeth .He said that he cannot afford to

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give more venom because he hasalready given 30 percent tome . When I was mauled by abear.

The blood tasted so nice , Iwasn't stopping I need tostop ! Why wasn't I stopping ? .

Everything was silent , everyonein shock until I heard ''Stop''. It was a familiar voice .

O my God , iT WAS Edward .

''Emmett , stop ''. With theshock of it all I stopped .

MY favourite brother was overthere.Before i knew what I was doingIran over and gave him a bigbear hug.

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''Right , cool the jets bro ,'' Edward laughed .

'' Ha Ha '' I answered


The burning was ... there was noword to describe it .

I opened my eyes after anunmeasurable time and saw anempty room . i looked aroundexpecting to find everyone , butI only saw 1 person .


It was Edward Cullen .

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He ran over to me , faster as Iwould have thought possible ,and kissed me.

I couldn't respond . With my newvampire mind I was so mixed upthat I was seeing HIM . ''Bella , I love you so much , Ionly left because I thought itwas what was best for you ''.

Edward's POV

H ere she was the most

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beautiful thing I have everseen . Bella Swan . why ? why

was she here ? Oh my God .Most of all why was sheCHANGED.

I ran over faster than my legs could take me and kissed her .She was like ice . She didn't respond.Oh no . I forgot that Tanya was

behind me . TANYA . TANYA . What if she gets the wrong idea ! .

Then faster than lightning she ran .Ran I mean RAN . Her eyes flickered to Tanya . Not mine . No she didn't look at me she just ran.

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It's been 1 week since I ranfrom him . Does he really think that I'm stupid enough tobelieve he loves me ? . SoTanya , I knew she would get her filthy claws into him . Shealways loved Edward . Soobviously she thought ' Bella'sgone now it's my turn '. Thelook on Edward's face made my

heart melt though. He looked so small at that moment.Tiny, worthless , sick , guilty .So many emotions that I havenever seen on his face before.I have to keep reminding myself that he doesn't love me.why would he ? when he can haveTanya right there.She is beautiful beyond words and

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I'm just plain old Bella nothingspecial. Jacob always called menatural. Because I wouldn't wearmake - up and outstandingclothes . I'm not natural I'm PLAIN.

2 dayS later

Alice's Pov

Bella is still gone . SHE didn't evenwait to hear the whole story................

Well Edward and Tanya are acouple , and I told Edward thatshe was engagd to Jacob Black soI suppose they do have a point.

Yes I know what your all thinkingOMG. Edward is dating Tanyabecause he knows what it's like tohave a broken heart. She loves

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him like Bella did , so he thoughtthat if he can't be happy he mayas well make someone elsehappy . He was extremely

jwalous when I told him that JacobBlack asked Bella to marry him (Ilied) as it was his dream to marryher .He always wanted her to be hiswife .'' Alice '' shouted Edward . ''What Edward to need to shout '' Ishouted back .

Edward's Pov

'' Alice this is not funny ,why isBella Swan here . I am Tanya'sboyfriend and then the woman Ilove turns up '' I fumed . I wasso angry with Alice. I couldn't bewith Bella (not that she'd want me) anyway because I was with

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Tanya . But we could have beenfriends. I loved her companymore than anyone else's . I findthat I can relate to her . We haveconnection that is supernatural .' 'Edward I know what yourthinking but your dating Tanya soyou and Bella can still be friendsbut it's just not gonna work outbeing a couple ''

I was so angry that I ran out of the room . Alice lied to me. Shetold me that Bella was engaged to

Jacob . She really only wanted meto go out with Tanya . SureTanya was her friend , but Ithought she would have ratheredme be with Bella . She told meearlier that '' it was toocomplacated her brother and herbest friend going out ''. How ?why ? . She never had a problemwith it before . She was alwaysdelighted . So excited .

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What am I going to do ? I loveBella . I really like Tanya . I'm notthat kinda guy though. I can't jsutbreak up with Tanya when shewas really there for me when Ididn't have Bella . Now I will behere for her .! I am going to havea talk with Bella tomorrow . Alicesaw a vision of her coming back ,so hopefully it will go well . I'm

just going to say '' Bella , we werenever meant to be together . I didlove you but now I'm with Tanya''. I know it sucks doesn't it !Bad . I want to be with Bella .Believe me I do , but its just toocomplicated now . It's a lovetriangle . Now it's me , Tanyaand her. Well everyone knowsthat love spelt backwards is evol .

So basically ''evil ''.

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Bella's pov .

I am going back tomorrow to see Aliceand the rest of the Cullens. it's goingto be so hard to see Tanya withEdward .Holding his hand , when I know that

all I want is to be able to do that.He will never love me . Sure I wasgreat when he had me : human girl ,vunerable , friend for sister .Something to keep him occupied .Exactly I was treated just like a

pastime . You go to dance classes fora while , get sick of them , move on .

I am finally starting to realise that hedoesn't deserve me . YES i HAVEFALLEN OUT OF LOVE WITH EDWARD


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Later that day .

I ma just about to come in through theCullen's front door . I wan't supposedto coem back till tomorrow but , whatthe heck . I miss Alice and Emmett .I am blocking Edward out of my mind .I am convincing myself that he didn'tdeserve me .

'' Alice , Em , miss me '' I called . Did Imention that I hunted yesterday andbarely even got a speck on myclothes.I love being a vampire . I am stayingaway from human obviously , but Ithink I'm in control of myself . Wellwho am I to judge .'' Bella , babe your back '' ScreamedEmmett . '' Jeez Em I'm a vampire

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now , no need to scream '' I teased .

'' Ha good one Bells '', shouted Alice asshe ran and nearly knocked me over.'' Oh Bella , I never noticed howabsolutely frickin' awesome you lookas a vampire '' laughed Jasper . I havenever seen this side of him .

It was always , plain Jasper . I don'trecall us ever having a conversation .And then my horrid 18 th birthdayaswell .

'' Ha ha Jazz , now you talk to me '' Istated the obvious . '' Well i don'twanna kill you all the time now so ,hey why not ?'', he answered with thebiggest smile I have ever seen on hisface. '' That's good to know '' Ilaughed , now I understood howtempation feels .

'' Hello Bella '' murmured Rose . ''Bella will you take a walk with me

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please ?'' she asked

Rosalie's Pov

'' Bella will you cme take a walk with me '' I asked. ''sure'' sheanswered with a strange look onher face.

She's probably wondering whatthe hell I would have to say to her, I don't want to go against Alice ,but I know what it's like to bebetrayed and Alice is betrayingBella.She is manipulating Edward .Feeding him all this crap thatBella doesn't love him , she is

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engaged to Jacob , Tanya is amillion times better . He isbelieving her like he knew it allalong.

I want Bella to leave for a fewdays with me . I told Emmett andhe agreed. He is against Edwarda lot lately , everything Edwardsays he has some smart answerfor. He is annoyed with Edwardbecause he will possibly lose hissister . He didn't think Bella wasgoing to come back . When shesaw who was standing besideEdward she just broke down andran .I know I haven't been nice to herin the past but that was truly

jealousy . Now that she doesn'thave what I want I am going tohelp her . I hate Tanya with allmy heart , so now that Bella is avampire I would love to go andlock Edward up. I thought of all

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this in less than a fraction of asecond . '' What is it Rosalie ''She asked when we were halfwayto my destination .

'' Bella '' I began . '' Bella , Iknow that you have no reason totruat me , I have been nothing butmean to you for the first second Isaw you . I am sorry , and I knowthat it will be hard for you toforigve me .