After 32 Years, Mr. Augustin Still Searches For Sandrine And His Class Photo

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Transcript of After 32 Years, Mr. Augustin Still Searches For Sandrine And His Class Photo

  • 8/13/2019 After 32 Years, Mr. Augustin Still Searches For Sandrine And His Class Photo


    After 32 Years, Mr. Augustin Still Searches For Sandrine And His Class Photo

    Mr. Augustin always thought of his Parisian stay and of Sandrine of the College Eugne

    !elacroi", Paris #$th district

    A few scattered memories of his college years have long persisted with Mr. Augustin. A native

    of Haiti, he was educated in Paris, on his arrival in 1980 in the rench capital. !ven if he

    doesn"t remem#er the name of the first school he attended, he $eeps intact images of his

    passage to the %ollege !ugene &elacroi' (e)uivalent to *unior High +chool in the nited

    +tates-, in the 1th district of Paris. /ut these images, he had them only in his memory and

    had promised to find the class photos ta$en at the time.

    +ince the end of the school in 1981, he wanted to get a class photo and contacted a friend who

    unfortunately didn"t have a copy. A few years later, Mr. Augustin was still thin$ing a#out his

    stay in Paris and had tried to contact the %ollege !ugene &elacroi' #y ma$ing a written

    re)uest for this famous class photo. ot a chance. His mail had #een returned, accompanied

    #y the amount he had paid.

    He had also thought to use new technologies to achieve his goal and to find this photo. ast

    ovem#er, he had indeed contacted the we#master in charge of the %ollege !ugene

    &elacroi'2s we#site, http344clg5delacroi'.scola.ac5paris.fr4. /ut no luc$ on that end. o trace

    of the photo.
  • 8/13/2019 After 32 Years, Mr. Augustin Still Searches For Sandrine And His Class Photo
